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    这是一份2024池州高三下学期3月教学质量统一监测试题(二模)英语含答案,共14页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Where did the speakers just g?
    A. A music shp. B. A she shp. C. A clthes shp.
    2. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Hw t dance. B. Hw t take phts. C. Hw t chse a camera.
    3. Wh is Sally Ctter?
    A. An actress. B. A writer. C. A directr.
    4. When will the speaking exam begin?
    A. At 2: 00. B. At 2: 30. C. At 3: 00.
    5. What have the speakers been ding?
    A. Surfing the Internet. B. Reading a bk. C. Ding sme shpping.
    6. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Making a plan. B. Hsting a prgram. C. Listening t music.
    7. What des Mike want t d n Saturday night?
    A. Attend a festival. B. Enjy the latest film. C. Watch a baseball game.
    8. What is the man’s prblem?
    A. He has truble ding a prject.
    B. He will be late fr an appintment.
    C. He lst the lawyer’s phne number.
    9. What will Janet d next?
    A. Phne the dentist. B. Call a taxi. C. Put ff the meeting.
    10. When is the dinner party?
    A. On May 29th. B. On June 1st. C. On June 3rd.
    11. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Clleagues. B. Friends. C. Cuple.
    12. Why will the man get t the ffice earlier?
    A. T d sme decratins.
    B. T meet sme clients.
    C. T bk sme tickets.
    13. What is the aim f the first app?
    A. T make yur bdy flexible.
    B. T strengthen yur muscle.
    C. T burn yur bdy fat.
    14. What is the disadvantage f the secnd app?
    A. Yu have t read the instructins.
    B. Yu d the same exercise every day.
    C. Yu must be fit enugh t use it.
    15. What des Jake Milburn think abut the third app?
    A. Hard. B. Bring. C. Incnvenient.
    16. Which app might the wman try?
    A. Daily Fit Club. B. Superfit in Ten. C. Burn the Fat.
    17. Hw many teams were the teenagers divided int?
    A. Fur. B. Six. C. Eight.
    18. What did Ivy Thmpsn find hard at first?
    A. Sticking t the riginal plan.
    B. Learning t d film-making.
    C. Talking t sme teammates.
    19. What animals did Ivy Thmpsn meet near Discvery Island?
    A. Killer whales. B. Wlves. C. Bears.
    20. What was Ivy Thmpsn’s favurite thing abut the trip?
    A. Making friends. B. Seeing natural wnders. C. Camping in the wild.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Sme libraries use unique architecture t encurage visitrs t explre the bk shelves and settle dwn with a new bk, r use travelling libraries t bring bks t hard-t-reach ppulatins. N matter hw they achieve it, these nvel libraries are keeping the magic f reading alive.
    Beach Library(Albena, Bulgaria)
    Reading a bk n the beach is a classic, and in Bulgaria, ne library encurages turists t d just that. The white, weather-resistant shelves lined up nt far frm the surf feature 6,000 bks in 15 languages, s every visitr can find the perfect beach read t enjy while saking up the sun’s rays.
    Bishan Library(Singapre)
    Built in 2006, this library with skylights and trellises(格架), standing ut fr its mdern art, is meant t resemble a mdern glass tree-huse. Glass pds f varying clrs stick ut f the building randmly t create czy yet air y crner fr reading thrughut the building. Children’s rm n the basement level invites interactin while preventing nise frm disturbing thse cncentrating in the lft y seats abve.
    The Camel Library Service (Nrth Eastern Prvince, Kenya)
    T fight lw literacy rates in the desert f Kenya, the gvernment created a travelling library cmpsed f nine camels bringing bks t villages. The library travels fur days a week serving the regin’s nmadic(游牧的)peple. Currently the service fcuses n children, but with mre funding they plan t increase their reach bth in distance and the titles they carry.
    Macquarie University Library(Sydney, Australia)
    A stunning cmbinatin f being bth cutting-edge and sustainable, this building with a green rf, was made frm recycled materials and designed t lk like an eucalyptus tree(桉树). It is als state f the art, using rbt cranes t bring requested bks t the frnt desk.
    21. What can visitrs d in Albena Beach Library?
    A. Find the perfect beach. B. Read classics while surfing.
    C. Buy bks in 15 languages. D. Enjy reading in the sunshine.
    22. What d we knw abut Bishan Library?
    A. It was built with artistic design.
    B. It is knwn fr travelling services.
    C. Children can interact with each ther everywhere.
    D. Rbts are used t bring requested bks t the frnt desk.
    23. Which f the fllwing features envirnmental prtectin?
    A. Beach Library. B. The Camel Library Service.
    C. Bishan Library. D. Macquarie University Library.
    In 1999, Giuliana Furci, funder and funding directr f the Fungi(真菌)Fundatin, develped a deep interest in fungi. They were everywhere, and the 20-year-ld tk particular jy in the variety f mushrms: small and buttn-shaped; tall and umbrella-like; rund with red caps tpped with white flakes. Sme were cmmnly fund in peple’s diets, fr they were rich in nutrients such as vitamin, fiber, minerals and prtein.
    But Furci als quickly realized that these fungi went largely ignred in Chile, where there were few guidebks and an almst ttal lack f plicies and resurces t prtect them frm ver-harvesting and ther human activities. Determined t crrect this, Furci wrte a field guide and set up the Fungi Fundatin—a nnprfit dedicated t fungi cnservatin. In her guide, special attentin went t the rle f fungi in the ecsystem.
    “Life n the planet wuldn’t exist withut fungi,” said Greg Mueller, a mushrm cnservatin expert. “Because f their relatinship with frests and trees, we can’t survive withut fungi. In terms f the health f the planet, they’re incredibly imprtant t humans and the verall ecsystem.” Fungi can break dwn plants and animals, thus cycling nutrients and increasing their availability in the sil. They are als imprtant cntributrs t the sil carbn stck thrugh the same prcess. What’s mre, fungi have been fund t help degrade(降解)varius pllutants, such as plastic. And mycelium(菌丝体), which is the rt structure f mushrms, is nw being used t replace unsustainable materials, such as plastic and animal-based prducts.
    Because f these, explratin f fungi was expanded at a faster pace. Hwever, sme were already listed as critically endangered. In 2010, Furci tk an even bigger step—with ther envirnmental nnprfits, she put frward a prpsal fr the gvernment t systematically assess hw large new develpments such as husing, dams, and highways affect fungi. In 2012, a law was passed and Chile became the first cuntry in the wrld t prtect fungi by law.
    24. What can we learn abut Furci frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. She enjyed cllecting mushrms.
    B. She was fnd f cking mushrms.
    C. She wrried abut the situatin f fungi.
    D. She had a habit f writing field guidebks.
    25. What is Paragraph 3 f the text mainly abut?
    A. The life n earth withut fungi.
    B. The imprtance f fungi n earth.
    C. The relatins between trees and fungi.
    D. The practical uses f fungi in the future.
    26. Hw did Furci prtect the ecsystem?
    A. By writing free instructins n plants.
    B. By starting a nn-prfit ecturism cmpany.
    C. By raising awareness f the imprtance f fungi.
    D. By passing laws t ban ver-harvesting mushrms.
    27. Which f the fllwing best describes Furci’s wrk?
    A. Grund-breaking. B. Debatable.
    C. Rmantic. D. Unmatched.
    “I’m dying f bredm!”cmplained Yelena, wh perfrmed in Chekhv’s 1897 play UncleVanya. “I dn’t knw what t d!” Of curse, if Yelena were arund tday, she’d pull ut her smartphne t find smething amusing, like Tik Tk. It’s easy t kill the time. Hwever, is bredm entirely gd fr nthing? What if it is a meaningful experience—ne that leads us t states f deeper thughtfulness r creativity?
    That’s the cnclusin f tw fascinating recent studies. In ne, researchers asked a grup f subjects t d smething bring, like cpying ut numbers frm a phne bk, and then take tests f creative thinking, such as designing uses fr a pair f cups. As a result, bred subjects came up with mre ideas than a nn-bred cntrl grup, and their ideas were ften mre creative. In the secnd study, subjects wh tk an “assciative thught” wrd test came up with mre answers when they’d been required t watch a dull screensaver(屏保).
    Bredm might bring creativity because a restless mind hungers fr stimulatin. “Bredm becmes a seeking state. What yu’re ding nw is nt satisfying. S yu’re seeking and get engaged.” says Sandi Mann, a psychlgist at the University f Central Lancashire. Kierkegaard, a philspher, described jkingly, “The gds were bred; therefre they created human beings.” Hwever, what wrries Mann is that these days we dn’t enjy these slw mments. Instead, we resist them. “We try t beat every mment f bredm in ur lives with mbile devices,” says Mann, wh claims she ften gets sme f her best thinking dne when she’s n the bus. “The smartphne might relieve us temprarily, but it shuts dwn the deeper thinking that can cme frm staring dwn the bredm. Ndling n yur phne is like eating junk fd.” she says.
    S here’s an idea: instead f always fleeing bredm, lean int it. Smetimes, shutting dwn yur Internet cnnectin fr a while will enfrce a higher level f prductivity.
    28. Why did Yelena make a cmplaint?
    A. She was dying sn. B. She frgt her smartphne.
    C. She hated her rle in the play. D. She was feeling t bred.
    29. Accrding t the study, wh is mre likely t be creative?
    A. Smene waiting at a bus stp. B. Smene lst in phne games.
    C. Smene busy with the wrk. D. Smene reading a nvel.
    30. Why des psychlgist Mann feel wrried?
    A. Because peple get used t slw mments.
    B. Because peple attempt t get rid f bredm.
    C. Because peple becme addicted t junk fd.
    D. Because peple are dependent n mbile devices.
    31. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Every State Cunts B. Watch Out fr Bredm
    C. Gateway t Creativity D. All Creativity Cmes frm Bredm
    Hw d we cme t make sense f ur daily lives? Hw can we gain a strng grasp f wh we really are and hw we fit in the wrld? And hw can we naturally cnnect t imprtant nes in ur lives? “Life stries are ne f the prime tls we have fr understanding urselves and the wrld arund us.” says Rbyn Fivush, a prfessr at Emry University.
    Humans are natural strytellers. We use stries t understand ur present, draw insights frm ur past, and anticipate the future. Thus, strytelling is basic t ur lives. As a frm f rich engagement between family members, family strytelling shuld be valued mre. Sharing bedtime stries and talks after schl, r walking thrugh an event that left a yung child crying—these are all pprtunities fr parents and children t becme clser thrugh warmth, understanding and supprt. Fivush and her clleagues have underscred the value f strytelling in parenting. The ways parents supprt children’s emtins and help them retell mre vivid, richly detailed stries have lasting impacts n children’s cgnitive(认知的)and emtinal develpment.
    Children and teenagers learn hw t talk abut their lives frm family stries. An early example is learning hw t present a detailed stry with a beginning, a middle, and an end—t give it a clear structure. Further, they learn what is apprpriate t talk abut r avid and what feelings are apprpriate t share ver dinner r ut with thers.
    When grwing up, we use ur life stries t build cmplex and stable views f urselves. Thrugh stries abut the traditins maintained ver the years, we make cnnectins between past successes and failures, ur relatinships, and the activities that hld meaning t us t develp ur new identities. These identities reflect ur rles as family members, cmmunity members, c-wrkers and s n, thus helping us have a mre cmplete view f urselves.
    Having a lasting impact n urselves and thse arund us, life stries are filled with meaning, insight, and value. By the way, what’s the stry that stands ut t yu frm a recent meal r chat?
    32. Why des the writer ask three questins in the beginning?
    A. T explain a general idea.
    B. T give backgrund infrmatin.
    C. T intrduce an argument.
    D. T reprt the finding f a study.
    33. What des the underlined wrd “underscred” in Paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Cast dubt n. B. Attached imprtance t.
    C. Shwn cncern fr. D. Thught prly f.
    34. Hw can life stries help frm a cmplete view f urselves accrding t the writer?
    A. By maintaining scial ties.
    B. By rebuilding ur identities.
    C. By cnnecting ur past and future.
    D. By learning frm family members.
    35. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A review n a strybk.
    B. An advice letter fr scial life.
    C. A guidebk t parenting.
    D. An essay n the value f strytelling.
    Jump t It
    Jumping rpe is an activity that cntributes t a healthy lifestyle and helps meet yur fitness and wellness gals. Here’s hw jumping rpe benefits yu.
    It burns calries. Hw many calries des jumping rpe burn? While this depends n yur pace n average, yu may burn abut 100 calries jumping rpe fr 10 minutes. 36
    It’s easy t d. Yu can jump rpe almst anywhere, making it a great ptin fr n-the-g r when yu’re traveling. Sme peple keep the habit f wrking ut in the pen air 37 Being able t pick up a rpe is a great ptin.
    It builds bne density (骨密度). Yur bne density decreases as yu age. Luckily, jumping rpe helps keep yur bnes strng. 38 The impact r stress frm landing after a jump helps strengthen yur bnes.
    It imprves yur heart and lungs. Jumping rpe strengthens yur heart and lungs by raising yur heart rate quickly. Thse wh d rpe-jumping exercise have better vital capacity. 39 Strng vital capacity cntributes t better cardirespiratry (心和肺的)fitness, which means yu can exercise lnger with less effrt.
    It makes yu feel gd. Did we mentin it’s fun? After exercise, yur bdy will release a special chemical, which can help with depressin. Therefre, if yu get anxius smetimes, being active can als help calm urselves dwn. 40
    A. Others prefer t wrk at hme.
    B. But what if it’s raining utside?
    C. S, skip ahead t the gd stuff.
    D. It is actually a lad-bearing activity.
    E. It refers t the amunt f air yu can breathe ut after taking a deep breath.
    F. Therefre, as a well-runded exercise, jumping rpe helps with weight lss.
    C. Hwever, bend yur knees slightly t avid injuries t ankles and bnes when yu land.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Je wrks as a schl teacher. Every New Year, he tries t bring 41 t his students. He usually gives bks t his students. But this time, smething cmpletely different happened and Je 42 this new idea t his mm.
    Je’s mther lves t knit(编织). On the eve f New Year he invited the schl children t 43 fr themselves “winter hats f their dreams”, better with 44 clrs. Everyne did s, but n ne even 45 what wuld happen next. The kids 46 painted their cute hats with clrs befre handing them in. And then Je’s mm made their fantasies 47 ! Yes, the children were simply delighted t find real hats! Of curse, Je’s mther culd nt always 48 the exact clr, let alne clrful hats. Hwever, what des it really 49 when real New Year magic is happening befre yur eyes?
    The vast majrity f peple gave this teacher the mst huge 50 and t his wnderful mm as well. After all, nt everyne actually 51 hw much wrk, time and lve ges int these small hats. “Hats 52 t yur mm! She’s amazing!” ne f the students wrte. “It’s abslutely 53 when teachers really put their sul int the educatinal prcess.”
    Peple will be aware that THIS is the 54 . Passin, deep lve and hard-wrk characterize this prfessin. “THANK YOU t yu and yur mmi” Perhaps this is the best cmment, and we shuld nly jin in the 55 .
    41. A. life B. hpe C. jy D. cnfidence
    42. A. frces B. wes C. applies D. feeds
    43. A. draw B. sing C. dance D. play
    44. A. cmplex B. rare C. mixed D. slid
    45. A. knew B. denied C. suggested D. warned
    46. A. hurriedly B. eagerly C. nervusly D. casually
    47. A. g mad B. cme true C. catch n D. shw ff
    48. A. match B. paint C. describe D. change
    49. A. inspire B. save C. matter D. cntrl
    50. A. breakut B. knckut C. handut D. shut ut
    51. A. restricts B. requires C. realizes D. regrets
    52. A. ver B. n C. away D. ff
    53. A. fearless B. senseless C. priceless D. meaningless
    54. A. ending B. acting C. thinking D. teaching
    55. A. gratitude B. cmmunicatin C. prmise D. harmny
    The saying ‘All rads lead t Xianyang’ may nt be widely knwn, but it is the 56 (true)in histry. After Qin Shi Huang, the first emperr f China, unified the cuntry in 221 BCE, he began building state-level rads, Xianyang 57 the center. Several lng rads were therefre cmpleted, 58 (cver)a distance f abut 750 kilmeters, running thrugh plains, muntains, grasslands, deserts, and finally leading t Xianyang, the capital city.
    Like the Great Wall, these rads, 59 (call)Qin Zhida, literally the Qin Direct Paths r Qin Highways, are cnsidered anther miracle in Qin Dynasty. Generally, the rads were 20 t 60 meters wide and 50 cars culd run side by side at the same time n their 60 (wide)sectins. The firmly made surface 61 (shape)like a turtle back abve the grund t avid standing water at that time. Anther amazing fact is that grass 62 (rare)grw n the rad and many parts are still in gd cnditin even tday.
    The mysterius ancient rads, 63 date back ver 2,200 years and predate the Rman Rads by ver 200 years, are knwn t be 64 natural museum in the histry f rad cnstructin. Histrians evaluate it this way: if the Great Wall is cmpared t a defensive shield (盾牌), then Qin Zhida is the weapn 65 (guard)the stability and prsperity(繁荣)f the Qin Empire.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 活动目的;
    2. 时间、地点;
    3. 注意事项。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Gerry,
    I’m Li Hua frm Class 1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Lking frward t yur cming!
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Jsie and I wanted a dg mre than anything else. Whenever we had time, we’d sit tgether and talk abut dgs. “Yu’re s silly, Jake,” Jsie wuld say. “Bulldgs(斗牛犬)are scary.” “Hah. Glden retrievers(金毛猎犬)are scary,” I’d say. We had this nging argument abut what ur ideal dg wuld be. But it made n difference—any dg wuld d, as lng as it had a tail t wag and a friendly face.
    One summer night, as we sat tgether beside the windw, Jsie saw smething. “What’s that?” she said, pinting t a dark shadw n ur driveway. The mn was up and everything lked either black r milky. At first all I saw was darkness. Then the shadw mved and I heard the sund f metal. Then the shadw flwed ut nt the silvery driveway. With a little fright, we fund urselves stepping dwn t the frnt dr. There in ur yard std a dg—a big, black dg with lng, shaggy(蓬松的)hair.
    Jsie made a little kissing nise and held ut her hand. “Here, by!” I said. And the dg came t us slwly, taking a few steps frward, and then a step back, nt sure whether t trust us. When clse enugh, it had a dggy smell that always made me think f dirt and grass and piles f leaves. “Dn’t say ‘Here, by’,” said Jsie. “She’s a female.” Pulling back and lking, I said, “I wnder what her name is.” I felt fr her cllar while she sat patiently. I fund n tags, but just a chain with a small ld bell n it.
    “I bet she’s hungry,” said Jsie. “I can feel her ribs.” I ran my hand thrugh her fur. The dg was s skinny that yu culd feel every bne, and her cat was twisted and full f dirt. If she belnged t smene, they weren’t taking gd care f her.
    1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
    “What can we give her?” Jsie asked me. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    The dg did smething cmpletely unexpected. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    第一部分 听力
    1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. C
    11. A 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. A
    第二部分 阅读理解
    21. D 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. A 30. B
    31. C 32. C 33. B 34. B 35. D
    36. F 37. B 38. D 39. E 40. C
    第三部分 语言知识运用
    41. C 42. B 43. A 44. D 45. A 46. B 47. B 48. A 49. C 50. D
    51. C 52. D 53. C 54. D 55. A
    56. truth 57. as 58. cvering 59. called 60. widest
    61. was shaped 62. rarely 63. which 64. a 65. t guard / guarding
    第四部分 写作
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Gerry,
    I’m Li Hua frm Class 1. Hearing that yu are keen t experience the vegetable-planting activities in ur schl, I’m hnred t invite yu t jin us!
    These activities, aimed at advcating healthy lifestyles and enhancing students’ sense f labur and cperatin, are very ppular amng us. The cming ne will take place in the fields near the canteen frm 3 t 5 pm next Friday, when an enthusiastic farmer will be invited t instruct us t grw tmates and cucumbers. I believe yu’ll experience bth pleasure and the warmest atmsphere f wrking in nature. By the way, it’s recmmended t wear glves and rain bts.
    Lking frward t yur cming!
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin:
    “What can we give her?” Jsie asked me. “Milk! I’ll get her sme milk.” I went int the kitchen t fill ne plate with milk and sme raw eggs. The dg ate everything up, but instantly she finished, she ran int the shadws. “Dn’t g!” Jsie called ludly. But the dg was gne. “She’ll be back when hungry again,” I said. “Nbdy is feeding her.” The fllwing evening, as sn as we set the plate dwn, she appeared as if frm nwhere. We named her ‘Shadw’ and gave her fd again, but this time fr sme reasn she wuldn’t eat it.
    The dg did smething cmpletely unexpected. She grabbed the plate in her muth and dragged it away int the bushes. When running there, we culdn’t find her. This went n fr several days. Hwever, ne night, Shadw didn’t cme. Jsie and I tried t figure ut what had happened. Anther tw days passed but we gt n answer. We culdn’t wait t cmb thrugh the bushes until we fund smething unexpected. At ur feet lay a litter f fur puppies, squeaking and climbing arund n tp f each ther. Our plates were there, and s was Shadw, cld and mtinless. She must have saved all her fd fr her puppies.
    (Text 1)
    W: The music was s lud in there! I can’t understand it. Why des a place selling jeans and T-shirts need t play lud music?
    M: At least yu gt what yu wanted. Nw I need a pair f shes.
    (Text 2)
    M: It mentined hw t keep yur camera still when yu take phts f animals, especially when yu’ve gt a bigger camera, which is harder t hld still.
    W: Like what—using a tree trunk fr supprt, that kind f thing?
    (Text 3)
    W: What d yu think f Sally Ctter?
    M: She’s usually gd, but I dn’t think she was right fr the rle in this film.
    (Text 4)
    W: I’m really wrried abut the exam. I can’t wait until three ’clck when it will be ver.
    M: Well, it’s nly a half-hur speaking exam. I’m ging t get there early, arund tw ’clck, s I can relax befre it begins.
    (Text 5)
    M: I can’t believe it! They didn’t have anything we wanted!
    W: I knw! I was sure they’d have sme f the things n ur list. Maybe we can find them nline.
    M: But I hate reading n a screen all the time.
    (Text 6)
    M: There yu are—a nice happy sng fr this Friday afternn here n Sky Radi. Here’s Gina t tell yu a few things yu can d arund twn during the weekend.
    W: Hi, Mike. Yes, well, a few interesting things. Fr sprts fans, we have an exciting baseball game n Saturday night.
    M: I definitely want t see that. What time des it begin?
    W: That’s at 7: 05. Then, n Sunday, the summer film festival begins with a great ld mvie, E.T.
    M: Sunds gd.
    (Text 7)
    M: Hell Janet, I need yu t d me a favur. I’m running late frm the meeting with the lawyer abut the Parsn’s prject. I’ve nly just left and I’m meant t be at the dentist’s in 15 minutes.
    W: Oh dear, yu’re nt ging t be there n time, are yu?
    M: N, I’m stuck in a taxi and I’ll be at least 20 minutes if I’m lucky.
    W: S yu need me t let the dentist knw that yu’ll be a bit late, dn’t yu?
    M: Yes, d yu mind? The number is in the phne bk n my desk.
    W: Dn’t wrry. I’ll phne them immediately.
    M: Thanks s much. I’ll be back in the ffice by tw.
    (Text 8)
    M: Hi Sarah, yu are cming t the dinner party, aren’t yu?
    W: Yeah, nw that it’s n the 3rd f June. My daughter’s birthday is n the 29th f May but she’s having her party n the 1st f June. By the way, I talked t Mr. Larsn and he tld me he was giving away plane tickets t the emplyee f the mnth.
    M: Gd.
    W: S are yu taking the kids t the party?
    M: N, I have asked my mum t lk after them.
    W: Me t. It’ll just be me and my husband.
    M: Great! Yu have t be there by 6: 00 t decrate. I will get t the ffice at 7: 00 as Mr. Larsn wants me t talk t sme clients first. I suggested calling them but he said n.
    (Text 9)
    W: Tday we’re talking abut fitness. With me is Jake Milburn, a persnal trainer. He’s tried fur apps fr us. What did yu find, Jake?
    M: Well, the first ne I chse is Ten-minute Yga. Each day it gives yu a new wrkut. The idea is t make yur bdy mve mre easily. One prblem is that there’s n sund, s yu have t read the instructins during the exercises.
    W: OK. What’s next?
    M: Daily Fit Club has 12-minute wrkuts t make yur heart and muscles strnger. The exercises are quite difficult. Yu have t be quite fit befre yu start, s it isn’t really suitable fr beginners.
    W: N gd fr me, then.
    M: The next ne is Burn the Fat, which aims t burn bdy fat and make yu thinner and fitter. The exercises are gd, but they’re nt very interesting!
    W: Definitely n gd fr me, then what abut the last ne?
    M: This was Superfit in Ten. It uses vides t shw yu what t d, s it’s clear and easy t fllw. The wrkuts are fun, and they’ll get yur muscles strnger.
    W: It sunds like a gd ne fr me.
    (Text 10)
    I’m Ivy Thmpsn, and I’ve just cme back frm an amazing trip t Canada. I was part f a grup f twenty-fur teenagers frm all ver the wrld. The instructrs put us int teams f six, and each team made a film dcumentary f the trip. Nbdy had any experience with film-making, s we had t learn fast, wrk tgether, and help each ther. Yu need t make decisins and stick t them. I fund it difficult t cmmunicate with sme peple n the team at first, because we were all different ages. But yu sn learn t get alng with peple when yu wrk tgether every day. On ur trip, we spent a few days camping alng the Babine River. There are sme scary wild animals ut there, like wlves and bears. I was pretty wrried abut them befre we went, but being part f a grup makes yu feel braver, I think. Lking back, there were sme amazing mments n the trip, like ging sailing and seeing killer whales near Discvery Island. But making friends with peple frm all ver the wrld was the best part f the trip fr me. We’re ging t stay in tuch.

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