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    这是一份浙江省浙东北联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中联考英语试题,文件包含浙江省浙东北联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题docx、高一英语答案pdf、高一英语听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共15页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What des the ld lady teach her grandsn?
    2.When will Carter start his hliday?
    A.In May.B.In July.C.In August.
    3.What des the wman think f gegraphy?
    4.What is the weather like nw?
    5.Hw will Jack g t schl?
    A.By bike.B.By bus.C.By taxi.
    6.What did the wman d last night?
    A.She went t Byrn Street.B.She watched a match.C.She attended a party.
    7.What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Husband and wife.B.Neighbrs.C.Clleagues.
    8.Wh is lking fr a jb?
    9.When did Tm meet Jhn?
    A.Last week.B.The day befre yesterday.C.Yesterday.
    10.What is the man ding?
    A.Writing a reprt.B.Ding the dishes.C.Dusting the furniture.
    11.Wh will be in charge f cleaning the flr?
    A.The speakers’ daughter.B.The wman.C.The man.
    12.What des the wman remind the man t d?
    A.Return a bk.B.Buy a bttle f wine.C.Pick up the guests.
    13.Where is the wman ging?
    A.A htel.B.Her ffice.C.The airprt.
    14.What is the wman’s natinality?
    15.Why did the wman g t China?
    A.Fr sightseeing.B.Fr study.C.Fr wrk.
    16.Hw ld is the wman?
    17.What kind f transprtatin d lcal peple prefer t use in Nairbi?
    18.What is advised t bring in natinal parks?
    A.Plastic straws.B.Plastic carrier bags.C.Reusable water bttles.
    19.What d we knw abut Kenyans?
    A.They dn’t like being phtgraphed withut permissin.
    B.They lve t participate in public activities.
    C.They are hard t get alng with.
    20.What is the talk mainly abut?
    A.Tips fr traveling t Kenya.
    B.An adventurus experience.
    C.A tur arrangement.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Teenage years are an unfrgettable seasn f life and bks read at that time als make a difference. Much like the best children’s bks ever written, these fllwing tp teen-centered bks ffer hpe fr the future and nstalgia fr yung life.
    The Fault in Our Stars by Jhn Green
    Because f cancer, prtagnist (主人公) Hazel Lancaster believes her life is ver. But then she meets Augustus Waters, and the way he makes her laugh—the way he makes her feel seen—makes her want t live again. The Fault in Our Stars will attract yung adults with themes f life and death, true lve, and friendship that surpass circumstances. This bk is especially wrth reading if yu lve sad bks.
    The Hbbit by J. R. R. Tlkien
    In this classic bk, Bilb Baggins is summned (召唤) n a great ad venture that will change his life frever. With themes f friendship, lyalty, sacrifice, and mre, The Hbbit is an adventure waiting t happen fr thse willing t experience the dangerus business f stepping int the stry.
    Dune by Frank Herbert
    A science fictin nvel fr the ages, Frank Herbert’s Dune tells the adventures f Paul Atreides—wh will becme knwn as Muad’ Dib—as he and his family strive t bring humankind’s greatest dream t life while living n a desert planet. Thugh written in 1965, much f Dune’s stry may be mre cnnected t 21st-century readers than it was t bkwrms wh picked it up in the 1960s.
    Nancy Drew series by Carlyn Keene
    This cllectin f classic mystery nvels was actually written by varius authrs under the pen name f Carlyn Keene. Over the past few decades, Nancy has develped with the times—t the pint where she’s nw using a cell phne t investigate her never-ending mysteries. Tday, Nancy is drawing a whle new generatin f fans, thanks t a televisin shw launched in 2019.
    21.What d The Fault in Our Stars and The Hbbit have in cmmn?
    A.They bth tell great adventures.B.They bth have heartbreaking endings.
    C.They bth cntain the theme f friendship.D.They bth fcus n hw t change life better.
    22.Which is true abut Dune?
    A.It is a science magazine.B.It became a hit in the 1960s.
    C.It is the best yung adult bk.D.It is mre suitable fr mdern readers.
    23.Why is Nancy Drew attracting a new grup f readers?
    A.A TV prgramme.B.The appearance f televisin.
    C.It’s mysterius authrs.D.An unknwn cell phne.
    I can’t miss the little ld lady with her kerchief(方头巾) n her head, a black umbrella blwing all ver. I can tell she is freezing. She is standing at a bus stp, and I’m driving by, late fr my early mrning shift(轮班) . I decide t stp and ffer her a ride.
    Of curse, she declines, but when I ask again and insist, finally, she gets in the car. I take her t her destinatin, and by the time she gets ut f my car, she is smiling and thanks me.
    I was late fr wrk that day, but I was s glad that I stpped. That was 40 years ag, and the beginning f a new habit, ne that cntinues when I’m ut driving in bad weather.
    If there’s smene at a bus stp, especially if it’s an elderly persn waiting at ff hurs and in bad weather, I will pull ver and ask if they need a ride. Once, a yung dctr jumped in. She had finished a lng shift and had been waiting and waiting at the bus stp. She had n hesitatin and , fr the first time, I was able t help smene wh perfrms miracles (奇迹) n a daily basis. That felt gd.
    But the best part f my ride ffers is the cnversatin. I d tend t ask a lt f questins: where are yu frm, where are yu ging, family, backgrund, pets and whatever else cmes t mind. Surprisingly, everyne wants t talk. We are usually laughing by the time the ride is ver. “What a shame!” I ften think when they hp ut, as the stries were just getting started.
    Nw as retirement appraches, I believe I have fund my calling. I will be happy t jin a cmmunity driving prgram t take peple t ne appintment r anther—r perhaps just t the cffee shp t sit and listen fr an hur.
    As the years pass, perhaps I will be the ne standing at the bus stp. Perhaps there will be smebdy wh rlls dwn a windw and ffers me a seat fr a little ride. I will cntinue t take that leap f faith in the kindness f strangers.
    24.What are the first three paragraphs mainly abut?
    A.Hw the authr started ffering rides.B.The value f the authr’s actins.
    C.An ld lady wh impressed the authr.D.An accident that happened 40 years ag.
    25.What des the authr like mst abut her ride ffers?
    A.Helping peple wh cntribute t sciety.B.Peple accepting her ffer withut hesitatin.
    C.Chatting with her passengers.D.Making friends with her passengers.
    26.What des the authr plan t d?
    A.Becme a taxi driver after retirement.B.Cntinue driving peple t their destinatins.
    C.Wait t be ffered a ride at a bus stp.D.Share her stries with mre peple.
    27.What message des the authr want t express?
    A.Elderly peple need mre care and supprt.B.It is imprtant t find a purpse in life.
    C.Offering rides t strangers invlves risks.D.Always believe in the gdness in peple.
    Have yu ever played a cmputer game fr a lng time and then kept seeing the game’s images afterward? This happened t me with the classic shape-falling game Tetris(俄罗斯方块), created in 1985 by Alexey Pajitnv.
    Feeling stressed ne evening, I turned n my Switch t find a game t play and relax with. That’s when I discvered Tetris. Befre I knew it, I was bsessed. Even when I stpped, my brain was still playing, with the blcks falling in my mind. I started lking at bjects in the real wrld and thinking abut hw they culd be mved and stacked (堆叠) tgether. I even dreamed abut Tetris. I was experiencing the cmmn “Tetris effect”.
    Intrduced by jurnalist Jeffrey Gldsmith in his 1994 Wired magazine article called “This Is Yur Brain n Tetris”, the effect has been bserved by psychlgists and researchers. The lasting images f Tetris are due t the “Zeigarnik effect”, in which peple have better memries f uncmpleted tasks than thse f cmpleted nes. Tetris, being a game that technically never ends, keeps yu thinking f the game’s unfinished task, reprted Tech Times. And the catchy music stays with yu, t.
    There are als psitives t the Tetris Effect. In his 1991 study, psychlgist Richard Haier at the University f Califrnia fund that cntinuusly playing Tetris resulted in the thickness f the cerebral crtex (大脑皮层) increasing, which imprves brain efficiency (效率) , reprted psychlgy website Practical Pie. Haier’s discvery gt Tetris put int the Guinness Wrld Recrds Vide Gamer’s Editin 2008, as the “first vide game t be prven t imprve brain functining and efficiency”.
    Tetris has als been researched fr use as a treatment fr peple suffering frm trauma(创伤). The Yale Scientific Magazine reprted that researchers at Jhn Radcliffe Hspital in Oxfrd, UK, fund that playing Tetris appeared t reduce intrusive(侵入性的) memries in the shrt term fr individuals affected by mtr vehicle accidents.
    S, the next time yu want t play a cmputer game, why nt try the classic Tetris and see if it imprves yur brain functin? But be warned, yu’ll likely be seeing falling blcks everywhere.
    28.What des the underlined wrd “bsessed” in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A.Quite shcked.B.Extremely interested.C.Highly satisfied.D.Very curius.
    29.What can we learn abut the “Tetris Effect” frm the text?
    A.It is related t hw ur memry wrks.B.It is an uncmmn amng Tetris players.
    C.It can result in the “Zeigarnik effect”.D.It is mainly related t the game’s music.
    30.What benefit can peple get frm cntinuusly playing Tetris, accrding t Haier?
    A.Imprved memry.B.Lifted study efficiency.
    C.Better brain functin.D.Physical recvery.
    31.Hw des the authr sund in the last paragraph?
    Begus is a linguist at the University f Califrnia, Berkeley. He gt the chance, last summer, t bserve sperm whales in their wild Caribbean habitat. With him were marine (海洋的) bilgists and rbticists. There were als cryptgraphers and experts in ther fields. All have been wrking tgether t listen t sperm whales and figure ut what they might be saying. They call this Prject CETI. Prject CETI’s team is nt the nly grup turning t AI fr help decding animal talk. Researchers have trained AI mdels t srt thrugh the sunds f prairie dgs, dlphins, naked mle rats and many ther creatures.
    Lng befre AI came int the picture, scientists and thers have wrked tward understanding animal cmmunicatin. Sme learned that vervet mnkeys have different calls when warning f lepards, eagles r pythns. Others discvered that elephants cmmunicate in rumbles t lw fr human ears t hear. Bats chatter in squeaks t high fr ur hearing. Still ther grups have explred hw bees cmmunicate thrugh dance.
    “It tk us a lng time t measure all these things,” says researcher Karen Bakker. AI, she ntes, has the ptential t greatly speed up this type f research. Perhaps ne day we’ll be able t use AI t build a futuristic chat bx that translates animal sunds int human language, r vice versa (反之亦然).
    “Al culd eventually get us t the pint where we understand animals,” says Bakker. What’s interesting t her is what we can learn frm hw bats and ther creatures talk amng each ther. We shuld listen t animals fr better prtectin, she argues. Fr example, a system set up t recrd whales r elephants can als track their lcatins. This can help us avid whales with ur bats r prevent elephants frm illegal hunters.
    32.What is Prject CETI aimed at?
    A.Applying AI t animal research.
    B.Imprving the living cnditins f sperm whales.
    C.Preventing all marine life frm extinctin.
    D.Analysing talks f sperm whales.
    33.Hw is the secnd paragraph develped?
    A.By listing figures.B.By giving examples.
    C.By making cmparisns.D.By analyzing causes.
    34.What is NOT true accrding t Karen Bakker?
    A.Animal researches used t be time-cnsuming.
    B.Animals may ne day understand human language.
    C.We can already well figure ut animal talk with AI.
    D.We apply AI t eventually assist us prtect animals.
    35.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.AI: A Ptential Threat t Human Future
    B.AI: A Technlgy Beneficial t the Earth
    C.AI: A Tl t Understand and Prtect Animals
    D.AI: A Field f Fierce Majr-cuntry Cmpetitin
    第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分 )
    Whether yur day was messed up by ne terrible incident r a series f minr annyances, a bad day can leave yu feeling sad and nervus. Here are sme ways that may help yu get yurself back n track after a bad day.
    Deal with negative feelings
    Fcus n yur physical senses. 36 As sn as yu can d s, take a few minutes t just breathe and fcus n what yu are seeing, smelling, feeling, and hearing. This will help grund yu in the present mment and break the cycle f stress and anxiety.
    Share yur feelings with smene yu trust. Yu may think it’s better t keep yur dark md t yurself, especially in a busy envirnment like the ffice r the classrm. 37
    Practice stress-relieving activities
    D deep breathing exercises. Breathing deeply can signal yur brain and bdy t relax. If yu’re feeling upset, take three t ten deep breaths in thrugh yur nse and ut thrugh yur muth.
    Take a little time t d smething yu enjy. 38 This culd be anything frm listening t music t watching a funny vide.
    Help yurself feel better physically
    G fr a run, a jg, r a walk. 39 In fact, regular exercise can increase yur energy levels and help yu deal with stress. Wrk ut yur bdy and give yur mind a rest.
    40 Eating healthily can help yu feel better bth physically and emtinally. Chse fds that can bst yur md and increase yur energy levels, such as leafy greens and whle grains.
    A.One f the best ways t get ver a bad day is t exercise.
    B.It’s kay t feel upset when yu’re having a bad day.
    C.Hwever, cnnecting with thers when yu’re dwn can help yu feel better.
    D.Fuel yurself with a healthy meal r snack.
    E.It’s imprtant t give yurself time t prcess negative feelings.
    F.Treating yurself t smething fun can help yu feel better.
    G.Drink a warm, caffeine-free beverage, such as a cup f warm milk.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    It was early winter several years ag. I pulled ut my ld winter 41 fr anther year’s use. It remained in gd 42 althugh it lked dirty. I didn’t really 43 a new ne but I wanted ne and casually mentined it t my daughter. A few weeks later, she 44 me with a brand-new cat. I put the ld ne in my 45 . Each day, thugh, when I pened my clset, smething 46 me. It seemed a shame that my still gd, ld cat shuld just sit there keeping n ne 47 during the cld days.
    After a few weeks, I tk the cat t a charity shp. I knew there smene wh culdn’t affrd a cat might get my ld ne. I 48 it ff and walked ut the dr. As I did s, I saw a shivering(颤抖的) man in nly a jacket walking in. I culdn’t help but wnder if he wuld be the new 49 f my ld cat. With a smile, I went hme.
    My new cat is my ld cat nw. It is getting a little dirty and 50 , t. I wnder if I shuld buy a new ne sn but I think I will 51 a while. Ralph Wald Emersn nce said: “ 52 is a grwing giant whm the cat f Have was never large enugh t cver.” Perhaps the best way t deal with ur wants is by 53 and giving smething f urselves. Lve brings us 54 . The mre we 55 , the mre happiness we have. May all f yur days be full f giving and lve.
    55.A.ask frB.take inC.give awayD.bring in
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    With a Duban scre f 8.1 pints, the 168-minute animated film “30,000 Miles frm Chang’an” presents a beautiful scrll(卷轴) filled with Tang petry. The film, 56 allws viewers t see Tang petry cme t life n the big screen prvides 57 amazing way t experience and appreciate classic wrks.
    58 (feature) the stry f the friendship between Ga Shi and Li Bai, the film shws the dreams f the pets in the Tang Dynasty. The creatrs f the film hpe audiences can cnnect with the emtins and stries behind these pets’ famus lines.
    On scial platfrms, the film has been under heated 59 (discuss). Viewers have psted an cean f reviews, sharing their insights and stries abut Tang petry.
    “30,000 Miles frm Chang’an” is nt just a literature lessn, but a lessn abut life. By shwcasing the 60 (character) and histry frm textbks, the film prvides valuable life lessns, encuraging students 61 (fllw) their dreams with perseverance.
    This isn’t the first time that films 62 (inspire) enthusiasm fr learning. But hw is it dne? The key lies in the creatrs’ respect fr and knwledge f the subject mater, whether it is histrical, cultural, scientific, 63 psychlgical. Meanwhile, by presenting these classic wrks in a 64 (visual)amazing manner, the film has brught a unique apprach 65 learning while watching mvies.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
    66.当我遇到麻烦时,Frrest陪伴着我并且鼓励我。(be stuck in; keep sb cmpany)
    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________67.让自己周围聚集着快乐的人能使你变得积极乐观。(surrund; enable)
    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________68.令我迷惑不解的是他为何不利用好这个机会。(puzzle; take advantage f)
    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________69.尽管爷爷年事已高,他的身体状态很好。(in spite f; in shape)
    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________70.我发现嘉兴是个很迷人的城市,我已经爱上它了。(find+宾语+宾补; fall in lve)
    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________第二节 应用文写作(满分25分)
    High Schl Students G n a Jurney f Discvery at Jiaxing Silk Museum

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