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    这是一份2024云南省高三下学期3月第一次模拟考试英语含答案,文件包含2024届云南省第一次高中毕业生复习统一检测一模英语试题docx、英语参考答案及评分标准pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共14页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024 Travel Planner: The Best Things t See in the UK
    Icns f British Fashin, Oxfrdshire
    A fashin exhibitin will pen at Blenheim Palace in March. Icns f British Fashin is the largest event in the palace’s 300-year histry and will shwcase sme f Britain’s mst famus designers. Clthing, drawings, phtgraphs and patterns will be n display. 23 March t 30 June. Palace entry tickets are valid fr a year and cst E38 fr adults,£ 22 fr under-16s.
    Tuluse-Lautrec in Bath
    A new exhibitin, Tuluse-Lautrec and the Masters f Mntmartre, pens at Victria Art Gallery in Bath in April. Mre than 30 pieces frm the artist’s clurful career will be shwn alngside wrks by ther artists f the day. This is the nly chance t see Lautrec’s cmplete cllectin f psters in the UK befre it mves t a permanent hme at the Musée d’Ixelles in Belgium. 26 April t 29 September, adults £ 10, children £ 3.50.
    Back in Time at Beamish
    A truly recreated 1950s picture huse at Beamish will ffer visitrs a chance t recall the glden age f mvie-ging. The cinema will be the latest additin t a "1950s Twn" pened last summer at the living histry museum. Adults £ 24.95, children £ 15.45, a family f fur £ 63.50, valid fr a year.
    Natinal Gallery ges n tur
    The Natinal Gallery celebrates its 200th anniversary n 10 May. T mark the ccasin, the gallery is lending 12 f its mst icnic paintings t 12 venues acrss the UK. Paintings will travel t centres frm Brightn t Edinburgh, and will all g n display n 10 May. Each f the 12 venues will run exhibitins and digital interventins t shwcase its particular painting.
    1. Hw much shuld a cuple with a 5-year-ld pay fr Blenheim's exhibitin?
    A. £ 23.50.B. £ 60.00.C. £ 63.50.D. £ 98.00.
    2. What d Tuluse-Lautrec and Natinal Gallery have in cmmn?
    A. Recalling the artist's career.
    B. Offering chances t make psters.
    C. Emplying digital interventins.
    D. Enabling visitrs t enjy arts.
    3. Which f the fllwing is a year-rund event?
    A. Icns f British Fashin.
    B. Tuluse-Lautrec and the Masters f Mntmartre.
    C. 1950s Picture Huse Visit.
    D. Natinal Gallery Painting Shw.
    The memry f ne particular summer evening is still burned in my brain as if it were yesterday. There was nthing but wide-pen fields fr miles and miles arund ur rural Minnesta hme. We never saw strangers nt ever and here n this ht evening was a real live ne walking up ur driveway.
    A yung man, a slightly-built hitchhiker (搭便车的人) apprached ur dr. He knew there was a strm cming, and he desperately needed shelter. Nt wanting t intrude n ur hme and family, he asked my dad if he culd sleep in ur basement fr the night fr prtectin frm the rain. Instead f saying yes, my dad laded us all up in the 1959 Chevrlet: five kids, my mum, and the man.
    Our family cnsisted f three lder children whse father had died yung and three mre children frm the unin f my mther and father. Our lder brther Jerry was in the Navy, n a ship smewhere verseas. Our mum and dad wrried abut him.
    We drve him 10 miles t the next twn, where Dad bught the man a rm fr the night alng with a ht evening meal. In the car after we drpped ff the stranger, I heard my dad say t my mum, "I just hpe that if Jerry ever needs anything, this kindness will be returned t him."
    Weeks later, Dad tld my uncle abut the yung man. My uncle suggested that perhaps my dad shuldn't have taken the risk f having a stranger in ur car. My dad replied, "Yu are abslutely right. I shuld have invited him int ur hme."
    4. What des the underlined phrase "intrude n" in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Disturb.B. Scare.C. Embarrass.D. Upset.
    5. Hw did the authr's father help the stranger?
    A. By prviding a bed fr him in the basement.
    B. By letting him stay fr the night in the car.
    C. By taking him t a htel in anther twn.
    D. By cking a ht evening meal fr him.
    6. What d we knw abut the authr's family?
    A. The family had five children in ttal.
    B. Jerry was serving in the army in the USA.
    C. They had n spare rm fr the hitchhiker.
    D. Dad wished his elder sn t be treated kindly.
    7. What did the authr's uncle think f his father's deed?
    A. Wrthwhile.B. Inapprpriate.C. Inspiring.D. Unbelievable.
    Almst all new parents struggle t get enugh sleep while caring fr their newbrns. Fr sme penguin (企鹅) parents, thugh, perids f sleep are especially shrt.
    Researchers recently fund that Chinstrap penguins nly sleep fr abut fur secnds at a time in rder t prtect their eggs and newbrn chicks. They d this thusands f times thrughut the day. The shrt "micrsleeps" ttal arund 11 hurs each day. The micrsleeps appear t be enugh t keep the parents ging fr many weeks.
    Niels Rattenbrg, a sleep researcher at the Max Planck Institute fr Bilgical Intelligence in Germany, said, "What's surprising is that the penguins are able t functin kay and successfully raise their yung."
    Chinstrap penguins usually lay their eggs in Nvember in nests made up f small rcks. Mated (交配的) pairs share parenting respnsibilities. One parent usually watches the eggs and chicks alne while the ther ges ff fishing fr family meals. Adult penguins dn't face many natural enemies in the mating seasn. But large birds called brwn skuas eat the penguin eggs and small chicks. Other adult penguins may als try t steal the small rcks frm the nests, s penguin parents must always be n guard.
    Fr the first time, scientists fllwed the sleeping behavir f Chinstrap penguins. They did this by attaching devices that measure brain waves. They cllected data n 14 adults ver 11 days n King Gerge Island ff the cast f Antarctica.
    Wn Yung Lee, a bilgist at the Krean Plar Research Institute, thught f the idea fr the study when he saw mating penguins ften blinking (眨) their eyes and pssibly sleeping. But the team needed t recrd brain waves t cnfirm the animals were sleeping. "Fr these penguins, micrsleeps have sme restrative functins," he said. He added that they wuld nt survive withut it.
    The researchers didn't cllect sleep data utside the mating seasn. But they suspect that the penguins may sleep fr lnger perids at ther times f the year.
    8. What have researchers fund abut Chinstrap penguins?
    A. They take turns t take care f the yung.
    B. They sleep fr several secnds at a time.
    C. They rest fr 11 hurs in a rw every day.
    D. They behave prly due t lack f sleep.
    9. What is paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A. The habitats f the penguins.B. The living habits f the penguins.
    C. The mating seasns f the penguins.D. The natural enemies f the penguins.
    10. Which f the fllwing might Wn Yung Lee agree with?
    A. Micrsleeps f the penguins matter in their survival.
    B. It's difficult t recrd brain waves f the penguins.
    C. The penguins may sleep lnger than peple believe.
    D. Mre funds are needed t further study the penguins.
    11. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A bk review.B. A travel brchure.
    C. A science jurnal.D. A chemistry textbk.
    When peple think f wrd innvatrs thrughut histry, male writers likely cme t mind. Shakespeare is credited with inventing mre than 1,700 wrds, including "bedrm", "curtship" and "swagger". Charles Dickens is said t have first used the wrds "butterfingers" and "drmat", and Dr. Seuss reprtedly came up with "nerd".
    But despite cntributins frm famus writers, histrians say anther grup has an even greater impact n the develpment f language: teenage girls. Wmen lead up t 90 percent f linguistic (语言的) changes, as scilinguist William Labv bserved in the early 2000s. In fact, he wrte, wmen are ften linguistically ahead f men "by a full generatin".
    Nw wmen are leading the charge nline. Thugh Oxfrd University Press'2023 wrd f the year, "rizz", meaning charm, was cined by a man, several runners-up, including "situatinship" and "swiftie" were inspired r first used by wmen. The term "gblin mde", which refers t lazy behavir, was Oxfrd's 2022 wrd f the year and appears t have been first used by a wman n Twitter in 2009.
    It's ften impssible t tell wh first used new wrds. But whether r nt yung girls invent new phrases, they are mre likely t be early adpters f the latest ling(术语), says University f Trnt linguist Sali Tagliamnte, "They're pushing changes frward."
    There are a handful f pssible reasns why girls lead lexical (词汇的) innvatin. Accrding t Gretchen McCullch, authr f Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules f Language, wmen tend t be mre scially aware. They have larger scial circles and may be expsed t mre language diversity. And because wmen tend t be caregivers, bys usually learn language frm their mthers, whereas wmen and girls learn wrds frm ther wmen.
    12. Why des the authr mentin sme wrds cined by male writers?
    A. T cmpare male and female writers.
    B. T intrduce sme well-knwn writers.
    C. T lead in the tpic t be talked abut.
    D. T put frward a pint t be prved.
    13. Which f the fllwing wrds was invented by a male?
    A. Rizz.B. Situatinship.C. Swiftie.D. Gblin mde.
    14. Wh thinks wmen's scial awareness cntributes t lexical innvatin?
    A. Dr. Seuss.B. William Labv.C. Sali Tagliamnte.D. Gretchen McCullch.
    15. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. New Wrds Are Added t English Dictinaries
    B. Female Teens Take a Lead in Linguistic Changes
    C. Wmen Are Mre Sensitive t Language Diversity
    D. New Terms Make Cmmunicatin Mre Clrful
    Hw t Deal with Awkward Silences
    We all knw what it's like when a cnversatin dies ff and yu're left t sit in silence. 16 Thankfully, filling these silences isn't as difficult as it may seem. Read n t learn hw t initiate small talk and deal with awkward silences.
    • Think f tpics ahead f time.
    Befre attending a scial event, think f a few "g-t" tpics t jumpstart a dead cnversatin. This will help yu t fill the silences instead f struggling fr wrds in the mment. Recent news, lcal events, ppular bks and televisin shws are all gd fallback ptins. 17
    • Ask pen-ended questins.
    Ask questins that have mre than ne pssible answer. 18 They help avid resulting in shrt respnse. Fr example, instead f asking, "Did yu like yur high schl?", yu culd ask, "What did yu like abut yur high schl?"
    • 19
    As with any gd cnversatin, the biggest key is t listen. If they respnd t yur questin with a shrt statement such as "Yes"r "N", that might indicate that they aren't cmfrtable talking abut a particular subject. Instead, talk abut smething that yu knw they're interested in. Fr example, "I heard yu wn yur ftball game the ther night. I'd lve t hear abut it."
    • Give a cmpliment (表扬).
    20 Fr example, yu culd say, "I really like yur shirt. Where did yu get it?" This culd mve the cnversatin in anther directin while making the ther persn feel gd. Stick t saying nice things if yu're trying t make small talk.
    A. Keep the cnversatin flwing.
    B. It als allws yu t spend mre time tgether.
    C. Listen carefully and respnd t their reactins.
    D. There's nly ne wrd t describe it: awkward.
    E. This is always a safe bet, as lng as it's apprpriate.
    F. Such questins are likely t get the persn talking mre.
    G. Hwever, avid sme subjects that may cause arguments.
    Grwing up n a farm, Tri James spent much f her early years utdrs, building shelters and playing in muddy streams. She 21 herself as an ambitius and adventurus child and wes the Duke f Edinburgh Award t her lve fr 22 . James says she culd never have 23 that ne day she might be the yungest British wman t 24 the peak f Munt Everest.
    Tday, James is a(n) 25 adventurer. Alngside her successful climb f the wrld's 26 peak in 2007, she was a member f the first all-female team t 27 a tiring 650-kilmetre ski race t the Magnetic Nrth Ple in 2005, and in 2014 she set the 28 fr the lngest nn-stp pen-sea kayak crssing in UK waters.
    Yet ahead f her first explratin at the age f 18, James had 29 her ability t last a mnth ut in the cld withut the cmfrt f a ht bath. "It's nly by 30 ur cmfrt zne that we understand ur true ptential," she explains, "That's when the 31 happens."
    James encurages wuld-be adventurers nt t be 32 by the cnventinal image f the rugged (粗犷的), hardy explrer. "I am such a believer that, with the right supprt and skills, everyne can bring 33 t an explratin," she adds, "Smetimes, it's nly ut in the field that smene's 34 talents emerge, 35 in the prcess f explratin."
    21.A. describesB. admitsC. imaginesD. praises
    22.A. wildlifeB. scienceC. explratinD. cmpetitin
    23.A. explainedB. understdC. declaredD. predicted
    24.A. measureB. apprachC. admireD. reach
    25.A. patientB. rdinaryC. prfessinalD. hnest
    26.A. cldestB. highestC. prettiestD. straightest
    27.A. cmpleteB. cachC. judgeD. cancel
    28.A. recrdB. dateC. galD. standard
    29.A. lstB. dubtedC. limitedD. develped
    30.A. enteringB. restringC. leavingD. expanding
    31.A. emergencyB. accidentC. eventD. magic
    32.A. pushed aheadB. kept apartC. cheered upD. put ff
    33.A. smethingB. nthingC. anythingD. everything
    34.A. academicB. creativeC. hiddenD. artistic
    35.A:eventuallyB. particularlyC. generallyD. bviusly
    A cmpsting(堆肥) prgram at The Wesley Schl in Ls Angeles is helping students get hands-n experience and ways 36 (handle)human-driven climate change. Fr the past year, all the leftver fd waste frm the schl has gne int cmpsting cntainers rather than a landfill 37 it wuld be buried and wuld prduce planet-warming gases.
    The schl's cmpsting prgram 38 (cme)int being in 2022, and this year, the schl held a 39 (celebrate)t reveal what happened inside a series f five-ft-tall cntainers. Steven Wynbrandt, a lcal farmer 40 cmpsting cnsultant wh has helped the schl with its prgram, brke the ties that held the cntainer clsed. Rich black cmpst spilled ut frm the cntainer.
    The schl will use the cmpst n plants arund campus. Sme will 41 (ffer)t families that want t use it at hme, and whatever is left will be dnated.
    It takes tw hurs fr the cntainer t be emptied and prepared t receive 42 next day's lunch leftvers. The ther cntainers remain full f fd waste that is in the prcess f 43 (break)dwn. Decrated 44 (pster)n the utside f each cntainer indicate when they can be pened s that the next generatin f plants n campus can benefit 45 the rich sil.
    假如你是李华,你市电视台正面向留学生开展主题为“Feel f China”的短视频(shrt vide)征集活动。请给你的留学生朋友Chris写一封邮件,鼓励他参加,内容包括:
    Dear Chris,
    Hw are yu ding?
    Li Hua
    It was July 2019 and my mum Rebecca was taking me n a 120km walking hliday frm Prtugal t Spain as a special treat fr my 10th birthday. One day, while walking alng the castal path staring ut at the Atlantic cean, I chatted away t Mum. "When Lexi turns.10,are yu ging t take her n a trip like this?" I asked, referring t my seven-year-ld sister. Mum said Lexi had already asked t g t Svalbard in the nrth f Nrway because she was crazy abut plar bears.
    Althugh I was still n my first special trip, I'd been learning abut ancient civilizatins at schl and knew I'd lve t see sme relics in the flesh. S I cntinued saying, "Why dn't I g t Egypt while yu're in Svalbard with Lexi?", adding that my dad, Olaf, culd take me there. "Great, but I'm nt paying fr it." Muim replied, chuckling. "That's fine. I'll pay,"I said, "I'll save up my pcket mney and get a jb."
    S that's exactly what I did. Thugh I was t yung t d any ther paid wrk, I had my wn slutin. I started saving my $10-a-week pcket mney. Als, I washed my parents'car r mwed the lawn fr extra cash.
    In 2020, we mved t Perth. One day, I saw a pamphlet(小册子) in the letter bx advertising a jb delivering catalgues. When I tld Mum I wanted t d it, she tried t put me ff the idea, reminding me that the wrk was tiring and time-cnsuming. But when seeing the determinatin in my eyes, she agreed t call them. Thankfully, my yung age didn't bther them-I gt the jb. On a Mnday, a muntain f catalgues were drpped ff at ur huse, which shcked me a lt. I tld myself t calm dwn and dedicated t wrk. It tk me nine hurs t srt thrugh them. At first, I used my bike and carried the catalgues in my backpack t deliver them t 430 huses in my area.
    After several deliveries, I fund it wasn't very efficient.
    Three and a half years later, I saved a massive $6,500, and Dad and I flew t Cair, Egypt.

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