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    Tp Cffee-prducing Cuntries
    Back in the 18th century, Brazil started grwing cffee. Nw, arund 300,000 cffee farmers in Brazil prduce abut 40% f the wrld’s cffee. Arabica (阿拉比卡咖啡) takes up 70% f the cffee beans grwn in the cuntry. In Brazil, 3% f exprt incme is frm cffee beans. Brazilians are wild abut drinking their cffee and cnsume it all day lng.
    Cffee fund its way t Vietnam in the 1800s. Nw cffee industry emplys almst 3 millin peple. Mst f Vietnam’s cffee prductin is the less appreciated Rbusta (罗布斯塔咖啡) variety. Because f that, mst cffee beans grwn in Vietnam are fr instant cffee. Despite cffee’s ppularity as an exprt crp, the Vietnamese still prefer tea. They als make a famus Cappuccin (卡布奇诺咖啡) nt fund elsewhere—famus because it gets a dse f raw egg if that’s t yur liking.
    Cffee was intrduced int Clmbia in the early 1700s. In Clmbia, abut 2.3 millin acres f land are planted with cffee. Cffee is the mst imprtant agricultural exprt. There are arund 555,000 cffee grwers in Clmbia. The majrity f Clmbian cffee plantatins are wned by families. Clmbians typically start their mrning with a tint. It’s a small cup f black cffee that’s sweetened with sugar. They may add cinnamn r ther spices t jazz it up.
    Indnesia has a lng cffee histry that ges back t the 1600s, which has its share f ups and dwns. In the late 19th century, the terrible cffee rust disease caused death t many f the high-quality cffee plants. T prevent this frm happening again, Indnesia replanted with the disease-resistant Rbusta cffee. Arabica beans still play a part in the Indnesian cffee market, representing abut 25% f cffee beans grwn there.
    1.Which f the fur cuntries started grwing cffee earliest?
    A. Brazil.B. Vietnam.C. Clmbia.D. Indnesia.
    2.What is special abut Vietnam?
    A. A unique kind f cffee drink is made there.
    B. High-quality cffee beans are prduced there.
    C. Cffee was prduced fr the hme market there.
    D. Cffee planting met with prblems in the 1990s there.
    3.What d Brazil and Clmbia have in cmmn?
    A. Cffee exprts are grwing in bth cuntries.
    B. They bth have a cffee-lving ppulatin.
    C. They share the same number f cffee grwers.
    D. Cffee farms are wned by families in bth cuntries.
    As a dctral student, I served as a hstess fr famus authrs and illustratrs when they came t participate in the Ohi State University Children’s Literature Cnference. I hsted such belved creatrs f children’s bks as Nikki Grimes, Jerry Pinkney and James Ransme. I wuld stand at the airprt, hlding ne f their bks and waiting t pick them up and then drive them arund twn t places they needed t g and assist them during autgraph sessins. After graduating frm my university and accepting a psitin at Clemsn University in 2003, I kept in tuch with James Ransme.
    In 2005 I received a grant frm the gvernment t cnduct a family-literacy prgram. I wanted t see what wuld happen when I expsed ten African American families with children t bks by and abut African Americans. I prvided each f the families with cpies f seven bks, five f which were illustrated by James.
    The families participated in a series f five mnthly wrkshps, and the final event was a presentatin by James and an autgraph sessin with him. I believed this event wuld be a meaningful way t end the prgram, by having a famus illustratr f children’s literature cme and talk abut his wrk, especially because the families and I had read and respnded t several f his bks ver the curse f the five wrkshps.
    James’s visit was infrmative and enlightening fr the families. A parent, Ashley, tld me that she sent a nte t her sn’s teacher abut having participated in the prgram and laned her sn’s autgraphed cpies f James’s bks fr the class t read. Lking back ver my career, this family-literacy prgram is ne f the accmplishments f which I am the prudest, and I am especially pleased that James was part f it.
    4.Hw did the authr cme int cntact with James?
    A. The authr met him by accident at the airprt.
    B. The authr went t him t ask fr an autgraph.
    C. The authr hsted him when he attended a cnference.
    D. The authr was intrduced t him by a university prfessr.
    5.What can be learned abut James?
    A. He ran mnthly wrkshps.
    B. He is an African American.
    C. He has written seven bks.
    D. He graduated frm Clemsn University.
    6.What did James d fr the family-literacy prgram?
    A. He gave a talk t the families.
    B. He laned his bks t the families.
    C. He respnded t the questins raised by the families.
    D. He asked the gvernment t give financial supprt t the families.
    7.What is Ashley’s attitude twards James?
    A. Dubtful.B. Caring.C. Tlerant.D. Appreciative.
    The Rbbers Cave Experiment was part f a series f studies cnducted by scial psychlgist Muzafer Sherif and his wrkmates in the 1940s and 1950s. The researchers divided bys at a summer camp int tw grups, and they studied hw cnflict develped between them. They als investigated what did and didn’t wrk t reduce grup cnflict. The bys were left in the dark abut the experiment.
    In the 1954 study, bys wh were apprximately 11~12 years ld thught that they were participating in a typical summer camp, which tk place at Rbbers Cave State Park. Hwever, the campers’ parents knew that their children were actually participating in a research study.
    The bys arrived at the camp in tw separate grups: fr the first part f the study, they spent time with members f their wn grup, withut knwing that the ther grup existed. The grups chse names, the Eagles and the Rattlers.
    After a shrt perid f time, the bys became aware f the existence f the ther grup and began t speak negatively abut the ther grup. Then the researchers arranged a cmpetitive turnament between the grups, cnsisting f games such as baseball and tug-f-war and the relatinship between the tw grups quickly became tense. The campers rated their wn grup mre psitively than the rival (对立) grup.
    T determine the factrs that culd reduce grup cnflict, the researchers first brught the campers tgether fr fun activities such as having a meal r watching a mvie tgether. Hwever, this didn’t wrk t reduce cnflict.
    Next, Sherif and his wrkmates tried having the tw grups wrk n cmmn gals. Fr example, the camp’s water supply was cut ff purpsely by the researchers, and the Eagles and the Rattlers wrked tgether t fix the prblem. Wrking n shared gals eventually reduced cnflict and friendships began t frm with members f the ther grup. In the end, sme f the campers requested that everyne frm bth grups take the bus hme tgether, and ne grup bught drinks fr the ther grup.
    8.What can be inferred abut the campers in the 1954 experiment?
    A. Their parents held smething back frm them.
    B. They were asked t take part in a scial practice.
    C. They were participating in a typical summer camp.
    D. Their grups were frmed by the names they chse.
    9.What is the beginning f the bys’ negative attitude t the ther grup?
    A. Being asked t rate the ther grup.
    B. Hearing negative remarks frm the ther grup.
    C. Cmpeting in a turnament against the ther grup.
    D. Becming aware f the existence f the ther grup.
    10.Why was the camp’s water supply cut ff?
    A. T cause a cnflict between the tw grups.
    B. T test the campers’ prblem-slving ability.
    C. T get the tw grups t wrk fr a cmmn gal.
    D. T see hw much the campers care abut each ther.
    11.What can be a cnclusin frm Sherif’s experiment?
    A. Fights between different grups are unavidable.
    B. One shuld seek friendship with utgrup members.
    C. Fun activities are the best ways t reduce grup cnflict.
    D. Grup members tend t turn against utgrup members.
    Fr the histry f life n Earth, rganisms have relied n the light f the sun, mn, and stars t find their way and schedule their lives. While the beginning f electric lighting in the late 19th century may have benefited humans, it has caused prblems in the natural wrld. Amng the impacts f artificial light at night(ALAN), light pllutin lures migrating birds t cities with shcking cnsequences, cntributes t the alarming decline in insect ppulatins, and cnvinces sea turtle babies t amble(缓行)away frm the water instead f twards it.
    Nw, a new study frm the University f Plymuth adds anther disappinting finding abut hw ALAN is affecting the creatures with whm we share the planet: Light pllutin frm castal cities can trick crals(珊瑚)int reprducing utside f the ptimum times when they wuld nrmally reprduce.
    Using a cmbinatin f light pllutin data and spawning(产卵)bservatins, researchers were able t shw fr the first time that crals expsed t ALAN are spawning ne t three days earlier and clser t the full mn cmpared t thse n unlit crals. “That shift may reduce the survival and fertilizatin success f gametes(配子)and genetic cnnectivity between nearby lit and unlit cral systems,” they explain.
    “Crals are amng the mst bidiverse, ecnmically imprtant, and threatened ecsystems n the planet,” write the authrs f the study.
    “Climate change has led t mass bleaching(褪色)events. Habitat destructin, fisheries, and pllutin have reduced crals substantially since the 1950s,” they write, adding, “The cmplete lss f crals is anticipated ver the next 100 years.”
    If we want t reduce the harm ALAN is causing, we culd perhaps lk t delay the switching-n f night-time lighting in castal regins t ensure the natural dark perid between sunset and mnrise when cral reprductin remains undisturbed.
    12.Why is the first paragraph written?
    A. T present the tpic f the text.
    B. T advcate energy cnservatin.
    C. T explain a natural phenmenn.
    D. T prvide backgrund infrmatin.
    13.What des the underlined wrd “ptimum” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Pssible.B. Apprpriate.C. Flexible.D. Sensitive.
    14.What is the researchers’ majr cncern ver crals?
    A. Extinctin.B. Lsing value.
    C. Terrible diseases.D. Expsure t mnlight.
    15.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Creatures Rely n Natural Lights t Schedule Their Life
    B. Night-time Lighting Shrtens Natural Dark Perid
    C. Castal Lights Trick Crals int Early Spawning
    D. Light Pllutin Leads t Serius Cnsequences
    16.Many significant internatinal prjects have cnsidered hw schling might change t better match the changes that have taken place in the 21st century. ① _________ One is a shift in the meaning f knwledge, and the ther is the need t build educatin systems based arund what we nw knw abut learning.
    The term “knwledge age” r “knwledge ecnmy” refers t a rerganizatin away frm an Industrial Age ecnmy, where explitatin (开采) f natural resurces, primary prductin and mass prductin were the standard mdels fr ecnmic develpment. ② _________ This is achieved thrugh the rapid creatin f new knwledge and has becme the basis fr ecnmic develpment. It is argued that educatin fr the knwledge age must fcus n the develpment f learners’ cmpetences t deal with new situatins and envirnments.
    ③ _________ Nr des it deny the need fr bvius gals fr students’ knwledge develpment. Rather, the future-fcused educatin literature suggests we need t adpt a much mre cmplex view f knwledge, ne that incrprates knwing, ding and being. Alngside this we need t rethink ur ideas abut hw ur learning systems are rganized, resurced and supprted. Research clearly shws that peple d nt learn well as passive recipients (接受者) f pre-packaged, bite-sized pieces f knwledge. ④ _________
    Althugh sme f these principles are understd by many teachers, ur educatin systems and practices are ften set up in ways that d nt supprt these principles t perate in practice. Teachers and schl leaders are attempting paradigm (范式) shifts. ⑤ _________
    A. There needs t be wider public supprt fr them.
    B. There are tw imprtant ideas that supprt this wrk.
    C. This des nt mean that knwledge n lnger matters.
    D. Gd learning requires active engagement in the “whle game”.
    E. We are required t prepare yung peple fr the knwledge age.
    F. This is pssible nly when active learning appraches are applied.
    G. In the knwledge age, the ability t generate value is put in the first place.
    When I was a teenager, I vlunteered t wrk at the water statin at a 10,000m race. My jb was t 1 water t the runners. I remember being s 2 t see all the different kinds f peple wh passed by and grabbed a cup f water. Sme ran past, sme walked past and a few wheeled past. I saw s many types f peple ding it. I thught maybe I culd d it t! S the next year I 3 up fr the race.
    That first 10,000m race was quite an experience. I jgged, I walked, I jgged and I walked. 4 , I didn't knw if I culd finish. Then came a defining (起决定性作用的) 5 .
    At ne pint near the end, a 70-year-ld man ran past me, very, very fast, and I felt 6 because I was 50 years yunger than he but I culdn't even keep up with him. I felt defeated fr a secnd.
    But then I 7 smething. He was running his race and I was running mine. He had 8 abilities, experience, training and gals fr himself. I had mine. Remember my gal was nly t finish.
    After a minute, it 9 me that this was a lessn I culd draw frm. I learned smething abut myself in that mment. I turned my embarrassment int 10 .
    I decided that I wuld nt give up n running races. In fact, I wuld run even mre races and I wuld learn hw t train and prepare 11 and ne day I wuld be ne f thse 70-year-ld persns wh were still running. As I crssed the finishing line, I was prud f my 12 .
    In life we all have thse mments where we 13 urselves t thers. It's nly natural. Dn't allw thse mments t 14 yu. Turn them int mtivatin and let them inspire yu. With the prper preparatin and training, yu can imprve yur result t 15 yur gals in life.
    17.A.bring ut B.pass ut C.take ut D.pick ut
    18.A.excited B.wrried C.cncerned D.anxius
    19.A.gave B.made C.signed D.dressed
    20.A.At times B.In time C.In all D.After all
    21.A.victry B.decisin C.mment D.cnclusin
    22.A.embarrassed B.annyed C.mved D.thrilled
    23.A.realized B.lst C.nticed D.remembered
    24.A.special B.evident C.cmmn D.different
    25.A.wrried B.hit C.reached D.hurt
    26.A.attractin B.devtin C.inspiratin D.expectatin
    27.A.slightly B.hardly C.clearly D.prperly
    28.A.excitement B.accmplishment C.mvement D.judgment
    29.A.intrduce B.relate C.present D.cmpare
    30.A.weaken B.wund C.amuse D.cheer
    31.A.reserve B.deliver C.achieve D.abandn
    32.A museum shwcasing the culture f the Grand Canal is expected t pen in Beijing next week. Sme 6,000 items r sets f exhibits① _________ (clse) related t Beijing and the ancient canal are t be displayed.
    “The Grand Canal Museum f Beijing, als called the Capital Museum East Branch, ② _________ (lcate) in the Beijing Municipal Administrative Center and has③ _________ ttal flr area f 99,700 square meters,” said Feng Ha, wh is④ _________ charge f museum cllectins at the Capital Museum.
    With a daily capacity f 6,000 visitrs, the new museum is designed⑤ _________ (cmbine) bats, sailing and water elements, shwcasing the culture f the Grand Canal.
    The exhibitin area cnsists f basic, ⑥ _________ (theme), pen, and temprary exhibitin⑦ _________ (sectin). “Visitrs can enjy an interactive experience⑧ _________ (reflect) the themes f Beijing and the Grand Canal in the pen exhibitin sectin thrugh⑨ _________ (digit) technlgy,” Feng said.
    With a histry f mre than 2,500 years, the Grand Canal cnnects Beijing and Hangzhu in East China’s Zhejiang Prvince, ⑩ _________ served as a significant transprtatin rute in ancient China.
    1. 你对中国成语的认识;
    2. 学习中国成语的建议。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Paul,
    Li Hua
    As I walked alng the sidewalk in frnt f Surplus Unlimited, a car that was abut t change my life had just turned nt Rute 82 frm the CVS parking lt. I lked up and nticed the elderly cuple in the car heading tward me. As the car rlled past, the driver suddenly cllapsed against the steering wheel (方向盘) right in frnt f my eyes. His wife stared blankly ut f the passenger side windw. She was unaware that her car was nw rlling—withut a cnscius driver—dwn the center f a busy rad.
    I began t jg alngside the mving car. My mind assessed the situatin. Smebdy needed t stp that car!
    I reached frward, but there was nthing t grab. I punded n her windw. She lked cnfused. “Rll dwn the windw!” I yelled, gesturing wildly. With the windw dwn, I was able t grab the dr frame. I pulled hard against the frce f the mving vehicle. On the far side f the car, the traffic streamed by in the ppsite directin. Cars passed ne after anther. Nbdy slwed dwn. Nbdy seemed t ntice.
    Thankfully, the driver’s ft must have slipped ff the gas pedal (踏板) when he lst cnsciusness. I kept pulling, and the car began t slw.
    Just then, a wman appeared frm behind me. She ran alngside the driver side dr. She pened the dr and as the car was slwing, she managed t shift it ut f “Drive”. A jyful “We did it!” feeling swept ver me.
    But the car was nw stpped in the center lane (车道) with traffic still mving in bth directins arund us and we need t help this man. Quickly! The wman called 911 while I checked his vital signs. He was nt breathing. He had n pulse. He had abut five minutes until he was dead. CPR was needed in t time.
    Thughts started running thrugh my mind.
    In an instant, the man frm the black SUV was standing beside me and said, “I am a dctr.”
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“Back in the 18th century, Brazil started grwing cffee. (早在18世纪,巴西就开始种植咖啡。)”;第二段“Cffee fund its way t Vietnam in the 1800s. (咖啡在19世纪进入越南。)”;第三段“Cffee was intrduced int Clmbia in the early 1700s. (咖啡在18世纪早期被引入哥伦比亚)”以及最后一段“Indnesia has a lng cffee histry that ges back t the 1600s, which has its share f ups and dwns. (印尼有着悠久的咖啡历史,可以追溯到17世纪,其间有起有落。)”可知,Indnesia是种植咖啡最早的。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“They als make a famus Cappuccin (卡布奇诺咖啡) nt fund elsewhere—famus because it gets a dse f raw egg if that’s t yur liking. (他们还制作了一款在其他地方找不到的著名的卡布奇诺——出名是因为如果你喜欢的话,它会加一些生鸡蛋。)”可知,越南的特别之处在于那里生产一种独特的咖啡饮料。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“Brazilians are wild abut drinking their cffee and cnsume it all day lng. (巴西人喜欢喝咖啡,整天都在喝。)”和第三段中“Clmbians typically start their mrning with a tint. It’s a small cup f black cffee that’s sweetened with sugar. (哥伦比亚人通常以一杯tint开始他们的早晨。它是一小杯加糖的黑咖啡。)”可知,巴西和哥伦比亚的共同之处是都有喜欢喝咖啡的人。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中“As a dctral student, I served as a hstess fr famus authrs and illustratrs when they came t participate in the Ohi State University Children’s Literature Cnference. I hsted such belved creatrs f children’s bks as Nikki Grimes, Jerry Pinkney and James Ransme.(在读博士期间,我为前来参加俄亥俄州立大学儿童文学大会的著名作家和插画家担任主持人。我邀请了尼基·格莱姆斯、杰里·平克尼和詹姆斯·兰瑟姆等受人喜爱的儿童书籍创作者)”可知,当James参加会议时,是作者接待了他,从而接触。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中“I wanted t see what wuld happen when I expsed ten African American families with children t bks by and abut African Americans. I prvided each f the families with cpies f seven bks, five f which were illustrated by James.(我想看看当我让十个有孩子的非裔美国家庭阅读非裔美国人写的和关于非裔美国人的书时会发生什么。我给每个家庭提供了七本书,其中五本是詹姆斯的插图)”可知,James是一个非裔美国人。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“The families participated in a series f five mnthly wrkshps, and the final event was a presentatin by James and an autgraph sessin with him. I believed this event wuld be a meaningful way t end the prgram, by having a famus illustratr f children’s literature cme and talk abut his wrk, especially because the families and I had read and respnded t several f his bks ver the curse f the five wrkshps.(这些家庭参加了一系列每月五个的研讨会,最后的活动是詹姆斯的演讲和他的签名会。我相信这次活动将是结束这个项目的一个有意义的方式,让一位著名的儿童文学插画家来谈谈他的作品,特别是因为我和我的家人在五个研讨会的过程中阅读并回应了他的几本书)”可知,James在家庭扫盲计划中,对家庭发表了讲话。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“James’s visit was infrmative and enlightening fr the families. A parent, Ashley, tld me that she sent a nte t her sn’s teacher abut having participated in the prgram and laned her sn’s autgraphed cpies f James’s bks fr the class t read. Lking back ver my career, this family-literacy prgram is ne f the accmplishments f which I am the prudest, and I am especially pleased that James was part f it.(詹姆斯的访问对这些家庭来说是有益的和有启发的。一位名叫阿什利的家长告诉我,她给儿子的老师发了一张便条,告诉他自己参加了这个项目,并把儿子亲笔签名的詹姆斯的书借给了全班学生阅读。回顾我的职业生涯,这个家庭扫盲计划是我最自豪的成就之一,我特别高兴詹姆斯是其中的一员)”可推知,Ashley对James的态度是“欣赏的”。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中“The bys were left in the dark abut the experiment. (孩子们对实验一无所知。)”和第二段中“Hwever, the campers’ parents knew that their children were actually participating in a research study. (然而,营员的父母知道他们的孩子实际上是在参与一项研究。)”可知,1954年实验中的营员参加了一个象征性的夏令营。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“After a shrt perid f time, the bys became aware f the existence f the ther grup and began t speak negatively abut the ther grup. (过了很短的一段时间,男孩们开始意识到另一个群体的存在,并开始说另一个群体的坏话。)”可知,男孩对另一组的消极态度始于意识到另一个群体的存在。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“Next, Sherif and his wrkmates tried having the tw grups wrk n cmmn gals. Fr example, the camp’s water supply was cut ff purpsely by the researchers, and the Eagles and the Rattlers wrked tgether t fix the prblem. (接下来,谢里夫和他的同事们试着让两个小组为共同的目标而努力。例如,研究人员故意切断了营地的供水,老鹰队和响尾蛇队共同努力解决了这个问题。)”可知,营地的供水被切断了是为了让两组人为了一个共同的目标而工作。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“After a shrt perid f time, the bys became aware f the existence f the ther grup and began t speak negatively abut the ther grup. Then the researchers arranged a cmpetitive turnament between the grups, cnsisting f games such as baseball and tug-f-war and the relatinship between the tw grups quickly became tense. The campers rated their wn grup mre psitively than the rival (对立) grup. (过了很短的一段时间,男孩们开始意识到另一个群体的存在,并开始说另一个群体的坏话。然后,研究人员在两组之间安排了一场竞争性比赛,包括棒球和拔河等游戏,两组之间的关系很快变得紧张起来。营员们对自己那一组的评价比对手那一组更积极。)”可知,在这个实验过程中,两个组的孩子们在得知对方存在的时候,就开始表现出敌意,后面的研究项目是看在什么情况下敌意会加剧,什么情况下敌意会被消除。故可推知,Sherif的实验可以得出结论:群体成员倾向于反对群体外成员。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段内容“Fr the histry f life n Earth, rganisms have relied n the light f the sun, mn, and stars t find their way and schedule their lives. While the beginning f electric lighting in the late 19th century may have benefited humans, it has caused prblems in the natural wrld. Amng the impacts f artificial light at night(ALAN), light pllutin lures migrating birds t cities with shcking cnsequences, cntributes t the alarming decline in insect ppulatins, and cnvinces sea turtle babies t amble(缓行)away frm the water instead f twards it.(在地球上生命的历史中,生物一直依靠太阳、月亮和星星的光来找到自己的路,安排自己的生活。虽然19世纪末开始的电灯可能给人类带来了好处,但它也给自然界带来了问题。在夜间人造光(ALAN)的影响中,光污染将候鸟吸引到城市,带来令人震惊的后果,导致昆虫数量惊人的下降,并使海龟宝宝远离水而不是靠近水。)”可知,文章第一段介绍了始于 19 世末的人造光源对自然产生的不好的影响,结合第二段“Nw, a new study frm the University f Plymuth adds anther disappinting finding abut hw ALAN is affecting the creatures with whm we share the planet: Light pllutin frm castal cities can trick crals(珊瑚)int reprducing utside f the ptimum times when they wuld nrmally reprduce.(现在,普利茅斯大学的一项新研究增加了另一个令人失望的发现,即ALAN如何影响与我们共享地球的生物:沿海城市的光污染会诱使珊瑚在正常繁殖的最佳时间之外繁殖。)”讲述文章主题是阐述人造光对于珊瑚的危害可推断,第一段的目的是提出提供了背景信息。故选D。
    解析:词句猜测题。分析句子可知,后面的定语从句“when they wuld nrmally reprduce(当它们正常繁殖的时候)”修饰the ptimum time可知“the ptimum times”指的是“珊瑚正常的繁殖时间”,所以画线词与apprpriate“合适的,恰当的”。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段中“The cmplete lss f crals is anticipated ver the next 100 years.( 预计珊瑚将在未来100年内完全消失。)”可知,研究人员最大的担心是珊瑚的灭绝。故选A。
    解析:主旨大意题。通读全文特别是第二段“Nw, a new study frm the University f Plymuth adds anther disappinting finding abut hw ALAN is affecting the creatures with whm we share the planet: Light pllutin frm castal cities can trick crals(珊瑚)int reprducing utside f the ptimum times when they wuld nrmally reprduce.(现在,普利茅斯大学的一项新研究增加了另一个令人失望的发现,即ALAN如何影响与我们共享地球的生物:沿海城市的光污染会诱使珊瑚在正常繁殖的最佳时间之外繁殖。)”可知,本文主要介绍了海滨城市的照明对珊瑚的影响。这些照明产生的光会使珊瑚比不受光污染的珊瑚产卵早,从而对其产生不利影响,因此 C 项“海岸灯光诱使珊瑚提早产卵”为合适的标题。故选C。
    解析:①根据下文“One is a shift in the meaning f knwledge, and the ther is the need t build educatin systems based arund what we nw knw abut learning.”(一个是知识意义的转变,另一个是建立基于我们现在对学习的了解的教育系统的需要。)可知,这里提出了两种观念,因而空处应是对后文内容的提示,阐述有两种观点。选项B“There are tw imprtant ideas that supprt this wrk.”(有两个重要的观点,可以支持这项工作。)符合题意,故选B项。
    ②根据上文“The term “knwledge age” r “knwledge ecnmy” refers t a rerganizatin away frm an Industrial Age ecnmy, where explitatin (开采) f natural resurces, primary prductin and mass prductin were the standard mdels fr ecnmic develpment. ”(“知识时代”或“知识经济”一词指的是工业时代经济的重组,在工业时代,自然资源的开发开采、初级生产和大规模生产是经济发展的标准模式。)提到了工业时代的情况。所以空处应该承接前文,讲述知识时代的情形。选项G“In the knwledge age, the ability t generate value is put in the first place.”(在知识时代,创造价值的能力被放在首位。)开始讲述知识时代的情况,和前文的工业时代形成对比。下文“This is achieved thrugh the rapid creatin f new knwledge and has becme the basis fr ecnmic develpment. ”(这是通过快速创造新知识来实现的,并已成为经济发展的基础。)中的This是知识时代的指代,故选G项。
    ③根据后文“Nr des it deny the need fr bvius gals fr students’ knwledge develpment.”(它也不否认学生的知识发展需要明确的目标。)可知本句用了否定词置于句首的部分倒装,结合nr一词可知空处也要用否定,选项C“This des nt mean that knwledge n lnger matters.”这并不意味着知识不再重要。)与后文在句式和语义上的衔接顺畅,符合题意。故选C项。
    ④根据前文“Research clearly shws that peple d nt learn well as passive recipients (接受者) f pre-packaged, bite-sized pieces f knwledge.”(研究清楚地表明,被动接受预先包装好的、零碎的知识不会让人学得很好。)可知,此处作者提出了他不擅长的“被动灌输”的学习的方式,因此,空处应该是作者认可的学习方式。选项D“Gd learning requires active engagement in the “whle game”.”(良好的学习需要积极参与“整个游戏”。),表明积极参与是有利于学习的,符合题意,故选D项。
    ⑤根据前文“Althugh sme f these principles are understd by many teachers, ur educatin systems and practices are ften set up in ways that d nt supprt these principles t perate in practice. Teachers and schl leaders are attempting paradigm (范式) shifts. ”(虽然其中一些原则被许多教师所理解,但我们的教育系统和实践往往是以不支持这些原则在实践中运作的方式建立起来的。教师和学校领导正在尝试范式转变。)可知,许多教师理解的原则在实践中并不被教育系统所支持,大大促使教师和学校领导要做出转变。作为段落的结尾句,应该提出对于教师和学校领导的转变要有支持。选项A“There needs t be wider public supprt fr them.”(他们需要得到更广泛的公众支持。)中的“them”指代前文的“teachers and schl leaders”,符合题意,故选A项。
    解析:考查动词短语及语境理解。A. bring ut产 生;B. pass ut分配;分发; C. take ut拿出; D. pick ut 挑选出。根据上文"I vlunteered t wrk at the water statin at a 10,000 m race"和下文"see all the different kinds f peple wh passed by and grabbed a cup f water"可知,作者是给运动员分配水的。故选B。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.excited激动的; B.wrried担心的;C.cncerned不安的; D.anxius焦虑的。从后面的句子"t see all the different kinds f peple wh passed by"并结合常识可知,看到运动员通过应该是兴奋的。故选 A。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.gave给;B.made 使; C.signed签;在……上签名;签订; D.dressed给……穿衣服。根据上文"I saw s many types f peple ding it. I thught maybe I culd d it t!"可知,作者看到各种类型的人参 加跑步,认为自己也能做得到,于是第二年也报名 参加比赛。sign up fr"报名参加"。故选C。
    解析:考查固定短语及语境理解。A. At times有时;B. In time及时;C. In all总共,共计;D. After all毕竟,根本。根据上文"I jgged, I walked, I jgged and I walked."可知,作者跑跑停停,有时 候怀疑自己是否能够完成比赛,故选A。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.victry胜利; B.decisin决定;C.mment时刻;D.cnclusin 结论。根据下文"I learned smething abut myself in that mment."以及下文的发生的故事可 知,此处说的是决定作者完成比赛的时刻到来了, 故选C。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.embarrassed尴 尬的;B.annyed生气的;C.mved感动的; D.thrilled兴奋的,激动的。根据下文"because I was 50 years yunger than he but I culdn't even keep up with him"可知,作者比老人年轻50 岁,但却赶不上他,感到尴尬。故选A。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.realized意识到; B.lst失去;C.nticed注意到;D.remembered记 得。根据下文"He was running his race and I was running mine. He had _____ abilities, experience, training and gals fr himself. I had mine,"可知,这是作者意 识到的事情。故选A。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.special特别的; B.evident明显的;C.cmmn共同的;D.different 不同的。根据上句"He was running his race and I was running mine."可知,作者认为他与老人走的 道路是不一样的,有不同的能力,经历,训练和目标。故选D。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.wrried担心,B.hit 撞击;C.reached到达;D.hurt伤害。根据"this was a lessn I culd draw frm. I learned smething abut myself in that mment."可知, 作者突然想到这是自己可以吸取的教训。it hits sb 表示某人突然想到。故选B。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.attractin吸引; B.devtin投入;C.inspiratin鼓舞;灵感; D.expectatin期望。根据下文"Turn them int mtivatin and let them inspire yu."可知,作者 把自己的尴尬转变为鼓舞。故选C。
    解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.slightly轻微地; B.hardly几乎不;C.clearly清楚地;D.prperly适当地。根据文章最后一段提到"With the prper preparatin and training"可知,此处说的是适当 地训练和准备。故选D。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.excitement兴奋; B.accmplishment成就;C.mvement运动; D.judgement判断。根据上文"As I crssed the finish line"可知,作者最终冲过了终点,这是作者取得的成就,故选B。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.intrduce介绍; B.relate联系;C.present呈现;D.cmpare比较。 根据上文"At ne pint near the end, a 70-year-ld man ran past me, very, very fast, and I felt ______ because I was 50 years yunger than he but I culdn't even keep up with him."可推断,此处作者说的是我们时常会把 自己与别人做比较。cmpare sb. t sb."把……和……相比"。故选D。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.weaken削弱; B.wund使……受伤;C.amuse使开心;D.cheer 鼓舞;喝彩。根据下文"Turn them int mtivatin and let them inspire yu."可知,不要让这些比较的时刻削弱你,而是把它们变成动力,让它们鼓舞你。故选A。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.reserve预订;预留;B.deliver递送; C.achieve完成;达到; D.abandn放弃。根据前文"With the prper preparatin and training, yu can imprve yur result"和后文"anything yu want in life"可推断, 你可以通过适当的准备和训练,改善结果,达到你 想要的。故选C。
    32.答案:①clsely②is lcated③a④in⑤t cmbine⑥themed⑦sectins⑧reflecting⑨digital⑩which
    ②考查固定搭配以及时态。句意:“北京大运河博物馆,也被称为首都博物馆东分馆,位于北京市行政中心,总建筑面积为99700平方米,”首都博物馆负责博物馆藏品的冯浩说。be lcated in“坐落于……”。本句话描述一般事实,所以用一般现在时态,主语为单数。故填is lcated。
    ③考查冠词。句意:“北京大运河博物馆,也被称为首都博物馆东分馆,位于北京市行政中心,总建筑面积为99700平方米,”首都博物馆负责博物馆藏品的冯浩说。a ttal f“总计,总数为……”。故填a。
    ④考查介词。句意:“北京大运河博物馆,也被称为首都博物馆东分馆,位于北京市行政中心,总建筑面积为99700平方米,”首都博物馆负责博物馆藏品的冯浩说。in charge f“负责”。故填in。
    ⑤考查动词不定式。句意:新博物馆每天可接待6000名游客,其设计结合了船只、帆船和水元素,展示了大运河的文化。be designed t d sth.“被设计来做某事”。故填t cmbine。
    ⑥考查形容词。句意:展区分为基本展区、主题展区、开放展区和临时展区。空处需要形容词和“basic, pen, temprary”作并列的定语修饰后面的名词。themed为形容词“特定主题的”。故填themed。
    ⑧考查非谓语动词。句意:“游客可以通过数字技术在开放展区享受反映北京和大运河主题的互动体验,”冯说。分析句子结构可知,空处需要非谓语动词作定语。该动词和被修饰的名词an interactive experience之间为主动关系,所以用现在分词作定语。故填reflecting。
    ⑩考查定语从句。句意:大运河连接中国东部浙江省的北京和杭州,有着2500多年的历史,是中国古代重要的交通路线。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限定性定语从句,修饰先行词the Grand Canal。先行词指物,在定语从句中作主语,所以用关系副词which引导该从句。故填which。
    33.答案:Dear Paul,
    Hw are yu? I’m excited t receive yur last email and learn abut yur passin fr Chinese idims.
    Chinese idims are an essential part f the Chinese language, histry and culture. Behind each f them there is a stry, which implies imprtant lessns abut life. There are a lt f texts, images and vides n the Internet abut them, frm which yu can learn a great deal. It’s als beneficial t search fr sentences cntaining the idims yu are learning.
    I believe yur knwledge abut China will be enriched thrugh yur explratin f Chinese idims. Hpefully, we can share ur ideas abut them.
    Li Hua
    许多:a lt f→a number f
    原句:Hpefully, we can share ur ideas abut them.
    拓展句:Hpefully, we can share ur ideas abut them, which will deepen yur understanding f these idims.
    【高分句型1】Behind each f them there is a stry, which implies imprtant lessns abut life. (运用了which引导的非限定性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】There are a lt f texts, images and vides n the Internet abut them, frm which yu can learn a great deal.(运用了介词+which引导的非限定性定语从句)
    Thughts started running thrugh my mind. I needed t start CPR. But I culdn’t d CPR n a persn wh was sitting in a car. Did I remember hw t d CPR? There was n way fr us tw wmen t lift this guy and carry him thrugh this traffic t the side f the rad. By the time an ambulance arrived, he wuld be dead. Just then, ver my shulder, I nticed a black SUV had pulled up behind us.
    In an instant, the man frm the black SUV was standing beside me and said. “I am a dctr” I stepped back. He cnfirmed that the man indeed had n pulse. He quickly carried the uncnscius driver t the sidewalk with the help f the wman. I walked arund t the passenger windw t check n the elderly lady. Her hands were shaking wildly, tears in her eyes. She culd nly manage t whisper, “Will he be OK?” “I hpe s,” I tld her sftly, as the dctr began CPR. And his breath recvered!
    ①.举起: lift / raise / hld up
    ②.退后:step back / keep back/ draw back
    ③.检查: check / examine/inspect
    ①.悲伤:tears in her eyes/ sad/ srrwful
    ②.柔和: sftly/gently
    [高分句型1].He cnfirmed that the man indeed had n pulse.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2]. I walked arund t the passenger windw t check n the elderly lady. (运用了不定式作目的状语)

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