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    Jhnnie Martin was brn in a wrker's family.His parents dreamed that their sn culd get a gd jb and live a better life.Hwever,t Jhnnie,schl lessns seemed like a wall that was (1) ______ t g thrugh.
    One day when he was in grade 11,Jhnnie went (2) ______ the schl yuth wrkers' ffice t ask fr help.
    "Jhnnie,I've been studying yur marks f all the tests at schl.I have made a (3) ______ study f them," said the yuth wrker.
    "I've been trying hard." Jhnnie was abut t cry.
    The yuth wrk put his hand n the by's shulder, "Peple have different kinds f (4) ______ ,Jhnnie.There are painters wh were(5) ______ able t learn maths,and engineers wh can't sing n key.Sme day yu will find (6) ______ yu are gd at,and when yu d,yu will make yur parents and all f us very prud f yu."
    Jhnnie didn't g t university.He fund a jb wrking in the gardens arund the twn.Sn (7) ______ amazing happened.His custmers(顾客)began t ntice that Jhnnie had what they called "green thumb(园艺能手)".One day,he nticed an unused dirty land behind the city hall.He vlunteered t make it int a garden.That very afternn(8) ______ he gt the permissin(许可),he started the wrk.Hwever,he culdn't(9) ______ all the tls r the plants that were necessary fr it.Peple gave him yung trees,rse-bushes,benches and many ther things.Befre lng,it had becme a beautiful little park.
    Tday Jhnnie is the head f the business in gardening.Wherever he and his men g,they spread (10) ______ befre the eyes f peple.
    1.A. impatientB. impssibleC. imprtantD. implite
    2.A. intB. pastC. alngD. thrugh
    3.A. extraB. natinalC. carefulD. similar
    4.A. abilitiesB. challengesC. causesD. careers
    5.A. alwaysB. usuallyC. smetimesD. never
    6.A. hwB. whenC. whatD. where
    7.A. nthingB. anythingC. smethingD. everything
    8.A. befreB. whileC. tillD. after
    9.A. designB. useC. repairD. affrd
    10.A. purityB. beautyC. energyD. silence
    11.At sunrise,parks and ther public areas acrss China fill up with peple ding Taijiquan.(1) ______ S,what exactly is Taijiquan and where des it cme frm?
    Taijiquan,als knwn as Tai Chi,is ne f China's mst famus traditinal frms f martial arts (武术).Martial arts can be different.Take Shalin Wushu fr example.It has a clear gal—t win a fight.The main fcus is n develping strength and speed.One careless mve can cause serius injury (受伤).(2)
    ______ It fcuses n relaxed mvements.Anyne wh is gd at it is able t mve easily,just like water.
    ( 3) ______ Wudang Tai Chi is ne.It is said t have been invented by Zhang Sanfeng.It's said that he nce watched a snake and a bird fighting.He was s impressed by the skills used by each animal.Then he made use f them t develp his wn martial art.
    It's ur pride that China's Taijiquan has been added t UNESCO's Representative List f Intangible Cultural Heritage f Humanity (非物质文化遗产) in December,2020. (4) ______
    A.Wh invented Wudang Tai Chi?
    B.Hwever,Taijiquan is very different.
    C.There are different styles f Taijiquan.
    D.Many think it's a sprt,while thers call it a martial art.
    E.S far,China has tpped the list in the wrld with a ttal f 42 items.
    Dear Eric,
    Surprise!I believe yu didn't expect a nte frm yur mm in yur lunchbx!Hw is yur schl day s far?I hpe it is ging well.Yu always d yur best.I am prud f yu!
    Because I had t leave s early this mrning,I wrte this nte last night and put it int yur lunchbx t wish yu well n yur speech tday.With all f yur amazing research,writing and practice,yu're ging t d great!
    I knw that yu get a little nervus talking in frnt f large grups—everybdy des.But just remember what yu practiced and yu just might frget abut being nervus.
    Here are just a few things t remember when yu are giving a speech:
    λ Make eye cntact with yur classmates.
    λ Speak clearly and slwly.
    λ Lk at yur nte cards nly when yu have t.
    λ Enjy yurself!Once yu're in frnt f the class,pretend that yu are a famus expert n yur tpic and everyne is listening carefully t yur EVERY wrd. (I d that smetimes!)
    Well,that's all fr nw.I'm thinking f yu tday and I knw yu will d great.D yur best and be brave like Gerge Washingtn.He was an excellent chice fr yur speech.
    Gd luck Eric!
    Maybe we can g ut fr ice cream after schl!
    12.Where did Eric prbably find this nte? ______
    A. In his schl.B. In his nte cards.
    C. In his speech.D. In his lunchbx.
    13.What was Eric mainly ging t d in schl that day? ______
    A. T give a speech.
    B. T have sme ice cream.
    C. T make eye cntact with his classmates.
    D. T enjy himself.
    14.Eric's mther advised him t ______ .
    A. lk at his nte cardsB. talk t his classmates
    C. talk like a famus expertD. talk in frnt f large grups
    15.We can infer that Eric's mther was full f ______ .
    A. lveB. surpriseC. nervusnessD. gd luck
    Yu may knw the saying: An apple a day keeps the dctr away. A recent study by the Chinese University f Hng Kng has discvered anther saying: An apple a day keeps ld age away.
    The study invlved fruit flies, as they share many genes (基因) with humans. Researchers gave fd t tw grups f fruit flies. Bth grups gt the same fruit, with ne exceptin:the secnd grup als gt apples, while the first did nt.
    The results shwed that flies that ate apple lived an average f 55 days lnger than the flies that didn't eat apple. The study als fund that apple-eating flies were mre able t walk, climb and mve abut as they became ld, the Jurnal f Agricultural and Fd Chemistry reprts.
    The researchers believe that the antixidants(抗氧化剂) fund in apples are gd fr health. In anther experiment, researchers studied the diets f thusands f wmen. They fund that thse wmen wh ften ate apples were 20 percent less likely t have a heart attack.
    Scientists have recently discvered the apple's genetic cde (基因序列). This allws scientists t make new kinds f fruit that are healthier. Researchers are already using this infrmatin t grw apples with added antixidants. Antixidants help t keep eyes and jints (关节) healthy and prtect against heart attacks and cancer.
    Apples that help peple lse weight may be in supermarkets in just fur r five years. They are said t be "extra healthy" apples that can stp peple frm vereating.
    16.Fruit flies were used in the research because ______ .
    A. they lve t eat apples
    B. they share similar genes with humans
    C. they are easy t catch
    D. they can live lnger
    17.By studying the diets f thusands f wmen, the researchers ______ .
    A. prved apples are gd fr peple's health
    B. fund they are healthier than men
    C. helped them lse weight successfully
    D. discvered the genetic cde f the apple
    18.Frm the stry, we can infer that ______ .
    A. wmen like t eat apples mre ften than men
    B. peple wh eat apples are will nt suffer frm heart disease
    C. scientists are studying a new type f apple
    D. apples' genetic cde is similar t ther fruits
    19.Yu might find this passage in ______ .
    A. a science magazineB. a guide bk
    C. a picture bkD. a strybk
    Yu use it every day,and there's ne in nearly every hme and n every street cmer-it's the tilet.Did yu knw the average persn spends three whle years f his r her life n the tilets?Fr smething s imprtant,we give it very little thught.Well,Nvember 19 is Wrld Tilet Day-a day t bring attentin t the tilet.
    Wrld Tilet Day reminds us f hw lucky we are t have tilets.Many peple still dn't have clean tilets,and this causes a number f health prblems.
    Tilets take many different frms arund the wrld.In the US,yu wn't see any squatting (蹲式的) tilets.Mst peple in the Western wrld have tilets and running water in their hmes.
    But,in sme places,tilets are utdrs in "uthuses".Everyne in the neighbrhd shares the same uthuse,and ging t the tilet becmes a scial event.Depending n where yu are,public tilets can be very private,with machines playing the sund f running water t mask yur nises.Or,public tilets can have n privacy at all-just ne big rm.Nw sme mdern tilets have electrnic keypads,heaters and even play music!
    When yu use the tilet,yu shuld keep sme manners in mind:Flush (冲) the tilet after yu have finished.Wash yur hands befre yu leave the restrm.Dn't stand n the tilet when yu are using it.If yu use public tilets,there may be a line.Dn't cut in line-this is very rude.
    20.Hw lng des a persn prbably spend n tilets in his/her life? ______
    A. 3 whle years.B. 2 whle years.C. 1 whle year.D. 1.5 whle years.
    21.Wrld Tilet Day is a day t ______ .
    A. remind peple t build mre tilets
    B. remind us f hw lucky we are t have tilets
    C. ask peple t g t clean tilets
    D. keep gd manners in mind
    22.What's the use f machines in the tilet playing the sund f running water? ______
    A. Prtecting yur privacy.B. Making yu feel happy.
    C. Helping yu keep warm.D. Playing music fr yu t enjy.
    23.Which is a rude thing t d when using the tilet? ______
    A. Waiting in a line if there are many peple.
    B. Frgetting t flush the tilet after using it.
    C. Nt standing n the tilet when using it.
    D. Washing hands befre leaving the tilet.
    ①The natural wrld is clrful with humans,plants and animals shwing different clrs.
    ② Human skin can be many different clrs and it changes with the sun,ur feelings r ur health fr example.This is because f pigments(色素),which reflect light and make what the eye sees as clrs.S,when we feel excited r angry,ur heart can send mre bld t the face and the pigments in the skin becme red.This is why we have the expressin that smene "sees red" when they are angry.
    ③ Plants als have pigments.Clr is imprtant fr them t live n.The bright clrs f flwers catch the attentin f insects,which then carry their pllen(花粉) frm ne flwer t anther.Bees can see clrs we cannt,and they fllw these t the inside f the flwer.Withut bees visiting flwers in this way,many plants wuld die ut.
    ④ Animals als use clr fr their wn need.They prtect themselves with different clrs s that they will nt be seen by predatrs easily.The snwshe hare fr example,a kind f wild rabbit,changes clr with seasns fr this reasn.During summer it is a brwn clr,and in winter it is white s that it can hide in the snw.Hwever,sme animals use clr as a warning t make predatrs stay away.Bright clrs such as yellw and red are ften used in this way.Nature,hwever,is very clever,and predatrs als use clrs t attract the animals they feed n.
    ⑤ S,we can see that there may be many different reasns and uses fr clrs in the natural wrld.Sme uses f clr in nature remain unknwn,but ne thing is fr sure,clr nt nly makes ur planet beautiful but it is als necessary fr ur planet t live n.
    24.What is/are the cause that makes human skin change clr accrding t Paragraph 2? ______
    A. Sunshine.B. Feelings.C. Pigments.D. Bld.
    25.What can plants use t attract insects accrding t Paragraph 3? ______
    A. Leaves.B. Fruits.C. Pllen.D. Clr.
    26.What des the underlined wrd " predatrs" in Paragraph 4 mean? ______
    A. Animals which hide in secret places.
    B. Animals which kill ther animals fr fd.
    C. Animals which change clr with the sun.
    D. Animals which prtect themselves frm danger.
    27.What is the structure f the passage? ______
    A. B. C. D.
    28.Parents are the mst imprtant peple in ur life.They influence ur lives in s many ways.They teach us almst everything abut living,give us strength f character and make us wh we are.It is because f them that we becme able t d ur duties.The things that we are able t d are actually their gifts t us.Right frm taking care f us when we are yung t guiding us whenever we need their advice,they are always there by ur side.
    All we can d fr them is t give them lve and happiness and try t make them feel prud f us.First f all,yu need t fllw all the gd things they taught yu when yu were very yung.It culd be abut eating healthily r exercising in a regular way,r it culd be abut helping anyne wh needs help.
    Nt making cmplaints is als a gd way.S dn't cmplain abut what yu dn't have.Learn t appreciate(感激) and lve what yur parents give yu;yu may nt knw the struggles they g thrugh in rder t give yu that.
    Thirdly,yu als need t start making yur wn decisins wisely and cnfidently.In ther wrds,take cntrl f yur life by deciding what will be gd r bad fr yu.Let them see that yu are able t d all kinds f things withut asking thers fr help.
    Mre imprtantly,yu shuld try t be a gd persn.Be plite and respectful t yur family and friends.When they give yu advice r a suggestin,yu'd better take their ideas int cnsideratin.Try t wrk as hard as yu can and be mdest with what yu have achieved.Anyway,seeing yu grw int a gd persn will surely make yur parents prud.
    (1) Wh plays the mst imprtant rle in ur life? ______
    (2) Shuld we fllw all the gd things parents taught us accrding t the passage? ______
    (3) What can we d fr ur parents? ______
    (4) Hw can we make ur parents prud f us? ______
    Air purifiers(净化器) d mre than clean the air in yur huse.It is ne f the best (1) ( tl) that can imprve yur sleep.Hwever,nly clean air purifiers can help yu sleep (2) (peaceful).Air purifiers (3) blcked filters(过滤器) may prduce a lud nise.That will never make yu fall asleep.Instead,it will wake the persn (4) is trying t sleep in the next rm.Make sure yu clean the filters f the air purifiers frequently s that they dn't just purify the air,but als avid (5) ( prduce) any uncmfrtable nise.
    At the same time,check them frequently t en sure that they (6) (be) in prper wrking rder.
    Yu can either clean the filters alne (7) ask a prfessinal t d it fr yu.Fr DIY cleaning,yu can g nline and search fr (8) ( persn) care user manuals (指南)t knw (9) t take apart the filters and clean them.It is pssible t use a vacuum cleaner t suck the dust attached(依附在)t the filters.Fr sme air purifiers,the filters can betaken ut.Yu can clean them (10) (use) liquid sap,and put them back in the purifiers again.
    30.《苏州日报》英文专刊以"N pain n gain"为题向中学生开展征文活动,请你用英语写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    N Pain N Gain Have yu heard f the saying"N pain n gain"?It means __________.
    【解析】(1)形容词辨析。A:不耐烦的;B:不可能的;C:重要的;D:不礼貌的。根据Hwever,t Jhnnie,schl lessns seemed like a wall that was (然而,对约翰尼来说,学校的课程就像一堵墙)可知,表示不可能逾越的。故选B。
    (2)介词辨析。A:到里面;B:过去;C:沿着;D:穿过。根据One day when he was in grade 11,Jhnnie went (11年级的一天,约翰尼去)可知,是进入学校青年工作者办公室寻求帮助,使用g int进入。故选A。
    (3)形容词辨析。A:额外的;B:国家的;C:仔细的;D:类似的。根据上文Jhnnie,I've been studying yur marks f all the tests at schl.I have made a(约翰尼,我一直在研究你在学校所有考试中的分数。我进行)可知,进行了一番仔细的研究。故选C。
    (4)名词辨析。A:能力;B:挑战;C:原因;D:职业。根据下文There are painters wh were ____ able t learn maths,and engineers wh can't sing n key(有些画家不擅长学习数学,有些工程师不会唱歌)可知,人们有不同种类的能力。故选A。
    (5)副词辨析。A:总是;B:通常;C:有时;D:从不。根据上文Peple have different kinds f ____(人们有不同种类的能力)可知,这里是有些画家从不擅长学习数学。故选D。
    (6)疑问词辨析。A:怎么;B:当的时候;C:什么;D:在哪里。根据上文Sme day yu will find (总有一天你会发现)可知,后由what引导的宾语从句,表擅长的内容。故选C。
    (7)代词辨析。A:没有任何东西;B:任何事;C:某物;D:一切。根据下文amazing happened(令人吃惊的发生了)可知,这是一个肯定句,amazing修饰的是
    (8)连词辨析。A:以前;B:当的时候;C:直到;D:在之后。根据下文he started the wrk(他开始了这项工作)可知,是在他得到许可之后。故选D。
    (9)动词辨析。A:设计;B:使用;C:修理;D:买得起。根据下文all the tls r the plants that were necessary fr it(所有必要的工具和植物)可知,是买得起。故选D。
    (10)形容词辨析。A:纯洁;B:美丽;C:活力;D:沉默。根据上文Tday Jhnnie is the head f the business in gardening.Wherever he and his men g,they spread (今天,约翰尼是园艺业的负责人。他和跟随他的人所到之处,都在人前传播)可知,是在传播美丽。故选B。
    本文是一篇记叙文.讲述在贫困家庭中成长的Jhnnie Martin,在学校不擅长功课,却在走出学校后,在园林种植方面有一番成就。
    【解析】(1)细节推理题。根据上文At sunrise,parks and ther public areas acrss China fill up with peple ding Taijiquan.(日出时分,中国各地的公园和其他公共场所挤满了打太极拳的人。)可知说的是太极拳,结合选项,应说许多人认为这是一项运动,而其他人则称之为武术。故选D。
    (2)细节推理题。根据上文Martial arts can be different.Take Shalin Wushu fr example.It has a clear gal—t win a fight.The main fcus is n develping strength and speed.One careless mve can cause serius injury (受伤). (武术可以是不同的。以少林武术为例。它有一个明确的目标:赢得一场战斗。主要重点是发展力量和速度。一个粗心的动作会导致严重的伤害。)和下文It fcuses n relaxed mvements.Anyne wh is gd at it is able t mve easily,just like water.(它专注于放松的动作。任何擅长游泳的人都能像水一样轻松地移动。)可知说的是武术和太极拳的区别,结合选项,应说然而,太极拳是非常不同的。故选B。
    (3)细节推理题。根据下文Wudang Tai Chi is ne.(武当太极拳就是其中之一。)可知说的是太极拳的种类,结合选项,应说太极拳有不同的风格。故选C。
    (4)细节推理题。根据上文It's ur pride that China's Taijiquan has been added t UNESCO's Representative List f Intangible Cultural Heritage f Humanity (非物质文化遗产) in December,2020.(2020年12月,中国太极拳被联合国教科文组织列入人类非物质文化遗产代表性名录,这是我们的骄傲。)可知说的是中国太极拳被联合国教科文组织列入人类非物质文化遗产代表性名录,这是我们的骄傲,结合选项,应说到目前为止,中国共有42项排名世界第一。故选E。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段I believe yu didn't expect a nte frm yur mm in yur lunchbx!(我相信你没有想到你妈妈会在你的午餐盒里放一张便条!)可知,埃里克可能是在午餐盒里找到这张便条。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段I wrte this nte last night and put it int yur lunchbx t wish yu well n yur speech tday.(我昨晚写了这张便条,放在你的午餐盒里,希望你今天的演讲顺利。)可知,埃里克那天去学校发表演讲,故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据倒数第四段pretend that yu are a famus expert n yur tpic and everyne is listening carefully t yur EVERY wrd. (假装你是这个领域的著名专家,每个人都在认真听你说的每一个字。)可知,妈妈建议他假装是某个领域的著名专家,故选C。
    (4)推理判断题。根据倒数第三段I'm thinking f yu tday and I knw yu will d great.D yur best and be brave like Gerge Washingtn.(今天我在想你,我知道你会做得很好。尽你所能,像乔治•华盛顿一样勇敢。)以及妈妈对埃里克的鼓励可推断,妈妈是一个充满爱的人,故选A。
    【解析】(1)B.细节理解题.根据第二段中" The study invlved fruit flies, as they share many genes (基因) with humans.这项研究涉及果蝇,因为它们与人类有许多相同的基因。"可知,研究中使用果蝇是因为它们与人类有相似的基因.故选B.
    (2)A.细节理解题.根据第四段中" In anther experiment, researchers studied the diets f thusands f wmen. They fund that thse wmen wh ften ate apples were 20 percent less likely t have a heart attack.
    (3)C.推理判断题.根据倒数第二段中" Scientists have recently discvered the apple's genetic cde (基因序列). This allws scientists t make new kinds f fruit that are healthier.科学家最近发现了苹果的遗传密码。这使得科学家能够制造出更健康的新水果。"可知,从这个故事,我们可以推断科学家们正在研究一种新型的苹果.故选C.
    (4)A.文章体裁题.根据第一段中"Yu may knw the saying: An apple a day keeps the dctr away. A recent study by the Chinese University f Hng Kng has discvered anther saying: An apple a day keeps ld age away.你可能知道一句谚语:一天一苹果,医生远离你。中国香港大学最近的一项研究发现另一句话:一天一个苹果,年老不在。"可知,你可以在一篇科学杂志上找到这篇文章.故选A.
    (1)细节理解题。根据Did yu knw the average persn spends three whle years f his r her life n the tilets?(你知道吗,一个人平均要花整整三年的时间在厕所上?)可知一个人一生中大概上厕所时间为三年,故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Wrld Tilet Day reminds us f hw lucky we are t have tilets.(世界厕所日是提醒我们拥有厕所是多么幸运的一天。)可知,世界厕所日是提醒我们有厕所是多么幸运的一天。故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据Depending n where yu are,public tilets can be very private,with machines playing the sund f running water t mask yur nises.(根据你所在的地方,公厕可以非常私密,机器播放流水声来掩盖你的噪音。)可知厕所里的机器播放着流水的声音是为了保护你的隐私,故选A。
    (4)推理判断题。根据 When yu use the tilet,yu shuld keep sme manners in mind:Flush (冲) the tilet after yu have finished.(当你使用厕所时,你应该记住一些礼貌:用完后冲厕所。)可推测用完厕所要冲水,所以B选项"用完厕所忘记冲水"是粗鲁的,故选B。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第2段"This is because f pigments(色素),which reflect light and make what the eye sees as clrs."(这是因为色素反射光线,使眼睛看到的东西变成颜色。)可知,人的皮肤可以有很多不同的颜色,这是因为色素反射光线,使眼睛看到的东西变成了颜色。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第3段"The bright clrs f flwers catch the attentin f insects,which then carry their pllen(花粉) frm ne flwer t anther."(花朵鲜艳的颜色吸引了昆虫的注意,然后昆虫将花粉从一朵花带到另一朵花。)可知,植物用花朵鲜艳的颜色吸引昆虫。故选D。
    (3)词义猜测题。根据第4段"They prtect themselves with different clrs s that they will nt be seen by predatrs easily."(它们用不同的颜色保护自己,这样它们就不会轻易被捕食者看到。)可知,动物用不同的颜色保护自己,由此可推知predatrs指的是"以某种动物为食的动物",B选项"杀死其他动物以获取食物的动物。"符合语境,故选B。
    【小题2】Yes,we shuld.
    【小题3】We can give them lve and happiness and try t make them feel prud f us.
    【小题4】Fllw what we were taught;dn't cmplain;make decisins n ur wn;be a gd persn.
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Parents are the mst imprtant peple in ur life.(父母是我们生命中最重要的人。)可知父母在我们的生活中扮演着最重要的角色。故答案为:Parents.
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段First f all,yu need t fllw all the gd things they taught yu when yu were very yung.(首先,你需要遵循他们在你很小的时候教给你的所有好东西。)可知我们应该遵循父母教给我们的所有好东西。故答案为:Yes,we shuld.
    (3)细节理解题。根据第二段All we can d fr them is t give them lve and happiness and try t make them feel prud f us.(我们能为他们做的就是给他们爱和幸福,努力让他们为我们感到骄傲。)可知我们可以给他们爱和幸福,并努力让他们为我们感到骄傲。故答案为:We can give them lve and happiness and try t make them feel prud f us.
    (4)开放题。我们应该遵循我们被教导的;不要抱怨;自己做决定;做一个好人。故答案为:Fllw what we were taught;dn't cmplain;make decisins n ur wn;be a gd persn.
    【解析】(1)tls.考查名词。句意:这是改善睡眠的最佳工具之一。the best 为形容词最高级,修饰名词,设空处需填名词,tl意为"工具",是可数名词,ne f后面需加可数名词复数形式。故填tls。
    (5)prducing.考查非谓语动词。句意:确保你经常清洁空气净化器的过滤器,这样它们不仅能净化空气,还能避免产生任何令人不舒服的噪音。avid ding sth为固定用法,故填prducing。
    30.【答案】N Pain N Gain Have yu heard f the saying"N pain n gain"?It means that nly by giving,can there be rewards.I was nt very gd at PE.With the teacher's encuragement,I kept practicing.Nw I am the cmmissary in charge f sprts in ur class.(事例)
    If yu want t imprve yur study and wrk ,remember that the mst imprtant thing is hw t put the knwledge yu have learned int practice. 【高分句型一】Fr example ,when learning a language ,thugh yu can make full use f yur talent ,practice is necessary.If yu nly learn grammar rules by heart and dn't d enugh exercises ,it's certain that yu can't understand the language perfectly.But if yu really practise a lt ,maybe yu will understand it much better.In this way ,yu can apply what yu have learned better. (感悟)
    If yu want t imprve yur study and wrk ,remember that the mst imprtant thing is hw t put the knwledge yu have learned int practice. 如果你想提高你的学习和工作,记住最重要的是如何把你学到的知识应用到实践中去。条件状语从句。
    But if yu really practise a lt ,maybe yu will understand it much better.In this way ,yu can apply what yu have learned better. 但是如果你真的多练习,也许你就能更好地理解它,这样你就能更好地应用你所学的东西。if引导的条件状语从句。

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