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    这是一份广东省四地2023_2024高三英语上学期四校10月联考试题,共16页。试卷主要包含了 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、班别、考生号、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上。因笔试不考听力,选择题从第二部分的“阅读”开始,试题序号从“21”开始。
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    4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将答题卡交回。
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Best bks fr 12 t 14-year-lds
    Mrtal Engines
    Authr: Philip Reeve
    Publisher: Schlastic
    Lndn is n the mve again: the city searches the wrld fr resurces n wheels, eating smaller twns. But when he is thrwn ff the city, yung her Tm is sn frced t reexamine life as he knws it.
    Set in a futuristic (科幻性的) backgrund, this imaginative stry is a cmbinatin f actin and adventure. The bk has wn the Blue Peter Bk Award.
    Cram By
    Authr: Jamila Gavin
    Publisher: Egmnt
    Tby’s and Aarn’s lives are linked by the Cram Man, wh cllects unwanted children frm acrss the cuntry, suppsedly t send them t a safe new life. In reality, the man sells the children int slavery (奴役). Sn, Tby and Aarn find themselves united n a jurney, filled with danger and excitement.
    Rich with histrical detail, this bk prvides an imprtant insight int the 1750s sciety. It was a winner f the Whitbread Children’s Bk Award.
    The Curius Incident f the Dg in the Night-Time
    Authr: Mark Haddn
    Publisher: Red Fx
    Seen thrugh the eyes f Christpher, a mathematical genius and Sherlck Hlmes fan, this nvel begins with the discvery f a dead dg n a neighbr’s lawn. In his search t discver the identity f the killer, Christpher uncvers sme infrmatin abut his wn family and he starts a jurney t Lndn t find his mther.
    Watership Dwn
    Authr: Richard Adams
    Publisher: Penguin
    Yung rabbit Fiver believes that a great disaster is abut t strike the place where he lives—but n ne will listen t him. At last he manages t ask a few brave rabbits t leave befre it’s t late. Hunted by dgs and fxes, their jurney is a dangerus ne—but the rabbits can still dream f a peaceful and safe new life at Watership Dwn. This bk wn bth the Guardian Children’s Fictin Prize and the Carnegie Medal.
    Which bk was published by Penguin?
    What infrmatin can we get frm the bk Cram By?
    Hw des Christpher find sme infrmatin abut his family?
    Getting t Antarctica is nt easy. The few wh are lucky enugh t visit this mst mysterius cntinent d s by ship. T reach Antarctica, ships must pass thrugh an extremely vilent area f cean called the Drake Passage, cnsidered t be the rughest stretch f sea n the planet.
    Walls f water thirty, smetimes frty feet high cntinually crashed against ur ship fr tw slid days. We wuld hld n t a rpe inside the ship while being vilently tipped(倾斜) t ne extreme side, then t the ther, and then back again. My daughter Claire and I were as mentally prepared as we culd be.
    Abut tw and a half days after entering the Drake Passage, the waters calmed. Sn, we nticed small black spts n nearby pieces f flating ice. Emperr penguins! Then, we began the tw-mile hike ver the ice t the penguin clny. Within several hundred yards, small grups f emperrs, perhaps ten r s at a time, greeted us, sliding n their bellies and making their wnderful nises, srt f a lng, high-pitched sund.
    One day tw adult emperrs with their three chicks fllwing them apprached Claire, wh was resting n the ice. They left the chicks with her, as if she were the babysitter.
    Twenty minutes later they returned t cllect the chicks. And I will never frget the penguin that, when I jkingly asked which way back t the helicpters, pinted a wing in the crrect directin. Every night abard ur safe and warm ship, we thught abut what it takes t survive in Antarctica, an incredibly harsh place.
    But each day n the ice, we als thught abut the Drake Passage, the impact f the large bdy f water we had t endure t get where we were. Over the curse f ur visit, we came t respect the pwer f that sea. We still talk abut the penguins, as I’m sure we always will. But we talk abut the Drake Passage, t. Bth experiences were unfrgettable, and ne wuld nt have been pssible withut the ther.
    Why is the Drake Passage mentined in the first paragraph?
    The water in the area is usually calm.B. Peple can see very attractive scenery there.
    C. A lt f sea animals ften appear in the area.D. It is quite a dangerus sectin f the jurney.
    What is the theme f the third paragraph?
    A. The visitrs appreciated the penguins.B. The living habits f emperr penguins.
    C. Hw penguins made their wnderful nises.D. The appearance and shape f emperr penguins.
    26. What can we infer frm the furth paragraph?
    A. Penguins try t avid human beings.
    B. Penguins are nt afraid f human beings.
    C. Claire played with the tw adult penguins fr a lng time.
    D. Claire led the yung penguins t where the adult penguins stayed.
    27. What des the underlined wrd “endure” in the last paragraph mean?
    A. Prmte. B. Break. C. Arrange. D. Experience.
    Prtia Kapraun has always seen unwelcme ads n Twitter, usually frm majr brands pitching (竭力推销) her expensive jewelry r vehicles that she, as a librarian in Indiana, culd nt affrd. Ms. Kapraun was nt interested. But she sn saw the ads again. And again. And again. “These feel like lw-end ads,” she said. In a shaky advertising market in an uncertain ecnmy, ads that few peple want t see suddenly seem t be everywhere.
    Advancements in digital advertising technlgy were meant t imprve users’ experience. Peple interested in shes are intended t get ads fr sneakers and bts, nt repeated pitches prmting gld investments. And the technlgy is suppsed t remve misleading r dangerus pitches. But lately, n several platfrms, the ppsite seems t be happening fr a variety f reasns, including a slwdwn in the verall digital ad market. As numerus deep-pcketed marketers have pulled back, and the sfter market has led several digital platfrms t lwer their ad pricing, pprtunities have pened up fr less demanding advertisers.
    Advertising experts agree that pr-quality ads appear t be increasing greatly. They pint t a variety f ptential causes: internal trubles at technlgy cmpanies, weak cntent mderatin (审核), and high-level advertisers seeking ther chices. Then, there’s the ecnmy: A recent survey f 43 multinatinal cmpanies representing mre than $44 billin in advertising spending fund that nearly 30 percent planned t cut back n their marketing spending last year.
    Other factrs are als cntributing t lwer advertising quality. Scial media advertising, nce nly practiced by specialists, is nw easily available t anyne. Many f them are aviding targeted ads—placements intended t reach specific audiences, usually at a higher cst—in favr f a cheaper spray-and-pray (广撒网式的) apprach nline, hping t catch the attentin f gullible (容易受骗的) r bred shppers. Majr scial media platfrms are nw like “a mall that used t be gd”, Crey Richardsn, vice president at a multicultural ad cmpany, says. “But nw there’s n lnger a mall there—it’s just a calendar stre and a place sling beepers (传呼机). ”
    28. What message des the authr want t deliver in Prtia Kapraun’s stry?
    A. Repeated ads have a strng pwer f persuasin.
    B. Scial media users ften encunter unwanted ads.
    C. Majr brands usually prefer scial media advertising.
    D. An uncertain ecnmy leads t lwer levels f cnsumptin.
    29. What can be inferred abut the “less demanding advertisers” mentined in Paragraph 2?
    A. They are frced t exit the digital ad market.
    B. They have benefited frm advertising experts.
    C. They can nw advertise at a mre affrdable price.
    D. They wrk hard t imprve their users’ experience.
    30. What is Crey Richardsn’s attitude t majr scial media platfrms?
    A. Favrable. B. Hpeful C. Unclear. D. Negative.
    31. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Where is scial media advertising heading?
    B. What is shaking up the nline advertising market?
    C. Why are yu seeing s many bad digital ads nw?
    D. Hw are targeted ads impacting yur purchase decisins?
    Bth Rbert and Keith have a 45-minute cmmute(通勤) time frm their hmes t their wrkplace. When Rbert drives, he has realistic expectatins f hw thers drive and hw lng the trip shuld take. Overall, he is able t adapt t any unexpected challenges he may face n the rad. He rarely becmes angry. By cntrast, Keith drives with a tendency fr becming angry easily, partly due t unrealistic expectatins f ther drivers, his quickness t persnalize and feel threatened by the actins f thers, and his inability t calm his anger.
    The difference between hw Rbert and Keith experience their drive t wrk, especially with regard t getting angry, is influenced very much by their emtinal intelligence. Emtinal intelligence is crucial fr helping individuals chse cnstructive ver destructive anger. A key aspect f healthy anger is being able t pause and reflect n, rather than react t, ur thughts, feelings, and senses assciated with getting angry.
    Self-regulatin and empathy(同理心) are tw imprtant cmpnents f emtinal intelligence, which can be a buffer(缓冲) against destructive anger. Self-regulatin helps us t cntrl ur mds. Empathy helps us t recgnize the humanity in thers and urselves.
    Studies suggest that training in emtinal intelligence can pwerfully impact hw anger is managed. This was supprted by a three-year study f 476 yung adults wh shwed reduced tendency f becming angry after training. Children and adults can learn skills t bst their emtinal intelligence and, by ding s, develp adaptability fr dealing with varius negative affect, including anger. Many wrkbks ffer skills in emtinal intelligence t prmte empathy and self-awareness regarding emtins and hw they impact ur beliefs and behavir.
    Clearly, thrugh training, Keith wuld experience greater emtinal flexibility that culd supprt a mre peaceful cmmute t wrk. I firmly believe that learning skills in emtinal intelligence shuld be the fcus in helping individuals mre cnstructively manage this highly challenging and cmplex emtin.
    32. What is the functin f the first paragraph?
    A. T tell a true stry. B. T make a cmparisn.
    C. T intrduce the main tpic. D. T present an imprtant finding.
    33. Which f the fllwing is the main pint f healthy anger?
    A. Thinking ver the annying situatin.
    B. Taking actin t deal with the awful situatin.
    C. Turning a blind eye t the unwelcme situatin.
    D. Expressing feelings abut the disturbing situatin.
    34. What is the authr’s attitude twards training in emtinal intelligence?
    A. Tlerant. B. Dubtful. C. Negative. D. Supprtive.
    35. What is the suitable title f the text?
    A. Friends Shuld Enjy Peaceful Cmmute
    B. Drivers Need t Bst Their Emtinal Intelligence
    C. Emtinal Intelligence Is a Buffer Against Destructive Anger
    D. Emtinal Intelligence Has a Pwerful Impact n Peple's Life
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    Des the happiness f parents play a rle in shaping the verall happiness f their children? Scientific studies have shed light n the far-reaching cnnectin between parental happiness and the psitive develpment f kids. It seems that parental happiness has an imprtant influence n the emtinal, scial, and cgnitive (认知的) develpment f children. ___36___ If they knw their mental and emtinal happiness has an impact n their children, perhaps it can mtivate them t view it as part f being a gd parent.
    ___37___ Fr example, they can jin in activities that bring them jy and satisfactin. This culd include hbbies, exercise, pursuing persnal gals, r taking time fr relaxatin. When parents imprve their wn happiness, they can better supprt their children’s happiness.
    Anther great idea is sharing experiences and creating many memries tgether. The idea is twfld. ___38___ At the same time, the shared experiences and shwing their children hw happy they are t d smething they lve can be incredibly valuable as well.
    One f the main aspects f being happy parents is feeling cmfrtable, cnfident and able t be themselves, despite their new status and huge respnsibility. Hnestly, when parents priritize their wn happiness, it has psitive effects n the verall happiness f the family. ___39___
    When parents put their wn happiness first, they becme rle mdels fr their kids. They see the imprtance f self-care, pursuing passins and maintaining healthy relatinships. ___40___ S, parents shuld accept their uniqueness, enjying life!
    A. Hwever, part f being respnsible is being hnest.
    B. They are passing n sme majr life skills and attitudes.
    C. They may lse a bit f their sense f self when caring fr children.
    D. Parents can adpt practical ways t enhance their wn happiness.
    E. A jyful and harmnius family envirnment benefits everyne invlved.
    F. This can happen when parents priritize their wn happiness accrding t Inc.
    G. Firstly, the parents cntinue t be themselves and d smething they lve.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    The wind and rain made it feel like a cld December day. I walked as fast as pssible t the arena(运动场). When I gt inside, it was 41 cld, and I was grateful that I’d 42 t wear much clthing. Then a vice called ut, “Hi, Fran.”
    It was nice t see Lindy and Pippa--they were braving the 43 t help here, t. The arena was 44 . The nickering(嘶叫)f hrses mixed with children’s laughter. Vlunteers led hrses while parents tended t their children with 45 needs, preparing them fr their riding lessn.
    I culdn’t help 46 . These children all faced daily mental and physical 47 , and their parents’ lve was 48 . Just the tiniest sign f 49 —a child managing a simple exercise—was a majr 50 fr the instructr, parent and child.
    I realized why I came t this place. It was fr the 51 f the children. Thugh the vlunteer wrk here is extremely tiring, s many peple 52 give their time because the children need us. These children have different 53 f mental r physical disabilities. Riding strengthens their muscles and bnes, 54 them t enjy a mre fruitful life.
    That day, as thse children 55 me frm atp their hrses and smiled, my heart was filled with warmth. I was warm frm the inside ut.
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    A Stne Age bird sculpture 56 (cver) in China culd be a “missing link” in ur understanding f prehistric art. 57 (date) back almst 13,500 years, the sculpture is nw the ldest knwn example f three-dimensinal art in East Asia.
    Described 58 being in “an exceptinal state f preservatin,” the sculpture was fund at an archelgical site in Lingjing, Henan Prvince. It was hand-carved frm burned animal bne. Researchers say the sculpture depicts (刻画) a bird n a base, pinting t deliberate marks 59 the creature’s eyes and bill (嘴) wuld be. It is believed that the bird’s versized tail was made 60 (prevent) the sculpture frm leaning frward when 61 (lay) n a surface. This discvery identifies a(n) 62 (rigin) artistic traditin and pushes back by mre than 8,500 years the representatin f birds in Chinese art. The sculpture differs 63 (technlgy) and stylistically frm ther sculptures fund in Western Eurpe and Siberia, and it culd be the missing link tracing the rigin f Chinese statues back t the early part f the Stne Age. Li Zhanyang, wh led 64 study, has cntributed t ther archelgical findings in Lingjing, including varius ancient 65 (tl) and tw skulls belnging t an extinct species f early humans.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    假定你是李华,你的外国笔友 Jim 所在学校的图书馆想要收藏关干中国文化的书籍,他发来邮件请你帮忙推荐相关书籍。请你给他回一封邮件,内容包括:
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请在答题卡相应位置作答。
    Dear Jim,
    Hw is everything ging?

    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    As the late afternn sun beat dwn n his farm in Missuri last May, Brandn finished feeding his cws and decided t g hme. As they ften did, his tw sns, Luie, 7, and Everett, 5, fllwed clsely.
    As they headed fr the huse, the tw bys ran ahead f their father, wh stpped t clse the gate. Luie paused at a bard cvering an ld well. The bard had, ver time, becme easily brken. When Luie stepped n it, it caved in and he fell int the well. Brandn had just clse the dr when he heard a cry fr help. He turned arund and fund his yunger sn Everett standing alne beside the well, pinting t it and screaming.
    Brandn quickly realized what had happened. “N, Luie can barely swim,” he panicked, his mind almst ging blank. Hwever, he knew he shuld calm dwn. He ran t the well and heard Luie hitting the water. Withut thinking, he jumped in. Smehw, Brandn managed t grab n t a pipe that ran dwn the side f the well. He hit the cld water at the bttm f the well and lifted Luie up as he stuck his wn legs and back against the narrw walls fr supprt, “All right, Dad, we can climb ut nw,” Luie said.
    If nly it were that easy!
    The pipe that he’d grabbed during his fall was t slippery t be f any use. There was nly ne way ut. Lking up t see Everett lking dwn at them, Brandn shuted, “Everett, yu’re ging t have t be a big by and save us. Run t the rad and stand by the mailbx until smene stps. Tell them we need help. And Everett, stay ff the rad.”
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Everett did as he was tld.
    The cuple hurried t the well with Everett.
    第一节 21-23 CAC 24-27 DABD 28-31 BCDC 32-35 CADC
    第二节 36-40 FDGEB
    第三部分 语言知识运用
    41-45 DBCDC 46-50 ABDAC 51-55 ADACB
    56. uncvered 57. Dating 58. as 59. where 60. t prevent
    61. laid 62. riginal 63. technlgically 64. the 65. tls
    第四部分 写作
    第一节 应用文写作
    Dear Jim,
    Hw is everything ging? Regarding yur request fr bk recmmendatins in Chinese culture, I’d be mre than happy t assist yu.
    My first recmmendatin is the type f bks centering n Chinese Civilizatin. These bks prvide a cmprehensive verview f China’s rich histry, including its ancient civilizatin, dynasties, and cultural develpments. Mrever, bks n “Chinese Traditins and Custms” are highly recmmended, which delves int the unique Chinese custms, traditins, and rituals that shape Chinese sciety. By reading them, readers will definitely gain valuable insights int China’s cultural heritage, and its scietal nrms.
    Hpefully, my recmmendatin will greatly cntribute t yur schl’s cllectin and prvide students with a brader perspective n Chinese culture.
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写
    Everett did as he was tld. At first, Everett std n the side f the rad in a daze. As a five-year-ld by, he did nt knw hw t stp the passing car. Hwever, thinking f his father and brther struggling in the well, he gathered his curage again and shuted bravely fr help. Althugh a cuple didn‘t quite understand what Everett was saying, the repeated wrds like “danger” “well” “help” quickly attracted their attentin. They realized the seriusness f the prblem. They called 119 immediately and drve Everett t the farm.
    The cuple hurried t the well with Everett. When they reached the tp f the well, they were shcked by what they saw. In the well, Brandn's hand was shaking cnstantly, and Luie was crying with fear. The cuple kept encuraging them and went t the trunk t get a rpe t help them ut. Hardly had they used the rpe t pull Luie ut when the rescuers arrived. After getting ut, Brandn expressed his gratitude t every rescuer. They said that if it hadn’t been fr Everett’s effrts, they wuld nt have been able t cme t their assistance in time. Of curse, Gd helps thse wh help themselves, what really saved them was their wn spirit f nt giving up in the face f difficulties.
    21.细节理解题。根据Watership Dwn部分中“Publisher: Penguin(出版商:企鹅)”可知,Watership Dwn是企鹅出版社出版的。故选C。
    22.细节理解题。根据Cram By部分中“Tby’s and Aarn’s lives are linked by the Cram Man, wh cllects unwanted children frm acrss the cuntry, suppsedly t send them t a safe new life.(托比和亚伦的生活与科拉姆人联系在一起,他从全国各地收集被遗弃的孩子,据说是为了让他们过上安全的新生活)”可知,Cram By这本书中主角是托比和亚伦。故选A。
    23.细节理解题。根据The Curius Incident f the Dg in the Night-Time部分中“In his search t discver the identity f the killer, Christpher uncvers sme infrmatin abut his wn family and he starts a jurney t Lndn t find his mther.(在寻找凶手的过程中,克里斯托弗发现了一些关于他自己家庭的信息,他开始了去伦敦寻找他母亲的旅程)”可知,在寻找凶手的过程中,克里斯托弗发现了一些关于他自己家庭的信息。故选C。
    B篇 【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要描述了作者和女儿前往南极洲的经历。
    24.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“T reach Antarctica, ships must pass thrugh an extremely vilent area f cean called the Drake Passage, cnsidered t be the rughest stretch f sea n the planet. (要到达南极洲,船只必须通过一片被称为德雷克海峡的极其狂暴的海域,这里被认为是地球上最汹涌的海域。)”可知,第一段提到德雷克海峡是因为这是旅程中相当危险的一段。故选D。
    25.主旨大意题。根据文章第三段“Abut tw and a half days after entering the Drake Passage, the waters calmed. Sn, we nticed small black spts n nearby pieces f flating ice. Emperr penguins (企鹅)! Then, we began the tw-mile hike ver the ice t the penguin clny. Within several hundred yards, small grups f emperrs, perhaps ten r s at a time, greeted us, sliding n their bellies and making their wnderful nises, srt f a lng, high-pitched sund. (进入德雷克海峡大约两天半后,水面平静下来。很快,我们注意到附近浮冰上的小黑点。帝企鹅!然后,我们开始了两英里的冰上徒步旅行,前往企鹅聚居地。在几百码之内,一小群帝王蝶,也许一次十只左右,向我们打招呼,用腹部滑行,发出美妙的声音,有点像一种长而高的声音。)”可知,第三段的主题是游客们欣赏企鹅。故选A。
    26.推理判断题。根据文章第四段“One day tw adult emperrs with their three chicks fllwing them apprached Claire, wh was resting n the ice. They left the chicks with her, as if she were the babysitter. (一天,两只成年帝企鹅带着它们的三只幼鸟靠近正在冰上休息的克莱尔。他们把幼鸟留给她,好像她是保姆。)”可推断,企鹅不怕人类。故选B。
    27.词句猜测题。根据划线词后句“Over the curse f ur visit, we came t respect the pwer f that sea. (在我们参观的过程中,我们开始尊重大海的力量。)”可知,到达德雷克海峡必须忍受的巨大水流的冲击。所以endure的意思是”经历,忍受”。A. Prmte.提升;B. Break.打破;C. Arrange.安排;D. Experience.经历。故选D。
    C篇 【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述的是随着数字广告市场的低迷和经济不确定性,用户开始在社交媒体平台上遇到越来越多低质量的广告,这些低质量的广告导致主要的社交媒体平台逐渐变得没有吸引力,只剩下了一些低价的广告商。
    28.推理判断题。根据第一段中“Prtia Kapraun has always seen unwelcme ads n Twitter, usually frm majr brands pitching (竭力推销) her expensive jewelry r vehicles that she, as a librarian in Indiana, culd nt affrd. Ms. Kapraun was nt interested. But she sn saw the ads again. And again. And again. (Prtia Kappraun总是在Twitter上看到不受欢迎的广告,通常是大品牌向她推销昂贵的珠宝或汽车,作为印第安纳州的图书管理员,她买不起这些广告。Prtia对此不感兴趣。但她很快又看到了广告。一次又一次。一次又一次。)”可知,第一段中通过讲述Prtia的故事是为了说明她总是会在Twitter上一次又一次的看到不受欢迎的广告,其目的是引出本文所探讨的问题——社交媒体用户经常会遇到不想要的广告。故选B。
    29.词义猜测题。根据第二段中“As numerus deep-pcketed marketers have pulled back, and the sfter market has led several digital platfrms t lwer their ad pricing(随着众多财力雄厚的营销人员撤出市场,加上市场疲软导致数家数字平台降低了广告定价)”可知,由于广告市场放缓,财力雄厚的广告资本退出市场因此很多数字平台降低了广告的定价,由此导致很多要求很低的广告商获得了机会即可以以较低的价格承接广告。C选项“They can nw advertise at a mre affrdable price.(他们现在可以以更实惠的价格做广告。)”符合文章信息。故选C。
    30.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Many f them are aviding targeted ads — placements intended t reach specific audiences, usually at a higher cst — in favr f a cheaper spray-and-pray (广撒网式的) apprach nline, hping t catch the attentin f gullible (容易受骗的) r bred shppers. (他们中的许多人都在避免定向广告——通常以更高的成本投放到特定的受众——而倾向于更便宜的在线“广撒网式的”方式,希望吸引容易上当受骗或无聊的购物者的注意。)”以及“ Majr scial media platfrms are nw like “a mall that used t be gd”, Crey Richardsn, vice president at a multicultural ad cmpany, says. “But nw there’s n lnger a mall there—it’s just a calendar stre and a place sling beepers (传呼机). ”(“现在主要的社交媒体平台就像‘曾经好的商场’,”一家多元文化广告公司的副总裁Crey Richardsn说。“但现在商场已经不复存在了,只剩下了一个日历店和一个传呼机销售点。”)”可知,如今的社交媒体平台倾向以更便宜的在线“广撒网式的”方式投放广告吸引吸引购物者的注意而非更高成本的定向投入广告,因此降低了广告的质量。正如副总裁Crey Richardsn说,之前广告良好的投放平台——商场,如今变成了只剩下了一个日历店和一个传呼机销售点。因此副总裁Crey Richardsn对当前社交媒体平台的态度是消极的。故选D。
    31.主旨大意题。通读全文,文章讲述的是随着数字广告市场的低迷和经济不确定性,用户开始在社交媒体平台上遇到越来越多低质量的广告。这种现象的原因包括科技公司内部问题、内容审核不力以及高级广告商寻找其他选择。此外,社交媒体广告已经变得普遍,许多广告商选择了更便宜的广撒网式广告方法,而不是更针对特定受众的定向广告。这导致主要的社交媒体平台逐渐变得没有吸引力,只剩下了一些低价的广告商。文章解释了如今看到很多低端数字广告的原因。因此C选项“Why are yu seeing s many bad digital ads nw?( 为什么你现在看到这么多糟糕的数字广告?)”适合文章标题。故选C。
    D篇 【导语】这是一篇说明文。情商可以缓冲破坏性愤怒,情商训练有助于管理愤怒情绪。
    32. 推理判断题。第一段讲述Rbert 和Keith在通勤路上驾车遇到恼火情况时不同的反应,第二段进入本文主题。所以第一段的功能是引出本文主题。故选C。
    细节理解具体题。根据文章第二段“A key aspect f healthy anger is being able t pause and reflect n, rather than react t, ur thughts,feelings, and senses assciated with getting angry.(健康愤怒的一个关键方面是能够停下来反思,而不是对我们与愤怒有关的想法、感受和感觉做出反应。)”可知,对令人恼怒的情况进行仔细思考是健康愤怒的重点。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第二句“I firmly believe that learning skills in emtinal intelligence shuld be the fcus in helping individuals mre cnstructively manage this highly challenging and cmplex emtin.(我坚信,学习情商技能应该是帮助个人更具建设性地管理这种极具挑战性和复杂情绪的核心重点)”可推知,作者对待情商训练持有支持的态度。故选D。
    理解主旨要义题。通读全文,尤其是第三段的“Self-regulatin and empathy(同理心)are tw imprtant cmpnents f emtinal intelligence, which can be a buffer(缓冲)against destructive anger.(自我调节和同理心是情商的两个重要组成部分,情商可以起到缓冲作用对抗破坏性的愤怒。)”可推知,C项“Emtinal Intelligence Is a Buffer Against Destructive Anger(情商是对抗破坏性愤怒的缓冲)”适合做题目。故选C。
    上文“It seems that parental happiness has an imprtant influence n the emtinal, scial, and cgnitive (认知的) develpment f children.”(父母的幸福似乎对孩子的情感、社交和认知发展有着重要的影响。)讲的是父母的幸福对孩子的影响,以及下文“If they knw their mental and emtinal happiness has an impact n their children, perhaps it can mtivate them t view it as part f being a gd parent.”(如果他们知道他们的精神和情感上的幸福对他们的孩子有影响,也许这可以激励他们把它看作是一个好父母的一部分。)介绍具体的某一个方面的影响,F项This can happen when parents priritize their wn happiness accrding t Inc.(根据Inc的说法,当父母优先考虑自己的幸福时,这种情况就会发生。)承接上文内容,同时引起下文,起到上下文的承上启下作用,上下文语意连贯。故选F项。
    下文“Fr example, they can jin in activities that bring them jy and satisfactin.”(例如,他们可以参加给他们带来快乐和满足的活动。)举例讲参加快乐和满足的活动。由此可推知,空格处应为父母可以通过行动来提升幸福感。D项Parents can adpt practical ways t enhance their wn happiness.(父母可以采取切实可行的方法来提高自己的幸福感。)符合此推断,下文是对空格处内容的具体解释。故选D项。
    上文“The idea is twfld.”(这个想法是双重的。)提到两种主意。以及下文“At the same time, the shared experiences and shwing their children hw happy they are t d smething they lve can be incredibly valuable as well.”(与此同时,分享经验并向孩子展示他们做自己喜欢的事情是多么快乐也是非常有价值的。)讲的是另外一种主意。由此可推断出空格处内容为其中之一的想法或主意。G项Firstly, the parents cntinue t be themselves and d smething they lve.(首先,父母继续做自己,做自己喜欢的事情。)为一方面的想法和主意,上下文语意连贯。故选G项。
    由该空格处位于该段句尾可知,为总结该段内容或与上文内容相关。该段上文“One f the main aspects f being happy parents is feeling cmfrtable, cnfident and able t be themselves, despite their new status and huge respnsibility. Hnestly, when parents priritize their wn happiness, it has psitive effects n the verall happiness f the family.”(成为快乐父母的一个主要方面是感到舒适、自信、能够做自己,尽管他们有新身份和巨大的责任。老实说,当父母优先考虑自己的幸福时,它对家庭的整体幸福有积极的影响。)讲的是父母优先考虑自己的幸福时,对家庭的整体幸福有积极的影响。E项A jyful and harmnius family envirnment benefits everyne invlved.(一个快乐和谐的家庭环境使每个人都受益。)和上文内容相关,为总结该段内容,上下文语意连贯。故选E项。
    上文“When parents put their wn happiness first, they becme rle mdels fr their kids. They see the imprtance f self-care, pursuing passins and maintaining healthy relatinships.”(当父母把自己的幸福放在第一位时,他们就会成为孩子们的榜样。他们看到了自我照顾、追求激情和维持健康关系的重要性。)讲的是父母成为孩子们的榜样,看到了自我照顾技能等生活态度。B项They are passing n sme majr life skills and attitudes.(他们正在传授一些重要的生活技能和态度。)和上文内容意思一致,为上文内容的语意递进,上下文语意连贯。故选B项。
    41. D此处指外面冷,运动场内还是(still)冷,所以作者庆幸自己多穿了衣服。
    42. B因为天气冷,所以作者庆幸自己记得(remembered)多穿了些衣服。
    43. C根据上一段描述的天气情况可判断,他们冒着严寒(cld)来这里帮忙。
    44. D根据后面两句的描述可知,运动场一片忙碌(busy).
    45. C根据第 13空后的"f mental r physical disabilities”知,这些孩子是有残疾的,即有特殊(special)需求的。
    46. A根据上文描述的忙碌、和谐、快乐的场景可知,作者看到这些后内心是愉悦的,故应该是禁不住笑(smiling)了。
    47. B根据第53空后的"f mental r physical disabilities”知,这些孩子身有残疾,每天都面临着精神和身体上的挑战(challenges)。
    49. A根据“a child managing a simple exercise’可判断,此处指哪怕是最微小的进步 (imprvement )迹象。
    50. C对于身有残疾的孩子而言,最微小的进步迹象对教练、家长和孩子来说都是意义重大的,是重要的里程碑(milestne)。
    51. A 根据文中出现的“children’s laughter”和 smiled 可判断,此处指作者来这里做志愿工作是为了给孩子们带来快乐 (happiness)。
    52. D根据上文的 Vlunteers 和“the vlunteer wrk”等信息可知,很多人自愿地(vluntarily)付出他们的时间。
    53. A来这里做志愿者。根据生活常识可判断,来这里当志愿者的作者只知道这些孩子有不同程度(degrees) 的智力或身体残疾,具体情况应该不知晓。
    54. C骑马锻炼了他们的肌肉和骨骼,使他们能够(enabling)享受更有成效的生活。
    55. B 孩子们骑在马背上,显得比在地上牵着马走着的作者高,所以应该是那些孩子微笑着向下看(lked dwn at)作者。
    题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:中国发现的一只新石器时代的鸟雕塑可能是我们对史前艺术理解的“缺失环节”。分析句子,句中culd be为谓语动词,设空处使用的是非谓语动词。句中表示“发现”用uncver,其与bird sculpture 之间是被动关系,故使用过去分词作后置定语。故填uncvered。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:这座雕塑可以追溯到13500年前,是目前东亚已知的最古老的三维艺术。分析句子,句中is为谓语动词,设空处使用非谓语动词,date back为固定短语,意为“追溯于”,the sculpture与其之间是主动关系,故使用现在分词作状语。同时该空置于句首,开头单词首字母大写。故填Dating。
    59. 考查定语从句。句意:研究人员表示,这尊雕塑在基座上描绘了一只鸟,并特意在鸟的眼睛和喙的位置做了标记。分析句子,设空处引导的是定语从句,引导词修饰先行词marks,表示“在标记处”用where。故填where。
    60. 考查非谓语动词。句意:人们认为,这只鸟的超大尾巴是为了防止雕塑放在地面上时向前倾斜。句中be made t d为固定短语,使用不定式结构作主语补足语结构。故填t prevent。
    61. 考查省略句。句意:同上。分析句子,此处构成了状语从句的省略结构,即当状语从句中的主语与主句的主语一致,且有be动词的结构,可以省略从句中的主语和be动词。此处从句的主语与主句的主语均为the bird’s versized tail,同时其与lay之间是被动关系,故使用过去分词。故填laid。
    62. 考查形容词。句意:这项发现确认了一种原始的艺术传统,并将鸟类在中国艺术中的描绘时间向前推进了8500多年。分析句子,设空处使用rigin的形容词riginal作定语,修饰名词,意为“原始的,独创的”。故填riginal。
    63. 考查副词。句意:这个雕塑在技术和风格上都与西欧和西伯利亚发现的其他雕塑不同,它可能是将中国雕像的起源追溯到石器时代早期的缺失环节。分析句子,设空处使用technlgy的副词作状语,与后文的stylistically构成并列结构,意为“技术上地”。故填technlgically。
    64. 考查冠词。句意:该研究的负责人李占阳也为灵井的其他考古发现做出了贡献,包括各种古代工具和两个属于一个已经灭绝的早期人类物种的头骨。句中study为可数名词,意为“研究”,此处表示特指。故填the。
    65. 考查名词。句意:同上。分析句子,设空处使用名词作宾语,此处tl为可数名词,意为“工具”,句中表示复数意义,表示各种工具。故填tls。
    第一节 应用文写作
    1. 本题总分为15分,按以下5个档次给分。
    2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。
    3. 词数少于60的,从总分中减去2分。
    4. 评分时,应注意的主要内容为:时态、人称、内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性。
    5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。
    6. 如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。
    1. 书籍类型;(可以推荐多个类型的书籍,体现“中国文化”)
    2. 推荐理由。(合理拓展理由)
    未能传达给读者任何信息,内容太少,无法评判;所写内容均与所要求内容无关或所写 内容无法看清。
    第二节 读后续写
    1. 本节满分25分,按5个档次给分。
    2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其档次,然后以该档次要求衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。
    3. 原则上,两段写作的词数可以不绝对均等,但总词数为150左右。少于120,可从总分中减去1分。如多于170,但都是有效表达,不扣分。
    4. 评分时应关注与原文的融洽度(逻辑的严谨性)、内容的合理性、语言(应用词汇和语法结构)的丰富性、准确性及上下文的连贯性。
    5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确的一个方面。评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。
    6. 如书写较差以致影响交际,将其分数降低一个档次。
    故事概要:Brandn 带儿子们回家的路上,Luie不小心掉进井中,Brandn 迅速跳入井中救孩子,虽暂时不会淹死,但无法顺利自救脱困,遂鼓励次子向路人求助。
    第五档 (21~25分)
    第四档 (16~20号)
    第三档 (11~15分)
    第二档 (6~10分)
    未作答:所写内容太少或无法看清以致无法评判:所写内容全部抄自原文或与题目要求完全不相关。A. Cram By.
    B. Mrtal Engines.
    Watership Dwn.
    The Curius Incident f the Dg in the Night-Time.
    Its main characters are Tby and Aarn.
    It is abut sme rabbits escaping a disaster.
    It wn the Guardian Children’s Fictin Prize.
    Its cntent invlves the backgrund f a future sciety.
    When taking his trip t Lndn.
    When wrking with Sherlck Hlmes.
    When trying t find the identify f a killer.
    When cmmunicating with a mathematical genius.
    A. never
    B. even
    C. just
    D. still
    A. asked
    B. remembered
    C. meant
    D. agreed
    A. dark
    B. rule
    C. cld
    D. distance
    A. spacius
    B. elegant
    C. vivid
    D. busy
    A. urgent
    B. prper
    C. special
    D. similar
    A. smiling
    B. jking
    C. running
    D. jumping
    A. activities
    B. challenges
    C. develpments
    D. changes
    A. plain
    B. cmplicated
    C. absent
    D. bvius
    A. imprvement
    B. prblem
    C. pursuit
    D. adjustment
    A. target
    B. principle
    C. milestne
    D. cmmitment
    A. happiness
    B. past
    C. family
    D. actin
    A. instantly
    B. autmatically
    C. temprarily
    D. vluntarily
    A. degrees
    B. quantities
    C. names
    D. drawbacks
    A. instructing
    B. mtivating
    C. enabling
    D. frcing
    A. glared up at
    B. lked dwn at
    C. watched ut fr
    D. lked up t

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