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    这是一份2024届陕西省安康市汉滨区高三联考模拟预测英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024届陕西省安康市汉滨区高三联考模拟预测英语试题原卷版docx、2024届陕西省安康市汉滨区高三联考模拟预测英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. What will the man prbably d tnight?
    A. G t buy bks. B. Listen t a reprt. C. Eat with the wman.
    2. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a library. B. In a bkstre. C. In a cmputer center.
    3. Hw des Tny feel abut the price f Lily's glasses?
    A. Surprised. B. Disappinted. C. Embarrassed.
    4. What is the man mst interested in nw?
    A. Playing chess. B. Playing basketball. C. Playing the guitar.
    5. What is Mike lking fr?
    A. His cat. B. His hat. C. His flwers.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. An experience. B. A graduatin ceremny. C. A gift fr Clara.
    7. Hw much will the wman pay fr three city passes?
    A. $54. B. $60. C. $90.
    8. What is the man turning t Miss Wu fr?
    A. When t hld a birthday party. B. Hw t thrw a birthday party. C. Where t have gd spicy dishes.
    9. Hw will the man and his wife g t Xin Hua Restaurant?
    A. By car. B. On ft. C. By taxi.
    10. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Clleagues. C. Strangers.
    11. What des the man want t rent?
    A. Helmets. B. Skates. C. Glves.
    12 What shuld beginners d first fr safety?
    A. Walk alng the railings. B. Attend training curses. C. Wear helmets and glves.
    13. What des the wman say abut the center f the lake?
    A. The ice there is t thin. B. There are t many peple. C. N trainers are n duty there.
    听第9段材料,回答第14 至17题。
    14. Whse next thing is t sail dwn the Amazn in the list?
    A. Tny's. B. Alex's. C. Jennifer's.
    15. Where was the wman's pht abut a ht air balln taken?
    A. In China. B. In Japan. C. In Britain.
    16. Which place did Jennifer visit three years ag with her family?
    A. Munt Fuji. B. The Big Ben. C. Munt Tai.
    17. What des Jennifer think f the man's next jurney with Alex?
    A. Just s-s. B. Regretful. C. Wrthwhile.
    18. What des the Natchez Trace scre fr?
    A. Festivals. B. Traditins. C. Histry.
    19. What is special abut the Natchez Trace?
    A. N private cars. B. N traffic lights. C. N speed limit.
    20. Why des the speaker give the talk?
    A. T intrduce. B. T discuss. C. T remind.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15 小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    The Best Bars and Cafes in Amsterdam
    A reprductin Old Master n the wall, fine sand n the wden flr, barrels (桶) behind the bar—Hppe is every inch a traditinal “brwn cafe”. Hppe has been ging strng since 1670—the right-hand part, the “Standing Rm”, is the ldest. Hppe becmes unbearably packed with after-wrk drinkers in suits in the early evening, which is unsuitable fr relaxatin.
    Cntact: cafehppe. cm
    De Jaren
    White walls light wds, high ceilings and minimalist design cmbine with huge windws verlking the Amstel River. De Jaren is a lng-standing netwrking venue fr thse wh are wrking n the media. It’s als great fr resting n a rainy afternn, in a basket chair r at the lng reading table. There’s a gd range f sandwiches and salads, as well as affrdable fuller meals, thrughut the day.
    Cntact: cafedejaren. nl
    Canal Belt
    Still ging strng since the heady 1970s, when it was at the heart f Eurpean cunterculture, the “Milky Way” is a cutting-edge music and perfrmance venue, and hsts wild weekend club nights. The riginal ld dairy building has been expanded with flash new extensins t include a cinema, art gallery and cafe, hsting everything frm Dutch pp via rck and hip hp t cntemprary dance. Bking ahead is recmmended fr sme events—there may be a pre-bking surcharge.
    Cntact: melkweg. nl
    Cafe Van Zuylen
    It’s a dwn-t-earth “brwn cafe”. One rm, especially in the evenings, is cheerfully nisy, and crwded shulder-t-shulder. In gd weather, tables and basket chairs are spread ut n a huge balcny, which stretches acrss a bridge ver the Singel Canal—an ideal spt t bathe in the sun fr a while.
    Cntact: cafevanzuylen. cm
    1. What are peple advised t d when chsing Hppe?
    A. Avid evening visits.B. Reserve in advance.
    C. Vlunteer as an ld master.D. Drink in the early evening.
    2. Which is the best chice fr media flk?
    A. Hppe.B. De Jaren.C. Canal Belt.D. Cafe Van Zuylen.
    3. What is special abut Canal Belt?
    A. It has the lngest histry.B. It serves the cheapest meals.
    C. It hsts varius musical activities.D. It treats custmers t a sun bath.
    Many years ag, Cca-Cla ran a brilliant advertising campaign abut “The Pause That Refreshes”. They were n t smething. Pauses refresh us because they allw us t stp, refcus, and rest.
    The lder I get, the mre I’ve intentinally added pauses t my day. Sme pauses are nly a few minutes lng; thers are hurs. It may be a walk t a faraway cpier at wrk instead f the ne in my department. Or driving an alternate rute hme. Or a day at the beach. The idea is t relax and rest by changing my thughts frm what stresses me t what refreshes me.
    Rest refreshes us. And I rest best by ding nthing. I recently read a little bk by Sandy Gingras called Hw t Live at the Beach. I lve this light-hearted five-minute read. It’s a clue that helps cnjure up images f the mentality we have when we’re at the beach—and why we need t transprt this beach mentality t ur nn-beach lives.
    My sn, his wife, and my grandsn live near the beach in Santa Barbara, Califrnia. Next t Hawaii, it's ne f the mst beautiful places in the United States. When I head t the cean with them, I'm awed by the benefits f the beach. Fr me, a day at the beach epitmizes (成为缩影) the discipline f ding nthing. It’s a pause. It’s als an example f a simpler life. I’m learning hw t bring a beach mentality, and all its benefits, back hme with me. A beach mentality slws me dwn, allws me t think ver nly what’s in frnt f me and allws me t fully appreciate what surrunds me in my nine-t-five wrld.
    During the time f “cuntry clsure”, I’ve nticed what I typically fail t ntice. Wh says ding nthing is bring? Ding nthing calms and refuels me.
    I’ve realized that by pausing mre, I’ve seen mre, listened mre, heard mre, and felt mre. Yet, pausing is a discipline all its wn. By develping the discipline f ding nthing, I’ve learned that a life f clarity, simplicity, and rest awaits.
    4. Why is the advertising campaign run by Cca-Cla mentined?
    A. T make a predictin.B. T explain a cncept.
    C. T intrduce the tpic.D. T illustrate an argument.
    5. What d the underlined wrds “cnjure up” mean in paragraph 3?
    A. Transfrm.B. Imagine.C. Withdraw.D. Plish.
    6. What are the readers advised t d in the last paragraph?
    A. Fllw suit.B. Keep watch.C. Pursue perfectin.D. Slw dwn.
    7. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Discipline f Ding NthingB. Being Intentinal Abut Self-Care
    C. The Price f Every DecisinD. Chsing Jy ver Sadness
    A majr limitatin in behaviral research is that scientists can either study animals under highly-cntrlled, yet ften unrealistically simplified and small, envirnments in the lab, r in largely uncntrlled cnditins in the wild. This has limited ur ability t study many aspects f behavir, including cllective behavir—the mvements and interactins amng animals that underlie their cmplex scial lives. What is needed t address this?
    T d s in a multidimensinal way, researchers have develped a tl called SMART-BARN. “It’s a new tl that allws studying cmplex behavir characteristics f an individual r interactins between grups f animals like insects, birds, r mammals (哺乳动物),” says Hemal Naik. Tgether with Máté Nagy, c-speaker f the Cluster, Iain Cuzin, and clleagues develped SMART-BARN. Bilgists, physicists, engineers and cmputer scientists develped it tgether.
    “SMART-BARN is designed t enhance the scale f typical indr behaviral experiments in terms f experimental vlume and measured behavir characteristics and grup sizes,” cmputer scientist Hemal Naik says. The facility can—depending n the size f the animals—hst hundreds f animals simultaneusly and extend the pssibility f experiments t nvel species typically nt studied in indr envirnments. “In fact, we have nw scaled this t wrk with many thusands f animals,” adds Cuzin. “We recently cnducted a study in the Imaging Hangar where we tracked 10,000 plague lcusts. This wuld have been impssible withut ur SMART-BARN technlgy. ”
    S far, SMART-BARN has been used within different experimental use cases invlving subjects as diverse as pigens, mths, bats, and humans. Naik says, “SMART-BARN ffers the ability t track 3D stare and psture f birds in a grup f ten r mre while maintaining their identity. This technique is being used by researchers t explre the rle f stare in decisin making.”
    The team imagines the facility t be a cperative space where researchers frm all ver the glbe can cntribute t the explratin f behaviral questins. Therefre, the team invites researchers acrss the wrld t cnnect with them and plan experiments.
    8. What is the first paragraph mainly abut cncerning SMART-BARN?
    A. Its limitatin.B. Its necessity.C. Its ppularity.D. Its feature.
    9. What can we learn abut the research team?
    A. They engage in different areas f knwledge.B. They are expert at studying bidiversity.
    C. They have the same scial backgrund.D. They base their study n previus data.
    10. What is SMART-BARN used t d accrding t the text?
    A. T rescue the endangered.B. T prtect the envirnment.
    C. T study animal grups.D. T keep track f birds.
    11. What des paragraph 4 want t tell us abut SMART-BARN?
    A. Hw it will be tested.B. What it will be used fr.
    C. Why it is s ppular.D. Where it can be used.
    A shark was sptted ff the shre f LeCunt Hllw Beach, in Wellfleet, Massachusetts. The sighting was immediately reprted t the Sharktivity app that's a public-safety tl created by the Atlantic White Shark Cnservancy (AWSC).
    Jhn Chishlm is a bilgist wh studies sharks. He mnitrs reprts made t the Sharktivity app. When he gets a message, he cntacts the persn wh sptted the shark. “Hpefully, yu have a pht r a vide,” he says. “If yu dn't, then I have t try t study what yu saw, based n yur descriptin and the lcatin. ”Sme sightings are false alarms, but when Chishlm is able t cnfirm a sighting, it's labeled as cnfirmed n the app. “Lifeguards can use that data and clse beaches if they have t,” he says.
    Cape Cd(CC) is a ht spt fr sharks. That part f Massachusetts is knwn fr its beaches. In 2021, there were mre than 150,000 shark detectins in CC waters. Sharks have always been a natural part f the CC ecsystem. But since the 1970s, their numbers have drpped by mre than 70% wrldwide. Since 1972, America has banned hunting seals(海豹). Over time, their numbers have gne up. Tday, there're an estimated 50,000 gray seals arund the Massachusetts cast. Mre gray seals mean mre fd fr sharks. Seals ften swim and gather near the shreline. That's ne reasn why great sharks are shwing up near CC beaches.
    Sharks might mistake peple r bjects fr fd. S the AWSC's Shark Smart Beach Prgram takes infrmatin directly t the public. It has wrkers n CC beaches ready t teach peple abut shark behavir. “A big thing fr flks t remember, if they're ging t the beach, is that they're ging t an envirnment where there're wild animals,” says Marianne Walsh, AWSC's educatin directr. “By paying attentin t lifeguards, nt ging ut past waist-deep water, and nt swimming alne, peple can easily cexist with sharks,” Chishlm says.
    12. What des Chishlm advise yu t d fr him when yu reprt a shark sighting?
    A. Delete the false infrmatin in persn.B. Infrm lifeguards immediately.
    C. Label the lcatin n the Sharktivity app.D. Take pictures r make a vide.
    13. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. A cnservatin success stry.B. The reasns fr prtecting sharks.
    C. The disasters caused by sharks.D. A predictin f the CC ecsystem.
    14. What is the purpse f the AWSC's Shark Smart Beach Prgram?
    A. T cllect infrmatin abut sharks.B. T teach hw t avid sharks' attack.
    C. T sharpen beach gers' swimming skills.D. T strengthen animal-human relatinships.
    15. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A A travel brchure.B. A research paper.
    C. A bilgy textbk.D. An animal magazine.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    Hw t Get t Knw Yurself: A Guide t Self-Discvery
    The questin “Wh am I?” can bring n a series f thughts, emtins, and feelings, but what if yu dn't knw hw t answer? ___16___ Feeling lst r cnfused abut wh yu are is mre cmmn than yu may think, and we’re here t help yu find all the answers yu're lking fr.
    Be hnest with yurself t learn abut yur persnality. Knwing yurself means recgnizing different parts f yur identity, persnality, and being. The gal is nt t criticize yurself but t acknwledge all sides f yur persnality. Fr example, if yu dn't like t lk in the mirrr, ask yurself why. ___17___ This culd be a fear yu can vercme.
    Set gals t give yurself smething t achieve. Think abut where yu want t see yurself in 5 days, mnths, r years. What gals can yu make t turn that visin int yur reality? These gals dn't have t be big. ___18___ Write dwn yur gals and refer t them whenever yu feel lst, remembering t take each day ne step at a time.
    ___19___ It can be hard t find time t reflect n yurself when yu’re feeling at a lss. Taking care f yurself physically and mentally is essential t being the best versin f yu, s dn’t frget t schedule time t d smething fr yurself. This can help yu feel mre at peace with life and yurself.
    Write in a jurnal every day t prcess yur thughts. Jurnaling helps yu recgnize yur mtivatins, emtins, and beliefs s that yu can make thughtful adjustments in yur life. Fr a few minutes every day, write dwn what yu did, felt, and thught thrughut the day. ___20___ If yu made a mistake, identify what yu culd d better.
    A. Practice self-care t manage stress.
    B. Are yu insecure abut yur lks?
    C. This culd be a pleasure yu can enjy.
    D. Getting t knw yurself is a lifelng jurney.
    E. They can be as simple as making the bed every mrning.
    F. Yur gals may change ver time, and that's perfectly kay!
    G. If yu had a negative experience, put dwn why it affected yu.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 (共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    When I learned that ur cmmunity library was hsting a Bk Nerd Challenge, I gt excited. My granddaughter and I needed a little ___21___ t increase the quality f the bks we read, s I suggested we ___22___ .
    The gal was t read fifty bks in a year. I’m an English teacher. This didn’t seem like much f a ___23___ . Then, I read the small ___24___ that there were fifty different categries ranging frm histrical nn-fictin t a bk with a red cver. Nt s ___25___ after all.
    The experience created a ___26___ between my granddaughter and me. We read a cuple f the ___27___ nvels, but we mstly read different titles. Hwever, we had interesting ___28___ based n the similar themes in ur bks and we ___29___ the authrs’ styles, different genres, and ur favrites. With fifty categries t chse frm, I ____30____ my all-time favrite I read nce and several classics.
    ____31____ , inspired by a stubbrn need t meet the gal, I ____32____ myself t make time t visit the wrlds and characters f the nvels. During the Bk Nerd Challenge, smetimes I made excuses fr ____33____ when I was unwilling t cntinue. But after a year, reading became a ____34____ I desired. My life became mre ____35____ as I grew intellectually. Reading made me uninterested in TV prgrams. The realistic stries f life ____36____ the unrealistic dramas n the screen.
    Nw I find bks can prvide a better ____37____ . Perhaps the greatest benefit I ____38____ thrugh my increased reading is the ____39____ it has n my writing. Reading imprves my vcabulary, mdels unique styles, prvides new insights, inspires new ideas, and stimulates a desire t ____40____ ther authrs’ successes.
    21. A. inspiratinB. expectatinC. prmiseD. recgnitin
    22. A. mve nB. turn dwnC. sign upD. shw ff
    23. A. strikeB. challengeC. dealD. chance
    24. A. clueB. chiceC. cmmentD. request
    25. A. easyB. awesmeC. mysteriusD. dull
    26. A. bndB. driveC. dutyD. prcedure
    27. A. riginalB. rmanticC. histricalD. same
    28. A. experimentsB. cnversatinsC. experiencesD. thughts
    29. A. clarifiedB. cnfirmedC. judgedD. discussed
    30. A. rereadB. recmmendC. remveD. reclaim
    31. A. EventuallyB. NaturallyC. InitiallyD. Surprisingly
    32. A. beggedB. frcedC. brughtD. taught
    33. A. delayingB. studyingC. examiningD. explring
    34. A. respnsibilityB. habitC. prideD. chice
    35 A. demandingB. appealingC. satisfyingD. discuraging
    36. A. defeatedB. transfrmedC. putD. replaced
    37. A. exchangeB. cnnectinC. alternativeD. cmbinatin
    38. A. acknwledgeB. realizeC. rememberD. suggest
    39. A. reflectinB. patienceC. impactD. cntrl
    40. A. celebrateB. admireC. respectD. cpy
    第二节 (共10 小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    The underwater phtgraphy exhibitin titled “Chasing Dreams in Dark Blue”is ___41___ (current) taking place at the Natinal Art Museum f China in Beijing. The exhibitin marks the museum’s first-ever cean underwater phtgraphy display, ___42___ (feature) a cllectin f 60 attractive pieces by Yue Hngjun, a winner f the Glden Statue Award fr China Phtgraphy, ___43___ highest award fr phtgraphers in the cuntry. The shwcased ___44___ (pht) vividly shw the vibrancy (活力) f cean species and cnvey the eclgical cncept f prtecting the cean.
    As an enterpriser, Yue is deeply passinate abut bth the cean ___45___ phtgraphy. His cmmitment extends beynd business, as he actively participates ___46___ public welfare activities. He has chsen phtgraphy as a pwerful medium t call fr mre peple t safeguard the cean and its inhabitants. Over the curse f a decade, he ___47___ (dive) ver 700 times in these regins frm Suth America t Nrth America and frm the Pacific Ocean t the Indian Ocean. One remarkable achievement f ___48___ (he) is the pineering descriptin f the flying image f Dunhuang in China at a ___49___ (deep) f 30 meters within a Suth American underwater cave. He is als the first phtgrapher _____50_____ (achieve)China’s Glden Statue Award as well as the fellwship f The Ryal Phtgraphic Sciety f Great Britain fr his cean-themed phtgraphs.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    In rder t carry frward the Lei Feng spirit, a series f activities was held by ur Schl Student Unin with a 60th “Lei Feng Day” appraching. Our schl held a flag-raising ceremny theme “Learn frm Cmrade Lei Feng” n Mnday. Our headmaster appealed t us students strng t learn frm Lei Feng, which devted his spare time t helping the needy. After that, the sng called n peple t learn frm Lei Feng was sung by every class. Every students did a gd deed. Sme did sme cleaning in the park. Other went t the nursing hme t take part scial activities. After sixty years later, the Lei Feng spirit is still alive, inspiring a new generatin f Chinese peple.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    52. 假定你所在的英语社团正在进行以“热爱劳动”为主题的交流会,现请你根据以下要点发言,分享你的劳动故事。
    1. 描述一次难忘的劳动经历;
    2. 劳动的意义及自己的感受。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

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