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    1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A.£19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    答案是 C。
    1. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a restaurant. B. At the man's hme. C. In a bkstre.
    2. What's the weather like tday?
    A. Snwy. B. Windy. C. Cld.
    3. Where is the man's pain?
    A. In his neck.B. On the left side f his face.
    C. On the right side f his face.
    4. When will the speakers g t see the new mvie?
    A. This Saturday. B. Tmrrw. C. Tnight.
    5. What will the speakers d tnight?
    A. G fishing. B. Eat ut in a restaurant. C. Make dinner tgether.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What happened t the man last night?
    A. He wrked at the ffice. B. He culdn't sleep well. C. He hurt smene's leg.
    7. What will the man d tday?
    A. See the dctr. B. Wrk late. C. Play ftball.
    8. What is Matt ding?
    A. Racing cars. B. Watching a race. C. Running in a race.
    9. Hw des the wman feel at the end f the cnversatin?
    A. Surprised. B. Wrried. C. Bred.
    10. What des Steven want t be when he grws up?
    A. A htel manager. B. An ffice wrker. C. A Chinese teacher.
    11. Hw des Susan like the jb f being a teacher?
    A. It's tiring. B. It's meaningful. C. It's difficult.
    12. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Their schl life B. Their future plans. C. Their part-time jbs.
    13. What is The Sund f Silence?
    A. It is a film. B. It is a stry. C. It is a sng.
    14. When was the band mst ppular?
    A. In the 1960s. B. In the 1970s. C. In the 1990s.
    15. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She desn't like the band.B. She listens t music every day.
    C. She knws a little abut the band.
    16. What will the speakers d next?
    A. See a mvie. B. Listen t mre music. C. Buy sme CDs.
    17. Which cuntries were hit by the strm?
    A. Britain and Hlland. B. Denmark and Sweden. C. Britain and Denmark.
    18. Hw many peple were killed by the strm?
    A.50. B.5. C.17.
    19. Where did the 17-year-ld girl live?
    A. In West Lndn.B. In the nrth f Lndn.C. In the sutheast f Lndn.
    20. What result did the strm bring t Hlland?
    A. A gas line explded.B. Many buses were pushed ut t sea.
    C. Trains culdn't get int Amsterdam.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    The Let's Activity Campaign
    The Let's Activity campaign aimed at preserving rivers is cming. Yu will bard at Castle Wharf, Nttingham, England. Offer t jin us nw.
    Arrive 15 minutes befre the schedule time t ensure we can get started in a timely manner. The sessins are designed fr adults and children f all ages t enjy a new experience. Parents r guardians shuld bk tickets in advance t participate in the campaign.
    This campaign is free fr all participants wh are als nt paid. Hwever, if yu fail t cancel and simply dn't shw up n the day, yu must pay the standard £20 administratin fee, chargeable fr each ticket bked.
    Therefre, if yur circumstances d suddenly change and yu are n lnger able t attend, yu must cancel using ne f these three mechanisms:
    1. The preferred methd is via the ticket bking system. Yu can find the link n yur ticket.
    2. Yu can als click here t send an email t us, and knw mre abut details f the date, time, venue and participants in yur email message. Dn't email if within less than 48 hurs f the campaign. Instead, yu'd better use ptin 1 abve r ptin 3 belw.
    3. In case f an unfreseen emergency within 48 hurs f the campaign, telephne the staff member, which we hpe wn't happen.
    Dnate t Let's Activity
    As part f ur wrk, the Let's Activity campaign is a waterway charity t help everyne get ut, get active and make their lives better by learning t bat. Yu can nw supprt the wrk ur teams d with families, and make a dnatin n ur website fr the envirnmental prtectin.
    21. What d we knw abut the campaign?
    A. It requires reservatin.B. It is chargeable t adults.
    C. It is a 15-minute parent-child experience.D. It requires individual administrative capability.
    22. Which is the best way t cancel the campaign?
    A. Sending cell phne messages.B. Telephning the staff member.
    C. Emailing within 48 hurs f the campaign.D. Using the bking system linked n the ticket.
    23. What is the main purpse f the last paragraph?
    A. T call fr a visit t rivers.B. T call fr vlunteering wrk.
    C. T encurage a dnatin n the spt.D. T encurage children t learn t bat.
    Travis Gienger set a recrd fr grwing the wrld's heaviest pumpkin, which weighed abut 1,247 kilgrams, in 2023. The middle-aged man was named the winner n Mnday f the 50th Safeway Wrld Champinship Pumpkin Weigh-Off in Half Mn Bay, Califrnia. He wn the same cntest in 2022, whse pumpkin weighed 1,161 kilgrams. The past wrld recrd fr the heaviest pumpkin was set by a grwer in Italy wh prduced a 1,226-kilgram pumpkin in 2021.“I was nt expecting that,” Gienger said. He added that it felt gd t win the wrld recrd.
    Gienger is a teacher at Anka Technical Cllege in Anka, Minnesta. He teaches agriculture and grwing methds. And he has been prducing pumpkins fr nearly 30 years like his elders, especially his father, wh used t raise pumpkins in the hme prperty, which gt him interested in planting. Gienger later devted himself t wrking the land t plant.
    Gienger first cmpeted in Half Mn Bay's yearly cntest in 2020. He wn three f the city’s last fur pumpkin cntests.“I put in the wrk s that I can put a smile n peple’s faces, and it's just s nice cming ut here t see everyne in this twn,”Gienger said.
    Gienger, wh grew the pumpkins n the farm, had given his plants mre care. This included watering them up t 12 times a day and feeding r fertilizing them, a little mre than usual. Thse cntributed t his greater success in 2023.
    The pumpkin champin wn a $30,000 prize fr grwing the biggest pumpkin and setting a wrld recrd. Gienger's pumpkin wuld be shwn alng with the secnd-place winners' at the city's upcming Pumpkin Festival. At the event, visitrs wuld be able t lk at the pumpkin prizes and take pictures with the grwers.
    In the United States, pumpkins are ppular thrughut the autumn. During the US hliday Hallween, n Octber 31, many peple turn them int jack-'-lanterns. A jack-'-lantern is a pumpkin that has been carved, usually t shw a frightening r funny face.
    24. Hw did Gienger feel abut his winning the wrld recrd?
    A. Suspicius. B. Surprised. C. Expected. D. Embarrassed.
    25. What affected Gienger's career chice?
    A. His desire fr winning a prize. B. His lve fr his farm.
    C. His family traditin. D. His prmise t his father.
    26. What des the authr want t explain in paragraph 4?
    A. Hw many awards Gienger gt in 2023.B. Hw lng Gienger wrked a day in 2023.
    C. Why Gienger grew pumpkins n the farm.D. Why Gienger's pumpkin was heavier than befre.
    27. What d we knw abut the award-winning pumpkin in 2023?
    A. It wuld be given t a visitr.B. It wuld be made int a lantern.
    C. It wuld be n shw at a festival.D. It wuld be used t decrate pictures.
    With a brain the size f a pinhead, insects perfrm fantastic navigatinal (导航的)abilities. They avid bstacles and mve thrugh small penings. Hw d they d this, with their limited brain pwer? Understanding the inner wrkings f an insect's brain can help us in ur search twards energy-efficient cmputing, physicist Elisabett a Chicca f the University f Grningen demnstrates with her mst recent result: A rbt that acts like an insect.
    In search f the neural(神经的) mechanism that drives insect behaviur, PhD student Thrben Schepe develped a mdel f its neurnal activity and a small rbt that uses this mdel t navigate. Schepe's mdel is based n ne main principle: always steer twards the area with the least apparent mtin.
    He had his rbt drive thrugh a lng “crridr”—cnsisting f tw walls with a randm print n it—and the rbt centred in the middle f the crridr, as insects tend t d. In ther virtual envirnments, such as a space with bstacles r small penings, Schepe's mdel als shwed similar behaviur t insects.
    “The mdel is s gd,” Chicca cncludes, “that nce yu set it up, it will perfrm in all kinds f envirnments. That's the beauty f this result.”
    The fact that a rbt can navigate in a realistic envirnment is nt new. Rather, the mdel gives insight int hw insects d the jb, and hw they manage t d things s efficiently.
    Chicca explains, “Much f rbtics is nt cncerned with efficiency. We humans tend t learn new tasks as we grw up and within rbtics. This is reflected in the current trend f machine learning. But insects are able t fly immediately frm birth. An efficient way f ding that is hardwired in their brains. In a similar way, yu culd make cmputers mre efficient.”
    28. Why des Chicca want t study hw the insect brain wrks?
    A. T make cmputers mre efficient.B. T understand the habit f insects.
    C. T make use f insects' brain pwer.D. T reveal the inner part f insects' brain.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “steer” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Stretch. B. Stare. C. Wrk. D. Drive.
    30. Hw did Chicca feel at the perfrmance f her rbt?
    A. Regretful. B. Shcked. C. Satisfied. D. Cnfused.
    31. What are the last tw paragraphs mainly abut?
    A. Hw t make a rbt that acts like an insect.
    B. Why insects navigate mre efficiently than rbts.
    C. Why a rbt can navigate in a realistic envirnment.
    D. Hw humans tend t learn new tasks as they grw up.
    We cannt argue with reality. We cannt argue with science. Therefre, we simply cannt argue with the fact that there are n straight lines in the universe.
    Let's start with science. The science f a straight line falls under the subject f physics. It might seem like a cmplicated tpic, but the thery behind it is pretty simple. If yu start rwing in a bat frm ne place and keep sailing, the cncept f the curved(弯曲的) Earth will take yu in a circle and yu will end up where yu started. The brain frms the cncept f a straight line t simplify what yu see in nature. Cnsider it a tl fr the mind t recgnize reality.
    The cncept f straight lines was cntrversial and heavily influenced the plitics and sciety f Eurpe frm the 15th century t the 17th century. Greek thinkers and schlars like Aristtle in the 5th century already prved that the Earth was a glbe, but many Eurpeans at that time did nt believe in this idea! Hwever, sme Eurpeans during the Age f Explratin denied this belief. Just as the famus Italian scientist Galile Galilei was persecuted(迫害) fr advcating a helicentric (日心的) mdel f the slar system, many thinkers like Girdan Brun were shamed fr believing that the Earth was rund.
    Well, my friends, let's mve n t life. The cncept f nthing ging in a straight line can be assciated with life as much as it relates t science and architecture. Whenever yu d smething, it never turns ut t play ut exactly as planned. I especially knw that as a thirteen-year-ld! Life is a rugh rad—every time yu g frward, it is fllwed by tw steps back r t the side. Just like hw science explains it, life is a curvy path full f unexpected twists, turns, and adventures that nbdy can ever predict.
    32. What des paragraph 1 functin as?
    A. An intrductin t the tpic.B. A prf f the authr's pinin.
    C. A means t attract sme scientists.D. An explanatin f a cmmn sense.
    33. What wuld happen withut the cncept f straight line?
    A. The mind culd nt recgnize realities.B. Things in nature might lk cmplicated.
    C. What yu see in nature culd seem simple.D. Peple in the 16th century might find the Earth flat.
    34. Which can best describe the rad f prving the Earth rund?
    A. Plain and smth. B. Easy but fruitless.C. Lng and tugh. D. Bthersme but safe.
    35. What's the best title fr the text?
    A. A Straight Line: Everything Simple B. A Straight Line: Difficult T Prve
    C. A Straight Line: Peple's Gd Wish D. A Straight Line: Simply Nn-existent
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Are yu lnging fr a travel experience full f icnic attractins, which is nt nly immersive but als intimate? Offering attentive guides, unique experiences, and the perfect cmbinatin f explratin and friendship, small grup travel is redefining the hliday experience. 36 .
    ●Explre uncharted but safe territries. Take a jurney t breathtaking destinatins that might therwise be frightening t explre independently. 37 , ensuring yu dn't miss ut n the essence(精髓) f each destinatin. It can als ffer exciting exclusive experiences. With smaller caches and persnalized schedule, yu'll deep int lcal cultures and taste authentic flavrs at every turn.
    ●Be guided by the lcal guides. 38 . Small grup turs are led by knwledgeable guides wh nt nly speak the language but als ffer insights int the culture, histry, and hidden treasures f each regin. These guides ensure yur jurney is enriched with authenticity and discvery.
    ● 39 . Whether yu're travelling alne r with friends, small grup travel fsters a sense f cmmunity. With grups typically including fewer than 30 peple, yu'll have the pprtunity t frm meaningful cnnectins and create lasting memries with fellw adventurers. Frm shared experiences t newfund friendships, it cultivates a sense f friendship that enhances the verall hliday experience.
    ●Start yur adventure with peace f mind. Small grup tur peratrs take care f everything. With cnvenience at the frefrnt, yu can explre utside yur cmfrt zne, knwing that every detail has been thughtfully arranged. 40 , ffering assistance in case f emergencies and give yu peace f mind thrugh licensed and bnded services.
    A. Bnd with like-minded travelers
    B. It is a unique experience t visit a packed place
    C. Take a lk belw t find what yu can d n the trip
    D. Travel alne t find mre pprtunity t enjy yurself
    E. A small grup tur ffers access t ff-the-beaten-path places
    F. Yu can experience the true essence f a destinatin with their guidance
    G. Besides, reputable small grup travel cmpanies ensure yur prtectin and security
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    I'm 19 years ld and studying at cllege. I'm a(n) 41 student n campus. That was because my father nce said t me, “Educatin is a 42 weapn, fr ne can vercme all difficulties f life using knwledge frm bks.” Since then, I've always encuraged myself.
    I used t dislike learning. My parents, wh had n cllege educatin, always 43 me t study, but I didn't understand their 44 fr my bright future. 45 , time taught me that my parents were demanding f me because they expected me t live a gd life.
    Once I was 46 by my relatives in frnt f my father because f my pr academic perfrmance at schl. They als blamed me. They disliked me as I was the nly child in their eyes wh shwed n 47 in studies. When peple started t 48 my family, cnsidering us ignrant, I culdn't stand it anymre.
    Frm then n, I 49 t study hard t make my parents respected. I tried t read bks, which gradually became my hbby. My curisity fr reading never 50 . It grew and enriched my mind with priceless knwledge. I als cmpleted my hmewrk n time. I 51 leaving any wrk fr the next day. One f my teachers said, “ 52 leads t success.” I believed in it and frmed a 53 f wrking regularly.
    In fact, my parents always help me when I need them. I als help them d husewrk 54 . My parents are my wrld, and they have taught me 55 values: self-discipline and respnsibility.
    41. A. self-mtivated B. warm-hearted C. fun-lving D. easy-ging
    42. A. wrthless B. hrrible C. pwerful D. temprary
    43. A. allwed B. trubled C. invited D. pushed
    44. A. pity B. cry C. explanatin D. prtectin
    45. A. Hwever B. Therefre C. Otherwise D. Mrever
    46. A. understd B. mistaken C. valued D. criticized
    47. A. invlvement B. interest C. cmment D. cperatin
    48. A. uncver B. acknwledge C. disrespect D. pssess
    49. A. reslved B. happened C. failed D. pretended
    50. A. apprached B. multiplied C. imprved D. stpped
    51. A. risked B. avided C. kept D. began
    52. A. Regularity B. Integrity C. Freedm D. Reputatin
    53. A. party B. habit C. recrd D. versin
    54. A. n bard B. n purpse C. in return D. in case
    55. A. religius B. cmmercial C. plitical D. mral
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Internatinal students frm the Beijing Language and Culture University were busy preparing fr the 2023 Cmpetitin fr the Transmissin and Prmtin f the Beijing Central Axis, with three sngs 56 (highlight) heritage sites alng its length.
    The cmpetitin, hsted 57 (annual) by the Beijing Municipal Cultural Heritage Bureau and the Beijing Municipal Office fr Cnservatin and Management f the Beijing Central Axis, includes five categries, ne f 58 calls fr participants t present the heritage sites using different art frms.
    Three grups f internatinal students frm 13 cuntries participated with sngs abut the Wanning Bridge, the Temple f Heaven and Jingshan Park. The students, mst f whm were Chinese language 59 (majr), tk an elective curse that taught sngs 60 (adapt) frm ancient Chinese petry.
    “I think this sng abut the Wanning Bridge is very beautiful. When I was learning the lyrics, I gt t knw abut the bridge's histry and architectural style. I feel that I'm very 61 (frtune) t participate in this curse and the cmpetitin, because they have allwed me 62 (learn) mre abut Chinese culture and histry,” said ne f 63 students.
    It was the first time Chinese flk music 64 (knw) by s many students thrugh these curses. And 65 the cmpetitin, they tk their instruments hme t intrduce their friends t Chinese music. Thrugh art, they became internatinal narratrs f China's stries and practitiners f the cultural exchange between China and their hmeland.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    1. 询问写作要求;
    2. 陈述你的写作设想;
    3. 征求写作建议。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    第二节 (满分25分)
    My mther, a kind and cnsiderate lady, wuld help thers in need, thugh ur family was nt rich. When I was yung, she wrked as a husekeeper in the hme f a wealthy businessman.
    Every day, after tidying up the rms at the businessman's huse, she wuld crss the street t buy grceries. As she passed by a rw f lw rented huses, she wuld always have a lk at an elderly man wh cllected scrap(废品). The ld man, in his seventies, always carried a bag. He lived in a tiny huse with a small windw. My mther culdn't help but feel a sense f sympathy whenever she saw the ld man eating dry bread, accmpanied by a bwl f water. Thus, she wuld bring him ld newspapers, empty cans and beer bttles, alng with sme fd. T the ld man, thse were precius gifts. The businessman saw my mther's gd behavir and kept it in mind.
    I learned frm my mther that the pr ld man lived alne. His small rm was almst empty except a wrn mat and a pile f cllected scrap. His nly way f shwing gratitude t my mther was thrugh a humble smile n his face. I nce asked my mther, “Why are yu s nice t the ld man?” She lked at me and answered affectinately, “Because he lks like my father in the cuntryside.”
    As the New Year apprached, the businessman visited his relatives abrad, leaving my mther t watch ver his huse. He paid my mther duble wages fr her effrts, and prepared extra mney fr the ld man.
    The ld man frequently appeared in varius neighbrhds with his bag, and his business seemed t be ging well. He nt nly cllected plastic and cardbard bxes left at drsteps but als threw the litter beside them int the bins. Watching him walking away, with his white hair blwn in the cld wind, my mther's heart ached.
    My mther tld me that she decided t knit(编织) tw wlen sweaters, ne fr her father and the ther fr the ld man. “Perhaps the ld man had n children, but it was the New Year, and he deserved a gift, t,” she said.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    停顿 00'10"
    M: Hell. Internatinal Friends Club. Can I help yu?
    W: Oh, hell. I read abut yur club in the paper tday and I thught I'd phne t find ut a bit mre.
    M: Yes, certainly. Well, we are a srt f scial club fr peple frm different cuntries. It's quite a new club—we have abut 50 members at the mment, but we are grwing all the time.
    W: That sunds interesting. I'm British actually, and I came t Washingtn abut three mnths ag. I'm lking fr ways t meet peple. Er, what kinds f events d yu rganize?
    M: Well, we have scial get-tgethers, and sprts events, and we als have language evenings.
    W: Culd yu tell me smething abut the language evenings?
    M: Yes. Every day except Thursday we have a language evening. Peple can cme and practice their languages—yu knw, ver a drink r smething. We have different languages n different evenings. Mnday—Spanish; Tuesday—Italian; Wednesday—German; and Friday—French. On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant fr anyne wh wants t cme.
    W: Well, that sunds great. I really need t practice my French.
    M: OK. Well, if yu can just give me yur name and address, I'll send yu the frm and sme mre infrmatin. If yu jin nw, yu can have the first mnth free.
    停顿 00'10"
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    停顿 00'02"
    停顿 00'05"
    M: Excuse me. Can yu tell me hw much the shirt is?
    W: Yes, it's nine fifteen.
    停顿 00'02"
    停顿 00'05"
    停顿 00'05"
    (Text 1)
    W: D yu eat here ften?
    M: Frequently. The service here is always excellent, and the fd is usually gd.
    (Text 2)
    M: Oh, dear. It's cld tday, isn't it?
    W: Yes, it is, and the radi says it's ging t snw tmrrw.
    (Text 3)
    M: I have been in terrible pain lately. My face has been hurting a lt.
    W: Which part f yur face hurts?
    M: It's the left side.
    (Text 4)
    W: Hw abut seeing the new mvie at the theatre tnight?
    M: Sunds great, but I have gt t prepare fr tmrrw's meeting.
    W: Then let's make it this Saturday. Yu'll be free, right?
    M: Yeah.
    (Text 5)
    W: Let's make dinner tgether tnight?
    M: OK. What d yu feel like having?
    W: I hpe t have sme fish.
    (Text 6)
    M: I cannt g t wrk tday, Sarah. Can yu let Jamie and Erik knw?
    W: Sure. What shuld I tell them?
    M: Well. I have t g t the dctr's this mrning fr a check-up. I culdn't sleep well last night because I had a terrible ache in my leg.
    W: OK. I'll tell them right away. What happened?
    M: I think I may have brken my leg while playing ftball yesterday afternn. Smene ran int me and I fell dwn very hard.
    (Text 7)
    W: There's nly abut seven minutes left in the race. D yu think he will make it?
    M: Matt is a great runner. He wn't let the team dwn. I knw it.
    W: Well, why are yu s sure Matt will win?
    M: He's my brther. I knw what he can d because I have watched him race since he was little. When it cmes t the very end, he gets extra energy.
    W: Sunds gd. Here they cme. I think yu are right. He's running a little faster nw. I can't believe it! He wn!
    听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12 三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。
    (Text 8)
    W: Hi, Steven. D yu have any plans fr the future?
    M: Sure, I decide t study htel management at cllege.
    W: S yu want t be a htel manager, right?
    M: Yes. I will run a big htel in the city and welcme peple frm different cuntries. Hw abut yu, Susan?
    W: I want t be a Chinese teacher.
    M: Why? Dn't yu think wrking as a teacher is a hard jb?
    W: In my pinin, it's nt as difficult as yu think. And I think it's wrth ding. Teachers can help students realize their dreams.
    M: But I think it's easier t be an ffice wrker.
    W: Maybe, but I prefer Chinese and Chinese culture.
    听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16 四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题。
    (Text 9)
    W: What are yu listening t?
    M: The Sund f Silence.
    W: I think I remember hearing that. Wh wrte it?
    M: Are yu kidding me? Yu dn't knw that Simn and Garfunkel wrte it? It's ne f their greatest hits.
    W: Simn and wh? Garfield?
    M: N, it's Garfunkel! Ww, yu really dn't knw wh they are? They were ne f the mst ppular American music bands in the 1960s. That was many years ag. I wasn't brn then and I guess yu weren't either. But the grup is still very well knwn. Yu have prbably heard a lt f their sngs. Yu just dn't realize it.
    W: Well, I really like this ne. Can yu play me sme mre?
    M: Sure! I wuld be happy t share them with yu. I listen t them every day.
    (Text 10)
    Very strng winds hit Britain and Hlland n Mnday. The strm killed five peple and caused hundreds f flights and trains t be canceled. The winds reached up t 100 kilmeters per hur in Britain, and it was the wrst strm there in the last ten years. Denmark and Sweden are waiting fr the strm t cme t them next.
    A 17-year-ld girl was killed when a tree fell nt her hme while she slept in Kent, a city in the sutheast f Lndn. In Watfrd, just nrth f Lndn, a man in his 50s was killed when a tree fell n his car. A man and a wman als died in West Lndn when a gas line explded in a street. Heavy winds als blew acrss Hlland, shutting dwn all train traffic t Amsterdam. Rfs were blwn ff, and several bats were pushed ut t sea, plice said.
    1—5 ACBAC 6—10 BACAA 11—15 BBCAC 16—20 BABCC
    21—23 ADB 24—27 BCDC 28—31 ADCB 32—35 ABCD
    36—40 CEFAG 41—45 ACDBA 46—50 DBCAD 51—55 BABCD
    56. highlighting 57. annually 58. which 59. majrs 60. adapted
    61. frtunate 62. t learn 63. the 64. had been knwn 65. after
    Dear Editr,
    I am writing t inquire abut the requirements fr the upcming English shrt stry writing cmpetitin rganized by yur English newspaper. Firstly, culd yu please prvide infrmatin regarding the specific guidelines and criteria fr the submissins? Understanding thse will help me tailr my stry accrdingly.
    I have a cncept in mind fr my entry. I plan t craft a narrative n the theme f perseverance in adversity. Culd I write smething frm my wn persnal experiences? Additinally, I wuld appreciate any advice yu culd ffer fr my writing. Yur guidance wuld be invaluable as I strive t create a cmpelling stry.
    Thank yu fr rganizing this exciting cmpetitin, and I eagerly await yur respnse.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    On the first day f the New Year, my mther apprached the ld man's dr, with her knitted sweater, fd and sme mney. It was t early in the mrning and the dr was still clsed. S she quietly hung the sweater with mney wrapped in it n the dr. Besides, she put the cntainer with a bwl f dumplings utside the dr. Then she went back hme amid the sund f “Happy New Year”. My mther didn't knw hw much time had passed befre she heard a knck n her dr. Curiusly, she pened it t find the ld man standing there, his face blming like a flwer.
    “I asked many peple t find ut where yu live,” the ld man said, hlding the sweater my mther had given t him. “Happy New Year! I can finally give yu a gift,” the ld man said. “I dn't knw wh gave me this brand-new sweater alng with sme mney. It's s dense, and it's perfect fr yu t keep warm in the wind.” The sweater held in the ld man's hands was like a treasure. My mther's eyes blurred as she said, “It's just my gift fr yu.” At that mment, the warmth f their mutual care transcended the cld winter, weaving a bnd that was as strng as the sweater they shared.
    Dear Editr,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    On the first day f the New Year, my mther apprached the ld man's dr, with her knitted sweater, fd and sme mney.
    “I asked many peple t find ut where yu live,” the ld man said, hlding the sweater my mther had given t him.

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