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    专题02 短文语境提示填空15篇(第1期)-最新中考英语逆袭冲刺名校模拟真题特快专递(广东专用)
    专题02 短文语境提示填空15篇(第1期)-最新中考英语逆袭冲刺名校模拟真题特快专递(广东专用)01
    专题02 短文语境提示填空15篇(第1期)-最新中考英语逆袭冲刺名校模拟真题特快专递(广东专用)02
    专题02 短文语境提示填空15篇(第1期)-最新中考英语逆袭冲刺名校模拟真题特快专递(广东专用)03
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    专题02 短文语境提示填空15篇(第1期)-最新中考英语逆袭冲刺名校模拟真题特快专递(广东专用)

    这是一份专题02 短文语境提示填空15篇(第1期)-最新中考英语逆袭冲刺名校模拟真题特快专递(广东专用),共23页。

    Last Sunday, ur sccer team had a game with the team frm Sunshine Middle Schl. As they were the best sccer team in this area, we all felt s hpeless that we thught it ___1___ fr us t win. But ur cach encuraged us t get ___2___ fr it. He said it was a gd chance fr us t play with the tp team. We culd learn a lt frm this kind f game. Befre the game, we practiced very hard. After the training, we watched the ___3___ they played befre n the vides. Our cach als asked us t cme up ___4___ an idea fr the game.
    When the big day came, many students frm these tw schls gathered in the gym. All f them were s excited that they ___5___ shuting the names f each team.
    We didn’t get a sht n gal in the first half hur but they gt tw. We were all upset and wanted t give up. During ___6___ half -time break, ur cach reminded us that sccer was a matter f teamwrk. S ___7___ we shwed up again, we were cmpletely different frm befre. We ___8___ mre attentin and pulled tgether t make a team. Luckily, we scred a gal befre the final whistle was blwn. All f the peple std up and cheered fr us. Thugh we were defeated, we were still prud f ___9___ . And we wuld always keep the cach’s wrds in mind— ____10____ matters a lt in the sccer game.
    Last winter hliday I was s crazy abut watching vides n the Internet that I spent t much time n it. “Betty, why dn’t yu read bks?” my mther advised ___11___ I refused.
    One day my mther said t me, “Betty, yu’re ___12___ in dancing. I knw yu learn t dance all by ___13___. Each dance needs perfecting mves and yu make it. Culd yu please teach me ___14___ t d ne f the dances?” I agreed and we began t dance. We’ve been tgether fr hurs. At that time I was away ___15___ my phne and lst myself in dancing with my mther. She ___16___ sme feelings with me, which filled me with great jy. I really felt the deep lve frm her.
    ___17___ next day, we had a talk. I realized althugh a phne prvided me with infrmatin and cnnectin, lng-time use f it is ___18___ fr my eyes and even my brain. T prtect my eyes and make sure I can pay mre attentin t my study, I shuld ___19___ myself. With my mther’s ____20____, I spent mre time dancing, reading and exercising with my family and friends.
    It’s very imprtant fr us t learn t cntrl urselves. Let’s put dwn ur phnes and d what we need t d.
    D yu knw what t d if there is a fire in yur huse? Here is sme ___21___ fr yu.
    First, get ut thrugh a dr t the utside. But als ask yur parents abut windws which culd be pssible ways t get ut. Ask yur parents t teach yu ___22___ t get ut thrugh the windws. Make sure yu nly d this when yu’re ___23___ great danger! Lts f kids get hurt because ___24___ fall ut f windws.
    Secnd, yu’ll als want t knw where family members will meet utside. This is helpful because then everyne ___25___ in the same place. In this way, yu’ll knw that everyne is ___26___. Yu culd chse the frnt yard f a neighbr’s huse.
    Third, yu might ___27___ abut yur pets r a favrite ty, but if there is a fire, yu have t leave them behind. ___28___ mst imprtant thing is that yu get ut safely. It’s als imprtant t knw that yu shuldn’t stay in the huse any lnger—even if yu want t ring 119 first. Smene else can make the ___29___ frm utside.
    ___30___, if yu’re ut, d nt g back fr anything, even yur pets. Yu can tell the firemen abut the pets that are left behind and they may be able t help.
    I had a bad day tday. This mrning when I went t schl n ft, I nearly had an ____31____. I was walking alng the main rad when a car lst cntrl(失控) and ____32____ twards me. I realized it and tried my best t avid being kncked dwn. Thanked gdness! The car hit int the wall several meters in ____33____ f me. I rushed t the car t see if the ____34____ was all right. I was happy t find that the driver was nt badly hurt. But a heavy wine smell came t my nse. The driver must have ____35____ t much wine. I was angry and wanted t leave there. When I just went backward, a large plant pt ____36____ dwn frm a high building. And it landed n the grund where I ___37___ a few secnds ag. This made me very frightened. Hwever, I was lucky ____38____ I wasn’t hurt at all. I thught if I didn’t g back a few steps, I culdn’t imagine what wuld ____39____. Maybe I wuld say gdbye t the wrld. ____40____ terrible it was! I did hpe such kind f unlucky things wuld never happen t me any mre!
    Watermelns are ppular arund the wrld. Nearly 70% f ___41___ have entered the stmachs f Chinese peple. When sitting in the rm eating watermelns freely, we shuld remember ur meln queen—Wu Mingzhu.
    Wu Mingzhu was ___42___ in January 1930 in Wuhan City, Hubei Prvince. It was hard t believe that Wu Mingzhu wuld d farm wrk in meln land. ___43___ finishing her studies in University, she went t Xinjiang t begin her research n melns. She and the whle team ___44___ 3 years traveling t the meln lands there. By 1962, they visited mre ___45___ 300 prductin teams. Their handwritten infrmatin was ver 5 millin wrds. With the ___46___ in it, many endangered melns were saved. In 1973, Wu Mingzhu went t Hainan. ___47___ the cnditins there were even mre difficult than Xinjiang, she never gave up. She kept thinking abut ___48___ t d t increase the grwing speed. Because f her hard wrk, Wu Mingzhu has develped many ___49___ f melns.
    ___50___ t her, we can eat melns as we want, instead f nly eating during festivals r special days. S dn’t frget meln grwers wh have eaten up the bitter and sur in the meln.
    The sweetest memry f my childhd is abut a rund table. When I was still little, my whle family wuld get tgether n different traditinal ____51____ t have dinner. We kids wuld be sitting arund r playing hide-and-seek under the table while the grwn-ups were having a discussin.
    When I gt a bit lder, my aunt ___52___ back her byfriend. And my grandma cheerfully added anther seat ____53____ the rund table. It seemed a little mre crwded, but we all felt much ____54____ t each ther. When I was twelve, my grandpa passed away. That made us ____55____ very sad. Hwever, when the whle family gt tgether nce again, we all agreed that his chair, his bwl and his chpsticks shuld remain the same. Even thugh his seat was ____56____, we all felt like that he had never left us.
    We all have a table like this in ____57____ hmes. It’s a sign f reunin f ur family shwing ur feelings. ____58____ the reasns why we cme tgether may be different, the feelings behind them are the same. Usually different cultures are accepted by us arund the ____59____. What’s mre, we express the lve nt nly fr ur family, but als fr a cmmunity, ur natin and even the whle wrld.
    The histry f ur natin has been the stries f lking fr r running t the rund table ____60____ we belng t. The rund table has been a symbl f the Chinese feelings. It was, it is and will always be.
    Yu shuld always encurage yur kids t develp their natural talents. And if yu ___61___ them, great things will happen. That’s what 9-year-ld Je Whale’s parents thught when they encuraged their sn t keep ___62___ even thugh he gt int truble fr ddling (涂鸦) during class.
    They sent Je t ___63___ after-schl art class and his artistic abilities were quickly nticed by thse wh were arund him. ___64___ fact, Je was invited t decrate the dining rm f the “Number 4” restaurant in Shrewsbury, England. Nw, Je is knwn ___65___ The Ddle By and has its wn website, as well as scial media page shwing his excellent art. Accrding t Je’s dad Greg, his sn has always lved drawing and was added t the Gifted Register (名册) in primary schl ___66___ he was 4 years ld.”
    Greg als said hw lng it ___67___ Je t finish his drawings n the dining rm walls in the restaurant. Je ___68___ abut 12 hurs putting pictures nt the wall. What’s mre, Greg had sme advice fr parents ___69___ want t encurage their kids t develp their talents, “I wuld advise parents t encurage ___70___ children t always fllw their passin and dreams.”
    (2022·广东江门·江门市福泉奥林匹克学校校考二模)Have yur parents ever helped yu with schlwrk r ther prjects? D yu think they are giving yu t much help?
    Du Peng (nt his real name), 18, frm Hebei has a stry t share. He said that while in middle schl, his mther ften signed him up (报名) fr English speaking cntests. T help her sn win, Du’s mther nce asked ___71___ English teacher t help write a speech draft (稿子).
    “___72___ I gt gd results at the cntest, I didn’t feel prud,” Du said.
    Du is nt alne. Nearly 90 percent f Chinese parents said that they have helped their kids t much in schl, accrding t a recent survey f 1,504 parents dne by China Yuth Daily. Meanwhile, 70 percent f parents agreed that ver parenting (过度照顾孩子) culd ___73___ t a lss f their children’s independence.
    Children, n the ther hand, want t d things by ___74___.
    “Ding things urselves gives us a strng ___75___ f achievement,” said Liu Jiawei, 13, frm Jilin. “Finally we will leave ur parents. S it’s much ___76___ t develp skills and live independently as early as pssible.”
    Sme, hwever, think parents have gd reasns t help.
    Jiang Qi (nt his real name), 12, is frm Beijing. He said that his parents wuld smetimes help him ___77___making PwerPint presentatins and creating handmade wrks.
    “Our teachers have very high expectatins fr us,” Jiang said. “___78___ my parents didn’t help me while ther students still gt help frm their parents, I wuld be criticized (批评) fr nt ding as ___79___ as thers.”
    “If schls culd set mre reasnable rules and stp unfair cmpetitin, the situatin wuld be ____80____,” Jiang’s mther said.
    One day, a muse tld the animals n the farm, “There ____81____ a musetrap(老鼠夹) in the farmer’s huse!”
    The chicken said, “I really want t help yu. ____82____, I am nt strng enugh.” The pig answered with ____83____ smile, “Oh really? Yu’d better leave here.” The cw said happily, “It’s a big prblem fr yu nly.” The muse ____84____ away angrily.
    On that night, they all heard the sund f a musetrap snapping(咔嚓一声) shut. It was s ____85____ that the farmer’s wife culdn’t see things clearly. She thught it must be a muse caught in the trap. But t ____86____ surprise, it was a snake and the snake bit her. The farmer tk her t the ____87____ and the dctr said she was badly ill.
    The farmer wanted t take gd care f her. He killed the chicken t make sme sup, but she was still sick. Her friends came t visit her. The farmer killed the ____88____ t make dinner fr them. Sadly, his wife died the next day. Many peple came t her funeral. The farmer ____89____ the cw t ck enugh meat fr all f them.
    When smene is facing a prblem, dn’t think it has ____90____ t d with yu. When ne f us is in danger, we are all in danger because we are living under the same sky.
    Yu Can Ride All!
    Nw yu can travel frm ne end f Austria t the ____91____ by using just ne ticket. Yu can jump nt a city train t get t a railway statin. Then, yu can take a bus r the subway t the place where yu are ging. Yes, the best part is — all yu need is ne ticket t ride!
    Last Octber, Austria intrduced the “climate ticket.” ____92____ this ne simple ticket, peple can travel all ver the cuntry while using all ____93____ f public transprtatin. The climate ticket is sld as an annual pass (年票). It ____94____ abut three eurs (abut twenty yuan) a day. The ticket will help the peple in Austria save 1,150 eurs (abut 8,000 yuan) every year.
    The climate ticket has becme quite ppular amng Austrians. ____95____, it was ften expensive t buy tickets fr lng jurneys in the past. “Nw I n lnger have t wrry abut buying tickets,” ____96____ f the buyers said. “It has made my trips much ____97____.”
    The Austrian gvernment plans t ____98____ dwn its use f private cars by 20 percent by ____99____ year 2040. The climate ticket is part f that plan. It helps t prtect the envirnment while wrking t slve climate prblems.
    What’s yur thughts n the climate ticket? D yu think it is a mve ____100____ ther cuntries shuld fllw?
    (2022秋·广东阳江·九年级统考一模)请阅读下面短文, 在所给的每个空格中填入一个形式正确、意义相符的单词, 并将答案写在横线上。
    Mst peple dn’t like t be lst. I’m the same way. But, the mre I’ve traveled, the ___101___ I’ve cme t realize that, smetimes, getting lst is kay. I’m here t tell yu that getting ___102___ can enhance(增强)yur travels.
    Getting lst helps yu imprve prblem-slving skills. Finding yurself lst in a freign cuntry r a strange city can be scary at first. But instead f ___103___ scared, yu shuld calm dwn, take ut a map, and learn ___104___ t read it. Then ask smene fr directins. Yu’ll nt nly learn hw t get back n the right way, ___105___ als feel like ding smething big.
    Getting lst can lead t great adventures(冒险经历). Being lst desn’t mean things must cme t ___106___ end. If yu’re n ft and find ___107___ lst, walk arund and see what yu might find. If yu’re lst in a car, perhaps just fllw the rad and see ___108___ it takes yu.
    As lng as yu’re nt n a strict schedule(日程安排), getting lst can ften lead ___109___ discvering wnderful places r things.
    Getting lst ften makes fr the best memries and stries. When I ____110____ frm traveling, it’s the stries f getting lst that I ften tell.
    S, next time yu find yurself lst, take the chance and enjy the freedm.
    Hi Elle,
    I need sme help with my prblems. I dn’t knw ____111____ t d! Yu’re s cnfident and always knw hw t slve prblems, s I hpe yu can give me sme pieces f ____112____.
    The first prblem is abut my parents. They have never let me d anything by ____113____, s I depend n them fr everything. This term, I ften ____114____ the exams, s they’ve been really angry with me. Once they even shuted at me because f it. Their pressure(压力) is making it harder fr me t d ____115____ in the schlwrk. But hw can I let them knw that?
    The secnd ne is abut my ____116____. They are always trying t get me t d things I dn’t like. I want t ____117____ decisins n my wn. I dn’t want t d things because f the pressure frm my classmates. Hw shuld I deal ____118____ this prblem?
    I’m always wrrying abut my lks. I think I’m t fat because I eat t ____119____ and never exercise. I have t many pimples(粉刺) n my face, t. I feel sad abut it.
    All these prblems are making me feel stressed(有压力的) and sad. Nw I’m ____120____ stressed that I can’t fall asleep every night. What can I d? Please help!
    Paper cutting is a kind f traditinal Chinese art. It has a ____121____ histry. The first and earliest paper cutting in China appeared abut 1,500 years ____122____. But this kind f traditinal art is at the risk f disappearing nw.
    Luckily, Vy W, a Chinese immigrant (移民) in America is trying ____123____ best t bring it back t life. One Saturday in 2014, Ms. W held a paper cutting shw at a shpping centre near Washingtn. She hped mre peple wuld enjy and becme interested in it.
    Ms. W began t study the art f paper cutting when she was 14 in China. She had a deep lve fr it. S her teacher wuld like t ____124____ mre time teaching her after class. Later, she ____125____ the secnd prize in a natinal painting and art cmpetitin because f her hard wrk. Ms. W went t America ____126____ she graduated frm a cllege in 2008. Sn after that, she tk part in ____127____ activity t prmte (宣传) Chinese paper cutting. And then, she was invited t shw the art in many imprtant activities. “It is imprtant t prmte this kind f art t Americans r anyne wh is ____128____ in it,” W said.
    Frm the art f paper cutting, peple can knw mre ____129____ Chinese cultural value, histry and stries f peple’s life. Ms. W uses it as a tl t shw Chinese____130____ t peple. She thinks that Chinese culture shuld be enjyed by peple all ver the wrld.
    Lenard da Vinci was a great talent. It is believed that he was brn with creativity. He is regarded as ne f the greatest ____131____ f all time. He is famus fr the Mna Lisa and ther well-knwn paintings.
    ____132____, nt many peple knw he was als an engineer and an inventr.
    Da Vinci was ____133____ at science and art, and he was a pineer in many areas. He drew plans and pictures and wrte abut many new ideas in ____134____ diaries. Peple have studied these new ideas ____135____ he died n May 2nd, 1519. They included plans fr bridges as well as drawings f musical instruments, flying machines and machines fr war, ___136__ as guns. Hundreds f years later, sme scientists managed t turn his drawings __137__ real things. The plane is an example that ne f his ideas has __138__ true.
    Sme think Da Vinci wanted t keep his ideas a secret as he wrte his diary in cde (密码). Others think it was just easier fr him t write this way as he was left-handed. Either way, Da Vinci’s diaries ____139____ nly be read with a mirrr because everything is written backwards. As it ____140____ sme time t translate the diaries, they came ut mre than 150 years after his death.
    Andy and Bb are gd friends. One day, Andy walked ___141___ Bb’s huse with his guitar. “We have ___142___ cmpetitin in five days. Can yu play Under the Mn?” Andy asked. “I have knwn that sng since I was nine. I believe I can d it ___143___,” Bb said. Then the bys began t play.
    “Here’s the list f the ther sngs fr the ___144___. Yu had better practice by ___145___. And then we play tgether,” Andy said. Bb lked at the list. The sngs were familiar t him. He thught it wasn’t ___146___ t practice them.
    Three days later, Bb stepped up t the stage with shyness. Suddenly he felt a little ___147___. Just then he heard the deep and calm music f Andy’s guitar. Andy was playing it perfectly. And he kept playing as if it was all part the shw, until Bb finally relaxed and jumped back in. Andy had saved him.
    ___148___ the perfrmance ended, Bb felt unhappy. He walked ff the stage with mre respect fr Andy. “Thanks fr ___149___ me, Andy. And I will ___150___ the habit f nt taking practice befre cmpetitin,” he said.
    1.impssible##/difficult##hard 2.ready 3.matches##games 4.with 5.kept 6.the 7.when 8.paid 9.urselves 10.teamwrk
    1.句意:因为他们是这个地区最好的足球队,我们都感到绝望,我们认为我们很难/不可能赢。think it+形容词+fr sb t d sth“认为做某事对于某人来说是……的”,根据“As they were the best sccer team in this area”及“t win”可知,对手是一个最好的球队,所以认为很难/不可能赢,impssible“不可能的”,difficult/hard“困难的”,故填impssible/difficult/hard。
    2.句意:但是我们的教练鼓励我们做好准备。根据“But ur cach encuraged us t get…fr it.”可知,教练仍然鼓励要为比赛做好准备,get ready fr“为……做好准备”,故填ready。
    3.句意:训练结束后,我们在视频上观看了他们之前的比赛。根据“we watched the…they played befre n the vides”可知,观看对手之前的比赛情况,match/game“比赛”,之前的比赛不止一场,所以此空应填复数形式,故填matches/games。
    4.句意:我们的教练还要求我们为比赛想出一个主意。cme up with“想出”,固定搭配,故填with。
    5.句意:他们都很兴奋,不停地喊着每个队的名字。根据“All f them were s excited that they…shuting the names f each team”可知,很兴奋所以一直在喊着每个队的名字,keep ding sth“持续做某事”,描述过去发生的事情,动词用过去式,故填kept。
    6.句意:中场休息时,教练提醒我们踢足球需要团队合作。根据“During … half -time break”可知,此处特指在中场休息时,应填the表示特指,故填the。
    7.句意:所以当我们再次出现时,我们和以前完全不同了。根据“we shwed up again, we were cmpletely different frm befre”可知,当作者的队伍再次出现时,表现与之前不同,用when引导时间状语从句,故填when。
    8.句意:我们更加关注,齐心协力成为一个团队。根据“mre attentin”可知,此处用pay attentin表示“关注”,结合pulled可知,此空应填动词过去式,故填paid。
    9.句意:虽然我们失败了,但我们仍然为自己感到骄傲。根据“Thugh we were defeated, we were still prud f”可知,虽然比赛输了,但仍然以自己为傲,根据we可知,此空应填反身代词urselves,故填urselves。
    10.句意:我们会一直把教练的话记在心里——在足球比赛中团队合作很重要。根据“ur cach reminded us that sccer was a matter f teamwrk”可知,团队合作很重要,teamwrk“团队合作”,故填teamwrk。
    11.but 12.interested 13.yurself 14.hw 15.frm 16.shared 17.The 18.bad 19.cntrl 20.help
    11.句意:我的妈妈建议但是我拒绝。根据“my mther advised ”和“I refused”可知二者为转折关系,故填but。
    12.句意:Betty,你对舞蹈感兴趣。根据“I knw yu learn t dance”可知,be interested in“感兴趣于”符合语境,故填interested。
    13.句意:我知道你完全独力地学习跳舞。根据语境可知,by neself“独自地,独力地”符合语境,而主语为yu,所以此处应用yu的反身代词,故填yurself。
    14.句意:你能教我怎样跳一支舞蹈吗?此处应填疑问词,与动词不定式构成teach的宾语,根据“teach”和“d ne f the dances”可知应是教跳舞的方法,故填hw。
    15.句意:在那时我离开了我的手机并且投入到和我妈妈的跳舞中。be away frm“远离”符合语境,故填frm。
    16.句意:她和我分享了一些使我充满巨大快乐的情感。此处应填谓语动词, sb.“和某人分享”符合语境,而由“One day”可知时态为一般过去时,故填shared。
    18.句意:我意识到尽管一个手机为我提供信息和联系,但是长时间使用它对我的眼睛甚至大脑有害。be bad fr“有害于”符合语境,故填bad。
    19.句意:为了保护我的眼睛和确保我能更集中注意力学习,我应该控制我自己。此处应填动词,根据“T prtect my eyes and make sure I can pay mre attentin t my study”可知,cntrl myself“控制我自己”符合语境,shuld为情态动词,后续动词原形,故填cntrl。
    20.句意:在我妈妈的帮助下,我花更多的时间与家人、朋友一起跳舞,读书和锻炼。with ne’s help“在某人的帮助下”符合语境,故填help。
    21.advice 22.hw 23.in 24.they 25.stays##is 26.safe 27.care##wrry 28.The 29.call 30.Finally
    22.句意:让你的父母教你如何从窗户出去。根据“teach yu …t get ut thrugh the windws”可知,教你如何从窗户出去,hw“如何”,故填hw。
    23.句意:确保你只有在非常危险的时候才这样做!in great danger“处于极大的危险”,固定搭配,故填in。
    24.句意:很多孩子因为从窗户掉下去而受伤。此空指代前文提到的lts f kids,此空在句中作主语,应填they,故填they。
    25.句意:这很有帮助,因为这样每个人都待/是在同一个地方。根据“everyne… in the same place”可知,每个人都待在同一个地方,或者说每个人都是在同一个地方,stay“停留”,不定代词everyne作主语,动词用三单,be动词用is,故填stays/is。
    26.句意:这样,你就会知道每个人都是安全的。根据“Secnd, yu’ll als want t knw where family members will meet utside”及“yu’ll knw that everyne”可知,知道了家庭成员集合的地点,就i能知道每个人都是安全的,safe“安全的”,故填safe。
    27.句意:第三,你可能关心/担心你的宠物或最喜欢的玩具。根据“abut yur pets r a favrite ty”可知,关心或担心宠物或玩具,care abut“关心”,wrry abut“担心”,might后接动词原形,故填care/wrry。
    29.句意:其他人可以在外面打电话。根据“even if yu want t ring 119 first”及make可知,此处指拨打电话,call“电话”,故填call。
    31.accident 32.hit 33.frnt 34.driver 35.drunk 36.fell 37.std/stayed 38.because 39.happen 40.Hw
    31.句意:今天早晨当我步行上学时,我差点有一个意外事故。根据“I had a bad day tday”和“I was walking alng the main rad when a car lst cntrl”可知应是差点有一个意外,由“an”可知此处应填单数名词,故填accident。
    32.句意:我正沿着主街走时,一辆车失控并朝我撞过来。根据“when a car lst cntrl”和“twards me”可知应是朝作者撞过来,由文章可知时态为一般过去时,故填hit。
    33.句意:车撞到我前面几米的墙上。根据上题可知汽车朝作者撞去,所以作者躲开,车应是撞到作者前面的墙上,in frnt f...“在……的前面”符合语境,故填frnt。
    35.句意:司机一定是喝了太多的酒。根据“But a heavy wine smell came t my nse”可知drink wine“喝酒”符合语境,而由“must have”可知此处应是对过去某事的肯定猜测,其谓语结构为“must+have+dne”,故填drunk。
    36.句意:就在我后退时,一个大花盆从一个高楼上掉下来。根据“frm a high building”可知应是一个花盆掉下来,fall dwn“落下”符合语境,由文章可知时态为一般过去时,故填fell。
    37.句意:并且它掉在几秒前我站/呆在的地面。根据“This made me very frightened”可知应是说花盆就掉在作者刚刚站的/停留的地方,由“a few secnds ag”可知时态为一般过去时,故填std/stayed。
    38.句意:但是,我是幸运的因为我一点也没有受伤。根据“I wasn’t hurt at all.”和“I was lucky”可知二者是因果关系,故填because。
    39.句意:我想如果我没有后退几步,我不能想象什么将发生。根据“Maybe I wuld say gdbye t the wrld”可知此处应是不敢想象后果,wuld助动词,后续动词原形,故填happen。
    41.watermelns 42.brn 43.After 44.spent 45.than 46.infrmatin 47.Althugh##Thugh 48.what 49.varieties##kinds##types 50.Thanks
    【导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了“甜瓜女王”吴明珠的生平事迹。
    41.句意:近70%的西瓜进入了中国人的胃。根据“Watermelns are ppular arund the wrld.”以及下文“have entered the stmachs f Chinese peple. ”可知,此处主要讨论的是西瓜。故填watermelns。
    42.句意:吴明珠1930年1月出生于湖北省武汉市。分析语境可知,此处指的是吴明珠出生于湖北武汉。be brn“出生于”,固定表达。故填brn。
    43.句意:大学毕业后,她前往新疆开始研究西瓜。根据“finishing her studies in University, she went t...”可知去新疆是在毕业之后,应用after引导时间状语从句,设空处位于句首,首字母需要大写。故填After。
    44.句意:她和整个团队在那里的瓜地花了3年时间。固定短语spend time(in) ding sth“花费时间做某事”。根据上句“she went t Xinjiang t begin...”及下句“By 1962, they visited mre...”语境可知,动作发生在过去,用动词的过去式。故填spent。
    45.句意:到1962年,他们访问了300多个生产团队。根据“mre”可知,此处用mre than“超过,超出,超出……的”。故填than。
    46.句意:有了这些信息,许多濒临灭绝的西瓜被拯救了。根据“Their handwritten infrmatin was ver 5 millin wrds.”可知,此处指的是,有了这些记录的“信息”,西瓜才被拯救了。infrmatin“信息”,不可数名词。故填infrmatin。
    47.句意:尽管那里的条件比新疆更艰苦,但她从未放弃。根据“the cnditins there were even mre difficult than Xinjiang”及下句“she never gave up.”可知,尽管条件艰苦,但她从未放弃,前后句意有让步关系。用althugh/thugh引导让步状语从句。设空处位于句首,首字母大写。故填Althugh/Thugh。
    49.句意:由于努力工作,吴明珠开发了许多品种的西瓜。根据“has develped many...”可知,此处指的是吴明珠开发了许多“种类”的瓜。variety“(同一事物的)不同种类”;kind“种类”;type“类型”,三者均为可数名词。根据“many”可知,此处要使用复数形式。故填varieties/kinds/types。
    50.句意:多亏了她,我们可以随心所欲地吃瓜,而不是只在节日或特殊日子吃瓜。根据“we can eat melns as we want, instead f nly eating during festivals r special days.”可知,我们现在可以随时吃瓜,这要感谢吴明珠。Thanks t“幸亏,多亏了”。设空处位于句首,首字母大写,故填Thanks。
    51.festivals 52.brught 53.t 54.clser 55.feel 56.empty 57.ur 58.Althugh##Thugh 59.table 60.which##that
    51.句意:当我还小的时候,我们全家会在不同的传统节日聚在一起吃晚饭。根据“ different traditinal...”可知,此处指不同的传统节日,festival意为“节日”,是可数名词,不同的节日说明不止一个,所以应填复数形式。故填festivals。
    52.句意:当我长大一点时,我阿姨把她的男朋友带回来了。根据“my her byfriend.”可知,此处为动词短语bring back“带回”,此句为一般过去时态,故用动词过去式brught。故填brught。
    53.句意:我奶奶高兴地在圆桌旁又添了一个座位。根据“added anther rund table.”可知,此处是“把……加到……上”,动词短语。故填t。
    54.句意:看起来有点拥挤,但我们都觉得彼此更亲近了。根据“a little mre crwded, but we all felt much...”可知,此处指更亲近了,应用形容词比较级。clse“亲近的”,其比较级为clser。故填clser。
    55.句意:那使我们感到非常难过。根据“ sad”可知,此处表示感到非常难过,应用感官动词feel“感觉到”,“made”后接不带t的不定式作宾补。故填feel。
    56.句意:尽管他的座位是空的,但我们都觉得他从未离开过我们。根据“When I was twelve, my grandpa passed away.”可知,爷爷去世了,所以他的座位是空的。empty“空的”,形容词作表语。故填empty。
    58.句意:虽然我们聚到一起的原因可能不同,但背后的感受是一样的。根据“ reasns why we cme tgether may be different, the feelings behind them are the same.”可知,此处表示“虽然”,应用althugh或thugh引导让步状语从句,位于句首,首字母应大写。故填Althugh/Thugh。
    59.句意:通常,我们在餐桌旁接受不同的文化。根据“arund the...”可知,此处指在餐桌旁,table“餐桌”,arund the table“在餐桌旁”,介词短语。故填table。
    60.句意:我们国家的历史就是寻找或奔向我们所属的圆桌的故事。根据“ rund belng t.”可知,此处为定语从句,先行词是物,关系代词可用which或that。故填which/that。
    61.d 62.drawing 63.an 64.In 65.as 66.when 67.tk 68.spent 69.wh##that 70.their
    【导语】本文讲述了Je Whale非常喜欢画画,在父母的引导下,他的画画技能突飞猛进。他的爸爸给那些想要鼓励孩子发挥自己才能的父母的建议是:鼓励孩子永远追寻自己的梦想。
    61.句意:如果你做到了,伟大的事情就会发生。根据“Yu shuld always encurage yur kids t develp their natural talents.”可知,你应该经常鼓励你的孩子发展他们的天赋,d“做”,时态是一般现在时,主语是yu,动词用原形。故填d。
    62.句意:9岁的Je Whale的父母就是这么想的,当时他们鼓励儿子继续画画,尽管他在课堂上涂鸦惹上了麻烦。根据“when they encuraged their sn t keep...”可知,鼓励儿子画画,draw“画画”,keep ding“继续做某事”。故填drawing。
    64.句意:事实上,乔曾受邀装饰英国什鲁斯伯里“4号”饭店的餐厅。in fact“事实上”,固定短语,故填In。
    65.句意:现在,乔被称为涂鸦男孩,并拥有自己的网站,以及社交媒体页面,展示他出色的艺术。根据“Je is Ddle By”可知,此处是be knwn as短语,意为“作为……而出名”,故填as。
    66.句意:据乔的父亲格雷格说,他的儿子一直喜欢画画,在他4岁的时候就被列入了天才儿童名册。根据“was added t the Gifted Register (名册) in primary was 4 years ld”可知,在他4岁的时候就被列入了天才儿童名册,when“当……时”,在句中引导时间状语从句。故填when。
    67.句意:格雷格还说了乔花了多长时间才完成他在饭店餐厅墙上的画。根据“Greg als said hw lng t finish his drawings n the dining rm walls in the restaurant.”可知,此处是it tk sb+时间+t d sth句型,意为“花费某人时间做某事”,故填tk。
    68.句意:乔花了大约12个小时把照片挂在墙上。根据“ 12 hurs putting pictures nt the wall.”可知,此处是人+spent+时间+ding sth句型,意为“某人花费时间做某事”,故填spent。
    70.句意:我会建议父母鼓励他们的孩子永远追随他们的激情和梦想。根据“I wuld advise parents t t always fllw their passin and dreams.”可知,此处是“parents”,表示“他们的孩子”,用their作定语修饰children。故填their。
    71.an 72.Althugh##Thugh 73.lead 74.themselves 75.sense 76.better 77.by 78.If 79.well 80.imprved
    73.句意:与此同时,70%的家长认为过度育儿可能会导致孩子丧失独立性。根据“ver parenting (过度照顾孩子) a lss f their children’s independence”可知,此处是lead t短语,意为“导致”,culd后用动词原形。故填lead。
    74.句意:另一方面,孩子们想自己做事情。by neself“独自”,主语“Children”是复数,此处表示“他们自己”,故填themselves。
    75.句意:自己动手做事给了我们很强的成就感。a sense f achievement“成就感”,固定短语,故填sense。
    76.句意:所以尽早培养技能并独立生活要好得多。”根据“S it’s develp skills and live independently as early as pssible.”可知,尽早培养技能并独立生活要好得多,用better作表语,故填better。
    77.句意:他说,他的父母有时会帮助他制作PwerPint演示文稿和制作手工作品。根据“He said that his parents wuld smetimes help PwerPint presentatins and creating handmade wrks.”可知,此处强调方式,用介词by表示“通过”,故填by。
    78.句意:如果我的父母不帮助我,而其他学生仍然得到父母的帮助,我会被批评做得不如别人。“my parents didn’t help me while ther students still gt help frm their parents”是“ I wuld be criticized...”的条件,用if引导条件状语从句,故填If。
    79.句意:如果我的父母不帮助我,而其他学生仍然得到父母的帮助,我会被批评做得不如别人。根据“I wuld be criticized (批评) fr nt ding thers.”可知,因为做得不如别人好,所以用well修饰动词,中间用原级。故填well。
    80.句意:如果学校能制定更合理的规则,停止不公平竞争,情况就会有所改善。根据“If schls culd set mre reasnable rules and stp unfair cmpetitin, the situatin wuld be...”可知,如果规则更合理,竞争是公平的,那么情况会有所改善,imprve“改善”,此处是被动语态,动词用过去分词形式。故填imprved。
    81.is 82.Hwever 83.a 84.went##walked##ran 85.dark 86.her 87.hspital 88.pig
    89.killed 90.nthing
    81.句意:一天,一只老鼠告诉农场里的动物们:“农夫的房子里有一个老鼠夹!”根据“ musetrap(老鼠夹) in the farmer’s huse”可知,本句为there be句型,本句为一般现在时,主语a musetrap为单数,应用be动词is。故填is。
    84.句意:老鼠生气地离开/跑掉了。根据“The muse…away angrily.”可知,此处应为老鼠生气地离开/跑掉了。g/walk away“离开”,run away“跑掉”。本句为一般过去时,应用其过去式。故填went/walked/ran。
    85.句意:天太黑了,农夫的妻子看不清东西。根据“the farmer’s wife culdn’t see things clearly.”可知,此处应为天太黑了,所以用形容词dark“黑的”作表语。故填dark。
    86.句意:但令她吃惊的是,那是一条蛇,蛇咬了她。根据上文“She thught…”可知,此处应为令农夫的妻子吃惊,t ne’s surprise“令某人吃惊的是”,所以此处应为形容词性物主代词her。故填her。
    87.句意:农夫带她去医院,医生说她病得很严重。根据下文“the dctr said…”可知,此处应为农夫带妻子去医院。hspital“医院”,名词。故填hspital。
    88.句意:农夫杀了猪给他们做晚饭。由上文“The chicken said…The pig…The cw”可知,农场中有鸡、猪和牛;结合“He killed the chicken…The farmer…the cw”可知,农夫依次杀掉了鸡、猪和牛,故此处应为农夫杀掉了猪。pig“猪”,可数名词,此处用其单数形式,作动词killed的宾语。故填pig。
    89.句意:农夫杀了那头牛,为他们煮了足够的肉。根据上文“He killed the chicken…The farmer killed the...”可知,此处应为他杀掉了牛。kill“杀”,动词,本句为一般过去时,故用其过去式。故填killed。
    90.句意:当有人面临问题时,不要认为它与你无关。根据“it d with yu.”可知此处是固定短语:have nthing t d with sb“与某人无关”。故填nthing。
    91.ther 92.With 93.kinds 94.takes 95.Hwever 96.One 97.easier 98.cut 99.the 100.that##which
    【导语】本文主要介绍了奥地利推行的“climate ticket”,介绍了它的方便之处以及对环境的好处。
    91.句意:现在你只需要一张票就可以从奥地利的一端到另一端。根据“frm ne end f Austria t the”可知,此处用ne…the ther表示“一边……另一边”,故填ther。
    92.句意:有了这张简单的车票,人们可以乘坐各种公共交通工具走遍全国。根据“this ne simple ticket”可知,此处指用这张车票,用介词with表示“用”,故填With。
    93.句意:有了这张简单的车票,人们可以乘坐各种公共交通工具走遍全国。all kinds f“各种各样的”,固定搭配,故填kinds。
    94.句意:一天大约需要3欧元(约20元人民币)。根据“It … abut three eurs (abut twenty yuan) a day”可知,一天需要花费3欧元,主语是It,用take表示“花费”,此句是一般现在时,动词用三单,故填takes。
    95.句意:然而,在过去,购买长途旅行的车票通常很贵。“The climate ticket has becme quite ppular amng Austrians”与“it was ften expensive t buy tickets fr lng jurneys in the past”是转折关系,此空位于句首,且空格后有逗号隔开,应填副词hwever表示“然而”,故填Hwever。
    96.句意:其中一位购买者说。ne f+复数名词,表示“……之一”,故填One。
    97.句意:它使我的旅行更容易了。根据“Nw I n lnger have t wrry abut buying tickets”可知,不用再担心这些问题了,所以是让旅行变得更容易了,make sth+形容词,表示“使某物……”,much修饰比较级,故填easier。
    98.句意:奥地利政府计划到2040年将私家车的使用减少20%。根据“dwn its use f private cars”可知,此处指缩减私家车的使用,cut dwn“削减”,动词不定式符号t后接动词原形,故填cut。
    99.句意:奥地利政府计划到2040年将私家车的使用减少20%。根据“year 2040”可知,此处指特指2040年,应填冠词the特指,故填the。
    101.mre 102.lst 103.being 104.hw 105.but 106.an 107.yurself 108.where 109.t 110.return
    101.句意:但是,我旅行得越多,我就越意识到,有时候,迷路是可以接受的。根据“the mre I’ve traveled”可知,此处是the比较级,the 比较级结构,旅行得越多,我就越意识到,因此此处mre符合句意,故填mre。
    102.句意:我在这里告诉你,迷路可以增强你的旅行体验。根据“Mst peple dn’t like t be lst.”可知,此处讲述迷路对于旅行的好处,lst符合句意,故填lst。
    103.句意:但你不应该害怕,你应该冷静下来,拿出一张地图,学习如何阅读它。instead f ding“代替做某事”,being scared“害怕”符合句意,故填being。
    104.句意:但你不应该害怕,你应该冷静下来,拿出一张地图,学习如何阅读它。根据“t read it”可知,学习如何阅读它,hw符合句意,故填hw。
    105.句意:你不仅会学会如何回到正确的道路上,还会觉得自己在做一件大事。nt als“不到……而且……”,固定搭配,故填but。
    106.句意:迷路并不意味着事情就一定要结束。cme t an end“结束”,an符合句意,故填an。
    107.句意:如果你步行,发现自己迷路了,四处走走,看看你能找到什么。根据“If yu’re n ft”可知,发现自己迷路了,yurself“自己”符合句意,故填yurself。
    108.句意:如果你在车里迷路了,也许就沿着路走,看看它会把你带到哪里。根据“it takes yu”可知,带你去哪里,where符合句意,故填where。
    109.句意:只要你没有严格的时间表,迷路往往会让你发现美妙的地方或事物。lead t“导致”,故填t。
    110.句意:当我旅行回来时,我经常讲迷路的故事。根据“t’s the stries f getting lst that I ften tell”可知,旅行回来时讲故事,从句时态势一般现在时,主语是I,return符合句意,故填return。
    111.what 112.advice 113.myself 114.fail 115.well
    116.friends##classmates 117.make 118.with 119.much 120.s
    112.句意:所以我希望你能给我一些建议。根据前文“Yu’re s cnfident and always knw hw t slve prblems”,所以我希望你能给我一些“建议”advice,是不可数名词。故填advice。
    113.句意:他们从来不让我一个人做任何事。根据句意可知,这里表示“独自”by neself;根据句子中“never let me”可知,这里表示“我自己”。故填myself。
    114.句意:这学期,我经常考试失败,所以他们真的对我很生气。根据后文“ s they’ve been really angry with me”可知,我经常考试“失败”;句子是一般现在时,主语是I,动词用原形。
    115.句意:他们的压力使我在学校功课上更难做好。根据句意可知,这种压力使我在功课上不能做好,“在某方面做得好”d well in。故填well。
    116.句意:第二个问题是关于我的朋友/同学。根据后文“I dn’t want t d things because f the pressure frm my classmates.”可知,第二个问题是关于我的“同学或朋友”。故填friends/classmates。
    117.句意:我想自己做决定。根据句意可知,这里表示“做决定”make decisins;want t d sth“想做某事”,所以这里用原形。故填make。
    118.句意:我应该如何解决这个问题?根据句意可知,这里表示“处理”问题,deal with是固定搭配。故填deal。
    119.句意:我认为我很胖,因为我吃的太多,但是从来不锻炼。根据前文“I’m t fat”可知,我吃的太“多”;此句空后省略了fd,fd是不可数名词。故填much。
    121.lng 122.ag 123.her 124.spend 125.wn##gt 126.after 127.an 128.interested 129.abut 130.culture
    121.句意:它有着悠久的历史。根据前句“Paper cutting is a kind f traditinal Chinese art.”可知剪纸是一种传统的中国艺术,可见其它历史悠久。故填lng。
    122.句意:中国首个最早的剪纸大约出现在1,500年前。根据前句“It has a ... histry.”可知中国剪纸艺术历史悠久,可见大约1,500年前首次出现。“……年以前”用ag。故填ag。
    123.句意:幸运的是,在美国的中国移民Vy W正尽力让它起死回生。根据“try ne’s best”尽某人最大努力,根据后句“Ms. W held a paper cutting shw at a shpping centre near Washingtn.”可知是尽她最大努力。故填her。
    124.句意:所以她的老师想在课后花更多时间教她。根据前句“She had a deep lve fr it.”可知她对剪纸深深的喜爱,结合“sb. spend time ding sth.”某人花时间做某事,可知此空填spend;根据“wuld like t d”想要做某事。故填spend。
    125.句意:后来,由于她的努力,她在全国绘画艺术比赛中获得二等奖。根据“in a natinal painting and art cmpetitin”在全国绘画艺术比赛中,可见是获奖,英语是“win/get the prize”,根据前后文可知句子时态是一般过去时,故此处填动词的过去式。故填wn/gt。
    126.句意:她2008年从大学毕业后,吴女士去了美国。根据前文“Luckily, Vy W, a Chinese immigrant (移民) in America is trying her best t bring it back t life. One Saturday in 2014, Ms. W held a paper cutting shw at a shpping centre near Washingtn.”可知幸运的是,在美国的中国移民Vy W正努力让它复活。2014年的一个周六,吴女士在华盛顿附近举办了剪纸展。可见她是毕业之后移民去了美国。分析题干可知句子缺少连词,故填after。
    127.句意:不久之后,她参加了一个推广中国剪纸的活动。根据短语“take part in+活动名词”参加某项活动,根据句意可知是参加一个推广中国剪纸的活动。故此空填不定冠词,因“activity”是以元音音素开头。故填an。
    128.句意:“向美国人或任何对此感兴趣的人推广这种艺术是很重要的。”吴女士说到。根据“be interested in sth.”对……有兴趣。故填interested。
    129.句意:从剪纸艺术中,人们可以更多地了解关于中国的文化价值、历史和人们生活的故事。根据“knw mre…Chinese cultural value, histry and stries f peple’s life.”可推测出是了解更多关于中国的文化价值、历史和人们生活的故事的知识,结合短语“knw abut sth.”。故填abut。
    130.句意:吴女士把它作为向人们展示中国文化的工具。根据后句“She thinks that Chinese culture shuld be enjyed by peple all ver the wrld.”可知她认为中国文化应该被世界各地的人们所欣赏。故填culture。
    131.painters 132.Hwever 133.gd 134.his 135.since 136.such 137.int 138.cme 139.can 140.tk
    131.句意:他被认为是有史以来最伟大的画家之一。根据“He is famus fr the Mna Lisa and ther well-knwn paintings”可知,他是伟大的画家,painter“画家”,ne f the+形容词最高级+复数名词,表示“最……之一”,此空应填复数形式,故填painters。
    132.句意:然而,没有多少人知道他还是一位工程师和发明家。“nt many peple knw he was als an engineer and an inventr”与前文是转折关系,空格位于句首,且空格后有逗号隔开,应填副词hwever表示“然而”,故填Hwever。
    133.句意:达·芬奇擅长科学和艺术,他是许多领域的先驱。be gd at“擅长”,固定搭配,故填gd。
    134.句意:他在日记中画了计划和图画,并写下了许多新想法。根据“in… diaries”可知,此处指在他的日记里,his“他的”,故填his。
    136.句意:其中包括桥梁的设计图以及乐器、飞行器和枪支等战争机器的图纸。such as“例如”,固定搭配,故填such。
    137.句意:几百年后,一些科学家设法把他的画变成了真实的东西。turn int“将……变成”,固定搭配,故填int。
    138.句意:这架飞机就是他的一个想法实现的例子。cme true“实现”,has与过去分词构成现在完成时结构,故填cme。
    139.句意:不管怎样,达·芬奇的日记只能用镜子看,因为一切都是倒着写的。根据“nly be read with a mirrr”可知,能用镜子看,故填can。
    140.句意:由于翻译这些日记需要一些时间,所以这些日记是在他去世150多年后出版的。固定句式:It takes/tk sme time t d sth“花费时间去做某事”,根据came可知,此空应填动词过去式,故填tk。
    141.twards 142.a 143.well 144.cmpetitin 145.yurself 146.necessary 147.nervus 148.After 149.saving##helping 150.quit
    141.句意:安迪拿着吉他朝鲍勃家走去。根据下文“We have...”可知,此处是walk twards“朝……走去”,故填twards。
    143.句意:我相信我能弹得很好。根据“I have knwn that sng since I was nine.”可知,我从九岁就知道那首歌,因此我相信自己能弹得很好,well“好,出色地”,是副词,修饰动词d,故填well。
    144.句意:这是其他参赛歌曲的名单。根据前文的“We in five days.”可知,此处指的是比赛中的其他歌曲,故填cmpetitin。
    145.句意:你最好自己练习。by neself“单独地,自己”,此处主语是yu,对应的反身代词是yurself,故填yurself。
    146.句意:他认为没有必要练习它们。根据“The sngs were familiar t him.”可知,这些歌他很熟悉,因此他认为练习它们是没有必要的,necessary“必要的”,是形容词,在此处作表语,故填necessary。
    147.句意:突然他感到有点紧张。根据后文的“until Bb finally relaxed and jumped back in.”可知,鲍勃一开始感到紧张,nervus“紧张的”,是形容词,在此处作表语,故填nervus。
    148.句意:表演结束后,鲍勃感到不高兴。根据后文的“He walked ff the stage with mre respect fr Andy.”可知,鲍勃走下舞台,因此他在表演之后,after“在……之后”,故填After。
    149.句意:安迪,谢谢你帮助我。根据“Andy had saved him. ”可知,安迪帮助了他或者挽救了他,save“挽救”,help“帮助”,二者均为动词,thanks sb. fr ding sth.“谢谢某人做了某事”,所以此处使用动名词形式,故填saving/helping。
    150.句意:他说:“我也会改掉赛前不练习的习惯。”根据前文“He thught it wasn’t practice them.”和“Suddenly he felt a little ...”可知,他在比赛前没有练习,结果在比赛时感到紧张,因此他要改掉这个习惯,quit“放弃”,位于助动词will后,作谓语,用动词原形,故填quit。

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