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    试卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟
    1. 答题前, 考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚, 将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。
    2. 选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂; 非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写, 字体工整、笔迹清楚。
    3. 请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答, 超出答题区域书写的答案无效; 在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £ 19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    1. What des the man plan t d?
    A. Take a lift.
    B. Buy a pair f shes.
    C. G t a shpping center.
    2. Why is the man lking fr a rmmate?
    A. He is tight n budget.
    B. The flat is t big fr him.
    C. His brther just mved ut,
    3. What is the weather like nw?
    A. Rainy.B. Bright.C. Grey.
    4. What was Simn ding just nw?
    A. Cleaning the flr.
    B. Washing the dishes.
    C. Clearing the table.
    5. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At a restaurant.B. At a gas statin.C. At a theater.
    6. Hw des the wman sund?
    A. Angry.B. Wrried. C. Excited.
    7. What makes the man feel gd?
    A. Getting a gd seat.
    B. Playing a ftball match.
    C. Interviewing pp stars.
    8. What des Mrs. Edward prbably teach?
    A. Maths.B. Histry.C. Chemistry.
    9. What des the man ffer t d fr the wman?
    A. Recmmend a bk t her.
    B. Cllect infrmatin fr her.
    C. Share his ideas n Cnfucius.
    10. Hw did the accident happen?
    A. The wman drve t fast.
    B. The red car tried t avid a dg.
    C.A dg suddenly turned left nt the street.
    11. When did the ambulance cme?
    A. At abut 8:30.B. At abut 8:45.C. At abut 9:00.
    12. Which f them gt injured in the accident?
    A. The driver in the red car.
    B. The female speaker.
    C. The black dg
    13. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Pliceman and driver.
    B. Dctr and patient.
    C. Prfessr and student.
    14. What mnth is it nw?
    A. September.B. August.C. July.
    15. What is Kathy ging t d this September?
    A. G back t cllege.
    B. Give training curses.
    C. Wrk in a primary schl.
    16. Where did Kathy teach as a vlunteer befre?
    A. In Prague.B. In Lndn.C. In Manchester.
    17. What attitude des Kathy's father hld t her decisin?
    A. Tlerant.B. Supprtive.C. Cautius.
    18. Hw ld is Gerge?
    19. What d we knw abut Gerge?
    A. He likes frzen fds.
    B. He is tall with dark hair.
    C. He is wearing a black cap.
    20. What shuld we d if we see Gerge?
    A. Phne Gerge's mum.
    B. Treat him t sme pizza.
    C. Take him t the security desk.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Ayung River Rafting
    Abut the trip
    Explre Ayung River Rafting, the lngest river rafting in Ayung River, a white-water rafting! The river is classified t level II t III and yur rafting trip will be apprximately 2 hurs. Our friendly and experienced raft guides will take yu n a safe and fun trip. Yu’ll find a level f prfessinalism that ffers unique insights int Bali’s natural wnders and memrable experiences thrugh the rainfrest. Dn’t miss ut n this unfrgettable adventure that shwcases the beauty f Ayung River and the excitement and thrills f tackling the rapids f the Ayung River.
    ●We suggest yu bring shrt pants r a swimsuit, a pair f changing clthes, sunscreen and extra mney fr drinks and suvenirs (纪念品).
    ●Steep rad lies at the beginning and at the end f the tur, please be ready t walk with reliable shes!
    ●Plastic bags fr wet clthes are available, but yu are advised t bring yur wn t reduce plastic use.
    ●Single-use raincats are available if it rains. Hwever, please bring yur wn t reduce plastic use.
    21. What d we knw abut Ayung River Rafting?
    A. It’s an exciting guided adventure.
    B. It helps t cnserve the rainfrest.
    C. It ffers unique insights int sciety.
    D. It’s perated n the wrld’s fastest river.
    22. What’s the charge fr an Ayung River Rating Grup f 4 including Return Htel Transfer?
    A. IDR 430.B. IDR 485.C. IDR 1940.D. IDR 2200.
    23. What are the turists advised t wear n a walk?
    A. Swimsuits.B. Strng shes.C. Raincats.D. Wet clthes.
    Betty Sandisn was having lunch with sme friends when the subject f wish lists came up. Althugh she had spent mre than 30 years wrking as a registered nurse, Betty tld her friends that she regretted never finishing the bachelr’s degree she’d started mre than 67 years earlier.
    Betty was the first persn in her family t pursue higher educatin. With a dream f becming a nurse, Betty enrlled at the University f Minnesta. But when she was just 25 credits shrt f getting her degree, fr sme reasn, Betty drpped ut f schl and sn gt married. Her career was put n hld as the cuple mved arund fr her husband’s jb, spending time living in different places.
    Many years later, Betty returned t cmmunity cllege t becme a registered nurse. She wrked as a nurse fr mre than 30 years befre retiring in 2013.
    But in 2018, she still felt regretful ver her unfinished degree. Encuraged by her friends, Betty decided t return t university t cmplete her bachelr’s degree. She chse t live in the drmitry and gt n well with her rmmates. She enrlled in classes and started wrking n thse last 25 credits. Hwever, she was discuraged by the new technlgy used when taking nline curses during the crnavirus pandemic. Even s, Betty persevered.
    At age 84, Betty gt her bachelr’s degree in Multidisciplinary Studies frm the Cllege f Cntinuing and Prfessinal Studies. She described the accmplishment as “pure jy, pure satisfactin”. Betty may even audit (旁听) cllege classes nw that her degree is cmplete. She is nt sure what’s next, but there’s ne thing she des knw: Life’s t shrt t live with regrets!
    24. Why didn’t Betty get her bachelr’s degree?
    A. Because she decided t marry her belved ne.
    B. Because she drpped ut f schl t wrk as a nurse.
    C. Because she didn’t achieve the required credits.
    D. Because she vlunteered t fight the crnavirus pandemic.
    25. What made Betty less cnfident during her pursuit f her bachelr’s degree?
    A. The difficult curses.
    B. The new technlgy.
    C. The crnavirus pandemic.
    D. The interpersnal relatinship.
    26. Which f the fllwing can best describe Betty?
    A. Skilled and friendly.
    B. Ppular and caring.
    C. Determined and hard-wrking.
    D. Ambitius and respnsible.
    27. What message des this passage cnvey?
    A. Genius is nthing but labr and diligence.
    B. Nt matter f the tday will drag tmrrw.
    C. Be the change yu want t see in the wrld.
    D. It is never t late t crss items ff the wish list.
    Walk thrugh the Amazn rainfrest tday and yu will find it is steamy, warm, damp and thick. But if yu had been arund 15,000 years ag, during the last ice age, wuld it have been the same? Fr mre than 30 years, scientists have been arguing abut hw rainfrests like the Amazn might have reacted t the cld, dry climates f the ice ages, but until nw, n ne has reached a satisfying answer.
    Rainfrests like the Amazn are imprtant fr mpping up CO2 frm the atmsphere and helping t slw glbal warming. Currently the trees in the Amazn take in arund 500 millin tnnes f CO2 each year; equal t the ttal amunt f CO2 given ff in the UK each year. But hw will the Amazn react t future climate change? If it gets drier, will it still survive and cntinue t draw dwn CO2? Scientists hpe that they will be able t learn in advance hw the rainfrest will manage in the future by understanding hw rainfrests reacted t climate change in the past.
    Unfrtunately, getting int the Amazn rainfrest and cllecting infrmatin are very difficult. T study past climate, scientists need t lk at fssilized pllen (花粉), kept in lake muds. Ging back t the last ice age means drilling deep dwn int lake sediments (沉淀物), which requires specialized equipment and heavy machinery. There are very few rads and paths, r places t land helicpters and aerplanes. Rivers tend t be the easiest way t enter the frest, but this still leaves vast areas between the rivers cmpletely unsampled (未取样). S far, nly a handful f cres have been drilled that g back t the last ice age and nne f them prvide enugh infrmatin t prve hw the Amazn rainfrest reacts t climate change.
    28. The underlined phrase "mpping up" in the secnd paragraph means _____.
    A. cleaning up B. taking in C. wiping ut D. giving ut
    29. Hw will the Amazn rainfrest react t future climate change?
    A. It'll get drier and cntinue t remve CO2.
    B. It'll remain steamy, warm, damp and thick.
    C. It'll get warmer and then clder and drier.
    D. There is n exact answer up t present.
    30. What's the main idea f the last paragraph?
    A. It's imprtant t cllect infrmatin frm lake sediments.
    B. It requires specialized equipment t study the past climate.
    C. It prves challenging t study the past climate in the Amazn rainfrest.
    D. It's impssible t prve hw climate changes in the Amazn rainfrest.
    31. The best title fr this passage may prbably be _____.
    A. Studies f the Amazn
    B. Climates f the Amazn
    C. Secrets f the Rainfrests
    D. Changes f the Rainfrests
    Press yur fingers int the back f yur head, just abve yur neck. If yu feel a small bny bump (突起), yu will find evidence f human evlutin: it culd be yur bdy respnding t cmmn smartphne use in the 21st century.
    Accrding t a recent study, published in Scientific Reprts, yung peple increasingly have bny bumps at the base f their skulls (颅骨) right abve the neck. Medical prfessinals call them enlarged external ccipital prtuberances (EEOPs, 枕外隆突).
    Australian health scientist David Shahar, authr f the study tld the BBC that ver the past 10 years, he’s seen mre and mre patients with EEOPs. Tgether with ther researchers frm the University f the Sunshine Cast, Australia, they examined 1200 skulls x-rays frm peple aged 18 t 30. They als measured the bumps and nted each persn’s psture (坐姿).They fund that ne in fur peple have develped these grwths. This led t their thery that smartphnes are the cause.
    Accrding t their research, lking dwn at their phnes adds the stress nt the tp f ur spines (脊柱). T prevent damage t ur spines, Shahar believes ur bdies add fresh bny bumps t help reduce the extra stress.
    Mst f the EEOPs measure just a few millimeters. Hwever, several subjects were fund with EEOPs as large as 30 mm.
    In his reprt, Shahar said the results “highlighted the need” fr preventin. In ther wrds, we need t change ur psture while using ur phnes.
    Many peple assume ur bnes are slid and are unmving nce we reach adulthd. In reality, they are alive and cvered with bld vessels (血管), which allws them t develp in unique ways fr each persn.
    Aside frm EEOPs, ther nticeable recent changes in human bdies include smaller jaws, elbws and skeletns (骨骼). The human bdy is changing with mdern life. S wh knws what peple in the future might lk like?
    What did the recent study find abut EEOPs?
    A. They grw n ne’s neck.
    B. They culd lead t many mental prblems.
    C. They increasingly ccur amng yung peple.
    D. They may stp grwing when they reach 30.
    33. What is the main cause f EEOPs accrding t the researchers?
    A. Gene prblems. B. Smartphne use.
    C. Aging bnes. D. Extra stress.
    34. Which f the fllwing wuld Shahar prbably agree with?
    A.EEOPs increase the stress n ur spines.
    B. Yung peple’s bnes develp in similar ways.
    C. EEOPs are actually beneficial t ur spines.
    D. Yung peple shuld exercise t imprve their psture.
    35. What’s the writing purpse f the text?
    A. T prve that human bdies can develp EEOPs.
    B. T recmmend sme healthy habits f using phnes.
    C. T shw sme recent changes in human bdies.
    D. T raise readers’ awareness f prtecting their spines.
    Have yu ever gne t a museum r a shw and been cmpletely blwn away (震撼) by a piece? If yu haven't, g ut and get cultured. I'm a student at the Cllege f Visual and Perfrming Arts where we create all kinds f art every day. ____36____But I dn't think thse peple truly knw the difficulties and struggles in the prcess f making art.
    First f all, we need t be inspired. Yu may think that's easy. In fact, anything can serve as a cncept f a wrk f art. ____37____Smetimes we will need peple, vlunteers, bdies t d s and finding willing peple t wrk is hard. Other times we have a clear idea f what we want but we dn't knw hw t make ther peple fully understand what we're trying t get at.
    ____38____We need a space t be able t be creative and that can be tricky t acquire. Smetimes we need art supplies r certain equipment and cstumes and that can cst mney. Even if we d acquire what we need, visins change and mistakes happen s we might nt end up using the resurces.
    The prcess can take weeks, mnths, and even years t be fully realized. Once cmpleted, we need t share it and find an audience and prvide an envirnment t display ur wrk. ____39____What if nbdy likes what we created? What if ur visin isn't what we thught thugh cmpleted?
    Creating art is an art in itself. It is really nt as easy as many peple think.____40_____ It's hw we express urselves and hw we cmmunicate with the rest f the wrld.
    A. Outsiders think ur jbs easy.
    B. We shuld be quiet and creative.
    C. We might chse ther fields as well.
    D. Resurces are als a huge factr in making art.
    E. The hard part cmes when we put ur ideas int reality.
    F. And the negative thughts lve t verpwer ur minds.
    G. It takes time, patience and space when things dn't g as expected.
    第三部分 语言运用(共四节,满分50分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    On Mndays, my children get ready fr schl in an unusual way. Each packs (打包) a large plastic bin with tw ___41___f clthes, plenty f fd and water, a pair f rubber bts, hats, and smetimes a bttle f ht chclate. Then,___42___walking them t schl as I d n the ther days, I___43___them ff at a nearby park where they spend the entire day utside at a certified (获得资质的)“frest schl”.
    When I first ___44___them up, I lved the idea f giving my children an utdr educatin, but was als___45___f a few things: Wuld they be cmfrtable utside fr that lng? Wuld they stay___46___fr that many hurs? Wuld the teachers let them act freely?
    My___47___quickly disappeared as I watched hw jyful they were when I picked them up at the end f the afternn. I was relieved t learn that their teachers’ rle is___48___t help when smething ges wrng. The kids direct their wn play, ___49___it’s dne in a public space where a teacher can see. There is n ____50____mealtime. Smetimes my kids were s fcused n their games that they frgt t____51____. They are learning t bserve nature up clse. Their cnfidence is____52____as they cmplete physical tasks that nrmal schls wuld never____53____.
    They are als making scial cnnectins____54____different age grups. My bys describe ____55____a special bnd (联结) t “frest schl kids” when they meet elsewhere in ur small twn.
    41. A. changesB. stylesC. cllectinsD. types
    42. A. in spite fB. instead fC. in additin tD. as fr
    43. A. putB. pushC. drpD. see
    44. A. brughtB. signed C. cheeredD. picked
    45. A. unawareB. cnfidentC. uncertainD. prud
    46. A. unchangedB. alarmedC. unnticedD. fcused
    47. A. prblemsB. cnsideratinC. stress D. cncerns
    48. A. simplyB. trulyC. nearlyD. finally
    49. A. even ifB. as lng asC. in caseD. as sn as
    50. A. fixedB. limitedC. specialD. flexible
    51. A. playB. drinkC. eatD. rest
    52. A. disappearingB. returningC. grwing D. reducing
    53. A. perfrmB. apprachC. ignre D. allw
    54. A. atB. acrssC. frm D. beynd
    55. A. feelingB. expectingC. creating D. seeking
    第二节 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Fr thse lking t escape the cncrete jungle, maybe it’s time t dive int the bamb frests f suthern Sichuan.
    A natural frest that peple in Sichuan prvince tend ____56____(visit) is the Suthern Sichuan Bamb Sea in Yibin. The 120-square-kilmeter Bamb Sea is the ____57____ (large) bamb park in China and its average temperature seldm drps belw zer degrees Celsius in winter ____58____ many parts f the cuntry are cvered with snw and ice.
    Knwn as ne f the cuntry’s 10 mst beautiful frests, it ____59____(be) a ppular turist attractin since the Oscar-winning Cruching Tiger Hidden Dragn ____60____(sht) there in 2001.
    Tw years later, the bamb frest received wrld-wide ____61____(recgnize) as a bamb reserve in December 2003, ____62____(becme) the furth turism destinatin in China t be granted Green Glbe 21 certificatin.
    The Bamb Sea cvers Changning and Jiang’an, tw cunties ____63____ (manage) by Yibin. Amazed at its vast expanse, Huang Tingjian, ____64____ pet frm the Sng Dynasty, described it as “bamb waves”. As Huang was an ____65____(influence) man f letters, his descriptin gave rise t the frest’s ppular nickname—the Bamb Sea.
    第三节 单句语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Yur clthes are ften a _____________ (reflect) f yur persnality..
    The latest mdel ____________ (feature) a large screen and electrnic alarm is ppular amng yung cnsumers.
    Despite great investment, the mvie was nt a ___________ (cmmerce) success.
    The ___________ (apply) shuld be flexible, creative, and be able t wrk in a team atmsphere.
    She gave an exact ___________ (describe) f the attacker when questined by the plice.
    The bmb explded, leaving many peple __________ (injure) and even a few killed.
    The crash ___________ (ccur) when the crew shut dwn the wrng engine.
    Nerve cells have limited ability t recver if _____________ (destry).
    We __________ (slide) dwn the rf and drpped t the grund.
    The remte desert area is ___________ (access) nly by helicpter.
    第四节 完成句子(共5题;每题2分,满分10分)
    76. 我正要放弃搜索,却注意到灌木丛中有什么东西。
    I ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ up the search when smething caught my eye in the bushes.
    77. 士兵们在执行任务后已安全返回。
    The sldiers have arrived ▲ ▲ ▲ frm their missins.
    78. 他们撒开网四处物色新的球队教练。
    They have spread their net ▲ ▲ ▲ in the search fr a new team cach.
    With business infrmatin ▲ ▲ ▲ , we can slve yur lcal and freign business prblems quickly.
    80. 他希望此次开发会给社区注入新的生机。
    He hpes the develpment will ▲ new ▲ ▲ the cmmunity.
    第四部分 书面表达(满分20分)
    81. 假定你是李华,你校外教Mr Smith将在暑假开展英语短剧表演培训活动,他需要招聘一名学生助手,请你写一封申请信参加应聘。内容包括:
    Dear Mr Smith,

    Yurs, Li Hua
    1-5 BACBC6-10 CABCB11-15 BAACA16-20 ABBCC
    21-23. ACB 24-27. CBCD 28-31. BDCC 32-35. CBCD
    36. A 37. E 38. D 39. F 40. G
    41-45. ABCBC 46-50. DDABA 51-55. CCDBA
    t visit 57. largest 58. when 59. has been 60. was sht
    61. recgnitin 62. becming 63. managed 64. a 65. influential
    reflectin 67. featuring 68. cmmercial 69. applicant 70. descriptin
    71. injured 72. ccurred 73. destryed 74. slid 75. accessible
    76. was n the pint f giving 77 safe and sund 78. far and wide
    79. at ur fingertips 80. breathe; life int
    A pssible versin:
    Dear Smith,
    I’m Li Hua, an enthusiast f English drama perfrmance. I’m writing t apply fr the psitin f yur assistant in the upcming English shrt play perfrmance training.
    As a senir student with an excellent cmmand f English, I can cmmunicate with native speakers f English fluently. In additin, I’m equipped with remarkable rganizatinal skills and creative prblem-slving abilities, making me a gd candidate fr the psitin.
    I’ll prve equal t the psitin if given the chance, and I lk frward t hearing frm yu.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Ayung River Rafting Packages
    Ayung River Rafting Own Transprt
    IDR 350/Persn
    Ayung River Rafting Grup f 2, including Return Htel Transfer
    IDR 550/Persn
    Ayung River Rafting Grup f 3 - 4, including Return Htel Transfer
    IDR 485/Persn
    Ayung River Rafting Grup f 5+, including Return Htel Transfer
    IDR 430/Persn

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