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      四川省遂宁市射洪中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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      四川省遂宁市射洪中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份四川省遂宁市射洪中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含四川省遂宁市射洪中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题Word版含解析docx、四川省遂宁市射洪中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1.What are the speakers prbably talking abut?
    A.The bike price. B.A bike race. C.The man’s bike.
    2.Why has the wman mved the by’s seat?
    A.He talks t much.
    B.He has truble in listening.
    C.She wants t see him better.
    3.When did the man get his niece’s call?
    A.At 6:05. B.At 6:00. C.At 5:45.
    4.What des the man think is mst needed t succeed?
    A.Effrt. B.Luck. C.Talent.
    5.Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A.At hme. B.In a shp. C.In a restaurant.
    第二节 (共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6.What is the man ging t d this summer?
    A.Wrk at a htel. B.Repair his huse. C.Teach a curse.
    7.Hw will the man use the mney?
    A.T hire a gardener. B.T buy sme flwers. C.T buy bks.
    8.What is the wman recmmending t the man?
    A.A bk. B.A club. C.A curse.
    9.What is the wman reading nw?
    A.The Beautiful Mind.
    B.The Kite Runner.
    C.The Great Gatsby.
    10.Hw much time des the man have t read the bk?
    AAbut tw weeks. B.Abut three weeks. C.Abut ne mnth.
    11.Hw did the man learn abut the apartment?
    A.In the newspaper. B.Frm his friend. C.Thrugh the Internet.
    12.What is cvered in the rent?
    A.Gas. B.Electricity. C.Water.
    13When can the man mve in?
    A.On Thursday. B.On Friday. C.On Saturday.
    14.Why did the wman fail t catch the bus?
    A.She was late.
    B.The bus left earlier than usual.
    C.She wanted t walk hme.
    15.What is the man wrried abut?
    A.The wman’s safety.
    B.The public transprtatin.
    C.The dangerus neighbrhd.
    16.What des the wman decide t d in the end?
    A.Buy a car.
    B.Call the newspaper.
    C.Cmplain t the lcal gvernment.
    17.What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A.Cling fans. B.Air cnditining. C.Rm design.
    18.Which cuntry might have invented the first cling device?
    A.Egypt. B.Rme. C.China.
    19.Which cling methd has the lngest histry?
    A.Wet plants. B.Cld water. C.Hand fans.
    20.Where is the passage mst prbably taken frm?
    A.A radi prgramme. B.A culture magazine. C.A histry bk.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    There are s many amazing cultures arund the wrld, each having their wn unique set f traditins. In this pst, we will explre fur interesting cultural traditins arund the wrld.
    Giving cinnamn (肉桂) in Denmark
    In the western part f Denmark, if a persn is nt yet married by the time they reach their 25th birthday, they will be restrained by their friends and have cinnamn thrwn n them in the New Year’s Eve. The unique traditin can be translated t “giving cinnamn”.
    The Festival f Light in Thailand
    The Festival f Light, als called “Ly Krathng”, is n the evening f the full mn n the 12th mnth f the Thai lunar calendar. The maker f the krathng attaches a candle t the handcrafted flwer arrangement, which will be flating dwn riverways t pray fr financial luck and happiness in the cming year.
    Wife-carrying Cmpetitin in Finland
    Mre f a cmpetitive sprt than it is a traditin a Wife-carrying Cmpetitin in Finland. Athletes participate in a race where a male cmpetitr carries a female cmpetitr thrugh an bstacle curse. The winners are the fastest team, which will be awarded an interesting bnus — the wife’s weight in beer.
    Baking mney int fd in Blivia
    While many peple anticipate watching firewrks and tasting delicius dishes n the New Year’s Eve, Blivians bake mney int sugary dessert such as cakes. The lucky persn receiving the mnetary surprise can lk frward t enjying a prsperus year.
    D yu want t knw mre? Check ut the fllwing pst abut traditins frm arund the wrld.
    1. Wh will be thrwn cinnamn n in Denmark?
    A. A 24-year-ld fiancée.B. A single persn ver 25.
    C. A father n his 25th birthday.D. A 26-year-ld divrced friend.
    2. What des the traditins in Thailand and in Blivia have in cmmn?
    A. Bth are celebrated in the New Years’ Eve.B. Bth are cncerned with the mn gddess.
    C. Bth invlve firewrks and delicius dishes.D. Bth are related t peple’s wish fr wealth.
    3. Where will yu prbably find this text?
    A. B.
    C. D.
    When I was a girl f eight, living in a twn, I used t wrk fr Mrs. White, an elderly lady. She paid me very little fr my wrk, because she didn’t have much mney. She did, hwever, prmise t give me a Christmas present. The girls I played with had baseball glves, bicycles and ice skates, and I was s eager t acquire any ne f these. On Christmas mrning, Mrs. White gave me a little package which culd hardly hld anything. I was painfully disappinted but she tld me it was a kind f magic. My disappintment turned int curisity.
    With great excitement I pened the package, nly t find a pile f ten sheets f black paper inside, each labeled in clrful letters, Carbn Paper Regal Premium. I didn’t knw what it was. “Is it magic?” I asked. My Aunt Karen, wh was a schl teacher, answered, “It really is!” She tk tw pieces f white paper and placed between them ne f the black sheets frm the bx. Then, with a hard pencil, she wrte my name n the upper sheet. Remving it and the Carbn Paper Regal Premium, she handed me the secnd sheet, which her pencil had in n way tuched. There was my name!
    I was enthralled. I wrte and wrte, using up whle tablets until the last piece f black paper was used up. It was a game I didn’t want t end. I was very happy with my special gift. I can hnestly say that, in that ne mment, I understd as much abut printing, cpying wrds and the mystery f spreading ideas as I have learned in the remaining half-century f my life.
    I hpe that this year sme bys and girls will receive, frm thughtful adults wh really lve them, gifts that will shck them. It is such gifts and such experiences — usually csting little r nthing — that transfrm a life and lend it a mtivatin that may cntinue fr decades.
    4. Why did Mrs. White prmise t give the girl a Christmas present?
    A. She wanted t meet the child’s wish.B. She rewarded the girl fr her gd wrk.
    C. She gave gifts t every child in the twn.D. She wanted t make up fr the lw salary.
    5. What d we knw abut Carbn Paper Regal Premium?
    A. It is used in schl teaching.B. It is made by special magicians.
    C. It usually cnsists f clrful paper.D. It can cpy smething written n paper.
    6. What des the underlined sentence “I was enthralled.” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A. I was addicted t Carbn Paper Regal Premium.
    B. I was curius abut Carbn Paper Regal Premium.
    C. I was cnfused abut Carbn Paper Regal Premium.
    D. I was shcked there was a name n the secnd sheet.
    7. What message des the authr seem t cnvey in the text?
    A. Children shuld wrk fr thers t get a gift.B. A gift with lng-term effects is a better chice.
    C. Children need t receive a gift that they want.D. Carbn Paper Regal Premium is a perfect gift.
    If yur bss yells, blames yu, and then takes the credit fr yur wrk—even it is a rare incident—it can have a bad effect n yur well-being and perfrmance at the wrkplace.
    “Thankfully, abusive leadership isn’t t cmmn, but when it happens it leaves emplyees far less likely t take the initiative and wrk t imprve business practices,” said Hwie Xu, an authr f a new study carried ut by an internatinal grup f researchers. “We wanted t understand the cgmitive factrs behind that effect—and find ut hw cmpanies can prtect their emplyees frm the negative impact f bad bsses.”
    Xu’s team surveyed emplyees and supervisrs frm 42 different Suth Krean cmpanies, alng with hundreds f US students, t explre the ways in which abusive supervisin impacts“taking charge”behavir by emplyees. Subjects were then ranked accrding t whether they actively seek psitive pprtunities fr prmtin and advancement r take a mre preventative apprach that priritizes safety and jb security.
    “We therized that bth the drive t btain rewards (prmtin, bnuses) and the drive t avid punishments (maintain jb security) wuld shape the way emplyees respnd t abusive bsses,” Xu explained. But that’ s nt what Xu and his team fund. Rather, they fund that emplyees wh priritized career advancement were strngly affected by abusive leadership while emplyees wh priritized jb security remained just as likely t take charge after experiencing abusive leadership.
    One pssible explanatin, Xu said, is that ambitius emplyees may think an abusive bss has direct cntrl ver whether they will receive bnuses r pprtunities fr prmtin. By cntrast, bad bsses may be seen as having less direct cntrl ver fring decisins, which ften require ratificatin (批准) by HR teams r mre senir managers.
    That’s an imprtant finding, because it suggests that rganizatins seeking t lessen the impact f bad leadership shuld fcus n giving pwer t emplyees and making them feel valued and appreciated, rather than simply aplgizing and making them feel sure that their jbs are safe.
    8. What d Hwi Xu’s wrds in paragraph 2 suggest?
    A. It’s urgent fr cmpanies t replace their bad bsses.
    B. Cmpanies shuld perfect their staff evaluatin system.
    C. Becming a victim f abusive leadership is very nrmal.
    D. Abusive leadership lwers emplyees’ wrk enthusiasm.
    9. What cnclusin can be drawn frm paragraph 4?
    A. The finding had a slid thery fundatin.
    B. The finding was beynd the study team’s expectatins.
    C. Emplyees tend t put ptential rewards befre everything else.
    D. Emplyees generally hld an unfriendly attitude tward abusive bsses.
    10. What shuld rganizatins primarily d if the emplyees were abused?
    A. Give them suitable recgnitin.B. Guarantee them jb security.
    C. Seek help frm prfessinals.D. Make a sincere aplgy t them.
    11. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. It’s Pssible t Keep a Bad Bss at Bay
    B. It’ s Imprtant t Avid Becming a Bad Bss
    C. Having a Bad Bss May Make Yu a Wrse Emplyee
    D. Having Bad HR Teams Keeps Yu Away frm Jb Satisfactin
    Reducing fd waste is easy — just ask the students at a schl in Wd bridge, America, wh have becme experts at srting their lunchtime trash (垃圾). Since the fall f 2019, they have actively participated in a successful fd-waste diversin prgram that nt nly saves mney but als cntributes t reducing the amunt f trash that heads t landfills.
    Actually, this prgram plays a crucial rle in facing up t the challenges f climate change. By reducing fd waste,the schl minimizes the amunt f trash sent t landfills, thereby reducing harmful methane emissins (沼气排放). The schl’s prgram is making a significant impact. Each mnth, it mves ver 1,300 punds f fd waste, resulting in an estimated reductin f 772 punds in CO, emissins and the prductin f 180 kilwatt-hurs f energy, accrding t Blue Earth Cmpst in America.
    At schl, when students are dne eating lunch, they head t an appinted sectin — a rw f desks, garbage cans and cntainers — where they srt their trash. Leftver liquids, such as juice r milk,are emptied int a big basin n the flr. The juice cntainers and plastic water bttles are placed int anther cntainer t recycle. Additinally, prepackaged, unpened snacks such as bags f carrts as well as prduce such as apples and bananas are “rescued” and placed int a big basket with a handwritten “Dnatins” sign taped t it t send t the twn’s senir center.
    The benefits extend beynd envirnmental awareness. The prgram reduces trash-carrying csts as less weight ges int the trash bins,making it easier fr cleaners t manage. The students als find this planet-friendly practice enjyable and meaningful, cnsidering it a small game that cntributes t a bigger cause. This initiative prves that cllective effrts, even n a smaller scale, can lead t significant changes, nt nly in waste reductin but als in educating a generatin cmmitted t preserving ur planet.
    12. What des the fd-waste reductin prgram fcus n at the schl in Wd bridge?
    A. Saving schl fd.
    B. Dnating unpened snacks.
    C. Fertilizing the schl’s garden.
    D. Minimizing harmful gases emissins.
    13. What is the impact f reducing methane emissins accrding t the text?
    A. It leads t fd cst reducing.
    B. It helps with energy prductin.
    C. It imprves waste management.
    D. It addresses climate change effectively.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “rescued” mean in paragraph 3?
    A. Saved.B. Frzen.C. Abandned.D. Repurpsed
    15. What message des the text cnvey abut the prgram?
    A. It is cstly but highly effective.
    B. It is easy t perfrm and cst-saving.
    C. It is expensive and difficult t apply.
    D. It is nly accessible in large cmpanies.
    The Imprtance f Being Independent
    The ability t be independent is smething nt everyne pssesses. ___16___ And learning t supprt yurself is fundamental fr any success yu ever hpe t achieve. At the end f the day, yu nly have yurself t fall back n, s it’s very imprtant t be able t handle things n yur wn.
    Peple rely n thers far mre than it is necessary. Peple put their happiness in the hands f a significant persn, thinking this will bring them satisfactin.___17___
    Shuld yu always be dependent n smene else? Of curse nt. ___18___ Therefre, yu need t learn hw t make decisins n yur wn. Peple are unable t be independent fr a variety f reasns, with fear being the biggest: the fear f being alne, the fear f rejectin and the fear f the future.
    Hwever there is n reasn t base yur life decisins n relatinships with peple. All relatinships end at sme pint r anther. ___19___ The nly thing yu can d is alter yur understanding f relatinships. Instead f expecting them t make yu happy by being in yur life and prviding enjyment, appreciate the time spent and enjyment since yu knw it will be gne.
    ___20___ Dn’ t ask fr advice , d what yu want and learn frm yur wn mistakes. Many peple are afraid t think fr themselves because that invlves taking respnsibility fr their wn lives. This is just ne way peple becme dependent. We are brn alne and we die alne, s we each have t take respnsibility fr ur lives at every step alng the way.
    A. There is nthing yu can d t change r affect that.
    B. This is a serius errr t many peple make these days.
    C. Make decisins by and fr yurself, whatever they may be.
    D. Yu can cntrl yur wn life by making yur wn chices.
    E. Hwever, yu need t be independent in rder t survive in the wrld.
    F. In any mment f decisin, the best thing yu can d is wait fr the right time.
    G. Nt nly are yu limiting yurself, yu are als likely t becme a burden t this persn.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    I was ten when my mther was diagnsed with cancer. Prir t that, she had been a(n) ___21___ wman, active t an extent mst peple fund astnishing. As a child, I was amazed by her accmplishments. But at thirty-ne, her life ___22___. And s did mine.
    She culd d anything, I ___23___. She wn tennis turnaments. She tk phtgraphs and held her wn exhibitin. She ___24___ as a newspaper clumnist, and she cked Spanish dishes fr the family.
    Nw, she faced her illness with the same ___25___. Wrds like “disabled” and “physical therapy” became part f a(n) ___26___ new wrld we entered tgether. ___27___, I began t help take care f her. And it became rutine t ___28___ her int the kitchen, where she instructed me in the ___29___ f peeling carrts and ptates and hw t prepare a decent breakfast.
    Every accmplishment was a ____30____ fr us bth: the electric typewriter, the car with pwer steering and brakes, her return t ____31____, where she earned a master’s degree in special educatin. She eventually funded an activist supprt grup called The Handicappers. One day, withut ____32____ much befrehand, she tk me t a Handicappers meeting. I had never seen s many peple with s many ____33____. I returned hme, thinking hw ____34____ we really were.
    Because my mther accepted her cnditin with such ptimism, I rarely felt sad r resentful abut it. Instead, I viewed her drive t lk frward t things I ____35____ as a great mystery and pwerful inspiratin in my life.
    A. gentleB. energeticC. talentedD. decent
    A. changedB. failedC. imprvedD. paused
    A. imaginedB. admittedC. dubtedD. believed
    A. appliedB. spkeC. wrteD. studied
    A. successB. sincerityC. enthusiasmD. wisdm
    A. familiarB. strangeC. excitingD. changeable
    A. GraduallyB. ParticularlyC. AlternativelyD. Finally
    A. dragB. pullC. guideD. wheel
    A. artB. significanceC. safetyD. plan
    A. slutinB. milestneC. dreamD. warning
    A. hspitalB. curtC. wrkD. cllege
    A. sayingB. hidingC. pretendingD. shwing
    A. giftsB. disabilitiesC. weaknessesD. privileges
    A. strngB. hpelessC. helpfulD. frtunate
    A. tk int accuntB. bre in mindC. tk fr grantedD. kept in check
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    Chinese astrnauts in Tiangng space statin pened a science lecture n December 9th, 2021 as they traveled arund ___36___ Earth.
    There ___37___ (be)a lecture and sme interesting activities n that exciting day. First, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu, all members f the Shenzhu XIII missin crew, greeted students, teachers and ther participants as the lecture began at 3:40 pm. They then shwed viewers the place ___38___ they live and wrk. The astrnauts carried ut experiments ___39___ (shw)interesting physical phenmena(现象)in space, ___40___ (include) "disappearing buyancy(浮力)" and a "water ball". At last, befre the end f the livestreamed activities, they ___41___ (happy)answered questins frm students. ___42___ (millin)f primary and middle schl students acrss China watched the 60-minute televised event, which was the first lecture f the Tiangng Class, China' s first extraterrestrial(地球大气圈外的)lecture series t make students interested ___43___ space science.
    The manned space agency said that mre lectures wuld ___44___ (hld)based n the cuntry's manned spaceflights and wuld als be presented by sme ____45____ (prfessin)Chinese astrnauts. Such activities are intended t spread knwledge abut manned spaceflights fr science amng yung peple.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你校最近举办了篮球比赛。请你为校报写一篇英文报道。内容包括:
    The Schl Basketball Match
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Last Christmas was a very difficult time fr me. My family and all f my clse friends were back hme in Flrida, and I was all alne in a rather cld Califrnia.
    I was wrking a duble shift at the Suthwest Airlines ticket cunter, it was abut 9:00 P.M. n Christmas Eve, and I was feeling really miserable inside.
    When it was time fr me t call the next persn t the cunter, I lked ut t see the sweetest-lking ld man standing with a cane. He walked very slwly ver t the cunter and in the faintest vice tld me that he had t g t New Orleans. When I tried t explain t him that there were n mre flights that night and that he wuld have t g in the mrning, he lked very wrried.
    After much time, I was able t at least find ut that this ld man was drpped ff at the curb (路缘) n Christmas Eve by his sister-in-law and tld t g t New Orleans, where he had family. When I asked if he culd cme back tmrrw, he said that he wuld wait at the airprt until tmrrw.
    Naturally, I felt a little ashamed. Here I was feeling very srry fr myself abut being alne n Christmas, when this ld man named Clarence MacDnald was sent t me t remind me f what being alne really meant. It brke my heart.
    Immediately, I tld him we wuld get it all straightened ut, and ur Custmer Service agent helped t bk him a seat fr the earliest flight the next mrning. We gave him the senir citizens’ fare,which gave him sme extra mney fr traveling. Abut this time, he started t lk very tired, and when I stepped arund the cunter t ask him if he was all right, I saw that his leg was wrapped in a bandage (绷带). He had been standing n it that whle time, hlding a plastic bag full f clthes.
    I nticed bld n his bandage and immediately called fr a wheelchair.
    I went t ask my manager if we culd find a place fr him t stay.

    四川省遂宁市射洪中学2023-2024学年高三下学期开学英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份四川省遂宁市射洪中学2023-2024学年高三下学期开学英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含四川省射洪中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期开学英语试题Word版含解析docx、四川省射洪中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期开学英语试题Word版无答案docx、1mp3、10mp3、2mp3、3mp3、4mp3、5mp3、6mp3、7mp3、8mp3、9mp3等12份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    四川省遂宁市射洪中学2023-2024学年高一上学期第三次月考英语试题(强基班)(Word版附解析): 这是一份四川省遂宁市射洪中学2023-2024学年高一上学期第三次月考英语试题(强基班)(Word版附解析),共22页。试卷主要包含了考试结束后,将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    四川省遂宁市射洪中学2023-2024学年高二上学期1月月考英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份四川省遂宁市射洪中学2023-2024学年高二上学期1月月考英语试题(Word版附解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了考试结束后,将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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