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    Wales is hme t sme f the UK's mst beautiful drives.Narrw lanes criss-crss the land. meaning travel can be slw-but there's n need t rush.
    The Castal Way
    This rute(路线)cvers the entire length f Cardigan Bay, and spils travelers with its remte beaches and charming seaside twns.
    Cmb the sand fr fssils,shells at Aberdarn Beach,and then hit the rad,heading cast tward Prthmadg. Here yu can hp n a heritage steam train, a relic f the regin's mining histry,t give Snwdnia's skyline yur undivided attentin.
    The Cambrian Way
    The Cambrian Way, which cuts nrth t suth thrugh the heart f Wales, is a fantastic place, thanks t its patchwrk fields, dense frests and rlling, sheep-dtted hills.
    The rute becmes increasingly wild and rugh as it weaves nrth int Pwys. Spend the night in Rhayader, and yu'll need plenty f energy fr hiking r muntain biking alng the trails.
    The Nrth Wales Way
    Spanning Wales' shrt but scenic nrth cast, this rute ffers rad trippers a chance t encunter Welsh histry, language and culture in a splendid setting.
    Head west thrugh the uncrwded Clwydian Hills until yu reach Ruthin, a little twn brimming with histry,where yu can see its restred castle, century-spanning museum and Victrian Ruthin Gal. Brder Cuntry
    Tracing the dtted line that separates England and Wales n a map,this brder-hugging rute will take yu t sme f Wales' mst underrated sites slwly, if yu stick t the narrw back rads.
    Starting in the brder twn f Chepstw in Sutheast Wales,make yur way nrthward.Yu can tp t admire the rfless ruins f Tintern Abbey and lesser knwn castes Skenfrith and Grsmnt
    1. Which rute best suits peple wh enjy muntain scenery?
    A. The Castal Way.
    B. The Cambrian Way.
    C. The Nrth Wales Way
    D. Brder Cuntry.
    2. What is special abut The Nrth Wales Way?
    A. It enables travelers t visit a castle.
    B. It is an area f scenic beauty.
    C. It ffers a glimpse int Welsh culture.
    D. It is a crwd-free escape frm big cities.
    3. What is the purpse f the article?
    A. T intrduce rad trips in Wales.
    B. T intrduce the Welsh landscape.
    C. T tell abut Wales' histry.
    D. T advertise Wales 'turism industry.
    A 293-millin-mile jurney f the NASA Perseverance rver (探测器)t Mars ended successfully n February 18th, 2021, with a picture-perfect landing inside the Jezer Crater. The car-sized, six-wheeled rver, nicknamed Percy, is the US space agency’s biggest and mst advanced explrer t date. Its primary missin is t search fr signs f ancient micrbial(微生物的)life n Mars.
    Landing n Mars is extremely tricky. The Red Planet’s gravitatinal(引力的) pull causes appraching spacecraft t g faster t high speeds, while its thin atmsphere—just ne percent that f Earth’s—des little t help slw it dwn as it appraches the surface.
    The scientists had t reduce Percy’s 12,000 mph speed t a safe landing speed f less than five mph—in just six and a half minutes. The target entry angle als had t be a precise 12 degrees—any steeper, and the spacecraft wuld burn up; any flatter, and it wuld get lst in space. It is n wnder that the final apprach is ften referred t as the “seven minutes f terrr”.
    Upn attaining a manageable speed, Percy briefly flew ver the Martian surface t seek ut the perfect landing spt. Its cmplex map-reading system rapidly scanned the area and matched it with maps in its database t find the best lcatin.
    The NASA scientists will spend the next tw mnths testing Percy’s scientific instruments. Once ready, the rver will begin t carry ut its missin.
    “Perseverance is the smartest rbt ever made, but cnfirming that micrbial life nce existed carries an unusually large burden f prf,” said Lri Glaze, directr f NASA’s Planetary Science Divisin.“ While we’ll learn a lt with the great instruments we have abard the rver, it may very well require the far mre well-equipped labratries and delicate instruments back here n Earth t tell us whether ur samples(样本)carry evidence that Mars nce harbred life.”
    4 What is the extrardinary challenge fr the rver t land n Mars?
    A. The speed reductin.
    B. The atmsphere analysis.
    C. The lcatin search.
    D. The time management.
    5. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. Ways t find the precise entry angle.
    B. Cnsequences f wrng entry degree.
    C. Factrs t survive “the seven minutes”.
    D. Reasns fr the necessity f speed reducing.
    6. What des the underlined wrd “it” in paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. The space.B. The area.
    C. The system.D. The surface.
    7. What can be inferred frm Lri Glaze’s wrds?
    A. Instruments abard the rver are nt quite reliable.
    B. Perseverance is able t cllect enugh evidence needed.
    C. Man still has a lng way t g t prve there was life n Mars.
    D. Samples f Mars will be returned sn t the labs n the Earth.
    Eln Musk isn’t cntent with electric cars, shting peple int rbit and ppulating Mars. He als wants t get inside yur brain.
    His gal is t develp devices that can prvide treatment t neural (神经的) diseases and that may ne day be pwerful enugh t put humanity n an equal fting with pssible future super intelligent cmputers.
    Nt that it’s anywhere clse t that yet.
    In a vide Friday bviusly aimed at seeking new emplyees, Musk shwed ff the secnd versin f the Neuralink, a device abut the size f a large cin. It’s designed t be put in a persn’s head. An earlier versin f the device has t be placed behind an ear like a huge hearing aid.
    But the yung cmpany is far frm having a cmmercial prduct, which wuld invlve cmplex human trials and gvernmental apprval. Friday’s vide shwed three pigs. One, named Gertrude, had a Neuralink device in its brain.
    Musk, a funder f bth the electric car cmpany Tesla Mtrs and the space-explratin firm SpaceX, has always been wrried abut that smarter AI machines will utwit humans. His slutin? Link ur brains t cmputers s we can keep up with r even win ver them in intelligence!
    Musk urged cders (程序员), engineers and especially peple wh have actually created a prduct t apply. “Yu dn’t need t have brain experience,” he said, adding that this is smething that can be learned n the jb.
    Cnnecting a brain up directly t electrnics is nt new. Dctrs have already put similar devices in brains t treat such cnditins as Parkinsn’s disease. In 2016, researchers reprted that a man regained sme mvement in his wn hand with a similar brain implant. But Musk’s prpsal ges beynd this. Neuralink wants t build n thse existing medical treatments and wrk n devices that culd link ur brains t cmputers ne day.
    8. What can we learn abut the first versin f the Neuralink?
    A. It is smaller than a hearing aid.
    B. It can be put in a persn’s head.
    C. It has t be placed behind the ear.
    D. It is already available at the market.
    9. Which f the fllwing can replace the underlined wrd “utwit” in paragraph 6?
    A. cpyB. defeatC. understandD. destry
    10. What kind f candidates des Eln Musk particularly want?
    A. Smene wh als wants t create the same device.
    B. Dctrs wh already knw hw t treat brain diseases.
    C. Peple wh have already designed sme unique prducts.
    D. Engineers wh are gd at linking brains t cmputers.
    11. Where is this text likely frm?
    A. An advertisement.B. A test reprt.
    C. A science fictin nvel.D. A news reprt.
    On the “healthy” sectin f any breakfast menu, yu’re bund t spt an egg white melet (煎蛋卷). With n fat and just a quarter f the calries in a whle egg, the whites lk like the best chice at first glance. Nt s fast, thugh new research shws a gd reasn why yu might want t keep the ylk (蛋黄) in if yu want t get fit. Plus, frget the bad impressin that the chlesterl (胆固醇) in ylks has gtten in the past. The USDA remved limits n dietary chlesterl in its mst recent dietary guidelines. It’s all because evidence desn’t back up claims that the chlesterl yu eat has much influence n bld chlesterl levels.
    In a recent study, researchers had ten yung men eat either whle eggs r egg whites after cmpleting a strength-training wrkut. Bth egg chices cntained 18 grams f prtein, and the eggs were develped with chemical markers. Thanks t them, the researchers tracked hw the men’s bdies used amin acids (氨基酸) frm the eggs and egg whites, and fund sme surprising results. Abut 65 t 70 percent f amin acids were available in the bld fr bth the whle egg and egg white grups suggesting they’d be equally useful in building muscles. But the rest f the results didn’t back up that cnclusin.
    When the researchers lked specifically at hw much prtein synthesis — the prcess that helps muscles repair and grw — ccurred, ne frm f egg clearly did better than the ther. “Having whle eggs immediately after exercise resulted in greater prtein synthesis than just having egg whites,” says lead study authr Nichlas Burd in a statement.
    Althugh this study was t small I t be cnclusive, its cnclusin backs up whle egg benefits that nutritinists have been praising fr years. Frm their pint f view egg whites are high-prtein, lw-calrie, but the ylk cntains nearly all f an egg’s vitamins. And ne study fund that adults wh eat whle eggs in the mrning lse mre weight and bdy fat than thse wh get the same number f calries frm a bread-based breakfast. While n large studies have lked int the weight-lss benefits f whle eggs vs egg whites, there’s als n evidence that the 140 calries in tw whle large eggs shuld scare yu away. Crack n, egg lvers.
    12. What’s implied in Paragraph 1?
    A. The whites can help peple have a gd shape.
    B. The ylk’s functin is different frm the whites.
    C. Peple tend t cnsider the ylk t be unhealthy.
    D. The ylk has much t d with bld chlesterl levels.
    13. Why were the eggs develped with chemical markers?
    A. T help prcess the prteins better.
    B. T make them healthier fr peple.
    C. T track the amin acids during digestin.
    D. T help the bdy cnsume amin acids.
    14. The findings f the recent study mainly shw that_________.
    A. amin acids are easy t get in eggs
    B. eating the whle egg helps build muscles
    C. the ylk f the egg is better than the white
    D. eggs can prduce mre prteins than any ther kinds f fd_________.
    15. What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A. Egg Whites VS Whle Eggs
    B. Egg White Omelets r Just the Ylk
    C. The Crrect Way t Build Muscles
    D. Unknwn Facts abut Egg White Omelets
    The specific cultural values f a cuntry may determine whether cncern abut envirnmental issues actually leads individuals t engage in envirnmentally friendly behavirs, accrding t research published in Psychlgical Science.
    Kimin Em, a psychlgical scientist f the University f Califrnia, Santa Barbara, was inspired t investigate the links between culture, envirnmental cncern, and envirnmental actin after nticing that bth public discussin and academic research n envirnmental behavir typically fcus n peple frm Western cuntries. It is wrth nticing because Western cuntries tend t have cultural values that priritize individuals’ wn attitudes and beliefs and encurage expressin f them.
    “The thery seemed t be that nce individuals are led t believe in the urgency f envirnmental issues and have strnger cncerns abut sustainability (持续性), they will change and act t address the issues,” explains Em. But this relatinship might nt hld fr individuals living in mre cllectivistic (集体主义的) scieties, which place mre emphasis n scial harmny and unifrmity than n self-expressin, Em and his team assumed.
    T examine what drives envirnmental actin in individualistic and cllectivistic cultures, the researchers cnducted a study with participants frm the United States (an individualistic culture) and Japan (a cllectivistic culture). They fund envirnmental cncern was clsely cnnected with envirnmental behavir — in this case, chsing envirnmentally friendly prducts — but nly amng American participants. On the ther hand, believing that a large percentage f peple engage in envirnmentally friendly behavirs was assciated with making ec-friendly chices amng Japanese participants, but nt American participants.
    The findings suggest that persnal cncerns are mre likely t mtivate peple t take envirnmental actin if they live in individualistic cuntries, while scial nrms (准则) are mre likely t drive peple t engage in envirnmentally friendly behavir if they live in cllectivistic cuntries.
    “Getting citizens actively engaged is critical t addressing urgent scial challenges, such as climate change,” says Em. “Our research suggests that scientists, plicymakers, and activists need t understand hw culture shapes the psychlgical factrs f actin t develp plicies, campaigns, and interventins (干预) that address imprtant scial issues.”
    16. What des Em find abut previus research n envirnmental behavir?
    A. Its study participants are t limited.
    B. Its results need a while t be achieved.
    C. It priritizes individuals’ attitudes and beliefs.
    D. It draws much evidence frm public discussin.
    17. Under which cnditin will a Japanese man mst likely take envirnmental actin?
    A. If he sees many thers d s.
    B. If he is affected by cllectivistic values.
    C. If he mves t an individualistic cuntry.
    D. If he wrries abut the envirnment persnally.
    18. What des Em say abut their research in the last paragraph?
    A. It fails t take participants’ psychlgical factrs int accunt.
    B. It encurages scientists and plicymakers t make jint effrts.
    C. It has a further study directin twards urgent scial challenges.
    D. It prvides insights int prmting public engagement in scial issues.
    19. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Scial Nrms Play a Part in Addressing Pllutin
    B. Envirnmental Issues Originate frm Natinal Cultures
    C. Mtivating Ec-Friendly Behavirs Depends n Cultural Values
    D. Mre Envirnmental Cncerns Usually Mean Mre Green Actin
    The next time yu’re at an airprt r htel, yu might ntice a traveling grup that cnsists f yung kids, parents, and grandparents vacatining tgether. ___20___But mre and mre families tend t bring multiple generatins with them.
    ___21___In larger grups, fr example, child-care respnsibilities can be shared acrss family members, allwing parents t take a break. But the real value f these trips might be hw they give relatives an pprtunity t freshen their perceptin f the peple they’ve knwn fr perhaps their entire life. Travel can take us ut f ur familiar cntexts and ffer peple a chance t see ne anther differently.
    The shift tward multi-generatinal travel has a few explanatins. Fr ne, grandparents tday stay healthy later in life, allwing them mre energy fr travel. ___22___Plus, the average U.S. husehld has becme mre multi-generatinal. Americans are nt just traveling with grandparents in rder t spend time with them, they are traveling with them because they are mre likely t live with them in the first place. ___23___Americans are taking fewer vacatin days than they did in the 1970s. They might want t make the mst f that time by including as many peple as pssible.
    Whatever the reasn fr its ppularity, a multi-generatinal trip can be a rare time when yunger and lder generatins can glimpse the cmplex peple they have each becme. Away frm the family hme, lder generatins get t see their adult children as respnsible parents. Kids get t see their grandparents encunter a new envirnment. ___24___
    A. Anther explanatin is time pressure.
    B. The benefits f multi-generatinal trips are numerus.
    C. Decades ag, nly wealthy families vacatined tgether.
    D. A scene like this wuld have been rare a few decades ag.
    E. Multi generatinal family travel tps the list f travel trends.
    F. Everyne gets t break ut f their family rles and figure ut hw t be tgether.
    G. Als, big-grup accmmdatin has becme mre affrdable thrugh nline platfrms.
    I fund a wnderful picture f Malan karst cnes nline and presented it t the innkeeper. “Yu can’t g there” the innkeeper ___25___ me. “The viewing platfrm has been clsed due t ___26___ that t many visitrs culd cause gelgical damage.”
    Despite ur disappintment, we ___27___ an alternative: a seven-hur hike thrugh the “funnel frest”. Initially, we were ___28___ t run the risk. Hwever, I had ___29___ the turism mtt in the nature reserve: “If yu dn’t d it nw, yu wn’t d it in yur lifetime.” Three f ur grup ___30___ decided t venture int the frest. The innkeeper respnded with a knwing ___31___ : “Great. Bear Grylls went there.”
    The next mrning, we set ff with a lcal ___32___ . Rain came and went three times, and befre I actually ___33___ t climb ver the first muntain, I had already gt wet t the skin. I was a walking ___34___ f mud and water.
    Our guide, in his 50s, behaved like a btanist, intrducing the lcally specific plants t us, but I was hardly in the ___35___ . Every step sank int the muddy, sucking grund. Every lg r rck in frnt f us was a physical ___36___ . “One can never reach thse places withut strng willpwer,” I murmured, reciting that millennium-ld ___37___ , ver and ver again.
    Sinkhles and entrances t undergrund rivers kept ppping up alng ur ___38___ . Thinking f them leading t an unknwn wrld, I began t ___39___ the rad that I can cntrl even mre.
    Wandering in a green chas withut any bvius landmarks is als breathtaking.
    25. A. answeredB. tldC. fllwedD. favred
    26. A. newsB. mattersC. cncernsD. cnclusins
    27. A. wrked utB. tk inC. set dwnD. ruled ut
    28. A. unwillingB. surprisedC. calmD. inspired
    29. A. frgttenB. prmtedC. interpretedD. nticed
    30. A. shrtlyB. latelyC. eventuallyD. suddenly
    31. A. tasteB. tneC. smileD. sigh
    32. A. btanistB. keeperC. farmerD. guide
    33. A. managedB. decidedC. plannedD. agreed
    34. A. visitrB. mixtureC. lgD. stranger
    35. A. eagernessB. mdC. humrD. pity
    36. A. cntactB. energyC. activityD. challenge
    37. A. predictinB. lineC. dealD. secret
    38. A. ruteB. landmarkC. platfrmD. rck
    39. A. guaranteeB. ignreC. dubtD. appreciate
    I’ll always remember a lessn that I learned as a by grwing up in New Yrk City. One day, when I was perhaps six years ld, I was walking with my father n a ____40____ street. All f a sudden, the flw f pedestrian traffic came t a stp as peple tried t ____41____ a large bject n the sidewalk. T my astnishment, the bject ____42____ t be a human being, a man lying uncnscius against a building. As we walked by, my father—the mdel f a lving, ____43____ gentleman—pinted t a bttle in a paper bag and tld me that the pr sul n the sidewalk just needed t sleep it ff. Then the drunken man began t murmur senselessly. My father ____44____ me nt t g near, saying “yu never knw hw he’ll react.”
    Yet many years later I had a very different experience while visiting a market in Rangn. I had spent the previus 12 mnths traveling in ____45____ Asian cities, but even by thse standards this was a scene f misery (穷困). ____46____ desperate pverty and strng winds blwing dust ____47____, the lcals had t live in the extremely ht climate with ridiculusly huge crwds. ____48____ a man carrying a huge bag f peanuts called ut in pain and ____49____ t the grund. I then witnessed an astnishing scene. Half a dzen ____50____ ran frm their stands t help, leaving unattended what might have been the ttality f their pssessins. One put a blanket under the man’s head; anther pened his shirt; the third ne ____51____ him carefully abut the pain; the furth ne ____52____ water; the fifth ne kept nlkers frm crwding arund t clsely; the sixth ne ran fr help. Within minutes a dctr arrived and tw ther lcals jined in t assist. The ____53____ culd have passed fr a final exam at a nursing schl.
    I culdn’t help wndering, why peple act ____54____ at the similar situatin here?
    A. silentB. crwdedC. newD. remte
    A. avidB. identifyC. bserveD. apprach
    A. brke utB. std upC. turned utD. grew up
    A. strngB. caringC. hnestD. indifferent
    A. frcedB. persuadedC. warnedD. allwed
    A. prB. wealthyC. fashinableD. dangerus
    A. Instead fB. In spite fC. In case fD. In additin t
    A everywhereB. nwhereC. smewhereD. anywhere
    A. GraduallyB. AbslutelyC. ImmediatelyD. Suddenly
    A. fellB. jumpedC. rlledD. marched
    A. beggarsB. judgesC. sellersD. custmers
    A. dubtedB. namedC. explainedD. questined
    A. drankB. savedC. remvedD. fetched
    A. dctrB. nlkersC. perfrmanceD. discvery
    A. cnfidentlyB. differentlyC. independentlyD. cautiusly
    55. Behind last year’s Zib’s sudden fame ______ the effrts and services f the lcal gvernment, as well as a gd reputatin f lcal businesses.
    A isB. areC. wereD. was
    56. The exhibit als includes an interactive, immersive unit ______ visitrs may click a muse t change digital versins f the artwrk.
    A. whichB. whereC. thatD. what
    57. Many stres make clth shes using machines, but Qiang sticks t the technique f making shes entirely ______ hand.
    A. withB. inC. byD. at
    58. ______ many difficulties in the US, Qian eventually returned t China in 1955.
    A. T vercmeB. Having vercmeC. OvercmingD. Overcme
    59. She nted that cultural integratin has always been a prpsitin (主张) f the Maltese gvernment, and ______ cperatin between the tw sides shuld be based n equality.
    A. theB. whatC. whichD. that
    60. Celadn (青瓷) prduced in Lngquan, Zhejiang prvince, a technique passed dwn fr mre than 1,600 years, ______ a typical example f craftsmen’s pursuit f the perfect green glint (闪耀).
    A. areB. beingC. wereD. is
    61. Flk tunes and lyrics in his reginal dialect were ______ made singer-sng writer Zhang Gasng’s music stand ut.
    A. whatB. thatC. hwD. where
    62. Zhang has recrded and learned music frm flk musicians he met while travelling, as ______ means t preserve endangered flk music styles.
    A theB. theseC. aD. thse
    63. Behind the simple style, hwever, is a serius message ______ fr everyne.
    A. is intendedB. having intendedC. which intendedD. intended
    64. She warns f the envirnmental dangers facing sciety, and she teaches that peple must take respnsibility ______ saving their envirnment.
    A. frB. asC. inD. f
    65. _____(interrupt) are ne f the wrst things t deal with while yu’re trying t get wrk dne. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    66. S n behalf f the villagers’ benefit, the lcal gvernment has decided t call fr an end t the factries’ ______ (legal) behavirs. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    67. With a new teaching apprach ______ (adpt), the students are becming mre and mre interested in their study. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    68. Suffering severe backache, he was far frm ______ (impress) in his semi-final against Federer. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    69. Sme f the mst ______ (frequent) asked questins have prvked heated discussin amng the netizens. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    70. The study ______ (investigate) the impact f vilent TV prgramming n children ver the last tw years. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    71. Despite difficulties he still made a reslutin ______ (prceed) with envirnmental causes. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    72. He ______ (freeze) with terrr, ttally at a lss what he wuld d next. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    73. ______ (appeal) t the referee des nt ften result in a decisin being changed. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    74. Gvernment ______ (intervene) t regulate prices aims t lessen the destructive effects f ecnmic depressin. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    75. I am writing t make an aplgy fr any ______ (不便) caused by my children.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    76. She felt ______ (羞愧) f making a mess in the bathrm. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    77. I have n chice but t make ______ (投诉) abut the salesman’s rude behavir. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    78. She made a New Year’s ______ (reslve) t study even harder in the cming year. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    79. His sudden ________(depart) threw the ffice int chas. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    80. The public demanded that the trps ______ (撤离,退出) frm the regin. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    81. The charity is busy d______ (分发,分配) fd t the earthquake victims. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    82. We can draw a ______ (cnclude) frm the statistics that hmelessness is n the increase. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    83. There is n denying that wrking ut regularly is ______ (benefit) t us. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    84. Frtunately, the kid made a full ______ (康复) after the peratin. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    85. He prpsed that a fund ______ (establish) t raise mney. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    86. The ecnmy has shwn significant ______ (imprve) ver the past 9 mnths. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    87. The number f turists t the resrt declined ______ 10% last year.(用适当的词填空)
    88. I have a gd cmmand f English with a high level f ______ (accurate). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    89. Tu Yuyu has devted her entire life t ______ (science) research int artemisinin. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    90. ______ (instant) M Yan stepped nt the stage, the audience burst int thunderus applause. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    91. On hearing the news, he ______ (vercme) with delight. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    92. Children are advised t drink as much ______ (bil) water as pssible, which is favrable t their health. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    93. Mzart, an internatinally recgnized musician, has a gift ______ cmpsitin. (用适当的词填空)
    94. Tickets are ________ (availability) free f charge frm the schl. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    Wales is hme t sme f the UK's mst beautiful drives.Narrw lanes criss-crss the land. meaning travel can be slw-but there's n need t rush.
    The Castal Way
    This rute(路线)cvers the entire length f Cardigan Bay, and spils travelers with its remte beaches and charming seaside twns.
    Cmb the sand fr fssils,shells at Aberdarn Beach,and then hit the rad,heading cast tward Prthmadg. Here yu can hp n a heritage steam train, a relic f the regin's mining histry,t give Snwdnia's skyline yur undivided attentin.
    The Cambrian Way
    The Cambrian Way, which cuts nrth t suth thrugh the heart f Wales, is a fantastic place, thanks t its patchwrk fields, dense frests and rlling, sheep-dtted hills.
    The rute becmes increasingly wild and rugh as it weaves nrth int Pwys. Spend the night in Rhayader, and yu'll need plenty f energy fr hiking r muntain biking alng the trails.
    The Nrth Wales Way
    Spanning Wales' shrt but scenic nrth cast, this rute ffers rad trippers a chance t encunter Welsh histry, language and culture in a splendid setting.
    Head west thrugh the uncrwded Clwydian Hills until yu reach Ruthin, a little twn brimming with histry,where yu can see its restred castle, century-spanning museum and Victrian Ruthin Gal. Brder Cuntry
    Tracing the dtted line that separates England and Wales n a map,this brder-hugging rute will take yu t sme f Wales' mst underrated sites slwly, if yu stick t the narrw back rads.
    Starting in the brder twn f Chepstw in Sutheast Wales,make yur way nrthward.Yu can tp t admire the rfless ruins f Tintern Abbey and lesser knwn castes Skenfrith and Grsmnt
    1. Which rute best suits peple wh enjy muntain scenery?
    A. The Castal Way.
    B. The Cambrian Way.
    C. The Nrth Wales Way
    D. Brder Cuntry.
    2. What is special abut The Nrth Wales Way?
    A. It enables travelers t visit a castle.
    B. It is an area f scenic beauty.
    C. It ffers a glimpse int Welsh culture.
    D. It is a crwd-free escape frm big cities.
    3. What is the purpse f the article?
    A. T intrduce rad trips in Wales.
    B. T intrduce the Welsh landscape.
    C. T tell abut Wales' histry.
    D. T advertise Wales 'turism industry.
    【答案】1. B 2. C 3. A
    细节理解题。根据“The Cambrian Way”部分“The Cambrian Way,which cuts nrth t suth thrugh the heart f Wales, is a fantastic place, thanks t its patchwrk fields, dense frests and rlling, sheep-dtted hills.”(寒武纪之路,从北到南穿过威尔士的中心,由于它错落有致的田野,茂密的森林,绵延起伏的山丘,是一个奇妙的地方。)可知,在The Cambrian Way,游客可以看到绵延起伏的山丘。选项B符合题意,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“The Nrth Wales Way”部分中“Spanning Wales' shrt but scenic nrth cast, this rute ffers rad trippers a chance t encunter Welsh histry, language and culture in a splendid setting. ” (横跨威尔士短小但风景优美的北部海岸,这条路线为公路旅行者提供了一个机会,在一个壮丽的环境中接触威尔士的历史,语言和文化。)可知,这条路线可以帮助人们了解威尔士的文化,选项C符合题意,故选C。
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Wales is hme t sme f the UK's mst beautiful drives.Narrw lanes criss-crss the land. meaning travel can be slw-but there's n need t rush.”(威尔士是英国最美的地方之一,狭窄的车道纵横交错。也就是说旅行可能会很慢,但是没有必要匆忙。)提到了威尔士美在于其狭窄的车道纵横交错,同时结合下面段落中对威尔士的四条不同的风景参观线路的介绍,可知文章主要介绍了威尔士四条不同的供游客参观风景线路。选项A符合题意,故选A。
    A 293-millin-mile jurney f the NASA Perseverance rver (探测器)t Mars ended successfully n February 18th, 2021, with a picture-perfect landing inside the Jezer Crater. The car-sized, six-wheeled rver, nicknamed Percy, is the US space agency’s biggest and mst advanced explrer t date. Its primary missin is t search fr signs f ancient micrbial(微生物的)life n Mars.
    Landing n Mars is extremely tricky. The Red Planet’s gravitatinal(引力的) pull causes appraching spacecraft t g faster t high speeds, while its thin atmsphere—just ne percent that f Earth’s—des little t help slw it dwn as it appraches the surface.
    The scientists had t reduce Percy’s 12,000 mph speed t a safe landing speed f less than five mph—in just six and a half minutes. The target entry angle als had t be a precise 12 degrees—any steeper, and the spacecraft wuld burn up; any flatter, and it wuld get lst in space. It is n wnder that the final apprach is ften referred t as the “seven minutes f terrr”.
    Upn attaining a manageable speed, Percy briefly flew ver the Martian surface t seek ut the perfect landing spt. Its cmplex map-reading system rapidly scanned the area and matched it with maps in its database t find the best lcatin.
    The NASA scientists will spend the next tw mnths testing Percy’s scientific instruments. Once ready, the rver will begin t carry ut its missin.
    “Perseverance is the smartest rbt ever made, but cnfirming that micrbial life nce existed carries an unusually large burden f prf,” said Lri Glaze, directr f NASA’s Planetary Science Divisin.“ While we’ll learn a lt with the great instruments we have abard the rver, it may very well require the far mre well-equipped labratries and delicate instruments back here n Earth t tell us whether ur samples(样本)carry evidence that Mars nce harbred life.”
    4. What is the extrardinary challenge fr the rver t land n Mars?
    A. The speed reductin.
    B. The atmsphere analysis.
    C. The lcatin search.
    D. The time management.
    5. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. Ways t find the precise entry angle.
    B. Cnsequences f wrng entry degree.
    C. Factrs t survive “the seven minutes”.
    D. Reasns fr the necessity f speed reducing.
    6. What des the underlined wrd “it” in paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. The space.B. The area.
    C. The system.D. The surface.
    7. What can be inferred frm Lri Glaze’s wrds?
    A. Instruments abard the rver are nt quite reliable.
    B. Perseverance is able t cllect enugh evidence needed.
    C. Man still has a lng way t g t prve there was life n Mars.
    D. Samples f Mars will be returned sn t the labs n the Earth.
    【答案】4. A 5. C 6. B 7. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段“The Red Planet’s gravitatinal(引力) pull causes appraching spacecraft t g faster t high speeds, while its thin atmsphere—just ne percent that f Earth’s—des little t help slw it dwn as it appraches the surface.(这颗红色星球的引力使接近的航天器更快地达到高速,而它稀薄的大气层(只有地球的百分之一)在接近表面时几乎没有帮助它减速。)”可知,火星引力会使得接近火星的航天器更快速行进,并且火星稀薄的大气层对减缓航天器的速度几乎没有帮助,故减速是“毅力号”探测器登陆火星的特别挑战。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段“The scientists had t reduce Percy’s 12,000 mph speed t a safe landing speed f less than five mph—in just six and a half minutes. The target entry angle als had t be a precise 12 degrees(科学家们必须在六分半钟内将Percy的1.2万英里/每小时的速度降低到不到每小时5英里的安全着陆速度。目标进入角度也必须精确到12度)”以及“It is n wnder that the final apprach is ften referred t as the “seven minutes f terrr”.(难怪最后一段时间通常被称为“恐怖的七分钟”)”可知,该段主要介绍了“恐怖七分钟”的生存因素:降低速度和精确的切入角度。故选C。
    词句猜测题。根据划线词前句内容“Its cmplex map-reading system rapidly scanned the area (其复杂的地图读取系统快速扫描该区域)”可知,将Percy数据库中的地图与扫描的区域进行匹配,由此找到最佳的着陆位置。故推断it指代该句中的“the area”。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“While we’ll learn a lt with the great instruments we have abard the rver, it may very well require the far mre well-equipped labratries and delicate instruments back here n Earth t tell us whether ur samples(样本)carry evidence that Mars nce harbred life.(虽然我们将通过探测器上的强大仪器了解到很多东西,但很可能需要地球上设备更完善的实验室和精密的仪器来告诉我们,我们的样本是否携带了火星曾经存在生命的证据。)”可知,确认火星曾经存在过微生物需要大量的证据,而携带这些证据的样本又需要装备更加齐全的实验室以及精密的仪器才能进行分析。据此可推知,人类要证明火星上曾有生命还有很长的路要走。故选C。
    Eln Musk isn’t cntent with electric cars, shting peple int rbit and ppulating Mars. He als wants t get inside yur brain.
    His gal is t develp devices that can prvide treatment t neural (神经的) diseases and that may ne day be pwerful enugh t put humanity n an equal fting with pssible future super intelligent cmputers.
    Nt that it’s anywhere clse t that yet.
    In a vide Friday bviusly aimed at seeking new emplyees, Musk shwed ff the secnd versin f the Neuralink, a device abut the size f a large cin. It’s designed t be put in a persn’s head. An earlier versin f the device has t be placed behind an ear like a huge hearing aid.
    But the yung cmpany is far frm having a cmmercial prduct, which wuld invlve cmplex human trials and gvernmental apprval. Friday’s vide shwed three pigs. One, named Gertrude, had a Neuralink device in its brain.
    Musk, a funder f bth the electric car cmpany Tesla Mtrs and the space-explratin firm SpaceX, has always been wrried abut that smarter AI machines will utwit humans. His slutin? Link ur brains t cmputers s we can keep up with r even win ver them in intelligence!
    Musk urged cders (程序员), engineers and especially peple wh have actually created a prduct t apply. “Yu dn’t need t have brain experience,” he said, adding that this is smething that can be learned n the jb.
    Cnnecting a brain up directly t electrnics is nt new. Dctrs have already put similar devices in brains t treat such cnditins as Parkinsn’s disease. In 2016, researchers reprted that a man regained sme mvement in his wn hand with a similar brain implant. But Musk’s prpsal ges beynd this. Neuralink wants t build n thse existing medical treatments and wrk n devices that culd link ur brains t cmputers ne day.
    8. What can we learn abut the first versin f the Neuralink?
    A. It is smaller than a hearing aid.
    B. It can be put in a persn’s head.
    C. It has t be placed behind the ear.
    D. It is already available at the market.
    9. Which f the fllwing can replace the underlined wrd “utwit” in paragraph 6?
    A. cpyB. defeatC. understandD. destry
    10. What kind f candidates des Eln Musk particularly want?
    A. Smene wh als wants t create the same device.
    B. Dctrs wh already knw hw t treat brain diseases.
    C. Peple wh have already designed sme unique prducts.
    D. Engineers wh are gd at linking brains t cmputers.
    11. Where is this text likely frm?
    A. An advertisement.B. A test reprt.
    C. A science fictin nvel.D. A news reprt.
    【答案】8. C 9. B 10. C 11. D
    【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了 Eln Musk最新推出的Neuralink人机接口。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中的“In a vide Friday bviusly aimed at seeking new emplyees, Musk shwed ff the secnd versin f the Neuralink, a device abut the size f a large cin. It’s designed t be put in a persn’s head. An earlier versin f the device has t be placed behind an ear like a huge hearing aid.(在周五的一段显然是 寻找新员工的视频中,Musk展示了 Neuralink的第二版,一枚大硬币大小的设备。它被设计成放在一个人的大脑里面。该设备的早期版本像一个巨大的助听器一样必须被放在耳朵后面)”可知,第一版的接口必须挂在耳后。故选C。
    词义猜测题。根据下文“His slutin? Link ur brains t cmputers s we can keep up with r even win ver them in intelligence!(他的解决方案?把我们的大脑和电脑连接起来,这样我们就能在智力上跟上它们,甚至战胜它们)”可推断,Eln Musk担心人工智能机器人会打败人类由此他的解决方案是将人类的大脑和电脑连接起来,这样就能跟上AI甚至打败他们。故推测划线词的意思表示“打败”,与defeat意思相近。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第七段“Musk urged cders (程序员), engineers and especially peple wh have actually created a prduct t apply. (Musk敦促程序员、工程师,特别是那些实际创造了一种产品的人来申请)”可知,Eln Musk特别垂青那些有独创作品的程序员及工程师。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第四段“In a vide Friday bviusly aimed at seeking new emplyees, Musk shwed ff the secnd versin f the Neuralink, a device abut the size f a large cin. It’s designed t be put in a persn’s head. An earlier versin f the device has t be placed behind an ear like a huge hearing aid.(在周五的一段显然是为了招聘新员工的视频中,马斯克展示了第二个版本的Neuralink,这是一种大硬币大小的设备。它被设计用来植入人的大脑。该设备的早期版本必须像一个巨大的助听器一样放在耳朵后面)”以及通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了Eln Musk在本周五演示录像中展示的产品——最新推出的Neuralink人机接口设备进行的报道和说明。由此推知,这篇文章可能来自一篇新闻报道。故选D。
    On the “healthy” sectin f any breakfast menu, yu’re bund t spt an egg white melet (煎蛋卷). With n fat and just a quarter f the calries in a whle egg, the whites lk like the best chice at first glance. Nt s fast, thugh new research shws a gd reasn why yu might want t keep the ylk (蛋黄) in if yu want t get fit. Plus, frget the bad impressin that the chlesterl (胆固醇) in ylks has gtten in the past. The USDA remved limits n dietary chlesterl in its mst recent dietary guidelines. It’s all because evidence desn’t back up claims that the chlesterl yu eat has much influence n bld chlesterl levels.
    In a recent study, researchers had ten yung men eat either whle eggs r egg whites after cmpleting a strength-training wrkut. Bth egg chices cntained 18 grams f prtein, and the eggs were develped with chemical markers. Thanks t them, the researchers tracked hw the men’s bdies used amin acids (氨基酸) frm the eggs and egg whites, and fund sme surprising results. Abut 65 t 70 percent f amin acids were available in the bld fr bth the whle egg and egg white grups suggesting they’d be equally useful in building muscles. But the rest f the results didn’t back up that cnclusin.
    When the researchers lked specifically at hw much prtein synthesis — the prcess that helps muscles repair and grw — ccurred, ne frm f egg clearly did better than the ther. “Having whle eggs immediately after exercise resulted in greater prtein synthesis than just having egg whites,” says lead study authr Nichlas Burd in a statement.
    Althugh this study was t small I t be cnclusive, its cnclusin backs up whle egg benefits that nutritinists have been praising fr years. Frm their pint f view egg whites are high-prtein, lw-calrie, but the ylk cntains nearly all f an egg’s vitamins. And ne study fund that adults wh eat whle eggs in the mrning lse mre weight and bdy fat than thse wh get the same number f calries frm a bread-based breakfast. While n large studies have lked int the weight-lss benefits f whle eggs vs egg whites, there’s als n evidence that the 140 calries in tw whle large eggs shuld scare yu away. Crack n, egg lvers.
    12. What’s implied in Paragraph 1?
    A. The whites can help peple have a gd shape.
    B. The ylk’s functin is different frm the whites.
    C. Peple tend t cnsider the ylk t be unhealthy.
    D. The ylk has much t d with bld chlesterl levels.
    13. Why were the eggs develped with chemical markers?
    A. T help prcess the prteins better.
    B. T make them healthier fr peple.
    C. T track the amin acids during digestin.
    D. T help the bdy cnsume amin acids.
    14. The findings f the recent study mainly shw that_________.
    A. amin acids are easy t get in eggs
    B. eating the whle egg helps build muscles
    C. the ylk f the egg is better than the white
    D. eggs can prduce mre prteins than any ther kinds f fd_________.
    15. What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A. Egg Whites VS Whle Eggs
    B. Egg White Omelets r Just the Ylk
    C. The Crrect Way t Build Muscles
    D. Unknwn Facts abut Egg White Omelets
    【答案】12. C 13. C 14. B 15. A
    推理判断题。根据第一段中的“On the “healthy” sectin f any breakfast menu, yu're bund t spt an egg white melet (煎蛋卷).(在任何早餐菜单的“健康”部分,你一定会看到一个蛋清煎蛋卷)”可知,人们认为只吃蛋白是健康的。由此推知,人们往往认为蛋黄不健康。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Bth egg chices cntained 18 grams f prtein, and the eggs were develped with chemical markers. Thanks t them, the researchers tracked hw the men’s bdies used amin acids (氨基酸) frm the eggs and egg whites, and fund sme surprising results. (两种鸡蛋都含有18克蛋白质,这些鸡蛋都带有化学标记。多亏了他们,研究人员追踪了这些男性的身体是如何利用鸡蛋和蛋白中的氨基酸的,并发现了一些令人惊讶的结果)”可推知,用化学标记物培育鸡蛋是为了追踪消化时产生的氨基酸。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“When the researchers lked specifically at hw much prtein synthesis — the prcess that helps muscles repair and grw — ccurred, ne frm f egg clearly did better than the ther. “Having whle eggs immediately after exercise resulted in greater prtein synthesis than just having egg whites,” says lead study authr Nichlas Burd in a statement. (当研究人员专门观察蛋白质合成的多少时——这个过程有助于肌肉的修复和生长——发现一种形式的鸡蛋明显比另一种更好。“运动后立即吃全蛋比只吃蛋清能产生更多的蛋白质合成,”该研究的主要作者尼古拉斯·伯德在一份声明中说)”可知,最近的研究结果主要表明,吃全蛋有助于增强肌肉。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“On the “healthy” sectin f any breakfast menu, yu’re bund t spt an egg white melet (煎蛋卷). With n fat and just a quarter f the calries in a whle egg, the whites lk like the best chice at first glance. Nt s fast, thugh new research shws a gd reasn why yu might want t keep the ylk (蛋黄) in if yu want t get fit. (在任何早餐菜单的“健康”部分,你一定会发现蛋清煎蛋卷。鸡蛋蛋白不含脂肪,热量只有整个鸡蛋的四分之一,乍一看是最好的选择。虽然最新研究表明,如果你想保持健康,你可能会想保留蛋黄,但速度不会太快)”及下文论述可知,文章主要讲的是一个有关吃蛋白和吃全蛋哪个更好的研究。故选A项。
    The specific cultural values f a cuntry may determine whether cncern abut envirnmental issues actually leads individuals t engage in envirnmentally friendly behavirs, accrding t research published in Psychlgical Science.
    Kimin Em a psychlgical scientist f the University f Califrnia, Santa Barbara, was inspired t investigate the links between culture, envirnmental cncern, and envirnmental actin after nticing that bth public discussin and academic research n envirnmental behavir typically fcus n peple frm Western cuntries. It is wrth nticing because Western cuntries tend t have cultural values that priritize individuals’ wn attitudes and beliefs and encurage expressin f them.
    “The thery seemed t be that nce individuals are led t believe in the urgency f envirnmental issues and have strnger cncerns abut sustainability (持续性), they will change and act t address the issues,” explains Em. But this relatinship might nt hld fr individuals living in mre cllectivistic (集体主义的) scieties, which place mre emphasis n scial harmny and unifrmity than n self-expressin, Em and his team assumed.
    T examine what drives envirnmental actin in individualistic and cllectivistic cultures, the researchers cnducted a study with participants frm the United States (an individualistic culture) and Japan (a cllectivistic culture). They fund envirnmental cncern was clsely cnnected with envirnmental behavir — in this case, chsing envirnmentally friendly prducts — but nly amng American participants. On the ther hand, believing that a large percentage f peple engage in envirnmentally friendly behavirs was assciated with making ec-friendly chices amng Japanese participants, but nt American participants.
    The findings suggest that persnal cncerns are mre likely t mtivate peple t take envirnmental actin if they live in individualistic cuntries, while scial nrms (准则) are mre likely t drive peple t engage in envirnmentally friendly behavir if they live in cllectivistic cuntries.
    “Getting citizens actively engaged is critical t addressing urgent scial challenges, such as climate change,” says Em. “Our research suggests that scientists, plicymakers, and activists need t understand hw culture shapes the psychlgical factrs f actin t develp plicies, campaigns, and interventins (干预) that address imprtant scial issues.”
    16. What des Em find abut previus research n envirnmental behavir?
    A. Its study participants are t limited.
    B. Its results need a while t be achieved.
    C. It priritizes individuals’ attitudes and beliefs.
    D. It draws much evidence frm public discussin.
    17. Under which cnditin will a Japanese man mst likely take envirnmental actin?
    A. If he sees many thers d s.
    B. If he is affected by cllectivistic values.
    C. If he mves t an individualistic cuntry.
    D. If he wrries abut the envirnment persnally.
    18. What des Em say abut their research in the last paragraph?
    A. It fails t take participants’ psychlgical factrs int accunt.
    B. It encurages scientists and plicymakers t make jint effrts.
    C. It has a further study directin twards urgent scial challenges.
    D. It prvides insights int prmting public engagement in scial issues.
    19. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Scial Nrms Play a Part in Addressing Pllutin
    B. Envirnmental Issues Originate frm Natinal Cultures
    C. Mtivating Ec-Friendly Behavirs Depends n Cultural Values
    D. Mre Envirnmental Cncerns Usually Mean Mre Green Actin
    【答案】16. A 17. A 18. D 19. C
    推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Kimin Em, a psychlgical scientist f the University f Califrnia, Santa Barbara, was inspired t investigate the links between culture, envirnmental cncern, and envirnmental actin after nticing that bth public discussin and academic research n envirnmental behavir typically fcus n peple frm Western cuntries.(加州大学圣芭芭拉分校的心理科学家Kimin Em注意到,关于环境行为的公众讨论和学术研究通常都集中在西方国家的人身上,因此受到启发,开始调查文化、环境关注和环境行动之间的联系。)”可知,Kimin Em注意到之前关于环境行为的公众讨论和学术研究通常都集中在西方国家的人身上,由此可推测出,这些研究的对象具有局限性。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中的“On the ther hand, believing that a large percentage f peple engage in envirnmentally friendly behavirs was assciated with making ec-friendly chices amng Japanese participants, but nt American participants.(另一方面,在日本参与者中,相信很大一部分人进行环保行为与做出环保选择有关,但在美国参与者中则不然。)”可知,在日本参与者当中,当他们相信有很大一部分人做出了环保行为,他们也会做出环保选择。由此可推测出,当一个日本人看到许多其他人采取环保行动,那么他也会这么做。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Our research suggests that scientists, plicymakers, and activists need t understand hw culture shapes the psychlgical factrs f actin t develp plicies, campaigns, and interventins(干预) that address imprtant scial issues.(我们的研究表明,科学家、政策制定者和活动家需要了解文化如何塑造行动的心理因素,以制定解决重要社会问题的政策、运动和干预措施。)”可推测出,该研究为促进公众参与解决社会问题提供了见解。故选D。
    标题归纳题。通读全文可知,第一段“The specific cultural values f a cuntry may determine whether cncern abut envirnmental issues actually leads individuals t engage in envirnmentally friendly behavirs, accrding t research published in Psychlgical Science.(根据发表在《心理科学》上的研究,一个国家的特定文化价值观可能决定对环境问题的关注是否真的会导致个人进行环保行为。)”引出主题,即一个国家的特定文化价值观可能决定人们对环境问题的关注是否真的会促使个人做出环保行动,所以C项“激励生态友好行为取决于文化价值观”最适合作本文标题。故选C。
    The next time yu’re at an airprt r htel, yu might ntice a traveling grup that cnsists f yung kids, parents, and grandparents vacatining tgether. ___20___But mre and mre families tend t bring multiple generatins with them.
    ___21___In larger grups, fr example, child-care respnsibilities can be shared acrss family members, allwing parents t take a break. But the real value f these trips might be hw they give relatives an pprtunity t freshen their perceptin f the peple they’ve knwn fr perhaps their entire life. Travel can take us ut f ur familiar cntexts and ffer peple a chance t see ne anther differently.
    The shift tward multi-generatinal travel has a few explanatins. Fr ne, grandparents tday stay healthy later in life, allwing them mre energy fr travel. ___22___Plus, the average U.S. husehld has becme mre multi-generatinal. Americans are nt just traveling with grandparents in rder t spend time with them, they are traveling with them because they are mre likely t live with them in the first place. ___23___Americans are taking fewer vacatin days than they did in the 1970s. They might want t make the mst f that time by including as many peple as pssible.
    Whatever the reasn fr its ppularity, a multi-generatinal trip can be a rare time when yunger and lder generatins can glimpse the cmplex peple they have each becme. Away frm the family hme, lder generatins get t see their adult children as respnsible parents. Kids get t see their grandparents encunter a new envirnment. ___24___
    A. Anther explanatin is time pressure.
    B. The benefits f multi-generatinal trips are numerus.
    C. Decades ag, nly wealthy families vacatined tgether.
    D. A scene like this wuld have been rare a few decades ag.
    E. Multi generatinal family travel tps the list f travel trends.
    F. Everyne gets t break ut f their family rles and figure ut hw t be tgether.
    G. Als, big-grup accmmdatin has becme mre affrdable thrugh nline platfrms.
    【答案】20. D 21. B 22. G 23. A 24. F
    后一句“But mre and mre, families tend t bring multiple generatins with them.(但越来越多的家庭倾向于多代同游。)”说越来越多的家庭倾向于多代同游,前后之间是转折关系,空处应说在过去多代同游是少见的,D项“几十年前,这样的场景是罕见的。”符合题意。故选D。
    根据后文“In larger grups, fr example, child-care respnsibilities can be shared acrss family members, allwing parents t take a break. But the real value f these trips might be hw they give relatives an pprtunity t freshen their perceptin f the peple they’ve knwn fr perhaps their entire life. Travel can take us ut f ur familiar cntexts and ffer peple a chance t see ne anther differently.(例如,在较大的群体中,照顾孩子的责任可以由家庭成员分担,让父母休息一下。但这些旅行的真正价值可能是它们如何给亲属一个机会,让他们重新认识他们可能一辈子都熟悉的人。旅行可以让我们走出熟悉的环境,让人们有机会以不同的方式看待彼此。)”可知,本段分析了多代同游的好处,B项“多代同游的好处众多。”符合题意。故选B。
    根据第三段首句“The shift tward multi-generatinal travel has a few explanatins.(向多代同游的转变有几个解释。)”可知,本段解释了多代同游流行的原因。空前一句“Fr ne, grandparents tday stay healthy later in life, allwing them mre energy fr travel.(一个解释是,今天的祖父母在晚年的生活中保持健康,让他们有更多的精力旅行。)”是第一个原因,选项G“此外,通过在线平台,大团体住宿变得更加实惠。”里的“Als”说明是第二个原因,后文“Plus”说明是第三个原因,故选G。
    结合第3题分析可知,前面的“Fr ne”“Als”“Plus”分别对应解释了三个原因,A选项“另一种解释是时间压力。”中的“Anther explanatin”说明是第四个原因,且跟后文“Americans are taking fewer vacatin days than they did in the 1970s.(与20世纪70年代相比,美国人的假期减少了。)”相照应,说明时间有限也是原因之一,故选A。
    根据前文中的“Away frm the family hme, lder generatins get t see their adult children as respnsible parents. Kids get t see their grandparents encunter a new envirnment.(在远离家庭的地方,老一辈的人将成年子女视为负责任的父母。孩子们可以看到他们的祖父母遇到一个新的环境。)”可知,每个人都能从远离家庭的环境中感受到新的东西,由此可知,多代同游可以让每个人都摆脱家庭角色,F选项“每个人都可以摆脱家庭角色,想办法在一起。”符合题意。故选F。
    I fund a wnderful picture f Malan karst cnes nline and presented it t the innkeeper. “Yu can’t g there,” the innkeeper ___25___ me. “The viewing platfrm has been clsed due t ___26___ that t many visitrs culd cause gelgical damage.”
    Despite ur disappintment, we ___27___ an alternative: a seven-hur hike thrugh the “funnel frest”. Initially, we were ___28___ t run the risk. Hwever, I had ___29___ the turism mtt in the nature reserve: “If yu dn’t d it nw, yu wn’t d it in yur lifetime.” Three f ur grup ___30___ decided t venture int the frest. The innkeeper respnded with a knwing ___31___ : “Great. Bear Grylls went there.”
    The next mrning, we set ff with a lcal ___32___ . Rain came and went three times, and befre I actually ___33___ t climb ver the first muntain, I had already gt wet t the skin. I was a walking ___34___ f mud and water.
    Our guide, in his 50s, behaved like a btanist, intrducing the lcally specific plants t us, but I was hardly in the ___35___ . Every step sank int the muddy, sucking grund. Every lg r rck in frnt f us was a physical ___36___ . “One can never reach thse places withut strng willpwer,” I murmured, reciting that millennium-ld ___37___ , ver and ver again.
    Sinkhles and entrances t undergrund rivers kept ppping up alng ur ___38___ . Thinking f them leading t an unknwn wrld, I began t ___39___ the rad that I can cntrl even mre.
    Wandering in a green chas withut any bvius landmarks is als breathtaking.
    25. A. answeredB. tldC. fllwedD. favred
    26. A. newsB. mattersC. cncernsD. cnclusins
    27. A. wrked utB. tk inC. set dwnD. ruled ut
    28. A. unwillingB. surprisedC. calmD. inspired
    29. A. frgttenB. prmtedC. interpretedD. nticed
    30. A. shrtlyB. latelyC. eventuallyD. suddenly
    31. A. tasteB. tneC. smileD. sigh
    32. A. btanistB. keeperC. farmerD. guide
    33. A. managedB. decidedC. plannedD. agreed
    34. A. visitrB. mixtureC. lgD. stranger
    35 A. eagernessB. mdC. humrD. pity
    36. A. cntactB. energyC. activityD. challenge
    37. A. predictinB. lineC. dealD. secret
    38. A. ruteB. landmarkC. platfrmD. rck
    39. A. guaranteeB. ignreC. dubtD. appreciate
    【答案】25. B 26. C 27. A 28. A 29. D 30. C 31. C 32. D 33. A 34. B 35. B 36. D 37. B 38. A 39. D
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者和同伴在“漏斗森林”探险的经历。在探险的路上,作者多次遇到下雨的糟糕天气,体力不支,心情低落。但当想到不断冒出的水坑和地下河流的入口在通往一个未知的世界时,他开始更加欣赏沿途令人叹为观止的风景 。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“你不能去那儿,”旅店老板告诉我。A. answered回答;B. tld告诉;C. fllwed跟随;D. favred喜爱。根据前文的“I fund a wnderful picture f Malan karst cnes nline and presented it t the innkeeper. “Yu can’t g there,” the innkeeper”可知,作者让客栈老板看旅游地茂兰喀斯特岩溶锥的精美照片,客栈老板在告知作者不能去那儿。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“由于担心游客过多会造成地质破坏,观景台已经关闭。”A. news新闻;B. matters事项;C. cncerns担心;D. cnclusins结论。根据空后的“that t many visitrs culd cause gelgical damage”可知,太多的游客可能造成地质破坏,此空应表示“担忧”。故选C项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:尽管我们很失望,但我们还是想出了另一个办法:在“漏斗森林”中徒步7个小时。A. wrked ut算出;B. tk in理解;C. set dwn放下;D. ruled ut排除。根据前文的“Despite ur disappintment”和后文“ an alternative: a seven-hur hike thrugh the “funnel frest””可知,作者尽管失望,但是事情有所转机,此处应该是想出了可替代的旅游方案:穿越“漏斗森林”的七小时徒步旅行。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一开始,我们不愿意冒这个险。A. unwilling不情愿;B. surprised吃惊的;C. calm冷静的;D. inspired受到启发的。根据下文“t run the risk”和“Hwever, I had 5 the turism mtt in the nature reserve: “If yu dn’t d it nw, yu wn’t d it in yur lifetime.””可知,作者的旅游团队最终决定去森林探险,由“Hwever”一词可知,本空所在句子应为:“我们本不愿意去冒险”。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,我注意到自然保护区的旅游格言:“如果你现在不做,你这辈子就不会做了。”A. frgtten忘记;B. prmted促进;C. interpreted说明;D. nticed注意到。根据前文的“the turism mtt in the nature reserve”可知,“我”注意到自然保护区的旅游格言。故选D项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们三人最终决定冒险进入森林。A. shrtly很快;B. lately最近;C. eventually最终;D. suddenly突然。根据上文“Initially, we were 4 t run the risk. Hwever, I had 5 the turism mtt in the nature reserve: “If yu dn’t d it nw, yu wn’t d it in yur lifetime.””可知,一开始作者的旅游团队对探秘“漏斗森林”存在为难情绪,此空应指在“旅游箴言”的激励下,作者团队中的三个人终于做出了选择。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:客栈老板会心一笑:“太好了。贝尔·格里尔斯去了那里。”A. taste品尝;B. tne音调;C. smile微笑;D. sigh叹气。根据下文“Great. Bear Grylls went there.”可知,客栈老板赞同作者团队的选择,所以此处应指客栈老板会意一笑。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:第二天早上,我们和一位当地导游出发了。A. btanist植物学家;B. keeper守门员;C. farmer农民;D. guide指导。根据下文“Our guide, in his 50s, behaved like a btanist”可知,本空指作者团队在当地向导的带领下出发了。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:雨下了三次,在我真正爬过第一座山之前,我已经浑身湿透了。A. managed管理;B. decided决定;C. planned计划;D. agreed同意。根据前文的“The next mrning, we set ff with a lcal 8”和下文“t climb ver the first muntain”可知,上文提到作者已经出发旅行,所以此处指作者在成功爬过第一座山前就已经浑身湿透。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我是泥和水的混合体。A. visitr访客;B. mixture混合物;C. lg日志;D. stranger陌生人。根据前文的“Rain came and went three times, and befre I actually 9 t climb ver the first muntain, I had already gt wet t the skin.”可知,作者在森林探险中遇上糟糕的天气,还没爬过一座山时就已经浑身湿透,再根据空后“mud and water”可知,作者浑身都是泥和水,成了水和泥的混合体。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们的导游50多岁,表现得像个植物学家,向我们介绍当地特有的植物,但我并没有兴致。A. eagerness急切;B. md情绪;C. humr幽默;D. pity同情。根据前文“I was a walking 10 f mud and water.”和“Our guide, in his 50s, behaved like a btanist, intrducing the lcally specific plants t us, but I was hardly”可知,导游兴致勃勃,但作者因为坏天气带来的不便而感到心情低落。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们面前的每一块木头或岩石都是对身体的挑战。A. cntact联系;B. energy能量;C. activity活动;D. challenge挑战。 根据空前“Every step sank int the muddy, sucking grund. Every lg r rck in frnt f us was a physica”可知,作者每走一步都陷在泥泞的地面中,由此可看出要跨越木头或岩石更是一种体力挑战。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我喃喃地说,一遍又一遍地背诵着这句上千年的老话。A. predictin预测;B. line话,言语;C. deal交易;D. secret秘密。根据空前“One can never reach thse places withut strng willpwer”可知,作者一遍又一遍用千年古语来鼓励自己继续探秘。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:天坑和地下河流的入口不断在我们的路线上出现。A. rute路线;B. landmark地标;C. platfrm平台;D. rck岩石。根据前文的“The next mrning, we set ff with a lcal 8 ”可知,作者在向导的引领下探秘“漏斗森林”,因此他们会沿着一定的路线前行,因此本空所在句子应指沿着他们的路线看到的景象。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:想到它们通向一个未知的世界,我开始更加珍惜这条我可以掌控的路。A. guarantee担保;B. ignre忽略;C. dubt怀疑;D. appreciate欣赏。根据下文“Wandering in a green chas withut any bvius landmarks is als breathtaking.”可知,在一片混乱的绿色中漫步,没有任何明显的地标也是令人惊叹的,这是作者开始欣赏沿途的美景的感受。故选D项。
    I’ll always remember a lessn that I learned as a by grwing up in New Yrk City. One day, when I was perhaps six years ld, I was walking with my father n a ____40____ street. All f a sudden, the flw f pedestrian traffic came t a stp as peple tried t ____41____ a large bject n the sidewalk. T my astnishment, the bject ____42____ t be a human being, a man lying uncnscius against a building. As we walked by, my father—the mdel f a lving, ____43____ gentleman—pinted t a bttle in a paper bag and tld me that the pr sul n the sidewalk just needed t sleep it ff. Then the drunken man began t murmur senselessly. My father ____44____ me nt t g near, saying “yu never knw hw he’ll react.”
    Yet many years later I had a very different experience while visiting a market in Rangn. I had spent the previus 12 mnths traveling in ____45____ Asian cities, but even by thse standards this was a scene f misery (穷困). ____46____ desperate pverty and strng winds blwing dust ____47____, the lcals had t live in the extremely ht climate with ridiculusly huge crwds. ____48____ a man carrying a huge bag f peanuts called ut in pain and ____49____ t the grund. I then witnessed an astnishing scene. Half a dzen ____50____ ran frm their stands t help, leaving unattended what might have been the ttality f their pssessins. One put a blanket under the man’s head; anther pened his shirt; the third ne ____51____ him carefully abut the pain; the furth ne ____52____ water; the fifth ne kept nlkers frm crwding arund t clsely; the sixth ne ran fr help. Within minutes a dctr arrived and tw ther lcals jined in t assist. The ____53____ culd have passed fr a final exam at a nursing schl.
    I culdn’t help wndering, why peple act ____54____ at the similar situatin here?
    A. silentB. crwdedC. newD. remte
    A. avidB. identifyC. bserveD. apprach
    A. brke utB. std upC. turned utD. grew up
    A. strngB. caringC. hnestD. indifferent
    A. frcedB. persuadedC. warnedD. allwed
    A. prB. wealthyC. fashinableD. dangerus
    A. Instead fB. In spite fC. In case fD. In additin t
    A. everywhereB. nwhereC. smewhereD. anywhere
    A. GraduallyB. AbslutelyC. ImmediatelyD. Suddenly
    A. fellB. jumpedC. rlledD. marched
    A. beggarsB. judgesC. sellersD. custmers
    A. dubtedB. namedC. explainedD. questined
    A. drankB. savedC. remvedD. fetched
    A. dctrB. nlkersC. perfrmanceD. discvery
    A. cnfidentlyB. differentlyC. independentlyD. cautiusly
    【答案】40. B 41. A 42. C 43. B 44. C 45. A 46. D 47. A 48. D 49. A 50. C 51. D 52. D 53. C 54. B
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:大概六岁的时候,有一天,我和父亲走在一条拥挤的街上。A. silent 安静的;B. crwded 拥挤的;C. new 新的;D. remte 遥远的。根据下文“the flw f pedestrian traffic”可知,路上车水马龙,人来人往,这是一条拥挤的大街,故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然,人流停了下来,人们试图避开人行道上的一个大型物体。A. avid 避开;B. identify 确认;C. bserve 观察;D. apprach 接近。根据下文“a man lying uncnscius against a building”以及“My father ___5__ me nt t g near,”可知,此处表示人们都在避开他,故选A项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:令我大吃一惊的是,那个物体竟然是一个人,一个不省人事地靠着一栋建筑物躺着的人。A. brke ut 爆发;B. std up 站起来;C. turned ut 原来是;D. grew up 长大。根据上文“T my astnishment”可知,作者一开始没有看清路边躺着的是什么,走进一看才大吃一惊,原来是个人,故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我们走过时,我的父亲——一个充满爱心和关怀的绅士典范——指着纸袋里的一个瓶子告诉我,人行道上那个可怜的人只需要睡一觉就好了。A. strng 健壮的;B. caring 关爱的;C. hnest 诚实的;D. indifferent 不同的。根据上文“lving”可知,作者的父亲是有一个充满爱心的人,故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我父亲警告我不要靠近他,说:“你永远不知道他会有什么反应。”A. frced 强迫;B. persuaded 说服;C. warned 警告;D. allwed 允许。根据下文“yu never knw hw he’ll react.”可知,父亲警告作者不知道会发生什么事,所以不要走近,故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在此之前的12个月里,我在亚洲的一些贫穷城市旅行,但即使按照这些标准,这也是一幅穷困的景象。A. pr 贫穷的;B. wealthy 富有的;C. fashinable 时尚的;D. dangerus 危险的。根据下文“but even by thse standards this was a scene f misery”可知,这些地方到处是一副穷困的景象,故选A项。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:除了极度的贫穷和大风吹来的尘土,当地人还不得不生活在极端炎热的气候和荒谬的人群中。A. Instead f 而不是;B. In spite f 尽管;C. In case f 以防万一;D. In additin t 除了。根据下文“the lcals had t live in the extremely ht climate with ridiculusly huge crwds.”可知,当地人民生活贫困,不仅要和天气做斗争,还要在贫穷及人群中挣扎,故选D项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:除了极度的贫穷和大风吹的尘土到处都是,当地人还不得不生活在极端炎热的气候和荒谬的人群中。A. everywhere 四处;B. nwhere 不知何处;C. smewhere 有些地方;D. anywhere 任何地方。根据上文“strng winds”可知,天上刮大风,肯定是把灰尘刮得到处都是,故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:突然,一个扛着一大包花生的人痛苦地叫了一声,倒在了地上。A. Gradually 逐渐地;B. Abslutely 绝对地;C. Immediately 立即地;D. Suddenly 突然地。根据上文“but even by thse standards this was a scene f misery”以及语境可知,作者正在观察当地贫穷的状况,突然一个当地居民倒在地上,故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然,一个扛着一大包花生的人痛苦地叫了一声,倒在了地上。A. fell 倒下;B. jumped 跳起;C. rlled 打滚;D. marched 前进。根据下文“Half a dzen sellers ran frm their stands t help”可知,这位居民倒地上了,所以周围的人们才会跑来帮忙,故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:五六个小贩从他们的摊位上跑来帮忙,把他们的全部家当都丢在那里,无人看管。A. beggars 乞丐;B. judges 评委;C. sellers 卖家;D. custmers 顾客。根据下文“leaving unattended what might have been the ttality f their pssessins”可知,这些人把他们全部的财产扔下了,说明这是摊贩,顾客等人是不会随身携带全部财产出门的,故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:第三个人仔细地询问他哪里疼。A. dubted 怀疑;B. named 命名;C. explained 解释;D. questined 询问。根据下文“him carefully abut the pain”可知,此处表示第三个人询问他哪里疼,故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:第四个人去拿了一些水。A. drank 喝;B. saved 救;C. remved 移除;D. fetched 获取。根据下文“water”可知,好心人会去帮忙打水给病人喝,故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:人们的表现完全可以通过医护学校的期末考试。A. dctr 医生;B. nlkers 旁观者;C. perfrmance 表现;D. discvery 发现。根据上文“One put a blanket under the man’s head; anther pened his shirt; the third ne ___12___ him carefully abut the pain; the furth ne___13___ water; the fifth ne kept nlkers frm crwding arund t clsely; the sixth ne ran fr help.”可知,人们分工明确,不慌不忙,为了救助病人合作上演了一次急救场面,这是人们的表现,故选C项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:为什么相同的场景下,这里的人们却表现不同呢?A. cnfidently 自信地;B. differently 不同地;C. independently独立地;D. cautiusly谨慎地。根据第二段第一行“Yet many years later I had a very different experience”可知,若干年后作者经历了完全不同的事情,这里是和第二段进行首尾呼应,在相同的场景下,人们的表现却是不同的,故选B项。
    55. Behind last year’s Zib’s sudden fame ______ the effrts and services f the lcal gvernment, as well as a gd reputatin f lcal businesses.
    A. isB. areC. wereD. was
    【详解】考查时态和主谓一致。句意:去年淄博突然成名的背后是当地政府的努力和服务,以及当地企业的良好声誉。根据last year可知,此处描述发生在过去的事实,应用一般过去时,主语the effrts and services f the lcal gvernment是复数,be动词应用were。故选C项。
    56. The exhibit als includes an interactive, immersive unit ______ visitrs may click a muse t change digital versins f the artwrk.
    A. whichB. whereC. thatD. what
    57. Many stres make clth shes using machines, but Qiang sticks t the technique f making shes entirely ______ hand.
    A. withB. inC. byD. at
    【详解】考查介词。句意:许多商店都用机器制作布鞋,但强坚持完全手工制作的技术。with hand“用手”;in hand“在手头;在掌握中”;by hand“用手工”;at hand“在手边;即将到来”。根据语意可知,空处应表达“用手工”,故应用介词短语by hand。故选C项。
    58. ______ many difficulties in the US, Qian eventually returned t China in 1955.
    A. T vercmeB. Having vercmeC. OvercmingD. Overcme
    59. She nted that cultural integratin has always been a prpsitin (主张) f the Maltese gvernment, and ______ cperatin between the tw sides shuld be based n equality.
    A. theB. whatC. whichD. that
    60. Celadn (青瓷) prduced in Lngquan, Zhejiang prvince, a technique passed dwn fr mre than 1,600 years, ______ a typical example f craftsmen’s pursuit f the perfect green glint (闪耀).
    A. areB. beingC. wereD. is
    61. Flk tunes and lyrics in his reginal dialect were ______ made singer-sng writer Zhang Gasng’s music stand ut.
    A. whatB. thatC. hwD. where
    62. Zhang has recrded and learned music frm flk musicians he met while travelling, as ______ means t preserve endangered flk music styles.
    A. theB. theseC. aD. thse
    【详解】考查冠词。句意:为了保护濒临灭绝的民间音乐风格,Zhang在旅行中遇到了一些民间音乐家,并向他们学习和录制音乐。A. the用于特指;B. these这些;C. a一个,泛指;D. thse那些。根据后文 means t preserve endangered flk music styles可知为短语as a means t表示“作为一种手段/方法来……”。故选C。
    63. Behind the simple style, hwever, is a serius message ______ fr everyne.
    A. is intendedB. having intendedC. which intendedD. intended
    【详解】考查非谓语。句意:然而,在简单风格的背后,是一个面向所有人的严肃信息。be intended fr“打算为……所用”为固定短语,用作后置定语,把be去掉即可,如果用which引导定语从句,应为which is intended fr everyne。故选D项。
    64. She warns f the envirnmental dangers facing sciety, and she teaches that peple must take respnsibility ______ saving their envirnment.
    A. frB. asC. inD. f
    【详解】考查介词词义辨析。句意:她警告社会面临的环境危险,并教导人们必须承担起保护环境的责任。A. fr为了;B. as作为;C. in在……里;D. f属于。固定搭配take respnsibility fr“为……负责”。故选A项。
    65. _____(interrupt) are ne f the wrst things t deal with while yu’re trying t get wrk dne. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    66. S n behalf f the villagers’ benefit, the lcal gvernment has decided t call fr an end t the factries’ ______ (legal) behavirs. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    67. With a new teaching apprach ______ (adpt), the students are becming mre and mre interested in their study. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    68. Suffering severe backache, he was far frm ______ (impress) in his semi-final against Federer. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:由于严重的背部疼痛,他在半决赛对阵费德勒的比赛中表现不佳。此处作表语,应用形容词impressive,far frm+adj.表示“远非……”。故填impressive。
    69. Sme f the mst ______ (frequent) asked questins have prvked heated discussin amng the netizens. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查副词。句意:一些最常见的问题引起了网民的热烈讨论。分析句子可知,空处修饰动词asked,结合“have prvked heated discussin”可知,应用frequent的副词形式frequently,意为“经常地,频繁地”,和空前的the mst构成副词最高级。故填frequently。
    70. The study ______ (investigate) the impact f vilent TV prgramming n children ver the last tw years. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】has investigated##has been investigating
    【详解】考查时态和主谓一致。句意:在过去的两年里,这项研究调查了/一直在调查暴力电视节目对儿童的影响。分析句子可知,空处作句子的谓语,时间状语为ver the last tw years“在过去的两年里”,investigate“调查”的动作从过去开始发生,持续到现在,且有可能会继续进行下去,因此可用现在完成时或现在完成进行时,主语The study为单数,助动词用has。故填has investigated或has been investigating。
    71. Despite difficulties he still made a reslutin ______ (prceed) with envirnmental causes. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】t prceed
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:尽管困难重重,他仍决心继续从事环保事业。名词reslutin后常跟动词不定式作后置定语,表示“做某事的决心”,因此空处应用prceed的不定式形式。故填t prceed。
    72. He ______ (freeze) with terrr, ttally at a lss what he wuld d next. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】was frzen##frze
    【详解】考查时态。句意:他吓得僵住了,完全不知道下一步该怎么办。此处可用短语be frzen with表示“吓呆了”或freeze作谓语,根据语境可知发生在过去,用一般过去时,主语为He,谓语用单数。故填frze/was frzen。
    73. ______ (appeal) t the referee des nt ften result in a decisin being changed. (所给词适当形式填空)
    74. Gvernment ______ (intervene) t regulate prices aims t lessen the destructive effects f ecnmic depressin. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    75. I am writing t make an aplgy fr any ______ (不便) caused by my children.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    76. She felt ______ (羞愧) f making a mess in the bathrm. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    77. I have n chice but t make ______ (投诉) abut the salesman’s rude behavir. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    78. She made a New Year’s ______ (reslve) t study even harder in the cming year. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    79. His sudden ________(depart) threw the ffice int chas. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    80. The public demanded that the trps ______ (撤离,退出) frm the regin. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【答案】(shuld) withdraw##(shuld) be withdrawn
    【详解】考查虚拟语气。句意:公众要求军队撤出该地区。动词demanded后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,谓语动词用shuld加动词原形,shuld可省略。根据句意及汉语提示可知,空处应填动词withdraw,该动词可作不及物动词,“撤离,退出”的意思,故空处应填(shuld) withdraw;withdraw也可作及物动词,“使……撤离,使……退出”的意思,与句子主语the trps构成被动关系,故空处应填(shuld) be withdrawn。故填(shuld) withdraw或(shuld) be withdrawn。
    81. The charity is busy d______ (分发,分配) fd t the earthquake victims. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查非谓语。句意:慈善机构正忙于向地震灾民分发食物。根据句意及汉语提示可知,空处应填动词distribute“分发,分配”,be busy ding“忙于”为固定短语。故填distributing。
    82. We can draw a ______ (cnclude) frm the statistics that hmelessness is n the increase. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:从统计数据中我们可以得出这样的结论:无家可归的人数正在增加。空处作宾语,结合空前的a可知,此处应填名词单数形式,cnclusin“结论”,可数名词,draw a cnclusin“得出结论”,故填draw a cnclusin。
    83. There is n denying that wrking ut regularly is ______ (benefit) t us. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    84. Frtunately, the kid made a full ______ (康复) after the peratin. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    85. He prpsed that a fund ______ (establish) t raise mney. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】shuld be established##be established
    【详解】考查虚拟语气和被动语态。句意:他提议成立一个基金会来筹集资金。动词prpsed后的宾语从句应用虚拟语气,谓语动词用shuld d,shuld可省略,a fund和establish为被动关系,故应用被动语态。故填(shuld) be established。
    86. The ecnmy has shwn significant ______ (imprve) ver the past 9 mnths. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    87. The number f turists t the resrt declined ______ 10% last year.(用适当的词填空)
    【详解】考查介词。句意:去年,去度假胜地的游客数量下降了10%。根据语意可知,此处表示“下降了”,应用固定搭配decline by。故填by。
    88. I have a gd cmmand f English with a high level f ______ (accurate). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    89. Tu Yuyu has devted her entire life t ______ (science) research int artemisinin. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    90. ______ (instant) M Yan stepped nt the stage, the audience burst int thunderus applause. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    91. On hearing the news, he ______ (vercme) with delight. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】was vercme
    【详解】考查时态语态。句意:听到这个消息,他高兴极了。主语he与谓语动词vercme构成被动关系,描述过去发生的事情用一般过去时的被动语态,主语为he,谓语用单数。故填was vercme。
    92. Children are advised t drink as much ______ (bil) water as pssible, which is favrable t their health. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:建议孩子们尽可能多地喝白开水,这有利于他们的健康。分析句子可知,空处作修饰water的定语,为非谓语动词,结合“Children are advised t drink”可知,此处指“白开水,煮沸过的水”,bil的行为已完成,应用bil的过去分词形式。故填biled。
    93. Mzart, an internatinally recgnized musician, has a gift ______ cmpsitin. (用适当的词填空)
    【详解】考查介词。句意:莫扎特是一位国际公认的音乐家,他有作曲的天赋。根据“has a gift”可推知,此处用固定短语have a gift fr表示“有……的天赋”。故填fr。
    94. Tickets are ________ (availability) free f charge frm the schl. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:学校免费提供门票。根据上文Tickets are 可知应填形容词available,作表语。故填available。

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