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    这是一份江苏省南京市六校联合体2023-2024学年高一下学期4月联考英语试卷(Word版附答案),文件包含英语试卷docx、英语答案pdf、4月英语答题卡pdf、2024江苏省南京市六校联合体考试高一下学期4月英语听力mp3等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共19页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Why des the man aplgize t the wman?
    A. He pressed the wrng buttn.
    B. He drpped her iPad.
    C. He brke her purse.
    2. What will the man d next?
    A. Have a get-tgether.B. Visit a cmpany.C. Attend a meeting.
    3. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Father and daughter.B. Mther and sn.C. Brther and sister.
    4. Hw des the man feel abut the wman?
    A. Bred.B. Surprised.C. Annyed.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Shpping lists.B. Eating habits.C. Cking methds.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. Wh is the man asking fr?
    A. Eric.B. Laura.C. Heather.
    7. What will the wman d in abut 20 minutes?
    A. Pass n a message.B. Make a phne call.C. G shpping.
    听第7段材料,回答第 8、9 题。
    8. What culd the man see ut f the windw?
    A. A street.B. A parking lt.C. A garden.
    9. What was the man disappinted at abut the rm?
    A. The fridge.B. The cffee maker.C. The TV.
    听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
    10. Hw much did the man weigh tw mnths ag?
    A. Abut 150 punds.B. Abut 160 punds. C. Abut 170 punds.
    11. Hw did the wman knw hw t lse weight?
    A. Frm a bk.B. Frm a friend.C. Frm a ck.
    12. What des the man plan t d?
    A. Change his diet.
    B. Learn abut an authr.
    C. Start t exercise regularly.
    听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。
    13. What is the wman?
    A. A salespersn.B. A student.C. A shpkeeper.
    14. What des the man think f Lana’s dg?
    A. Frightening.B. Lvely.C. Tiny.
    15. Wh is Rver?
    A. The wman’s friend.B. The man’s bss.C. Lana’s pet.
    16. Why will the man g t the shpping center?
    A. T meet Lana.B. T have a wander.C. T buy a pair f shes.
    听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
    17. When did the speaker’s family start their traveling?
    A. On May 1st.B. On May 5th.C. On May 6th.
    18. Hw did the speaker’s family g t Shillng frm Guwahati?
    A. By car.B. By taxi.C. By train.
    19. What d we knw abut Shillng?
    A. The climate wasn’t gd.
    B. The transprt wasn’t cnvenient.
    C. There weren’t many turist attractins.
    20. What did the speaker’s family d at the end f their vacatin?
    A. They admired the sunrise.
    B. They visited tea gardens.
    C. They explred thick frests.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Everyne has unique needs and preferences, and individual sleep requirements are n different. Hwever, the amunt f sleep yu need per night is mainly determined by yur age.
    Official recmmendatins fr the length f a persn’s sleep are brken dwn by age grup:
    Older adults (65+): 7–8 hurs
    Adults (18–64 years): 7–9 hurs
    Teenagers (14–17 years): 8–10 hurs
    Schl children (6–13 years): 9–11 hurs
    Preschlers (3–5 years): 10–13 hurs (including naps)
    Tddlers (1–2 years): 11–14 hurs (including naps)
    Infants (4–12 mnths): 12–15 hurs (including naps)
    Newbrns (0–3 mnths): 14–17 hurs
    Hwever, sme peple might need mre r less sleep than is generally recmmended, depending n the fllwing factrs.
    Genetic makeup
    Yur genetics are an imprtant factr in hw many hurs f sleep yu need per night.
    Fr example, thse with ne specific genetic mutatin(基因突变) need nly arund 6 hurs, whereas peple withut it require abut 8 hurs, n average.
    Sleep quality
    The quality f yur sleep can als affect hw much yu need.
    If yur sleep quality is pr, yu may find that yu still feel tired after getting what shuld be cnsidered enugh.
    Therefre, it’s nt nly imprtant t fcus n sleeping lng enugh but als n sleeping well enugh. If yu ften feel like yu aren’t sleeping well r are extremely tired and dn’t knw why, it’s a gd idea t check in with yur healthcare prvider.
    What is the main reasn fr the amunt f sleep we need per night?
    Sleep quality.B. Genetics.C. Our age.D. Our eating habits.
    Which f the fllwing statements is true accrding t the passage?
    All the schl children need t sleep fr 9 t 11 hurs.
    If yu feel tired, please cnsult yur healthcare prvider.
    Thse with genetic mutatin nly need t sleep arund 6 hurs.
    Due t pr sleep quality, yu feel tired thugh yu’ve slept enugh.
    23. Where des this passage mst prbably cme frm?
    A. A travel brchure.B. A health magazine.
    C. A fashin website.D. A sprts newspaper.
    When my sn Ryan was six years ld and in first grade, his teacher, Nancy, talked t his class abut develping cuntries and hw they culd help peple, particularly children, in ther parts f the wrld. She explained that besides nt having tys r enugh fd, sme f them didn’t even have clean water. Fr these children sitting in their cmfrtable classrm in Kemptville, Ontari, the idea f children nt having any tys, r enugh fd r water, had a huge impact.
    The principal had distributed a list that shwed the csts f buying supplies in develping cuntries. A penny wuld buy a pencil, a dllar a ht meal, tw dllars a blanket. Seventy dllars wuld buy a well. When Ryan heard peple died because they didn’t have clean water, he was deeply affected. He came hme that day and insisted he needed seventy dllars fr class.
    Mark and I discussed it, then explained t Ryan that seventy dllars was a lt f mney. If he was really interested in ding smething, hwever, he culd earn it. He happily agreed, s we put an ld ckie tin n tp f the refrigeratr and started giving him chres. He did chres fr the neighburs and his grandparents, t. After fur mnths, Ryan was nearing his gal.
    In April 1998 we went fr ur meeting with WaterCan, a Canadian nnprfit rganizatin prviding clean water t peple in develping cuntries. And Ryan brught his ckie tin full f mney. Nicle, the directr, and Helen, her assistant, thanked him and tld him hw imprtant his dnatin was. Then they tld us it wuld cst a lt mre than $70 t build a well—in fact, it wuld cst $2,000.
    Ryan wasn’t cncerned and replied simply, “That’s kay. I’ll just d mre chres!” News abut what Ryan was ding gt ut, and sn we were getting calls frm the media.When the Ottawa Citizen did a stry n Ryan’s well, we began t receive dnatins at least nce a week. Peple frm all ver were catching Ryan’s dream and were inspired t give.
    What inspired Ryan t help kids in develping cuntries?
    Parents’ supprt.B. Ryan’s warm heart.
    C. The principal’s list.D. Nancy’s explanatin.
    What did Ryan decide t d t help the kids?
    He planned t dnate 70$ t a charity.
    He intended t pay fr a well fr the kids.
    He desired t purchase hts meals fr the kids.
    He wanted t buy blankets and pencils fr the kids.
    What happened after the Ottawa Citizen did a stry n Ryan’s well?
    Dnatins were received nce a mnth.
    Peple were inspired t give a helping hand.
    Ryan did mre chres and dnated mre mney.
    The media called Ryan and his family frequently.
    What’s the suitable title fr the passage?
    Ryan’s Well f Life.B. A Jint Effrt.
    C. A Warm-hearted Kid.D. Kids in Need.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is shwing prmise in earthquake predictin, challenging the lng-held belief that it is impssible. Researchers at the University f Texas, Austin, have develped an AI algrithm (算法) that crrectly predicted 70% f earthquakes a week in advance during a trial in China and prvided accurate strength calculatins fr the predicted earthquakes.
    The research team believes their methd succeeded because they stuck with a relatively simple machine learning apprach. The AI was prvided with a set f statistical features based n the team’s knwledge f earthquake physics, and then instructed t train itself using a five-year database f earthquake recrdings. Once trained, the AI prvided its predictin by listening fr signs f incming earthquakes within the backgrund rumblings (隆隆声) in the Earth.
    This wrk is clearly a milestne in research fr AI-driven earthquake predictin. “Yu dn’t see earthquakes cming,” explains Alexandrs Savvaidis, a senir research scientist wh leads the Texas Seismlgical Netwrk Prgram (TexNet). “It’s a matter f millisecnds, and the nly thing yu can cntrl is hw prepared yu are. Even with the 70% accuracy, that’s a huge result and culd help minimize ecnmic and human lsses and has the ptential t remarkably imprve earthquake preparatin wrldwide.”
    While it is unknwn whether the same apprach will wrk at ther lcatins, the researchers are cnfident that their AI algrithm culd prduce mre accurate predictins if used in areas with reliable earthquake tracking netwrks. The next step is t test artificial intelligence in Texas, since UT’s Bureau TexNet has 300 earthquake statins and ver six years wrth f cntinuus recrds, making it an ideal lcatin fr these purpses.
    Eventually, the authrs hpe t cmbine the system with physics-based mdels. This strategy culd prve especially imprtant where data is pr r lacking. “That may be a lng way ff, but many advances such as this ne, taken tgether, are what mves science frward,” cncludes Sctt Tinker, the bureau’s directr.
    Hw des the AI predict earthquakes?
    By identifying data frm the satellites.
    By analyzing backgrund sunds in the Earth.
    By mdeling data based n earthquake recrdings.
    By mnitring changes in the Earth’s magnetic field.
    What des Alexandrs Savvaidis intend t shw in paragraph3?
    The ways t reduce lsses in earthquakes.
    The imprtance f preparing fr earthquakes.
    The significance f develping the AI predictin.
    The limitatin f AI algrithms in earthquake predictin.
    What des the fllw-up research fcus n?
    Cnducting tests in different lcatins.
    Applying the AI apprach t ther fields.
    Building mre earthquake statins in Texas.
    Enlarging the database t train the calculatin accuracy.
    Which wrds can best describe the earthquake-predicting technlgy?
    Stable but utdated.B. Effective but cstly.
    C. Ptential and ecnmical.D. Advanced and prmising.
    A recent glbal study, which surveyed 10,000 yung peple frm 10 cuntries, shwed that nearly 60 percent f them were extremely wrried abut the future state f the planet. The reprt als shwed that nearly half f the respndents (受访者) said that such distress affected them daily, and three-quarters agreed with the statement that “the future is frightening.” This, and many ther studies, shw clearly that climate change is nt just a threat t the envirnment. It als pses a very real threat t ur mental health.
    Psychlgists have classified these feelings f sadness, distress, and wrry abut the current climate emergency as ec-anxiety. Accrding t the Climate Psychlgy Alliance, ec-anxiety is defined as the “intense physical and mental discmfrt in respnse t dangerus changes in the climate system.”
    Ec-anxiety desn’t just affect yung peple. It als affects researchers wh wrk in climate and eclgical science, burdened by the reality discvered in their findings, and it affects the pr peple acrss the glbe, wh hpelessly bear the harmful impacts f climate breakdwn.
    In recent years, we’ve seen wildfires tear thrugh Canada and Greece, and summer flds destry regins in Pakistan that are hme t nearly 33 millin peple. Studies have shwn that thse impacted by air pllutin and rising temperatures are mre likely t experience mental distress.
    The cause f this mental distress is abslutely external. Accrding t Carline Hickman, a researcher n ec-anxiety frm the University f Bath, anyne experiencing these emtins is displaying entirely natural and ratinal reactins t the climate crisis. Her suggestin? Take ec-anxiety as a tl fr gd—as an emtin that can urge peple t act in prtectin f ur planet.
    This is why, in 2024, we will als see mre peple arund the wrld jin the fight fr climate justice and apply fr jbs that seek sustainable develpment. Ec-anxiety is nt smething we will defeat with therapy—we will slve it by taking actin.
    What des the underlined wrd “distress” in paragraph1 mean?
    Shck.B. Anxiety.C. Fear.D. Anger.
    What is ec-anxiety accrding t the Climate Psychlgy Alliance?
    It is a strng reactin t the natural disasters.
    It is a kind f mental disease fr the yung peple.
    It is a physical and mental discmfrt when we meet difficulties.
    It is a strng physical and mental discmfrt fr the dangerus climate changes.
    What is mainly talked abut in paragraph3?
    The prcess f ec-anxiety.B. The impact f ec-anxiety.
    C. The causes f ec-anxiety.D. The benefits f ec-anxiety.
    35. What’s the apprach t slving ec-anxiety accrding t Carline Hickman?
    A. Defeat it with a therapy.
    B. Just wait fr a gd slutin.
    C. Jin the fight fr climate justice.
    D. Use it t urge peple t prtect ur earth.
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    On an Arctic island, an enrmus vault(保险库)has been built deep undergrund. Like any bank vault, it hlds treasures. 36.________ This vault hlds seeds frm fd crps arund the wrld.
    The Svalbard Glbal Seed Vault is in Nrway. It is a seed bank, a place t stre and prtect seeds. Mre than 800 thusand different seed samples rest here. All are dried and kept in temperature- and misture-cntrlled cnditins. 37._________
    Many natins have their wn seed banks, t. One main purpse is t make sure that even if crps fail, there will still be seeds fr farmers t plant.
    38._________ Lss f diversity can cause prblems. That was made clear in Ireland in the 1840s. Peple grew and ate just ne kind f ptat, which had n defense when a disease struck. The ptat crps failed, and ne millin peple died as a result.
    Seeds hld infrmatin fr scientists. 39._________They might grw int plants that can resist pests and disease. They might grw where ther plants can't. Even the seeds f an invasive plant like kudzu are saved in seed banks. Perhaps scientists will find ut their use smeday.
    A natin cmmnly has mre than ne seed bank. Still, a backup plan is a gd idea. Flds, fires, war, and ther disasters can destry strehuses f precius seeds. 40.________The seeds cme frm all ver the wrld, and they belng t everyne, nt just ne natin.
    A. But yu wn't find precius jewels r metals here.
    B. That's why the Svalbard Glbal Seed Vault was created.
    C. Anther main purpse f seed banks is t prtect diversity.
    D. The seeds f plants that are n lnger farmed may be useful.
    E. They will still have seeds t plant, crps t grw, and fd t eat.
    F. The Svalbard Glbal Seed Vault is nicknamed the Dmsday Vault.
    G.This means the air in the vault stays dry and the temperature is always the same.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    As a child, I’d spent entire afternns 41 new wrlds in my mind and giving life t 42 in my stries I wished culd be my friends. I’d written myself int my favrite stries s I culd be part f them. Writing was a part f me; it was wh I was.
    Hwever, in high schl I 43 with writer’s blck. By the time I was in cllege, I’d stpped writing entirely, 44 the dream remained. I wanted t 45 a nvel ne day. It was then that I read an interview with the Belgian writer Amélie Nthmb. She said she’d g crazy if she didn’ t write; she needed t d it t stay 46 . Her wrds made me feel 47 . She was telling me that I wasn’t really a writer.
    Or s I thught. I tried again, and it was like feeling the sun n my skin, r hearing snw lightly fall. I hadn’t realized it, but I hadn’t really been happy until I 48 my pen again. Writing was in my bld after all.
    Finally, half-hurs 49 t writing stretched int hurs. Befre, I had been upset all the time because I didn’t advance my writing prjects. Nw, every day was a step frward, and I was 50 with it.
    One day, I was reading a stry in a library. 51 , an idea hit me that I wanted t submit(提交) a few stries. I didn’t d it in the hpes they wuld get published.
    And then, smething 52 happened. The first stry I submitted was chsen fr publicatin! When I gt the e-mail, I was wild with jy and 53 arund my kitchen table.
    That mment 54 me that I must keep writing—nt because I’ll g 55 ,but because I want t keep being crazily happy like that.
    41. A. creatingB. defending C. shckingD. changing
    42. A. speciesB. imagesC. residentsD. characters
    43. A. arguedB. disagreedC. armedD. struggled
    44. A. as ifB. even thughC. due tD. s that
    45. A. readB. buyC. dnateD. publish
    46. A. cnnectedB. quietC. awakeD. plite
    47. A. scaredB. upsetC. curiusD. delighted
    48. A. picked upB. picked utC. brke utD. brke dwn
    49. A. cntributedB. devtedC. ledD. attached
    50. A. satisfiedB. strictC. angryD. cncerned
    51. A. FrequentlyB. TypicallyC. SuddenlyD. Hpefully
    52. A. amazingB. rdinaryC. difficultD. bring
    53. A. hungB. dancedC. turnedD. lked
    54. A. instructedB. directedC. infrmedD. taught
    55. A. crazyB. blankC. wrngD. bankrupt
    第二节 语篇填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The 56.______ (traditin) Chinese slar calendar divides the year int 24 slar terms. The 24 slar terms, 57.________(determine) by changes in the sun’s psitin in the zdiac during the year, were first used in China and nw are fllwed in many ther parts f the wrld. In China, the 24 slar terms 58._______(create) thusands f years ag t guide agricultural prductin.
    Rain Water this year starts 59.______ Feb19 and ends n Mar4. Rain Water 60.______(signal) the increase in rainfall and rise in temperature. With its arrival, lively spring-like scenery starts blssming.
    Rain Water is 61._____(cmmn) regarded as the best time f the year t eat fresh bamb shts. And accrding t the Bk f Sngs, the cking f bamb shts in China dates back t ver 2,000 years ag.
    Accrding t 62._____ ld Chinese saying, the rainfall in spring is as precius as il. In nrthern China, the spring 63._____(dry) is cmmn and the rainfall f this seasn is really lw, 64.______ accunts fr nly 10 t 15 percent f annual average rainfall. Therefre, Rain Water is cnsidered as a key perid fr irrigatin(灌溉) when the day gets 65.______(warm) and rainfall increases.
    第四部分. 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作 (满分15分)
    2. 提出至少两条建议并倡议营造浓厚学风。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear fellw students,
    The Students’ Unin
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    Edisn, a five-year-ld by had a nice hliday n the Big Island, Hawaii with his parents. The sun shne n the glden beach, and the sparkling sea unflded in frnt f them. There were a large number f peple n vacatin, and the huses in the distance were neatly lined up. After Edisn played fr a while, he sat n the beach, enjying the beautiful trees in the distance and listening t the cries f the seagulls.
    Hwever, having recently returned frm Hawaii, they were shcked by a TV news—a deadly wildfire n Maui steals Hawaiians’ hmes and histry. Scres f birds lay dead n the grund. Huses were burned t ruins, and cars were destryed.
    “Mum, d the kids have n tys r even a bed?” Edisn asked sadly. “What shall I d t help them?”
    “Will yu dnate yur pcket mney?” Mm asked.
    “Sure, but that’s nt enugh. What abut setting up a lemnade stand n the street? I think peple are willing t buy smething and give a helping hand.”
    “Sunds great! My by.” Dad agreed. “Besides pink and yellw lemnade, we can sell sandwiches, ice creams, candies and sparking water(气泡水).”
    “Let’s start t make these things. It wn’t take lng.” Edisn urged his parents.
    The next few hurs saw this family making sandwiches and lemnade, putting all the stuff n a stand, with a bard saying “ Fd and Lemnade fr Hawaii. One dllar per cup.”
    “Will peple buy ur stuff?” Edisn wndered.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Sn, drivers and passers-by stpped and made generus purchases.__________
    The family decided t g t the disaster-stricken island and ffer their time and effrts.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    江苏省南京市六校联合体2023-2024学年高一上学期期中联考英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份江苏省南京市六校联合体2023-2024学年高一上学期期中联考英语试题(Word版附答案),共15页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江苏省南京市六校联合体2023-2024学年高三英语上学期10月联合调研试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份江苏省南京市六校联合体2023-2024学年高三英语上学期10月联合调研试卷(Word版附解析),共6页。

    江苏省南京市六校联合体2023-2024学年高一英语上学期10月联合调研试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份江苏省南京市六校联合体2023-2024学年高一英语上学期10月联合调研试题(Word版附答案),共13页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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