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    这是一份2024年高考押题预测卷03(上海卷)英语(考试版),共14页。试卷主要包含了5分;共25分), A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:140分)
    I.Listening Cmprehensin (第1-10题, 每题1分;第11-20题,每题1.5分;共25分)
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1.A. She wuld rather see a blank wall.B.The wall needs mre space fr it.
    C.It shuld be put n anther wall.D.It makes the wall lk better.
    culdn't understand the lecturer.B.He thinks the lecture is bring.
    C.He desn't agree with the wman.D.He thinks the lecture is attractive.
    3.A. G t find a jb at the bkstre.B.Attend the pening ceremny.
    C.Buy same bks at the bkstre.D.Open a bkstre f her wn.
    4.A. She bught the dress sme time ag.B.She lks great in the new dress.
    C.She desn't like cld weather at all.D.She has been waiting fr the man.
    5. A. The wman shuld have attended class n Mnday.B.The wman culd turn t the teacher fr help.
    C.He will give the wman the assignment later.D.He desn't knw what the assignment is.
    6.A. Larry shuld find a new rmmate.
    B.Larry shuld have aplgized t his rmmate.
    C.Larry's rmmate has cnsulted her abut the prblem.
    D.Larry's rmmate may als be respnsible fr the prblem.
    7.A. The man shuld take his vacatin smewhere else.
    B.She desn’t knw when her semester ends.
    C.The min may have t reschedule his trip.
    D.She hasn't called the travel agent yet
    8.A. He'll g with the wman t the next basketball game.
    B.He missed the basketball game because he was ill.
    C.He desn't like t g t basketball games.
    D.He frgt abut the basketball game.
    9.A. Karen can give him a ride n Tuesday.
    B.I can attend the meeting n Tuesday.
    C.Karen changed her plans at the last minute.
    D.Karen has just returned frm a trip.
    10.A. Call her after five.
    B.Make calls with her phne.
    C.G t the meeting with her
    D.Fix his phne as sn as pssible.
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f the shrt passages and the lnger cnversatin. The shrt passages and the lnger cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    11.A. It usually lasts fr a mnth
    B.It is intended fr prfessinals.
    C.It is hsted by a ski racing club.
    D.It is named after a British businessman.
    12. A. In 1900 B. 1904 C. In 1924. D. In 1928.
    13.A. Hw fast the skiers are.
    B.Hw skiers get t the start
    C.Hw dangerus the curse is.
    D.Hw far the railway statin is.
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the fllwing passage.
    14.A. The musical backgrund f the directr f the Bradway versin f The Lin King.
    B.Differences between the film versin and the Bradway versin cf the lin King.
    C.The types f music used in the Bradway versin f The Lin King.
    D.The influence f Eurpean ppular music n nn-Western music.
    15.A. It was cmpsed by the Zulu peple f Suth Africa.
    B.It develped utside the musical traditins f Eurpe.
    C.It is familiar t mst audiences in the United States.
    D.It is mainly perfrmed in New Yrk City.
    16.A. The sngs Were expected t be similar t thse in the film.
    B.The Bradway versin were first perfrmed in Africa.
    C.The directr is f African ancestry.
    D.The stry takes place in Africa.
    Questins 17 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    17.A. Making mdels fr TV series.
    B. Acting in science fictin films
    C. Writing cmic bks abut space.
    D.Taking pictures fr the news.
    18. A. He ran a phtgraph library f his wn.
    B.He filled in fr peple while they were nt at wrk.
    C.He wrked fr a TV channel specializing in hliday trips.
    D.lie built mdels f astrnauts wh went l the mn in the 60s.
    19. A. He develped sme pictures frm the camera that w&s burnt
    B.He substituted fr an astrnaut n a space trip t the mn.
    C.Fifteen f his mdels were nce used in a news reprt.
    D.His stry was bradcast t everyne at hme.
    20. A. He will be fund academically unqualified tday.
    B.He will be cnsidered l ld t wrk with TV nw.
    C.He wn’t be allwed t meet straight with a TV head.
    D.H wn't be given a chance t act in a TV series.
    II.Grammar and Vcabulary (每题1分;共20分)
    Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    The Impact f Visual Cues n Behavir
    During the energy crisis in the 1970s, Dutch researchers began t pay clse attentin t the cuntry’s energy usage. In ne suburb near Amsterdam, they fund that sme hmewners used 30 percent less energy than their neighbrs 21 the hmes being f similar size and getting electricity fr the same price.
    It turned ut that the huses in this neighbrhd were nearly identical except fr ne feature: the lcatin f the electrical meter. Sme had ne in the basement. 22 had the electrical meter upstairs in the main hallway. 23 yu may guess, the hmes with the meters lcated in the main hallway used less electricity. When their energy use was bvius and easy t track, peple changed their behavir.
    Every habit 24 (initiate) by a cue, and we are mre likely t ntice cues that stand ut. Unfrtunately, the envirnments where we live and wrk ften make it easy nt t d certain actins 25 there is n bvius cue t trigger the behavir. When the cues that spark a habit are subtle r hidden, they are easy 26 (ignre).
    By cmparisn, creating bvius visual cues can draw yur attentin tward a 27 (desire) habit. I’ve experienced the pwer f bvius cues in my wn life. I used t buy apples frm the stre, put them in the crisper (储藏格) in the bttm f the refrigeratr, and frget all abut them. By the time I remembered, the apples 28 (g) bad. I never saw them, s I never ate them.
    Eventually, I tk my wn advice and redesigned my envirnment. I bught a large display bwl and placed it in the middle f the kitchen cunter. The next time I bught apples, that was 29 they went. Almst like magic, I began eating a few apples each day simply because they were bvius, 30 (facilitate) the frmatin f a healthy eating habit rather than keeping them ut f sight.
    Sectin B
    Directins: Fill in each blank with a prper wrd chsen frm the bx. Each wrd can be used nly nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Rats and ther animals need t be highly dependent n scial signals frm thers s they can identify friends t cperate with and enemies t avid. T find ut if this can 31 t nn-living beings, researchers at the University f Califrnia tested whether rats can detect scial signals frm rbtic rats.
    They 32 eight adult rats with tw types f rbtic rat — ne scial ad ne ascial. The rbt rats were just like a chunkier versin f a cmputer muse with wheels t mve arund. During the experiment, the scial rbt rat fllwed the living rats arund, played with the same tys and pened cage drs t let 33 rats escape. Meanwhile, the ascial rbt 34 mved frwards and backwards and side t side.
    Next, the researchers trapped the rbts in cages and gave the rats the pprtunity t release them by pressing a lever. The living rats were 52% mre likely t set the scial rbt free than the ascial ne. This suggests that the rats perceived the scial rbt as a genuine scial being s that they may have a clser 35 with the scial rbt. This culd lead t the rats better remembering having freed it earlier and wanting the rbt t 36 the favur when they get trapped.
    Rats have been shwn t engage in multiple frms f mutual help and cperatin, including what is referred t as direct reciprcity where a rat will help anther rat that has 37 helped them.
    The readiness f the rats t befriend the scial rbts was surprising given their 38 designs. Researchers assumed that they’d have t give them mving heads and tails, facial features, and put a scent n them t make them smell like real rats, which turned ut t be unnecessary.
    The finding shws hw 39 rats are t scial cues, even when they cme frm basic rbts. Similarly, children tend t treat rbts as if they are 40 beings, even when they display nly simple scial signals. We humans seem t be fascinated by rbts and it turns ut that ther animals are t.
    III. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A. B.C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext
    In mdern sciety lneliness can be seen as a scial phenmenn and peple can experience lneliness fr many reasns. It is a very cmmn, thugh nrmally temprary, 41 f a breakup, divrce, r lss f any imprtant lng-term relatinship. In these cases, lneliness may result bth frm the lss f a specific persn and frm the 42 frm scial circles. The lss f a significant persn in ne’s life will typically initiate a grief respnse; in this situatin, ne might feel lnely, even while in the cmpany f thers.
    Lneliness may als result frm any scially disruptive (破裂的) event, such as mving frm ne’s hme twn int 43 cmmunities leading t hmesickness. Lneliness can als ccur in places with lw ppulatin densities in which there are cmparatively few peple t 44 .
    There are many different ways used t 45 lneliness. The first step that mst dctrs recmmend t patients is therapy. Shrt term therapy typically ccurs ver a perid f ten t twenty weeks. During therapy, emphasis is put n understanding the cause f the prblem, 46 the negative thughts, feelings, and attitudes resulting frm the prblem, and explring ways t help the patient feel cnnected. Sme dctrs als recmmend 47 therapy as a means t cnnect with ther sufferers and establish a supprt system. It may take several attempts befre a suitable anti-depressant medicatin is fund. Sme patients may als develp a resistance t a certain type f medicatin and need t 48 peridically.
    Anther treatment is animal-assisted therapy. Studies and surveys indicate that the presence f animal cmpanins such as dgs, cats, rabbits, and guinea pigs can 49 feelings f lneliness r depressin amng sme sufferers. Beynd the cmpaninship the animal itself prvides there may als be increased pprtunities fr 50 with ther pet wners. Accrding t the Centers fr Disease Cntrl and Preventin there are a number f ther health benefits assciated with pet wnership, such as lwered bld pressure. In additin, sme ther alternative appraches may include exercise, dieting, etc, which many patients find have a 51 effect n relieving symptms. Results f a study als suggest that crrecting maladaptive scial cgnitin (认知) ffers the best chance f 52 lneliness.
    Nevertheless, lneliness can smetimes play an imprtant rle in the 53 prcess. In sme peple, temprary r prlnged lneliness can lead t ntable artistic and creative expressin, fr example, as was the case with pet Emily Dickinsn, and numerus musicians. This is nt t imply that lneliness itself ensures this creativity, 54 , it may have an influence n the subject matter f the artist and mre likely be present in individuals 55 creative activities.
    44.A.turn tB.interact withC.lng frD.share with
    55.A.restricted tB.engaged inC.cncerned abutD.altered by
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    Tw things changed my life: my mther and a white plastic bike basket. I have thught lng and hard abut it and it’s true. I wuld be a different persn if my mm hadn’t turned a silly bicycle accessry int a life lessn that I carry with me tday.
    My mther and father were united in their way f raising children, but it mstly fell t my mther t actually carry it ut. Lking back, I hnestly dn’t knw hw she did it. Managing the family budget must have been a very hard task, but she made it lk effrtless. If we cmplained abut nt having what anther kid did, we’d hear smething like, “I dn’t care what s-and-s gt fr his birthday, yu are nt getting a TV in yur rm, a car fr yur birthday r a lavish sweet-16 party.” We had t earn ur allwance by ding chres arund the huse. I can still remember hw lng it tk t plish the legs f ur cffee table. My brthers can n dubt remember hurs spent cleaning the huse. Like the tw little girls grwing up at the White Huse, we made ur wn beds (n ne left the huse until that was dne) and picked up after urselves. We had t keep track f ur belngings, and if smething was lst, it was nt replaced.
    It was summer and, ne day, my mther drve me t the bike shp t get a tire fixed — and there it was in the windw. White, shiny, plastic and decrated with flwers, the basket winked at me and I knew — I knew — I had t have it.
    “It’s beautiful,” my mther said when I pinted it ut t her. “What a neat basket.”
    I tried t hld ff at first. I played it cl fr a shrt while. But then I guess I culdn’t stand it any lnger: “Mm, please can I please, please get it? I’ll d extra chres fr as lng as yu say. I’ll d anything, but I need that basket. I lve that basket. Please, Mm. Please?”
    I was desperate.
    “ Yu knw,” she said, gently rubbing my back while we bth stared at what I believed was the clest thing ever, “If yu save up yu culd buy this yurself.”
    “By the time I make enugh it’ll be gne!”
    “Maybe Rger here culd hld it fr yu,” she smiled at Rger, the bike guy.
    “He can’t hld it fr that lng, Mm. Smene else will buy it. Please, Mm, please?” “There might be anther way,” she said.
    And s ur paying plan unflded. My mther bught the beautiful basket and put it safely in sme hiding place I culdn’t find. Each week I eagerly cunted my grwing savings increased by extra wrk here and there (washing the car, helping my mther make dinner, delivering r cllecting things n my bike that already lked naked withut the basket in frnt). And then, weeks later, I cunted, re-cunted and jumped fr jy. Oh, happy day! I made it! I finally had the exact amunt we’d agreed
    Days later the unthinkable happened. A neighbrhd girl I’d played with millins f times appeared with the exact same basket fixed t her shiny, new bike that already had all the bells and whistles. I rde hard and fast hme t tell my mther abut this disaster. This hrrible turn f events.
    And then came the lessn I’ve taken with me thrugh my life: “Hney, yur basket is extra-special,” Mm said, gently wiping away my ht tears. “Yur basket is special because yu paid fr it yurself.”
    56.What can we learn frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A.The mther raised her children in an unusual way.
    B.The writer envied the daughters f the U.S. president.
    C.The writer’s parents shared the duty t bring up children.
    D.Managing budget is an effrtless jb t mst husewives.
    57.By using “naked” (Paragraph 12), the authr seems t stress that the basket was ________.
    A.well wrth the effrt she had madeB.the mst valuable she had ever btained
    C.an unnecessary accessry t her bikeD.smething the bike culdn’t d withut
    58.T the authr, it seemed t be a hrrible turn f events that ________.
    A.the basket cst mre than she had saved
    B.smene else had gt a basket f the same kind
    C.her paying plan was spiled
    D.a neighbrhd girl bught a nicer bike
    59.What is the life lessn the authr learned frm her mther?
    A.Save mney fr a rainy day.B.Gd advice is beynd all price.
    C.Earn yur bread with yur sweat.D.Gd helps thse wh help themselves.
    There’s a new frntier in 3D printing that’s beginning t cme int fcus: fd. Recent develpment has made pssible machines that print, ck, and serve fds n a mass scale. And the industry isn’t stpping there.
    Fd prductin
    With a 3D printer, a ck can print cmplicated chclate sculptures and beautiful pieces fr decratin n a wedding cake. Nt everybdy can d that-it takes years f experience, but a printer makes it easy. A restaurant in Spain uses a Fdini t “recreate frms and pieces” f fd that are “exactly the same,” freeing cks t cmplete ther tasks. In anther restaurant, all f the dishes and desserts it serves are 3D-printed,rather than farm t table.
    The glbal ppulatin is expected t grw t 9.6 billin by 2050, and sme analysts estimate that fd prductin will need t be raised by 50 percent t maintain current levels. Sustainability is becming a necessity. 3D fd printing culd prbably cntribute t the slutin. Sme experts believe printers culd use hydrcllids(水解胶体)frm plentiful renewables like algae(藻类) and grass t replace the familiar ingredients.3D printing can reduce fuel use and emissins. Grcery stres f the future might stck “fd” that lasts years n end, freeing up shelf space and reducing transprtatin and strage requirements.
    Future 3D fd printers culd make prcessed fd healthier. Hd Lipsn, a prfessr at Clumbia University, said, “Fd printing culd allw cnsumers t print fd with custmized nutritinal cntent, like vitamins. S instead f eating a piece f yesterday’s bread frm the supermarket, yu’d eat smething baked just fr yu n demand.”
    Despite recent advancements in 3D fd printing, the industry has many challenges t vercme. Currently, mst ingredients must be changed t a paste befre a printer can use them, and the printing prcess is quite time-cnsuming, because ingredients interact with each ther in very cmplex ways. On tp f that, mst f the 3D fd printers nw are restricted t dry ingredients, because meat and milk prducts may easily g bad. Sme experts are skeptical abut 3D fd printers, believing they are better suited fr fast fd restaurants than hmes and high-end restaurants.
    60.What benefit des 3D printing bring t fd prductin?
    A.It helps cks t create new dishes.B.It saves time and effrt in cking.
    C.It imprves the cking cnditins.D.It cntributes t restaurant decratins
    61.Accrding t Paragraph 4,3D-printed fd _______.
    A.is mre available t cnsumersB.can meet individual nutritinal needs
    C.is mre tasty than fd in supermarketsD.can keep all the nutritin in raw materials
    62.What is the main factr that prevents 3D fd printing frm spreading widely?
    A.The printing prcess is cmplicated.B.3D fd printers are t expensive.
    C.Fd materials have t be dryD.Sme experts dubt 3D fd printing
    Cnservatinists g t war ver whether humans are the measure f nature’s value. New Cnservatinists argue such trade-ffs are necessary in this human dminated era. And they supprt “re-wilding”, a cncept riginally prpsed by Sule where peple reduce ecnmic grwth and withdraw frm landscapes, which then return t nature.
    New Cnservatinists believe the withdrawal culd happen tgether with ecnmic grwth. The Califrnia-based Breakthrugh Institute believes in a future where mst peple live in cities and rely less n natural resurces fr ecnmic grwth.
    They wuld get fd frm industrial agriculture, including genetically mdified fds, desalinatin intensified meat prductin and aquaculture (水产养殖), all f which have a smaller land ftprint. And they wuld get their energy frm renewables and natural gas.
    Driving these prfund shifts wuld be greater efficiency f prductin, where mre prducts culd be manufactured frm fewer inputs. And sme unsustainable cmmdities wuld be replaced in the market by ther, greener nes-natural gas fr cal, fr instance, explained Michael Heisenberg., president f the Breakthrugh Institute. Nature wuld, in essence, be decupled frm the ecnmy.
    And then he added a warning: “We are nt suggesting decupling as the pattern t save the wrld, r that it slves all the prblems.”
    Cynics (悲观者) may say all this sunds t utpian, but Breakthrugh maintains the wrld is already n this path tward decupling. Nwhere is this mre evident than in the United Sates, accrding t Idd Wernick, a research schlar at the Rckefeller University, wh has examined the natin’s use f 100 main cmmdities.
    Wernick and his clleagues lked at data carefully frm the U.S. Gelgical Survey Natinal Minerals Infrmatin Center, which keeps a recrd f cmmdities used frm 1900 thrugh the present day. They fund that the use f 36 cmmdities (sand, irn re, cttn etc.) in the U. S. Ecnmy had peaked.
    Anther 53 cmmdities (nitrgen, timber, beef, etc.) are being used mre efficiently per dllar value f grss dmestic prduct than in the pre-1970s era. Their use wuld peak sn, Wernick said.
    Only 11 cmmdities (industrial diamnd, indium, chicken, etc.) are increasing in use (Greenwire, Nv. 6), and mst f these are emplyed by industries in small quantities t imprve systems prcesses. Chicken use is rising because peple are eating less beef, a desirable develpment since pultry cultivatin has a smaller envirnmental ftprint.
    The numbers shw the United States has nt intensified resurce cnsumptin since the 1970s even while increasing its GDP and ppulatin, said Jesse Ausubel f the Rckefeller University.
    “It seems like the 20th-century expectatin we had, we were always assuming the future invlved greater cnsumptin f resurces,” Ausubel said. “But what we are seeing in the develped cuntries is, f curse, peaks.”
    63.What des the underlined wrd “trade-ffs” refer t in the first paragraph?
    A.The difficult situatin f ecnmies grwth.
    B.The prfitability f imprt and exprt trade.
    C.The balance between human develpment and natural eclgy.
    D.The cnsumptin f natural resurces by industrial develpment.
    64.Which f the fllwing is true f the views f the new envirnmentalists?
    A.They believe that mankind shuld limit ecnmic grwth.
    B.They believe that mankind is the master f the whle universe.
    C.They believe that mankind shuld live in frests with rich vegetatin.
    D.They believe that mankind will need mre natural resurces in the future.
    65.What can we infer frm the last paragraph f the passage?
    A.Natural resurces cannt supprt ecnmic develpment.
    B.All resurce cnsumptin in develped cuntries has reached a peak.
    C.Mre resurce cnsumptin will nt ccur in a certain perid f time.
    D.Excessive resurce cnsumptin will nt affect the eclgical envirnment.
    66.What is the passage mainly abut?
    A.Urbanizatin and re-wildness.
    B.Human existence and industrial develpment.
    C.Cmmdity trading and raw material develpment.
    D.Sciecnmic develpment and resurce cnsumptin.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the sentences in the bx Each sentence can nly be used nce. Nte that there are tw sentences mre than yu need.
    Mdern cmputer technlgy has made a new kind f human relatinship pssible: nline friendship. 67 Are nline friendships as beneficial as face-t-face friendships? What are the advantages and disadvantages f having virtual friends? Can peple frm strng bnds nline? Tday these questins are the subject f lively debate.
    Sme peple believe that the Internet is the best way t make new friends. It’s cnvenient, it’s fast, and it allws making cntact with different kinds f peple frm all ver the wrld. When yu use scial netwrking, websites and chat rms, yu can easily find peple with interests and hbbies similar t yurs. Infrmatin updates and phts add t the experience. Making friends n the Internet is especially gd fr shy peple wh feel uncmfrtable in scial situatins. It’s ften easier t share thughts and feelings nline. 68 They can make peple feel less lnely and help them slve prblems.
    Althugh the Internet can encurage friendship, it has a majr disadvantage. 69 Online friends nly tell yu what they want yu t knw. They smetimes exaggerate their gd qualities and hide the less psitive nes, s yu can’t be sure f what they really like. That is why yu shuld nt give persnal infrmatin t anyne nline unless yu’re ttally sure f wh that persn is.
    Can nline friendship be as meaningful as face-t-face nes? There are different pints f view. Researchers at the University f Suthern Califrnia surveyed 2,000 husehlds in the United States. The results shwed that mre than 40 percent f participants feel “as strngly abut their nline buddies” as they d abut their “ffline” friends. 70 In cntrast, there are many peple wh believe that it’s nt pssible t have deep relatinships with nline friends, A yung Indian sftware engineer, Lalitha Lakshmipathy, says, “it’s gd t feel cnnected with many peple, but all my e-buddies are nt necessarily my clse friends.” They say that it’s hard t develp feelings f trust and cnnectin when yu dn’t share experiences in persn.
    Peple cntinue t express different pinins abut nline friendship. Hwever, mst f them wuld agree that virtual friendships must nt replace face-t-face friendships. As ne life cach says, “a scial netwrking site shuld nly be the ‘add n’ in any relatinship.”
    A.In additin, virtual friends can ffer emtinal supprt.
    B.When yu’re nt face t face, it’s much easier t deceive peple.
    C.Many peple wuld agree.
    D.Researchers als fund that it’s nt unusual fr nline friends t becme face-t-face friend.
    E.Online friends may be f help in many ways.
    F.Online friends, r virtual friends, are peple wh have becme acquainted with each ther thrugh the Internet.
    IV.Summary Writing
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint( s)f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Teens and Screens
    Frced by parent prtesters citing t research int the links between adlescent scial-media habits and risk factrs fr suicide, such as depressin, tw large investrs in Apple have agreed that the technlgy cmpany must help parents limit their children’s smart phne use. On scial media, parents are cnstantly cmplaining abut phnes’ addictive prperties. On the schl run, parents cmpare strategies fr limiting screen time.
    Befre ging fr the ff switch, parents shuld ask a questin. Des cutting dwn n their kids’ use f iPhnes, Instagram and s n d much gd in slving adlescents’ prblems? On the available evidence, the answer may be n. Sme studies f Britain and America, which cnduct large surveys f yung peple, have fund crrelatins (相关性) between heavy technlgy use and unhappiness. Crrelatin is nt causatin, hwever, it culd be that unhappy peple seek refuge nline. And the crrelatins are very weak. Only abut 1% f the variability in yung peple’s mental well being can be explained by scial-media r smartphne use. One British study suggests that eating breakfast regularly is mre than three times as imprtant.
    Parents wh wrry abut their teenage kids can d smething, hwever. Drive them ut f the huse. There is plenty f evidence fr the cheering effects f hanging ut with friends. Yet yungsters are ding less f this. Scial pressure is ne reasn. Accrding t brader attitudes in Britain, “teenagers hanging ut n the streets” is a standard measure f anti-scial behaviur. The authritative Crime Survey f England asks peple whether adlescent hanging-ut shuld be regarded as a scial prblem. Mst respndents said yes. That the rate f adlescent hanging-ut has drpped frm 33% t 16% in ten years may please criminlgists, but it is unlikely t signal happier teenagers.
    V.Translatin (共15分。第1小题和第2小题,每题3分;第3题4分;第4题5分。)
    Directins:Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets
    VI.Guided Writing (共25分)
    Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120-150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese
    1. 你会选择增加的栏目;
    2. 你的理由。
    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A.hused B.simply C.tie D.stretch E.return F.fellw
    G.previusly H.sensitive I.trapped J.minimal K.immature

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