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    We take the kids ut every nce in a while, but they get bred if we chse places like restaurants r shpping malls. Here are sme f the best places fr kids in Hyderabad.
    Snw Wrld
    If yu and yur kids lve snw, then Snw Wrld, which yu can visit between 11:00 am and 8:00 pm, is where yu need t be. The best thing is that yu can even enjy the snw during summers; yu can make a snwman, have snw fights with yur kids, ride the ice cars r d sme fun ice skating. And when yu get hungry, yu can grab a bite f sme tasty fd in the ice htel.
    The Jump Zne
    Wh says yur kids cannt have fun when the weather gets warm in Hyderabad? Drive t the Jump Zne, which allws kids aged 5 ~ 12 t play and remains pen frm 11:00 am t 9:30 pm, and enjy its vast indr play area, where there are slides, dance flrs, tys t ride n, and jumping castles.
    Ramji Film City
    Ramji Film City, which remains pen frm 9:00 am t 8:00 pm, has everything yu need fr fun and entertainment in ne place. Yur kids will be amazed by the beautiful gardens, amazing sets fr mvies, and strange streets. They can als enjy exciting rides and games there.
    Nehru Zlgical Park
    Nehru Zlgical Park, which remains pen frm 8:30 am t 5:00 pm, is a great place t let yur kids spend quality time with different animals. In this vast park yu can see ver 100 species f animals in their natural habitat. Other fun activities include elephant rides, train rides, and the Dinsaur Park. It als has an excellent fd curt where yu can sit and enjy tasty fd and drinks.
    1.Which place has the lngest pening hurs?
    A. Snw Wrld.B. The Jump Zne.
    C. Ramji Film City.D. Nehru Zlgical Park.
    2.What des the text say abut the Jump Zne?
    A.It desn’t welcme kids f all ages.
    B.It is nly crwded n warm days.
    C.It desn’t have enugh rm fr sliding.
    D.It attracts kids wh lve playing utdrs.
    3.What d Snw Wrld and Nehru Zlgical Park have in cmmn?
    A.They bth ffer training sessins.
    B.They bth prvide a place fr dining.
    C.They bth are suitable fr extreme sprts.
    D.They bth ffer a chance t see wild species.
    It was 1963 in the Trnt suburb. I was eight years ld and hckey (冰球) -crazy. My next-t-zer skills had nt stpped my passin fr the game. The players f the great hckey club Trnt Maple Leafs were f curse my heres, and their psters and phts cvered the walls f my rm.
    There is always sme price t pay fr maintaining a lve. I raised funds in an ld-fashined way, selling smething the public culd actually sink their teeth int. I jined the lcal annual event — Margaret’s Dughnuts (甜甜圈) t sell dughnuts, which ffered chices f hney-glazed r chclate-glazed.
    Dr-t-dr I went, ntebk in hand t recrd. I sld dzens f dzens; hardly a sul turned me dwn. My ntebk was almst full, and my stmach was almst empty when I went up the last huse n the suth side.
    I rang the drbell and went ver my speech while staring at the screen dr. Suddenly, the dr pened. My unfrgettable memry was lking up frm a large pair f fuzzy slippers, way up, t the face staring dwn. I std there speechless fr what seemed 10 years, pening and clsing my muth like a fish ut f water. Cllecting my calmness, but still unable t g int dughnut-prmting verdrive, I tld him smething he seemed have already knwn and he replied with a nd and a smile.
    I have an unclear memry f murmuring thrugh my speech “Please-buy-sme-dughnuts”, and then a vivid memry f him taking the ntebk frm my hand. I fllwed with new infrmatin — that we shared ur given name. With pride frm ur first-name-basis farewells, I flew hme hlding the ntebk tightly t my chest.
    The next mrning befre the schl bell, I cautiusly shwed ff the precius paper. It is surely mine alne t claim: I sld a dzen dughnuts t Tim Hrtn, ne f my mst respected players wh lived a mere three blcks away!
    4.What can we knw abut the authr?
    A. He btained psters and phts frm a star team.
    B. He jined Trnt Maple Leafs as a yung child.
    C. He was nt much f an experienced hckey player.
    D. His lve fr hckey was influenced by a star team.
    5.Why did the authr sell dughnuts?
    A. T fllw the fashin.B. T respnd t an event.
    C. T taste mre flavrs.D. T pursue his hbby.
    6.What happened t the authr when he met the wner f the last huse?
    A. He was s speechless with astnishment.
    B. He was lked dwn upn by the wner.
    C. He was scared by the wner’s appearance.
    D. He frgt his speech fr selling dughnuts.
    7.Which is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A. A Successful Sale Prmtin Of Dughnuts
    B. An Amazing Jurney T Fllwing My Dream
    C. A Grateful Dughnut Helping Awaken My Dream
    D. An Unexpected Meeting With My Favrite Hckey
    A shcking 53.6 millin tns f electrnic waste were discarded(丢弃)last year, a new UN-backed reprt has revealed. The reprt shws that e-waste is up 21%frm five years ag. This isn't surprising, cnsidering hw many mre peple are adpting new technlgy and updating devices regularly t have the latest versins, but the reprt als shws that natinal cllectin and recycling strategies are nwhere clse t matching cnsumptin rates.
    E-waste cntains materials including cpper(铜), irn, gld and silver, which the reprt gives a cnservative value f $ 57 billin. But mst are thrwn away r burned rather than being cllected fr recycling. Precius metals in waste are estimated t be wrth $ 14 billin, but nly $4 billin-wrth is recvered at the mment.
    While the number f cuntries with natinal e-waste plicies has grwn frm 61 t 78 since 2014, there is little encuragement t bey and a mere 17% f cllected items are recycled. If recycling des ccur, it's ften under dangerus cnditins, such as burning circuit bards t recver cpper, which "releases highly pisnus metals" and harms the health f wrkers.
    The reprt fund that Asia has the highest amunts f waste verall, prducing 24.9 millin metric tns (MMT), fllwed by Eurpe at 12 MMT, Africa at 2.9 MMT, and Oceania at 0.7 MMT.
    But whse respnsibility is it? Are gvernments in charge f setting up cllectin and recycling pints, r shuld cmpanies be respnsible fr recycling the gds they prduce? It ges bth ways. Cmpanies d need t be held accuntable by gvernment regulatins and have incentives t design prducts that are easily repaired. At the same time, gvernments need t make it easy fr citizens t access cllectin pints and deal with their brken electrnics in a cnvenient way. Otherwise, they may turn t the easiest ptin-the landfill.
    8.What can we learn frm the first paragraph?
    A. What e-waste refers t.B. Where e-waste is cllected.
    C. Why e-waste is increasing rapidly.D. Hw many kinds e-waste includes.
    9.What d the statistics in paragraph 2 shw?
    A. The functins f plicies.B. The great damage t envirnment.
    C. The change f cnsumptin rates.D. The urgency f recvering e-waste.
    10.What is the prblem with recycling e-waste at present?
    A. It des harm t the wrkers' health.B. It lacks natinal plicy supprt.
    C. It hardly makes prfits.D. It takes t much time.
    11.Hw shuld the prblem be slved accrding t the passage?
    A. New technlgy shuld be used t update ld devices.
    B. Gvernments and cmpanies shuld take respnsibilities.
    C. Nn-pisnus metals had better be used in e-device.
    D. Citizens must play a key rle in recycling e-waste.
    Ancient builders acrss the wrld created structures that are still standing tday, thusands f years later. Rman engineers built thick cncrete sea barriers, fr example. And Chinese builders raised walls against invaders. But there are many recent structures that are already starting t fail. The cncrete that makes up much f ur mdern wrld lasts arund 50 t 100 years.
    A grwing number f scientists have been studying materials frm lng ag. They are breaking apart pieces f buildings and reading histrical texts hping t learn hw they have std fr thusands f years. The research has turned up a surprising list f materials that were mixed int ld buildings. They include tree bark, vlcanic ash, rice, beer and even urine (尿液). These unexpected materials culd have the ability t get strnger ver time and “heal” cracks when they frm.
    Figuring ut hw t cpy these features culd have real impacts tday. While ur mdern cncrete has the strength t hld up very tall buildings and heavy infrastructure (基础结构), it cannt cmpete with the endurance f these ancient materials. With the rising threats f climate change, there is a grwing call t make cnstructin mre sustainable. A recent UN reprt estimates that the built envirnment is respnsible fr mre than a third f carbn dixide emissins wrldwide. Cement (水泥) prductin alne makes up mre than 7 percent f thse emissins.
    Is ancient Rman cncrete better? In places where seawater has been hitting structures fr ages, yu will find cncrete “basically the way it was when it was pured 2,000 years ag,” said Jhn Olesn, an archaelgist at the University f Victria in Canada.
    Mst mdern cncrete starts with Prtland cement, a pwder made by heating limestne (石灰岩) and clay t super-high temperatures and breaking them up. That cement is mixed with water t create a paste. Then, materials like rck and gravel are added. Recrds frm ancient builders shw the Rman prcess was similar. The ancient builders mixed materials like burnt limestne and vlcanic sand with water and rcks, creating chemical reactins t tie everything tgether.
    Nw, scientists think they have fund an imprtant reasn why sme Rman cncrete has held up structures fr thusands f years. The ancient material has an unusual pwer t repair itself. Exactly hw is nt yet clear, s scientists are starting t find reasns why.
    12.What is the purpse f the cmparisn in Paragraph 1?
    A. T intrduce a tpic.B. T list a mtivatin.
    C. T give a definitin.D. T present an argument.
    13.Which aspect f ancient Rman building materials surprises scientists?
    A. Their necessary ingredients.B. Their prcessing prcedure.
    C. Their amazing sustainability.D. Their high-end technlgy.
    14.Accrding t the passage, ________ remains a mystery.
    A. what made up thse ancient Rman materials
    B. where the ancient Rman materials were prduced
    C. hw thse ancient Rman materials were transprted
    D. why the ancient Rman materials healed autmatically
    15.Where is the text prbably frm?
    A. A travel brchure.B. A science fictin.
    C. An architecture essay.D. An envirnment reprt.
    16.Cnstructing an impressive and visually appealing resume (简历) can be challenging, but a few strategies can help yu use yur resume as a shwcase f what makes yu the best candidate fr a jb. Learning what t include in a resume can help yu build a resume that will impress hiring managers. ① _________
    Give yur cntact infrmatin. The first item n yur resume shuld be yur first and last name, a phne number and an email address. Yu can als include yur address, whether it’s the full mailing address r just yur city and state. ② _________
    ③ _________ The wrk experience sectin f yur resume shuld be mre than a simple list f yur previus psitins. It shuld als effectively describe yur wrk experience t enhance yur candidacy. If yu are seeking yur first jb, fr example, yu may nt have any previus prfessinal experience t include, but yu can include relevant internships r vlunteer wrk.
    Include yur educatin. Mst jbs require at least sme educatin, and emplyers seek this infrmatin n yur resume. List yur highest level f educatin cmpleted first, then subsequent degrees and diplmas (文凭). ④ _________When entering a degree r diplma yu are currently cmpleting, add the date yu began pursuing it and leave the end date blank.
    List relevant skills. Near the end f yur resume, yu shuld include a sectin fr any skills that may be relevant and can enhance yur appeal as a candidate. ⑤ _________ Sft skills may be abilities such as cmmunicatin r leadership while hard skills culd be cmputer prgrams r technical knwledge.
    A. Add yur wrk experience.
    B. Explain yur achievements and awards.
    C. Yu may als chse t include any active licenses r certificatins.
    D. Fllw these steps t shw emplyers yu are the best fit fr their psitin.
    E. When including yur skills, chse bth hard and sft skills that relate t the rle.
    F. When ptential emplyers review yur resume, they frequently g thrugh it quickly.
    G. Many cmpanies prefer t hire lcal emplyees t reduce relcatin time and expenses.
    Since I came t senir high schl, I began t pay mre attentin t my appearance. I had 1 t lse weight fr ver six mnths, living nly n a small cup f lw-fat ygurt fr a whle day. Even if 2 cut my stmach like a knife, I wuld firmly hld n t my plan t be beauty. Befre lng, 3 bviusly drpped ff me and I felt quite 4 until my symptms (症状) began t hit me hard. I even started 5 frm the cld in 27-degree rms. Thugh feeling weaker and weaker, I 6 my new bdy because I lked thin.
    Then, ne day, my gegraphy teacher 7 that I was resting my head n the desk, and called me ut f the class. He shut the dr behind me and asked, “Yu haven’t seemed quite 8 in class recently. Are yu kay?” “Yeah, I am just tired,” I 9 , t frightened t lk int his eyes.
    “Christine I dn’t knw what’s ging n with yu, but I want yu t believe that everyne here 10 fr yu. We want yu t beat whatever yu’re 11 , just cheer up, OK?” I said “OK” in a lw vice and then I went back t my 12 .
    The teacher’s lving wrds tuched me a lt and 13 t me. I decided t give up my plan f lsing weight, and began t eat everything that was 14 . Over the next few mnths, I 15 gained all my spirit back. Thanks t my teacher, a healthy and active girl was cming back again.
    17.A. vlunteeredB. struggledC. preferredD. refused
    18.A. pressureB. failureC. painD. hunger
    19.A. nisesB. tearsC. pundsD. rcks
    20.A. satisfiedB. shckedC. puzzledD. cnfused
    21.A. hstingB. shakingC. talkingD. rganizing
    22.A. challengedB. dubtedC. appreciatedD. checked
    23.A. understdB. guessedC. heardD. bserved
    24.A. peacefulB. energeticC. friendlyD. strict
    25.A. liedB. shutedC. criedD. laughed
    26.A. preparesB. searchesC. caresD. calls
    27.A. exchangingB. explringC. expectingD. experiencing
    28.A. grupB. seatC. rleD. line
    29.A. made a differenceB. came int being
    C. brke dwnD. tk place
    30.A. lentB. stlenC. servedD. cvered
    31.A. strangelyB. speciallyC. imprtantlyD. gradually
    32.China’s Ministry f Culture annunced the Fifth Natinal List f Representative Elements f Intangible Cultural Heritage(非物质文化遗产) f China n Thursday, adding 185 items t the list, ① _________ (include) the skills f making Lusifen.
    Lusifen is a dish knwn ② _________ its special smell in the suthern Chinese city f Liuzhu. Thse wh try it say they can never frget the magical taste. It is sur, spicy, salty, ht and even ③ _________ (smell) after being biled.
    Lusifen served as a street snack in Liuzhu, ④ _________ peple utside f the city knew little abut. In 2012, Lusifen ⑤ _________ (appear)in a hit Chinese fd TV prgram-“A Bite f China”. After that it became a husehld name.
    The develpment f the Internet, ⑥ _________ (especial) the bm f e-cmmerce and nline eating shw, has brught this Chinese lcal fd passin t a new level. Lusifen ften shws up in vides by fd blggers and eating shw hsts. The lcal dish finds ⑦ _________ (it) well received by the pst-90s generatin. Accrding t recent data, ⑧ _________ number f buyers is grwing 9 times year n year.
    As Lusifen becmes mre and mre ppular, the lcal gvernment makes effrts ⑨ _________ (establish) its fficial internatinal psitin. Authrities in Liuzhu City have applied fr UNESCO’s ⑩ _________ (recgnise) f Lusifen as an intangible cultural heritage.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Snw Wrld中的If yu and yur kids lve snw,then Snw Wrld,which yu can visit between 11:00 am and 8:00 pm,is where yu need t be. (如果你和你的孩子喜欢雪,那么你可以在上午11点到晚上8点之间参观雪世界,这是你需要去的地方)、The Jump Zne中的Drive t the Jump Zne,which allws kids aged 5 ~ 12 t play and remains pen frm 11:00 am t 9:30 pm, (开车到蹦客地带,允许5 ~ 12岁的孩子玩耍,开放时间为上午11点至晚上9点30分)、Ramji Film City中的"Ramji Film City,which remains pen frm 9:00 am t 8:00 pm,has everything yu need fr fun and entertainment in ne place. (拉莫吉电影城的开放时间是早上9点到晚上8点,在一个地方有你需要的一切乐趣和娱乐)和Nehru Zlgical Park中的Nehru Zlgical Park,which remains pen frm 8:30 am t 5:00 pm,is a great place t let yur kids spend quality time with different animals. (尼赫鲁动物园的开放时间为上午8点30分至下午5点,是让你的孩子与不同的动物共度美好时光的好地方。)可知,拉莫吉电影城营业时间最长。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据The Jump Zne中的Drive t the Jump Zne,which allws kids aged 5 ~ 12 t play and remains pen frm 11:00 am t 9:30 pm,and enjy its vast indr play area,where there are slides,dance flrs,tys t ride n,and jumping castles. (开车到蹦客地带,允许5 ~ 12岁的孩子玩耍,开放时间为上午11点至晚上9点30分,享受广阔的室内游乐区,那里有滑梯、舞池、玩具和跳跃城堡。)可知,The Jump Zne不欢迎所有年龄段的孩子,只允许5 ~ 12岁的孩子玩耍。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Snw Wrld中And when yu get hungry,yu can grab a bite f sme tasty fd in the ice htel. (当你饿的时候,你可以在冰旅馆里吃点美味的食物。)和Nehru Zlgical Park中的It als has an excellent fd curt where yu can sit and enjy tasty fd and drinks. (它还有一个很棒的美食广场,你可以坐在那里享受美味的食物和饮料。)可知,冰雪大世界和尼赫鲁动物园共同之处在于它们都提供一个吃饭的地方。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“My next-t-zer skills had nt stpped my passin fr the game. (虽然我的技能几乎为零,但这并没有阻止我对游戏的热情。)”可知,作者虽然喜爱玩冰球,但并不擅长。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“There is always sme price t pay fr maintaining a lve. I raised funds in an ld-fashined way, selling smething the public culd actually sink their teeth int. (维持一项热爱的事总是要付出代价的。我用一种老式的方式筹集资金,出售一些公众真正会感兴趣的东西。)”可知,作者卖甜甜圈来追求他的爱好。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段“I std there speechless fr what seemed 10 years, pening and clsing my muth like a fish ut f water.(我站在那里说不出话来,好像有10年的时间,嘴巴张了又闭,就像一条离开水的鱼。)”可推知,作者遇到最后一栋房子的主人时,太惊讶以至于说不出话。故选A。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据最后一段“It is surely mine alne t claim: I sld a dzen dughnuts t Tim Hrtn, ne f my mst respected players wh lived a mere three blcks away! (这当然是我一个人说的:我卖了一打甜甜圈给蒂姆·霍顿,他是我最尊敬的球员之一,就住在三个街区之外!)”结合文章主要讲述了年少时候的作者为了追求冰球梦,通过卖甜甜圈来筹钱。在此过程中,作者碰巧把甜甜圈卖给了自己的冰球偶像。B选项“追寻梦想的奇妙旅程”最符合文章标题。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。由第一段最后一句“This isn't surprising, cnsidering hw many mre peple are adpting new technlgy and updating devices regularly t have the latest versins, but the reprt als shws that natinal cllectin and recycling strategies are nwhere clse t matching cnsumptin rates.”(这并不奇怪,考虑到有多少人正在采用新技术和定期更新设备以获得最新版本,但报告还显示,国家收集和回收战略远远不能达到与消费率相匹配的水平。)可知,越来越多的人使用电子产品,且电子产品的回收策略与消费速率不匹配,这就导致了电子垃圾的数量飞速增长。选项C与文意一致,故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段“E-waste cntains materials including cpper(铜), irn, gld and silver, which the reprt gives a cnservative value f $ 57 billin. But mst are thrwn away r burned rather than being cllected fr recycling. Precius metals in waste are estimated t be wrth $ 14 billin, but nly $4 billin-wrth is recvered at the mment.”(电子垃圾含有铜、铁、金和银等物质,报告给出的保守价值为570亿美元。但是大多数都被扔掉或者烧掉了,而不是被收集起来再循环利用。废物中的贵金属估计价值140亿美元,但目前只回收了价值40亿美元的贵金属。)通过数字对比可知,目前电子垃圾中有用材料的回收利用率还很低,浪费严重。所以第2段的统计数字显示了回收电子垃圾的紧迫性,故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“ If recycling des ccur, it's ften under dangerus cnditins, such as burning circuit bards t recver cpper, which "releases highly pisnus metals" and harms the health f wrkers.”(如果循环利用真的发生了,这个过程通常是在危险的条件下进行的,比如燃烧电路板回收铜,这会释放出剧毒金属,危害工人的健康。)可知,在电子产品的回收过程中会产生有害物质危害工人的健康。选项A与文意一致,故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Are gvernments in charge f setting up cllectin and recycling pints, r shuld cmpanies be respnsible fr recycling the gds they prduce? It ges bth ways.”(是政府负责设立回收点,还是公司负责回收他们生产的产品?两种方法都要用。)可知,政府和公司都应该承担责任,故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Ancient builders acrss the wrld created structures that are still standing tday, thusands f years later.(世界各地的古代建设者创造了数千年后仍然屹立不倒的建筑。)”和“But there are many recent structures that are already starting t fail. The cncrete that makes up much f ur mdern wrld lasts arund 50 t 100 years.(但有许多最近的建筑已经开始倒塌。构成我们现代世界大部分的混凝土可以使用大约50到100年。)”可知,第一段对比了古代建筑和现代建筑的持久性,古代建筑能够屹立上千年,而现代建筑则只能持续50到100年,接着第二段前两句“A grwing number f scientists have been studying materials frm lng ag. They are breaking apart pieces f buildings and reading histrical texts hping t learn hw they have std fr thusands f years.(越来越多的科学家一直在研究很久以前的材料。他们正在拆开建筑碎片,阅读历史文献,希望了解它们是如何屹立数千年的。)”讲述了科学家研究为什么古代建筑能够持久。由此可推测出,第一段进行对比是为了引出接下来的话题。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The research has turned up a surprising list f materials that were mixed int ld buildings. They include tree bark, vlcanic ash, rice, beer and even urine (尿液).(这项研究发现了一份令人惊讶的旧建筑材料清单。它们包括树皮、火山灰、大米、啤酒甚至尿液。)”可知,科学家们发现了旧建筑材料中令人惊讶的成分。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The ancient material has an unusual pwer t repair itself. Exactly hw is nt yet clear, s scientists are starting t find reasns why.(这种古老的材料有一种不同寻常的自我修复能力。确切的原因尚不清楚,因此科学家们开始寻找原因。)”可知,古老的罗马材料能够自动修复的原因尚不清楚。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。通读全文可知,根据文中的“structures”“materials”“mdern cncrete”“Rman cncrete”等关键词和最后一段中的“Nw, scientists think they have fund an imprtant reasn why sme Rman cncrete has held up structures fr thusands f years.(现在,科学家们认为他们已经找到了一些罗马混凝土支撑结构数千年的重要原因。)”可知,本文主要围绕古代建筑持久的原因展开,讲述了古代和现代建筑的持久性和建筑材料,由此可推测出,本文最有可能出自一篇建筑文章。故选C。
    解析:①根据上文“Cnstructing an impressive and visually appealing resume (简历) can be challenging, but a few strategies can help yu use yur resume as a shwcase f what makes yu the best candidate fr a jb. Learning what t include in a resume can help yu build a resume that will impress hiring managers. (制作一份令人印象深刻、视觉上吸引人的简历可能是一项挑战,但有一些策略可以帮助你在简历中展示自己是某份工作的最佳人选。了解简历的内容可以帮助你打造一份给招聘经理留下深刻印象的简历。)”和下文讲述的做简历的方法,可知设空处承上启下,引出下文的这些方法步骤,D选项“按照以下步骤向雇主展示你是他们职位的最佳人选。”符合题意,故选D。
    ②根据上文“Yu can als include yur address, whether it’s the full mailing address r just yur city and state. (你也可以包括你的地址,无论是完整的邮寄地址还是只是你所在的城市和州。)”可推断下文说明这样做的好处,G选项“许多公司更愿意雇佣当地员工,以减少搬迁的时间和费用。”符合题意,故选G。
    ③设空处为本段小标题。根据下文“The wrk experience sectin f yur resume shuld be mre than a simple list f yur previus psitins. It shuld als effectively describe yur wrk experience t enhance yur candidacy. (简历的工作经历部分不应该只是简单地罗列以前的职位。它还应该有效地描述你的工作经验,以提高你的候选资格。)”可知本段主要讲述的是如何描述你的工作经验,选项A“加上你的工作经验。”符合题意,故选A。
    ④根据上文“List yur highest level f educatin cmpleted first, then subsequent degrees and diplmas (文凭). (首先列出你所完成的最高教育水平,然后列出随后获得的学位和文凭。)”可推断下文也是关于你获得的各种技能证书之类的,C选项“您也可以选择包括任何有效的许可证或证书。”紧密承接上文,符合小标题中“你的教育背景”这个主题,故选C。
    ⑤根据下文“Sft skills may be abilities such as cmmunicatin r leadership while hard skills culd be cmputer prgrams r technical knwledge. (软技能可能是沟通或领导能力,而硬技能可能是计算机程序或技术知识。)”可推断上文是说要从软技能和硬技能两个方面来写,故选项E“在列出你的技能时,要选择与职位相关的硬技能和软技能。”符合题意,故选E。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我已经努力减肥六个多月了,只靠一小杯低脂酸奶过一整天。A. vlunteered自愿做;B. struggled奋斗,斗争,努力;C. preferred更喜欢;D. refused拒绝。根据“lse weight fr ver six mnths”及“living nly n a small cup f lw-fat ygurt fr a whle day.”可知,作者为了减肥,6个多月来,每天只喝一小杯低脂酸奶。此处描述作者为减肥而付出的努力。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管饥饿像刀子一样割我的胃,但我毅然坚持着我的美丽计划。A. pressure压力;B. failure失败;C. pain痛苦;D. hunger饥饿。根据“I had 1 t lse weight fr ver six mnths, living nly n a small cup f lw-fat ygurt fr a whle day.”可知,作者为了减肥,6个多月来,每天只喝一小杯低脂酸奶,故推知作者饥饿。故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:不久以后,我的体重明显下降了,我非常满意,直到我的症状给了我重重的一击。A. nises噪音;B. tears眼泪;C. punds磅;D. rcks岩石。根据“I had 1 t lse weight fr ver six mnths, living nly n a small cup f lw-fat ygurt fr a whle day.”及“bviusly drpped ff”可知,作者为了减肥,6个多月来,每天只喝一小杯低脂酸奶。故推知作者减肥后,体重的磅数下降了。故选C。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不久以后,我的体重明显下降了,我非常满意,直到我的症状给了我重重的一击。A. satisfied满意的;B. shcked震惊的;C. puzzled困惑的;D. cnfused困惑的,难懂的。根据“Befre lng, 3 bviusly drpped ff me”可知,作者减肥后,体重下降了,故推知作者对于减肥的效果很满意。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:在27度的房间,我甚至都会发抖。A. hsting主办,主持;B. shaking发抖,哆嗦;C. talking谈论;D. rganizing组织。根据“Befre lng, 3 bviusly drpped ff me and I felt quite 4 until my symptms (症状) began t hit me hard.”及“Thugh feeling weaker and weaker”可知,减肥带来了副作用,让作者的身体越来越虚弱,在27度的房间都会发抖。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我虽然感觉自己越来越虚弱,但还是很欣赏自己的新体型,因为我看起来很苗条。A. challenged挑战;B. dubted怀疑;C. appreciated欣赏;D. checked检查。根据“Befre lng, 3 bviusly drpped ff me and I felt quite 4 ”及“because I lked thin.”可知,作者的减肥效果很好,身材变得苗条。故推知作者很满意减肥的效果,很欣赏自己的新体型。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,有一天,我的地理老师观察到我把头趴在桌子上,他把我叫出教室。A. understd理解;B. guessed猜;C. heard听到;D. bserved观察。根据“I was resting my head n the desk”可知,此处描写的是老师对作者上课状态的观察。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他在我身后关上门,问道:“你最近看起来无精打采的”。A. peaceful和平的;B. energetic精力充沛的;C. friendly友好的;D. strict严格的。根据“Then, ne day, my gegraphy teacher 7 that I was resting my head n the desk, and called me ut f the class.”及“Yeah, I am just tired”可知,作者上课时的状态不好,看起来很累。故推知作者看起来无精打采。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我太害怕了,不敢看他的眼睛,撒谎说:“是的,我只是有点累”。A. lied说谎;B. shuted大喊;C. cried哭;D. laughed大笑。根据“Yeah, I am just tired”及“t frightened t lk int his eyes”可知,回答时,作者不敢看老师的眼睛,没有告诉老师自己的减肥计划,谎称自己太累了,故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:“Christine,我不知道你发生了什么事,但是,我想让你相信,这里的每一个人都关心你”。A. prepares准备;B. searches搜索;C. cares关心;D. calls打电话。根据“He shut the dr behind me and asked, “Yu haven’t seemed quite 8 in class recently. Are yu kay?””可知,老师观察到作者上课状态不好,并找作者谈话。故推知老师很关心作者。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我们希望你能战胜你所经历的一切,打起精神来,好吗?”A. exchanging交换;B. explring探索;C. expecting期待;D. experiencing经历。根据“Christine, I dn’t knw what’s ging n with yu”可知,老师不知道作者发生了什么事情,不知道她经历了什么,故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我低声地说了句“好的”,然后回到座位。A. grup组;B. seat座位;C. rle角色;D. line线。根据“Then, ne day, my gegraphy teacher 7 that I was resting my head n the desk, and called me ut f the class.”可知,老师将作者叫出教室,与作者谈话。故推知作者与老师谈过之后,作者要回到教室,回到自己的座位上。故选B。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:老师关爱的话语深深地触动了我,对我影响很大。A. made a difference有影响;B. came int being形成,产生;C. brke dwn分解;D. tk place发生。根据“I decided t give up my plan f lsing weight, and began t eat everything that was 14 .”可知,与老师谈话之后,作者决定不减肥了。故推知老师的话对作者产生了很大的影响。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我决定放弃我的减肥计划,并开始吃提供的所有东西。A. lent借;B. stlen偷;C. served端上,上菜;D. cvered覆盖。根据“I decided t give up my plan f lsing weight”可知,作者放弃减肥了。故推知作者不再节食了,而是吃所端上桌子的食物,故选C。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的几个月里,我的精神逐渐恢复了。A. strangely奇怪地;B. specially特意地;C. imprtantly重要地;D. gradually逐渐地。根据“Over the next few mnths”及“Thanks t my teacher, a healthy and active girl was cming back again.”可知,作者经过了好几个月才恢复了健康,变得有精神。故推知作者是逐渐恢复的。故选D
    32.答案:①including②fr③smelly④which⑤appeared⑥especially⑦itself⑧the⑨t establish⑩recgnitin
    解析:①考查介词。句意:周四,中国文化部公布了第五份《中国非物质文化遗产代表性元素名录》,增加了185个项目,其中包括制作螺蛳粉的技巧。根据空格后的名词the skills可知,空格处应填介词,including为介词,意为“包含”。故填including。
    ②考查介词。句意:螺蛳粉是中国南方城市柳州的一道以其独特的气味而闻名的菜肴。根据空格后的名词its special smell可知,空格处应填介词和过去分词knwn构成固定短语knwn fr“因……而出名”。故填fr。
    ③考查形容词。句意:它有酸、辣、咸、辣,煮后甚至有臭味。根据and 并列结构可知,空格处应和形容词sur, spicy, salty, ht构成并列关系,应填形容词作表语。故填smelly。
    ④考查定语从句。句意:螺蛳粉是柳州的一种街头小吃,城外的人对此知之甚少。空格处引导非限制性定语从句修饰先行词a street snack,从句中缺少宾语,应用which引导从句。故填which。
    ⑤考查动词时态。句意:2012年,螺蛳粉出现在一个热门的中国美食电视节目《舌尖上的中国》中。空格处作谓语,根据时间状语In 2012可知,应用一般过去时。故填appeared。
    ⑦考查代词。句意:这道当地菜本身深受90后的欢迎。空格处作宾语,主语是the lcal dish,结合句意“它自己本身”应填代词itself。故填itself。
    ⑧考查冠词。句意:根据最近的数据,购买者的数量同比增长了9倍。根据空格后的谓语is及句意“……的数量”可知,空格处应填定冠词the,构成固定短语“the number f”。故填the。
    ⑨考查非谓语动词。句意:随着螺蛳粉越来越受欢迎,当地政府努力确立其官方国际地位。makes为谓语动词,空格处应填动词不定式作目的状语。故填t establish。
    ⑩考查名词。句意:柳州市有关部门已申请联合国教科文组织将螺蛳粉列为非物质文化遗产。根据空格前的名词所有格UNESCO’s可知,空格处应填名词作介词 fr的宾语,recgnitin为不可数名词。故填recgnitin。
    The First Culture Festival
    Last week witnessed the first Culture Festival themed “the Beauty f Chinese Traditinal Culture” held by ur schl.
    The festival cnsisted f varius activities, ranging frm an ancient petry recitatin cntest n Tuesday afternn t a week-lng exhibitin, where hundreds f students, traditinal Chinese painting and calligraphy wrks were n display. Additinally, several celebrated actrs were invited t perfrm Beijing Opera in the auditrium n Friday evening.
    The cultural feast turned ut a huge success. Bth the teachers and students thught highly f it and regarded it a glden chance t gain a deeper insight int Chinese traditinal culture. (99 wrds)
    由……组成:cnsist f=be made up f
    各种各样的:varius→all kinds f
    展览,陈列:n display=n shw
    此外:additinally→what’s mre
    原句:Last week witnessed the first Culture Festival themed “the Beauty f Chinese Traditinal Culture” held by ur schl.
    拓展句:Last week witnessed the first Culture Festival themed “the Beauty f Chinese Traditinal Culture” held by ur schl, which was undubtedly wnderful.
    【高分句型1】Last week witnessed the first Culture Festival themed “the Beauty f Chinese Traditinal Culture” held by ur schl.(themed和held为过去分词作后置定语)
    【高分句型2】The festival cnsisted f varius activities, ranging frm an ancient petry recitatin cntest n Tuesday afternn t a week-lng exhibitin, where hundreds f students, traditinal Chinese painting and calligraphy wrks were n display.(where引导非限制性定语从句)

    河北省保定市部分高中2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试卷(Word版附答案): 这是一份河北省保定市部分高中2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试卷(Word版附答案),文件包含河北省保定市保定部分高中2023-2024学年高二下学期开学英语试题docx、2024河北省保定市部分高中高二下学期开学考试英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。

    博爱县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学摸底考试英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份博爱县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学摸底考试英语试卷(含答案),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江西丰城中学2022-2023学年高二下学期开学考试英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份江西丰城中学2022-2023学年高二下学期开学考试英语试卷(含答案),共19页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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