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    Green City is very nice these days. If yu have time, yu can cme here t have fun.
    Century Park
    Century Park is ne f the largest public parks in Green City. The grassy areas in the park are very big. The lake and wds als ffer yu pleasant areas t walk r cycle arund.
    Csts: Free
    Opening hurs: 8:00 am—9:00 pm
    Address: N 11, Stne Street
    Wrld Z
    With mre than 270 kinds f animals, it is very ppular with children. It ffers lts f hands-n activities. Full f African and Australian animals, it is well wrth a visit.
    Csts: Adults: $12; Children (7-12 years ld): $6; 6 & Under: Free
    Opening hurs: Sunday-Thursday: 8:30 am—8:00 pm
    Friday & Saturday: 8:00 am—9:30 pm
    Address: N 42, Burbn Rad
    Sunshine Beach
    Sunshine Beach is a ppular picnic place. Yu can enjy sunlight, sand and fd at the beach. Everyne can have fun there.
    Csts: $20 per persn
    Opening hurs: 10:00 am—9:00 pm
    Address: N 99, Graden Rad
    City Garden
    City Garden is nt far frm the city center. It’s next t Wrld Z. There are all kinds f plants. Yu can see lts f beautiful flwers all year rund.
    Csts: Adults: $5; Children (7-15 years ld): $2; 6 & Under/75 & Over: Free
    Opening hurs: 9:00 am—8:00 pm
    Address: N 41, Burbn Rad
    1.What is special abut Century park?
    A. It is free fr all ages.B. It ffers delicius fd.
    C. It is near the city center.D. It has many kinds f plants.
    2.If a cuple g t City Garden with their 13-year-ld sn, they shuld pay______.
    A. $5B. $7C. $9D. $12
    3.Where is the text prbably frm?
    A. A mvie pster.B. A guidebk.
    C. A sprts magazine.D. A science reprt.
    In January 2022, the nw l7-year-ld Mack Rutherfrd watched his 19-year-ld sister, Zara Rutherfrd, set tw new wrld recrds fr flying arund the wrld in an ultralight aircraft. Less than a mnth later, Mack declared his intentin t g fr a wrld recrd t!
    “I always knew I wanted t d smething special in my life in aviatin but I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted t d, it was nly when my sister flew arund the wrld that I knew this was what I wanted t d,” Mack said.
    Mack is n stranger t aviatin. He was nly 15 when he became the yungest pilt in the wrld. Nw, he’s set the recrd fr the yungest persn t fly arund the wrld, replacing previus recrd-hlder Travis Ludlw f Britain. Travis was 18 when he set the recrd in 2021.
    Mack’s jurney began n March 23rd, 2022 when he left Sfia, Bulgaria flying a Shark, an ultralight aircraft that’s the same style his sister used in her circumnavigatin f the glbe.
    “I am flying a Shark,” Mack wrte n his website. “It is a high-perfrmance ultralight aircraft made in Eurpe. The aircraft has been specially prepared fr such a lng jurney.”
    Mack traveled thrugh 52 cuntries ver five cntinents. The trip was suppsed t take between tw and three mnths, but paperwrk and visa issues slwed his prgress.
    On August 24, 2022, Mack cmpleted his jurney and set nt ne, but tw new wrld recrds! He’s nw the yungest persn t fly arund the wrld sl. He displaced his sister as the previus recrd hlder, but we’re sure there are n hard feelings!
    As Mack stepped ut f the aircraft in Belgium, he had sme simple wrds f wisdm t ffer the wrld.
    “Just fllw yur dreams, n matter hw ld yu are—wrk hard and mve frward t achieve yur gals,” he said.
    4.What encuraged Mack t fllw his dream mstly?
    A. Encuragements frm his parents.B. His sister’s great achievements.
    C. His strng-willed persnality.D. His intentin t travel the glbe.
    5.What d we knw abut Mack’s jurney?
    A. Mack flew the same place that his sister did.
    B. Mack finished the jurney ahead f time.
    C. Bad weather made his jurney slw.
    D. It lasted fr abut five mnths.
    6.Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Mack?
    A. Curageus and ambitius.B. Cperative and generus.
    C. Enthusiastic and kind.D. Prfessinal and prud.
    7.Hw des the authr develp the text?
    A. By giving examples.B. By fllwing space rder.
    C. By fllwing time rder.D. By giving a detailed analysis.
    Making it t the Scripps Natinal Spelling Bee (a spelling cmpetitin) is an amazing achievement fr any kid, but fr 11-year-ld Neil Maes, being brn deaf made his jurney especially unlikely.
    After receiving cchlear implants (人工耳蜗) in bth ears as a baby, he had t train his brain t understand spken wrds. It tk cuntless hurs f speech therapy (疗法).
    “We didn’t even knw that he’d be able t talk,” said his mther, Christy Maes.
    Nw the sft-spken kid frm Beltn, Suth Carlina is fficially ne f the natin’s tp yung spellers. He earned the right t take the stage in the final runds f the Scripps Natinal Spelling Bee.
    Neil’s parents have always given him a tip, caching him t always ask the prnuncer fr the meaning f a wrd, s that he can be sure he heard it crrectly. Mst cntestants d this anyway.
    “He’s able t spell very difficult wrds. Yu tell him, ‘Spell this wrd,’ and he’s able t actually imagine what that sunds like in his head and spell the wrd. It’s actually quite impressive,” said Dr. Michael Ha, wh perfrmed Neil’s cchlear implantatin. “There’s a lt that ges int training yur brain t d that.”
    Neil’s parents didn’t knw he was taking part in a spelling bee with his third-grade class until he came hme and tld them he had wn. He made it all the way t his reginal (地区的) bee that year, finishing secnd. Nw a naturally shy fifth-grader, Neil is already wrn ut frm the busy bee-week schedule, but he seems happy.
    “Our main hpe ut f all f this was t encurage peple that are ging t be facing what we had t face,” Christy said.
    But Neil said cming t the bee has mtivated (激发) him t study even harder, s he can return next year.
    “It’s just fun and I want t d it again,” Neil said.
    8.What makes it difficult fr Neil t enter the cmpetitin?
    A. He is naturally shy.B. He is unable t talk.
    C. He has a hearing disability.D. He is underging medical treatment.
    9.What des the underlined wrd “it” (in Para. 5) refer t?
    A. The tip frm Neil’s parents.B. The cach’s prnunciatin.
    C. The meaning.D. The wrd.
    10.What did Michael think f Neil?
    A. He’s amazing.B. He’s very lucky.
    C. He shuld study harder.D. He shuld use his imaginatin.
    11.What’s the best title fr the text?
    A. Hard training will finally pay ffB. We can d mre fr disabled children
    C. Spelling bees are becming mre ppularD. Deaf 11-year-ld cmpetes in Natinal Spelling Bee
    A nickname is a shrtened frm f a persn’s name. A nickname can als be a descriptive name fr a persn, place r thing. Many American cities have nicknames. These can help establish an identity, spread pride amng citizens and build unity. Nicknames can als be funny.
    Ls Angeles, Califrnia is the secnd largest city in ppulatin, after New Yrk City. Ls Angeles has several nicknames. One is simply the city’s initials, L.A. It is als called the City f Angels because Ls Angeles means “the angels” in Spanish.
    Ls Angeles ften has warm, sunny weather. S anther nickname is City f Flwers and Sunshine. New Yrk is called The Big Apple. S Ls Angeles is smetimes called The Big Orange because f the fruit that grws in that city’s warm climate.
    The American mtin picture and televisin industries are based in Ls Angeles. S it is nt surprising that it is called The Entertainment Capital f the Wrld. Many films are made in the area f Ls Angeles called Hllywd. Millins f peple visit the area. N trip t Ls Angeles is cmplete withut seeing the wrd “Hllywd” spelled ut in huge letters n a hillside.
    Many mvie stars live in Ls Angeles. The city is smetimes called Tinseltwn. This nickname cmes frm the shiny, bright and ften unreal nature f Hllywd and the mvie industry.
    Anther nickname fr Ls Angeles is La-La Land, using the first letters f Ls and Angeles. This means a place that is fun and nt serius, and maybe even ut f tuch with reality.
    The city f Ls Angeles is part f Ls Angeles Cunty. There are many smaller cities in the cunty. Beverly Hills, with its rich peple, is ne f them. S is Pasadena, with its Rse Parade each New Year’s Day. S are the castal cities f Santa Mnica and Malibu, where peple like t ride surfbards n the Pacific Ocean waves.
    A gd place fr watching unusual-lking peple is Venice, an area n the west side f Ls Angeles. A system f waterways designed after the Italian city f Venice has been built there.
    Many peple lve Ls Angeles fr its warm sunny weather, beautiful muntains and beaches, and mvie stars. That includes Randy Newman, wh sings abut his hmetwn.
    12.Which f the fllwing is nt the nickname f L.A.?
    A. The City f AngelsB. City f Flwers and Sunshine
    C. The Big OrangeD. The Entertainment Capital f American
    13.Amng the nicknames, which f the aspects is nt mentined?
    A. WeatherB. PliticsC. PepleD. Industry
    14.Why is the Italian city f Venice mentined in the passage?
    A. T intrduce the characteristics f an area near L.A.
    B. T cmpare the Italian city f Venice with L.A.
    C. T intrduce its system f waterways.
    D. T give a place fr watching unusual-lking peple.
    15.What des Randy Newman prbably d?
    A. DirectrB. MusicianC. WriterD. Sprtsman
    16. The Qingming Festival is usually celebrated with a three-day natinal hliday, whse name riginates (起源) frm the saying “Plants start t revive (复活) and prsper at Qingming in a clean and bright way.” Thus, the festival is called Qingming, which means “clean and bright”. ①_____ Tmb sweeping is aimed at cmmemrating family ancestrs, while ging n a spring uting allws everyne the chance t enjy the beautiful scenery and enjy the seasn.
    Traditinal custms
    Tmb sweeping. ②_____ On this day, the whle family gathers in frnt f their ancestral tmbs. They ffer fruit and wine t their ancestrs and clear the weeds frm arund the tmb. Finally, they kwtw and pray, hping fr their ancestrs’ blessing fr the rest f the year.
    Spring utings. The time arund the Qingming Festival is ne f the mst suitable seasns fr a spring uting, as plants are thriving and flwers are blming. Peple can have a great time utdrs with their friends and family. ③_____
    Traditinal fd
    Qingtuan is a green rice ball tiny enugh t fit int yur hand. ④_____ It is a mixture f sticky rice pwder and green vegetable juice. Stuffed (装满) with sweetened bean paste, Qingtuan tastes sweet with the fresh fragrance f Aica, a green spring vegetable. In celebratin f Qingming, peple frm Shaanxi make steamed buns knwn as Huam, which are made int different shapes. ⑤_____ Sme are fr peaceful family life, while thers represent (象征) the wish fr health.
    A. Each different lk brings a gd blessing.
    B. The traditin f tmb sweeping riginates frm the Qin Dynasty.
    C. The tw main activities ver the festival include tmb sweeping and ging n a spring uting.
    D. Family members gather tgether t celebrate and taste the fd.
    E. Playing ftball and flying kites are ppular activities.
    F. Many traditinal custms are practiced t shw respect fr ur ancestrs.
    G. It is ppular in Jiangnan.
    In the Nrthern Wei Dynasty, there 1 a yung girl named Mulan. Guided by her father, Mulan learnt hrse riding and fighting, which was s 2 because at that time nly 3 were taught t fight and ride but nt girls.
    On a winter mrning, the army was again recruiting(征募)new 4 because the whle cuntry was at war all year arund. Mulan’s father was already in a pr cnditin, and she had n 5 brther t be sent int the army. Besides, her little brther was t yung t be suitable. Since n ther men in her family culd be chsen frm, Mulan had a brave idea that she wuld 6 like a by and g t the army 7 her father. She 8 her lng hair, remved her makeup and gt n the hrse, leaving 9 the frnt line n her wn.
    During the next 12 years, Mulan managed t keep her identity(身份) a(n) 10 with duble effrts, pretending t be a man. She had dne s much challenging wrk that she was 11 by her partners. After the war, Mulan went back as a her. The 12 wanted t give her lts f mney and a medal, but she 13 . After Mulan put n her beautiful dress again and changed her hairstyle, ther sldiers 14 fr the first time that Mulan, wh had experienced such hardship fr 12 years, was a FEMALE.
    The stry has a special meaning in the Chinese sciety, which shws that females, if they are determined, can als d 15 things as males.
    17.A. tkB. livedC. hadD. rented
    18.A. unusualB. narrwC. majrD. equal
    19.A. studentsB. teachersC. wrkersD. bys
    20.A. fficialsB. sldiersC. classmatesD. partners
    21.A. yungerB. advancedC. elderD. frmal
    22.A. dress upB. fcus nC. apply frD. fall apart
    23.A. in case fB. ther thanC. due tD. instead f
    24.A. cutB. rescuedC. damagedD. put
    25.A. tB. frC. inD. frm
    26.A. dateB. gapC. secretD. event
    27.A. survivedB. destryedC. cntactedD. admired
    28.A. emperrB. hstC. masterD. expert
    29.A. carvedB. struggledC. refusedD. designed
    30.A. recgnizedB. calledC. graduatedD. hiked
    31.A. gracefulB. greatC. psitiveD. curius
    32. D yu knw the place Jinli? It’s a street ①_____(lie) in Chengdu, Sichuan. The street has a lng histry and is rich ②_____ traditinal Chinese culture.
    The street is abut 550 meters lng. Yu can see sme ancient-style ③_____ (building) alng the well-knwn street. Years ag, Jinli ④_____ (view) as the “Natinal Tp Ten City Cmmercial Pedestrian Street (商业步行街)”. Each year, a large number f travelers cme t the street t enjy ⑤_____ (they), especially during the Spring Festival.
    There are many restaurants ⑥_____ special snacks are ffered. In this street, yu’ll be attracted by lcal snacks, which will make yur muth water. One well-knwn lcal snack is San Da Pa, which is made f rice, brwn sugar, and s n. Sme ther ⑦_____ (equal) attractive lcal snacks prvided in Jinli include biled dumplings. All f them are delicius and are waiting fr yu ⑧_____ (taste).
    In additin t the delicius snacks, there are many ther ⑨_____ (impress) attractins in Jinli. If yu have time, pay ⑩_____ visit t this street and have fun.
    33. 我们的祖国地大物博,风景名胜众多,请你运用所学内容,介绍一个国内你喜欢或去过的地方。题目已给出。内容包括:
    A Beautiful Place in China
    34. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It was a ht day in the middle f July. I decided t walk t the neighbrhd stre where it sld my favrite thing, ice cream. I pulled a friend twards the ice cream stre, almst passing ut frm the burning sun n the way.
    As we walked n, my friend kept saying that it was t ht. She thught that she was stupid t decide t cme with me t buy ice cream. I felt srry and tried t encurage her. “We're almst there. Just think f the cl and sweet taste f ice cream in yur muth. It'll be wrth the walk,” I tld her. But I had t admit that the stre was quite a distance frm ur huses. During the jurney, my muth began t becme dry and I wanted t drink.
    When we were abut a blck away frm the stre, I nticed an ld lady wh was walking in ur directin. She was abut 70 years ld. She had a big back prblem, s she was unable t keep her back straight. She was struggling, pushing a shpping cart full f things like the sap, bread and water. With each step tward her, we began t see her appearance mre clearly. It appeared that she was ften unhappy and easy t get angry.
    I lked at my friend t see if she had nticed her. I culd see that she had and that she disliked the ld lady due t the lady's appearance. As we apprached the lady pushing the shpping cart, my friend directed me away frm the ld lady and the cart.
    I began t bserve ther passers-by. They were als trying t avid her. Suddenly I heard a terrible sund behind me. I quickly turned arund t see what it was. I fund the lady's cart had been kncked ver by smething n the grund.
    Paragraph 1:
    Things in the shpping cart like the sap all drpped n the grund.
    Paragraph 2:
    Then my friend cntinued walking n while I went t the lady.
    1.答案: A
    解析:细节理解题。根据文中Century Park部分中“Csts: Free”可知,这个地方是免费的。故选A。
    2.答案: D
    解析:细节理解题。根据文中City Garden部分中“Csts: Adults: $5; Children (7-15 years ld): $2; 6 & Under/75 & Over: Free”可知一对夫妻带着一个13岁的孩子需要花费的价钱是5+5+2=12,故选D。
    3.答案: B
    解析:推理判断题。第一段“Green City is very nice these days. If yu have time, yu can cme here t have fun.(绿城现在很漂亮。如果你有时间,你可以来这里玩)”,结合下文给出的四个景点的相关信息可知,这是一个观光指南。故选B。
    4.答案: B
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“I always knew I wanted t d smething special in my life in aviatin but I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted t d, it was nly when my sister flew arund the wrld that I knew this was what I wanted t d,” Mack said.(麦克说:“我一直都知道,我想在我的人生中做一些特别的航空事业,但我不太确定我想做什么,直到我的姐姐乘飞机环游世界时,我才知道这就是我想做的。”)可知,是姐姐的成就鼓励他有所作为。故选B。
    5.答案: D
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“Mack’s jurney began n March 23rd, 2022 when he left Sfia, Bulgaria flying a Shark, an ultralight aircraft that’s the same style his sister used in her circumnavigatin f the glbe.(麦克的旅程始于2022年3月23日,当时他驾驶一架鲨鱼超轻型飞机离开保加利亚的索非亚,这是他姐姐环球航行时使用的同款飞机)”以及倒数第三段中“On August 24, 2022, Mack cmpleted his jurney and set nt ne, but tw new wrld recrds!(2022年8月24日,麦克完成了他的旅程,并创造了两项新的世界纪录!)”可知,他的旅程持续大约五个月。故选D。
    6.答案: A
    解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“On August 24, 2022, Mack cmpleted his jurney and set nt ne, but tw new wrld recrds! He’s nw the yungest persn t fly arund the wrld sl. He displaced his sister as the previus recrd hlder, but we’re sure there are n hard feelings!(2022年8月24日,麦克完成了他的旅程,并创造了两项新的世界纪录!他现在是独自环游世界最年轻的人。他取代了他的姐姐成为之前的纪录保持者,但我们相信他不会有什么不愉快的感觉!)”可知,麦克独自一人环游世界,说明他勇敢;他效仿姐姐有所成就,说明他有雄心。故选A。
    7.答案: C
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段“Mack’s jurney began n March 23rd, 2022 when he left Sfia, Bulgaria flying a Shark, an ultralight aircraft that’s the same style his sister used in her circumnavigatin f the glbe.(麦克的旅程始于2022年3月23日,当时他驾驶一架鲨鱼超轻型飞机离开保加利亚的索非亚,这是他姐姐环球航行时使用的同款飞机)”以及倒数第三段中“On August 24, 2022, Mack cmpleted his jurney and set nt ne, but tw new wrld recrds!(2022年8月24日,麦克完成了他的旅程,并创造了两项新的世界纪录!)”以及全文中出现的时间先后顺序以及时间发生过程可知,本文是以时间为线索行文的,故选C。
    8.答案: C
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“Making it t the Scripps Natinal Spelling Bee (a spelling cmpetitin) is an amazing achievement fr any kid, but fr 11-year-ld Neil Maes, being brn deaf made his jurney especially unlikely.”(对任何一个孩子来说,能参加斯克里普斯全国拼字比赛(一种拼字比赛)都是一项了不起的成就,但对11岁的尼尔·梅斯来说,天生失聪让他的拼字之旅显得特别不可能)由此可知,听力障碍,让尼尔很难参加比赛。故选C项。
    9.答案: D
    解析:词句猜测题。根据第五段“Neil’s parents have always given him a tip, caching him t always ask the prnuncer fr the meaning f a wrd, s that he can be sure he heard it crrectly.”(尼尔的父母总是给他一些建议,指导他总是问发音者一个词的意思,这样他就可以确定他听到的是正确的。)由此可知,这样他就可以确定他听到的词是正确的。故it指代“这个词”。故选D项。
    10.答案: A
    解析:细节理解题。根据第六段“It’s actually quite impressive.”(这真是令人印象深刻)可知,Michael认为尼尔很了不起。故选A项。
    11.答案: D
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段“Making it t the Scripps Natinal Spelling Bee (a spelling cmpetitin) is an amazing achievement fr any kid, but fr 11-year-ld Neil Maes, being brn deaf made his jurney especially unlikely.”(对任何一个孩子来说,能参加斯克里普斯全国拼字比赛(一种拼字比赛)都是一项了不起的成就,但对11岁的尼尔·梅斯来说,天生失聪让他的拼字之旅显得特别不可能)以及下文围绕着该话题展开。由此可知,D选项“11岁失聪儿童参加全国拼字比赛”为短文的最佳标题。故选D项。
    12.答案: D
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中“It is als called the City f Angels because Ls Angeles means ‘the angels’ in Spanish.(它也被称为“天使之城”,因为Ls Angeles在西班牙语中的意思是“天使”。)”和第三段中“S anther nickname is City f Flwers and Sunshine. (所以另一个绰号是鲜花和阳光之城。)”及“S Ls Angeles is smetimes called The Big Orange because f the fruit that grws in that city’s warm climate. (因此,洛杉矶有时被称为‘大橙子’,因为这种水果生长在该市温暖的气候中。)”,并结合选项可知,美国的娱乐之都不是洛杉矶的昵称。故选D项。
    13.答案: B
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中“Ls Angeles ften has warm, sunny weather. (洛杉矶的天气通常温暖、阳光充足。)”、第四段中“The American mtin picture and televisin industries are based in Ls Angeles. (美国的电影和电视产业都以洛杉矶为基地。)”和第五段中“Many mvie stars live in Ls Angeles. (许多电影明星住在洛杉矶。)”,并结合选项可知,在这些昵称中,没有提及政治。故选B项。
    14.答案: A
    解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“A gd place fr watching unusual-lking peple is Venice, an area n the west side f Ls Angeles. A system f waterways designed after the Italian city f Venice has been built there. (威尼斯是一个观看长相不凡的人的好地方,它位于洛杉矶的西侧。仿照意大利威尼斯设计的水路系统已经在那里建成。)”可知,文章中提到了意大利城市威尼斯是为了介绍洛杉矶附近一个地区的特点。故选A项。
    15.答案: B
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中“That includes Randy Newman, wh sings abut his hmetwn. (其中包括Randy Newman,他演唱了关于他家乡的歌曲。)”可知,Randy Newman可能是音乐家。故选B项。
    解析:①下文“Tmb sweeping is aimed at cmmemrating family ancestrs, while ging n a spring uting allws everyne the chance t enjy the beautiful scenery and enjy the seasn.(扫墓是为了纪念家族祖先,而春游让每个人都有机会欣赏美丽的风景,享受这个季节)”解释了“Tmb sweeping”和“ging n a spring uting”两项清明节习俗的意义,是对C项“The tw main activities ver the festival include tmb sweeping and ging n a spring uting.(清明节的两项主要活动是扫墓和春游)”内容的阐述,上下文句意连贯。故选C。
    ②根据空前小标题“Tmb sweeping.(扫墓)”可知,本段主要是介绍清明的扫墓习俗。B项“The traditin f tmb sweeping riginates frm the Qin Dynasty.(扫墓的传统起源于秦朝)”承接上文,介绍扫墓的起源,上下文句意连贯。故选B。
    ③根据空前小标题“Spring uting.(春游)”可知,本段主要介绍清明的春游习俗。上文“Peple can have a great time utdrs with their friends and family.(人们可以和他们的朋友和家人在户外度过美好的时光)”提出“在户外度过美好的时光”,E项“Playing ftball and flying kites are ppular activities.(踢足球和放风筝是很受欢迎的活动)”承接上文,介绍了在户外可以进行的活动,上下文句意连贯。故选E。
    ④根据上文“Qingtuan is a green rice ball tiny enugh t fit int yur hand.(青团是一种绿色的饭团,很小,可以放进你的手)”介绍了清明传统食物中的青团,G项“It is ppular in Jiangnan.(它在江南地区很流行)”承接上文,说明食用青团的地域,句中“It”即上文中的“Qingtuan”,上下文句意连贯。故选G。
    ⑤根据上文“In celebratin f Qingming, peple frm Shaanxi make steamed buns knwn as Huam, which are made int different shapes.(为了庆祝清明,陕西人会制作各种形状的馒头,称为“花馍”)”中提到“花馍”,A项“Each different lk brings a gd blessing.(每一个不同的形状都带来了美好的祝福)”承接上文,介绍“花馍”每一个独特的形状都有美好的寓意,选项中“different lk”与上文“different shapes”相照应,上下文句意连贯。故选A。
    17.答案: B
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:北魏时代,有个叫木兰的姑娘。A. tk拿,取,B. lived居住,生活;C. had 有;D. rented租用。根据上文“In the Nrthern Wei dynasty”可知,此处表示有一个生活在北魏时代的姑娘叫木兰。故选B项。
    18.答案: A
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在父亲的指导下,木兰学会了骑马和搏击,这在当时是很不寻常的,因为只有男孩才会学习骑马和搏击,而女孩不会。A. unusual不同寻常的;B. narrw狭窄的;C. majr主要的;D. equal平等的。分析题意,根据后文“because at that time nly 3 were taught t fight and ride but nt girls.”可知,当时只有男孩才会学习骑马和搏击,而女孩不会,因此花木兰会骑马和搏击在当时是不同寻常的。故选A项。
    19.答案: D
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在父亲的指导下,木兰学会了骑马和搏击,这在当时是很不寻常的,因为只有男孩才会学习骑马和搏击,而女孩不会。A. students学生;B. teachers老师;C. wrkers工人;D. bys 男孩。分析题意,根据“but nt girls”可知,当时只有男孩才会学习骑马和搏击。故选D项。
    20.答案: B
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个冬天的早晨,军队又开始征募新兵,因为整个国家常年处于战争状态。A. fficials官员;B. sldiers士兵;C. classmates同学;D. partners搭档。分析题意,根据后文“because the whle cuntry was at war all year arund.”可知,整个国家常年处于战争状态,因此军队在招募士兵。故选B项。
    21.答案: C
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:木兰的父亲身体已经很差了,她又没有哥哥能被派去当兵。A. yunger更年轻的;B. advanced先进的;C. elder年龄较大的;D. frmal正式的。分析题意,根据后文“Besides, her little brther was t yung t be suitable. Since n ther men in her family culd be chsen frm”可知,木兰的弟弟太小了,不适合,她家里也没有其他男人可以被派去从军,说明木兰没有哥哥。故选C项。
    22.答案: A
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:木兰有一个勇敢的想法,她打扮成一个男孩去参军,而不是她的父亲。A. dress up打扮;B. fcus n专注;C. apply fr申请,应用;D. fall apart崩溃。分析题意,根据后文“She 8 her lng hair ,remved her makeup and gt n the hrse, leaving 9 the frnt line n her wn.”可知,她剪掉长发、卸妆、骑上马,独自前往前线,因此花木兰打扮成一个男孩去参军。故选A项。
    23.答案: D
    解析:考查固定短语辨析。句意:木兰有一个勇敢的想法,她会打扮成一个男孩去参军,而不是她的父亲。A. in case f如果发生某种情况;B. ther than除了;C. due t因为;D. instead f 而不是。分析题意,根据后文“She 8 her lng hair, remved her makeup and gt n the hrse, leaving 9 the frnt line n her wn.”可知,木兰剪掉长发,卸妆,骑上马,因此花木兰自己上了前线而不是她父亲。故选D项。
    24.答案: A
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:她剪掉长发,卸妆,骑上马,独自前往前线。A. cut剪掉;B. rescued救援;C. damaged损害;D. put放。根据前文已经提及了花木兰要打扮成为一个男孩去参军了,所以她要剪掉长头发。故选A项。
    25.答案: B
    解析:考查介词词义辨析。句意:她剪掉长发,卸妆,骑上马,独自前往前线。A. t朝,位于……;B. fr为了,往;C. in在……里面;D. frm来自……。根据后文“the frnt line n her wn”可知,花木兰动身去了前线。leave fr译为“动身去……”为固定短语。故选B项。
    26.答案: C
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的12年里,花木兰加倍努力掩饰自己的身份,假装自己是一个男人。A. date日期;B. gap间隙;C. secret秘密;D. event事件。分析题意,根据后文“pretending herself t be a man”可知,此处表示花木兰掩盖自己身份的秘密。故选C项。
    27.答案: D
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:她做了这么多富有挑战性的工作,她受到了伙伴们的钦佩。A. survived幸存;B. destryed破坏;C. cntacted联系;D. admired羡慕,钦佩。分析题意,根据前文“She had dne s much challenging wrk”可知,因为做了很多富有挑战性的工作所以她受到了伙伴们的钦佩。故选D项。
    28.答案: A
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:皇帝想给她很多钱和一枚勋章,但她拒绝了。A. emperr皇帝;B. hst主人;C. master大师;D. expert专家。分析题意,根据前文“In the Nrthern Wei Dynasty(在北魏朝)”和后文“wanted t give her lts f mney and a medal”可知,此处指当时的皇帝要给花木兰这些奖励。故选A项。
    29.答案: C
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:皇帝想给她很多钱和一枚勋章,但她拒绝了。A. carved雕刻;B. struggled奋斗;C. refused拒绝;D. designed设计。根据划线前的but表示转折,说明虽然皇帝要给花木兰很多奖励,但是花木兰还是拒绝了。故选C项。
    30.答案: A
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:当花木兰再次穿上她美丽的衣服,换掉她的发型后,其他士兵才第一次认出了历经12年磨难的花木兰是一名女性。A. recgnized认识,认出;B. called叫;C. graduated毕业;D. hiked远足。分析题意,根据后文“Mulan, wh had experienced such hardship fr 12 years, was a FEMALE.(经历了12年苦难的木兰是一位女性)”可知,士兵们第一次认出花木兰实际上是一名女性。故选A项。
    31.答案: B
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个故事在中国社会有着特殊的意义,它告诉我们,只要有决心,女性也可以像男性一样做大事。A. graceful优雅的;B. great伟大的;C. psitive积极的;D. curius好奇的。分析题意,根据全文的内容和“if they are determined”可知,就像花木兰一样,只要有决心女性也可以和男性一样做大事。故选B项。
    32.答案:lying;in;buildings;was viewed;themselves;where;equally;t taste;impressive;a
    解析:①考查非谓语动词。句意:这是一条位于四川成都的街道。分析句子可知,“(lie) in Chengdu, Sichuan”作后置定语修饰名词street,lie是非谓语动词,与其逻辑主语street之间是主动关系,应用现在分词表主动。故填lying。
    ②考查介词。句意:这条街历史悠久,蕴含着丰富的中国传统文化。be rich in...是固定短语,意为“富于……;富有 ……”。故填in。
    ④考查动词时态语态。句意:不久前,锦里被评为“全国十佳城市商业步行街”。分析句子可知,view(看待)是句中谓语动词,与主语Jinli之间是被动关系,句中有时间状语Years ag,应使用一般过去时态,又因主语Jinli是专有名词,单数概念,谓语动词也应使用单数形式。综上,谓语应用一般过去时的被动语态,单数形式。故填was viewed。
    ⑤考查代词。句意:每年,尤其是在春节期间,都会有大量的游客来到这条街上玩得尽兴。enjy neself是固定搭配,意为“过得快乐;玩得尽兴”,用反身代词作宾语,故填themselves。
    ⑧考查非谓语动词。句意:它们都很美味,等着你去品尝。wait fr sb.t d...是固定搭配,意为“等某人做……”,用不定式作宾语补足语。故填t taste。
    ⑩考查冠词。句意:如果你有时间,去这条街逛逛,玩得开心点。pay a visit t...是固定短语,意为“访问,参观”。故填a。
    A Beautiful Place in China
    Sichuan Prvince is lcated in the suthwestern part f China. It enjys many wrld-famus places f interest, such as Jiuzhaigu and Dujiangyan Irrigatin prject.
    Jiuzhaigu Natinal Park is a nature reserve in the nrth f Sichuan Prvince. What is the mst impressive is that it has many multi-level waterfalls and clrful lakes. What’s mre, walking in the nature reserve, yu have a chance t see rare animals like giant pandas and glden mnkeys. There are als many species f rare plants prtected here. Anther famus scenic spt is Dujiangyan Irrigatin Prject, which dates frm ver 2000 years ag. Hwever, it is still playing an imprtant part in irrigatin tday.
    I’m sure the visitrs will be amazed by the beautiful scenery in Jiuzhaigu as well as Dujiangyan Irrigatin Prject.
    看到:see→catch sight f
    原句:Sichuan Prvince is lcated in suthwestern part f China. It enjys many wrld-famus places f interest, such as Jiuzhaigu and Dujiangyan Irrigatin prject.
    拓展句:Sichuan Prvince is lcated in suthwestern part f China, which enjys many wrld-famus places f interest, such as Jiuzhaigu and Dujiangyan Irrigatin prject.
    Paragraph 1:
    Things in the shpping cart like the sap all drpped n the grund. I watched in shck as the lady bent dwn slwly and tried hard t cllect her things. I turned t my friend and asked, “Shall we g and help her?” “It is nt we wh kncked her shpping cart ver,” my friend said impatiently, walking ahead. I std there fr a mment, suddenly feeling srry fr this pitiful lady. “I'll help her,” I said with determinatin.
    Paragraph 2:
    Then my friend cntinued walking n while I went t the lady. “Let me help yu,” I said as I helped her get the cart up. The lady lked up and said tearfully, “Thank yu!” Then I helped her put things back int her cart. T my surprise, sme passers-by jined me, including my friend. With everything put int her cart, my friend and I helped push it t her huse. If it were nt fr the incident, we wuld have had delicius ice cream t eat, but we didn't feel regretful, fr what we did was meaningful.
    捡起:cllect /pick up
    往前走:walk ahead /g ahead
    事件:incident / event
    可怜的:pitiful / pr
    美味的:delicius /tasty

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