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    这是一份中考英语(黑龙江哈尔滨卷)-2024年中考第一次模拟考试,文件包含英语哈尔滨卷全解全析-2024年中考第一次模拟考试docx、英语哈尔滨卷考试版A4-2024年中考第一次模拟考试docx、英语哈尔滨卷考试版A3-2024年中考第一次模拟考试docx、中考英语黑龙江哈尔滨卷答题卡-2024年中考第一次模拟考试docx等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共44页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:100分)
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    一、单项选择 (本题共20分, 每小题1分)
    1.It’s time t say gdbye t yur middle schl life. Let’s say thanks t thse ________ have wrked s hard fr yu in the past fur years.
    2.The wrld’s attentin ________ by the idea f “Made in China” in the 2022 FIFA Wrld Cup in Qatar.
    A.was caughtB.will catchC.caught
    3.—Tny lks unhappy. D yu knw ________?
    —Srry, I dn’t knw either. But as his friend, we shuld g and cheer him up.
    A.what is happened t himB.what’s the matter with himC.what wrng with him is
    4.This is ________ I was brn and grew up.
    A.thatB.whereC.in which
    5.Great changes have ________ in the schl. It is n lnger what it used t be 20 years ag.
    A.cme abutB.ccurredC.taken place
    6.—Culd yu tell me ________?
    —G alng the street, then turn left at the secnd crssing. Yu wn’t miss it.
    A.where is the cinemaB.hw I culd get t the cinemaC.which is the way t the cinema
    7.She hpes ________ everything she can ________ the wrld a better place.
    A.t d; t makeB.d; t makeC.t d; make
    8.—My family seldm went ut during the COVID-19 utbreak perid.
    A.S d mineB.Neither did mineC.S my did
    9.As a great wman, Zhang Guimei taught many things that tuched ur hearts.
    10.On March 16th in 2023, the pening ceremny f the 6th Chengdu Internatinal Petry Festival ________ at Chengdu University.
    A.was heldB.is heldC.will be held
    11.I have ________ the new smartphne fr tw mnths.
    12.— What d yu think f Lily’s speech?
    — Great! N ne des ________ in ur class.
    13.She was made _______ the task in tw days.
    A.finishB.t finishC.finishing
    14.—The hmewrk is a little difficult.
    —But I’m ________ certain that I can finish it n time.
    15.—May I drink a bttle f milk, please?
    —Srry, there is ________ left, but wuld yu like sme range juice instead?
    A.nthingB.n neC.nne
    16.Tm felt very tired after tw hurs f reading. He ________ dwn his bk and ________ dwn in bed.
    A.lay; liedB.laid; layC.lied; lain
    17.—Schls must pay mre attentin t arts frm nw n!
    —Certainly. Frm 2022, the students ________ in areas like music and art.
    A.will testB.will be testC.will be tested
    18.—What wuld yu like t d t relax yurself?
    —I prefer _______ basketball rather than _______ cmputer games.
    A.play; playB.t play; playC.t play; t play
    19.—Has Mr. Green travelled abrad yet?
    —Nt nly Mr. and Mrs. Green but als their daughter ________ abrad twice.
    A.have gneB.have beenC.has been
    20.—I knw that _______ Jenny ________ Lucy is studying Sichuan culture nw.
    —Yes, and they find it rich and amazing.
    A.neither…nrB.bth…andC.nt nly…but als
    二、完形填空 (本题共10分, 每小题1分)
    Time is very imprtant in ur lives. But it never had any imprtance in my life until I 21 a watch frm my father that made me respnsible. It 22 me the imprtance f time in my life.
    I gt this gift n a gray-sky day. I had t g t the 23 at 9: 00 a.m. t pick up my uncle Ali and take him t my father’s huse. Hwever, I frgt it 24 I was playing with my friends. Later n that day, arund 11: 00 a.m., I remembered my uncle, but I was late fr him. He had gt ut f the plane and 25 a taxi t my father’s huse.
    I gt t my father’s huse at 2: 00 p.m. My father lked at me angrily. I said “hi” t him and my 26 uncle. My father asked me t sit 27 him and handed me this watch. It weighed 8 z (盎司) and all f it was made f silver. Then he said, “Essa, did yu have fun with yur friends tday? What yu did was nt very nice and yu shuld be srry fr yur actins.” I felt srry and tld my father that I wuldn’t d it again. Then he said, “This watch will be a reminder fr yu. I hpe tday yu have learned smething 28 .”
    I learned a lessn frm my father: t respect (尊重) time and 29 be late. The watch is imprtant t me, nt because f its 30 , but because f the lessn that I learned frm it.
    27.A.next tB.arundC.behind
    三、阅读理解 (本题共20分, 每小题1分)
    Clara Daly was sitting n an Alaska Airlines flight frm Bstn t Ls Angeles when she heard a wrried vice ver the ludspeaker: “Des anyne n bard knw American Sign Language?”
    Clara,15 at the time, pressed the call buttn. An air hstess came by and explained the situatin.“We have a passenger n the plane wh’s blind and deaf,” she said. “The passenger seemed t want smething, but he was traveling alne and the air hstesses culdn’t understand what he needed.”
    Clara had been studying ASL fr the past year t help blind and deaf peple and she knew she’d be able t finger spell int the man’s palm, s she rse frm her seat, walked tward the frnt f the plane, and knelt by the seat f Tim Ck, then gently taking his hand, she signed, “Hw are yu? Are yu OK?” Ck asked fr sme water.
    When it arrived, Clara returned t her seat. She came by again a bit later because he wanted t knw the time. On her third visit, she stpped and stayed fr a while.
    “He didn’t need anything. He was lnely and wanted t talk,” Clara said.
    S fr the next hur, she talked abut her family and her plans fr the future. Ck tld Clara hw he had becme blind ver time and shared stries f his days as a traveling salesman. Even thugh he culdn’t see her, she “lked attentively at his face with such kindness,” a passenger reprted.
    “Clara was amazing,” an air hstess tld Alaska Airlines in an interview. “Yu culd tell Ck was very excited t have smene (he culd speak t) and she was such an angel.
    Ck’s reply, “Best trip I’ve ever had.”
    31.The air hstesses’ prblem was that ________.
    A.they had a very difficult passengerB.they culdn’t understand the passenger
    C.they didn’t knw the passenger’s nameD.they didn’t have what the passenger wanted
    32.Clara Daly believed she culd help because she ________.
    A.happened t learn sme ASLB.had helped peple like Ck
    C.thught she might knw CkD.had a grandfather had the same prblem
    33.Clara Daly finger spelled with Tim Ck int ________ .
    34.Tim Ck keep asking fr service because ________.
    A.he was hungry and thirstyB.he needed smene t talk t
    C.he was afraid f taking planesD.he was interested in Clara’s stry
    35.Clara Daly is ________.
    A.brave and cleverB.beautiful and lvely
    C.patient and caringD.utging and friendly
    Ht summer is cming. It’s time t enjy delicius ice-cream. Hwever, sme ice-cream bars are nw called “assassins (刺客)” fr their surprisingly high prices. But when they were first invented, they were all abut making peple happy.
    In the 1920s, Harry Burt ran a candy stre in the USA.One day, he develped a smth chclate cating (涂层). Burt first cut sme ice-cream int cubids (长方体). He then cvered the ice-cream with the new chclate cating.
    When Burt let his children try this new dessert, his daughter said the ice-cream bar was t “messy” t eat. Then Burt’s sn suggested adding a wden stick t the dessert.
    Burt named it “Gd Humr bar”. It sn became ppular. Later, he sent sme trucks t sell these ice-cream bars. Peple wuld knw it was time fr sme ice-cream when they heard the trucks’ bells. Tday, yu can still see Gd Humr trucks in America!
    36.Ice-cream bars became t expensive fr peple t enjy.
    37.It has been abut 100 years since Gd Humr bar was invented.
    38.Harry Burt’s daughter disliked the new dessert because it wuld be messy.
    39.Harry Burt’s new dessert gt ppular because peple culd easily get it n the trucks.
    40.Frm the passage, we can infer that sme inventins can make peple’s life mre clrful.
    41.In which sectin f the newspaper can we read the new?
    C.Business.D.What’s n?
    42.What des the “penguin suit” d fr astrnauts in space?
    A.It can help astrnauts exercise with bikes every day.
    B.Astrnauts wearing the penguin suits all day are strng.
    C.It can prevent the muscle lss f the astrnauts.
    D.Astrnauts use their muscles t push the bands inside the suit.
    43.What wuld be the best heading fr the secnd piece f news?
    A.Art withut AI.
    B.AI changes the wrld.
    C.Vermeer’s Girl With a Pearl Earring.
    D.Almst picture-perfect art.
    44.Why d sme schls in the US banned the use f ChatGPT?
    A.Students may use it t cheat n hmewrk.
    B.It rarely prvides crrect infrmatin.
    C.It takes the place f teachers.
    D.It takes up mst f the district's netwrks.
    45.It’s clear that ________.
    A.the Chinese astrnauts encurage students t study harder
    B.Girl With a Pearl Earring was painted by Julian
    C.ChatGPT will cmpletely change the educatin
    D.using ChatGPT makes students lazy in thinking
    As a platn leader (排长), Jiang Ping and his sldiers fught against flds fr sme days in Tngling, Anhui Prvince. 46
    After 12 days f effrts the fld situatin in Tngling had been brught under cntrl. S Jiang Ping and his sldiers were called t Hefei, the prvincial capital. Chahu Lake was still at risk f flding. Jiang said, “I saw many huses and fields had been flded by the fldwater in bth Tngling and Hefei. 47 ”
    The flds hit Jiang Ping’s hmetwn in the summer f 1998. 48 Jiang said “Mst part f my huse was submerged (淹没) by the fld water and the water kept rising. 49 Staying n the rf fr nearly three hurs. We were wrried abut ur lives. At that time, a sldier tk me int his arms. He tried t ease my panic, saying. ‘Dn’t be afraid. We are here with yu.’” Jiang jined the army in 2010 after graduatin frm high schl. 50 water flded Jiang’s village.
    A.It had been his dream since that experience with the sldiers.
    B.My father lifted me nt the rf.
    C.The terrible situatin reminded me f smething in the past.
    D.He experienced a terrible mment.
    E.The city was hit by serius flds in early July.
    四、交际应用 (本题共10分, 每空1分)
    A: Hey, Jane. Have yu ever heard f China Brand (品牌) Day?
    B: 51 What’s the day fr?
    A: 52 In the past, “made in China” ften made peple think f cheap prducts, sme f which are nt gd enugh.
    B: Hw abut nw?
    A: It has changed a lt. 53
    B: I agree. Chinese brands are ging glbal (全球的) and mre peple buy prducts made in China.
    A: Exactly. 54
    B: Yes. I ften buy sme shes r clthes f these brands. They are really nice and f high quality.
    A: Cl! 55
    A.Oh, I have n idea abut it.
    B.That’s because they are affrdable.
    C.TikTk is anther big technlgy brand.
    D.It’s t shw Chinese brands t the wrld.
    E.Mre Chinese brands are accepted arund the wrld.
    F.Sme sprts brands like Huili and Li-Ning have gt glbal attentin.
    G.I believe mre and mre Chinese will supprt ur wn brands like yu.
    A: Mrning, Dctr.
    B: Gd mrning. What’s wrng with yu?
    A: I was caught in the rain yesterday. I’ve gt a headache and keep n cughing a lt.
    B: D yu have a fever?
    A: I’m 56 s. And I feel s bad.
    B: Let me take yur it easy. 57 nthing serius. Yu just have a cld.
    Drink sme ht water and have a gd rest. And yu’ll be fine sn.
    A: Thanks, I will. What else shuld I d?
    B: Yu’d better chse yur clthes 58 n the weather reprt.
    A: What will the weather be like tmrrw?
    B: It’ll still be rainy tmrrw. Nw we’re in the seasn f rain.
    A: 59 bad the weather is!
    B: When yu g ut, please wear warm clthes and take an 60 with yu.
    A: I get it. Thank yu.
    B: Yu’re welcme.
    五、任务性阅读 (本题共20分, 每空1分)
    先阅读 A、B、C 三篇短文, 然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列五项任务。
    leave, turn ff, sudden, thanks, little, myself, huse, give
    It was a cld winter night. It was my first time t wrk late. When I walked t the rad t my hme, there was nbdy but the cld 61 and dark rads with almst n light.
    My hands were wet and I was very nervus and afraid. 62 , I saw a bright light in frnt f a little shp, and then I went clse t it quickly and std under the light. It made 63 feel safe. Hwever, after a while, an ld lady went ut and seemed t 64 the light. I didn’t knw what t d. Finally, I cheered myself up and said t the lady, “Culd yu keep the light n fr me? Yur light is bright and with it, I can walk in 65 fear. ”
    Hearing this, the lady 66 me a sweet smile and said, “Of curse.” Finally, I gt hme with the bright light. The next day, I gt ff wrk early in rder t 67 the ld lady. “It’s a piece f cake,” she said happily. Frm then n, I culd always return hme with that bright light if I wrked late. At first, I thught the lady was s kind t me. But later I knew she 68 her light t every girl wh was late hme frm that night n.
    There is n dubt that water is ne f the mst imprtant resurces fr man. It is the surce f all life.
    But in fact we’re facing serius water prblem.
    Althugh water cvers 71 percent f earth’s surface, we can nly use a very small part f it. It’s abut 3 percent and it’s in lakes, rivers and undergrund. Tday, there are ver 663 millin peple living withut a safe water supply(供应) clse t hme, accrding t the United Natins.
    T remind peple f the imprtance f water, the UN first set WORLD WATER DAY in 1993. It is celebrated n March 22 each year. Every year has a theme.
    In fact, many gvernments and rganizatins have already taken actins t ffer gd slutins. In sme cuntries, peple have their wn slutins fr saving water and reusing waste-water.
    As students, we shuld try ur best t fight against the prblem f water waste. What we can d is t supprt charities, take part in the Wrld Water Day activities, be careful with hw we use water in ur wn lives. We can als visit the UN Wrld Water Day website t find ut abut an event near us and help spread arund the wrld abut the imprtance f saving water.
    69.Why are we facing serius water prblem?

    70.Why was Wrld Water Day set up? What’s the theme f Wrld Water Day in 2023?

    71.Translate the underlined sentence int Chinese.

    72.Seeing the theme in 2021, Mike advised his parents t turn ff the water when brushing the teeth. Hw much water can Mike’s family save in a mnth?

    73.Please cmplete the missing subtitle(小标题).

    74.What else can we d t deal with the prblem f water waste?

    It’s nrmal t wake up n the wrng side f the bed every nw and then. But wh wants t be unhappy fr a whle day? There are a few simple steps t make tday a brighter day fr yu.
    Wake up early
    By waking up even just fifteen minutes earlier, yu’ll give yurself a bit mre time t prepare yurself fr the day ahead. Yu can als take things slwly, rather than rush and stress yurself ut. S, yu shuld cnsider setting yur alarm fr the time when yu want t be up and ut f bed.
    D mrning exercises
    Exercising yur muscles first in the mrning will restart yur system and set the tne fr the rest f the day. Yu’ll d smething healthy and prductive, which will lift yur md and make yu mre energetic. Mrning exercises can als prevent muscle pain, help yu sleep sunder and lse weight.
    Write a t-d list
    If yu have a lt f things that wrry yu, writing a t-d list will help, as it will enable yu t rganize yur thughts and clear yur head. Just write dwn everything that yu’re wrried abut getting dne. Then rewrite it in rder f imprtance. S yu can fcus n the mst urgent (紧急的) tasks right away.
    Have a prper breakfast
    Befre yu g abut yur day, it is imprtant t eat breakfast. Take yur time ver it. Dn’t try t rush r just grab (抓紧吃) smething n the g. Be sure t eat smething that will fill yu up as well, such as milk r fried eggs!
    Wash and present yurself nicely
    It’s a wise idea t shwer and make yurself lk tidy. This will als make yu feel mre cnfident. If yu want t treat yurself, run a bath instead f a shwer. Yu’ll find that a little me-time can really make yur day much brighter.
    六、书面表达 (本题共20分)
    80.好的朋友是终身的财富,陪伴我们一起经历成长。你的好朋友做过什么难忘的事情让你深受感动?请根据以下提示信息,以“He/She made me mved”为题完成一篇作文。80词左右。
    Pay attentin t the fllwing pints when yu plan yur cmpsitin:
    ●Wh is yur friend?
    ●What did yur friend d?
    ●Hw did yu feel abut that?
    The fllwing wrds may help yu :
    ●still fresh in my mind
    ●be deeply mved
    ●thanks t
    He/She Made Me Mved
    Teachers in the sky
    On Dec.9, three Chinese astrnauts gave a science lessn 400 kilmeters abve Earth! They shwed millins f students their life there. During the lessn, Zhai intrduced a special unifrm they were wearing. It’s called a “penguin suit”. Wearing it, astrnauts use their muscles(肌肉) t pull the bands(弹力带) inside the suit. This keeps their muscles strng. Wang als shwed anther way t prevent the muscle lss—they exercise with bikes every day!
    At the first sight, it seems t be Dutch painter Jhannes Vermeer’s masterpiece Girl With a Pearl Earring《带珍珠耳环的少女》. But it’s actually an picture made by designer Julian van Dieken in Berlin using artificial intelligence AI. Chsen frm 3,482 given pictures made t lk like Vermeer’s painting, the AI-made artwrk shwed up at a museum in the Netherlands in March.
    ChatGPT causes strm
    ChatGPT, a smart AI chatbt tl, has swept the educatin wrld in the past mnths. Accrding t a US survey f mre than 1,000 students, ver 89 percent f them have used ChatGPT t help with hmewrk. Sme schls in the US, Australia and France have banned(禁止) the use f ChatGPT. This mve cmes ut f wrries that the tl culd make it easier fr students t cheat n hmewrk. Sme als wrry that ChatGPT culd be used t spread wrng infrmatin. Hwever, nt all educatrs say “n” t ChatGPT. Sme Canadian universities are making rules n its use, fr students and teachers. They have n plans t cmpletely ban the tl s far.
    Water and climate change
    Valuing water
    Grundwater-Making the Invisible Visible
    Accelerating Change
    ●Turn ff the water
    Suth Africa is ne f the wrld’s driest cuntries. The Be the Her website gives sme advice n hw t save water in the bathrm. Turn ff the water while brushing yur teeth. It can save 600 liters a mnth.
    ● ________
    Cllecting rainwater is an imprtant way t save water in Germany. Mst huses built in the last few years have rainwater cllectin systems. If yu dn’t have the system, just put a bucket(桶) under yur rf when it rains.
    ●Keep the grass lnger
    Mst Australians have a grass lawn arund their hme. It is best t keep the grass lnger. That way the grass cvers the grund, it helps reduce evapratin(蒸发).
    Ways t make a brighter day
    Wake up early
    Waking up earlier will give yu mre time t get yurself ready fr the day ahead, s setting an alarm fr the time shuld be 75 .
    D mrning exercises
    Ding mrning exercises is a way f restarting yur system, 76 yu up and giving yu energy. It can als prevent muscle pain.
    Write a t-d list
    Writing a t-d list will be f help if yu have a lt n yur 77 . Then yu can fcus n the mst imprtant task.
    Have a prper breakfast
    Eating breakfast prperly 78 a lt t yur bright day. Remember: take yur time and eat smething that will fill yu up.
    Wash and present yurself nicely
    A shwer r a bath can give yu a feeling f 79 , and this will give yu a little me-time and make yur day bright as well.
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