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    Have yu ever imagined yurself in ld age?If yu are still alive and (1) ______ at 100 years ld,what will yu be ding?
    Fr Edith Murway-Traina,her (2) ______ was t take up a new sprt and set a Guinness(吉尼斯) wrld recrd.
    Edith used t be a dancer when she was (3) ______ .She has (4) ______ led a health y life.One day in 2012,she went t a gym t try ut sme new exercises.There,she (5) ______ sme ladies lifting weights.She became interested and picked (6) ______ a few weights t try it ut fr herself.
    Sn after,she fund herself falling in lve with the sprt.Later,she jined a training team and (7) ______ day by day.Finally,Edith succeeded in lifting 68 kilgrams during her first cmpetitin.She became the (8) ______ ldest wman weightlifter in a cmpetitin.This recrd was fficially recgnized n her (9) ______ birthday.
    "When I lift weights,I feel alive,"said the lady."It's the best thing t d in my life.I've spent mre than 90 years trying t find it.It's never t late fr yu t (10) ______ !"
    1.A. alneB. freeC. happyD. well
    2.A. changeB. answerC. futureD. success
    3.A. yungB. busyC. thinD. tall
    4.A. alwaysB. smetimesC. seldmD. never
    5.A. heardB. feltC. sawD. smelt
    6.A. nB. upC. atD. ver
    7.A. made friendsB. made prgressC. made mistakesD. made sense
    8.A. city'sB. state'sC. cuntry'sD. wrld's
    9.A. 100thB. 101stC. 102ndD. 103rd
    10.A. searchB. senseC. startD. shw
    11.Fr thusands f years,humans have been lking up at the night sky. (1) ______ Tday,we knw abut the rbits(轨道) f stars.Yu may als have heard abut the"unlucky"mment f the stars— retrgrade(逆行).
    What is retrgrade?( 2) ______ All the planets in ur slar system(太阳系) travel arund Sun.Frm Earth,we can find ut the rbits f the ther planets.Usually,they appear t mve in the same directin.If yu recrd their rbits night after night,hwever,yu'll find that they smetimes seem t g backwards in their rbits.This is called retrgrade.
    Why are the planets ging backwards?
    ( 3) ______ Thse clsest t Sun travels faster than thse farther ut.When a planet cmpletes its rbit nce,a year has passed n that planet.Fr example,ne year is 88 Earth days n Mercury(水星) and 687 n Mars(火星).
    Fr this reasn,sme planets will lap(领先一圈或数圈) thers frm time t time.Thse faster-mving planets will pass their slwer-mving neighbrs.Mercury,fr example,laps Earth abut three times a year.And Earth laps Mars every tw years.
    When the Earth and anther planet pass each ther,an ptical illusin(视错觉) is created.Frm Earth,it lks like that the ther planet changes directin. (4) ______
    What else abut space are yu interested in?Let's learn mre abut ur stars and the sky!
    A.It has t d with the way the planets mve.
    B.The planets seem tired f their same ld rbits.
    C.In ding s,we have made many interesting discveries.
    D.All the planets in ur slar system travel at different speeds.
    E.Hwever,in fact,bth planets are still mving n the same rbit.
    The map gives the general instructin f fire escape(逃跑) in a student accmmdatin(住所) f a junir high schl.

    The layut(布局) f the accmmdatin mainly includes bedrms—with crridrs linking (连接) them with stairs and fire exits.
    The fire escape rutes(路线) n the right side can help mre students t escape cmpared with its left.When we cme t a new place,we shuld learn abut the escape rutes first.
    12.Fire Exit A is in the ______ f the student accmmdatin.
    A. nrthB. eastC. westD. middle
    13.The lift is ______ the restrm.
    A. in frnt fB. next tC. acrss frmD. behind
    14.Hw many pssible fire escape rutes are there fr students t escape frm the fire? ______
    A. Tw.B. Three.C. Fur.D. Five.
    15.What can we knw frm this text? ______
    A. Fire Exit A is beside Meeting Pint 2.
    B. Fire Exit B is next t the west stairs.
    C. The left fire escape rute helps fewer students t escape.
    D. Students cme frm the lift can use Fire Exit A t escape.
    Hw d yu greet yur friends?Peple frm different cultures may have different answers:shaking hands,ndding,kissing have yu ever wndered hw animals"say hell"t thers?
    We knw hw similar chimpanzees(黑猩猩) are t humans.It's n surprise that their greetings are als clse t urs.Chimpanzees usually greet each ther with a hand tuch,a hug r smetimes a kiss.Sme f them can als cmmunicate thrugh simple sign language(手语).
    Sme animals seldm make lud sunds,fr example,giraffes.Male giraffes ften use their necks t greet each ther.Their necks can reach up t tw meters.When tw giraffes meet,they may"shake"their necks and rub(摩擦) them against each ther.This is t feel hw strng and tall the ther is.
    Dlphins greet ne anther with whistles(哨叫声).They can hear ther dlphins frm many kilmeters away.Every dlphin has a different whistle.It tells infrmatin abut the dlphin,such as its age and health.When tw grups f dlphins meet,they each chse a member f the ther grup t"talk"t.The tw grups can then jin up and travel tgether.
    16.Accrding t the text,chimpanzees may greet each ther ______ .
    A. by saying"hell"B. by tuching hands
    C. thrugh a real languageD. thrugh a simple sund
    17.What can we knw abut giraffes? ______
    A. Giraffes ften cmmunicate mainly thrugh lud sunds.
    B. Giraffes greet each ther by rubbing their nses tgether.
    C. When a male giraffe runs int anther ne,they use necks t hit each ther.
    D. Giraffes learn abut the strength and height f each ther thrugh greeting.
    18.When tw grups f dlphins meet,they ______ .
    A. use their tails t greet each ther
    B. cmpete t decide the new leader
    C. each select a member f the ther grup t talk t
    D. avid talking t any members f the ther grup
    19.Hw is the text rganized? ______
    (①=Paragraph 1,② = Paragraph 2,…)
    A. B. C. D.
    DeWitt Byd is a lving father in Gergia, his children were yung,he played pebble(鹅卵石) huse game with them.They used pebbles t make little huses in their yard.The father started ut making pebble huses fr his children,but it grew int a lngtime hbby f his wn.
    In 2007,DeWitt retired frm his jb and had mre free time.This creative man wanted t take his hbby t the next level.He bught a large area f grass and decided t create a rck garden there.
    DeWitt wrked with his wife t build the "Pebble Village." It has all kinds f buildings and different vehicles (交通工具) that travel n land.The mst amazing wrks are the replicas (复制品) f sme places f interest,such as the Rman Clsseum(罗马斗兽场) and Ntre-Dame de Paris(巴黎圣母院).They spent a lng time building each piece.The replica f Ntre-Dame de Paris,fr example,tk them abut 27 mnths t cmplete.
    After DeWitt and his wife had built ver 50 pebble huses and castles,they pened this rck garden t the public fr free.Nw,many visitrs cme frm near and far t view its beauty.Peple can even bk the garden fr their weddings!
    20.DeWitt Byd started building pebble huses ______ .
    A. t invite mre visitrs t his yard
    B. t bring pleasure t his children
    C. as a new h bby after he had retired
    D. as a hbby fr him and his wife
    21.DeWitt and his wife's wrks may include the fllwing things except fr ______ .
    A. husesB. apartmentsC. trainsD. bats
    22.Accrding t the text,which f the fllwing statements is true? ______
    A. DeWitt retired frm his jb nt lng ag.
    B. Sme peple have held weddings in the fantastic rck garden.
    C. Peple need t pay t visit the rck garden.
    D. It tk 27 mnths t build the replica f the Rman Clsseum.
    23.What's the main idea f the text? ______
    A. The general intrductin f the rck garden.
    B. The amazing advantage f the rck garden.
    C. The rapid develpment f the rck garden.
    D. The serius challenge f the rck garden.
    In 2016,Agent,a British cmpany,tested five-hur wrking days fr a mnth.The hpe was that the peple in the cmpany wuld feel happier with reduced wrking hurs.Hwever,the results f the experiment were mixed.
    "Lts f gd things happened,"says Agent CEO Paul Crcran."We lked at tasks in terms f time:D this in 15 minutes and that in half an hur.We wasted n time.Peple were missing the wrst f the traffic because they were cming in at 10 f 8:30 a.m."
    Prblems,hwever,quickly came up."Peple used t have eight hurs t finish their jbs.Nw,they nly had five hurs,"Crcran explains."The idea was t give peple mre freedm,but they ended up feeling mre stressed."
    In mst cmpanies arund the wrld,an emplyee wrks fr eight hurs every wrkday.But many researchers have lked at the links between wrking hurs and prductivity(生产效率).They fund that mst peple culd nly be prductive fr five hurs each day.
    Sme cmpanies have been experimenting with shrter wrking days.In these cmpanies,peple wrk frm 8 1 n breaks.In rder t have the afternns t themselves,they becme much mre fcused than befre.Their prductivity increases by 50 percent.
    But just like Crcran,many managers have seen prblems with reduced wrking hurs.In additin t the added pressure t cmplete tasks n time,peple are lsing smething n the relatinship level.Since they n lnger have time fr small talk,it has been harmful fr team culture.
    It's hard t say hw lng the perfect wrking day shuld be.Reduced wrking hurs sund great,but having t d mre wrk in less time is tiring.Which wuld yu prefer,five-hur wrking days r traditinal eight-hur nes?
    24.When Agent decided t test five-hur wrking days,it expected ______ results.
    A. encuragingB. mixedC. lastingD. harmful
    25.What prblem did peple in Agent face when the cmpany tested five-hur wrking days? ______
    A. They had much mre wrk t d.
    B. They suffered frm the wrst traffic.
    C. They had t spend mre time cmmunicating with each ther.
    D. They were under mre pressure t cmplete their jbs n time.
    26.The underlined wrd" emplyee"prbably means ______ in Paragraph 4.
    A. a persn wh receives a reward frm a cmpany
    B. a persn wh des a research fr a cmpany
    C. a persn wh is asked t learn frm a cmpany
    D. a persn wh is paid t wrk fr a cmpany
    27.What is the writer's attitude twards"reduced wrking hurs"? ______
    A. Supprtive.B. Negative.
    C. Neutral(中立的).D. Uninterested.
    28.Have yu visited any traditinal Chinese gardens?If yu cmpare them t sme Western gardens,yu may find that traditinal Chinese gardens lk mre like natural landscape.This is ne f their main features(特征).
    Chinese gardens have a lng histry.As early as 1500 BC,there were tw main types f gardens:imperial(皇帝的) gardens and private gardens.Imperial gardens were fr the use f the emperr and his family.Private gardens were built by general nbles(贵族).Bth types f gardens were built fr hunting and resting.
    The Summer Palace(颐和园) in Beijing is China's mst famus imperial garden.It cvers abut three millin square meters.Kunming Lake takes up almst three-furths f the garden's ttal area.There are ver 3,000 ancient buildings and mre than 400,000 plants in the garden.Yu can als see a great deal f priceless histrical treasure.With such a rich cllectin,the garden is knwn as the "Imperial Garden Museum."
    As fr private gardens,the mst famus ne is the Humble Administratr's Garden(拙政园) in Suzhu.It has an area f 41,000 square meters.When yu stand in the garden,it lks like a beautiful picture frm any angle(角度).And the whle garden lks different in different seasns.
    The traditinal Chinese gardens have been designed t lk naturally frmed.In fact,Chinese gardens are in sme ways very much like traditinal Chinese landscape paintings.The tw have influenced and develped alngside ne anther.Bth f them shw the imprtance f nature in Chinese culture.
    (1) Accrding t the article,hw are traditinal Chinese gardens different frm Western gardens?
    (2) Why is the Summer Palace called the"Imperial Garden Museum"?
    (3) What d Chinese gardens have in cmmn with traditinal Chinese landscape paintings?
    (4) What type f Chinese gardens mentined in the text d yu like better?Give yur reasn(s).Write 30 wrds r mre.
    29.Have yu ever watched a tennis game bradcast(播出) in English?If yu have,then yu(1) ______ (prbable) have nticed that the scre"40-0"is read as"Frty t lve"instead f"Frty t zer."If (2) ______ side scres a pint(that is,0-0),then the scre will be"Lve-all."S hw did"lve"becme a wrd fr"zer"in tennis?
    Mst peple believe this expressin (3) ______ ( cme) frm French.It is said that the French use the wrd"l'œuf"(it means"the egg") t mean a scre f zer.This is similar t calling a scre f zer"a duck's egg" (4) ______ British English.When tennis was intrduced int England frm France,Englishmen als called a scre f zer"l'œuf."Hwever,sme tennis fans didn't knw (5) ______ ( France).They misprnunced the French wrd as the English wrd"lve"(the tw wrds are clse in prnunciatin).Over time,"lve"ended up with a new (6) ______ ( mean):a scre f zer.
    This is (7) ______ ( ppular) explanatin fr the term's rigin(起源).Unluckily,researchers haven't yet fund prf(证明) that the French peple ever used the wrd"l'œuf"t mean"zer."Accrding t (8) ______ ( they) studies,the French always call the number"zér."
    Anther explanatin has been mre widely accepted amng sme researchers.It says this usage came frm the expressin "t play fr lve."Players wh fail t scre any pints dn't care.They play fr their lve f the game,nt just fr a wish t win.The researchers have fund written recrds (9) ______ ( supprt) this explanatin. (10) ______ mst f the recrds are abut card games,rather than tennis.S far,nbdy knws fr sure hw "lve"came t mean"zer"in tennis.Mre studies are needed t slve this puzzle(不解之谜).
    30.新学期开始了,学校报社发起了以"少年易老学难成,一寸光阴不可轻"为主题的征文活动。请以 The time I've spent n 为题,根据以下要点和要求用英语写一篇短文进行投稿。要点如下:
    The time I've spent n __________
    【解析】(1)考查副词。句意:如果在100岁你还活得好好的,你会做什么?A.alne 独自地;B.free自由的;C.happy幸福的;D.well好地。根据still alive(仍然活着)可知此处是指100岁活得很好,副词修饰动词live。故选D。
    (2)考查名词。句意:对于Edith Murway-Traina来说,她的答案是从事一项新的运动并创造吉尼斯世界纪录。A.change 改变;B.answer回答;C.future未来;D.success成功。根据前文If yu are still alive and well at 100 years ld,what will yu be ding?(如果在100岁你还活得好好的,你会做什么?)可知此处是回答。故选 B。
    (3)考查形容词。句意:伊迪丝年轻时曾是一名舞者。A.yung年轻的;B.busy忙的;C.thin瘦的;D.tall高的。根据used t be a dancer(过去是个舞者)可知伊迪丝年轻时曾是一名舞者。故选A。
    (4)考查动词。句意:她一直过着健康的生活。A.always一直;B.smetimes有时;C.seldm几乎不;D.never从不。根据One day in 2012,she went t a gym t try ut sme new exercises.(2012年的一天,她去健身房尝试一些新的运动。)可知她一直过着健康的生活。故选A。
    (5)考查副词。句意:在那里,她看到一些女士在举重。A.heard听到;B.felt感觉;C.saw看到;D.smelt闻起来。根据sme ladies lifting weights(一些女士在举重)可知她看到一些女士在举重。故选C。
    (6)考查介词。句意:她开始感兴趣了,于是举起了一些砝码,想自己试试。A.n在……上面;B.up往上;C.at在……;D.ver超过。根据sme ladies lifting weights(一些女士在举重)可知举起砝码。故选B。
    (7)考查动词短语。句意:后来,她加入了一个训练队,一天天进步。A.made friends交朋友;B.made prgress取得进步;C.made mistakes犯错误;D.made sense有明确的意义。根据day by day(一天天)可知此处是指一天天进步。故选B。
    (8)考查名词。句意:她在比赛中成为世界上年龄最大的女性举重运动员。A.city's城市的;B.state's州的;C.cuntry's国家的;D.wrld's世界的。根据in a cmpetitin(在比赛中)可知是指世界上年龄最大的女性举重运动员。故选D。
    (9)考查序数词。句意:这一记录在她100岁生日时得到了官方认可。A.100th第一百;B.101st第一百零一;C.102nd第一百零二;D.103rd第一百零三。根据If yu are still alive and well at 100 years ld,what will yu be ding?(如果在100岁你还活得好好的,你会做什么?)可知此处是指她 100岁生日时。故选A。
    (10)考查动词。句意:任何时候开始都不晚。A.search搜寻;B.sense感觉;C.start开始;D.shw展示。根据never t late(永远不会太晚)可知任何时候开始都不晚。故选C。
    这篇短文主要讲述了一个名叫Edith Murway-Traina的老人在100岁时创下吉尼斯世界纪录的故事。她曾是一名舞者,过着健康的生活。2012年,她在健身房看到一些女士举重,产生了兴趣并尝试了起来。她很快就爱上了这项运动,并加入了训练队伍,逐渐提高自己的水平。最终,她在比赛中举起了68公斤的重量,成为了最年长的女性举重选手。她说:"当我举重时,我感到活力,这是我一生中最棒的事情。我花了90多年才找到它,对你来说也永远不会太迟!"
    【解析】(1)细节推理题。根据上文Fr thusands f years,humans have been lking up at the night sky. (几千年来,人类一直仰望夜空。)和下文Tday,we knw abut the rbits(轨道) f stars.Yu may als have heard abut the"unlucky"mment f the stars— retrgrade(逆行).(今天,我们知道了恒星的轨道。你可能也听说过星星的"倒霉"时刻——逆行。)可知说的是仰望夜空和知道的一些事情,结合选项,应说通过这样做,我们有了许多有趣的发现。故选C。
    (2)细节推理题。根据下文All the planets in ur slar system(太阳系) travel arund Sun.Frm Earth,we can find ut the rbits f the ther planets.Usually,they appear t mve in the same directin.If yu recrd their rbits night after night,hwever,yu'll find that they smetimes seem t g backwards in their rbits.This is called retrgrade.(我们太阳系的所有行星都围绕太阳运行。从地球上,我们可以找出其他行星的轨道。通常情况下,它们看起来向同一个方向移动。然而,如果你一夜又一夜地记录它们的轨道,你会发现它们有时似乎在轨道上倒退。这叫逆行。)可知说的是移动方式,结合选项,应说这与行星运行的方式有关。故选A。
    (3)细节推理题。根据下文Thse clsest t Sun travels faster than thse farther ut.When a planet cmpletes its rbit nce,a year has passed n that planet.Fr example,ne year is 88 Earth days n Mercury(水星) and 687 n Mars(火星).(离太阳最近的行星比离太阳较远的行星运转得快。当一颗行星完成它的轨道一次时,那颗行星上的一年已经过去了。例如,一年在水星上是88个地球日,在火星上是687个地球日。)可知说的是运行所需要的时间,结合选项,应说我们太阳系中的所有行星都以不同的速度运行。故选D。
    (4)细节推理题。根据上文When the Earth and anther planet pass each ther,an ptical illusin(视错觉) is created.Frm Earth,it lks like that the ther planet changes directin. (当地球和另一颗行星擦肩而过时,就会产生一种视错觉。从地球上看,似乎另一颗行星改变了方向。)可知说的是地球和另一颗行星擦肩而过时,似乎另一颗行星改变了方向,结合选项,应说然而,事实上,这两颗行星仍在同一轨道上运行。故选E。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第三段"The fire escape rutes(路线) n the right side can help mre students t escape cmpared with its left."(与左侧相比,右侧的消防逃生通道可以帮助更多的学生逃生。)可知,有左右共两条逃生路线。故选A。
    (4)细节理解题。根据第三段"The ne n the right side can help mre students t escape cmpared with its left."(与左边的相比,右边的可以帮助更多的学生逃生。)可知左边的逃生路线帮助更少的学生逃生。故选C。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段We knw hw similar chimpanzees(黑猩猩) are t humans.It's n surprise that their greetings are als clse t urs.Chimpanzees usually greet each ther with a hand tuch,a hug r smetimes a kiss.(我们知道黑猩猩和人类有多相似。他们的问候和我们的也很接近,这并不奇怪。黑猩猩通常用手触摸、拥抱或有时亲吻来问候对方。)可知,根据文章,黑猩猩可能会通过触摸双手互相打招呼。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段Male giraffes ften use their necks t greet each ther.Their necks can reach up t tw meters.When tw giraffes meet,they may"shake"their necks and rub(摩擦) them against each ther.This is t feel hw strng and tall the ther is.(雄性长颈鹿经常用脖子互相问候。它们的脖子可以长到两米。当两只长颈鹿相遇时,它们可能会"摇晃"脖子,互相摩擦。这是为了感受对方有多强壮和高大。)可知,关于长颈鹿我们能知道:长颈鹿通过打招呼来了解对方的力量和身高。故选D。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第四段When tw grups f dlphins meet,they each chse a member f the ther grup t"talk"t.(当两组海豚相遇时,它们各自选择另一组的一名成员与之"交谈"。)可知,当两群海豚相遇时,它们会每组选择另一组的一名成员进行交谈。故选C。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段DeWitt Byd is a lving father in Gergia, his children were yung,he played pebble(鹅卵石) huse game with them.(德威特•博伊德是美国佐治亚州一位慈爱的父亲当他的孩子们还小的时候,他和他们一起玩卵石屋游戏。)可知德威特•博伊德开始建造鹅卵石房子给他的孩子们带来快乐。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段DeWitt wrked with his wife t build the "Pebble Village." It has all kinds f buildings and different vehicles (交通工具) that travel n land.The mst amazing wrks are the replicas (复制品) f sme places f interest,such as the Rman Clsseum(罗马斗兽场) and Ntre-Dame de Paris(巴黎圣母院).They spent a lng time building each piece.The replica f Ntre-Dame de Paris,fr example,tk them abut 27 mnths t cmplete.(德威特和他的妻子一起建造了"卵石村"。它有各种各样的建筑和不同的陆地交通工具。最令人惊叹的作品是一些名胜古迹的复制品,如罗马斗兽场和巴黎圣母院。他们花了很长时间来制作每一件作品。例如,巴黎圣母院的复制品花了他们大约27个月才完成。)可知德威特夫妇的作品可能包括以下物品,但船除外。故选D。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第四段Peple can even bk the garden fr their weddings!(人们甚至可以预定花园举行婚礼!)可知下列正确的是"有些人在这个梦幻般的岩石花园举行婚礼。"故选B。
    (4)主旨大意题。根据文章以及最后一段After DeWitt and his wife had built ver 50 pebble huses and castles,they pened this rck garden t the public fr free.Nw,many visitrs cme frm near and far t view its beauty.Peple can even bk the garden fr their weddings!(在德威特和他的妻子建造了50多座鹅卵石房屋和城堡之后,他们向公众免费开放了这个岩石花园。现在,许多游客从四面八方来观赏它的美丽。人们甚至可以预定花园举行婚礼!)可知文章主要介绍了岩石园林故选A。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段In 2016,Agent,a British cmpany,tested five-hur wrking days fr a mnth.The hpe was that the peple in the cmpany wuld feel happier with reduced wrking hurs.Hwever,the results f the experiment were mixed.(2016年,英国公司Agent对5小时工作制进行了为期一个月的测试。希望公司里的人会因为工作时间减少而感到更快乐。然而,实验的结果喜忧参半。)可知,当Agent决定测试五小时工作制时,它期望得到令人鼓舞的结果。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段Prblems,hwever,quickly came up."Peple used t have eight hurs t finish their jbs.Nw,they nly had five hurs,"Crcran explains."The idea was t give peple mre freedm,but they ended up feeling mre stressed."(然而,问题很快出现了。"过去人们有八个小时来完成工作。现在,他们只有五个小时了,"Crcran解释道。"这个想法是为了给人们更多自由,但他们最终感到压力更大了。")可知,当公司测试五小时工作制时,人们面临着更大的压力,要按时完成工作。故选D。
    (3)词义猜测题。根据第四段In mst cmpanies arund the wrld,an emplyee wrks fr eight hurs every wrkday.But many researchers have lked at the links between wrking hurs and prductivity(生产效率).They fund that mst peple culd nly be prductive fr five hurs each day.(在世界上大多数公司,员工每个工作日工作八小时。但是许多研究人员研究了工作时间和生产率之间的联系。他们发现大多数人每天只能工作五个小时。)可知,在第四段中,带下划线的单词"emplyee"可能指的是为公司工作并获得报酬的人。故选D。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段It's hard t say hw lng the perfect wrking day shuld be.Reduced wrking hurs sund great,but having t d mre wrk in less time is tiring.Which wuld yu prefer,five-hur wrking days r traditinal eight-hur nes?(很难说完美的工作日应该有多长。减少工作时间听起来很棒,但不得不在更短的时间内做更多的工作令人疲惫不堪。你更喜欢哪一种,五小时工作日还是传统的八小时工作日?)可知,作者对"减少工作时间"持中立态度。故选C。
    28.【答案】【小题1】Traditinal Chinese gardens lk mre like natural landscape.
    【小题2】Because it is an imperial garden with priceless histrical treasure.
    【小题3】Bth f them shw the imprtance f nature in Chinese culture.
    【小题4】I like private gardens better.Because there is always smething special abut a private garden because f the character and persnal preference f its wner.In additin,we can learn abut sme lcal culture and histrical stries frm a private garden.
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Have yu visited any traditinal Chinese gardens?If yu cmpare them t sme Western gardens,yu may find that traditinal Chinese gardens lk mre like natural landscape.(你参观过中国传统的花园吗?如果你将它们与西方的一些花园进行比较,你可能会发现中国传统的花园看起来更像自然景观。)可知传统的中国园林看起来更像自然景观。故答案为Traditinal Chinese gardens lk mre like natural landscape.
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段Yu can als see a great deal f priceless histrical treasure.With such a rich cllectin,the garden is knwn as the "Imperial Garden Museum."(你还可以看到许多无价之宝。拥有如此丰富的藏品,花园被称为"御花园博物馆"。)可知因为它是一座皇家园林,拥有无价的历史宝藏。故答案为Because it is an imperial garden with priceless histrical treasure.
    (3)细节理解题。根据最后一段The tw have influenced and develped alngside ne anther.Bth f them shw the imprtance f nature in Chinese culture.(两者相互影响,相互发展。二者都显示了自然在中国文化中的重要性。)可知它们都显示了自然在中国文化中的重要性。故答案为Bth f them shw the imprtance f nature in Chinese culture.
    (4)主观表达题。根据个人观点,可知我更喜欢私家花园。因为私人花园总是有一些特别的东西,因为它的主人的性格和个人喜好。此外,我们可以从私人花园了解一些当地的文化和历史故事。故答案为I like private gardens better.Because there is always smething special abut a private garden because f the character and persnal preference f its wner.In additin,we can learn abut sme lcal culture and histrical stries frm a private garden.
    【小题7】the mst ppular
    【小题9】t supprt
    (4)考查介词。句意:这类似于英国英语中把零分叫做"鸭蛋"。考查介词短语in English"用英语",故填in。
    (7)考查形容词最高级。句意:这是对该术语起源最流行的解释。根据fr the term's rigin(起源)(对该术语)可知,对该术语起源最流行的解释,用形容词的最高级,ppular(流行的)的最高级为the mst ppular,故填the mst ppular。
    (9)考查动词不定式。句意:研究人员已经找到了支持这一解释的文字记录。不定式做目的状语,supprt支持,故填t supprt。
    (10)考查连词。句意:但大多数记录都是关于纸牌游戏的,而不是网球。根据The researchers have fund written recrds (9)t supprt (supprt) this explanatin.(研究人员已经找到了支持这一解释的文字记录。)可知,但大多数记录都是关于纸牌游戏的,but表示转折,放在句首,首字母大写,故填But。
    30.【答案】The time I've spent n readingWhen I was a little girl ,Mm usually read stries t me.When I had the ability t read by myself,I put myself int reading.(我曾经把时间花在哪里:阅读)
    As fr me,I spent time n reading because reading made me happy.I was always attracted by the stries and wndered what happened next.I was especially interested in histry bks frm which I knew many heres in histry.【高分句型一】Certainly,I get much knwledge thrugh reading.It can nt nly make me cleverer and happier ,but als pen my mind.(我为什么把时间花在那里和我的收获和感受)
    I believe the mre I read,the brighter my future will becme.【高分句型二】(我的希望)
    I was especially interested in histry bks frm which I knew many heres in histry.我对历史书特别感兴趣,从这些书中我认识了许多历史上的英雄。which引导的定语从句。
    I believe the mre I read,the brighter my future will becme.我相信我读得越多,我的未来就会变得越光明。I believe+宾语从句。

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