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      2023-2024学年度第二学期4月份质量监测 高一英语试题.docx
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      2023~2024学年度第二学期4月份质量监测 高一英语听力.mp3
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    这是一份江苏省盐城市东台市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷,文件包含2023-2024学年度第二学期4月份质量监测高一英语试题docx、答案docx、20232024学年度第二学期4月份质量监测高一英语听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共14页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题; 每题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. Wh will get married next weekend?
    A. Anne.B. Keith.C. Mlly.
    2. What des the wman usually wear?
    A. Jeans.B. A suit.C. A dress.
    3. When will the train cme?
    A. At 7:30 a.m.B. At 8:00 a.m.C. At 8:30 a.m.
    4. What des the wman suggest the man d?
    A. Order an extra meal.
    B. G smewhere else.
    C. Ask fr sme bread.
    5. Hw much will the wman pay fr the trip?
    A. £550.00.B. £580.00.C. £680.00.
    6. When can the strerm be used?
    A. Tday.B. Tmrrw.C. Next Thursday.
    7. What prblem d the speakers have?
    A. The ffice is full f bxes.
    B. The wrk plan was changed.
    C. Sme supplies have nt arrived.
    8. What des the wman want t d?
    A. Carry ut an peratin.B. Get a secnd pinin.C. D mre tests.
    9. What’s the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student.B. Dctr and patient. C. Emplyer and emplyee.
    10. Hw des the man feel abut taking an MRI?
    A. Excited.B. Wrried.C. Relaxed.
    11. Where is the cnversatin prbably taking place?
    A. In a shp.B. At an ffice.C. At a bus stp.
    12. What des the wman plan t d?
    A. G t the park.B. Visit the fish market.C. Catch the bus hme.
    13. What des the man say abut parking?
    A. The parking fee is high.
    B. There is n-street parking.
    C. Parking is free at the weekend.
    14. What des the wman think abut Sprts Day?
    A. She dislikes it.
    B. She desn’t care abut it.
    C. She is curius abut it.
    15. What des the wman usually d at the time f Sprts Day?
    A. She jins in with everything.
    B. She chses her favrite sprt.
    C. She says she is sick.
    16. Which sprt des the wman d best in?
    A. Gymnastics.B. Badmintn.C. Running.
    17. What des the man suggest the wman d at the end?
    A. Find an excuse.
    B. Talk with her mm.
    C. Practice tgether with him.
    18. What happened t Stevie Wnder shrtly after his birth?
    A. He was unable t see.
    B. He culdn’t hear anything.
    C. He brke his arm.
    19. When did Stevie Wnder have his first hit recrd?
    A. As a child.B. As an adult.C. As a teenager.
    20. When was Stevie Wnder’s mst successful perid?
    A. In the 1960s.B. In the 1970s. C. In the 1980s.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Upper Antelpe Canyn Turs
    Adventurus Antelpe Canyn Tur
    Price: Frm $108
    Duratin: 80 minutes
    The tur starts at $108 per persn, but cst an additinal $11 if yu want t visit during peak sunlight hurs. Thse 7 and yunger are nt permitted n the utings. This tur is nt recmmended fr pregnant peple.
    Antelpe Canyn Navaj Tur
    Price: Frm $100
    Duratin: 1.5 hurs
    This Tur’ guides are lcal Navaj peple. The cmpany’s 1.5-hur sightseer turs f the Upper Canyn take place several times daily beginning at 7:30 a.m. Prices fr these turs, which include the park entrance fee, are apprximately $100 per persn. The cmpany pens up nline reservatins ne t tw mnths in advance, s be sure t bk early, as tickets sell ut quickly.
    Antelpe Slt Canyn Tur
    Price: Adults frm $112; kids frm $102
    Duratin: 1.5 hurs
    This Tur ffers turs f the nearby Cathedral Canyn. Pricing ranges frm $112 t $120 per persn, depending n the time f day and ppularity f the tur time. Discunted tickets are available fr sldiers and children aged 6 t 12; children yunger than 6 are nt allwed.
    Antelpe Canyn X Taadidiin Tur
    Price: Adults frm $40; kids frm $30
    Duratin: 1.5 hurs
    This Tur perates 1.5-hur small-grup hikes thrugh the canyn. A Hiking permit is required fr visitrs aged 8 and lder. Phtgraphy lvers can sign up fr Taadidiin’s Pht Tur, which spends three hurs in the canyn and permits participants t bring a tripd and a camera bag. Additinal fees are $125 per persn.
    21. What are yu required t d if yu want t make Antelpe Canyn Navaj Tur?
    A. Pay much mre mney. B. Drive yur wn car.
    C. Bk tickets befrehand. D. Carry yur hiking permit.
    22. Which tur gives a discunt t peple wh serve in the army?
    A. Antelpe Canyn Navaj Tur. B. Antelpe Slt Canyn Tur.
    C. Antelpe Canyn X Taadidiin Tur. D. Adventurus Antelpe Canyn Tur.
    23. Hw much will an adult phtgraphy lver pay if he chses Taadidiin’s Pht Tur?
    A. $165. B. $ 40. C. $ 85. D. $125.
    If yu ask children the questin, “Where des yur fd cme frm?” Their answer prbably is “the kitchen” r “the grcery stre”. Mahan Chandra Brah, a 41-year-ld rice farmer, was cncerned abut this and aimed t educate yung peple abut the imprtance f agriculture in his cuntry.
    “Hundreds f varieties f rice and ther crps went extinct in India because f peple’s unawareness and I wanted t d smething abut it,” Mahan says. The result was the frmatin f the Annapurna Rice Library — a center preserving native seeds and all things ‘rice’.
    As a by, Mahan was a curius reader. “I always had curisity abut things and wanted t get a PhD,” he recalls. Mst f Mahan’s days were spent reading and helping his father ut in the fields. “Wrking with him in the fields is hw I learnt all I knw abut farming,” he says.
    “Our family was humble. While I wanted t study mre, the mney was an issue,” he adds. Things became even harder when Mahan’s father passed away. “I was cmpleting my graduatin and was heartbrken. Hwever, I als had t lk after my family. Studying further was ut f the questin, s I decided t d agriculture like my father fr a living,” he says.
    Mahan culd have decided t g fr traditinal farming, but instead, he decided t research alngside. “I went nline t lk fr papers n farming and seed saving. Fr the library, I have 500 types f seeds preserved there,” he says. Mahan says his favrite rice variety is Bha Dhan. It is very tugh in nature and can adapt easily t the fld-prne (易发洪水的) nature f Assam. Hwever, the lwer yield (产量) per hectare has been the reasn why the farmers d nt prefer t grw the rice.
    Fr the last 15 years, Mahan has perated his library n his wn funds. “I run my husehld and maintain the library. Lack f funds has becme an issue, but I am managing smehw and I am sure I will vercme the difficulties and keep it alive,” he says.
    24. What inspired Mahan t set up the Annapurna Rice Library?
    A. The expectatin frm his father.
    B. The lack f grain varieties in India.
    C. The great demand fr mre native seeds.
    D. The public ignrance f rice seed prtectin.
    25. What can we learn abut Mahan frm the text?
    A. He came frm a family rich enugh.
    B. He graduated frm cllege with a PhD.
    C. He dreamed t be an agricultural expert.
    D. He learned abut farming frm his father.
    26. Why des Mahan like Bha Dhan?
    A. Its delicius taste.
    B. Its high prductin.
    C. Its grwing ppularity.
    D. Its gd adaptive ability.
    27. Which f the fllwing can best describe Mahan?
    A. Devted and determined.B. Generus and easyging.
    C. Curageus and humrus.D. Sensitive and pen-minded.
    Have yu ever bserved hw a family runs smthly? It’s the balance that plays a rle in a family. But a family where there is t much chas (混乱), argument, and ne-sided cmmunicatin has n balance. As a result, such a chatic family suffers cnsequences like divrced parents, distances between children.
    In the same way, nature needs balance, harmny and prtectin. Yu are already aware f the phrase—t much f everything is bad. That’s why the sensibility t bring balance in nature is every human’s respnsibility.
    The cmmunity f living species interacts with the envirnment’s nn-living cmpnents in a healthy ecsystem. Rainfall, temperature, sunlight, sil, and water chemistry are the main examples f abitic (无生命的) aspects f ecsystems that need t be in a stable manner.
    T survive, plants need a certain cmbinatin f temperature, misture, and sil chemistry. Prtecting plants is als imprtant because it prvides fd fr the animals.
    What yu see abve are the natural phenmena that have been happening since the beginning f the universe. That’s hw nature has been functining. But indulgent human activities in using natural resurces has created pr habitatin in the natural envirnment. In fact, here are the human actins that have brken the balance in nature fr s many years nw.
    Peple cut dwn trees t make space fr new cmpanies wing t an increase in ppulatin, which has decreased the amunt f xygen in the air. Glbal warming has resulted in the melting f the ice caps, leading t rising sea levels and ther natural disasters like cyclnes and tsunamis. As a result f habitat lss, it is getting harder fr species t survive.
    T bring the Earth t its riginal frm is impssible. But there is always a ptential fr bringing awareness. Hence, if the abve human activities are lessened r changed with recycling activities, the next generatin can still live a healthy life.
    28. Why is a chatic family mentined in paragraph 1?
    A. T bring up a new tpic.
    B. T cme t a cnclusin.
    C. T cmplain abut family chas.
    D. T admire the balance f a family.
    29. Hw d we keep the balance f nature?
    A. Limit human activities t the fullest.
    B. Cntrl a certain amunt f everything.
    C. Dn’t cut dwn trees fr new cmpanies.
    D. Dn’t use energy fr ecnmic develpment.
    30. Which des the underlined wrd “indulgent” in paragraph 5 prbably mean?
    A. Respnsible. B. Cntrlled. C. Rmantic. D. Unlimited.
    31. What’s the authr’s attitude twards the future f the Earth?
    A. Wrried. B. Dubtful. C. Cnfident. D. Uncertain.
    Three paralysed (瘫痪的) men, wh were tld they wuld spend the rest f their lives in a wheelchair, are able t walk again, thanks t an electrical device, which was placed arund the men’s spines (脊柱) and bsted signals frm their brains t their legs.
    The first patient t be treated was 30-year-ld Swiss man David M’zee, wh suffered a severe spinal injury several years ag in a sprting accident. David’s dctr said he wuld never walk again. Hwever, thanks t the electrical device develped by a team at a public research university in Lausanne, Switzerland, he agreed t take part in a trial led by Dr Curtine at the university.
    “I came with my daughter, Charltte, wh was ne mnth ld at the time. As we apprached David, he lked her in the eye and said, ‘I will walk befre yu,’” Dr Curtine recalls. “When Charltte tk her first step she was 14 mnths ld, by which time David was walking by Lake Geneva. He said t her, ‘I have beaten yu.’”
    David can nw walk up t eight paces when the device is switched ff and this is the first time that this has been recrded in a chrnic (慢性的) spinal injury. Hwever, ut f the lab, in the real wrld, it is hard fr David t walk mre than a few paces. The signals frm the device sn becme uncmfrtable and s can’t be used all the time. The system is als expensive and nt reliable enugh t be used ut f the labratry fr day-t-day use, s it’s far frm a cure.
    David is the first f three patients wh have benefited frm the first wave f the treatment. Tw ther men have als managed t walk again, t varius degrees.
    The researchers plan t begin larger trials in Eurpe and the US in the next few years. If these g well, the researchers are cnfident the system culd becme mre widely available.
    32. Hw des the electrical device help the paralysed walk again?
    A. By straightening the spines.
    B. By making the brains recver.
    C. By signaling the legs t mve.
    D. By making use f a wheelchair.
    33. Why des Dr Curtine mentin his daughter?
    A. T pint ut David’s weakness.
    B. T explain David’s failure t walk.
    C. T shw the speed f David’s recvery.
    D. T prve his daughter’s athletic ability.
    34. What is the prblem with the device?
    A. It is hard fr typical patients t perate.
    B. It is unreliable when used ut f the lab.
    C. It always makes patients uncmfrtable.
    D. It smetimes sends wrng signals t legs.
    35. What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. The device can cure paralysis.
    B. The device has been widely used.
    C. The device will be tested glbally.
    D. The device has a ptential market.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Yur carbn ftprint is the amunt f greenhuse gases that yu prduce as yu live yur life. In rder t hld the glbal temperature rise t 2˚C r less, everyne needs t average an annual carbn ftprint f 1.87 tns by 2050. 36
    Eat lw n the fd chain. This means eating mstly fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans. Meat and dairy is respnsible fr 14.5 percent f man-made glbal greenhuse gas emissins.
    37 If yu have n meat r dairy every day, yu can reduce yur carbn ftprint by 8 punds.
    38 Fashinable, cheap items g ut f style quickly and get dumped in landfills where they prduce methane (甲烷) as they decmpse. Currently, the average American gets rid f abut 80 punds f clthing annually. In additin, mst fast fashin cmes frm Asia, s shipping it t the U.S. requires the use f fssil fuels.
    Use lw energy appliances. Replace traditinal light bulbs with LED nes. Thugh LEDs cst mre, they use a quarter f the energy and last up t 25 times lnger. Make energy efficiency a primary cnsideratin when chsing a new micrwave, air cnditining unit, dishwasher, r refrigeratr. 39
    Chse green travel. An average car prduces abut five tns f carbn each year. 40
    Take public buses, carpl, r bike t yur destinatin when pssible. This nt nly reduces CO₂ emissins, it als lessens traffic jams.
    A. Dn’t buy fast fashin.
    B. Never chse quality clthing.
    C. But peple ignre this serius prblem.
    D. Making changes in transprt matters much.
    E. Here are ways t reduce yur carbn ftprint.
    F. They are mainly frm fd prductin and prcessing.
    G. Prducts with the ENERGY STAR sign have better efficiency.
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Ghanim Al-Muftah was brn n 5th May 2002 in Qatar. Due t a rare disease, he was brn withut legs. He has t g thrugh many peratins every year.
    At a yung age, the by became a(n) 41 fr nt just kids but even fr adults. In medical cases as serius as his, there are few chances f 42 . He shwed extrardinary strength and willpwer, which nt nly helped him live a 43 life but helped him g beynd majrity f the children f his age.
    He is nt just a by wh survived a terrible physical disability, but he 44 difficulties and behaved excellently in his life. Ghanim 45 millins f peple thrugh his Twitter and Instagram. Accrding t him, scial media is a very 46 platfrm. Scial media is what helps him spread his message and 47 the wrld that disability is simply an excuse fr nt perfrming t the full ptential.
    He is an example fr the wrld and especially fr thse 48 with physical disabilities. Ghanim did nt make his disability an excuse t 49 . Rather, he used his weakness t develp a strng 50 . A surprising fact abut Ghanim is that he is fnd f sprts and actively 51 in swimming, skatebarding, and ice hckey.
    The wrld can learn a great deal frm the yung by. At his yung age, he was able t 52
    what physically fit individuals fail t achieve in their 53 lives. He is an epitme(典范) f strength and 54 wh teaches the wrld that nthing is big enugh t 55 smene frm living the life f their dreams.
    41. A. defenceB. trick C. inspiratinD. riddle
    42. A. deathB. survivalC. grwthD. injury
    43. A. busyB. tughC. painfulD. nrmal
    44. A. tk utB. built upC. gt verD. brke dwn
    45. A. influencesB. defeatsC. cnfuses D. hurts
    46. A. traditinalB. remte C. imprtantD. bring
    47. A. shwsB. cheatsC. awakensD. prmtes
    48. A. wrkingB. strugglingC. cperatingD. cmmunicating
    49. A. pull upB. hld nC. give upD. mve n
    50. A. feelingB. desireC. featureD. persnality
    51. A. takesB. breaksC. participatesD. thrws
    52. A. achieveB. understandC. dubtD. enjy
    53. A. previusB. futureC. particularD. entire
    54. A. healthB. curageC. strategyD. image
    55. A. preventB. saveC. prtectD. tell
    N culture in the wrld has prduced a lnger cntinuus traditin f garden design than ___56___f China. Originally, a typical Chinese garden merely___57___(cnsist) f useful trees planted with the walls arund a farmhuse.
    In a Chinese garden, a strng belief ___58___ a sense f unity with nature is required. The cncept f its ___59___(cmpse) is t "bring ut the rhythm f nature." It is a place ___60___ visitrs can appreciate the classic beauty with an educated mind and eye.
    Plants are nt essential t the integrity f a Chinese garden. Rcks and water cme first,___61___(fllw) by architecture, plants, trees and flwers. T the Chinese, their assciatins were far ___62___ (imprtant) than lks. Bamb, which bends in the wind and desn't break, symblizes___63___ hnrable man.
    Irregularity f design is the key t the success f a garden. Just as all ther art frms in the Chinese culture ___64___ (affect) by Cnfucianism r Daism, tw main ____65____(philsphy) in China, s has the Chinese garden. This is reflected in the imprtance placed n its siting.
    第四部分 基础语言运用(共三节,满分 25 分)
    第一节(每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)
    66. ______________ with emtin, she fund herself unable t speak fr a few minutes.
    67. The htel ______________ its business by adding a swimming pl last year.
    68. The paper ______________ her with using the cmpany’s mney fr her wn purpses.
    69. They received hundreds f ______________ fr mre infrmatin.
    70. The article was abut the different ______________ f Spanish spken in Suth America.
    第二节(每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
    71. Dance is a universal language and it has the pwer t _______ (分解) the difficulty f language and culture. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    72. Delays culd _______ (使发生) further prblems. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    73. A wnderful idea _______(被想到) me that day when I met with a tugh prblem. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    74. Peple ______ ______ ______ ______(想当然地认为) that men are strnger than wmen. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    75. Internet shpping will really _______(迅速流行) when peple make sure that it is safe. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    76. My suggestin is that we try t _______(削减) prductin and reduce the amunt f things we make and buy. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    77. They _______(提出) a lt f plans at the meeting, nne f them carried ut in their wrk. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    78. She was determined t becme a prfessr and her effrts finally ______ (得到回报,达到目的) (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    79. ______ ______ ______ ______(反复试验), the scientist finally fund ut hw it wrked. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    80. Therefre, ______ ______ ______ ______(在一定程度上), this research shwed the relatinship between diet and cancer. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    第三节(每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
    在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    81. The Amazn rainfrest _______(breath) life int the planet by fixing carbn and prducing ver 20 per cent f all the Earth’s xygen. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    82. Then heavy industry factries mved in, and things became_________ (entire) different. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    83. After a rll call cnfirmed that all were safe and sund, they relaxed, laughing, crying and _______(hug) each ther. (用所给词的适当形式填空)
    84. His classic nvel The Last Days f Pmpeii imagines life in the ancient Rman city f Pmpeii in the year 79, when Munt Vesuvius _______(erupt). (用所给词的适当形式填空)
    85. With all srts f cmmunicatin sftware, physical distance n lnger gets _______ the way. (用适当的词填空)
    86. _______(slide) int the habit was easy, but it was difficult t quit the habit. (用所给词的适当形式填空)
    87. Thanks t her discvery f qinghasu, malaria patients all ver the wrld nw have had a greatly increased chance f ________ (survive). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    88. The news reprters hurried t the airprt, nly ______(tell) the film stars had left.
    89. At weekends, the park was full f peple, ________(enjy) themselves in the sunshine.
    90. It was s cld and he had the fire _______(burn) all night lng.
    第五部分 写作 (共两节;满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    66. 为了号召更多的人向雷锋学习,你校上个月组织了一次社区服务活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
    1. 参加人员;
    2. 活动过程;
    3. 活动感想。
    注 意 事 项
    pwer variety dnate vercme request charge expand
    A Cmmunity Service Activity

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