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    1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上。
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    3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
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    1. What will Jhn d after schl tmrrw?
    A. See a mvie.B. Play badmintn.C. G t Grace’s huse.
    2. What clr f shirt will the man chse?
    A. White.B. Black.C. Blue.
    3. What’s the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates.B. Teacher and student.C. Headmaster and teacher.
    4. Wh is wrried abut gaining weight?
    A. The sn.B. Aunt Luise.C. The mther.
    5. Why des the wman give up buying the cat?
    A. It is expensive.B. The size desn’t fit her.C. She desn’t like the clr.
    6. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At a clthing stre. B. At a wrk event. C. At the laundry.
    7. When will the wman return?
    A. Tmrrw mrning.B. This afternn.C. Tnight.
    8. Hw will the wman send the package?
    A. By air mail. B. By registered mail. C. By express mail.
    9. Hw much shuld the wman pay?
    A. £20.B. £23.C. £26.
    10. Why did the wman g t New Yrk?
    A. T have meetings. B. T g sightseeing.C. T study a prgram.
    11. What may help avid jet lag?
    A. Cffee.B. Alchl.C. Exercise.
    12. What did the wman say abut mst passengers?
    A. They preferred alchl.
    B. They liked t d exercises.
    C. They culd hardly make a chice.
    13. What d we knw abut the area?
    A. Lightning strikes mstly in December.
    B. The area is near the Andes Muntains.
    C. The peple there wrry abut getting hit.
    14. What did NASA call the area?
    A. The Never Ending Strm f Catatumb.
    B The Lightning Capital f the Wrld.
    C. The Light f Venezuela.
    15. Which helps the area get s many strms?
    A. Warm muntain winds.
    B. Warm sea air.
    C. The crwded ppulatin.
    16. What des the man say in the end?
    A. He’s scared f strms.
    B. He’ll never visit Venezuela.
    C. He’d be careful if he lived in the area.
    17. What is the speech mainly abut?
    A. Music and dancing in Guanajuat.
    B. Traditinal Mexican dresses.
    C. The speaker’s career.
    18. Which kind f music des the speaker like best?
    A. Rck music. B . Pp music. C. Traditinal Mexican music.
    19. What is the mst critical factr t be a flk dance?
    A. Teamwrk.
    B. Hard wrk
    C. Lve fr the culture and music.
    20. Hw d flk dancers get dance dresses?
    A. By buying them at the stre.
    B. By making them n their wn.
    C. By brrwing them frm their grandparents.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Travelling by rail hlds a rmantic and ld-fashined appeal that can’t be matched by flying r driving.
    1. The Rcky Muntaineer
    Where: Canada, frm Vancuver t Banff, Jasper and Calgary.
    When: In June, which is springtime in the Rckies, cmplete with blming flwers and abundant wildlife.
    Duratin: Between tw and eight days, travelling nly in daylight, staying in deluxe htels.
    Highlights: Incredible luxury at every stage f the trip, traditinal native strytelling, wine classes.
    2. The Chepe
    Where: Mexic. It begins its jurney in the muntains f Chihuahua and finishes n the Sinala cast.
    When: In the rainy seasn, frm June t Octber.
    Duratin: 14 hurs.
    Highlights: The train winds its way dwn thrugh 656 km f the breathtaking Cpper Canyn which is deeper than the Grand Canyn, ver 37 precarius-lking bridges and thrugh 86 tunnels. Natives sell crafts and lcal fds alng the rute.
    3. The Ghan
    Where: Australia, frm Adelaide t Darwin via Alice Springs.
    When: Ging during the wet seasn (December, January) will allw yu t see mre wildlife.
    Duratin: 52 hurs.
    Highlights: Ging thrugh Australia’s Red Centre with cbalt-blue skies, red earth.
    4. The Ryal Sctsman
    Where: Travels arund the Scttish Highlands.
    When: Warmer weather in June makes it the perfect time t watch spreys flying ver mirrr-like lakes, r g in Octber fr autumn clrs.
    Duratin: Trips can be as shrt as tw days r as lng as seven.
    Highlights: Indulgent cuisine, fine wines and carriages that lk like rms at Balmral Castle.
    21.What can yu d while traveling n the Chepe?
    A.Yu can taste lcal fds.
    B.Yu can make crafts with natives.
    C.Yu can admire the Grand Canyn.
    D.Yu can listen t traditinal native stries.
    22.Which train is bund fr Darwin?
    A.The Rcky Muntaineer.B.The Chepe.
    C.The Ghan.D.The Ryal Sctsman.
    23.When is the perfect time t enjy the fall scenery in the Scttish Highlands?
    A.In June.B.In July.
    C.In Octber.D.In December.
    Abut 400 punds f fd is wasted per day frm 5 pm t 8 pm in Duglass Dining Hall. “We scrape (刮掉) the fd frm the cnveyr belt int the buckets by hand. Wrking fr Dining Team Green, I dn’t expect t basically becme a garbage girl,” Rll said. “We d the wrk because we care much abut it. We all have a respnsibility t take care f the envirnment.”
    T have mre apprachable cmpsting (把……制成堆肥) machines n campus, Rll nw has a new sustainable prject investing in Lmi, an autmated cmpst machine. “I learned abut Lmi thrugh an ad,” Rll said. “Funny enugh, I just saw it and thught it perfect. It really interested me hw the mechanism wrked. ”
    Lmi is a new technlgy that can break dwn fd waste int natural cmpst. Accrding t Rll, it breaks dwn waste in the way: grinding (碾碎) the fd int plant fertilizer. Unlike mst cmpsting machines, Lmi can cmpst animal prducts, such as small bnes. Anther huge benefit is that it desn’t have smell and can cnvert waste t cmpst in a shrter time.
    Rll plans n using the cmpst in the Gilbert cmmunity garden s that Dining Team Green can give back t the cmmunity. “It’s very exciting t see ur fd waste that wuld therwise have gne in the trash and pllute the envirnment g t ur cmmunity,” she said.
    Rll is excited t intrduce a new frm f cmpsting t the residents. She hpes that this machine will inspire ther cmpsting machines in all residential buildings. “I want Lmi nt nly t be a way t reduce fd waste n the flr, but an educatinal tl t make peple cmpst in a real way and nt just talk abut it in a theretical sense,” Rll said.
    24.Which f the fllwing can best describe Lmi?
    C.Lw-pwered.D.Envirnmentally friendly.
    25.What des paragraph 3 mainly talk abut?
    A.The reasns fr designing Lmi.B.The impact f wasting fd.
    C.The slutin t fd waste.D.The advantages f Lmi.
    26.What may be Rll’s expectatin?
    A.Mre peple will get invlved in cmpsting initiatives.
    B.Dining Team Green will becme an educatinal tl.
    C.Mre develped cmpsting machines will be invented.
    D.Dining Team Green will build cmmunity gardens.
    27.What can we knw abut Rll?
    A.She lives in the Gilbert cmmunity.
    B.She is a member f Dining Team Green.
    C.She knws a lt abut residential buildings.
    D.She plans t design mre cmpsting machines.
    “I’ll be there in a few minutes. I’m playing a game with a friend, a guy named Scuzzball,” my 15-year-ld sn shuted frm his rm. “Oh, what is Scuzzball’s real name?” I asked. “I have n idea.” He said. “Where is he frm?” I cntinued. He respnded, “I think smewhere in Canada. Oh, wait, it desn’t even matter because Scuzzball just left the game and he has been replaced with a rbt.”
    “Yur friend is replaced by artificial intelligence?” “It desn’t matter, Dad. It happens all the time! The game cntinues.” My sn desn’t mind playing with a persn r a rbt, which is typical f gamers these days. I wnder whether the face-t-face experience f friendship that I grew up with will be lst by ur children.
    Aristtle, a great thinker and educatr, has pinted ut that shallw friendship is easily frmed but als easily abandned because such bnds are fragile. Deep friendship, by cntrast, is when yu care fr yur friend fr his sake, nt fr any benefit yu can get. This is selfless friendship. Yu can have nly a cuple f these friends because they require lts f time and effrt. Yu must make sacrifices fr each ther.
    Presence in friendship requires “being with” and “ding fr”. Perhaps the mst defining feature f deep friendship is “ding fr”, as my friend has my back in truble r brings me sup when I’m sick. Only strng bnds have the pwer t mtivate real sacrifices. But it is unclear why nline “friends” wuld bther t d the hard wrk f friendship. When I asked my students whether they had peple in their lives wh wuld bring them sup when they were sick, they laughed at my Stne Age questin and said they’d just rder sup nline themselves.
    Digital life fills and absrbs waking life time s that peple d nt jin in example case f friendship, like sprts, cllective arts, free range childhds, etc. In this way, digital life prduces false friendships.
    28.Hw des the authr lead in the tpic f the text?
    A.By quting famus mttes.
    B.By intrducing an nline game.
    C.By shwing rbts’ irreplaceable rle.
    D.By presenting a parent-child cnversatin.
    29.What des the authr mainly explain in Paragraph 3?
    A.Impact f selfish friendship. B.The meaning f deep friendship.
    C.Selfless sacrifices in friendship. D.The frmatin f shallw friendship.
    30.What can we infer frm Paragraph 4?
    A.Ordering fd nline fr friends is an example f “being with”.
    B.The students thught highly f the teacher’s questin.
    C.Virtual friends wn’t make real sacrifices.
    D.Rbts will have ur back in truble.
    31.Which f the fllwing can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.The Benefits f Digital LifeB.Digitalized Friendship
    C.Face-t-face CmmunicatinD.The Sacrifices f Online Friends
    Take a lk at that tree in the lcal park. What might it be feeling? Culd it be thinking? Experiments are explring the idea f plant cgnitin (认知), even ging s far as t suggest they pssess sme frm f cnsciusness.
    As wild as it sunds, it isn’t a new idea. The field f “plant neurbilgy (神经生物学)” began in 2006, aimed at understanding hw plants prcess infrmatin frm their envirnment.
    It is nw clear that plants are capable f cmplex cmmunicatin and can sense their surrundings, which were riginally dismissed. But advcates f plant cnsciusness take things further and draw parallels between the electrical signaling that can be fund frm rt t stem and that present in the nervus system f animals. They claim t shw that plants are capable f intentinally chsing t perfrm certain behavirs, f learning and perhaps even having persnalities. If plants are experiencing a cnscius inner wrld, they argue, it becmes vital that we find ways t test and understand it.
    Extending the cncept f cgnitin t plants wuld mean a significant shift in ur view f the uniqueness f humanity, nt t mentin hw we treat ur btanical friends, s the bar f acceptance is high. Researchers rising t the challenge are hping t explre plants with tls usually reserved fr the human brain.
    The research can appear persuasive, but it is in its early stage and suffers frm repeated failure. Critics say the field is a high guess and that the behaviur can be explained thrugh inbrn respnse.
    Whether we decide that plants have cgnitin may cme dwn t ur ability t describe cnsciusness itself-smething we are far frm ding. But rather than dismiss the idea, we shuld welcme the chance t think up new ways t test ur understanding f cnsciusness. It might just imprve ur grasp f the human mind. At the very least, ur trees and plants shuld benefit frm the extra attentin-cnsciusly r nt.
    32.What d supprters f plant cnsciusness believe?
    A.Plants can nly perfrm native reactin.
    B.Plants can perceive their surrundings and adapt t them.
    C.Plants pssess the same level f cnsciusness as humans.
    D.Plants can cmmunicate cmplicatedly and chse actins deliberately.
    33.What is the main challenge in accepting the idea f plant cnsciusness?
    A.The need t develp tls t test plant cgnitin.
    B.The dramatic change in ur view f humanity.
    C.The lack f evidence in the field f plant neurbilgy.
    D.The inability t describe cnsciusness itself.
    34.What is the current state f research in the field f plant cgnitin?
    A.The field is highly based n guesses and has n evidence.
    B.Researchers are using tls reserved fr the human brain t study plant behavirs.
    C.There is nt enugh evidence t supprt the idea f plant cnsciusness.
    D.Plants have been prven t pssess a frm f cnsciusness.
    35.What is the ptential benefit f studying plant cnsciusness?
    A.Enhancing ur understanding f the human brain.
    B.Develping new ways t test plant behavirs.
    C.Prmting ur relatinship with plants.
    D.Prving the existence f plant cgnitin.
    Emtins are part f human nature. They give us infrmatin abut what we’re experiencing and help us knw hw t react. 36 . Yung children react t their emtins with facial expressins r with actins like laughing r crying. They feel and shw emtins, but they dn’t yet have the ability t name the emtins r say why they feel that way.
    37 Instead f just reacting like little kids d, we can identify what we feel and put it int wrds. With time and practice, we get better at knwing what we are feeling and why. This skill is called emtinal awareness.
    Emtinal awareness helps us knw what we need and want (r dn’t want). 38 That’s because being aware f ur emtins can help us talk abut feelings mre clearly, avid r reslve cnflicts better, and mve past difficult feelings mre easily.
    Sme peple are naturally mre in tuch with their emtins than thers. The gd news is that everyne can be mre aware f their emtins. 39 Emtinal awareness is the first step tward develping emtinal intelligence, a skill that can help peple succeed in life.
    All emtins tell us smething abut urselves and ur situatin. 40 We might judge urselves by feeling a certain way, like if we feel jealus, fr example. But instead f thinking we shuldn’t feel that way, it’s better t ntice hw we actually feel.
    A. It helps us build better relatinships.
    B. It just takes practice, but it’s wrth the effrt.
    C. We sense ur emtins frm the time we’re babies.
    D. Learning hw t express emtins is very imprtant.
    E. But smetimes we find it hard t accept what we feel.
    F. Mst f us feel many different emtins thrughut the day.
    G. As we grw up, we becme mre skilled in understanding emtins.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Every year I’d read ver 2,000 cllege applicatins frm students all ver the wrld. It is quite 41 t chse whm t admit. 42 , in the chas f SAT scres and recmmendatins, ne 43 is always irresistible in a candidate: kindness.
    The mst surprising 44 f kindness I’ve ever 45 came frm a student wh had excellent scres and a supprtive recmmendatin frm his cllege cunselr (顾问). Even with these qualificatins, he might nt have 46 . But ne letter f recmmendatin caught my eye. It was frm a schl security guard. Letters f recmmendatin are 47 written by peple like frmer presidents, celebrities, and Olympic athletes.
    The security guard wrte that he supprted this student’s admissin because f his 48 . This yung man was the nly persn in the schl wh knew the names f every member f the guard staff. He turned ff lights in empty rms, cnsistently 49 the hallway mnitr each mrning and tidied up the classrm after his peers left schl 50 nbdy was watching. This student, the security guard wrte, had a(n) 51 respect fr every persn at the schl, regardless f psitin, ppularity r pwer.
    It gave us a 52 nt a student’s life in the mments when nthing “cunted”. That student was admitted by unanimus (一致的) vte f the admissins cmmittee.
    Next year there might be a fld f security guard recmmendatins 53 this essay. But if it means students will start paying as much 54 t the peple wh clean their classrms as they d t their principals and teachers, I’m happy t help start that 55 .
    Zu Chngzhi was a famus mathematician and scientist in ancient China. He lived in Suthern and Nrthern Dynasties. When he was yung, he had a brad range f interests, such as ____56____ (nature) science and philsphy. And he was interested in mathematics, astrnmy and machinery. The achievement Zu Chngzhi made in the calculatin (计算) f the value f pi has been ____57____ (internatinal) acknwledged.
    Liu Hui, a mathematic in Three Kingdms perid, prpsed a way ____58____ (wrk) ut the value f pi-cycltmic methd (割圆术). Based n ____59____ earlier research, Zu Chngzhi cncluded that the value f pi falls amng 3.1415926 t 3.1415927 after mre than 1,000 times f calculatin. He als put frward the viewpint ____60____ the apprximate value f pi was 55/113, which was called “Milü”. It ____61____ (bst) the calculatin f pi t a new phase. The value f pi Zu Chngzhi calculated is mre than 1,000 years ahead f the western mathematics. Thus the value f pi is als called “Zulü” ____62____ memry f him.
    Besides the achievement in mathematics, he wrte the bk Zhui Shu ____63____ gathered his accmplishment in mathematics and ____64____ (take) as a teaching material during Tang Dynasty. Besides the achievements in mathematics, he als made a great ____65____ (cntribute) t the astrnmy and machinery.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 具体的活动安排;
    2. 活动的意义;
    3. 你的感受。
    1. 词数100字左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    A Spring Outing
    The bys and girls picked up the bus t Frt Lauderdale. Ving was n bard frm the beginning.
    As the bus passed thrugh Jersey, they began t ntice that Ving never mved. He sat in frnt f the yung peple, frzen int silence.
    Smewhere utside f Washingtn, the bus pulled int a Hward Jhnsn’s, and everybdy gt ff except Ving. He sat rted in his seat, and the yung peple began t wnder abut him, trying t imagine his life. When they went back t the bus, the girl sat beside him and intrduced herself.
    “Want sme wine?” she said. He smiled and tk the bttle. He thanked her and retreated again int silence. After a while, she went back t the thers, as Ving ndded int sleep.
    In the mrning they awke utside anther Hward Jhnsn’s, and this time Ving went in. The girl insisted that he jin them. When they went back n the bus, the girl sat with Ving again, after a while, slwly and painfully and with great hesitatin, he began t tell his stry. He had been in jail in New Yrk fr the last fur years, and nw he was ging hme.
    “When I was in jail I wrte t my wife,” he said. “I tld her, I understand if yu can’t stay married t me, get a new guy and frget abut me. And she didn’t write t me. Nt fr three and a half years.”
    “And yu’re ging hme nw, nt knwing?”
    “Yeah,” he said shyly. “Last week, I wrte t her. I tld her that if she had a new guy, I under-std. But if she didn’t, if she wuld take me back she shuld let me knw. We used t live in Brunswick, with a great big ak tree. I tld her if she wuld take me back, she shuld put a yellw handkerchief n the tree, and I wuld get ff and cme hme. If she didn’t want me, frget it, n handkerchief, and I’d keep ging n.”
    “Ww,” the girl said. “Ww.”
    She tld the thers, and sn all f them were in it, caught up in the apprach f Brunswick, lking at the pictures Ving shwed them f his wife and three children.
    Nw they were twenty miles frm Brunswick. ___________________________________
    Then suddenly all f the yung peple were up ut f their seats. ____________________
    听力: 1-5 AABCB 6-10 CBCBA11-15 CABBB16-20 CACCB
    阅读理解:21-23 ACC 24-27 DDAB 28-31 DBCB 32-35 DDCA
    七选五: 36-40 CGABE
    完形填空:41-45 BABDC 46-50 BADDC 51-55 CDACB
    56. natural 57. internatinally 58. t wrk 59. the 60. that
    61. bsted 62. in 63. which/that 64. was taken 65. cntributin
    A Spring Outing
    Spring is a gd time fr uting. Aiming t understand each ther better and build up ur bdies, ur class had a spring uting last Saturday.
    As scheduled, we gathered tgether at 8: 30 am at the gate f ur schl. We went t ur destinatin by bus, laughing and singing all the way. Much t ur delight, the trip invlved muntain climbing as well as a picnic. Hardly had we reached the tp f the muntain when we enjyed an awesme view f the whle city.
    Exhausted as we were n the way back t schl, we all regarded this uting as an unfrgettable experience, fr it nt nly made us get clse t nature with fresh air and fantastic scenery, but als enhance the friendship between us students and prmte ur mutual cperatin.
    Nw they were twenty miles frm Brunswick. And the yung peple tk ver windw seats n the right side, waiting fr the apprach f the great ak tree. Ving stpped lking, tightening his face int the ex-cn’s mask, as if frtifying himself against still anther disappintment. Then it was ten miles, and then five. The bus acquired a dark hushed md, full f silence, f absence, f lst years, f the wman’s plain face, f the sudden letter n the breakfast table, f the wnder f children, f the irn bars f slitude.
    Then suddenly all f the yung peple were up ut f their seats. They were screaming and shuting and crying, ding small dances, shaking clenched fists in triumph and exaltatin. All except Ving. Ving sat there stunned, lking at the ak tree. It was cvered with yellw handkerchiefs twenty f them, thirty f them, maybe hundreds, a tree that std like a banner f welcme blwing and billwing in the wind, turned int a grgeus yellw blur by the passing bus. As the yung peple shuted, the ld cn slwly rse frm his seat, hlding himself tightly, and made his way t the frnt f the bus t g hme.
    1. W: Hi, Jhn, Wuld yu like t g t a badmintn game after schl tmrrw?
    M: I’d lve t, Sandy, but I’ve already arranged t g t the cinema with Grace.
    2. M: I dn’t think I shuld wear a dark shirt fr a wedding. It just isn’t apprpriate.
    W: Well, the nly clean shirts yu have are the white ne, the black ne and the dark blue ne.
    M: S, there is nly ne chice.
    3. M: Srry, Miss Green. I failed yur subject again but I really tried my best.
    W: N ne is sure t succeed every time. Cheer up, yung man. Yu will have mre chances.
    M: Thank yu, Miss Green. I’ll try harder next time.
    4. W: I dn’t knw hw yu can eat s much yet never put n any weight, sn. Yur father’s gt the same luck. I can’t take a bite withut calculating hw many calries I am taking.
    M: But remember Aunt Luise, Mm? She ate a lt and never gained a pund.
    5. M: Dn’t yu like the cat yu just tried n?
    W: Well, I like the clr and fabric.
    M: And it is really nice and reasnably priced.
    W: Yes. I wuld have bught it right away if they had had it in my size.
    6. M: Gd mrning. Hw can I help yu?
    W: Hell, I need t get this dress cleaned. I spilled pasta sauce n it last night. It’ s silk, s I can’t wash it at hme. Is it ruined?
    M: Oh, n, I can get that ut fr yu. It will be ready tmrrw mrning.
    W: I’m ging t a wrk event tnight and I need t wear it. Can yu have it ready by this afternn?
    M: Sure, I can d that fr yu. Why nt cme back arund 4: 00 pm?
    W: That’s perfect. Thank yu s much.
    7. W: Excuse me. I’d like t have the package and the letter psted.
    M: Wuld yu like t mail by air r by sea?
    W: Hw lng will it take t mail things t the US by air?
    M: Abut 10 days. Yu can send it by express mail if yu need it faster. It will nly take three r fur days.
    W: Then, express mail fr the package. It’s urgent. The faster, the better. And the letter by registered mail.
    M: OK. The package is 3 kilgrams. That’ll be £ 20 fr pstage.
    W: Yes. And the letter?
    M: Registered. That is £ 3. S give me £ 23.
    W: Here yu g.
    8. M: Hi, Gina! Hw was yur trip t the States?
    W: Very busy. Having a lt f meetings, I didn’t have much time t see New Yrk.
    M: What a pity! Actually, I’ll have a trip there t next week.
    W: D yu? Then take my advice, d watch the “Health in the Air” prgram n the plane. It really wrks.
    M: Oh, really?
    W: Yes, I fllwed the directins in the prgram, and when I arrived in New Yrk, I felt gd and n jet lag at all.
    M: Em, S, what did yu d?
    W: Well, I didn’t drink any alchl r cffee, but a lt f water and I did sme f the exercises in the prgram.
    M: Hw many passengers did the exercises?
    W: Nt many.
    M: And hw much alchl did they drink?
    W: A lt! It was mre ppular than mineral water.
    M: S, basically, it’s a chice. Mineral water and exercises, r alchl and jet lag.
    W: That’s right!
    9. W: There’s a place in Venezuela where lightning strikes abut 200 days a year.
    M: Are yu serius?
    W: Yep. Lcals call it “the Never-Ending Strm f Catatumb” because the area is near the Catatumb River. Scientists fund that mst f the lightning strikes between April and Nvember. NASA named the area “the Lightning Capital f the Wrld”.
    M: Why des the area get s many strms?
    W: The Andes Muntains are n ne side f the river, and the Cabben Sea is n the ther side. Cl muntain winds mve int the valley and hit warm sea air, creating the perfect cnditins fr lightning.
    M: Are the peple there afraid f getting hit?
    W: Mst peple stay inside at night, but they dn’t really wrry abut it. The chances f being struck by lightning are pretty slim. In the US, abut ne in every 12, 000 peple get hit in their lifetime.
    M: Yeah, but we’re talking abut an area that gets struck by lightning abut 50% f the time.
    W: True. This article says that near the Catatumb River, ne in three peple get struck every year.
    M: Ww. That’s really scary! I wuld never g utside if I lived there.
    10. Hell, everyne. My name is Alicia, and I live in the state f Guanajuat in central Mexic. Tday, I’d like t tell smething abut my hmetwn and peple here. Here in Guanajuat, music and dancing are a big part f life. There are a lt f festivals here, and many kinds f music. Many yung peple like rck r pp music but my favrite is traditinal Mexican music, which is the kind f music my grandparents and great grandparents listened t. I dn’t knw why but I’m just crazy abut it. I’m a flk dancer, and I lve t perfrm at special events, which gives me chances t enjy myself. T be a flk dancer, yu have t lve the culture and the music here. That’s the mst imprtant thing, but we als need t wrk hard and practice a lt. We dance in grups, and every persn has t knw the steps. And we can’t buy traditinal flk dance dresses at the stre, s we have t make ur wn. We wear traditinal dresses that nly cme frm this part f Mexic.
    【21题详解】细节理解题。根据“2. The Chepe”部分Highlights中最后一句“Natives sell crafts and lcal fds alng the rute.(当地人沿路出售手工艺品和当地食品。)”可知,在奇佩河上旅行时,你可以品尝到当地的食物。故选A。
    【22题详解】细节理解题。根据“3. The Ghan”部分Where中的“Australia, frm Adelaide t Darwin via Alice Springs.(澳大利亚,从阿德莱德经爱丽丝泉到达尔文。)”可知,甘号火车是开往达尔文的。故选C。
    【23题详解】细节理解题。根据“4. The Ryal Sctsman”部分When中的“Warmer weather in June makes it the perfect time t watch spreys flying ver mirrr-like lakes, r g in Octber fr autumn clrs.(六月天气回暖,是观赏鱼鹰在镜面般的湖面上飞翔的最佳时节,也适合在十月欣赏秋色。)”可知,十月是在苏格兰高地欣赏秋天景色的最佳时间。故选C。
    【24题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段“Lmi is a new technlgy that can break dwn fd waste int natural cmpst. ”(Lmi是一种可以将食物垃圾分解成天然堆肥的新技术。)可知,Lmi将食物垃圾分解成天然堆肥,避免了食物垃圾对环境的污染,有着环保作用。故选D。
    【25题详解】主旨大意题。根据第三段“Accrding t Rll, it breaks dwn waste in the way: grinding(碾碎)the fd int plant fertilizer. Unlike mst cmpsting machines, Omi can cmpst animal prducts, such as small bnes. Anther huge benefit is that it desn’t have smell and can cnvert waste t cmpst in a shrter time.”(根据Rll的说法,它通过这样的方式来分解废物:将食物研磨成植物肥料。与大多数堆肥机不同,Omi可以堆肥动物产品,如小骨头;另一个巨大的好处是它没有气味,可以在更短的时间内将废物转化为堆肥。)可知,第三段主要讲述了Lmi的优点。故选D。
    【26题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段“I want Lmi nt nly t be a way t reduce fd waste n the flr, but an educatinal tl t make peple cmpst in a real way and nt just talk abut it in a theretical sense,”(我希望Lmi不仅是一种减少食物浪费的方式,而且是一种教育工具,让人们真正地堆肥,而不仅仅是在理论上谈论它。)可知,Rll可能是希望Lmi能够教育人们积极地、用实际行动去堆肥,让更多的人参与到堆肥计划中。故选A。
    【27题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段“Wrking fr Dining Team Green, I dn’t expect t basically becme a garbage girl,”(在Dining Team Green工作,我不期望从根本上成为一个垃圾女孩)和第四段“Rll plans n using the cmpst in the Gilbert cmmunity garden s that Dining Team Green can give back t the cmmunity.”(Rll计划在Gilbert社区花园使用堆肥,这样Dining Team Green就可以回馈社区。)可知,Rll为Dining Team Green工作,是其中一员。故选B。
    【28题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段““I’ll be there in a few minutes. I’m playing a game with a friend, a guy named Scuzzball,” my 15-year-ld sn shuted frm his rm. “Oh, what is Scuzzball’s real name?” I asked. “I have n idea.” He said. “Where is he frm?” I cntinued. He respnded, “I think smewhere in Canada. Oh, wait, it desn’t even matter because Scuzzball just left the game and he has been replaced with a rbt.”(“我几分钟后就到。我在和一个朋友玩游戏,一个叫Scuzzball的家伙,”我15岁的儿子在他的房间里喊道。“哦,Scuzzball的真名是什么?”我问。“我不知道。”他说。“他是哪里人?”我接着说到。他回答说:“我想在加拿大的某个地方。哦,等等,这根本不重要,因为Scuzzball刚刚离开了比赛,他被一个机器人取代了。”)”可知,作者通过呈现一段亲子对话来引出文章的主题。故选D。
    【29题详解】主旨大意题。根据第三段最后四句“Deep friendship, by cntrast, is when yu care fr yur friend fr his sake, nt fr any benefit yu can get. This is selfless friendship. Yu can have nly a cuple f these friends because they require lts f time and effrt. Yu must make sacrifices fr each ther.(相比之下,深厚的友谊是你关心你的朋友是为了他,而不是为了你能得到什么好处。这就是无私的友谊。你只能有几个这样的朋友,因为他们需要大量的时间和精力。你们必须为彼此做出牺牲。)”可知,作者主要在第3段解释了深厚友谊的意义。故选B。
    【30题详解】推理判断题。根据第四段第三句和第四句“Only strng bnds have the pwer t mtivate real sacrifices. But it is unclear why nline “friends” wuld bther t d the hard wrk f friendship.(只有牢固的纽带才能激励人们做出真正的牺牲。但目前尚不清楚为什么网上的“朋友”会费心去做艰难的友谊工作。)”可知,虚拟朋友不会做出真正的牺牲。故选C。
    【31题详解】主旨大意题。根据第二段最后一句“I wnder whether the face-t-face experience f friendship that I grew up with will be lst by ur children.(我不知道我们的孩子是否会失去我成长过程中面对面的友谊体验。)”,第三段第一句“Aristtle, a great thinker and educatr, has pinted ut that shallw friendship is easily frmed but als easily abandned because such bnds are fragile.(伟大的思想家和教育家亚里士多德指出,肤浅的友谊很容易形成,但也很容易放弃,因为这种联系是脆弱的。)”,第四段第一句“Presence in friendship requires “being with” and “ding fr”. (友谊的存在需要“与”和“为”。)”和最后一段“Digital life fills and absrbs waking life time s that peple d nt jin in example case f friendship, like sprts, cllective arts, free range childhds, etc. In this way, digital life prduces false friendships.(数字生活充满并吸收了清醒的生活时间,因此人们不会加入友谊的例子,如体育、集体艺术、自由放养的童年等。就这样,数字生活产生了虚假的友谊。)”可知,文章对虚拟世界的友谊进行了探讨并产生了结论。故选B。
    【32题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段的“They claim t shw that plants are capable f intentinally chsing t perfrm certain bchavirs, f learning and perhaps even having persnalitics.(他们声称,这表明植物能够有意选择进行某些行为、学习,甚至可能具有个性)”可知,认为植物有意识的支持者认为植物能进行复杂的交流,进行有意的选择。故选D。
    【33题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Whether we decide that plants have cgnitin may cme dwn t ur ability t describe cnsciusness itself--smething we are far frm ding(我们是判定定植物具有认知能力,可能取决于我们描述意识本身的能力——这是我们远未做到的)”可知,接受植物意识这个想法的主要挑战是我们不能描述意识本身。故选D。
    【34题详解】细节理解题。根据第五段“The research can appear persuasive, but it is in its early stage and suffers frm repeated failure. Critics say the field is a high guess and that the behaviur can be explained thrugh inbrn respnse.(这项研究可能看起来很有说服力,但它还处于早期阶段,而且一再失败。批评者说,这个领域是一个高度猜测,这种行为可以通过天生的反应来解释)”可知,目前植物意识的研究仍处于早期阶段,而且遭遇了不断的失败,所以没有足够的证据证明。故选C。
    【35题详解】 细节理解题。根据最后一段的“It might just imprve ur grasp f the human mind.(它可能会提高我们对人类大脑的理解)”可知,研究植物意识潜在的好处是可以提高我们对人类大脑的认识。故选A。
    ②.坐着:sit/be seated
    ③.回家:g hme/return hme
    ①.紧张:tighten ne’s face/stressed ut/nervus
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. And the yung peple tk ver windw seats n the right side, waiting fr the apprach f the great ak tree. (运用了现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2]. Ving stpped lking, tightening his face int the ex-cn’s mask, as if frtifying himself against still anther disappintment. (运用了状语从句的省略)
    [高分句型3]. The bus acquired a dark hushed md, full f silence, f absence, f lst years, f the wman’s plain face, f the sudden letter n the breakfast table, f the wnder f children, f the irn bars f slitude. (运用了形容词短语作状语)
    41. A. decent
    42. A. Hwever
    43. A. ability
    44. A. signal
    45. A. cme ut
    46. A. std up
    47. A. typically
    48. A. wisdm
    49. A. bthered
    50. A. as if
    51. A. demanding
    52. A. passin
    53. A. due t
    54. A. mney
    55. A. plicy
    B. difficult
    B. Otherwise
    B. quality
    B. image
    B. pick up
    B. std ut
    B. brilliantly
    B. bravery
    B. answered
    B. nw that
    B. amusing
    B. truble
    B. in need f
    B. ntice
    B. trend
    C. delicate
    C. Besides
    C. limitatin
    C. appearance
    C. cme acrss
    C. given up
    C. vividly
    C. encuragement
    C. visited
    C. even if
    C. refreshing
    C. methd
    C. except fr
    C. attentin
    C. arrangement
    D. desperate
    D. Therefre
    D. assumptin
    D. indicatin
    D. bring up
    D. given ut
    D. cnstantly
    D. cnsideratin
    D. thanked
    D. in rder that
    D. puzzling
    D. windw
    D. alng with
    D. curisity
    D. career

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