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    试卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟
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    3. 请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答, 超出答题区域书写的答案无效; 在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分)
    第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At a ticket ffice. B. In a restaurant. C. On a train.
    2. Hw much did the wman pay fr the dress?
    A. 20 punds. B. 29 punds. C. 49 punds.
    3. What did the wman d?
    A. She cleaned the table. B. She tk ut insurance. C. She received letters.
    4. Hw des the wman sund?
    A. Excited. B. Interested. C. Surprised.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. What t eat. B. Hw t ck. C. Wh t invite fr dinner.
    第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三 个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A. Repeat the guide’s wrds.B. Listen t him . C. Walk faster.
    7. What will the speakers prbably d next?
    A. Talk t the guide. B. Visit the museum. C. Travel t Egypt.
    8. Hw lng des Lucy prbably spend playing the pian each day?
    A. One hur. B. Tw hurs. C. Three hurs.
    9. What des the by mean in the end?
    A. He is very interested in sprts.
    B. He wants t spend mre time reading.
    C. He desn’t have time t play the guitar.
    10. Why des the wman talk t the man?
    A. T seek a slutin.
    B. T ask fr permissin.
    C. T take a leave f absence.
    11. What prblem is bthering the staff in the ffice?
    A. Cmputers dn’t wrk. B. The heat is unbearable. C. The wrklad is heavy.
    12. What will the man d in the afternn?
    A. Meet the wman again. B. G t the dctr. C. Have sme rest.
    13. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Hst and husekeeper. C. Parent and babysitter.
    14. What des the man expect the wman t d?
    A. Put n a perfrmance.
    B. Make herself feel at ease.
    C. Help Rick with his hmewrk.
    15. What shuld the wman avid ding?
    A. Using the dishwasher.
    B. Leaving the children alne.
    C. Giving ckies t the children.
    16. What d we knw abut the man?
    A. He likes singing.
    B. He is familiar with Linette.
    C. He knws his children well.
    17. What is the speaker ding?
    A. Intrducing a business idea.
    B. Explaining a business trend.
    C. Sharing his business experience.
    18. What is peple’s least favrite husewrk accrding t the speaker?
    A. Making meals. B. Washing the clthes. C. Ding the cleaning.
    19. What is the mst imprtant thing t d in starting the laundry business?
    A. D market research. B. Buy necessary equipment. C. Estimate the csts.
    20. What des the speaker mainly discuss at the end f the talk?
    A. When t start the business.
    B. Hw t measure the csts.
    C. Where t get the desirable machines.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Temples have lng served an imprtant rle since the early years f civilizatin. Whether yu are seeking a sense f spiritual enlightenment r lking t learn mre abut a certain religin, these beautiful temples are wrth a stp n yur vacatin.
    Par Taktsang in the Par Valley, Bhutan
    Situated n a steep cliff in Bhutan’s Par Valley, the “Tiger’s Nest” earned its nickname frm an 18th-century tale detailing Buddhist master Padmasambhava arriving t the site n a flying tiger. The jurney t the cliffside is quite the challenge, requiring guests t climb tw hurs n a steep trail.
    Seigant-ji in Nachikatsuura, Japan
    Neighbring the tallest waterfall and set against the lush trees f Nachi, Seigant-ji dates back t the 4th century. Seigant-ji is nw the first stp n the Saigku Kannn Pilgrimage, where individuals travel t 33 Buddhist temples thrughut the Kansai regin f Japan.
    Man M Temple in Hng Kng
    This Buddhist and Taist temple was built t hnr the gd f literature and the gd f war, and the inscriptins fund in the temple hall imply its cnstructin may have taken place arund 1847. It is still highly active and visited by lcal wrshippers, s it’s asked that any visitr cming t the temple is prhibited frm taking phts ut f respect.
    Kek Lk Si Temple, Malaysia
    Penang is ften tuted (吹捧) fr its sandy beaches and emerald blue waters, but it’s als hme t the largest Buddhist temple in Malaysia. A melting pt f cultures, the temple’s architecture shwcases Chinese, Thai, and Burmese styles thrughut its stunning seven stries. It’s estimated there are 10,000 statues f Buddha depicted thrughut its main pagdas.
    21. If yu hpe t enjy a sea view, which temple is the best chice?
    A. Par Taktsang in the Par Valley, Bhutan. B. Seigant-ji in Nachikatsuura, Japan.
    C. Man M Temple in Hng Kng. D. Kek Lk Si Temple, Malaysia.
    22. What d we knw frm the text?
    A. Kek Lk Si Temple is the largest temple in Malaysia.
    B. Par Taktsang earned its nickname due t its unique lcatin.
    C. Seigant-ji is a time-hnred temple with magnificent surrundings.
    D. Visitrs tend t take phts t shw their respect fr Man M Temple.
    23. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. A travel jurnal. B. A turist brchure.
    C. A gegraphy textbk. D. An academic article.
    Will the AI chatbts eat search engines’ lunch? Fr mre than 20 years, search engines have been the Internet’s frnt dr. Ggle has dminated the field in mst f the wrld. But nthing lasts frever, particularly in technlgy.
    Just ask IBM, which nce ruled business cmputing, r Nkia, nce the leader in mbile phnes. Bth fell behind because they didn’t fllw big technlgical transitins. Nw anther tech innvatin might annunce a similar shift—and a similar pprtunity. ChatGPT has put itself n centre stage, by letting peple chat with an AI directly. ChatGPT can write essays in varius styles, explain cmplex cncepts, summarize texts and answer questins. And it can cllect, prcess and cmbine knwledge frm the web: fr example, listing hliday spts that match certain criteria, r suggesting menus r schedules. If asked, it can explain its reasning and prvide details. Many things that peple use search engines fr tday, in shrt, can be dne better with chatbts.
    Will ChatGPT help students cheat better? Yes, but as with many ther technlgy develpments, it’s nt a simple black and white situatin. Decades ag, students culd cpy encyclpedia entries, and mre recently, they’ve been able t search the Internet and explre int Wikipedia entries. ChatGPT ffers new abilities fr everything frm helping with research t ding their hmewrk fr them. Many ChatGPT answers already sund like student essays. Ask the new artificial intelligence tl ChatGPT t write an essay abut the cause f the American Civil War and yu can watch it prduce a persuasive term paper in a matter f secnds.
    It can even (narrwly) pass a number f exams. It scred 60% n the United States Medical Licensing Examinatin, 70% n an exam fr lawyers, 78% n New Yrk state’s high schl chemistry exam’s multiple chice sectin, and ranked the 40th n the Law Schl Admissin Test.
    A high schl teacher cncluded ChatGPT already writes better than mst students tday. He’s trn between admiring ChatGPT’s ptential usefulness and fearing its harm t human learning: “Is this mment mre like the inventin f the calculatr, saving me frm the bredm f lng divisin, r mre like the inventin f the player pian, rbbing us f what can be cmmunicated nly thrugh human emtin?”
    24. What is the reasn why sme tech cmpanies fail t develp?
    A. The sharp rising market cst.
    B. Their shift t ther business fields.
    C. The negative impact f lcal ecnmy.
    D. Their failure t keep pace with tech changes.
    25. What is ChatGPT unable t d accrding t the text?
    A. Play the pian. B. Write varius articles.
    C. Schedule a hliday trip. D. Explain cmplex cncepts.
    26. What is the purpse f the percentages mentined in paragraph 4?
    A. T explain a rule. B. T make a predictin.
    C. T illustrate a fact. D. T clarify a cncept.
    27. What is the authr’s attitude twards ChatGPT?
    A. Objective. B. Psitive. C. Negative. D. Ambiguus.
    In the endless sky, the unaided human eye shuld be able t perceive several thusand stars n a clear, dark night. Unfrtunately, grwing light pllutin has impeded peple frm the nightly view.
    New citizen-science-based research thrws alarming light n the prblem f “sky glw”-the diffuse illuminatin (漫射照明) f the night sky that is a frm f light pllutin. The data came frm crwd-surced bservatins cllected frm arund the wrld as part f Glbe at Night, a prgram develped by astrnmer Cnnie Walker.
    Light pllutin has harmful effects n the practice f astrnmy but als n human health and wildlife, since it disturbs the cycle frm sunlight t starlight that bilgical systems have evlved alngside. Furthermre, the lss f visible stars is a great lss f human cultural heritage. Until relatively recently, humans thrughut histry had an impressive view f the starry night sky, and the effect f this nightly spectacle is evident in ancient cultures.
    Glbe at Night has been gathering data n star visibility since 2006. Anyne can submit bservatins thrugh the Glbe at Night web applicatin. Participants recrd which ne best matches what they can see in the sky withut any telescpes r ther instruments.
    Researchers find that the lss f visible stars indicates an increase in sky brightness f 9.6% per year while rughly 2% is measured by satellites. Existing satellites are nt well suited t measuring sky glw as it appears t humans, because they can nt detect wavelengths shrter than 500 nanmeters. White LEDs, with shrter wavelengths under 500 nanmeters, nw are increasingly cmmnly used in utdr lighting. But human eyes are mre sensitive t these shrter wavelengths at nighttime. Space-based instruments d nt measure light frm windws, either. But these surces are significant cntributrs t sky glw as seen frm the grund.
    “The increase in sky glw ver the past decade underlines the imprtance f redubling ur effrts and develping new strategies t prtect dark skies,” said Walker. “The Glbe at Night dataset is necessary in ur nging evaluatin f changes in sky glw, and we encurage whever can t get invlved t help prtect the starry night sky.”
    28. What des the underlined wrd “impeded” in the first paragraph mean?
    A. separated. B. demanded. C. disabled. D. prtected.
    29. What des the lss f visible stars lead t?
    A. Prer human health. B. Less nightly culture elements f the sky.
    C. Mre delicate bilgical systems. D. Fewer wildlife species.
    30. What des the authr stress in paragraph 5?
    A. White LEDs are widely used. B. Shrter wavelengths are hard t detect.
    C. Satellites play a vital rle. D. Crwd surced data are invaluable.
    31. What can be inferred frm Walker’s wrds?
    A. Their cnsistent effrts pay ff.
    B. Mre participants are expected t jin in.
    C. The sky glw has been ver-emphasized.
    D. The dataset needs t be updated.
    Hw many bsses culd rely n their emplyees threatening t quit in mass if they were abruptly frced ut? Sam Altman received such a shw f supprt frm mre than 700 staff after he was fired frm Open AI that he was swiftly restred t his psitin by the bard. But this level f lyalty is nt typical and may nt always be a gd thing.
    Management experts say staff wh are lyal t their emplyer are inclined t invest mre time and effrt in their jbs, helping t create an engaged and higher perfrming wrkplace. In turn they receive prmtins and pay rises. They have a greater sense f belnging and ptentially a lnger career at the same rganizatin. But it is nt all rsy. Peple wh are t lyal are mre likely t take actins that are deemed wrng t keep their jbs and prtect their emplyer, accrding t a 2021 academic paper. They might verlk wrngding and be less likely t expse crruptin. Lyalty is smetimes seen as such a frce fr gd that it can be used t justify bad behavir.
    Often cmpanies and senir bsses are the real winner f emplyee lyalty. Research led by Matthew Stanley at Duke University’s Fuqua Schl f Business published this year, fund that managers were mre likely t explit lyal individuals. Stanley recruited almst 1,400 managers t read abut a fictinal 29-year-ld emplyee called Jhn, wh wrked fr a cmpany that was trying t keep csts dwn. They had t decide hw willing they wuld be t ask Jhn t wrk lnger hurs and take n mre wrk withut mre pay. Researchers created varius situatins including labelling Jhn as lyal versus ther traits such as hnest and fair. Managers were mre willing t ask lyal Jhn t take n the burden f unpaid wrk.
    Hwever, Cnsultancy Gallup’s latest state f the wrkplace reprt shwed that half f the 122, 416 emplyees wh tk part in a glbal survey were lking ut fr new wrk. “Yu can’t guarantee anyne will stick arund these days,” says a cnsultant wh advises bards. This is particularly true f yunger generatins. They trust their bsses less and are nt as patient when it cmes t career prgressin, seeing little benefit in keeping their heads dwn and fllwing rders if they d nt see results quickly.
    32. What des the authr want t say by mentining Sam Altman in Paragraph 1?
    A. Open AI’s staff lyalty is quite high.
    B. Sam Altman culd cunt n his emplyees.
    C. Staff lyalty’s rsy side in the wrk.
    D. This level f lyalty is always gd.
    33. Hw did Matthew Stanley cnduct his research?
    A. Thrugh glbal surveys cncerning a fictinal emplyee named Jhn.
    B. By creating different situatins t ask Jhn ta take n mre unpaid wrk.
    C. By recruiting managers t read fictin abut wrk traits like lyal and hnest.
    D. By asking managers t make decisins abut wrk arrangements f Jhn.
    34. What can yu learn frm the passage?
    A. Yunger generatins are mre patient twards their emplyers.
    B. Lyalty can be used by management t explit emplyees.
    C. Emplyees wh are lyal are mre likely t reprt wrngding.
    D. Lyalty t an emplyer always leads t a psitive wrk envirnment.
    35. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Hw Jb Lyalty Affects the Wrk Envirnment?
    B. Des Wrk Lyalty Help Career Prgress Mre Quickly?
    C. Are Lyal Emplyees Mre Likely t be Prmted?
    D. Why Staff Lyalty is Nt Always a Gd Thing?
    China’s Qiantang River is famus fr a unique natural phenmenn, a wavy pattern tide that was bserved in 2021.
    The Qiantang River’s estuary (河口) in Zhejiang Prvince has lng been famus fr having the strngest tidal waves in the wrld. 36 Hwever, in 2021, researchers discvered anther natural phenmenn unique t this estuary. Under specific cnditins, the tide cmes in waves that lk like fish scales (鳞) n the water’s surface. 37
    The exact reasn fr this unusual tide pattern’s ccurrence is still being discussed. Different surces give different reasns. 38
    “The area is als knwn t have rtating currents, meaning that the tide des nt simply mve inland and then change its directin, Nicle Sharp writes. 39 This unique characteristic creates an ideal envirnment fr waves t crash int each ther at varius angles. Tw sets f waves meet at a crssrads, creating cl wave patterns.”
    Accrding t the media, astrnmy, tpgraphy, and wind directins are the main factrs that prduce the “fish scale tide”. 40 S des the shape f the estuary-very narrw at the river muth, but then very wide where it meets the sea.
    Whatever the exact necessary cnditins fr the ccurrence f the “fish scale tide” may be, ne thing is fr sure-it rarely happens.
    A. Peple always get endangered there.
    B. At times, they can get as tall as nine meters.
    C. The phenmenn is knwn as the “fish scale tide”.
    D. Besides, the weather cnditins are f great imprtance.
    E. Apparently, the mn and the sun play a big part in the phenmenn.
    F. Fr example, FyFluidDyamics believes that the phenmenn is the result f a series f factrs.
    G. Instead, a rtating current can change its directin during a tidal cycle withut changing its speed.
    第三部分 语言运用(共四节,满分40分)
    This wrld is nt really peaceful. The heartbrken scenes in the cnflict between Russia and Ukraine are 41 day by day. I cannt help thinking abut my unique family situatin. I am the father f tw adpted bys, ne frm Russia and the ther frm Ukraine, and I 42 them when they were very little.
    Yung men nw, each 43 his way in life, but they still carry a strng 44 f their rigins, althugh Alysha less s than Antn. While Alysha des nt ften 45 the land f his Russian birth, Antn's feelings fr Ukraine run deep: When Crimea (克里米亚) jined Russia in 2014, Antn was 17.
    I’m grateful that 46 the cnflict, they behave as if their 47 is ne f bld.
    In additin t 48 anther wrd cmes t mind: absence. I ften see crwded 49 f mthers and children everywhere, huddled (蜷缩) in dark and 50 spaces n the news nw. But my bys aren’t there. I als ften see children crying as they hug tightly fathers wh must 51 themselves t wars. But my sns are here, and I am available t them.
    Especially, in these 52 times, when it is easy t draw battle lines and take 53 events have, instead, pushed my sns 54 tgether. Staring at them, I realize that I am nt lking at a Russian and a Ukrainian; I am lking at tw peple wh lve each ther s much that ding the ther 55 is unthinkable.
    41. A. finishing B. unflding C. decreasing D. imprving
    42. A. disliked B. attracted C. arranged D. adpted
    43. A. blcks B. abandns C. makes D. quits
    44. A. ffence B. bredm C. sense D. discriminatin
    45. A. flee frm B. take ver C. deal with D. think f
    46. A. befre B. until C. despite D. withut
    47. A. hair B. bnd C. brain D. health
    48. A. surprise B. gratitude C. excitement D. enthusiasm
    49. A. gatherings B. harbrs C. airprts D. statins
    50. A. mess B. quiet C. clean D. elegant
    51. A. enjy B. separate C. express D. thank
    52. A. ancient B. mdern C. peacefulD. trubled
    53. A. phts B. seats C. sides D. psts
    54. A. farther B. higher C. lnger D. clser
    55. A. harm B. gd C. justice D. hnr
    Chinese cmedienne and actress Jia Ling recently revealed that she was lsing weight fr ____56____ upcming rle during her gap time.
    Jia Ling has lst 50 kilgrams fr her new mvie YOLO. Frm the expsed phts, Jia Ling lks like a ____57____ (whle) different persn. In the early teasers fr YOLO, audience caught glimpses f Jia Ling’s dedicatin ____58____ her rle as a bxer. Hwever, it wasn’t until the mvie’s release ____59____ viewers truly gt t witness the extent f her transfrmatin. Her ____60____ (define) abdminal (腹部的) muscles are clear and beautiful, making it hard t imagine that this is the same Jia Ling we nce ____61_____ (knw).
    ____62____ (slim) dwn frm 100 kg t 50 kg can’t be achieved vernight. She thught if yu can’t bear the pain f discipline, yu will have t accept the medicrity (平庸) f yurself. She is unwilling t settle fr medicrity and has chsen t challenge herself, determined ____63____ (exchange) sweat and effrt fr her glamrus transfrmatin tday. Her path t success has been filled with hardships and challenges, ____64____ she has never given up n her ____65____(pursue)and dream fr herself.
    She shws us thrugh her actins that regardless f the circumstances, as lng as yu have determinatin and perseverance,yu can definitely achieve success. She nt nly brings us laughter and tuches ur hearts but als cnveys a psitive and uplifting energy.
    Plans fr ur vacatin are beginning t ________ ________.
    67. 考虑到损耗,这车状况良好。
    The car is in gd cnditin ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.
    68. 最近研究使人们进一步了解这一物种的起源。
    Recently research has ________ ________ ________ ________ the rigin f the species.
    69. 福利改革是政府的当务之急。
    Welfare refrm is ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________fr the gvernment.
    70. 他们把我的发明品当作玩具而不予考虑。
    They ________ my inventin ________a ty.
    Thusands f cars lay ________ the surge f water left them.
    Hard ________ he tried, he still failed t carry ut the plan.
    He gt dwn t writing his nvel, safe in the knwledge ________ he wuldn’t be disturbed fr at least 4 hurs.
    The students are chatting abut the bks and writers ________ will add t their favrites.
    ______ I wanted, mre than anything, was a few days’ rest.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Welcme t Our English Club
    April 8, 2024
    Welcme t ur English Club! ________________________________________________
    English Club
    Taimur and Daniyal were twins and had been my next dr neighbrs since I was five years ld. Nt nly did we g t the same schl, but ur evenings and weekends were spent tgether t. It was like we were inseparable. I never felt that I needed any friends ther than them. Unexpectedly, ne evening their parents shared the news f them mving t anther cuntry-Australia.
    I was shcked t realize that we wuld never be tgether, started recalling all the gd times we had spent tgether, such as playing in the schl breaks, the play dates, and all the fun things we did. Was it all ging t end?
    When we had been thrugh s many highs and lws tgether, shared secrets and supprted each ther thrugh thick and thin, their mving away felt like my heart was being taken away. The news f their departure left me feeling empty and lst.
    I was thinking abut the biggest change that I was ging t face in a few days, it was a difficult pill t swallw, but I knew I must mve n. Thugh it wasn’t easy at first, I was trying my level best t beat the mental pain I was in.
    After hearing the news, every day felt like a struggle. The schl didn’t feel the same; the lunchbreaks had n purpse. Sn there wuld be n ne t cmpare the test marks with, hmewrk remarks wuld nt excite me like befre, and s n. I culdn’t help but feel lst and alne already.
    Seeing my cnditin, my family advised me t make the mst f the time that was left befre they mved.____________________________________________________________________
    Saying gdbye wasn’t easy, but it set my heart at ease t realize that we culd still be the clsest friends.__________________________________________________________________
    高二英语期中参考答案 2024.04
    第一部分 听力(每题1分,满分20分)
    1-5 CACCA 6-10 ABCBA 11-15 BACBB 16-20 CABAB
    第二部分 阅读理解(每题2.5分,满分50分)
    第一节 21-23 DCB 24-27 DACA 28-31 CBDB 32-35 CDBD
    第二节36-40 BCFGE
    第三部分 语言运用(共四节,满分40分)
    41-45 BDCCD 46-50 CBBAA 51-55 BDCDA
    56. an 57. whlly 58. t 59. that 60. defined
    61. knew 62. Slimming 63. t exchange 64. but 65. pursuit
    66. take shape 67. allwing fr wear and tear 68. cast new light n
    69. n the tp f the agenda 70. dismissed as
    where 72. as/thugh 73. that 74. that 75. What
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Welcme t Our English Club
    April 8, 2024
    Welcme t ur English Club! It culd serve as a platfrm t shw yur utstanding abilities and help yu develp a range f great skills.
    Yu can participate in a variety f activities including staging musical dramas, hlding grup discussins, watching Oscar-winning mvies, and s n. These after-class activities culd ffer yu abundant pprtunities. Fr ne thing, yur active participatin is helpful in strengthening the sense f respnsibility and managing interpersnal relatins. Fr anther, varius activities rganized by us culd raise yur level f prficiency in English. As such, a gd cmmand f English will undubtedly give yu a cmpetitive advantage ver yur peers.
    Yu can file a written applicatin t ur staff ffice r email us via englishclub @163. cm. The deadline fr entries is April 20. Cme n, and jin us nw!
    English Club
    Seeing my cnditin, my family advised me t make the mst f the time that was left befre they mved. They encuraged me t create mre memries that culd be cherished frever. Taking their advice t heart, I planned a series f farewell activities - a picnic at ur favrite park, a mvie marathn night featuring ur favrite films, and a heartfelt gift exchange. These mments were bittersweet, filled with laughter and tears, reminding us f the strng bnd we shared. It was a time f reflectin, appreciating every mment spent tgether, and acknwledging that true friendship isn’t bund by distance.
    Saying gdbye wasn’t easy, but it set my heart at ease t realize that we culd still be the clsest friends. We made prmises t stay in tuch thrugh vide calls, texts, and scial media. As they left, we hugged tightly, whispering reassurances f meeting again. The departure was a pivtal mment fr me, teaching me resilience and the value f friendships that withstand the test f time and distance. This experience,althugh painful, prepared me fr future farewells and reinfrced the idea that sme bnds are indeed unbreakable, n matter where life takes us.
    Text 1:
    W: Excuse me, sir. May I see yur ticket, please?
    M: Just a mment Oh, n. I can’t find my wallet. I must have left it in the dining car.
    W: Yu’d better g t that carriage and ask the cnductr fr help.
    Text 2:
    W: Hi, I bught a dress and this sweater here tw days ag. The sweater desn’t really suit me, s I wuld like t return it. Here’s my receipt.
    M: OK, n prblem. As it shws, the ttal cst is 49 punds. S, here’s 29 punds back fr the sweater.
    Text 3:
    M: Did all f ur mail already arrive? I’m waiting fr an imprtant letter frm the insurance cmpany.
    W: I’m nt sure abut the ne yu want, but I put a pile f letters n the bedside table just nw. Check them ut.
    Text 4:
    M: Hey, Lizzy. Hw have yu been? I nticed yur dad’s stre has been clsed fr days. Is business slw?
    W: What? I dn’t knw anything abut it. Are we ging ut f business s early?
    Text 5:
    W: Let's get smething t eat. I'm starved.
    M: I dn't feel like cking. Let's rder takeut. Pasta r ndles?
    W: The first ne. I have t say I had ndles with Mark yesterday.
    Text 6:
    W: Wait fr me, Jack! I can’t walk that fast.
    M: Srry. I just want t have a gd lk at that building. It’s s massive! What did the tur guide say abut this place? I’m srry I wasn’t listening then.
    W: He said that the Metrplitan Museum f Art is the largest art museum in America. Its cllectin cnsists f wrks f art frm ancient Egypt, Eurpe and America.
    M: Ancient Egypt? What gd luck! I’ve always wanted t travel there. Let’s check it ut.
    W: I dn’t mind. But yu have t prmise t walk slwer. I dn’t want t get lst here.
    M: Okay.
    Text 7:
    M: Lucy, I listened t yur music tday. It is truly beautiful! Hw did yu make it?
    W: Thanks. I have an nline pian lessn fr ne hur per day. My mm als asks me t practice playing the pian fr anther tw hurs, ne hur in the mrning and the ther ne after I get back hme frm schl.
    M:Ww, yu must really enjy it.
    W: I d. What abut yu, Masn? I remember yu play the guitar.
    M: Guitar? Oh, that was nly a passing fancy. I’m really keen n ftball. When I went t the middle schl, ur trainer nticed me reading near the sprts grund. He ffered me a chance t have a try n his team. I did, and very sn it became a part f my life.
    W: That sunds like fun.
    M: Sure, but there’s als ne drawback. I can’t even spare an hur t read since that day.
    Text 8:
    W: Hell, Mr. Leeds. The heat wave is frecast t last lnger and the air cnditining system n ur flr is still nt repaired. The temperature these days is 35 Celsius degrees and it get s even htter in the afternn. The cmputers and the ther equipment als prduce a lt f heat in the ffice.
    M: Yes, Mandy. I have been aware f that. I’m suffering as well. I suppse we will have t bear it a bit lnger.
    W: Sir, I came t yu in the name f all ur clleagues. We can’t stand this any lnger.
    M: Are yu saying that yu refuse t wrk?
    W: Unless there are sme slutins, I’m afraid s.
    M: Yu can’t stp the wrk. I have significantly reduced the wrklad fr everyne already.
    W: We understand it. Hwever, we are experiencing terrible headaches and breathing difficulties. Clearly, that affects ur wrk perfrmance a lt.
    M: Fine. Cme again t my ffice at 1:00 p.m. I’ll try t figure smething ut.
    W: Thank yu, sir.
    Text 9:
    M: S here we g, I’ll tell yu all the things yu need t knw. My sn Rick is usually pretty quiet. He lves playing cmputer games, but my wife and I dn’t allw him t play fr t lng. When he finishes his hmewrk, please give him a glass f milk and sme ckies. The ckies are n the tp shelf f the cupbard.
    W: Okay. What abut little Daisy?
    M: She is yunger and mre active. She’s crazy abut dlls and can play with them fr hurs. She lves singing, s dn’t be surprised if she asks yu t watch her perfrmance.
    W: Ha-ha, lvely. What abut dinner?
    M: It’s in the refrigeratr. Yu shuld heat it up and give it t them arund 7:00 p.m. Put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher when they’re dne. Dn’t be shy, Linette. If yu’re hungry, just help yurself.
    W: Thanks, I already had my dinner. What abut their bedtime?
    M: As fr Daisy, she must g t bed befre 9:00 p.m. Rick can stay up fr anther half an hur. Oh, ne mre thing, please dn’t leave the huse until I return.
    W: Gt it. Have a nice evening, Mr. Cells.
    M: Thank yu. I shuld be back frm wrk by midnight.
    Text 10:
    Fr mst peple, ding the laundry is a basic part f life. As lng as clean clthes are in demand, a laundry business will be t. Thugh peple always need clean clthes, many dn't have time t handle this elementary task. In fact, laundry is ften thught t be the least favrable husehld chre, fllwed by cking and sweeping. Cnsidering the cnstant need fr clean clthes, starting a business in the laundry industry can be a great ptin fr a beginner.
    Running yur wn laundry business des nt require any specific qualificatin r experience. The mst imprtant thing is: It's necessary t carry ut lcal market research befre yu make a business plan r buy equipment. Such businesses are mst ppular in areas with lts f peple r where peple might nt have their wn washing machines, fr example, the university campus and ppular turist spts.
    Yu may want t run a laundry where custmers wash their clthes using yur machines. Yu can als ffer services. Fr example, custmers can drp ff their laundry, and then pick it up when it's dne. Yu can als ffer pick-up and delivery services. Whichever yu chse, yu'll need washing and drying machines and many ther essential things fr the business. Keep all f these in mind when yu set abut calculating the initial csts.

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