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    Island Getaways​​​​​​​ Beautiful beaches, rich cultures and untuched pckets f wilderness are just a few attractive characteristics f the best island vacatins. Each f the islands listed here has smething extra that keeps travelers charmed.
    West f Africa's mainland, small Principe ffers blue seas, yellw beaches, jungle peaks, whale watching with received plantatins t visit and lcals t meet. Pleasant ec-resrts help, t. Principe is amazingly safe and welcming t visitrs, particularly ecturists, fr whm the advancing jungle is a delight.
    The handsmest f the Isles f Scilly, 25 miles frm Land's End, Bryher accmpanies rse gardens with a windy wild castal path. Yu can fllw the castal path visiting the charming beaches including Rushy Bay which is a must with fine white sand and clear water. Yu can als take a hike up ne f the hills t enjy amazing views acrss Scilly and ut t a Bishp Rck Lighthuse witnessing the past glry.
    Butterfly-shaped Astypalea, an unspilt Greek island, which banned cigarettes in 2019, has pretty yellw beaches as well as churches in the main twn, Chra. Chra, the island's capital, is built n a hill with a breathtaking view f the Aegean Sea. On the tp f the hill verlking the village, sits Querini castle which used t prtect the island during the Middle Ages, but nw it is the main attractin f Astypalea.
    Cmmnly knwn as The Nature Island, Dminica sticks ut up frm the shiny waters f the Caribbean t serve as a fairy land fr travelers seeking thrills in a place that time has frgtten. The best-kept secrets f the Caribbean are lush rainfrests, twering muntains, rushing rivers and welcming waterfalls with vlcanic wnders adding unique beauty t Dminica.
    1.Which is a perfect destinatin fr thse wh are interested in ecturism?
    A. Bryher.B. Principe.C. Astypalea.D. Dminica.
    2.What d Bryher and Astypalea have in cmmn?
    A. They have histric buildings.
    B. They're famus fr rse gardens.
    C. They lk like a butterfly.
    D. They're surrunded by white beaches.
    3.What makes Dminica special?
    A. Twering muntains.B. Rushing rivers.
    C. Welcming waterfalls.D. Vlcanic wnders.
    In ne San Francisc neighbrhd, truble appeared fr the newspaper delivery man when his papers started ging missing. He started getting calls frm upset clients that their paper wasn't being delivered, but he knew full well he had delivered ne t their drstep. Shrtly after the calls began, he discvered smething cmpletely unexpected. He watched as the neighbrhd cyte (郊狼) played with a newspaper n a grassy hillside. He videed her thrwing the paper in the air, sliding dwn the hillside n it, and running arund with pages. It turns ut she was repeatedly stealing papers ff certain prches (门廊) shrtly after he delivered them, just t play!
    It's cmmn t hear abut residents running int cnflicts with urban cytes in America. Usually it's because f run-ins with pets, r cytes t clse arund peple in parks r yards. But this time the cnflict arises fr a mre surprising reasn.
    Rather than getting mad, the delivery man's slutin was t thrw ut a paper just fr her, launching it nt the grassy hillside she frequented (常出入于) befre she had a chance t bite ne frm a frnt prch. She had her mrning ty, and he stayed ut f truble with his clients.
    I met the delivery man by chance early ne mrning while watching the cyte, and I listened t his stry. T prve its truth and maintain the mrning ritual (惯例) the delivery man threw a paper ut n the grass. Sure enugh, the cyte came running dwn the hill t play with it.
    San Francisc's cytes are nly just nw being studied, and a small ppulatin living in the Presidi has been mnitred. Many ther cities als have new r nging studies f urban cytes. As the clever animals becme permanent residents f cities acrss the cntinent, learning mre abut them is a critical step in finding slutins t cexisting with them. Fr ne newspaper man, at least, that cexistence cmes at an affrdable price: an extra cpy f the daily newspaper.
    4.What happened t the delivery man?
    A. He gt fewer newspaper rders.
    B. He was attacked by an urban cyte.
    C. He gt cmplaints abut missing papers.
    D. He shwed great interest in urban cytes.
    5.What d we knw abut the cytes frm paragraph 2?
    A. They are easy t get clse t.
    B. They ften live far frm peple.
    C. They cause great harm t peple.
    D. They've been seen a lt arund the city.
    6.The authr describes the delivery man's behavir t stress ______.
    A. his lve fr his jb
    B. his care fr the cyte
    C. his truble brught by the cyte
    D. his success in slving the prblem
    7.Which f the fllwing might the authr agree with?
    A. We shuld learn t live tgether with animals.
    B. We shuld drive the animals ut f the city.
    C. We shuld train and cntrl animals.
    D. We shuld mnitr animals clsely.
    Thirty years ag,Switzerland-based artist Klaus Littmann came acrss a great drawing,titled The Unending Attractin f Nature.The drawing,by Austrian artist and architect Max Peintner,displays a scene in which nature is s detached (独立的) frm the envirnment that it becmes just a small piece,preserved fr amusement.Given that we are nw lsing 18.7 millin acres f frests each year,Peintner's drawing was prescient (有预见性的),t say the least.
    "When I first saw the pencil drawing,I was fascinated.I knew that ne day this wrk wuld be the starting pint fr a majr art prject in public space," says Littmann.
    Nw,decades later,Littmann has achieved the visin with the installatin (安装) f FOR FOREST:The Unending f Nature.The installatin sets a native central Eurpean frest in the middle f Wrthersee Ftball Stadium in Klagenfurt.With nearly 300 trees planted,sme weighing up t six tns each,it is Austria's largest public art installatin.
    In the face f climate crisis and defrestatin,FOR FOREST cmes with the mre pressing urgency.As explained in a statement abut the installatin: "In supprt f tday's mst pressing issues f climate change and defrestatin,FOR FOREST aims t challenge ur understanding f nature and questin its future.It seeks t becme a memrial,reminding us that nature,which we s ften take fr granted,may smeday nly be fund in special spaces,as is already the case with animals in zs."
    The actual creatin f the man-made frest was managed by landscape architect Enz Enea and his cmpany,Enea Landscape Architecture.It includes many kinds f trees.Having pened n September 8,it attracts surprised and happy creatures t the field.Regretfully,the installatin will clse sn.In a shrt vide abut the wrk,Littmann says his gal was never t make smething that wuld last frever;rather,he says, "My gal is fr this picture t remain in peple's heads fr a lifetime."
    8.Hw did Littmann get the inspiratin fr his later artistic creatin? ______
    A. Frm a vide.B. Thrugh scial media.
    C. Frm a drawing.D. Via the Internet.
    9.What is the significance f the installatin f FOR FOREST? ______
    A. It ffers new ways t tackle the climate crisis.
    B. It warns peple f envirnmental issues.
    C. It shws the uncertainty f the future.
    D. It will be Austria's largest artistic wrk.
    10.What can we learn abut the man-made frest frm the last paragraph? ______
    A. It wn't last fr a lng time.
    B. It was made and managed by Littmann.
    C. It didn't attract much interest.
    D. It includes sme special animals.
    11.What is the text mainly abut? ______
    A. A large painting is installed in a stadium.
    B. An artist seeks t create nature-themed wrks.
    C. A painting is used fr envirnmental purpses.
    D. An artist plants a living frest in a stadium.
    Wherever we g,we are surrunded by histry.Acrss the glbe,cultural heritage is passed dwn thrugh the generatins.It is in the buildings and structures arund us.It is in the arts and artifacts (手工艺品) we treasure.It lives in the languages we speak and the stries we tell.But tday,it is under attack as never befre.Nt nly are the damages f time threatening ur cultural heritage,but cnflicts,climate change,glbalizatin and turism are all exacting a heavy price.Technlgy is nw the mst essential weapn in the battle.Here's hw technlgy is preserving ur cultural heritage.
    As yu can imagine,creating the replicas (复制品) via crwd surced 2 D images is extremely time-cnsuming.Increasingly,artificial intelligence (AI) algrithms (算法) are being used t d all the required surcing,allwing millins f images t be stred in a matter f hurs.AI will als make restratin and preservatin f existing cultural heritage far easier and vastly superir t previus methds.
    Virtual reality (VR) technlgy will play a leading rle in preserving ur cultural heritage in the cming years.Many f the mst imprtant sites and architecture are extremely fragile.Human interactin with these lcatins is ding a great deal f harm.Wastes accumulate everywhere,causing enrmus prblems.As mre cultural heritage sites and bjects are digitally mapped and recrded,VR technlgy will increasingly becme the way that peple experience them.We'll all eventually be able t walk thrugh places,lk at (and tuch!) artifacts and wrks f art withut ever seeing them with ur wn eyes.
    Finally,ur cultural heritage will be preserved via technlgy.Effrts in research,innvatin,data sharing and prject wrk will help prmte and preserve the cultural heritage f cuntries all acrss the wrld.
    12.What des the underlined wrd "exacting" in paragraph 1 mean? ______
    A. Paying.B. Cutting.C. Receiving.D. Demanding.
    13.What is the advantage f AI in preserving cultural heritage? ______
    A. It generates 2 D images.B. It makes restratin easier.
    C. It makes preservatin safer.D. It creates replicas in secnds.
    14.Hw des VR help t preserve cultural heritage? ______
    A. By recycling huge amunts f waste.
    B. By reducing human impact n the site.
    C. By frbidding visitrs frm tuching artifacts.
    D. By educating peple abut the sites' imprtance.
    15.What is the authr's attitude twards technlgy applicatin in preserving the cultural heritage? ______
    A. Ignring.B. Cmprmising.C. Apprving.D. Disagreeing.
    Human beings are extremely diverse in many ways.Peple differ in pinins,races,natinalities,lifestyles and s n.Yet we are all human species,we feel pain and jy despite the differences.Tday,it is impssible fr any grup f peple t live withut interacting with thers utside their grup.(16)
    Diversity creates richness in pinin.Sme prblems can't be slved by a hmgeneus(同种类的)grup f peple. (17)A diverse grup will ffer fresh ideas t slve the prblems.Diverse grups have been fund t be creative and thus prducing better slutins t prblems.
    Diversity makes us cmpassinate abut thers.When we interact and try t understand thers,we wn't judge them.This instead makes us cmpassinate abut thers.(18) Cmpassin allws us t realize that all human beings are the same.
    Diversity is a grwing trend.Tday,there is n cuntry in the wrld that has nly natives living there.(19) In the prcess,peple f different cultural backgrunds ften find themselves ging t the same schls,wrking in the same ffice and s much mre.As citizens f this wrd,we are therefre left with n chice ther than embrace ur diversity.
    (20) Thrugh diversity,entrepreneurs(企业家)have been able t reach new markets.Tday,we have multinatinals setting up ffices in different parts f the wrld f which it wuld nt be pssible withut embracing diversity.This future creates emplyment pprtunities fr peple in thse parts f the wrld.
    A.They are in search f gd lifestyles.
    B.Diversity pens up new market chances.
    C.Diversity requires us t respect each ther.
    D.We are then able t lve and help ne anther.
    E.Cultural diversity,therefre,is very imprtant tday.
    F.The challenge requires peple frm different backgrunds t wrk tgether.
    G.Millins f peple are mving frm ne part f the wrld t anther every day.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    I was the nly new kid in the karate (空手道) class.Everyne else knew a lt f the mves and had yellw r range(21),standing fr their levels.
    I had a ttal beginner's white belt and felt extremely(22)the whle way thrugh the class.I tried my hardest t(23)alng,but everything was much (24) than I thught it wuld be. (25), as I was putting n my shes,I was thinking, "There is n way I am ever cming back t karate!" And that's when I (26) Elizabeth.
    "Yu did great!" I said. "I was s stupid!"
    "That's hw I(27)at first,t," she said. "If yu want,I can help yu(28)."
    I agreed and since then we've been amazing friends.
    Nt very lng ag,Elizabeth had t (29) .I felt very sad after I heard abut the terrible (30) .Elizabeth and I had t cme up with a(31).We were actually pretty(32) with ur slutin.Here's what we did.
    First,we asked my mm t take a(n)(33) f us tgether and help us print it ut regular size and tiny size.We put the regular phts in special frames (框架) that we(34)with "Friends Frever".Then,we (35) the tiny picture f us in half and put the half with the ther's face in ur wn lcket necklace (小盒式项链).
    S (36) Elizabeth lives miles away and I nly get t see her (37),ur Friends Frever picture frames and lcket necklaces really d (38)with the "missing-yu" part.
    Being(39)frm yur friend desn't have t be as bad as it seems right nw.Phts, (40),phne calls,e-mails,and great memries can really and truly make a friend seem clser than he r she is.
    21.A. clthsB. shesC. beltsD. trusers
    22.A. nervusB. calmC. excitedD. cmfrtable
    23.A. runB. keepC. arriveD. fllw
    24.A. harderB. smtherC. mreD. prettier
    25.A. HweverB. AfterwardC. StillD. Furthermre
    26.A. rememberedB. missedC. metD. called
    27.A. gainedB. disagreedC. feltD. requested
    28.A. fightB. practiceC. struggleD. win
    29.A. graduateB. escapeC. hideD. mve
    30.A. newsB. eventC. infrmatinD. ntice
    31.A. differenceB. chiceC. planD. prmise
    32.A. wrriedB. pleasedC. disappintedD. strict
    33.A. grupB. assciatinC. pictureD. drawing
    34.A. creditedB. begunC. cpiedD. decrated
    35.A. knckedB. fldedC. cutD. carved
    36.A. as ifB. even ifC. in caseD. nw that
    37.A. ccasinallyB. accidentlyC. finallyD. shrtly
    38.A. senseB. rewardC. helpD. appear
    39.A. separatedB. differedC. prtectedD. sent
    40.A. citiesB. filmsC. lettersD. newspapers
    41. Chengdu has dzens f new millinaires, Asia's biggest buildings, and fancy new htels. But fr turists like me, pandas are its tp (1) (attract).
    S it was a great hnur t be invited backstage at the nt-fr-prfit Panda Base, where ticket mney helps pay fr research. I (2) (allw) t get up clse t these cute animals at the 600-acre centre. Frm tmrrw, I will be their UK ambassadr. The title will be (3) (fficial) given t me at a ceremny in Lndn. But my cnnectin with pandas ges back (4) my days n a TV shw in the mid-1980s, (5) I was the first Western TV reprter (6) (permit) t film a special unit caring fr pandas rescued frm starvatin in the wild. My ambassadrial duties will include (7) (intrduce) British visitrs t the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu and thers at a research in the misty muntains f Bifengxia.
    On my recent visit, I held a lively three-mnth-ld twin that had been rejected by (8) (it) mther. The nursery team switches him every few (9) (day) with his sister s that while ne is being bttle-fed, (10) ther is with mum—she never suspects.
    42.文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处;每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。
    (2)只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。
    Rse wanted a jb.She went t many ffices and she didn't like any f them.One day she saw a bard in an ffice read: "This ffice needs a typist wh can type 200 wrds a minute." Rse was exciting.When Rse went t the manager's ffice,the man was writing anything.Rse kncked at the dr and the manager raised her head. "D yu need a typist?" asked Rse. "Yes!" he said.Rse clapped her hand.She culdn't help saying, "OK!Hw much will yu pay fr me every mnth?" The manager thught a while and said, "I will pay yu 77 dllars fr the first three mnths.Then I will pay yu 30 dllars every mnth." Rse smiled and answer, "Great!I will cme and wrk here three mnths late." The manager was speechless.
    43.假定你是校英语报记者李华,你校英语读书会近期举办了以"Read fr the Future"为主题的英语演讲比赛。请写一篇短文,报道此次活动。内容包括:
    1. 根据Principe部分的Pleasant ec-resrts help, t. Principe is amazingly safe and welcming t visitrs, particularly ecturists, fr whm the advancing jungle is a delight.(宜人的生态度假村也有帮助。普林西比非常安全,欢迎游客,尤其是生态游客,对他们来说,不断前进的丛林是一种乐趣。)可知,Principe是对生态旅游感兴趣的人的完美的目的地。故选B。
    2. 根据Bryher部分的Yu can als take a hike up ne f the hills t enjy amazing views acrss Scilly and ut t a Bishp Rck Lighthuse witnessing the past glry.(您还可以在其中一座山上徒步旅行,欣赏Scilly的美景,并前往主教岩灯塔,见证过去的辉煌。)和Astypalea的On the tp f the hill verlking the village, sits Querini castle which used t prtect the island during the Middle Ages, but nw it is the main attractin f Astypalea.(在俯瞰村庄的山顶上,坐落着 Querini城堡,中世纪时它曾用来保护岛屿,但现在它是Astypalea的主要景点。)可知,这两个地方的共同之处是他们都有历史建筑。故选A。
    3. 根据最后一段的The best-kept secrets f the Caribbean are lush rainfrests, twering muntains, rushing rivers and welcming waterfalls with vlcanic wnders adding unique beauty t Dminica.(加勒比海保存得最好的秘密是郁郁葱葱的热带雨林、高耸的山脉、奔腾的河流和令人欢迎的瀑布,火山奇观为 Dminica增添了独特的美丽。)可知,Dminica的独特之处是火山景观。故选D。
    1. 细节理解题。根据第一段中的In ne San Francisc neighbrhd, truble appeared fr the newspaper delivery man when his papers started ging missing. He started getting calls frm upset clients that their paper wasn't being delivered(在旧金山的一个社区,一名送报纸的人遇到了麻烦,因为他的报纸开始不见了。他开始接到生气的客户打来的电话,说他们的报纸没有送达)可知,这位送报员接到顾客的电话,投诉没有收到报纸。故选C项。
    2. 推理判断题。根据第二段中It's cmmn t hear abut residents running int cnflicts with urban cytes in America. Usually it's because f run-ins with pets, r cytes t clse arund peple in parks r yards.(在美国,居民与城市郊狼发生冲突是很常见的事。通常是因为与宠物发生冲突,或者郊狼在公园或院子里太靠近人。)可推知,郊狼在城里很常见,且与居民冲突。故选D项。
    3. 推理判断题。根据第三段Rather than getting mad, the delivery man's slutin was t thrw ut a paper just fr her, launching it nt the grassy hillside she frequented (常出入于) befre she had a chance t bite ne frm a frnt prch. She had her mrning ty, and he stayed ut f truble with his clients.(快递员并没有生气,而是专门给郊狼扔了一张纸。在郊狼去咬前廊上的报纸之前,把纸扔到她经常去的长满草的山坡上。郊狼有她的晨间玩具,也就不再找客户的麻烦。)可推知,作者描述这位送报员的做法是为了强调他如何成功地解决了郊狼偷报纸这一问题。故选D项。
    4. 推理判断题。根据最后一段As the clever animals becme permanent residents f cities acrss the cntinent, learning mre abut them is a critical step in finding slutins t cexisting with them.(随着这些聪明的动物成为整个欧洲大陆城市的永久居民,更多地了解它们是找到与它们共存的解决方案的关键一步。)可推知,作者认为越来越多的野生动物来到城市,成为城市居民,我们应学会与它们共存。故选A项。
    【解析】(1)C.细节理解题。根据第二段内容" "When I first saw the pencil drawing,I was fascinated.I knew that ne day this wrk wuld be the starting pint fr a majr art prject in public space," says Littmann.("当我第一次看到铅笔画时,我就被迷住了。我知道有一天这个作品会成为公共空间中一个重要艺术项目的起点,"Littmann说。)"可知,Littman后来艺术创作的灵感来自于一幅铅笔画。结合选项A.Frm a vide.来自一段视频;B.Thrugh scial media.通过社交媒体;C.Frm a drawing.来自一幅画;D.Via the Internet.通过网络。故选C。
    (2)B.推理判断题。根据第四段中的"As explained in a statement abut the installatin: "In supprt f tday's mst pressing issues f climate change and defrestatin,FOR FOREST aims t challenge ur understanding f nature and questin its future.It seeks t becme a memrial,reminding us that nature,which we s ften take fr granted,may smeday nly be fund in special spaces,as is already the case with animals in zs."(在一份关于该装置的声明中解释道:"为了支持当今最紧迫的气候变化和森林砍伐问题,FOR FOREST旨在挑战我们对自然的理解和质疑它的未来。它试图成为一种纪念,提醒我们,我们经常认为理所当然的自然,可能有一天积会在特殊的空间里发现,就像动物园里的动物一样。")"可知,安装FOR FOREST的意义是它提醒人们当前所面临的环境问题,例如气候变化和森林砍伐。故选B。
    (3)A.推理判断题。根据最后一段的"Regretfully,the installatin will clse sn.(遗憾的是,该装置将很快关闭。)"可知,该人造森林不会持续很久。故选A。
    (4)D.主旨大意题。通读全文,并结合第三段中的"The installatin sets a native central Eurpean frest in the middle f Wrthersee Ftball Stadium in Klagenfurt.With nearly 300 trees planted,sme weighing up t six tns each,it is Austria's largest public art installatin. (该装置在克拉根福特的Wrthersee足球体育场中央设置了一个原始的中欧森林。它种植了近300棵树,有些树每棵重达6吨,奧地利最大的公共艺术设施。)"和第四段中的"It seeks t becme a memrial,reminding us that nature,which we s ften take fr granted,may smeday nly be fund in special spaces,as is already the case with animals in zs. (它试图成为一种纪念,提醒我们,我们经常认为理所当然的自然,可能有一天积会在特殊的空间里发现,就像动物园里的动物一样。)"可知,文章旨在介绍一位艺术家把大自然的东西搬到体育馆从而打造一个"活的艺术品,以此提醒人们保护自然,爱护环境。D项"一位艺术家在体育场种植了一片活的森林"符合本文主旨。故选D。
    本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位名叫Klaus Litmann的艺术家在偶尔的灵感激发下在足球场打造大型森林装置艺术,以此提醒人们保护自然,爱护环境。
    【解析】(1)D.词义猜测题。根据第一段But tday ,it is under attack as never befre.Nt nly are the damages f time threatening ur cultural heritage. (但今天,文化受到前所未有的攻击。时间的破坏不仅威胁着我们的文化遗产。)可知,后文应该讲的是冲突、气候变化、全球化和旅游业都在要求付出沉重的代价。可以猜测exacting为"要求付出"。A.Paying支付;B.Cutting切割;C.Receiving收到;D.Demanding要求。故选D。
    (2)B.推理判断题。根据第二段AI will als make restratin and preservatin f existing cultural heritage far easier and vastly superir t previus methds. (人工智能还将使现有文化遗产的恢复和保护变得更加容易,并且优于以前的方法。)可知,人工智能使现有文化遗产的恢复变得更容易。故选B。
    (3)B.推理判断题。根据第三段As mre cultural heritage sites and bjects are digitally mapped and recrded ,VR technlgy will increasingly becme the way that peple experience them.We'll all eventually be able t walk thrugh places ,lk at (and tuch! ) artifacts and wrks f art withut ever seeing them with ur wn eyes. (随着越来越多的文化遗址和文物被数字地图和记录,虚拟现实技术将越来越成为人们体验它们的方式。我们最终都将能够在不同的地方穿行,观看和触摸!手工艺品和艺术品却不用真正看到它们。)可知,VR技术可以模拟出这些文化遗产让我们感受而不用去现场,从而减少人类对文化遗址的影响以及破坏。故选B。
    (4)C.观点态度题。根据最后一段Finally,ur cultural heritage will be preserved via technlgy.Effrts in research ,innvatin,data sharing and prject wrk will help prmte and preserve the cultural heritage f cuntries all acrss the wrld. (最后,我们的文化遗产将通过技术得到保护。研究、创新、数据共享和项目工作的努力将有助于促进和保护世界各国的文化遗产。)可知,作者对文化遗产保护中技术的应用持支持态度。A.Ignring忽视的;B.Cmprmising妥协的;C.Apprving同意的;D.Disagreeing反对的。故选C。
    【解析】(1)E.逻辑关系题。根据上文"Peple differ in pinins,races,natinalities,lifestyles and s n.Yet we are all human species,we feel pain and jy despite the differences.Tday,it is impssible fr any grup f peple t live withut interacting with thers utside their grup. (人们在意见、种族、国籍、生活方式等方面存在差异。然而,我们都是人类,我们会感受到痛苦和快乐,尽管存在差异。今天,任何群体的人都不可能不与他们群体之外的人互动。)"可知,如今多样性是重要的,E项承接上文,进一步总结说明文化多样性的重要性。E项:Cultural diversity,therefre,is very imprtant tday.(因此,文化多样性在今天是非常重要的。)符合语境。故选E。
    (2)F.细节理解题。根据上文"Diversity creates richness in pinin.Sme prblems can't be slved by a hmgeneus (同种类的) grup f peple.(多样性创造观点的丰富性。有些问题不能由一群同质的人来解决。) "可知,有些问题是一个同类群体解决不了的,F项中的"challenges"和上文中的"prblems"对应。F项:The challenge requires peple frm different backgrunds t wrk tgether.(这个挑战需要来自不同背景的人一起工作。)符合语境。故选F。
    (3)D.推理判断题。根据上文"When we interact and try t understand thers,we wn't judge them.This instead makes us cmpassinate abut thers. (当我们相互交流并试图理解他人时,我们不会评判他们。相反,这让我们对他人富有同情心。)"和下文"Cmpassin allws us t realize that all human beings are the same.(同情心让我们认识到所有的人都是一样的。)"可知,空处应该是关于对他人产生同情的好处。D项:We are then able t lve and help ne anther.(然后我们就能够互相爱和帮助。)符合语境。故选D。
    (4)G.推理判断题。根据上文"Tday,there is n cuntry in the wrld that has nly natives living there.(今天,世界上没有一个国家只有当地人居住。) "可知,空处承接上文,解释说明世界上没有一个国家只有当地人居住的原因。G项:Millins f peple are mving frm ne part f the wrld t anther every day.(每天有数百万人从世界的一个地方迁移到另一个地方。)符合语境。故选G。
    (5)B.细节理解题。根据下文"Thrugh diversity,entrepreneurs (企业家) have been able t reach new markets.(通过多元化,企业家能够开拓新市场。) "可知,本段主要说明了多元化所带来的新的市场机会。B项:Diversity pens up new market chances.(多样性开辟了新的市场机会。)符合语境。故选B。
    【解析】(1)C.考查名词及语境理解。A.clths 布,织物;B.shes鞋;C.belts腰带:D.trusers裤子。根据下文a ttal beginner's white belt可知此处指代表空手道水平的腰带,故答案为C。
    (2)A .考查形容词及语境理解。A.nervus紧张的;B.calm平静的;C.excited兴奋的;D.cmfrtable 舒适的,舒服的。根据"a ttal beginner"可知作者是初学者,和别人相比知道的招式太少,所以感到很紧张。故答案为A。
    (3)D.考查动词及语境理解。A.run 跑;B.keep 保持;C.arrive 到达:D.fllw跟随。根据上文提到的"Everyne else knew a lt f the mves"可知作者努力想眼上班里的其他学员,故答案为D。
    (4)A .考查形容词及语境理解。A harder更难的,更努力的:B.smther更光滑的,更顺畅的;C.mre更多的:D.prettier更美丽的。根据转折词but 和下文"There is n way I am ever cming back t karate!"可知作者感觉跟上别人很困难,所以想放弃,故答案为A。
    (5)B .考查副词及语境理解。A.Hwever 然而;B.Afterward以后,后来;C.Still仍然,更;D.Furthermre此外,而且。后来,当我穿鞋的时候,我在想:"我再也不可能再去学空手道了!"此处指作者努力一段时间后的感受,故答案为B。
    (6)C.考查动词及语境理解。A remembered 记得,记起;B.missed 错过,想念;C.met遇见;D.called叫,打电话。根据下文"Yu did great!I said."I was s stupid!作者和Elizabeth的对话可知,两人相遇了。故答案为C。
    (7)C .考查动词及语境理解。A.gained 获得,增加;B.disagreed不同意,不一致:C.felt感觉:D.requested请求,要求。此处指Elizabeth感觉自己初学时也很笨,故答案为C。
    (8)B .考查动词及语境理解。A.fight竞争,打架:B.practice练习,实践;C.strugele斗争:D.win赢得,获胜。根据空前"I can help yu"以及常识可知,此处指Elizabeth帮助作者练习空手道,提高技术。故答案为B。
    (9)D .考查动词及语境理解。A.graduate毕业;B.escape逃跑;C.hide 隐藏;D.mve搬家。根据下文"Elizabeth lives miles away"可知Elizabeth搬走了。故答案为D。
    (10)A .考查名词及语境理解。A.news消息;B.event 事件,大事:C.infrmatin信息,资料;D.ntice通知,布告。根据上句Nt very lng ag,Elizabeth had t (9).可知,此处指Elizabeth要搬家的消息。故答案为A。
    (11)C.考查名词及语境理解。A.difference差异,不同;B.chice选择;C plan计划;D.prmise许诺。根据下句ur slutin和下文的实施过程可知两人制定了计划,故答案为C。
    (12)B .考查形容词及语境理解。A.wrried担心的;B.pleased满意的,高兴的;C.disappinted失望的;D.strict严格的。根搭下文ur Friends Frever picture frames and lcket necklaces really d (18)with the "missing-yu" part.可知作者对二人的解决方案非常满意,故答案为B。
    (13)C .考查名词及语境理解。A.grup团体;B.assciatin 协会,社团:C.picture 照片,图画;D.drawing 图画。根据下文的"regular phts"和"the tiny picture f us"可知是二人拍了照片,故答案为C。
    (14)D .考查动词及语境理解。A.credited相信,信任;B.begun开始;C.cpied复制,复印;D.decrated装饰。极据下文ur Friends Frever picture frames 可知我们把合影相框用 Friends Frever装饰,故答案为D。
    (15)C.考查动词及语境理解。A.kncked敲打;B.flked折叠;C.cut切;D.carved雕刻。根据空后in half可知是把照片切成两半。故答案为C。
    (16)B.考查连词及语境理解。A.as if似乎,好像;B.even if虽然,即使;C.in case万一;D.nw that 既然,由于。根据前文miles away可知作者和Elizabeth分开了,虽然不太远,但不能像以前一样经常见面了。故答案为B。
    (17)A .考查副词及语境理解。A.ccasinally偶尔;B.accidentally意外地;C.finally最后;D.shrty不久,很快。根据常识可知,作者和Elizabeth分开了,只能是偶尔见面。故答案为A。
    (18)C .考查动词及语境理解。A.sense 感觉;B.reward报酬,报答;C.help帮助;D.appear出现。根据空前ur Friends Frever picture frames and lcket necklaces可知,此处指相框和项链有助于缓解我们的思念,故答案为C。
    (19)A .考查动词及语境理解。A.separated分开;B.differed不同;C.prtected保护;D.sent送。呼应上文作者和 Flizabeth分开的例子,此处指和朋友分开,故答案为A。
    (20)C .考查名词及语境理解。A.cities坡市:B.films电影;C.letters信件,书信;D.newspapers报纸。和phne calls,e-mails并列,表示和朋友交流的方式,应该指书信。故答案为C。
    was allwed
    2. 本句考查allw sb t d sth允许某人做某事,但是此句中却没有宾语,结合前面句子it was a great hnur t be invited backstage at the nt-fr-prfit Panda Base可知我是得以被允许接近大熊猫,故用被动语态;故答案为was allwed。
    本句描述的是我与大熊猫的关联要追溯到20世纪80年代中期的一档电视节目。g back t追溯到,其中t为介词。
    分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the mid-1980s,关系词在从句中作时间状语,所以此处应该是关系副词when引导定语从句。
    6. 分析句子结构可知,空处应填非谓语动词,而permit与其逻辑主语first Western TV reprter之间为动宾关系,所以用过去分词短语作后置定语。应为permitted。
    7. include ding sth包括做某事,故答案为intrducing。
    day可数名词,every few days每隔几天,故答案为days。
    10. ther...一个……另一个……,固定短语。故答案为the。
    42.【答案】Rse wanted a jb.She went t many ffices and she didn't like any f them.One day she saw a bard in an ffice read: "This ffice needs a typist wh can type 200 wrds a minute." Rse was exciting.When Rse went t the manager's ffice,the man was writing anything.Rse kncked at the dr and the manager raised her head. "D yu need a typist?" asked Rse. "Yes!" he said.Rse clapped her hand.She culdn't help saying, "OK!Hw much will yu payfr me every mnth?" The manager thught ∧ a while and said, "I will pay yu 77 dllars fr the first three mnths.Then I will pay yu 30 dllars every mnth." Rse smiled and answer, "Great!I will cme and wrk here three mnths late." The manager was speechless.
    (2)考查现在分词。句意:一天,她看到办公室里的一块牌子上写着:"这个办公室需要一个每分钟能打200个字的打字员。"分析句子结构并结合句意可知,此处应用现在分词reading作宾补,a bard和read之间是主谓关系,故read改为reading。
    (5)考查形容词性物主代词。句意:罗斯敲门,经理抬起头来。分析句子并结合语境可知,the manager是一位男士,应用his,故her改为his。
    (7)考查介词。句意:她忍不住说:"好吧!你每个月给我多少钱?"pay fr sb.意为"替某人付钱",pay sb.意为"付钱给某人",结合句意可知,此处应删去fr,故删去fr。
    (8)考查介词。句意:经理思考了一会儿,说:"前三个月我给你77美元。然后我每个月给你30美元。"分析句子结构并结合句意可知,表示"一会儿",应用介词短语fr a while,故在thught后加fr。
    (10)考查副词比较级。句意:罗斯笑着回答:"太好了!三个月后我会来这里工作。"分析句子结构并结合句意可知,此处应用副词比较级later,three mnths later意为"三个月后",故late改为later。
    43.【答案】In rder t aruse students' interest in learning English and enrich ur schl life,ur English club held an English speech cntest themed Read fr the Future last week.Hundreds f us tk part in it.(时间、地点)
    As scheduled,students gathered at the assembly hall at 2 pm n Tuesday.After the hsts intrduced the tpic and judges,15 cmpetitrs delivered their speeches in turn,which were well received by the audience.【高分句型一】They were graded n the language,utline,as well as perfrmance,and were awarded accrdingly.(活动过程和意义)
    The activity benefited us a lt.Nt nly did it imprve ur English ability,but it als prvided a great chance fr us t shw urselves.【高分句型二】What a wnderful time!(学生的感受)
    After the hsts intrduced the tpic and judges,15 cmpetitrs delivered their speeches in turn,which were well received by the audience.
    Nt nly did it imprve ur English ability,but it als prvided a great chance fr us t shw urselves.
    分析:本句使用了nt nly置于句首,使用部分倒装。

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