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    第一部分:听力部分(满分:20分; 考试时间:20分钟)
    一、第一节(共8小题; 每小题1分,满分8分)
    听下面8段短对话。从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 (每段对话仅读一遍。)
    ( ) 1. What kind f pllutin is mentined?
    A. Air pllutin. B. Water pllutin. C. Nise pllutin.
    ( )2. Hw many plastic bttles did the girl and Susan cllect?
    A.66. B.76. C.86.
    ( )3. What is the man ding?
    A. Listening t music. B. Reading a newspaper. C. Watching TV.
    ( )4. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a htel. B. In a restaurant. C. In a supermarket.
    ( )5. Which subject des the girl's mther teach?
    A. Chinese. B. English. C. Histry.
    ( ) 6. Hw lng has Jim been ill?
    A. Fr nearly a week. B. Fr nearly tw weeks. C. Fr nearly a mnth.
    ( )7. Hw far is it frm the traffic lights t the bank?
    A. Abut 400 metres. B. Abut 500 metres. C. Abut 900 metres.
    ( )8. Why d the girl's eyes hurt?
    A. Because she spent much time reading bks.
    B. Because she spent much time watching TV.
    C. Because she spent much time playing cmputer games.
    二、第二节 (共12小题; 每小题1分,满分12分)
    听下面4段长对话。从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有5秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 (每段对话读两遍。)
    ( )9. What's the relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Dctr and patient. B. Teacher and student. C. Custmer and waiter.
    ( )10. What hit Peter?
    A. A bus. B. A car. C. A truck.
    ( ) 11. Wh is lking after Peter nw?
    A. His classmates. B. His father. C. His mther.
    听第10段材料, 回答第12-14题。
    ( ) 12. What makes Tina headache?
    A. The nise frm the factry. B. Sleeping t much. C. Her bad health.
    ( )13. What des Tina feel during the day?
    A. Tired. B. Terrible. C. Very happy.
    ( )14. Wh wuld Tina like t write t abut the prblem?
    A. Her friend. B. The dctr. C. The newspaper.
    听第11段材料, 回答第15-17题。
    ( )15. Wh did Bb g t the new sprts centre with last week?
    A. His friend. B. His brther. C. His father.
    ( )16. When will Jane and Bb g t the new sprts centre?
    A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.
    ( ) 17. Where are they prbably talking?
    A. In the gym. B. In the dining hall. C. In the classrm.
    听第12段材料, 回答第18-20题。
    ( )18. Why was Mary wrried at first?
    A. Because she was a new student in this schl.
    B. Because she was afraid f getting up late. C. Because she wasn't ready fr the lessn.
    九年英语随堂练习(一) 第 1 页 共 6页( ) 19. What shuld the student d befre the first class?
    A. D sme cleaning. B. Hand in hmewrk. C. D mrning exercises.
    ( )20. What des Mary think f the man?
    A. He is hard-wrking. B. He is kind. C. He is careful.
    第一部分 选择题 (共50分)
    一、阅读理解(本题共20小题,每题2分; 满分 40分)
    第一节 阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    (共16小题, 每小题2分; 满分32分)
    Ben My First day at Schl
    Ben's mum My Sn's First Day at Schl
    ( )21. What can we knw abut Ben's first day at schl?
    A. He cried because f a little girl. B. His teacher failed t talk t him.
    C. He made his first friend in his life. D. His parents tk him t the schl.
    ( )22. When did Ben's mther leave the schl?
    A. After he cried. B. When he saw Lisa.
    C. When his class began. D. Befre Ms Burtn appeared.
    ( )23. Why did Ben's mther cme t schl fr a secnd time?
    A. Ms Burtn called him. B. She wanted t meet Lisa.
    C. She was wrried abut Ben. D. Ms Burtn was friendly t Ben.
    ( )24. Which part f the newspaper is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. Science Study. B. Sprts Wrld. C. Star Stries. D. Schl Life.
    Imagine a perfect day: the weather is gd and everything seems fine. When, suddenly, yurmbile phne lses its signal, the televisin has n prgrammes, and yu can't get nline with yurcmputer.
    What has happened? These are just the types f prblems a slar strm(太阳风暴) might cause.Yu may nt think f strms as putting ur sciety in danger. But tday, a slar strm is as serius asther bad events, such as earthquakes.
    A slar strm is caused by slar flares(太阳耀斑):large explsins(爆炸) near the Sun that cangive ff lts f energy. The strng energy can stp the satellite systems(卫星系统) that cntrl urcmputers, telecm netwrks and s n. These strms can even cause the pwer t g ut fr weeksr mnths.
    Scientists have recrded sme f the strngest sun flares in years. One happened arundValentine’s Day, 2011. It caused radi and satellite signals t g dwn in sme nrthern cities inChina.
    “Slar flare activity is ging t be much wrse than what we've seen in the past. We're nt
    九年英语随堂练习 (一) 第 2 页 共6页I dn't remember everything abut my first day at schl,but my mum always talks abut it. I was nly five and wasvery nervus. There were lts f ther kids. Sme likedschl. They talked and laughed. Sme didn't like schl.They were quiet and lked afraid, just like me. Ms Burtnwas my teacher. My mum intrduced me t her. Then shewalked away ...
    I cried, but sn a little girlwalked ver and talked t me.Her name was Lisa.
    She wasn't afraid r sad, s Iwasn't, either. She was my firstschl friend.
    Ben was excited the night befre his first day at schl.Hwever, in the mrning, he was kind f nervus. He wasvery nervus at schl, t. There were lts f kids and itwas very nisy. I intrduced him t his teacher. Her namewas Ms Burtn. She lked very kind and smiled a lt. Shetried t talk t Ben but he didn't say a wrd. Then schlstarted s I walked away...
    He cried, I was sure things wereOK, but I walked back andchecked. He stpped crying andwas with Lisa, his first schlfriend. They are still friendstday.
    Scientists say that little can be dne t predict such a strm. Gvernments arund the wrld aretrying t wrk tgether befre the next strm, althugh they are nt sure when that may happen.
    ( )25. Frm the first tw paragraphs we can knw slar strms are ur sciety.
    A. gd fr B. far frm C. seldm in D. harmful t
    ( )26. Which is the right rder f the fllwing things?
    a. Slar flares give ff lts f energy. b. Peple cannt get nline with their cmputers.
    c. Slar strms happen. d. Satellite systems are stpped.
    A. a-b-c-d B. a-c-d-b C. c-a-b-d D. c-b-a-d
    ( )27. The radi and satellite signals went dwn in sme nrthern cities in China, 2011, because .
    A. a slar strm stpped B. an earthquake happened
    C. a strng sun flare happened D. the satellite systems didn't wrk
    ( )28. What is the writer's main purpse in writing the text?
    A. T intrduce what slar strms are t peple.
    B. T ask peple t prevent the slar strm frm happening.
    C. T tell peple hw t slve the prblems caused by slar strms.
    D. T call fr scientists t predict when the next slar strm will happen.
    Mesa Verde Natinal Park, in Clrad, America, has many“cliff dwellings”— places that arebuilt int the cliffs(悬崖) where peple nce lived. They lk almst impssible t get t. Wh livedin them, and why did they live there?
    Peple lived there abut 800 years ag. Americans call them the Ancestral Pueblans(古普韦布洛人的祖先). They grew fd n the mesa(平顶山), the flat land n tp f the cliffs. They keptanimals n the mesa t. They travelled ver the mesa t trade with each ther. Why didn't they buildhmes n the mesa?
    One reasn was the weather. Winters were getting clder and clder. The mesa was flat and pen.There was n prtectin frm the cld winds. Mst f the cliff dwellings face suth r suth-westfrm the cld nrth wind. Anther reasn peple did nt live n the mesa is that there were mre andmre peple t feed. Hmes n the mesa wuld use land that was needed t grw fd. Sme peplesay a third reasn was fr safety. They say different grups f Ancestral Pueblans were fighting eachther. The cliff dwellings were hard t get int, s they kept the peple wh lived there safe. Otherpeple dn't believe it. They say the grups traded t much t have been fighting. Everyne agreesthat these peple were the skillful builders, wh used every bit f space in the cliffs t make theirhmes.
    ( )29. Hw des the writer lead in the tpic?
    A. By telling stries. B. By sharing experiences.
    C. By asking questins. D. By explaining reasns.
    ( )30. What can we knw abut Mesa Verde Natinal Park?
    A. It is flat and pen. B. Skillful builders built it.
    C. It is in ne f cliff dwellings. D. Sme peple used t live there.
    ( )31. What des the underlined wrd“it”refer t?
    A. Weather. B. Land. C. Safety. D. Trading.
    ( )32. Which f the fllwing can best describe the Ancestral Pueblans?
    A. Hard-wrking and wise. B. Rich and hnest.
    C. Warm-hearted but pr. D. Lazy but smart.
    Health prblems which are related t climate change are getting wrse, say tw research reprts.
    The reprts fllwed 44 health prblems that are related t climate change arund the wrld.They include heat deaths, infectius diseases (传染病) and hunger.“All f them are getting wrse,”said Marina Remanell. She is research directr f the Lancet Cuntdwn prject.“With glbalwrming getting wrse, ding nthing n climate and health will cst mre than acting nw,”ne f
    九年英语随堂练习 (一) 第 3 页 共 6页
    the reprts says.
    The reprts are called“cde red fr a healthy future”. One reprt is centred(集中) n the US andthe ther is centred n the whle wrld. The reprts fund sme dangerus facts. At-risk ppulatinslike lder peple and the very yung are mre easily influenced by high temperatures. Fr peple ver65, the researchers fund they stayed living in warm places where it is easier fr sme diseases tspread. Fr example, cast areas are warm enugh fr dangerus bacteria(细菌) t grw. In smepr natins the seasn fr disease-spreading msquites(蚊子) has gt lnger since the 1950s.
    The research als fund that 72 percent f cuntries saw an increase in wildfires. And in 2020,up t 10 percent f the wrld's land surface was influenced by extreme(极端的) drught. In the US,the heat, fire and drught caused the biggest prblems. The Pacific Nrthwest and Canada sawextreme heatwaves. An earlier study fund that the heatwaves wuld nt have happened if there weren human-caused climate change.
    ( )33. The underlined wrd“related”in Paragraph 1 prbably means“ ”,
    A. cnnected B. spread C. accepted D. cnsidered
    ( )34. What d the reprts find accrding t Paragraph 3?
    A. A 15-year-ld by is mre easily influenced by high temperatures.
    B. Climate change desn't influence peple wh are under 65.
    C. It's easier fr sme diseases t spread in warm places.
    D. In the US, the seasn fr msquites becmes lnger.
    ( )35. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The results f climate change. B. The reasns why climate changes.
    C. Health prblems caused by climate change.
    D. Deaths caused by human-caused climate change.
    ( )36. Hw is the text rganized?
    ( ①=Paragraph 1, ②=Paragraph 2, …)
    第二节 阅读短文,从方框内所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个多余的选项。(共4小题,每小题2分; 满分8分)
    Table manners
    All scieties have custms abut hw t eat plitely. In English, we call these custms“tablemanners”. Based n culture and lcatin, table manners can be quite different frm place t place. It'svery interesting! 37
    ●In sme cultures, it's plite t serve fd t guests, while in ther cultures, peple dn't d thisbecause it makes the guests feel like they are being frced t eat.
    ●In mst East Asian cuntries, peple use chpsticks at the table. 38 D yu knw that insme places peple simply use their hands t eat? And in sme places, nly their right hand?
    ●In Russia, it's plite t leave a bit f fd n yur plate t shw the hst that there was plentyt eat. 39 It means yu enjyed the fd.
    40 S when yu visit anther place r anther cuntry, take the time t learn the lcal custmsand manners. Remember,“When in Rme, d as the Rmans d.”
    A. Here are sme examples.
    B. Different table manners shw different cultures.
    C. In Western cuntries, peple usually eat with a knife and a frk.
    D. But in India, finishing the fd n yur plate is cnsidered plite.
    E. Thrughut the wrld, yu will find many different table manners and custms.
    九年英语随堂练习 (一) 第 4 页 共6页二、完形填空(本题共 10小题,每题1分; 满分 10分)
    阅读短文,理解其大意,从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    This is a stry abut a strm in Mscw. It happened several years ag. It was my first time thatI had seen such a 41 strm.
    It was a sunny day in July, and I was at hme watching TV. The windw was pen 42 theweather was s ht. Suddenly, I felt a strng wind frm utside. I lked ut f the windw and saw ablack sky and trees 43 ver because f the strng wind. I tried t 44 the windw, but the windmade me fall dwn. I was afraid that the glass might break. I std up and tried t clse the windwagain. 45 ,I made it.
    Then I lked utside. I fund that the big tree in frnt f my huse was ging t fall t thegrund and its 46 had brken ff. There was frequent(频繁的) thunder and lightning. I started t 47 all the appliances as quickly as pssible.
    After a while, the wind stpped, but it began t hail (下冰雹). After abut ten minutes,everything stpped, and the Sun came ut again. Hw 48 the weather was! A few minutes later,the phne began t ring. It was my friend. We asked each ther hw it was and hw we felt after thestrm.
    In the streets, many trees died because f the 49 . Fr a few days, peple helped clean parksand gardens. Sme peple’s cars were damaged by trees’falling branches n them. The 50 tellsme that in the face f natural disasters, human beings are insignificant (微不足道的). We can't stpthem, but we must prtect urselves frm them.
    ( )41. A. terrible B. little C. gentle D. cmmn
    ( )42. A. s B. because C. but D. thugh
    ( )43. A. cming B. taking C. blwing D. getting
    ( )44. A. break B. clean C. change D. clse
    ( )45. A. Luckily B. Recently C. Ludly D. Prbably
    ( )46. A. patterns B. branches C. tls D. signs
    ( )47. A. switch ff B. turn n C. turn dwn D. pick up
    ( )48. A. hard B. similar C. usual D. strange
    ( )49. A. trick B. accident C. strm D. fire
    ( )50. A. expressin B. experience C. challenge D. exchange
    第二部分 非选择题 (共40分)
    三、语篇填空(共10小题,每题1分; 满分 10分)
    The Chinese knt has a lng histry. Peple 51. (ne) made them t recrd infrmatinand send messages befre they started t use wrds. The knts were used fr decratin and texpress thughts and feelings in the Tang Dynasty. They were later ppular in the Ming 52. Qing Dynasties. Many peple started t knw them. But this art wasn't 53. (real) acceptedby the cmmn peple 54. the Qing Dynasty.
    Even tday, Chinese knts still hld the value f feelings when they are 55. (send) asgifts. Fr example, lvers may give 56. knt t express their lve. The“duble happinessknt”is given and used at wedding t shw each 57. (ther) lve and wishes fr grwingld tgether. Knts are als used when peple make 58. (traditin) clthes, in China likehanfu. They can play the rle f buttns and nw silk is widely used 59. (make) theseclthing knts.
    Many turists including 60. (freign) like t buy Chinese knts as presents duringtheir trips. There are many shpping streets fr peple t buy Chinese knts.
    九年英语随堂练习 (一) 第 5 页 共6页四、阅读与表答(共4小题, 第61~63题, 每小题2分;第64小题 4分; 满分10分)
    Have yu ever imagined hw peple eat in space? It's nt easy. In a wrd, it is different frmthat n Earth. The fd that astrnauts carry with them desn't lk like the fd yu eat.
    Sme fd is carried in clsed bags. It is cked and frzen befre the astrnauts get it. All thewater is remved (去掉) frm the fd. In the space capsule (太空舱), the astrnaut puts the waterback. He“shts”ht r cld water int the fd bag with a special gun (枪). He eats the fdthrugh a small hle in the bag.
    Other fds cme in bite-size (一口大小的). The astrnaut puts a whle piece in his mutheach time. There can't be crumbs(食物碎屑). Crumbs wuld flat arund the capsule and get in theway. Meat, cakes and cereal(麦片) ften cme in bite-size pieces.
    Astrnauts can't drink water frm pen cups. The water wuld flat in drps in the air. Thewater is put in the special gun. The astrnaut shts the water int his mnth.
    D yu think it difficult t eat in space? Astrnauts must learn t eat this way.
    61. What is the fd the astrnauts get like?
    62. Why d sme fds cme in bite-size?
    63. What will happen if crumbs flat arund the capsule?
    64. If yu are in space, hw will yu eat r drink?(4分)(Write 30 wrds r mre)
    五、书面表达(满分 20分)
    曾子曰:“吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎? 与朋友交而不信乎? 传不习乎? ”习近平总书记在演讲中多次引用这句话,旨在告诫青少年要勇于面对自己的缺点,在学习中求真务实。那么,青少年怎样成为更好的自己呢?
    请你根据以下内容提示, 以“Hw t Be a Better Teenager?”为题, 用英语写一篇演讲稿,在学校演讲比赛中发言。要点如下:
    注意:(1)词数 80~100词,短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;
    Hw t Be a Better Teenager?
    Hell, everyne,
    It's my hnur t stand here t give yu a speech.
    Li Hui
    九年英语随堂练习 (一) 第 6 页 共6页
    一、1-4 BCCB 5-8 ACAC
    二、9-11 BBC 12-14 ABC 15-17 CBC 18-20 ABB
    一、21-24 BCCD 25-28 DBCA 29-32 CDCA 33-36 ACCB 37-40 ACDE
    二、41-45 ABCDA 46-50 BADCB
    三、51. first 52. and 53. really 54. until 55. sent 56. a 57. ther’s 58.
    traditinal 59. t make 60. freigners
    四、61. It’s cked, frzen and withut water.
    62. Because the astrnaut can put a whle piece in his muth each time.
    63. They/The crumbs will get in the way and it may be dangerus.
    64. If I am in space, I will have t eat fd thrugh a small hle in the bag r just put a whle piece in my muth each time. (2分) As fr drinking, I’ll have t use a special gun t sht water int my muth. (2分) (开放试题,答案合理即可。)
    五、 One pssible versin:
    Hw t Be a Better Teenager?
    Hell, everyne,
    It’s my hnur t stand here t give yu a speech. In ur lives, we smetimes becme upset and wrried abut smething. Hwever, if we face the prblems with a psitive attitude, nt nly can we find slutins t ur prblems, but we can als learn valuable lessns abut life.
    I remember the day when I failed a maths test. I was sad and felt disappinted in myself. Hwever, instead f crying ver my mistakes, I decided t change the situatin with a psitive attitude. I analyzed my weak areas and asked help frm my teacher and classmates. With their guidance and supprt, I had a better understanding f the subject and achieved better results in the fllwing tests.
    This experience helped me grw as a persn. It made me realize that every failure is a chance fr persnal imprvement, and that a psitive attitude can lead t better results and pleasure.
    Li Hui

    2022年辽宁省铁岭市中考模拟英语试题: 这是一份2022年辽宁省铁岭市中考模拟英语试题,共16页。

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