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    这是一份江苏省常州市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含江苏省常州市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题原卷版docx、江苏省常州市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共40页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (时间:120分钟 页数:共8页 满分150分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Why des Jhn cme t Nancy?
    A. T ask questins.
    B. T brrw reference bks.
    C. T hand in his essay.
    【原文】M: Have yu finished the histry essay, Nancy? I have a few questins n it. I can nly slve them with reference t thers.
    W: I’ve dne it under the guidance f the lecturer. Feel free t ask, Jhn. I’ll tell yu everything that I knw.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where is the man’s envelpe nw?
    A. In his rm.B. At the pst ffice.C. At the frnt desk.
    【原文】M: Has anyne left a package fr me?
    W: Yes, the pstman sent a large envelpe t yu. I leave it at the frnt desk. D yu want me t send it up t yur rm?
    M: I’ll cme dwn fr it, thanks.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What will Rsie d next?
    A Read bks.B. Enjy music.C. G shpping.
    【原文】W: I’ve returned the bks brrwed frm the library and dne the shpping. Is there anything special t d tday?
    M: Hw abut ging t the cncert with me, Rsie? I’ve gt tw tickets.
    W: That’s wnderful!
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Strangers.B. C-wrkers.C. Driver and passenger.
    【原文】M: D yu want t share a taxi int twn?
    W: Oh, sure. By the way, are yu here n vacatin?
    M: N, n business. I wrk in a cmputer firm.
    W: What a cincidence! I used t wrk in a cmputer firm t.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A plan.B. An English curse.C. An applicatin
    【原文】W: Have yu used Hitalk?
    M: Yeah. I dwnladed it last week. It’s really easy t learn English with it.
    W: Yes. This app begins by using text, pictures, and vides and helps users make a detailed learning plan.
    第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟: 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. Wh des the man buy a gift fr?
    A. His sister.B. His cusin.C. His mther.
    7. What will the man buy?
    A. A handbag.B. A handkerchief.C. A watch.
    【答案】6. A 7. B
    【原文】W: May I help yu, sir?
    M: Yes, please. I’d like t pick a present fr my yunger sister. She’s ging t wrk in China.
    W: By air?
    M: Yes. S my gift shuld be quite light. What d yu suggest?
    W: Hw abut this handbag? It’s made f fine leather.
    M: My cusin has already given her ne. And she als gt a new watch frm my mther. I’d like t give her smething unusual.
    W: Hw abut this ne? It’s pretty and practical.
    M: Oh, a silk handkerchief. That’s a great idea. I’ll take it.
    8. What des Alice like best abut her new schl?
    A. The teachers.B. The envirnment.C. The fd.
    9. What des Alice’s new schl lk like?
    A. It is in mdern style.B. It is well equipped.C. It is newly built.
    【答案】8. C 9. B
    【原文】M: S Alice, are yu happy at yur new schl?
    W: Yeah, f curse. Its envirnment is nice. Peple there are friendly and I’ve made a lt f new friends. Oh, the best aspect is the fd, which is s delicius.
    M: That’s wnderful. Hw abut yur study?
    W: I’m learning several new subjects this year. They’re tugh, but luckily, we’ve gt lvely teachers and they’re expert at their subject.
    M: Sunds gd. It seems that yu really lve the new schl.
    W: Yeah. And it’s large, with a sprts field, a mdern library and all kinds f new equipment. There is nwhere like that at my ld schl.
    10. What encuraged Mr Rberstn t g t the Antarctic?
    A. A training curse.B. A prgram.C. A reprt.
    11. What was the biggest danger accrding t Mr Rberstn?
    A. Falling int ice hles.
    B. Lsing tuch with thers.
    C. Living in extreme temperatures.
    12. What caused the funny nise?
    A. The wind.B. The plane.C. The device.
    13. What was a surprise fr Mr Rberstn and his wife?
    A. They culd leave earlier.
    B. They gt sme fresh fd.
    C. Smene lived near them.
    【答案】10. C 11. A 12. B 13. B
    【原文】W: Gd evening, Mr Rberstn. Welcme t ur prgram. Yu and yur wife spent the whle f last year in the Antarctic. What gave yu the idea f ding such a thing?
    M: I saw an article in a newspaper abut smene wh had been there. Bth f us gt interested.
    W: Didn’t yu feel wrried and lnely?
    M: A little, but befre we went there we had attended a training curse. It was tugh but taught us abut surviving in sub-zer cnditins. The greatest danger we faced was accidentally falling int hles in ice.
    W: Culd yu get in tuch with the utside wrld there?
    M: There was satellite cmmunicatin device.
    W: S, didn’t yu see anyne else fr a whle year? Were there any unusual experiences, Mr Rberstn?
    M: Well, ne day when we were having the canned fd, there was funny nise. My wife thught it was the wind but it was getting clser. Suddenly the rm was flded with light thrugh the windw. I pened the dr and fund a bx in the snw. I lked up and saw a plane flying away. They were passing nearby and smene tld them that we were there. They drpped a bx with sme fresh fruit and vegetables.
    W: It was a lvely surprise.
    14. Hw des Emily find her first surfing lessn?
    A. Discuraging.B. Unfrgettable.C. Exciting.
    15. Hw ld is Emily’s brther?
    A. 15.B. 22.C. 25.
    16. What des Micheal ffer t d?
    A. Teach Emily t surf.
    B. Give Emily a surfbard.
    C. Talk with Emily’s brther.
    17. When will the speakers meet?
    A. On Wednesday.B. On Friday.C. On Saturday.
    【答案】14. A 15. C 16. A 17. C
    【原文】M: Hi, Emily! Hw was yur first surfing lessn n Wednesday?
    W: Yu shuld have been there, Micheal. It was unbelievable. I culdn’t even stand up n the surfbard.
    M: Well, wh taught yu?
    W: My brther ffered t teach me.
    M: That’s gd. He must be a gd cach.
    W: Nt really. He started surfing at 15 and gt a prfessinal certificate at 22. Nw he has been ding that fr ten years. I’d have thught he wuld be gd at teaching thers t surf, but I was ttally wrng! My brther may be an excellent surfer, but he is impatient and desn’t master suitable teaching methds. S he is nt cut ut t be a surfing instructr.
    M: Well, why dn’t yu call me t g with yu next time? I’d be willing t give it a sht. I knw a thing r tw abut surfing.
    W: Thanks, but as far as I’m cncerned, I dn’t think I will pick up the surfbard again. Surfing is just t hard fr me.
    M: Cme n, Emily. Try again. I’m free these tw days.
    W: OK, but I just had a terrible experience the day befre yesterday. Let’s d that tmrrw.
    18. What makes the speaker a frequent visitr t teahuses?
    A. Their tea.B. Their atmsphere.C. Their service.
    19. What has the speaker dne in the teahuse?
    A. Settle an argument.
    B. Learn Sichuan Opera.
    C. Talk abut business.
    20. Why des the speaker think teahuses have pwerful scial functin?
    A. Peple can chat fr a day there.
    B. They help peple makeup faster.
    C. They attract like-minded peple.
    【答案】18. B 19. C 20. A
    【原文】There is a saying, “China has the best teahuses in the wrld and Chengdu has the best teahuses in China.” After I came t Chengdu, I ften g t the teahuse, because the atmsphere is cmpletely different frm that in the cffee shps in my cuntry. Every time I enter the teahuse, the waiters r waitresses will greet me with a smile n their faces and with teapts and cups in their hands. Peple wh g there are nt all thirsty, because teahuses are als gd places fr business talk. I’ve invited my business partner t meet there. Peple have parties there at times. They eat fruit and sunflwer seeds while chatting. Sme teahuses even have stages fr perfrmances, such as strytelling, crss talk and Sichuan Opera, which hld peple’s attentin. Besides, like-minded peple pay a little mney and then can sit there all day lng t chat with each ther. Smetimes when a grup f peple have an argument, a peacekeeper will bring them t the teahuse. It’s interesting that as sn as the angry peple sit dwn t drink tea, they almst calm dwn. With the help f the peacekeeper, their prblems can be easily settled. The persn wh is wrng will pay fr the tea and then they make it up. This cnvinces me that teahuses have sme pwerful scial functin.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题: 每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    The fllwing prperties which the Wrld Heritage Cmmittee has decided t include n the List f Wrld Heritage are in danger accrding t Article 11 (4) f the Cnventin (公约).
    Virunga Natinal Park (Demcratic Republic f the Cng)
    Virunga Natinal Park, cvering an area f 790,000 ha., includes an utstanding diversity f habitats, ranging frm swamps and steppes (沼泽和平原) t the snwfields. Muntain grillas are als fund in the park.
    Cultural Landscape and Archaelgical Remains f the Bamiyan Valley (Afghanistan)
    The cultural landscape and archaelgical remains f the Bamiyan Valley stand fr the artistic and religius develpments which frm the 1st t the 13th centuries characterized ancient Bakhtria. The area cntains a number f Buddhist mnastic ensembles (佛教寺院), as well as strng buildings frm the Islamic perid.
    Okapi Wildlife Reserve (Demcratic Republic f the Cng)
    The Okapi Wildlife Reserve ccupies abut ne-fifth f the Ituri frest in the nrtheast f the Demcratic Republic f the Cng. The reserve cntains threatened species f primates and birds surviving in the wild. It als has sme amazing scenery, including waterfalls n the Ituri and Epulu rivers. The reserve is inhabited by traditinal nmadic pygmy Mbuti and Efe hunters.
    Histric Center f Vienna (Austria)
    Vienna develped frm early Celtic and Rman settlements int a Medieval and Barque city, the capital f the Austr-Hungarian Empire. It played an imprtant rle as a leading Eurpean music center, frm the great age f Viennese Classicism thrugh the early part f the 20th century.
    21. Which f the fllwing wrld heritage sites is lcated in Afghanistan?
    A. Virunga Natinal Park.B. Histric Centre f Vienna.
    C. Okapi Wildlife Reserve.D. Cultural Landscape and Archaelgical Remains f the Bamiyan Valley.
    22. What’s the characteristic f the Okapi Wildlife Reserve?
    A. It’s clsely related t Buddhism.B. It has sme fascinating natural scenery.
    C. It has an utstanding variety f habitats.D. It plays an imprtant rle as a leading music center.
    23. What d the fur wrld heritage sites have in cmmn?
    A. They are all in danger.B. They are pen t the public.
    C. They are inhabited by lcal peple.D. They are t be remved frm the Wrld Heritage List.
    【答案】21. D 22. B 23. A
    细节理解题。根据小标题“Cultural Landscape and Archaelgical Remains f the Bamiyan Valley (Afghanistan)”(巴米扬山谷的文化景观和考古遗迹(阿富汗))可知,巴米扬山谷的文化景观和考古遗迹位于阿富汗。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“Okapi Wildlife Reserve (Demcratic Republic f the Cng)”部分第三句“It als has sme amazing scenery, including waterfalls n the Ituri and Epulu rivers.”(它还有一些令人惊叹的风景,包括伊图里河和埃普卢河上的瀑布。)可知,奥卡皮野生动物保护区的特点是它有一些迷人的自然风景。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“The fllwing prperties which the Wrld Heritage Cmmittee has decided t include n the List f Wrld Heritage are in danger accrding t Article 11 (4) f the Cnventin (公约).”(根据《公约》第11(4)条,世界遗产委员会决定列入《世界遗产名录》的下列财产处于危险之中。)可知,这四个世界遗产的共同之处是它们都处于危险之中。故选A。
    Chinese scientists have built a chamber t simulate (模仿) the cnditins n the surface f the mn t help make preparatins fr future lunar explratin.
    The specially designed vacuum chamber is equipped with an electrn gun t negatively charge dust, deuterium lights t prduce ultravilet (紫外的) rays t generate lw-vltage psitive electrical charge, and a vibrating screen (振动筛) designed t simulate flying dust. Scientists at the vacuum chamber have made similar dust particles (颗粒) with similar features t thse n the mn. These elements tgether prduce a chamber which can test materials and items in simulated lunar cnditins.
    The facility was develped by the Harbin Institute f Technlgy (HIT), based in the city f Harbin in Heilngjiang prvince in nrtheast China. “The cmprehensive lunar surface simulatr, which can simulate many envirnments which are very clse t the real state n the mn, helps us understand the lunar dust frmatin prcess in such an envirnment and its effects n spacecraft, spacesuits and astrnauts and prepare us fr a crewed mn landing in the future,” said Li Liyi, dean (院长) f the HIT’s Institute f Space Envirnment and Material Science. “At the experiment chamber, we can simulate six majr kinds f envirnmental factrs. It is an experiment facility that can simulate the mst envirnmental factrs and has the cmprehensive perfrmance mst similar t the real space envirnment in the wrld,” Li added.
    A leading Chinese lunar scientist said that China is wrking t land astrnauts n the mn befre 2030.The cuntry is actively wrking n the hardware needed fr the missin including a new launch vehicle, a new generatin spacecraft fr crew and a lunar lander.
    A representative frm the China Aerspace Science and Technlgy Crpratin, the cuntry’s main space cntractr, presented an animated film earlier this year giving an impressin f what the future Chinese crewed lunar landing might lk like.
    24. Why d Chinese scientists design a vacuum chamber t simulate the cnditins n the surface f the mn?
    A. It can test ultravilet rays n the mn.
    B. The lw-vltage electrical charge can be beneficial.
    C. It can help prepare the cuntry fr future lunar explratin.
    D. It is clse t the real envirnment n the mn.
    25. What can we infer frm what Li Liyi said in the passage?
    A. Lunar dust is a big challenge fr crewed mn landing.
    B. The new facility can simulate all envirnments n the mn.
    C. The facility can generate the real space envirnment in the wrld.
    D. The chamber can make the future lunar explratin successful.
    26. What is the authr’s purpse t write this passage?
    A. T indicate the difficulties f crewed mn landing.
    B. T intrduce China's newly-built vacuum chamber.
    C. T describe the real envirnment n the mn.
    D. T intrduce China's crewed mn landing prject.
    27. Which applicatin f the lunar surface simulatr is nt mentined belw?
    A. understand its impacts n spacecraft.
    B. prepare us fr a crewed mn landing.
    C. help us have a better understanding f the dust frmatin prcess.
    D. help us t design flying dust.
    【答案】24. C 25. A 26. B 27. D
    【导语】本文为新闻报道。介绍了中国载人登月计划的准备情况, 中国科学家建造了一个真空实验舱,能够模拟月球的地表环境,从而为未来的月球探索做好准备。
    细节理解题。由第一段“Chinese scientists have built a chamber t simulate(模仿)the cnditins n the surface f the mn t help make preparatins fr future lunar explratin.(中国科学家已经建造了一个模拟月球表面条件的房间,以帮助为未来的月球探测做准备。)”可知,中国科学家建造该实验舱是为未来的登月探险做准备。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中的“The cmprehensive lunar surface simulatr, which can simulate many envirnments which are very clse t the real state n the mn, helps us understand the lunar dust frmatin prcess in such an envirnment and its effects n spacecraft, spacesuits and astrnauts and prepare us fr a crewed mn landing in the future.(综合月球表面模拟器可以模拟许多非常接近月球真实状态的环境,帮助我们了解这种环境下月球尘埃的形成过程及其对航天器、宇航服和宇航员的影响,为未来载人登月做好准备。)”可知,模拟月球环境的实验有助于科学家理解未来载人登月时月尘对于飞船、宇航服和航天员的影响,由此推知,月尘存在潜在的威胁,对于登月任务是一个巨大的挑战。故选A。
    推理判断题。通读全文,结合第一段“Chinese scientists have built a chamber t simulate(模仿)the cnditins n the surface f the mn t help make preparatins fr future lunar explratin.(中国科学家已经建造了一个模拟月球表面条件的房间,以帮助为未来的月球探测做准备。)”本文主要介绍了中国为了未来的月球探索新建的实验舱的情况。故选B。
    细节理解题。 由第三段中的“The cmprehensive lunar surface simulatr, which can simulate many envirnments which are very clse t the real state n the mn, helps us understand the lunar dust frmatin prcess in such an envirnment and its effects n spacecraft, spacesuits and astrnauts and prepare us fr a crewed mn landing in the future.(综合月球表面模拟器可以模拟许多非常接近月球真实状态的环境,帮助我们了解这种环境下月球尘埃的形成过程及其对航天器、宇航服和宇航员的影响,为未来载人登月做好准备。)”可知,综合月球表面模拟器可以模拟许多非常接近月球真实状态的环境,帮助我们了解月球尘埃的形成过程,为未来载人登月做好准备,未提及帮助我们设计飞尘。故选D。
    Being a gd parent requires prviding a child with the gifts f lve, attentin, energy, and resurces unstintingly ver a lng perid f time. It invlves develping a small bdy, but it als invlves grwing a child’s sul.
    Parents are an enrmusly pwerful frce in the lives f children. Whether Jhnny can read, whether Jhnny knws right frm wrng, whether Jhnny is a happy, well-adjusted kid, r sad and self-destructive, has a whle lt t d with the kind f parenting Jhnny has received. If Jhnny’s mm and dad have been able t cme thrugh with lasting, lving attentin, the chances are that Jhnny is n track t becme a prductive, cmpassinate (富有同情心的) persn. If they have nt, Jhnny is in truble.
    Thirty years ag Chicag prfessr James S. Cleman shwed that parental invlvement mattered far mre in determining schl success than any quality f the frmal educatin system. Acrss a wide range f subject areas, in literature, science and reading, Cleman estimated that the parent was twice as pwerful as the schl in determining achievement at age furteen. Psychlgist Lawrence Steinberg, wh recently cmpleted a six-year study f 20,000 teenagers in nine different cmmunities, cnfirms the imprtance f parents. Steinberg shws that ne ut f three parents is “seriusly disengaged” frm his r her adlescent’s educatin, and this is the primary reasn why s many American students perfrm belw their ptential and belw students in ther rich cuntries.
    A weight f evidence nw demnstrates bvius links between absentee parents and a wide range f behaviral and emtinal prblems in children. A 1997 study f 90,000 teenagers — the Add Health Prject undertaken (承担) by the Carlina Ppulatin Center and the Teenage Health Prgram at the University f Minnesta fund that yungsters are less likely t get depressed, use drugs r becme invlved in crime when they spent significant time with their parents. This study fund that the mere physical presence f a parent in the hme after schl, at dinner and at bedtime significantly reduces the incidence f risky behavir amng teenagers.
    28. What des the underlined wrd “unstintingly” in Paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Abslutely.B. Obviusly.C. Carefully.D. Generusly.
    29. What can be inferred frm Paragraph 2?
    A. Children shuld be taught t be successful in life.
    B. Parents’ character has a deep influence n children.
    C. Children are affected by many factrs during the grwth.
    D. Parents shuld be strict with their children abut behavirs.
    30. What’s the purpse f Lawrence Steinberg’s research?
    A. T knw the imprtance f parents’ cmpany.
    B. T find ut why there are s many serius crimes.
    C. T get ways t prevent teenagers’ bad behavirs.
    D. T find links between parents’ educatin and crimes.
    31. What’s the authr’s attitude twards parents’ cmpany with children?
    A. Ambiguus.B. Dubtful.C. Favrable.D. Unclear.
    【答案】28. D 29. B 30. A 31. C
    词义猜测题。根据画线单词的后文内容“It invlves develping a small bdy, but it als invlves grwing a child’s sul. (它涉及到一个小身体的发展,但它也涉及到一个孩子的灵魂的成长)”可知,养育孩子不仅是让孩子在身体上成长,还有灵魂的成长。由此推知,作为父母,应该给予孩子在各个方面长期的、全方位的关爱。结合语境,画线单词所在句将这些关爱比喻成“the gifts f lve, attentin, energy, and resurces (爱、关注、精力和资源的礼物)”,那么给予礼物的父母应该是慷慨大方的父母。由此推知,画线单词unstintingly可以理解为“慷慨地”,与选项D“Generusly (慷慨地)”含义一致。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段中“If Jhnny’s mm and dad have been able t cme thrugh with lasting, lving attentin, the chances are that Jhnny is n track t becme a prductive, cmpassinate persn. If they have nt, Jhnny is in truble. (如果 Jhnny的父母能够给予持久、充满爱意的关注, Jhnny很有可能会成为一个富有成效、富有同情心的人。如果他们没有,Jhnny就有麻烦了)”可知,Jhnny的父母在其成长过程中是否给予持久的关爱关系到他成人后的品行。由此可推知,父母的人格力量对孩子的影响巨大。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第三段中“Psychlgist Lawrence Steinberg, wh recently cmpleted a six-year study f 20,000 teenagers in nine different cmmunities, cnfirms the imprtance f parents. (心理学家Lawrence Steinberg最近完成了一项对9个不同社区的2万名青少年进行的为期6年的研究,证实了父母的重要性)”可知,他的研究是对父母陪伴的重要性的验证。由此可推知,他研究的目的是了解父母陪伴的重要性。故选A项。
    推理判断题。通过阅读文章内容可知,作者在文章中引用了各种专家科研数据和结论,比如第三段的“Thirty years ag Chicag prfessr James S. Cleman shwed that parental invlvement mattered far mre in determining schl success than any quality f the frmal educatin system. (30年前,芝加哥大学教授James S. Cleman指出,在决定学校成功与否方面,父母的参与比正规教育体系的任何质量都重要得多)”、第四段的“This study fund that the mere physical presence f a parent in the hme after schl, at dinner and at bedtime significantly reduces the incidence f risky behavir amng teenagers. (这项研究发现,仅仅是父母在放学后、晚餐和就寝时间在场,就能显著降低青少年危险行为的发生率)”等内容,都是用来证明“父母的陪伴对孩子影响很大”这一论点,即,这篇文章的中心论点。由此可推知,作者是支持父母陪伴孩子的。故选C项。
    In general, ur sciety is becming ne f giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic(官僚主义的)management in which man becmes a small, well-iled cg in the machinery. The iling is dne with higher wages, well-equipped factries and piped music, and by psychlgists and “human-relatins” experts; yet all this iling des nt alter the fact that man has becme pwerless, that he des nt whleheartedly participate in his wrk and he is bred with it. In fact, the blue-cllar and the white-cllar wrkers have becme ecnmic puppets wh dance t the tune f autmated machines and bureaucratic management.
    The wrker and emplyee are anxius, seemingly because they might find themselves ut f a jb r they wuld say that they are unable t acquire any real satisfactin r interest in life. In fact, they feel desperate as they live and die withut ever having cnfrnted the fundamental realities f human existence as emtinally and intellectually independent and prductive human beings.
    Thse higher up n the scial ladder are n less anxius. Their lives are n less empty than thse f their subrdinates. They are even mre insecure in sme respects. They are in a highly cmpetitive race. T be prmted r t fall behind is nt a matter f salary but even mre a matter f self-respect. When they apply fr their first jb, they are tested fr intelligence as well as fr the right mixture f submissiveness and independence. Frm the mment n they are tested again and again by the psychlgists, fr whm testing is a big business, and by their superirs, wh judge their behavir, sciability, capacity t get alng, etc. This cnstant need t prve that ne is as gd as r better than ne’s fellw-cmpetitr creates cnstant anxiety and stress, the very causes f unhappiness and illness.
    Am I suggesting that we shuld return t the pre-industrial mde f prductin r t nineteenth-century “free enterprise” capitalism? Certainly nt. Prblems are never slved by returning t a stage which ne has already utgrwn. I suggest transfrming ur scial system frm a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal prductin and cnsumptin are ends in themselves int a humanist industrialism in which man and full develpment f his ptentialities - thse f all lve and f reasn - are the aims f scial arrangements. Prductin and cnsumptin shuld serve as means t this end and shuld be prevented frm ruling man.
    32. By “a well-iled cg in the machinery”, the authr expresses the idea that man is _________.
    A. an essential part f sciety thugh individual’s functin is negligible
    B. expected t wrk in reasnable harmny with the rest f sciety
    C. a replaceable cmpnent f sciety, thugh functining smthly
    D. respnsible fr the smth running f sciety and business peratins
    33. The real cause f the anxiety f the wrkers and emplyees is that _________.
    A. they are filled with well-funded fear f being unemplyed
    B. they dn’t have any genuine satisfactin r being unemplyed
    C. they have t face the fundamental realities f human existence
    D. they are deprived f their independence
    34. Frm the passage we can infer that real happiness f life belngs t thse wh _________.
    A. hld well-paid and life-lng jbsB. enjy high scial status and reputatin
    C. utperfrm their fellw-cmpetitrsD. stay away frm ver-cmpetitiveness
    35. T slve the present scial prblems the authr suggests that we shuld _________.
    A. resrt t the prductin mde f ur ancestrs
    B. ffer higher wages t wrkers and emplyees
    C. enable man t fully develp his ptentialities
    D. escape cnsumerism and embrace humanism
    【答案】32. C 33. D 34. D 35. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“yet all this iling des nt alter the fact that man has becme pwerless, that he des nt whleheartedly participate in his wrk and he is bred with it.(然而,所有这些加油并不能改变这样一个事实:人已经变得无能为力,他不能全心全意地投入工作,他对工作感到厌倦。)”可知,通过“机器上润滑良好的齿轮”,作者表达了这样一个观点,即人是社会的一种可替代的组成部分,尽管运行平稳。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“The wrker and emplyee are anxius, seemingly because they might find themselves ut f a jb r they wuld say that they are unable t acquire any real satisfactin r interest in life.(工人和雇员都很焦虑,似乎是因为他们可能会发现自己失业,或者他们会说他们无法获得任何真正的满足感或对生活的兴趣。)”可知,工人和雇员焦虑的真正原因是他们被剥夺了个性和独立性。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“This cnstant need t prve that ne is as gd as r better than ne’s fellw-cmpetitr creates cnstant anxiety and stress, the very causes f unhappiness and illness. (这种不断需要证明自己与竞争对手一样好或更好的需求,造成了持续的焦虑和压力,而这正是不快乐和疾病的根源。)”可知,真正的幸福生活属于远离竞争的人。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“I suggest transfrming ur scial system frm a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal prductin and cnsumptin are ends in themselves int a humanist industrialism in which man and full develpment f his ptentialities - thse f all lve and f reasn - are the aims f scial arrangements.(我建议把我们的社会制度从以最大限度地生产和消费为目的的官僚管理的工业主义转变为以人及其潜能——所有爱和理性的潜能——的充分发展为社会安排目标的人道主义工业主义。)”可知,为了解决目前的社会问题,作者建议为我们应该使人的潜力充分开发。故选C。
    第二节 (共5小题: 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Art Builds Understanding
    Despite the lng histry f schlarship n experiences f art, researchers have yet t capture and understand the mst meaningful aspects f such experiences, including the thughts and insights we gain when we visit a museum, the sense f encunter after seeing a meaningful wrk f art, r the changed thinking after experiences with art. These pwerful encunters can be inspiring, uplifting, and cntribute t well-being and flurishing.
    ____36____ It cntributes t facilitating a better understanding f urselves, the human cnditin, and mral and spiritual cncepts. The questin is hw that happens — what are the attributes f meaningful experiences f art?
    Accrding t the mirrr mdel f art develped by Pabl P. L. Tini, aesthetic receptin crrespnds t artistic creatin in a mirrr-reversed fashin. Artists aim t express ideas and messages abut the human cnditin r the wrld at large. ____37____ This results in the build-up f layers f materials — frm initial studies and sketches t the final, refined piece. A viewer’s initial interactin with an artwrk starts where the artist has left ff. Their interactin first invlves the prcessing surface features, such as clr, texture, and the finishing tuches applied by the artist during the final stages f the creative prcess. ___38___
    In additin, art making and art viewing are cnnected by creative thinking. Research in a lab at Yale University shws that an educatinal prgram that uses art appreciatin activities builds creative thinking skills. It shwed that the mre time visitrs spent engaging with art and the mre they reflected n it, the greater the crrespndence with the artists’ intentins and ideas. ___39___
    Crrespndence in feeling and thinking suggests a transfer — between creatr and viewer — f ideas, cncepts, and emtins cntained in the wrks f art. Art has the ptential t cmmunicate acrss space and time. ___40___ What it takes fr this t happen is active engagement with art in cntexts that facilitate this engagement, especially museums.
    A. The viewers gain a new perspective n the stry.
    B. The thery f aesthetic cgnitivism describes the value f art.
    C. This helps t create cnnectins and insights that therwise wuld nt happen.
    D. T d s, they explre key ideas and cntinually expand them as they develp their wrk.
    E. After spending mre time with the wrk, the viewer begins t access the ideas f the artist.
    F. Fr example, in ne activity, peple are asked t view a wrk f art frm different perspectives.
    G. Participants were mre riginal in their thinking when cmpared t thse wh did nt take part in the prgram.
    【答案】36. B 37. D 38. E 39. G 40. C
    下文“It cntributes t facilitating a better understanding f urselves, the human cnditin, and mral and spiritual cncepts. (它有助于促进更好地了解我们自己,人类的条件,道德和精神观念)”开头出现一个代词it,说明它指代的内容出现在设空处;结合下文“The questin is hw that happens — what are the attributes f meaningful experiences f art?(问题是这是如何发生的——有意义的艺术体验的属性是什么?)”可知本段阐述了艺术在认知方面的价值:有助于促进更好地了解我们自己,人类的状况,道德和精神观念;B选项“The thery f aesthetic cgnitivism describes the value f art.(审美认知主义理论描述了艺术的价值)”起到引领下文的作用,符合语境;下文中的“It”指代选项中的“art”,下文中的“understanding f urselves, the human cnditin, and mral and spiritual cncepts”属于“认知主义(cgnitivism)”范畴的内容。故选B项。
    上文“Artists aim t express ideas and messages abut the human cnditin r the wrld at large.(艺术家的目标是表达关于人类状况或整个世界的想法和信息。) ”说明艺术家的目标是表达关于人类状况或整个世界的想法和信息;D选项“T d s, they explre key ideas and cntinually expand them as they develp their wrk.(为了做到这一点,他们探索关键的想法,并在工作发展过程中不断扩展这些想法)”承接上文,阐述了艺术家表达关于人类状况或整个世界的想法和信息的途径;下文“This results in the build-up f layers f materials—frm initial studies and sketches t the final, refined piece. (这促成了材料层的积累——从最初的研究和草图到最终的精致作品。)”承接D选项,指出探索并不断扩展关键的想法促成了材料层的积累,下文中的“This”指代选项中的“explre key ideas and cntinually expand them”;由此可知,D选项符合语境。故选D项。
    根据上文“Their interactin first invlves the prcessing surface features, such as clr, texture, and the finishing tuches applied by the artist during the final stages f the creative prcess. (他们的互动首先涉及到处理表面特征,如颜色、纹理,以及艺术家在创作过程的最后阶段所应用的收尾工作)”可知,观众和艺术家的互动分为两个阶段,开始是欣赏表象内容,比如颜色,纹理等,接下来表达的意思应该就是深入了解一段时间后,观众可以理解艺术背后的观念,E选项“After spending mre time with the wrk, the viewer begins t access the ideas f the artist.(在花更多的时间欣赏作品后,观众开始了解艺术家的想法。)”符合题意,故选E项。
    根据上文“Research in a lab at Yale University shws that an educatinal prgram that uses art appreciatin activities builds creative thinking skills. (耶鲁大学一个实验室研究表明,利用艺术欣赏活动的教育项目可以培养创造性思维能力)”可知,耶鲁大学开展的一个研究项目表明使用了艺术欣赏活动的教育项目可以培养创造性思维能力;G选项“Participants were mre riginal in their thinking when cmpared t thse wh did nt take part in the prgram.(与没有参加该项目的人相比,参与者的想法更有独创性)”承接上文,继续阐述这项研究发现艺术欣赏活动有助于培养创造性思维能力;选项中“the prgram”指代前文中的“an educatinal prgram”,“riginal in their thinking”与上文“creative thinking skills”表达意思一致。故选G项。
    上文“Art has the ptential t cmmunicate acrss space and time.(艺术具有跨越时空交流的潜力。)”指出艺术具有跨越时空交流的潜力;C选项“This helps t create cnnectins and insights that therwise wuld nt happen.(这有助于建立其他方式不会发生的联系和见解。)”承接上文,说明艺术跨越时空交流的潜力有助于建立联系和了解,这是其他方式无法达到的。选项中的“This”指代上文“the ptential t cmmunicate acrss space and time”。故选C项。
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
    Sme flks spend decades lking fr their best friends. I was ____41____ enugh t find mine in Grade 7 at my senir schl –eight ____42____ girls.
    As we prgressed t high schl, a cuple f girls ____43____ and a cuple f new nes wrmed their way in. By the end f Grade 12, the grup had mre r less ____44____ int its final frm, ne that’s remained remarkably ____45____ fr the past 20 years.
    Amng ur many ____46____ is an annual Christmas exchange. This event first ____47____ when we were 12. We set it up n the lng, sticky cafeteria tables at ur schl t swap ____48____ gifts bught with ur babysitting mney. In fllwing years, we’d ____49____ a night f it, watching mvies and rdering pizza in parents’ living rms, ____50____ mving int ur wn shabby student apartments, int slightly less shabby adult apartments and then int ur first ____51____ .
    At the beginning, we gave each ther butterfly hair clips and s n. Thse ____52____ bright mall jewellery and cheerful husewares as we began nesting in ur 20s and baby clthes nce we started having ____53____ in ur 30s.
    Hlidays with family can be ____54____ , but ur exchange ffered smething else:a chance fr my friends and me t ____55____ ur wn traditins and play at being grwn-ups.
    41. A. cautiusB. astnishedC. luckyD. clever
    42. A. matureB. teenageC. fashinableD. strange
    43. A. drpped utB. drpped inC. shwed upD. shwed ff
    44. A. brkenB. frcedC. separatedD. united
    45. A. secretB. lngC. naturalD. cmplete
    46. A. hbbiesB. traditinsC. ceremniesD. rules
    47. A. caught nB. tk placeC. brke utD. fell dwn
    48. A. fancyB. expensiveC. mdestD. generus
    49. A. repeatB. addC. searchD. make
    50. A. instantlyB. literallyC. eventuallyD. cnsequently
    51. A. hmesB. schlsC. sheltersD. ffices
    52. A. held n tB. gave way tC. catered tD. adapted t
    53. A. salariesB. jbsC. kidsD. families
    54. A. rareB. practicalC. inspiringD. csy
    55. A. createB. refrmC. applyD. recgnize
    【答案】41. C 42. B 43. A 44. D 45. D 46. B 47. B 48. C 49. D 50. C 51. A 52. B 53. C 54. D 55. A
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很幸运,在我中学七年级的时候找到了八个十几岁的女孩。A. cautius谨慎的;B. astnished惊讶的; C. lucky幸运的;D. clever聪明的。根据后句“t find mine”(找到我的好朋友)可知,作者在七年级遇见自己的好朋友, 所以倍感幸运。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很幸运,在我中学七年级的时候找到了八个十几岁的女孩。A. mature成熟的;B. teenage青少年的;C. fashinable时尚的;D. strange陌生的。根据上句“in Grade 7 at my senir schl”(在我的中学七年级)可知, 她们是十几岁的女孩。故选B。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:当我们升入高中时。有几个女生退出了,又有几个女生加入进来。A. drpped ut退学,退出;B. drpped in顺道来访; C. shwed up出现;D. shwed ff炫耀。 根据后文“ a cuple f new nes wrmed their way in”( 又有几个新家伙加入进来了)可知, 有些人退出, 而有些人加入, 故选A。
    考查动词词词义辨析。句意:12年级结束时,这个小组或多或少已经形成了最终的形式。A. brken破坏;B. frced强迫;C. separated分离;D. united团结。根据后句“int its final frm”(最终的形式)可知,最终我们形成了一个团队, 符合题意, 故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它在过去的20年里一直保持着惊人的完整性。A. secret秘密的;B. lng长的;C. natural自然的; D. cmplete十分的,完整的。根据后文作者对这个团队友谊的描述可知, 在接下来的20年这个团队保持得相当完整, 故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们有许多传统,其中之一就是一年一度的圣诞节礼物的交换。A. hbbies爱好; B. traditins传统; C. ceremnies仪式; D. rules规则。根据下文“a chance fr my friends and me t ____15____ ur wn traditins and play at being grwn-ups.”可知,此处是“traditins”原词重现。故选B。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:这件事第一次发生在我们12岁的时候。A. caught n理解;B. tk place发生; C. brke ut爆发;D. fell dwn摔倒。 根据后句“when we were 12.”(在我们12岁的时候)可知第一次互送礼物这个仪式是在作者12岁的时候举行的。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们把它放在学校食堂黏糊糊的长桌子上,用来交换用当保姆的钱买的小礼物。A. fancy时髦的;B. expensive贵的;C. mdest不太多的,一般的;D. generus慷慨的。根据“with ur babysitting mney”(用我们当保姆的钱)用当保姆的钱赚的零花钱买的礼物, 可知, 这个礼物不是很贵, 故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的几年里,我们会在父母的客厅里看电影,订披萨,玩个痛快,最后搬进我们破旧的学生公寓。 A. repeat重复;B. add添加;C. search搜寻;D. make安排,准备。结合语境和下文“watching mvies and rdering pizza in parents’ living rms”可知,是作者和朋友们选定一个晚上来进行此事。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意见上题解析。A. instantly立刻;B. literally真正地;C. eventually最后;D. cnsequently因此。根据下文“…int ur wn shabby student apartments, int slightly less shabby adult apartments”(进入我们破旧的学生公寓。搬进稍微不那么破旧的成人公寓)可知, 举行这个活动的地方, 一步步在变换, 念大学和工作租公寓是“最后”发生。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:接着搬进稍微不那么破旧的成人公寓,然后搬进我们的第一个家。A. hmes家;B. schls学校;C. shelters庇护所;D. ffices办公室。根据作者的时间顺序和地点转移“parents’ living rms(父母的客厅)到student apartments(学生公寓)以及adult apartments”(成人公寓)的描述, 可推断聚会的地点应该到了家里(成年后各自成立的家)。故选A。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:在开始,我们给了对方蝴蝶发夹等等。当我们20多岁开始建立新家时,这些东西被明亮的商场珠宝和令人愉悦的家庭用品所取代。A. held n t坚持;B. gave way t给……让路;C. catered t迎合;D. adapted t适合。根据上句“At the beginning, we gave each ther butterfly hair clips and s n”(在开始,我们给了对方蝴蝶发夹等等)以及“bright mall jewellery and cheerful husewares”(明亮的商场珠宝和令人愉悦的家庭用品)可知,送的礼物从开始送的蝴蝶型发卡到后来的商店买的珠宝,即蝴蝶发卡给珠宝让路。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们30多岁开始有孩子的时候,我们开始送婴儿的衣服。A. salaries薪水;B. jbs工作; C. kids孩子;D. families家庭。根据此句中“baby clthes”( 婴儿服)推断,此处指有了孩子后,给孩子们买衣服, 故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:和家人一起度假会很舒适,但我们的交流提供了其他重要的东西:我和我的朋友们有机会创造我们自己的传统,在成年时也可以一起玩。A. rare罕见的;B. practical真实的;C. inspiring鼓舞人心的;D. csy舒适的。根据常理推断, 跟家人在一起的节日是温馨、舒适的。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:和家人一起度假会很舒适,但我们的交流提供了其他重要的东西:我和我的朋友们有机会创造我们自己的传统,在成年时也可以一起玩。A. create创造;B. refrm改革;C. apply应用; D. recgnize辨认出。根据前文“At the beginning, we gave each ther butterfly hair clips and s n. Thse ____12____ bright mall jewellery and cheerful husewares as we began nesting in ur 20s and baby clthes nce we started having ____13____ in ur 30s. ”(在开始,我们给了对方蝴蝶发夹等等。当我们20多岁开始有自己的家时,这些东西被明亮的商场珠宝和令人愉悦的家庭用品所取代,当我们30多岁开始有孩子时,这些东西被婴儿服装所取代)可知, 这一群女孩建立了自己的互送礼物的传统。故选A。
    第二节 (共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    56. ___________ life n ther planets des exist is yet t be prved, but the signs are prmising. (用适当的词填空)
    57. The hckey team ___________ (cmprise) twelve members wn the final last night. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查现在分词。句意:由12人组成的曲棍球队昨晚赢得了决赛。分析句子结构可知,此处应为非谓语动词作定语修饰名词The hckey team,cmprise意为“由……组成”与所修饰词The hckey team之间为主动关系,所以此处使用现在分词短语作定语。故填cmprising。
    58. She was frced t have her baby ___________ (领养) after she was sentenced t prisn. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查过去分词。句意:她被判入狱后,被迫让人收养了她的孩子。根据提示的汉语,表示“领养”应为adpt,分析句子结构可知,此处为“have+宾语+宾补”结构,her baby与adpt之间为被动关系,所以此处使用过去分词形式。故填adpted。
    59. ___________ (和……相反) t ppular belief, his mtive t quit his jb is that he is under depressin. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:与普遍的看法相反,他辞职的原因是他患有抑郁症。根据提示的汉语,表示“和……相反”应为cntrary t,分析句子结构可知,此处应为形容词短语作状语,位于句首,所以cntrary的首字母需大写。故填Cntrary。
    60. They ften use stries and interesting ___________ (cmpare) t describe histrical figures r events vividly, thus engaging the reader’s interest. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    61. China has been mre and mre ___________ (influence) since the refrm and pening-up. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    62. It is difficult t frecast ___________ threats ur heritage sites will face in the future, but we have the belief that we will need this kind f cperatin in heritage preservatin. (用适当的词填空)
    63. ___________ (nail) the tw shelves tgether, she wiped away the sweat and had a rest. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】Having nailed
    【详解】考查现在分词。句意:把两个架子钉在一起后,她擦了擦汗,休息了一会儿。分析句子结构可知,此处应为非谓语动词作状语,nail与逻辑主语she之间为主动关系,且发生在谓语动词wiped之前,所以此处使用现在分词的完成式,即having nailed,且位于句首,having的首字母需大写。故填Having nailed。
    64. At the sight f the birthday gift, a smile ___________ (出现) n her face. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:看到生日礼物,她脸上露出了笑容。空处作句子的谓语,结合“a smile”可知,“出现”应用动词emerge,侧重逐渐显现的过程,且句子描述的应该是过去发生的事情,时态应用一般过去时。故填emerged。
    65. He ppsed ___________ (expand) f the army and navy. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    第四部分 书面表达 (满分25分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    66. 世界历史文化名城博览会每两年在南京举办一次。该博览会针对自然遗产和文化遗产面临的各种危机,呼吁大家一起保护世界遗产。请你代表主办方,用英文写一封倡议书,内容包括:
    参考词汇:世界历史文化名城博览会the Wrld Histrical and Cultural City Exp
    Respected all,
    【答案】Respected All,
    In respnse t the call f the Wrld Histrical and Cultural City Exp, I appeal t all f yu t preserve ur wrld heritage sites.
    These sites are invaluable and irreplaceable treasures shared by all humanity, bearing testament t ur histry, culture, and nature. Thus, we bear a respnsibility t take actin and prtect these precius legacies. We can safeguard them thrugh several aspects. First, it is advisable fr lcal fficials t enact stricter laws and regulatins t ensure the safety and integrity f wrld heritage sites. Mrever, public awareness and cnservatin spirits twards wrld heritage are suppsed t be heightened thrugh educatin and publicity.
    Let us all make cncerted effrts and cntribute ur part t prtecting wrld heritage!
    原句:Mrever, public awareness and cnservatin spirits twards wrld heritage are suppsed t be heightened thrugh educatin and publicity.
    拓展句:Mrever, it is public awareness and cnservatin spirits twards wrld heritage that are suppsed t be heightened thrugh educatin and publicity.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】These sites are invaluable and irreplaceable treasures shared by all humanity, bearing testament t ur histry, culture, and nature.(运用了现在分词作状语,过去分词作定语)
    【高分句型2】First, it is advisable fr lcal fficials t enact stricter laws and regulatins t ensure the safety and integrity f wrld heritage sites.(运用了it作形式主语,不定式作主语和状语)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    A few senir high students were ging t Frt Lauderdale with sandwiches and drinks in the paper bags, dreaming f the glden beaches as the gray cld f New Yrk vanished behind them. As the bus passed thrugh New Jersey, they began t ntice a man, wh sat in frnt f them, dressed in a plain, ill-fitting suit, never mving, his dusty face masking his age. He fixed his eyes n the pht in his hands, frzen int sme persnal ccn f silence.
    Deep int the night, utside Washingtn, the bus pulled int Hward Jhnsn’s, and everybdy gt ff except the man. He sat rted in his seat, and the students began t wnder abut him, trying t imagine his life: perhaps he was a sea captain, a runaway frm his wife, an ld sldier ging hme. When they went back t the bus, ne f the students sat beside him and intrduced himself.
    “We’re ging t Flrida,” the student said brightly. “I hear it’s really beautiful.”
    “It is,” the man said quietly, as if remembering smething he had tried t frget.
    “Want sme bread?” the student said. He smiled and tk a piece. He thanked him and retreated again int his silence. After a while, the man tld his stry slwly and painfully.
    His name was Ving, he had been in prisn in New Yrk fr the past fur years,and nw he was ging hme. “ When I was in prisn I wrte t my wife,” he said “I tld her that I was ging t be away fr a lng time, and that if she culdn’t stand it, if the kids kept asking questins, if it hurt t much, she culd just frget me, I’d understand,”
    “Last week, knwing I wuld be free, I wrte her again. We used t live in Brunswick and there’s a big ak tree just as yu cme int twn. I tld her that if she wuld take me back, she shuld put a yellw handkerchief n the tree, and I’d get ff and cme hme with her. If she didn’t accept me, frget it, n handkerchief, and I’d g n thrugh.”
    “Ww,” the student exclaimed and gazed at the pht in his hands. All the ther students were int it.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按照如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    In the pht, the students saw a yung wman with tw little children standing befre an ak tree.
    With the ak tree in sight, the students were up ut f their seats, wild with jy. But Ving sat there, amazed.
    【答案】Paragraph 1:
    In the pht, the students saw a yung wman with tw little children standing befre an ak tree. “What a lvely wman and cute kids.” “Yeah, she is a smart wman wh can always make ur small huse warm and cmfrtable.” Ving murmured. With Brunswick appraching, Ving stpped staring at the pht, tightening his face, as if prtecting himself against anther disappintment. The students tk ver windw seats, waiting fr the cming f the ak tree. Then Brunswick was ten miles, and then five. All the peple pened their eyes wide, waiting fr a miracle.
    Paragraph 2:
    With the ak tree in sight, the students were up ut f their seats, wild with jy. But Ving sat there, amazed. The ak tree was cvered with yellw handkerchiefs, twenty r thirty f them, maybe hundreds, flying in the wind. The ak tree std like a banner f welcme, blwing in the wind. All the students culdn’t hld back their excitement, shuting, crying, ding small dances r shaking fists in triumph. As the students remained thrilled, Ving slwly rse frm his seat, hlding himself tightly, and made his way t the frnt dr f the bus.
    抑制:hld back / cntrl
    站起来:rise frm/ stand up
    可爱:lvely /adrable
    【点睛】[高分句型1] In the pht, the students saw a yung wman with tw little children standing befre an ak tree. (运用了with的复合结构)
    [高分句型2] Yeah, she is a smart wman wh can always make ur small huse warm and cmfrtable. (运用了wh引导定语从句)

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