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    这是一份河北省唐山市路北区某校2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含精品解析河北省唐山市路北区某校2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析河北省唐山市路北区某校2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共31页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What’s the wman’s reactin twards the news?
    A. Excited. B. Indifferent. C. Upset.
    2. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A: At a restaurant. B. At a flwer shp. C. At a cncert.
    3. When will they arrive at the party?
    A. 6: 10. B. 6: 20. C. 6: 30.
    4. What des the man advise the wman t d?
    A. G fishing. B. Take a class. C. Give up swimming.
    5. What has the man been busy with?
    A. Jb hunting. B. A trip. C. His htel business.
    6. What des the man cnsider ding?
    A. Getting a driver’s license. B. Living near his wrkplace. C. Buying a new car.
    7. Hw des the wman usually g hme?
    A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. On ft.
    8. Wh wrte the pem The Flight f Yuth?
    A. Richard Henry Stddard. B. Shelley. C. Byrn;
    9. What des the man expect the wman t d?
    A. Share pinins with him. B. Wrk in the library. C. Read Chinese pems.
    10. What des Kelly d?
    A. A secretary. B. A htel clerk. C. A sales manager.
    11. What des the man take with him?
    A. A bag. B. A small suitcase. C. A rlling suitcase.
    12. What kind f suite will the man stay in?
    A. A small ne. B. A big ne. C. The best ne.
    13. Wh is Stefan?
    A The man’s teacher. B. The man’s schlmate. C. The man’s family member.
    14. Where did Stefan and the man g first?
    A. A restaurant. B. The riverside. C. A shpping mall.
    15. What were by the river in the past?
    A. Factries. B. Gardens. C. Sprts centers.
    16. What can we learn abut the rad bridge?
    A. It is near a schl. B. It is under cnstructin. C. It is mdern and busy.
    17. What is the speaker trying t d?
    A. Tell the different uses f umbrellas. B. Intrduce new kinds f umbrellas.
    C. Call fr vtes fr the umbrella.
    18. What des the speaker say abut the umbrella?
    A. It is hard t make. B. It makes streets clrful. C. It is a mdem inventin.
    19. Hw many reasns des the speaker give?
    A. 3. B. 4 C. 5.
    20. Hw can the listeners express their pinins?
    A. By writing letters. B. By making phne calls. C. By sending text messages.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Tp Festivals In Eurpe
    Carnival f Venice
    Dates: 12 Feb, 2023—1 Mar, 2023
    The Carnival f Venice, which began in 1979 as an effrt t revive the culture f this city, is ne f the best festivals featuring masks. Each year, almst 3,000,000 peple attend this 20-day-lng biggest festivals in Eurpe. There is a water parade, a grand ball with ld and mdern music, and a ppularity cntest fr best mask design.
    Glastnbury Festival
    Dates: 22 Jun, 2023—26 Jun, 2023
    Of all the famus Eurpean music festivals, the Glastnbury Festival has a special place. Held in Smerset, England, since the 1970s, the festival is a majr part f the British culture. Majr pp act perfrmers are invited t perfrm and headline. The festival sees as much as 175,000 peple in attendance and is the wrld’s largest greenfield festival.
    Dates: 22—24Jul, 2023 & 29—31Jul, 2023
    Fr the music lvers, Tmrrwland is ne f the largest electrnic music festivals which takes place in Belgium. The festival is hsted at the twn f Bm, Belgium. First rganized in 2005, this festival has becme an annual traditin which is visited by peple frm far and wide.
    Sziget Festival
    Dates: 10—15 Aug, 2023
    The Sziget Festival is ne f the best cultural festivals in Eurpe. Started in 1993 and hsted in an island f Budapest, this festival gives an amazing hliday, with arund 400,000 fans frm arund 70 cuntries. The festival features the nn-stp party and amazing live cncerts.
    1. What can peple d in the Carnival f Venice?
    A. Swim in the river.B. Design different masks.
    C. Attend music cntests.D. Watch pp perfrmances.
    2. Which f the festivals has the shrtest histry?
    A. Tmrrwland.B. Sziget Festival.
    C. Carnival f Venice.D. Glastnbury Festival.
    3. What d the fur festivals have in cmmn?
    A. They each have a parade.B. They take place in summer.
    C. They are British festivals.D. They are related t music.
    Nah Wall recently celebrated his ninth birthday. The little by frm Cumbria England, uses a wheelchair t get arund. He’s extremely smart and lves learning abut the slar system. His life is pretty nrmal, which is astnishing cnsidering dctrs didn’t even expect Nah t survive his birth.
    His mm, Michelle Wall, was pregnant when tests revealed that her little ne had spina bifida (脊椎裂) . When they perfrmed mre tests, a scan f Nah’s head shwed a cyst(囊肿) that was destrying his brain.
    Michelle and her husband Rb prayed fr a wnder. On the day Nah was brn, he let ut a huge cry the mment he appeared t let his parents knw that their little guy wasn’t ging dwn withut a fight!
    Scans shwed that just 2 percent f Nah’s brain had survived the cyst in his head. Seven weeks after birth, he received an peratin t clse the pening in his spine and place a shunt (分流管) in his head t lead fluid (积液) away frm his brain. Yet Nah is nt mentally disabled. In fact, he’s impressively clever! At 9, he is physically active and dreams f becming an astrnaut smeday.
    “They tld us he might nt be able t speak, hear, eat, r anything,” Michelle said. “But I see he can tell the time, read, d maths and lve science. He can talk abut the slar system. He has unbelievable dreams. ”
    Nah has gne thrugh 11 surgeries s far and there are many mre t cme, but he has already exceeded everyne’s expectatins —in every pssible way!
    “Every single day he des smething that impresses me,” Michelle said. “I’m s extremely prud f him. I will help him all I can and always be there fr him.”
    Nah! What a wnderful reminder f the imprtance f keeping hpe alive.
    4. Why is the nine-year-ld Nah Wall’s life astnishing?
    A. The dctr judged him nt t survive.B. He is t smart t explre the slar system.
    C. His full recvery created a great wnder.D. He will live thrugh 11 peratins.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “exceeded” mean in paragraph 6?
    A. Gne beynd.B. Subscribed t.
    C. Lived up t.D. Set the stage fr.
    6. What is the mther’s attitude t Nah Wall’s future?
    A. Dubtful.B. Psitive.C. Cautius.D. Objective.
    7. Which f the fllwing culd be the best title fr the text?
    A A Tuching FamilyB. A Medical Wnder
    C. A Pwerful ChildD. A Wnderful Reminder
    In Clmbia a grup, named WebCnserva, is carrying ut a prject in the San Lucas Muntains with the help f cffee grwers.
    The San Lucas area is ne f the mst unexplred places in Clmbia, which is hme t many thusands f species f animals and plants. Yet gld mining and cca farming have dne much damage t its ecsystem. T limit additinal develpment in the San Lucas area, the grup helps cffee grwers by linking them with prcessrs (加工者) frm arund the cuntry.
    Clmbia has mre different kinds f living things than any ther cuntry except neighbring Brazil. In 2016 the Clmbian gvernment signed a peace deal with the Revlutinary Armed Frces f Clmbia ending years f civil war. As a result, mre land became accessible fr use, with defrestatin (毁林) cming alng. Gvernment infrmatin shws that in 2017, almst 220,000 hectares f frest were destryed cmpared t arund 124,000 hectares in 2015.
    T date, the prject includes 10 families wh farm 400 hectares f cffee plants, which csts abut $77,000 dllars a year. WebCnserva hpes that, in time, 200 families will be included. At that level, 20,000 hectares f untuched frest culd be prtected. In San Lucas, the families prmise nt t cut dwn trees t expand their crps r t hunt wild animals frm the frests. In return; they receive $250 t $300, per 125 kilgrams f cffee, an enviable amunt there. Arcadi Barajas is amng thse taking part. His new cffee farm makes a barrier (屏障) between cattle farms and frests where wild animals like the jaguar live and hunt. In this way, he desn’t have t kill wild animals t prtect his cattle.
    Barajas said that pulling dwn the frest t plant cca and killing wildlife were against his will. Nw he feels that grwing cffee lets him be a steward f the land. “I’m taking care f the envirnment, the frest and the animals,” he said.
    8. Why des WebCnserva set up the prject?
    A. T help lcal farmers make mney.B. T expand areas f cffee grwing.
    C. T link prcessrs with cffee grwers.D. T cnserve bidiversity in the Muntains.
    9. What happened after Clmbia’s civil war was ver?
    A. Clmbia helped many needy families.B. Clmbia lst lts f areas f frests.
    C. Clmbia started t save damaged frests.D. Clmbia became mre peaceful than Brazil.
    10. Which is prbably a functin f Barajas’s cffee plantatin?
    A. A methd f prtecting cattle and wildlife.B. A substitute fr hunting f wild animals.
    C. A barrier between man and wild animals.D. A shelter fr cattle against human hunters.
    11. What des the underlined wrd “steward” mean in the last paragraph?
    A. farmerB. develperC. guardianD. explrer
    Music is nt just a set f sunds and rhythms. Its influence n the brain is much deeper than any ther human experience. Keep n reading t knw all thse amazing pwers f music.
    A recent study suggests that preterm (早产的) babies appear t experience less pain and feed mre when listening t music. Experts led by Dr. Manj Kumar f the University f Alberta, Canada, fund that music had a beneficial effect n reducing pain fr preterm babies experiencing painful medical tests. It als appeared t benefit full-term babies during peratins.
    Many peple experiencing brain damage have speech and mvement-related prblems. Music can help recver frm brain injuries. As a different and effective treatment, dctrs ften advise such patients t listen t gd music t imprve the parts f the brain respnsible fr these tw functins. When peple with neurlgical (神经系统的) disrders hear a musical beat, it helps them t regain a balanced walk.
    Thugh music cannt make deafness disappear, it really can stave ff the lss f hearing. There was an experiment invlving 163 peple where 74 were musicians. Participants were asked t pass sme listening tests. Musicians heard the sunds better than nn-musicians, and this difference gets clearer with age. This means that a 70-year-ld musician hears better than a 50-year-ld nn-musician, even in a nisy envirnment.
    Besides, music mends a brken heart. It is nt abut a thrwn-away lve, but abut a heart attack. The matter is that music can help peple recver frm a heart attack r heart peratin by reducing bld pressure, slwing dwn the heartbeat rate, and reducing anxiety. Listening t the quality music prduces psitive emtins, imprves the mvement f bld, and expands bld vessels, thus, prmting quick recvery f the whle cardivascular (心血管的) system.
    12. Hw des music affect preterm babies?
    A. It helps reduce their pain.B. It helps develp their ptential in music.
    C. It helps imprve their hearing systems.D. It helps repair their neurlgical systems.
    13. What des the underlined phrase “stave ff ” in paragraph 4 mean in Chinese?
    A. 导致B. 增强C. 延缓D. 促进
    14. Why can music mend a brken heart?
    A It has a psitive effect n human bdy systems’ wrk.
    B. It can help peple prevent diseases caused by anxiety.
    C. It helps make a persn feel ptimistic abut life.
    D. It can help patients recver in a slw way.
    15. What may be the best title fr the text?
    A. Wh can benefit frm musicB. The best time t listen t music
    C. The way t chse quality musicD. Hw music affects ur mind and bdy
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    When smene yu care abut has suffered a serius health event r is dealing with a life-threatening illness, it can be difficult t knw what t say r d. ____16____ Hw can yu best ffer yur supprt? These tips can help:
    Offer yur supprt. Yur friend r lved ne may be unwilling t ask fr help, but it’s supprt frm peple like yu that can make all the difference in their recvery. Offer t help with a specific task, even if it’s simply t sit with them during r after treatment. ____17____
    Listen. When yu talk t smene with a serius illness, it’s natural t feel awkward r nt knw what t say. ____18____ Allw them t express what they’re ging thrugh withut judging them.
    ____19____ The mre yu knw abut yur lved ne’s diagnsis (诊断) and treatment, the better prepared yu’ll be t help. But that desn’t mean yu shuld tell the persn what they shuld r shuldn’t d, unless they specifically ask fr yur pinin r want t knw what yu’ve researched. Treatment decisins are finally always up t yur lved ne, s be supprtive even if yu dn’t always agree.
    Stay cnnected. ____20____ Yu can’t just prvide supprt at the time f diagnsis and then let yur attentin g. Yur supprt can be just as imprtant after treatment as it is befre.
    A. Encurage yur lved ne t keep calm.
    B. Sme illnesses can invlve lng-term treatment.
    C. But ften what really cunts is t listen t the persn.
    D. Educate yurself abut the illness but dn’t give advice.
    E. All yu need t d is t present yur determined attitude.
    F. Yur lved ne is likely t experience sme painful feelings.
    G. Smetimes, the mst imprtant thing yu can d is t be there.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。
    Once upn a time, there lived an ant and a grasshpper(蟋蟀)in a grass field by a river. The ant wuld wrk hard all day lng frm dawn t dusk ____21____ the grain. On the ther hand, the grasshpper wuld spend all his time singing and dancing. He wuld ____22____ call the ant t jin him in singing, dancing and making merry at the present time. Hwever, the ant wuld ____23____ him and cntinue with her wrk.
    Sn summer ____24____ t autumn and autumn t winter. It became freezing cld utside due t snwfall and the sun was barely seen and the nights were ____25____ and dark. Out f cld, the grasshpper lst his ____26____ in singing and making merry. He was cld and hungry and had n ____27____ t take shelter frm the snw utside. He wndered hw t save himself frm this ____28____ situatin.
    Suddenly he remembered abut the ant and decided t ____29____ her fr sme fd and shelter. Off he went t her place and kncked at her dr fr _____30_____. When she pened the dr, the grasshpper ffered t sing fr her _____31_____ fr sme fd and shelter.
    T this, the ant replied that she had wrked hard in summer t save enugh _____32_____ fr winter and the grasshpper had laughed at her then. She gently asked him t sing smewhere else and _____33_____ his fd and shelter. It is then, the grasshpper realised that he shuld have _____34_____ enugh fr the winter instead f wasting his time being _____35_____ during summer in singing and dancing arund.
    21. A. paintingB. cleaningC. cllectingD. cvering
    22. A. finallyB. hardlyC. graduallyD. frequently
    23. A. avidB. admitC. ignreD. frget
    24. A. startedB. fadedC. belngedD. appeared
    25. A. lngB. shrtC. quietD. nisy
    26. A. hpeB. effrtC. faithD. interest
    27. A. timeB. placeC. desireD. intentin
    28. A. gdB. strangeC. tughD. smth
    29. A. visitB. inviteC. rejectD. hire
    30. A. praiseB. helpC. serviceD. answer
    31. A. fr funB. in caseC. fr useD. in return
    32. A. fdB. mneyC. shelterD. medicine
    33. A. makeB. sellC. earnD. buy
    34. A. waitedB. savedC. helpedD. danced
    35. A. nervusB. carefulC. pliteD. lazy
    Learning Chinese calligraphy ____36____ (list) as ne f the must-d things when I came t China. Nw, I’m in the curse f learning this unique art, ____37____ value is cnsidered very high in China, even acrss East Asia tday. It is nt nly ____38____ ancient artistic frm f human language, but it als reflects Chinese traditins.
    As smene wh paints, draws, and lves all ____39____ (create) things, at first, I assumed I wuld be rather gd at Chinese calligraphy. I was ____40____ (ttal) wrng. Using thick brush tips t prduce awkward brush strkes (笔画)____41____ (be) very difficult fr a beginner. I have n idea abut the different types f calligraphy and the meanings ____42____ (hide) behind each ne. Als, I have t hld the paintbrush in a very specific way; ____43____ (like) a pen r pencil, the paintbrush is held upright in the hand. I need t be extra careful when changing the angle r____44____ (direct) f the brush, especially if I press t hard n the paper.
    After taking the lessn, I nw understand the difficulty f calligraphy and that it will take effrts and cmmitment ____45____ (master) this art frm. Yet, I am grateful t learn such a special Chinese traditin.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你校学生会正招聘英语节主持人(hst),请你用英语给负责学生会的老师写一封申请信,内容包括:
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Li Hua
    47. The Belfast, Maine f my yuth was nt the castal turist village that it is tday. At the time, McDnald’s hadn’t yet mved int twn. Befre the supermarket existed, Cttle’s, a fd market where Mr. Prulx wrked as the manager, was the nly place where my mther culd d her nce-a-week shpping. Because we lived a few miles frm Belfast, we’d usually cmbine the grcery trip with a visit t see my grandmther wh always had ckies ready fr us.
    On ne particular shpping day at Cttle’s, I std behind my mther as she was unlading the grcery cart (购物车) and checking her items ut at the register. The candy that displayed n either side f me were full f Life Savers, Clark Bars, Sugar Babies—yu name it!
    “Can I get sme candies?” I asked. My mther rarely veered (转向) frm her list s I wasn’t surprised with her respnse “N.” But I really wanted that candy!
    I reached fr a Sugar Baby package. My mther didn’t ntice. S I thught she prbably wuldn’t ntice if I put them int my pcket. N ne nticed my actin—nt my mther, nt the cashier—n ne! I did it! Ww! My very first shplifting experience! Hw easy! Hw rewarding! Gt my candy and didn’t need ne penny t get it!
    I sat in the back seat as my mther drve acrss the bridge t where my grandmther lived. Slwly, s as nt t make any unnecessary nise, I pened my prize and carefully slipped a Sugar Baby int my muth. N ne piece f candy ever tasted s gd!
    Finally we pulled int my grandmther’s driveway. As I prepared t pen my car dr, I cnfidently slipped a few mre Sugar Babies int my muth.
    “Keith, what have yu gt in yur muth?” I lked up at the rearview mirrr (后视镜) and culd see my mther’s eyes staring back at me. “I asked yu a questin! What have yu gt in yur muth?”
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    “Uhhh ... just sme Sugar Babies,” I replied, still nt skilled in telling lies.
    After pulling int Cttle’s parking lt, my mther tk me int the stre.

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