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      江苏省连云港市2024届高三下学期第二次调研测试(二模) 英语 Word版含解析.docx
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      江苏省连云港市2024届高三下学期第二次调研测试(二模) 英语听力.mp3
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    这是一份江苏省连云港市2024届高三下学期第二次调研测试(二模)英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含江苏省连云港市2024届高三下学期第二次调研测试二模英语Word版含解析docx、江苏省连云港市2024届高三下学期第二次调研测试二模英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共20页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答题前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时, 选出每小题答案后, 用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时, 将答案写在答题卡上, 写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后, 将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)
    做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What des the man think f the dress?
    A. It is attractive. B. It is tight. C. It is clrful.
    2. What can we learn abut the wman?
    A. She fund a great jb. B. She is ppular in cllege. C. She wn the student electin.
    3. Where des this cnversatin take place?
    A. In a huse. B. In a park. C. In a frest.
    4. What animal des the wman wn?
    A. A muse. B. A dg. C. A cat.
    5. Wh is the wman mst grateful t?
    A. Her parents. B. Her prfessrs. C. Her friends.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
    6. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Their secrets. B. A map f the universe. C. The chemical in the cells.
    7. Why has the wman been reading abut the tpic?
    A. Out f curisity. B. Fr schlwrk. C. As a hbby.
    听第7段材料, 回答第8至10题。
    8. What field attracted the wman when she was yung?
    A. Sales. B. Medicine. C. Engineering.
    9. What is it like in advertising accrding t the man?
    A. Interesting. B. Inspiring. C. Stressful.
    10. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Bss and sales representative.
    B. Father and daughter.
    C. Aunt and nephew.
    听第8段材料, 回答第11至13题。
    11. Hw lng did the hike take?
    A. Three days. B. Eight days. C. Furteen days.
    12. What was the main landscape during the hike?
    A. Muntains. B. Wdlands. C. Desert.
    13. What animal did the man see in camp?
    A. A lin. B. A wlf. C. A snake.
    听第9段材料, 回答第14至16题。
    14. What des the man prbably d?
    A. He's a teacher. B. He's an authr. C. He's an astrnmer.
    15. Where are the speakers ging t spend their vacatin?
    A. In Italy. B. In Iceland. C. In Spain.
    16. Why is the htel attractive t the speakers?
    A. It has fine fd.
    B. It has sandy beaches.
    C. It has equipment t bserve the stars.
    听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。
    17. What instrument did the speaker play when she was yung?
    A. The pian. B. The guitar. C. The vilin.
    18. Where is the theater lcated?
    A. In Lndn. B. In Sydney. C. In New Yrk.
    19. Why is winning this cmpetitin imprtant t the listeners?
    A. They'll meet famus perfrmers.
    B. They'll have a brighter future.
    C. They'll get a chance t travel the wrld.
    20. Hw many hurs will the perfrmances last?
    A. Three. B. Fur. C. Seven.
    第二部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Ayung River Rafting
    Abut the trip
    Explre Ayung River Rafting, the lngest river rafting in Ayung River, a white-water rafting! The river is classified t level II t III and yur rafting trip will be apprximately 2 hurs. Our friendly and experienced raft guides will take yu n a safe and fun trip. Yu'll find a level f prfessinalism that ffers unique insights int Bali's natural wnders and memrable experiences thrugh the rainfrest. Dn't miss ut n this unfrgettable adventure that shwcases the beauty f Ayung River and the excitement and thrills f tackling the rapids f the Ayung River.
    • We suggest yu bring shrt pants r a swimsuit, a pair f changing clthes, sunscreen and extra mney fr drinks and suvenirs(纪念品).
    • Steep rad lies at the beginning and at the end f the tur, please be ready t walk with reliable shes!
    • Plastic bags fr wet clthes are available, but yu are advised t bring yur wn t reduce plastic use.
    • Single-use raincats are available if it rains. Hwever, please bring yur wn t reduce plastic use.
    21. What d we knw abut Ayung River Rafting?
    A. It's an exciting guided adventure. B. It helps t cnserve the rainfrest.
    C. It ffers unique insights int sciety. D. It's perated n the wrld's fastest river.
    22. What's the charge fr an Ayung River Rafting Grup f 4 including Return Htel Transfer?
    A. IDR 430. B. IDR 485. C. IDR 1940. D. IDR 2200.
    23. What are the turists advised t wear n a walk?
    A. Swimsuits. B. Strng shes. C. Raincats. D. Wet clthes.
    Like many f the Indigenus (土著的) cmmunities acrss the Australian cntinent, the remte cmmunities in nrth-west New Suth Wales are struggling. Many f the 300 r s residents rely n welfare. Higher electricity bills—up t $3, 000 a quarter fr sme husehlds-further wrsen the pverty. They're always at the end f the pwer line, s the service that is there is quite extrardinary in terms f cst. It's a real prblem that needs t be fixed.
    T that end, Andersn and ther Indigenus leaders have frmed the First Natins Renewable Energy Alliance (FREA) t push fr renewable energy in Indigenus cmmunities. They partner with private enterprise t supprt Indigenus cmmunities lking t switch t renewable energy.
    "We can build a pwer statin where the cmmunity exists, "Andersn says, "s peple are able t successfully live in the envirnment the way they want t live and have access t pwer which enables them t better determine their ecnmic future. "
    Only a handful f Indigenus cmmunities have set up renewable energy prjects in Australia. The Indigenus-wned and -perated cmpany AllGrid Energy, fr instance, has installed slar panels and battery strage systems t replace diesel(柴油) generatrs in the cmmunities f Ngurrara and Kurnturlpara in the Nrthern Territry's Barkly Tableland. Within tw mnths f the system being installed in May 2016, peple were mving back t their hmelands, the cmmunities grwing frm just tw permanent residents t abut 40.
    But FREA will g ne step further, wrking with cmmunity leaders and acting as a cnduit (纽带) between the cmmunities and the businesses they are dealing with. This is essential, says Andersn, t avid predatry (吞并) practices they have seen in the past, with cmpanies "playing n the psychlgy f pverty" t gain advantage. The FREA has drafted terms f agreements that will guide hw cmpanies engage with Indigenus cmmunities fr renewable energy prjects.
    One f the next steps fr FREA will be t identify a cmmunity that can act as a test case fr a renewables prject "Our experience is that if we can make it wrk fr ne cmmunity, it will wrk in every ther cmmunity, " Andersn says.
    24. What is FREA expected t d fr the remte Indigenus cmmunities?
    A. Increase pwer supply t them. B. Help them return t their hmelands.
    C. Shake them ff pverty. D. Reduce their higher pwer csts.
    25. What des the authr indicate by mentining AllGrid Energy?
    A. Renewables prjects are inaccessible.
    B. Renewables prjects are quite wrkable.
    C. Renewables prjects can increase lcals' incme.
    D. Renewables prjects can cexist with diesel pwer plants.
    26. What's paragraph 5 mainly abut cncerning FREA?
    A. Its strategies t win ver the businesses.
    B. Its cperatin with cmmunity leaders.
    C. Its ptential cnflict with energy cmpanies.
    D. Its innvatin in directing renewables prjects.
    27. What's FREA ging t d next?
    A. Cnsult the experts. B. Select a pilting cmmunity.
    C. Cllect sufficient cnstructin fund. D. Make renewables prjects available t all.
    The science f why insects gather arund lights at night has never been nailed dwn. Ppular theries prpse that mths and ther insects navigate (导航) by the mn and mistake lamps fr mnlight, r that the insects fly twards light t escape cming danger. Nw researchers believe they have a mre cnvincing answer: cntrary t current theries, insects are nt attracted t light frm far away, but becme trapped if they fly clse t an artificial light surce.
    Accrding t Dr Sam Fabian, study c-authr and Imperial Cllege Lndn entmlgist, mths and many ther insects that fly at night evlved t tilt (倾斜) their backs t wherever is brightest. Fr hundreds f millins f years, this was the sky rather than the grund. The trick tld insects which way was up and ensured they flew level. But then came artificial lighting. Mths fund themselves tilting their backs t street lamps. This caused them t circle arund the lamps endlessly, the insects trapped by their evlutin.
    Fabian and his clleagues filmed insect flight paths arund lights in the lab. The vides reveal that time and again, mths and dragnflies turned their backs t artificial lights, which appeared t greatly change their flight paths. "If the light is abve them, they might start rbiting it, but if it's behind them, they start tilting backwards and end up flying in circles r diving tward the grund.
    Researchers have lng warned that light pllutin is a big driving frce in the dramatic decline in insect ppulatins. Mths and ther insects that becme trapped arund lamps becme easily caught by bats. The artificial lighting can als fl them int thinking it is daytime, causing them t bed dwn and skip a night's feeding.
    There are, Fabian believes, helpful lessns frm the research. "What this tells us is that the directin f artificial light matters. Culd we change lighting envirnments t nt trap insects? Fr we're facing a massive decline in insects arund the wrld, and artificial light at night is ne f the factrs that culd ptentially be leading t this decline, " Fabian said.
    28. What d the underlined wrds "nailed dwn" in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Ppularized widely. B. Discussed penly.
    C. Defined accurately. D. Explred academically.
    29. Fabian's study fund that mths circle arund the lamps endlessly because ______.
    A. they can't keep their balance.
    B. they use imprper flight attitude.
    C. they lse track f which way is up.
    D. they are attracted t lights frm far away.
    30. What is the significance f the research finding?
    A. It may lead t better cnservatin f insects.
    B. Natural enemies f insects will be gt rid f.
    C. Artificial lighting will be greatly reduced at night.
    D. It may raise cncerns fr insects' eating behavir.
    31. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. Why insects lse their ability t fly at night.
    B. Why artificial light and evlutin trap insects.
    C. Hw artificial light impacts insect ppulatins.
    D. Hw insects evlved distinct strategies f flight.
    I'm a laypersn with a lve f science wh ccasinally reads science magazines. My apprach was frm an authr's angle, spending mnths n research befre writing a single wrd fr Pig Heart By.
    S where did I get the idea? Whenever I attend a schl event, that questin is asked. The answer is simple. Back in the mid 1990s, I read a newspaper article written by a dctr wh guessed that we wuld eventually have t turn t xentransplantatin (异种器官移植)as a pssible slutin t the lack f human rgan dnrs. It left my mind filled with questins. What are the cnsequences? D we really have the right t treat animals as mere rgan surces fr humans? S I headed t my nearest bkshp and bught all the bks I culd n heart transplants in particular.
    I've fund questins are ne f the best places t start frm when writing a nvel. In my stry Camern, wh needs a heart transplant, knws he is unlikely t see his next birthday unless he receives ne, but he is a lng way dwn the waiting list. When a genetically mdified(GM)pig's heart is ffered by a pineering dctr, Camern decides t g fr it -and his new heart cmpletely changes his life in unexpected ways.
    Nw sme peple think that the subject matter is nt suitable fr children, criticizing the cruel and inhuman ways f xentransplantatin. I cmpletely disagree. As a children's authr, it never ceases t amaze me hw sme adults underestimate what subject matter will interest and stimulate children. I wanted t write a stry that prvided n right r wrng answers, a stry that wuld allw the reader t walk in Camern's shes fr a while and think abut what decisins they wuld make and hw they wuld react if they t were faced with his situatin.
    Fictinal stries that explre new ideas when it cmes t STEM (science, technlgy, engineering and mathematics)subjects als have a part t play in enriching ur children's reading and learning. Varius studies have shwn that reading fictin enhances ur children's ability t grasp new cncepts. Pig Heart By was my attempt t incrprate science pssible int a believable, thught-prvking (令人深思的) stry.
    32. Where did the authr get inspiratin frm t write Pig Heart By?
    A. A schl event. B. A news item.
    C. Science magazines. D. Bks n heart transplants.
    33. What might be a majr cncern f thse wh disagree with Pig Heart By?
    A. Animal rights. B. GM technlgy.
    C. Organ transplant risks. D. Organ shrtage crisis.
    34. What are the last tw paragraphs f the text mainly abut?
    A. Ways f tapping children's intelligence.
    B. Ptential applicatin f fictinal stries.
    C. Supprting evidence fr justifying the bk.
    D. Influence f fictinal stries n STEM subjects.
    35. What is Pig Heart By?
    A. An authr prfile. B. A science fictin nvel.
    C. A guidebk t xentransplantatin. D. An essay n writing children's literature.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Discvering Yur True Self Is Vital t Happiness!
    Have yu fund fcusing n yurself is at the bttm f the t-d list, because yu feel everyne else in yur life cmes first? 36 Nw is exactly the perfect time t get t knw yurself in rder t understand yurself.
    This isn't just abut identifying yur favrite utfit, haircut r flavr f ice cream. 37 It's an pprtunity fr persnal grwth that can help yu make better chices fr yur wellbeing and lifelng happiness.
    There are many tls t help yu develp a deeper sense f yurself, including jurnaling and ther frms f creative expressin. Yu can use a guided jurnal t explre yur thughts and feelings. r just free write whatever cmes t mind. It's up t yu what yu want t d. 38
    39 Take nte f hw yu respnd t peple, what makes yu happy, and what makes yu unhappy. This can help yu identify patterns that are hlding yu back, such as feeling insecure r being easily angered. Once yu've identified these patterns, yu can wrk t change them.
    An ften verlked yet very imprtant factr in self discvery is having healthy bundaries in yur persnal life. 40 Clearly cmmunicating yur bundaries is als a way t shw thers that yu are in cntrl f yur wn behavir and can expect the same frm them. This is a sign f maturity and respect, tw characteristics that are key t having healthy relatinships.
    A. It's ne thing t knw yur persnality type.
    B. It's a great way t shw that yu care abut thers.
    C. Taking time fr urselves has been lked dwn upn.
    D. Anther way is t bserve yur behavir in different situatins.
    E. It allws yu t fcus n the needs f yurself withut ignring thers.
    F. But try nt t get caught up in the criticism r judgment f yur writing.
    G. It's abut understanding yur inner wrld and hw yu fit int the uter wrld.
    第三部分语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    As a first-generatin Asian immigrant (移民) wh had grwn up in pverty, I knew I was beynd 41 t be admitted int Harvard. I lved bks, but it never crssed my mind t becme a(n) 42 f any srt. I didn't 43 t have unrealistic dreams.
    Still, smething 44 me. My deskmate had 45 ur friendship recently. There wasn't a dramatic fight r disagreement. He had 46 mved n t new friends. I felt an ache in my chest that 47 night. I started ddling (涂鸦) n my ntepad and then, suddenly, my hand started writing wrds. I'd written a pem abut him. There n the page was the truth abut hw much it hurt t 48 him.
    That tiny pem was a 49 that rted in my heart. I realized I culd pssibly becme a writer and frm that mment n, it was all I 50 t d. S I changed my field f study t English. I 51 my first shrt stries while I was still a student. I went n t write my first nvel, Girl in Translatin, which became an internatinal 52 and is taught in schls arund the wrld.
    That night, I learned that art isn't a 53 . It's at the cre f what makes us human. Althugh I'd believed that immigrants culdn't affrd t be 54 , I understd then that we had always been the ultimate artists, 55 urselves again and again as we try t adapt t a new landscape.
    41.A. inncentB. frtunateC. dependentD. vluntary
    42.A. surgenB. lawyerC. artistD. engineer
    43.A. expectB. regretC. agreeD. refuse
    44.A. btheredB. inspiredC. interestedD. satisfied
    45.A. adapted tB. shwn ffC. brken ffD. referred t
    46.A. unwillinglyB. cautiuslyC. helplesslyD. simply
    47.A. fancyB. peacefulC. happyD. lnely
    48.A. marryB. upsetC. lseD. desert
    49.A. rmanceB. seedC. secretD. shadw
    50.A. hesitatedB. reslvedC. declinedD. pretended
    51.A. bughtB. brrwedC. pricedD. published
    52.A. gapB. effrtC. challengeD. bestseller
    53.A. necessityB. luxuryC. gameD. reality
    54.A. practicalB. reliableC. energeticD. creative
    55.A. rescuingB. recreatingC. recveringD. relaxing
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    It is believed that Chinese kntting, als knwn as zhnggujie, riginated fr recrding infrmatin and exchanging messages 56 writing was invented. Over the past thusands f years, knts 57 (play)an imprtant part in the life f Chinese. 58 (initial), Chinese knts acted as gd-luck charms t drive away evil spirits. Tday, Chinese knts are widely used t decrate hmes during festivities.
    A majr characteristic f Chinese knts is that they are ften tied frm a single cntinuus length f string. The knts are cmmnly named 59 the shape it takes. Chinese knts are created in a 60 (varius)f clrs such as gld, green, blue, r black, thugh the mst cmmnly used clr is red, 61 symblizes gd luck and prsperity.
    Crafting the Chinese knt is a three-step prcess 62 (invlve)tying knts, tightening them and adding the finishing tuches. The knts 63 (pull) tightly tgether and are strng enugh t be used fr binding r wrapping, making them very practical.
    Tday, mst f such knts are ften mass manufactured in factries. Skilled knt artists weave cmplex knts that yu might see 64 (sell)as suvenirs that yu can take back with yu. If yu have time, why nt try yur hand at it? Perhaps these age-ld charms can add 65 tuch f gd luck t yur daily life?
    假如你是李华。你的英国朋友 Ryan来信了解你校英语校本课程(the English language schl-based curriculum)开设情况。请你用英语写一封回信。内容包括:
    1. 课程简介;
    2. 开设情况;
    3. 学生反响。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
    Li Hua
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    My Best Examinatin
    One day, while at wrk in a cal-mine in Malden, I happened t verhear tw miners talking abut a great schl fr pr peple in Virginia. It was Hamptn Institute. The schl was established t prvide pprtunities fr pr but wrthy students wh culd wrk ut all r a part f the cst f bard, and at the same time be taught sme trade r industry.
    I was n fire cnstantly with ne ambitin, and that was t g t schl. I decided at nce t g t that schl. Finally the great day came and I started fr Hamptn. I had nly a small, cheap bag that cntained what few articles f clthing I culd get. The distance frm Malden t Hamptn is abut five hundred miles. I had nt been away frm hme many hurs befre it began t grw painfully evident that I did nt have enugh mney t pay my fare (路费) t Hamptn.
    By walking and begging rides in sme way, I finally reached the grunds f the Hamptn Institute after a number f days, tired and dirty. As sn as pssible after reaching, I presented myself befre the head teacher fr assignment t a class. Having been s lng withut prper fd, a bath, and change f clthing, I was like a wrthless lafer (游荡者).
    I did nt, f curse, make a very favurable impressin upn her, and I culd see at nce that there were dubts in her mind abut the wisdm f admitting me as a student. I tried t impress her in all the ways I culd with my wrthiness. Hw I wished that I culd get a chance t shw what was in me.
    After sme time, the head teacher said t me, “The adjining (隔壁的) classrm needs sweeping. Take the brm and sweep it. "
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I ccurred t me at nce that here was my chance.
    The head teacher went int the rm and inspected the flr and clsets.
    Ayung River Rafting Packages
    Ayung River Rafting Own Transprt
    IDR 350/Persn
    Ayung River Rafting Grup f 2, including Return Htel Transfer
    IDR 550/Persn
    Ayung River Rafting Grup f 3-4, including Return Htel Transfer
    IDR 485/Persn
    Ayung River Rafting Grup f 5+, including Return Htel Transfer
    IDR 430/Persn
    21-23 ACB24-27 DBDB28-31 CCAB32-35 BACB
    A篇文章主要介绍了Ayung River Rafting,专业导游引领,体验雨林奇观,尽享冒险乐趣,价格实惠。
    第21题 A 根据文章第一段,会有经验丰富的导游带领游玩,并且这个冒险展现了美丽的自然风光和漂流的刺激,所以选A。
    第22题 C 根据表格,4人团总费用为485✖️4?1940,选C。
    第23题 B 根据下文的注意事项,建议游客在走路时要穿结实的鞋子,所以选B。
    第24题 D 根据文章第一段和第三段,第一段有there is quite extrardinary in terms f cst. It's a real prblem that needs t be fixed. (即成本太高,需要降低成本)和第三段的安德森想要使用土著地区的可再生能源发电,使得当地居民不再会有高额的电费账单,减少经济压力,所以选D。
    第25题 B 作者使用一个案例,某公司使用太阳能系统发电代替传统柴油发电,使得当地土著居民纷纷回村,人口增长,说明可再生能源项目确实可行。
    第26题 D 第五段主要讲述FREA组织会更进一步,在之前澳大利亚建立可再生能源的项目之上,与当地领导人合作,指导公司与土著社区开展可再生能源项目,方法上比较有创意,能够概括出答案是D。
    第27题 B 根据文章最后一段,FREA组织下一步将是确定一个能够作为可再生能源发展的土著社区,推断出答案是B,选择一个试点社区。
    第28题 C 根据下文可以推断出答案,流行的理论和目前研究人员发现的内容相反,可以推断出关于为什么昆虫夜里会聚集在灯周围这一科学现象一直没有得到准确地定义和解释,直到最近科学家们探清楚其中的原由。所以可以推断出此处滑县的词组的意思应该为准确定义或者准确地解释,选C。
    第29题 C 根据文章的第二段,在很久以前,昆虫会向最亮的地方倾斜飞翔,也就是朝着天空向上飞,出现人工照明后,昆虫会发现自己背对着灯,就会无休止的打转。
    第30题 A 根据文章倒数第一二段,夜间的人造光是导致全球昆虫大幅度下降的原因之一,这启示我们能够保护昆虫的其中一种方式是减少夜间灯光,所以选A。
    第31题 B 这篇文章属于科学研究类,最新的科研成果是文章中心,本文的最新科研成果是昆虫夜晚趋光并非被吸引,而是被近处光源困住,人工照明方向影响昆虫行为。所以选B:为什么人造光和进化会诱捕昆虫。
    D篇文章主要讲述了作者从异种器官移植报道中获得灵感,创作小说《Pig Heart By》的故事。
    第32题 B 根据文章第二段作者在报纸上读到了医生的文章,引起了他的思考,激发了他的灵感,因为是在报纸一篇文章读到的,所以可以排除ACD三个选项。a news item表示一则新闻。a newspaper article与a news item同意替换。
    第33题 A 根据文章第四段,有些人认为这个器官移植的题材不适合儿童,是因为他们批评这种器官移植的残忍和不人道的方式。可以推断出这些人认为这些器官移植损害了其他动物的权利,所以选A。
    第34题 C 倒数第二段,作者主要反驳了那些不认为这本书适合儿童,作者认为,这些题材会引起孩子兴趣和引发孩子们思考。倒数第一段,作者认为一些虚构故事能增强孩子们掌握新概念能力,综上所述,最后两段说明了作者新书对孩子成长的益处,能够为作者写的这本书带来辩护。
    第35题 B 根据文章内容,这本书主要讲述了需要心脏移植的主人公使用了猪的心脏,并且改变了他的命运。这是一本虚构的小说,选B。
    36-40 CGFDE
    第36题 C 前一句提及,似乎关注自己这件事情对我们来说优先级一直很低,因为我们总认为别人应该在第一位。那么与之对应的就是我们认为关注自己的优先级是很低的,此处C选项符合题意。
    第37题 G 前一句提及,(关注自己)并不是要关注你的着装,发型或喜欢的冰淇淋口味。而G选项则提及“它代表的是理解你的内心世界与自己如何同世界相处”,符合转折关系,且前一句的“It's nt abut”和本句的"It's abut understanding"构成句法上的转折关系。
    第38题 F 本段在陈述写日记能够更好的探索你的内心世界,但是仅仅专注于写日记就好,不要去批判日记中自己的想法。此处的writing与jurnaling可以构成同义替换。
    第39题 D 上一段陈述了一种关注自己内心世界的方法,而本段则是在陈述另外一种方法,因此此处的“Anther way is t”符合并列的条件,且本句的意思也与后面的“关注自己在人际交往中如何反应”相符合。
    第40题 E 前一句陈述,要划定一个健康的人际关系界限,后一句则提及,和别人划清界限意味着你能够很好的控制自己的行为并且也希望别人能够控制好自己的行为,这种行为能够既关注自己也关注别人,所以E选项符合题意。
    41-45 BCAAC
    46-50 DDCBB
    51-55 DDBDB
    第41题 B 作者是一位成长在贫困中的第一代华裔移民,还能够被哈佛大学录取,显然她是幸运的。inncent无罪的、无知的;frtunate幸运的;dependent独立的;vluntary自愿的、志愿的,故选B。
    第42题 C 根据空前,“I lved bks”,以及后文作者在经历朋友的离去后意识到自己对文学艺术的兴趣,可知这里说作者从没想过成为一名艺术家。surgen外科医生,lawyer律师,artist艺术家,engineer工程师,故选C。
    第43题 A 顺承前一句,作者从未想过成为一名艺术家,他也从未有过这种不切实际的梦(指成为作家)。expect期待、期望;regret后悔;agree同意;refuse拒绝,故选A。
    第44题 A 结合下文可知,作者和一位朋友分手了,这件事一直困扰着他。bther困扰,inspire激发、鼓舞,interest使…感兴趣,satisfy使…满意,故选A。
    第45题 C 空后一句,我们没有什么剧烈的争斗和争吵,可知我们闹矛盾了,所以我们的友谊结束了。adapt t适应、改编;shw ff炫耀;break ff折断、停止;refer t涉及、指代、参考,故选C。
    第46题 D 顺承一句,我们没有什么剧烈的争斗和争吵,他只是有了新伙伴而已。unwillingly不情愿地,cautiusly小心谨慎地,helplessly无助地,simply仅仅、只是,故选D。
    第47题 D 根据上文,我和朋友分手后是孤独的。fancy奇特的、想象的;peaceful和平的;happy开心的;lnely孤独的,故选D。
    第48题 C 根据上文,我和朋友分手相当于我失去了这个朋友。marry结婚,upset使…心烦,lse失去,desert遗弃,故选C。
    第49题 B 本句承上启下,上文说作者写了一首小诗,下文说自己出版了一款全球畅销书,所以这首诗在作者心中埋下了一颗种子。rmance浪漫史,seed种子,secret秘密,shadw阴影,故选B。
    第50题 B 上文说我意识到我可能能成为一名作家,下文说我转专业学英语去了,所以这里表明了作者想成为一名作家的决心,reslve t d表示下定决心做某事,hesitate犹豫,decline拒绝(不及物动词),pretend假装,故选B。
    第51题 D 结合下文,我继续写我的第一部小说,所以这里应该是作者出版了第一本短篇故事。buy购买;brrw借;price定价;publish出版,故选D。
    第52题 D 空后半句,这本书在世界各地的学习里面被教授,所以应该是畅销书。gap隔阂、间隙;effrt努力;challenge挑战;bestseller畅销书,故选D。
    第53题 B 结合下一句,艺术是我们成为人类的核心,所以它不是奢侈品。necessity必需品,luxury奢侈品,game游戏,reality现实,故选B。
    第54题 D 本句前后构成转折,下文说我们一直是终极艺术家,所以前面应该在说我们没有成为艺术家的能力,practical实际的、实用的;reliable可靠的;energetic充满活力的;creative有创造性的,这里“成为艺术家的能力”指的应该是创造力,故选D。
    第55题 B 此空与下文“适应新的风景”相呼应;同时纵观全文,作者在经历了和朋友分手后意识到自己对文学的兴趣,改变了自己去当作家,适应了新的环境;所以这里作者想表达的意思是,在努力适应新的风景时,我们一次又一次地重塑自己。rescue营救,recreate重现、重建,recver恢复、康复,relax放松。
    56. befre
    57. have played
    58. Initially
    59. after
    60. variety
    61. which
    62. invlving
    63. are pulled
    64. sld(本人觉得being sld也可以)
    65. a
    第64题 sld,本题考查非谓语动词,句意为:“经验丰富的绳结艺术家能够编织出复杂的,可以当作纪念品销售带走的绳结”,此处绳结和sell这个动作为被动关系,考察see sth dne 这个结构,因此需要使用sld。其实本人觉得see sth being dne, 即see the cmplex knts being sld也可以。即此处being dne应该也可以算正确答案。
    Dear Ryan,
    I hpe this letter finds yu well. Thank yu fr yur interest in ur schl’s English language schl-based curriculum, which encmpasses a wide spectrum f curses, ranging frm grammar, vcabulary, reading, writing t speaking, all tailred t students’ diversified needs and tastes.
    As fr the availability, the English curses are ffered t students at all grade levels, with dedicated English teachers delivering engaging and interactive lessns, each drawing n ur schl’s enriched resurces such as the multimedia classrm, drama rm r even the auditrium. The curriculum is designed t cater t students f varying prficiency levels, ensuring that every student relishes an immersive and nurishing experience frm each class.
    The curriculum are warmly embraced by students, wh appreciate its emphasis n practical language skills and real-wrld applicatins. The interactive activities and grup prjects have als been well-received, fstering a cllabrative learning envirnment.
    I hpe yu can glean valuable insights frm this brief verview f ur English language schl-based curriculum. Please let me knw if yu have any mre questins.
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    Dear Ryan,
    Glad t hear frm yu. Learning that yu're cncerned abut the English language schl-based curriculum in ur schl, I'd like t give yu a brief intrductin.
    Our curriculum is mdule-based with age-apprpriate themes and tpics that match with pupils’ develpment stages. Varius reading bklets have been develped ver the years, frm elective mdules in the senir frms t enhancement curses. They are available every Friday afternn with an active invlvement f the students.
    The students nw pay mre attentin t cmmunicating and cultural skills in the language rather than fcus n test-riented learning.
    Li Hua
    It ccurred t me at nce that here was my chance. With dgged determinatin t prve my wrthiness and value, I, shrugging ff all my weariness and exhaustin, seized the brm, alng with a clth, and embarked n a thrugh cleaning f the adjining classrm. Exerting all my effrt int the task, I made sure every nk and crk f the rm, as well as its clsets, was meticulusly swept, wiped and shining with light. The lnger I wrked, the tidier the previusly messy classrm lked and the strnger sense f pride and purpse bubbled up inside me, reminding me that despite my laf-like appearance, I was abslutely wrthy f the prestigius educatin that Hamptn Institute ffered.
    The head teacher went int the rm and inspected the flr and clsets. I watched anxiusly as she examined my wrk, praying inward that my effrts wuld ultimately be acknwledged despite her previus dubt f my qualificatin. T my relief, she ndded in apprval, a hint f surprise registering in her eyes. It was a small task, but I had accmplished it with dedicatin, cnscientiusness and diligence. With a newfund sense f cnfidence, I std befre her, ready t embrace whatever challenges and pprtunities that lay ahead. This was just the beginning f my jurney at Hamptn Institute, yet it pened a new chapter f my life. Mre imprtantly, I was reslved t take full advantage f the enriched life this renwned schl rendered.
    It ccurred t me at nce that here was my chance. Never did l receive an rder with mre delight. I knew I culd sweep, fr my parents thrughly taught me hw t d that when I was yung. I swept the rm three times. Then l gt a dusting-clth and l dusted it fur times. All the wdwrk arund the walls, every bench, table and desk, l went ver fur times with my dusting-clth, I had the feeling that in a large measure my future depended upn the impressin I made upn the teacher in the cleaning f that rm. When I was thrugh, l reprted t her.
    The head teacher went int the rm and inspected the flr and clsets. Then she tk her handkerchief and rubbed it n the wdwrk abut the walls, and ver the table and benches. When she was unable t find ne bit f dirt n the flr, r a particle f dust n any f the furniture, she quietly remarked, “I guess yu will d t enter this institutin." I was ne f the happiest suls n earth. The sweeping f that rm was my cllege examinatin! I have passed several examinatins since then, but I have always felt that this was the best ne I had ever passed.
    6-10 CBBCB
    11-15 CACCB
    16-20 CAABA
    21-25 ACBDB
    26-30 DBCCA
    31-35 BBACB
    36-40 CGFDE
    41-45 BCAAC
    46-50 DDCBB
    51-55 DDBDB
    57. have played
    58. Initially
    63. are pulled
    65. a
    Dear Ryan.
    Glad t hear frm yu. Learning that yu're cncerned abut the English language schl-based curriculum in ur schl, I'd like t give yu a brief intrductin.
    Our curriculum is mdule-based with age-apprpriate themes and tpics that match with pupils' develpment stages. Varius reading bklets have been develped ver the years, frm elective mdules in the senir frms t enhancement curses. They are available every Friday afternn with an active invlvement f the students.
    The students nw pay mre attentin t cmmunicating and cultural skills in the language rather than fcus n test-riented learning.
    Li Hua
    It ccurred t me at nce that here was my chance. Never did I receive an rder with mre delight. I knew I culd sweep, fr my parents thrughly taught me hw t d that when I was yung. I swept the rm three times. Then I gt a dusting-clth and I dusted it fur times. All the wdwrk arund the walls, every bench, table, and desk, I went ver fur times with my dusting-clth. I had the feeling that in a large measure my future depended upn the impressin I made upn the teacher in the cleaning f that rm. When I was thrugh, I reprted t her.
    The head teacher went int the rm and inspected the flr and clsets. Then she tk her handkerchief and rubbed it n the wdwrk abut the walls, and ver the table and benches. When she was unable t find ne bit f dirt n the flr, r a particle f dust n any f the furniture, she quietly remarked, "I guess yu will d t enter this institutin." I was ne f the happiest suls n earth. The sweeping f that rm was my cllege examinatin! I have passed several examinatins since then, but I have always felt that this was the best ne I ever passed.

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