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    这是一份浙江省湖州市长兴县2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含浙江省湖州市长兴县2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题原卷版docx、浙江省湖州市长兴县2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共32页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段 对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Where is the Teen Eye Building?
    A. On Madisn Street. B. Oppsite a museum. C. At the end f 7th Street.
    2. What will the wman d next?
    A. Have a shwer. B. Clean her teeth. C. Wash her face.
    3. What des the wman think f living in a city?
    A. Exciting. B. Cnvenient. C. Dangerus.
    4. What is the wman ding?
    A. Learning a language. B. Having an interview. C. Giving an English class.
    5. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
    A. When the man will g t wrk. B. Hw the man will get t Washingtn.
    C. What the mar will d n the weekend.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每 段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独 白读两遍。
    6. What des the man suggest the wman d?
    A. Tidy her rm. B. Search fr the reprt. C. Avid telling her bss the truth.
    7. Where has the wman fund the reprt?
    A. On the desk B. On the bkshelf. C. On the flr.
    听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9 两个小题。
    8. Frm whm did the wman knw the man likes watching mvies?
    A. The man’s brther. B. The man’s wife. C. The manager.
    9. What will the man d this weekend?
    A. Visit his brther. B. G t the mvies. C. Listen t classical music.
    听下面一段对话,回答第10 至12 三个小题。
    10. What is Jan ging t d?
    A. Visit a friend. B. Ck a meal. C. Meet her mther.
    11. Why desn’t the man. want t eat hamburgers?
    They are unhealthy. B. He had them yesterday. C. He is tired f them.
    12. What will the speakers have fr dinner?
    A. Japanese fd. B. French fd. C. Chinese fd.
    听下面一段对话,回答第13至16 四个小题。
    13. When des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At the end f a term. B. In the middle f a term. C. At the beginning f a term.
    14. What des the wman suggest ding?
    A. Inviting a famus actr t the party. B. Playing sme gd music at the party.
    C. Asking everyne t dress up at the party.
    15. What will the speakers discuss tmrrw?
    A. What clthes t wear. B. What games t rganize. C. What cmpetitins t have.
    16. What fd will the speakers prepare?
    A. Pizza. B. Bread. C. Fried chicken.
    听下面一段独白,回答第17 至20四个小题。
    17. Why did the speaker have a bad sleep befre the trip?
    A. She missed her aunt. B. She was t excited abut the trip.
    C. She lked frward t Christmas.
    18. Hw did the speaker g t the airprt?
    A. By bus. B. By car. C. By taxi.
    19. When did the speaker’s plane take ff?
    A At 1: 40 p. m. B. At 1·50 p. m. C. At 2: 00 p. m.
    20. What did the speaker seg n her trip?
    A. Hills and rivers. B. Land and white cluds. C. Birds and beautiful buildings.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Summer reading
    Finding Junie Kim
    by Ellen Oh
    Middle schler Junie Kim is facing bullying (欺凌) at schl but she keeps quiet. Then, fr a schl prject, Junie interviews her grandparents, wh grew up in Krea during wartime in the 1950s. In their stry f struggle, Junie finds the curage t speak up. The bk will encurage any kid wh has ever been in Junie’s shes.
    Simn B. Rhymin’
    by Dwayne Reed
    Simn is starting fifth grade and wants everyne t call him Ntrius D. O. G. because he wants t be a famus rapper (说唱歌手). But he’s shy abut using his vice t express his thughts. When a teacher asks the class t give a talk, Simn must face his fears. Simn B. Rhymin’ is a great bk that will give cnfidence t readers wh are ging thrugh similar struggles.
    A Sht in the Arm!
    by Dn Brwn
    A Sht in the Arm! is a nvel abut the histry f vaccines (疫苗). Readers learn hw vaccines have been used thrughut histry t fight disease. The authr als intrduces peple arund the wrld wh helped with the develpment f vaccines. A Sht in the Arm! is an exciting read that uses clrful drawings t pull the reader in.
    The One Thing Yu’d Save
    by Linda Sue Park
    If yur huse were n fire, what ne thing wuld yu save? Writer Linda Sue Park explres different answers t this questin in pems that shw the different vices f a middle schl class. Sme chse baseball cards r ty animals. One picks a sweater that was passed dwn fr generatins. The bk is illustrated (给……作插图) with black-and-white art. Readers f all ages will like this bk. It helps yu realize what matters mst.
    1. What prblem des Simn have?
    A. He is bullied at schl.B. He fears receiving vaccines.
    C. He dislikes ding his hmewrk.D. He is afraid f expressing his ideas.
    2. Which bk will yu chse if yu’re interested in histry r science?
    A. Finding Junie Kim.B. Simn B. Rhymin’.
    C. A Sht in the Arm!D. The One Thing Yu’d Save.
    3. What d we knw abut The One Thing Yu’d Save?
    A. It is fr teenage readers.B. It is written in pem frm.
    C. It has many clrful pictures.D. It was written by Dwayne Reed.
    Hw I Turned t Be Optimistic
    I began t grw up that winter night when my parents and I were returning frm my aunt’s huse, and my mther said that we might sn be leaving fr America. We were n the bus then. I was crying, and sme peple n the bus were turning arund t lk at me. I remember that I culd nt bear the thught f never hearing again the radi prgram fr schl children t which I listened every mrning.
    I d nt remember myself crying fr this reasn again. In fact, I think I cried very little when I was saying gdbye t my friends and relatives. When we were leaving I thught abut all the places I was ging t see — the strange and magical places I had knwn nly frm bks and pictures. The cuntry I was leaving never t cme back was hardly in my head then.
    The fur years that fllwed taught me the imprtance f ptimism, but the idea did nt cme t me at nce. Fr the first tw years in New Yrk I was really lst — having t study in three schls as a result f family mves. I did nt quite knw what I was r what I shuld be. Mther remarried, and things became even mre cmplex fr me. Sme time passed befre my stepfather and I gt used t each ther. I was ften sad, and saw n end t “the hard times.”
    My respnsibilities in the family increased a lt since I knew English better than everyne else at hme. I wrte letters, filled ut frms, translated at interviews with Immigratin fficers, tk my grandparents t the dctr and translated there, and even discussed telephne bills with cmpany representatives.
    Frm my experiences I have learned ne imprtant rule: almst all cmmn trubles eventually g away! Smething gd is certain t happen in the end when yu d nt give up, and just wait a little! I believe that my life will turn ut all right, even thugh it will nt be that easy.
    4. Hw did the authr get t knw America?
    A. Frm her relatives.B. Frm her mther.
    C. Frm bks and pictures.D. Frm radi.
    5. Upn leaving fr America the authr felt ________.
    A. cnfusedB. excitedC. wrriedD. amazed
    6. What can we learn abut the authr frm Paragraph 4?
    A. She wrked as a translatr
    B. She attended a lt f jb interviews
    C. She paid telephne bills fr her family
    D. She helped her family with her English
    7. The authr believes that ________.
    A. her future will be free frm trubles
    B. it is difficult t learn t becme patient
    C. there are mre gd things than bad things
    D. gd things will happen if ne keeps trying prgrams
    Yellw is usually the clr f happy, jyful emtins. But accrding t a new study, nt all peple assciate the clr with gd feelings.
    T find ut what factrs might play a rle, researchers tested a new hypthesis (假设): What if peple’s physical surrundings affect their feelings abut certain clrs? Fr example, if smene lived in cld and rainy Finland, wuld he feel differently abut the clr yellw frm smene wh lived near the Sahara Desert?
    The researchers lked at clr-emtin data frm an nging internatinal survey f 6, 625 peple in 55 cuntries. The survey asked participants t rate 12 clrs n hw clsely they were assciated with feelings including jy, pride, fear, and shame.
    The researchers paid particular attentin t the data fr yellw, and analyzed hw different factrs—including hurs f sunshine, hurs f daylight, and the amunt f rainfall—were assciated with the emtins peple reprted fr the clr. The tw best predictrs f hw peple felt abut yellw were the annual amunt f rainfall, and hw far they lived frm the equatr (赤道).
    Overall, peple were mre likely t assciate yellw with jy when they lived in rainier cuntries that lay farther frm the equatr, researchers reprted in the Jurnal f Envirnmental Psychlgy. In Egypt, the likelihd (可能性) f yellw being assciated with jy was just 5. 7%, whereas in chilly Finland it was 87. 7%. In the United States, with its mild climate and amber (琥珀色的) waves f grain, peple’s yellw-jy assciatin levels were between 60% and 70%.
    The researchers als checked whether assciatins changed with the seasn—whether, fr example, peple in a certain cuntry liked yellw mre in the winter than they did in the summer. They fund that pinins abut the clr remained fairly cnstant all year rund—even when the weather changed, the data n yellw-jy assciatins were as gd as gld.
    8. What did the researchers d befre the survey?
    A. They went t Finland.B. They made an assumptin.
    C. They studied certain clrs.D. They analyzed sme data.
    9. Which f the fllwing affects peple’s feelings abut yellw?
    A The changeable weather.B. The length f daytime.
    C. The gegraphical psitin.D. The amunt f snwfall.
    10. Hw did the researchers carry ut the survey?
    A. By interviewing participants.B. By studying the data cllected.
    C. By traveling arund the wrld.D. By lking at clr cmbinatins.
    11. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Yellw: Assciated with Gd FeelingsB. Clr: An Imprtant Rle in Jy
    C. Yellw: Cnnected with Jy CnditinallyD. Clr: Assciated with Emtins
    Everyne has “dwn days”. Maybe it’s because f the bad weather, r the disappinting grades n a difficult test, and sme days teenagers just act uninterested in life r schl. But these symptms(症状) ften pass quickly, as teens mve n t new schl subjects, r meet with friends t prevent themselves frm thinking what trubles them at the mment. But if a teenager displays symptms f sadness fr mre than tw lasting weeks, it might pint t smething serius.
    As teenagers develp, they push new bundaries(边界), cmplain abut rules and lk fr mre free rights frm their parents. Accrding t the nline Health Guide n Adlescent Develpment, parents must be lasting figures in their teenagers’ life, prviding safe bundaries fr teens t grw, even if the teenagers act like these bundaries are unwanted.
    Parents need t prvide rules, while als remaining flexible(灵活的) and respectful f the grwing teens’ need fr freedm. Fr example, teenagers will ften feel frustrated, embarrassed, and even angry that thught they want freedm, they still need t ask their parents fr an agreement t g t a friend’s huse, r need their mthers t take them t schl.
    The US Department f Educatin says that parents shuld respect and supprt their teen’s chices as lng as thse chices wn’t have lng-term harmful effects. Fr example, even if a parent desn’t enjy the music his r her teen listens t, it’s unlikely that the chice f music will prevent that teen frm entering a gd cllege, r lead t health prblems. Hwever, if that teen is drinking alchl and driving, parents must get thrugh strict punishments t teach that there are bad results fr pr chices that cme with increased freedm.
    12. Why d teen’s feelings f bad days usually disappear quickly?
    A. Their teachers help them.
    B. They take sme medicine.
    C. Their parents talk with them.
    D. They change their attentin.
    13. What des the example in paragraph 3 shw?
    A Freedm must be given at anytime.
    B. Teens are mad at being cntrlled.
    C. Teens need bth freedm and prper rules.
    D. Rules must be abslutely strict fr teens.
    14. What shuld parents d abut their teens’ chices?
    A. Supprt their helpful hbbies.B. Tell them which cllege t attend.
    C. Cancel their after-schl activities.D. Get them away frm singing pp sngs.
    15. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Hw t Be With Grwing Teens
    B. Causes f Teens’ Sadness
    C. Teens’ Wrries Abut Strict Rules
    D. The Imprtance f Making Friends With Teens
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Apps (shrt fr applicatins) are becming increasingly ppular nwadays, and fr gd reasn. They can help yu ut in just abut every area f yur life, whether it's keeping fit, cmmunicating with friends, r even learning a language.____16____Here's what yu shuld think abut befre dwnlading an app fr language learning.
    ·Learn frm diverse surces(nt just apps)
    Any seasned language learner will tell yu that the beauty f mastering a freign language is the wrld which it pens up t yu. This is a wrld f diverse surces(来源) f infrmatin, frm newspapers and bks t TV, radi, music and even real peple. Wuld yu limit yurself t ne medium in yur native language?___17___
    ·Establish yur purpse and plan yur habits
    D yu want t be fluent in weeks r are yu in it fr the brain training? The gd apps are designed t help yu fit yur studies arund yur timetable.____18____These apps encurage habit building, because the successful frmatin f a habit ensures yur safe and regular return.
    ·Make it scial
    ___19___I mean scial fr real. I we the speed f prgress I made in Italian t the supprt frm Jim, my partner in study time. Find a friend t accmpany yu. Take an evening class. Brrw a bk. Buy a bk. Bk a week away and attend a language schl. Just dn't frget yur phne!
    If I may speak sincerely, the cmbinatin f app, language schl, Jim, evenings ut, and a chice bk r tw prved extremely effective.___20___
    A. I recmmend it.
    B. Remember that an app is just a tl.
    C. N, I dn't mean psting yur prgress nline.
    D. I encurage yu t use apps as ften as yu can.
    E. Prbably nt, s why d s in yur new language?
    F. The best apps adapt themselves based upn yur behavir.
    G. Hwever, yu need t knw hw t use them prperly t really benefit.
    第三部分 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    This happened when I was ten. On a nrmal Sunday, I went t the barber shp where I always went. That day, alng with the barber there was an assistant, wh had recently____21____the shp.
    S I sat fr the haircut. The uncle asked me hw____22____I wanted it. I answered, “Just d as my dad had____23____yu the last time.”
    He smiled. Befre starting the____24____, he added, “What if I keep it lng?”
    I____25____he was jking. S I jked t. I said, “I can't____26____what wuld happen t yur shp then!”
    The mment I said it, the assistant____27____frm behind. “Hw dare d yu say that! Wh are yu t take us dwn, eh?”
    I admit I was t____28____at that mment and the uncle standing beside me was giving me an____29____lk.
    Frm that day n, I____30____stpped jking abut anyne's prfessin and wrks. It is ne f the mst____31____incidents in my life, which taught me t____32____the prfessin and wrks f a persn, n matter hw____33____they are.
    I'm____34____that the assistant respnded in a way that made me rethink the pwer f my wrds. Wrds d make a____35____.
    21. A. leftB. penedC. jinedD. visited
    22. A. muchB. lngC. ftenD. sn
    23. A. instructedB. invitedC. prmisedD. cnvinced
    24. A. discussinB. jurneyC. trainingD. haircut
    25. A. agreedB. heardC. hpedD. knew
    26. A. frgetB. tlerateC. guaranteeD. understand
    27. A. urgedB. shutedC. laughedD. helped
    28. A. angryB. prudC. scaredD. curius
    29. A. anxiusB. appealingC. encuragingD. awkward
    30. A. suddenlyB. cmpletelyC. temprarilyD. regularly
    31. A. imprtantB. excitingC. strangeD. interesting
    32. A. learnB. enterC. changeD. respect
    33. A. hardB. smallC. gdD. cmplex
    34. A. srryB. cnfidentC. gratefulD. embarrassed
    35. A. differenceB. mistakeC. chiceD. jke
    第四部分 写作(共三节, 满分55分)
    第一节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    We have three lvely dgs. On the Natinal Day f ne year, we drve t my mther’s hme fr ____36____ hliday. We brught all three dgs ____37____ us s that they wuldn’t be alne back hme when neighbrs’ firewrks (烟花) went ff. They were all ____38____ (terrible) afraid f firewrks.
    When night fell that day, we had the dgs ____39____ (lck) in the laundry rm f my mther’s huse, and we went t the lake t set ff firewrks. My mther’s huse was far away frm the place ____40____ we wuld light the firewrks. S we thught the nise might nt ____41____ (ntice) by dgs.
    After enjying the firewrks, we went back t the huse ____42____ (check) n the dgs. Try t imagine ur ____43____ (shck) faces when we saw a huge muse hle in the laundry-rm dr. The dgs were all lying there, lking very inncent (无辜的) .
    Nw all these years later, the three dgs are gne, and all we have are ____44____ (memry) f them. But nne is as memrable as hw they celebrated this hliday by ____45____ (cut) thrugh that laundry-rm dr with their teeth.
    第二节 翻译句子(共5题;每题3分,满分15分)
    46. 在网络的帮助下,人们很便利地接触到最新的信息。 (it is cnvenient fr sb. t d sth.; have access t) (汉译英)
    47. 当我们到达山顶时,迷人的海景映入眼帘。 (a view f the sea; greet) 汉译英)
    48. 发现自己被困在家中,只有电脑陪伴她, Jan感到很孤独。 (find sb dne; keep sb cmpany)(汉译英)
    49. 音乐对人们的生活产生积极的影响,这促使音乐的流行。(have an influence n sb/sth; which引导非限制性定语从句; ppularity) 汉译英)
    50. 只有当你留心去看,你将会惊奇地发现你可以看到它的过去和现在。 (Only引导的倒装句;keep ne’s eyes pen) (汉译英)
    第三节 书面表达(满分25分)
    51. 假如你是李华,上周六听了一个主题为网络安全的线上讲座。你的英国笔友Eric对此很感兴趣,请用英文给他回一封信,介绍此讲座。要点如下:
    1.写信目的 2.讲座介绍 3.你的感受

    浙江省湖州市长兴县金陵高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月阶段性测试英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份浙江省湖州市长兴县金陵高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月阶段性测试英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含精品解析浙江省湖州市长兴县金陵高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月阶段性测试英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析浙江省湖州市长兴县金陵高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月阶段性测试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共22页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年浙江省湖州市长兴县两校联考高一上学期10月月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年浙江省湖州市长兴县两校联考高一上学期10月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含精品解析浙江省湖州市长兴县两校联考2023-2024学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析浙江省湖州市长兴县两校联考2023-2024学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共28页, 欢迎下载使用。

    浙江省湖州市长兴县太湖高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题(解析版): 这是一份浙江省湖州市长兴县太湖高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题(解析版),共19页。






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