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    这是一份河南省焦作市博爱2023_2024高三英语上学期期中试题,共22页。试卷主要包含了 B.At 6等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What did the speakers d last weekend?
    A.They went climbing B.They played ftball. C.They watched a match.
    2.When was the meeting scheduled?
    A.At 6:00. B.At 6:30. C.At 7:00.
    3.What is the man dissatisfied with abut the stre?
    A.The clthes. B.The service. C.The price.
    4.What des the wman think f the shw?
    A.Bring. B.Interesting. C.Educatinal.
    5.What are the speakers talking abut?
    A.The sea. B.The weekend plan. C.The weather.
    6.What day is it tday?
    A.Saturday. B.Friday. C.Mnday.
    7.Why is the wman wrried?
    A.She has n time t prepare.
    B.Nbdy can lead the dance grup.
    C.There aren’t enugh peple in the grup
    8.Where are the speakers?
    A.In a stre. B.In a street. C.In a cafe.
    9.What prblem des the man have?
    A.He frgt t send an email.
    B.He has t make a phne call.
    C.He left his wallet in the ffice.
    10.What des the wman suggest the man d?
    A.Speak with her manager. B.Visit anther lcatin. C.Eat in the cafe.
    11.What might the man be?
    A.A custmer service representative.
    B.A travel agent.
    C.A repairman.
    12.What will the wman d next?
    A.Call his sn. B.Give sme details. C.Sign a frm.
    13.What d we knw abut the wman?
    A.Her sn lives abrad nw.
    B.She will g t visit her sn sn.
    C.She shuld make payment frm this mnth.
    14.What did the man d yesterday?
    A.He started a new jb.
    B.He registered fr a class.
    C.He did sme shpping nline.
    15.What des the man want t buy?
    A.Psters. B.Paintings. C.Brushes.
    16.What will the wman d next?
    A.G t a stre. B.Ask abut a sale. C.Email the man.
    17.Hw much is the ticket t the Ocean Park?
    A.£ 2.00. B.£ 6.50. C.£ 8.50.
    18.What is unavailable during the trip?
    A.Lunch. B.Water. C.Fruit.
    19.What will the listeners d at 2:30 next Tuesday?
    A.Listen t a talk. B.D sme wrksheets. C.Watch the sharks being fed.
    20.What is the tpic f the talk fr next Tuesday?
    A.The cean. B.Sharks. C.Penguins.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Wrld’s Incredible Railways
    West Highland Railway, Sctland
    Running fr abut 193 kilmeters. West Highland Railway Line is ne f the “greatest hits” f the landscapes Sctland ffers.The line can be enjyed thrugh the cmfrtable Calednian Sleeper might train frm Lndn t Frt William with the last stretch f the jurney accmpanied by breakfast. Remember t keep an eye ut fr stags(雄鹿)as they survey their kingdm.
    The Ghan, Australia
    Widely regarded as ne f the wrld’s greatest rail jurneys, it runs weekly ver a 2,979-kilmeter rute crssing the length f Australia frm Adelaide in the suth t Darwin in the Nrthern Territry. Each trip takes mre than 53 hurs, including extended stps in remte twns such as Cber Pedy fr passengers t experience the Outback during ff-train turs.
    Qinghai-Tibet Railway, China
    Fr centuries, knwn as “The Rf f the Wrld”, Tibet was visited nly by the hardiest travelers and explrers, but the pening f the remarkable Qinghai-Tibet Railway in 2006 created a permanent cnnectin with the Chinese rail netwrk. The 1,956 kilmeter rute frm Xining t Lhasa tps ut at the Tanggula Pass, 5,068 meters abve sea level. With its pening, direct trains run t Lhasa frm Beijing in 40 hurs and Shanghai 47 hurs.
    The TranzAlpine, New Zealand
    The TranzAlpine takes fur and a half hurs t cver just 224 kilmeters. Its famus “pen-air carriage(客车厢)” is the real highlight. This pen-sided car allws passengers t experience the fresh muntain air first-hand and take amazing landscape phts. Passengers can als nw listen t a GPS-based audi cmmentary in English, enjying stries abut places alng the rute, the cuntry and its culture.
    1. Which f the fllwing railways is the lngest?
    A. West Highland Railway.B. The Ghan.
    C. Qinghai-Tibet Railway.D. The TranzAlpine.
    2. Hw many hurs des a direct train take frm Shanghai t Lhasa?
    A. 4.5.B. 40.C. 47.D. 53.
    3. What can yu d n a TranzAlpine train?
    A. Enjy a cmfrtable night’s sleep.B. Read bks abut lcal culture.
    C. Watch TV prgrams in English.D. Experience the pen-sided car.
    【答案】1. B 2. C 3. D
    细节理解题。由West Highland Railway, Sctland部分中的“Running fr abut 193 kilmeters(长达193千米)”,The Ghan, Australia部分中的“it runs weekly ver a 2,979-kilmeter rute(它每周运行2979公里的路线)”,Qinghai-Tibet Railway, China部分中的“The 1,956 kilmeter rute frm Xining t Lhasa tps ut at the Tanggula Pass(从西宁到拉萨的1956公里的路线最远在 Tanggula Pass)”和The TranzAlpine, New Zealand部分中的“The TranzAlpine takes fur and a half hurs t cver just 224 kilmeters.(仅仅走完224公里就需要四个半小时)”可知,West Highland Railway长 193千米;The Ghan长2979千米;Qinghai-Tibet Railway长1956千米;The TranzAlpine长 224千米,所以The Ghan是这四个中最长的。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据文章Qinghai-Tibet Railway, China中“With its pening. direct trains run t Lhasa frm Beijing in 40 hurs and Shanghai 47 hurs.(随着它的开放。从北京到拉萨的直达列车需要40小时,从上海到拉萨需要47小时。)”可知,上海到拉萨需要47小时。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据文章The TranzAlpine, New Zealand中“This pen-sided car allws passengers t experience the fresh muntain air first-hand and take amazing landscape phts.(敞篷车可以让乘客亲身体验新鲜的山间空气,并拍摄令人惊叹的风景照片。)”可知,游客可以体验敞篷车。故选D项。
    In 1879, an 8-year-ld girl made a discvery that wuld rck ur understanding f human histry. On the walls f Altamira cave in nrthern Spain, she sptted amazing drawings f wild cws, painted in vivid red and black. Mre striking even than the images was their age: they were made thusands f years ag by mdern humans’ suppsedly primitive ancestrs. Tday, nearly 400 caves acrss Eurpe have been fund decrated with hand stencils (模板), strange symbls and beautiful images f animals created by these skillful artists.
    The discveries led t the view that artistic talent arse after mdern humans arrived in the regin sme 40,000 years ag, as part f a “cultural explsin” reflecting a flwering f the human mind. But mre recent evidence has blwn this idea ut f the water. Fr a start, mdern humans might nt have been the first artists in Eurpe. What’s mre, a cllectin f cave paintings emerging in Indnesia has dismissed the idea that Eurpe was the centre f creativity.
    Lcal peple have lng knwn that the caves f the island f Sulawesi, Indnesia, cntain many painted images. Mdern humans are thught t have reached the regin sme 65,000 years ag, but nbdy imagined the art culd be very ld because ancient paintings seem unlikely t survive in the envirnment f high temperatures. A team f researchers led by Maxime Aubert, nw at Griffith University in Australia, upended this idea using a technique that is shifting ur understanding f cave art. Using this technique in seven caves, they fund a hand stencil was at least 39,900 years ld, making it the ldest knwn hand stencil at that time.
    This pened a fldgate t new discveries in Indnesia. These included a hunting scene created at least 43,900 years ag, and by far the ldest descriptive artwrk. “When we fund that image, we were abslutely delighted, but when it turned ut t be that ld, we were almst jumping with jy,” says Adam Brumm, als at Griffith University.
    4. What did the girl find in the cave?
    A. Wild animals.B. Ancient images.
    C. Painting techniques.D. Recrding artists.
    5. What was a misunderstanding remved by recent evidence abut the cave art?
    A. It can be traced back t Eurpe.
    B. It reflected the flwering f human minds.
    C. Mdern humans led t its rise in Indnesia.
    D. Mdern humans might nt have been real artists.
    6. What des the underlined wrd “upended” mean in paragraph 3?
    A. Prved.B. Strengthened.C. Overturned.D. Overemphasized.
    7. What des the last paragraph mainly talk abut?
    A. The amazing discveries.B. The researchers’ expectatins.
    C. The benefits f the technique.D. The descriptin f the cave art.
    【答案】4. B 5. A 6. C 7. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段“On the walls f Altamira cave in nrthern Spain, she sptted amazing drawings f wild cws, painted in vivid red and black. Mre striking even than the images was their age: they were made thusands f years ag by mdern humans’ suppsedly primitive ancestrs. ”( 在西班牙北部Altamira洞穴的墙壁上,她发现了用鲜艳的红色和黑色绘制的野生奶牛的惊人画作,比这些图像更引人注目的是它们的年代:它们是由现代人的原始祖先在几千年前制作的。)可知,这个女孩在洞穴发现了古老的图像。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“Fr a start, mdern humans might nt have been the first artists in Eurpe. What’s mre, a cllectin f cave paintings emerging in Indnesia has dismissed the idea that Eurpe was the centre f creativity.”(首先,现代人可能不是欧洲最早的艺术家,更重要的是,在印度尼西亚发现的一组洞穴壁画驳斥了欧洲是创造力中心的观点。)可知,欧洲不是洞穴艺术的发源地,“洞穴艺术可以追溯到欧洲”这一想法是一种误解。故选A。
    词义猜测题。根据第三段“Mdern humans are thught t have reached the regin sme 65,000 years ag, but nbdy imagined the art culd be very ld because ancient paintings seem unlikely t survive in the envirnment f high temperatures. ”(现代人被认为在大约6.5万年前到达了这个地区,但没有人想到这些艺术品可能非常古老,因为古代绘画似乎不太可能在高温环境中存活下来。)和“Using this technique in seven caves, they fund a hand stencil was at least 39,900 years ld, making it the ldest knwn hand stencil at that time.”(在七个洞穴中使用这种技术,他们发现了一个至少有39900年历史的手模板,使其成为当时已知最古老的手模板。)可知,通过使用这种技术,人们发现了存活下来的古老的艺术平,改变了最初的想法;结合划线词所在句“A team f researchers led by Maxime Aubert, nw at Griffith University in Australia, upended this idea using a technique that is shifting ur understanding f cave art.”中的“using a technique that is shifting ur understanding f cave art”(使用这种正在改变我们对洞穴艺术的理解的技术)可知,使用这项技术改变、颠覆了之前的想法,故“upended”意为“颠覆”。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据最后一段“This pened a fldgate t new discveries in Indnesia. ”(这为印尼的新发现打开了闸门。)及“These included a hunting scene created at least 43,900 years ag, and by far the ldest descriptive artwrk.”(其中包括至少43,900年前创作的狩猎场景,这是迄今为止最古老的描述性艺术品。)可知,最后一段主要在谈论在印尼发现的这些令人惊叹的艺术品。故选A。
    Sme years ag, a Miami wman walking thrugh an ffice building nticed tw men standing tgether. Several minutes after her leaving, the men murdered a persn wrking in the building. The plice determined that the wman was the nly witness and culd pssibly describe them. Hwever, her memry f the men prved disappintingly unclear. Several days later, psychlgist Rnald Fisher was brught in t btain a mre cmplete accunt frm the wman. His interview prduced a breakthrugh—the wman reprted a clear picture f ne f the suspects. The imprtant infrmatin enabled the plice t arrest the suspect and clse the case.
    The plice asked Fisher fr help because f his rich knwledge in cgnitive (认知) interview, a kind f memry-rebuilding prcess. Memry researchers have fund that peple trying t remember a past event ften nly recall part f the relevant infrmatin. Human memry is selective and it is ften distrted by stress. But a persn’s accurate recall f an event r understanding f a questin can be imprved using specific interviewing techniques. The “cgnitive interview” was develped in the late 1990s. It encurages the witness t take an active rle in recalling infrmatin rather than giving answers nly t smene else’s questins. The witness first describes what happened in his r her wn wrds, with n interviewer interruptins. The interviewer then ges further with specific techniques, such as having the witness tell the details f what happened frm different perspectives(角度).
    The cgnitive interview fcuses n guiding witnesses thrugh fur general recalling techniques: thinking abut physical surrundings and persnal feelings that existed at the time f past events; reprting everything that cmes t mind abut thse events, n matter hw brken it is retelling events in a variety f time rders, such as frm beginning t end, end t beginning, frward r backward; and adpting different perspectives while recalling events.
    Experiments with plice detectives trained in this demanding interview methd find that they btain nearly 50% mre infrmatin frm witnesses than befre training, while errr rates remain abut the same. It is prved that cgnitive interviews are quite imprtant tls in imprving the accuracy and cmpleteness f witness testimny (证词).
    8. The purpse f the passage is t _____.
    A. give an accunt f a murder case
    B. intrduce an idea f cgnitive interview
    C. prve Fisher was an expert in cgnitive interview
    D. help a witness t recall infrmatin in a cgnitive interview
    9. What is required t recall in a cgnitive interview fr a witness?
    A. The exact time at which a murder tk place.
    B. The infrmatin abut the event in the time rder.
    C. The imprtant things that cme t his r her mind.
    D. The surrundings and feelings at the time f the event.
    10. The key pint in a cgnitive interview is that
    A. the witness is encuraged t take part in recalling infrmatin
    B. the interviewer shuld interrupt the witness frm time t time
    C. the interview shuld take place utside the plice statin
    D. the witness shuld recall details at the scene f the event
    11. The underlined wrd "distrted" in the passage prbably means " ____
    A. arrangedB. balancedC. changedD. examined
    【答案】8. B 9. D 10. A 11. C
    推理判断题。通读全文尤其是第二段“The “cgnitive interview” was develped in the late 1990s. It encurages the witness t take an active rle in recalling infrmatin rather than giving answers nly t smene else’s questins. The witness first describes what happened in his r her wn wrds, with n interviewer interruptins. The interviewer then ges further with specific techniques, such as having the witness tell the details f what happened frm different perspectives(角度).(“认知访谈”是在20世纪90年代末发展起来的。它鼓励证人在回忆信息时发挥积极作用,而不是只回答别人的问题。证人首先用他或她自己的话描述所发生的事情,没有采访者打断。接着,采访者会进一步使用具体的技巧,比如让目击者从不同的角度讲述所发生的事情的细节。)”可知文章通过一起刑事案件,介绍了认知访谈的实用性、科学性以及重要性。因此可知本文的目的就是介绍认知访谈,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“The cgnitive interview fcuses n guiding witnesses thrugh fur general recalling techniques: thinking abut physical surrundings and persnal feelings that existed at the time f past events; reprting everything that cmes t mind abut thse events, n matter hw brken it is retelling events in a variety f time rders, such as frm beginning t end, end t beginning, frward r backward; and adpting different perspectives while recalling events.(认知访谈的重点是引导目击者通过四种一般的回忆技巧:思考过去事件发生时存在的物理环境和个人感受;报道与这些事件有关的所有事情,不管它是多么破碎,按照不同的时间顺序复述事件,如从开始到结束,从结束到开始,向前或向后;在回忆事件时采用不同的视角。)”可知证人在认知访谈中会回忆事件发生时的环境和感受。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“The “cgnitive interview” was develped in the late 1990s. It encurages the witness t take an active rle in recalling infrmatin rather than giving answers nly t smene else’s questins. (“认知访谈”是在20世纪90年代末发展起来的。它鼓励证人在回忆信息时发挥积极作用,而不是只回答别人的问题。)”可知认知访谈的关键在于鼓励证人参与回忆信息,故选A。
    词义猜测题。根据划线处的下句“But a persn’s accurate recall f an event r understanding f a questin can be imprved using specific interviewing techniques.(但是,一个人对事件的准确回忆或对问题的理解可以通过特定的访谈技巧来提高。)”可知上一句意思人类的记忆是有选择性的,常常会因压力而改变。故可猜出“distrted”的意思是被改变,扭曲的,故选C。
    We’ve heard peple say that we shuldn’t wrry t much abut the future. But this saying desn’t hld true in the technlgical wrld. Here, yu always need t think abut the future, r else yu wn’t have the chance t be in the digital age. There are s many new inventins that cme up daily, which help in making ur lives better and easier.
    The iPd we use daily was nce a far-fetched thught f Mr. Jbs, which has becme a reality tday. Similarly, when televisin was launched, we thught nthing culd beat this inventin. Then came cable televisin, and nw it’s the age f digital televisin. Similarly, until a few years ag, 3D was limited t mvies, but tday, we have 3D blueprints, 3D graphics, and 3D televisin sets as well. All these inventins were just a predictin by their inventrs, but they later, went n t becme a part f ur lives. Similar predictins can be made fr the future.
    Fr example, hw abut having human-like rbts that understand ur instructins by simply speaking t them? We can talk with these rbts regularly and simply instruct them t perfrm a particular task. If yu want tea, yu can simply require yur rbt t make it fr yu. These rbts can be useful in industrial fields as well. Fr example, yu can simply ask the rbt t switch n the manufacturing line.
    If waste keeps increasing the future will see many prblems related t pllutin. S what abut having a waste recycling machine that prduces ntebks? Yes, I’m nt talking abut the regular recycling machines that give us raw materials we need t put t effective use. If we build recycling machines that prduce a particular prduct ut f the waste, it’ll d much help t the envirnment as well.
    This list can g n and n. Our imaginatin has n limits and s des technlgy. Wh knws? Maybe ne f these ideas may becme a reality in the near future!
    12. What shuld we d accrding t the authr?
    A. Take the future less seriusly.B. Use 3D technlgy mre widely.
    C. Base new inventins n experience.D. Keep making predictins fr the future.
    13. What can s called human-like rbts d accrding t the text?
    A. They can talk t themselves.B. They can understand human wrds.
    C. They can ffer the users instructins.D. They can invent smething fr humans.
    14. What des the authr think f the waste recycling machine?
    A. It is achievable.B. It is prfitable.C. It is affrdable.D. It is impractical.
    15. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The far future f technlgy.B. Ways f making predictins.
    C. Effects f predictins n inventins.D. The significance f human imaginatin.
    【答案】12. D 13. B 14. A 15. C
    推理判断题。根据第一自然段“Here, yu always need t think abut the future, r else yu wn’t have the chance t be in the digital age. (在这里,你总是需要考虑未来,否则你就没有机会进入数字时代)”和第二自然段最后一句“All these inventins were just a predictin by their inventrs, but they later, went n t becme a part f ur lives. Similar predictins can be made fr the future. (所有这些发明都只是发明者的预测,但后来它们成为了我们生活的一部分。对未来也可以做出类似的预测)”可知,作者认为我们应继续预测未来。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三自然段“Fr example, hw abut having human-like rbts that understand ur instructins by simply speaking t them? We can talk with these rbts regularly and simply instruct them t perfrm a particular task. (例如,让类似人类的机器人通过简单地与他们交谈来理解我们的指令,怎么样?我们可以定期与这些机器人交谈,并简单地指导它们执行特定的任务)”可知,所谓的类人机器人能理解人类的语言。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第四自然段“S what abut having a waste recycling machine that prduces ntebks? Yes, I’m nt talking abut the regular recycling machines that give us raw materials we need t put t effective use. If we build recycling machines that prduce a particular prduct ut f the waste, it’ll d much help t the envirnment as well. (那么,拥有一台可以生产笔记本电脑的废物回收机呢?是的,我不是在说那些为我们提供有效利用所需原材料的常规回收机。如果我们建造回收机器,用废物生产特定的产品,这对环境也有很大帮助)”可知,作者认为垃圾回收机是可以实现的。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第一自然段“Here, yu always need t think abut the future, r else yu wn’t have the chance t be in the digital age. (在这里,你总是需要考虑未来,否则你就没有机会进入数字时代)”和最后一段“This list can g n and n. Our imaginatin has n limits and s des technlgy. Wh knws? Maybe ne f these ideas may becme a reality in the near future! (这个清单可以一直列下去。我们的想象力是无限的,技术也是无限的。谁知道呢?也许这些想法中的一个可能在不久的将来成为现实!)”可知,可知,作者认为预言可以促进发明,并且相信预言有一天能被实现。由此可判断全文旨在说明预言对发明的影响。故选C。
    Shyness is smething that many peple battle with every day. They are afraid t lk peple in the eyes and have a hard time speaking t new peple. This makes it very hard t get ahead at wrk and in making new friends and business cnnectins. ___16___ There are ways t get arund this fear and get ut there and start talking t peple.
    ●Remember that mst peple are nt lking at yu. When yu are shy yu may believe that peple are cnstantly watching and judging yu. ___17___ Mst peple are always busy lking at themselves and wrrying abut what peple think f them. When yu are talking t smene new they are nt picking apart yur every wrd; they are wrried abut what yu think f them.
    ● ___18___ Instead f always cmplaining yurself abut things yu think yu are nt ding better, turn yur fcus t the things that yu d well. Yur self-talk is very imprtant t hw yu feel. Stp negative self-talk. Instead remind yurself every mrning f all the great things yu have t ffer. Whenever yu start feeling shy again run ver yur list f things that makes yu happy.
    ●If yu d nt have an exercise rutine, yu shuld start ne nw. ___19___ Yu d nt spend hurs a day in the gym. Yu shuld spend abut 30 minutes a day walking r ding smething physical yu enjy. If yu are physically capable yu culd als add 20 minutes f light weight training tw r three days a week. ___20___ Being able t stand with yur back straight and yur head held high will definitely help vercme shy feelings.
    A. Fcus n yur strengths.
    B. This just is nt the case at all.
    C. Stp cmplaining abut thers.
    D. They are brave t face any challenge in life.
    E. Many peple are shy because they fear rejectin.
    F. This will help yu feel strnger and will imprve yur psture.
    G. Check with yur dctr if yu have nt wrked ut fr a while and then get t it.
    【答案】16. E 17. B 18. A 19. G 20. F
    根据下文“There are ways t get arund this fear and get ut there and start talking t peple.(有一些方法可以绕过这种恐惧,走出去,开始与人们交谈。)”可推理出上文提到了因某种恐惧导致的害羞,与E项“Many peple are shy because they fear rejectin.(许多人因为害怕被拒绝而害羞。)”表达的含义一致,故选E项。
    根据上文“Remember that mst peple are nt lking at yu. When yu are shy yu may believe that peple are cnstantly watching and judging yu.( 记住,大多数人都不会看着你。当你害羞的时候,你可能会认为人们一直在监视和评判你。)”可知上文提出了一种不可能的情况,下文对这种情况的可能性进行评价,与B项“This just is nt the case at all.(事实并非如此。)”表达的含义一致,故选B项。
    根据下文“Instead f always cmplaining yurself abut things yu think yu are nt ding better, turn yur fcus t the things that yu d well.(不要总是抱怨那些你认为可以做得更好的事情,把注意力转向那些你做得好的事情。)”可知,下文说的是不要抱怨,而是要专注于你做得好的地方,与A项“Fcus n yur strengths.(专注于你的优势)”表达的含义一致,故选A项。
    根据上文“If yu d nt have an exercise rutine, yu shuld start ne nw.(如果你没有锻炼习惯,你现在就应该开始锻炼。)”可知此处上下文说的是与锻炼有关的话题,分析待选项,G项“Check with yur dctr if yu have nt wrked ut fr a while and then get t it.(如果你有一段时间没有锻炼,请咨询你的医生,然后去做。)”表达的含义符合语境,故选G项。
    根据上文“If yu are physically capable yu culd als add 20 minutes f light weight training tw r three days a week.( 如果你身体许可,你也可以每周两到三天增加20分钟的轻量级训练。)”可推理出下文讲的是这种锻炼的好处,与F项“This will help yu feel strnger and will imprve yur psture.(这将帮助你感觉更强壮,并改善你的姿势。)”表达的含义一致,故选F项。
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
    Girls are better at reading and writing than bys as early as furth grade, accrding t a study, and the gap cntinues t widen until senir year.
    Scientists generally agree that bys and girls are psychlgically mre alike than they are different. But reading seems t be a(n)____21____, with grwing evidence suggesting a similar ____22____in writing. The study, published in the jurnal American Psychlgist, prvided further ____23____ t supprt this view.
    David Reilly, lead authr f the study, said the study ____24____the cmmnly held view that bys and girls start grade schl with the same cgnitive abilities. “It appears that the gender gap fr writing tasks has been greatly____25____, and despite ur best effrts with changes in teaching methds, that des nt appear t be ____26____ ver time,” he said.
    Factrs explaining the results culd include learning ____27____ being mre prevalent amng bys; the pressure t cnfrm t masculine (男子汉的) ideals and the idea f reading and language being feminine (女性的); and slight____28____in hw bys and girls use their brain hemispheres (半球), the authrs believe.
    T investigate hw ____29____ levels differed between bys and girls in the U.S., the team studied data cllected ver three decades in the Natinal Assessment f Educatinal Prgress. This database f test scres n ver 3 millin students in the furth, eighth, and twelfth grades____30____natinal and state perfrmances in a range f subjects, and cnsidered such variables such as disabilities r whether children were English learners. Reading and writing was ____31____accrding t children’s understanding f a range f different passages and genres.
    ____32____, girls were fund t perfrm significantly better in reading and writing tests by furth grade when cmpared with bys f the same age. As children prgressed t eighth and twelfth grades, girls cntinued t ____33____ bys, but the difference was mre nticeable in writing than reading. But what caused this difference in abilities? Evidence suggests ____34____ prblems, such as being disruptive(扰乱性的) in class r being aggressive culd be linked t neurlgical cnditins. What is knwn as lateralizatin (偏侧化) culd als play a rle. Bys are believed t use ne hemisphere when reading r writing, while girls appear t use bth. The data did nt, hwever, prvide evidence t argue ____35____ the tw genders having different learning styles.
    21. A. distinctinB. exceptinC. bjectinD. limitatin
    22. A. patternB. standardC. circumstanceD. feature
    23. A. strategyB. signalC. signD. evidence
    24. A. cnfirmedB. representedC. questinedD. intrduced
    25. A. underestimatedB. veremphasizedC. underrepresentedD. justified
    26. A. increasingB. prmtingC. acceptingD. reducing
    27. A. bjectivesB. drillsC. difficultiesD. advantages
    28. A. cntributinsB. differencesC. cmmunicatinsD. similarities
    29. A. literacyB. literaryC. academicD. cgnitive
    30. A. pulled dwnB. settled dwnC. turned dwnD. brke dwn
    31. A. grantedB. measuredC. designedD. engineered
    32. A. LikewiseB. OverallC. HweverD. Besides
    33. A. vertakeB. discurageC. parallelD. distinguish
    34. A. psychlgicalB. emtinalC. behaviralD. mental
    35. A. in line withB. at the mercy fC. n accunt fD. in favr f
    【答案】21. B 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. D 31. B 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. D
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:但阅读似乎是个例外,越来越多的证据表明,写作也有类似的模式。A. distinctin 差别;区别;B. exceptin 例外;C. bjectin 发对;D. limitatin 限制。上文“Scientists generally agree that bys and girls are psychlgically mre alike than they are different.(科学家们普遍认为,男孩和女孩是很相似的)”此句与上句转折,说明此处要表达的是男孩与女孩不相似的的方面——阅读,也就是说阅读是一个例外,故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:参见上题。A. pattern 模式;B. standard 标准;C. circumstance 环境;D. feature 特色。根据上文“Scientists generally agree that bys and girls are psychlgically mre alike than they are different. But reading seems t be a(n)____1____, (科学家们普遍认为,男孩和女孩是很相似的,但阅读似乎是个例外)”可知,科学家认为男孩和女孩是很相似的,但是阅读是一个例外,所以此处表达的是写作也和阅读一样,有相似的模式,也是个例外,是男孩和女孩有差异的方面,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这项发表在《美国心理学家》杂志上的研究为支持这一观点提供了进一步的证据。A. strategy 策略;B. signal 信号;C. sign 迹象;标志;D. evidence 证据。根据空后“t supprt this view(来支持这种观点)”可知,用来支持观点的,应该是证据,故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这项研究的主要作者David Reilly说,这项研究质疑了人们普遍认为的男孩和女孩在上小学时认知能力相同的观点。A. cnfirmed 证实;B. represented 代表;C. questined 质疑;D. intrduced 介绍。根据第一段“Girls are better at reading and writing than bys as early as furth grade, accrding t a study, and the gap cntinues t widen until senir year.(一项研究表明早在四年级,女生的阅读和写作能力就比男生强。)”再根据空后宾语,人们认为男孩和女孩在上小学时认知能力相同,可知此处表达这项研究是质疑了这个观点,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他说:“看上去写作任务上的性别差异被极大的低估了,尽管我们在教学方法的改进方面做出了最大的努力,但随着时间的推移,该差异似乎并未渐渐减小。”A. underestimated 低估;B. veremphasized 过多强调;C. underrepresented 代表不足;D. justified 证明……正确。结合上题“David Reilly, lead authr f the study, said the study ____4____the cmmnly held view that bys and girls start grade schl with the same cgnitive abilities. (这项研究的主要作者David Reilly说,这项研究质疑了人们普遍认为的男孩和女孩在上小学时认知能力相同的观点。)”可知,人们普遍认为男孩和女孩在上小学时认知能力相同,而研究却表明男孩和女孩在读写方面是有差异的,所以此处表达是这种差异是被低估的,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:参见上题。A. increasing 增加;B. prmting 促进;提升;C. accepting 接受;D. reducing 减少。根据此句中的介词“despite(尽管)”以及句意,可知,此处要表达尽管在教学方法改进方面做了最大的努力,但是差异并没有减少,故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:作者认为,解释这一结果的因素可能包括学习困难在男孩中更为普遍;男孩面临遵循男性化标准的压力,认为阅读是女性的技能;男孩和女孩使用大脑半球的方式也略有不同。A. bjectives 目标;B. drills 培训;C. difficulties 困难;D. advantages 优势。结合上面小题“It appears that the gender gap fr writing tasks has been greatly____5____ (看上去写作任务上的性别差异被极大的低估了)”分析可知,女孩在读写方面能力比男孩强,此段分析了这种情况的原因,既然男孩读写方面能力相对来说弱,那么可能他们学习的困难更普遍,故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:参见上题。A. cntributins贡献;B. differences不同;C. cmmunicatins交流;D. similarities相似之处。根据本句“in hw bys and girls use their brain hemispheres (半球)(男孩和女孩使用大脑半球的方式)”可知,男孩和女孩使用大脑半球的方式是不同的。故选B。
    考查名词/形容词词义辨析。句意:为了调查美国男孩和女孩的读写水平的差异,研究小组研究了30多年来在国家教育进展评估中收集的数据。A. literacy读写能力;B. literary 文学的;C. academic 学术的;D. cgnitive 认知的。根据第一段“Girls are better at reading and writing than bys as early as furth grade, accrding t a study, and the gap cntinues t widen until senir year.(一项研究显示,女孩早在四年级时就比男孩更擅长阅读和写作,而且这种差距一直持续到高三。)”可知,早在四年级,女生的阅读和写作能力就比男生强,所以此处表达的是为了调查男孩和女孩的读写水平的差异,此空是名词作定语,故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:这一数据库收集了超过300万名四、八、十二年级学生的考试成绩,将他们在国家和州的一系列科目上的表现进行了细分,并考虑了诸如残疾或儿童是否是英语学习者等变量。A. pulled dwn 拆毁;降低;B. settled dwn 安定下来;C. turned dwn 调小;拒绝;D. brke dwn 将……分成若干部分;分解。根据本句“in a range f subjects, and cnsidered such variables such as disabilities r whether children were English learners. (一系列科目上的表现进行了细分,并考虑了诸如残疾或儿童是否是英语学习者等变量)”可知,为了调查美国男孩和女孩的读写能力的差异,研究小组研究了一些数据,这些数据详细划分了学生在国家和州的科目上的具体表现,还考虑到一些变量,就是为了让调查结果更准确,故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:阅读和写作是根据儿童对不同文章的段落和体裁的理解来衡量的。A. granted 同意;B. measured 测量;衡量;C. designed 设计;D. engineered 设计制造。根据本句“accrding t children’s understanding f a range f different passages and genres.(根据儿童对一系列不同段落和体裁的理解)”,可知,此处表达的是根据儿童对不同文章的段落和体裁的理解,阅读和写作来衡量,故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:总的来说,与同龄男孩相比,女孩在四年级的阅读和写作测试中表现得更好。A. Likewise 同样地;B. Overall 总体上;C. Hwever 但是;D. Besides 此外。此空副词作状语,修饰整个句子,根据空后“girls were fund t perfrm significantly better in reading and writing tests by furth grade when cmpared with bys f the same age. (与同龄男孩相比,女孩在四年级的阅读和写作测试中表现得更好。)”,可知,这是整体上的一种情况,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着孩子们升入八年级和十二年级,女生继续超过男生,但这种差异在写作方面比阅读方面更为明显。A. vertake 超过;赶上;B. discurage 阻拦;使灰心;C. parallel 比得上;与……相似;D. distinguish 区分;辨别。结合上文“____12____, girls were fund t perfrm significantly better in reading and writing tests by furth grade when cmpared with bys f the same age. (总的来说,与同龄男孩相比,女孩在四年级的阅读和写作测试中表现得更好。)”可知,早在四年级,女生的阅读和写作能力就比男生强,而且差距还会进一步加大,可知此处表达的是随着孩子们升入八年级和十二年级,女生继续超过男生,故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有证据表明,行为问题,如课堂上的破坏性行为或攻击性行为,可能与神经系统疾病有关。A. psychlgical 心理的;B. emtinal 感情的;C. behaviral 有关行为的;D. mental 精神的。根据空后的举例“such as being disruptive in class r being aggressive(比如在课堂上捣乱或咄咄逼人)”可知,此处表达的是如课堂上的破坏性行为或攻击性行为的行为问题,故选C。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:然而,这些数据并没有提供支持拥有不同学习风格两种性别的证据。A. in line with 与……一致;B. at the mercy f 完全由……支配;C. n accunt f 因为;由于;D. in favr f 有利于;支持。结合“the tw genders having different learning styles.(男孩和女孩在读写能力方面的差异)”以及全文可知,文章只是客观介绍了男孩和女孩在读写能力方面的差异,表明了他们不同的学习风格,但是并没有表明支持男孩或者女孩,故选D。
    Recently, the bx ffice darling in China, titled A Little Red Flwer, ____36____ (becme) a hit.It is a lve stry abut a yung cuple ____37____ (suffer) frm cancer and the stress it puts n their families. The mvie star Jacksn Yee, ____38____ perfrmance in Better Days(2019) was thught highly f, has impressed cuntless viewers.
    Han Yan, the directr and scriptwriter f A Little Red Flwer, says that his new film is intended ____39____ the audience wh need a spiritual guide r supprt,
    “I dn't want t ____40____ (simple) shw hw much pain peple are in after they fall ill r hw they tss and turn in bed, unable t fall asleep. Mvies, indeed all wrks f art, shuld be able t give viewers psychlgical cnslatin(安慰),”he says.
    By shwing the steely ____41____ (determine) f cancer patients and their families in facing ne f life's biggest ____42____ (challenge), Han hpes viewers wh cmparatively have little ___43___ (wrry) abut can realize that they shuld stp cmplaining and be grateful fr being alive.
    “I have watched many mvies abut the pursuit f dreams, but as I get lder I feel the ____44____ (difficult) thing in the wrld is t stay alive," he says "Every day, I see peple exhausting all means just t stay alive .Battling severe illnesses is just ____45____ extreme versin f staying alive. ”
    【答案】36. has becme
    37. suffering 38. whse 39. fr 40. simply 41. determinatin 42. challenges
    43. t wrry 44. mst difficult 45. an
    1. 考查动词的时态。句意:最近,中国的票房宠儿《送你一朵小红花》大受欢迎。根据时间状语Recently可知, 此处用现在完成时。故填has becme。
    2. 考查非谓语动词。句意:这是一个关于一对年轻夫妇的爱情故事,他们身患癌症并承受着家庭的压力。 分析句子成分可知,suffer与其逻辑主语a yung cuple存在逻辑上的主谓关系故此处用所给动词的现在分词,表示主动suffering frm cancer and the stress it puts n their families 是现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰a yung cuple。故填suffering。
    3.考查定语从句。句意:电影明星易烊千玺在《好日子》(2019)中的表演备受好评,给无数观众留下了深刻印象。 分析句子结构可知,该空引导的是个非限制性定语从句,从句缺少定语,空后 perfrmance 与先行词 The mvie star Jacksn Yee存在所属关系,故此处用引导词whse。故填whse。
    4.考查介词。句意:《小红花》的导演兼编剧韩延表示,他的新电影的目标观众是那些需要精神指引和支持的观众。 be intended fr sb意为“为某人打算或设计”,为固定用法。故填fr。
    5. 考查副词。 句意:“我不想简单展示人们生病后的痛苦程度,或者他们如何在床上辗转反侧,无法入睡。此处用所给形容词的副词修饰动词shw。故填simply。
    6. 考查名词。句意: 根据空前的the steely及空后的f可知,此处用所给动词的名词。故填 determinatin。
    7.考查名词复数。 句意:通过展示癌症患者及其家人面对人生最大挑战时的坚强意志,韩希望那些相对没什么忧虑的观众能够意识到,他们应该停止抱怨,为活着而心存感激。challenge 是可数名词,根据空前的ne f可知,此处用所给名词的复数。故填challenges。
    8. 考查非谓语动词。句意:通过展示癌症患者及其家人面对人生最大挑战时的坚强意志,韩希望那些相对没什么忧虑的观众能够意识到,他们应该停止抱怨,为活着而心存感激。此处用所给动词的不定式作后置定语,修饰代词little。故填t wrry。
    9. 考查形容词的最高级。句意:“我看过许多电影对梦想的追求,但是当我长大后我感觉在世界活着是最难的事,”他说,。根据空前的the及空后的in the wrld可知,此处用所给形容词的最高级形式。故填mst difficult。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,乘坐FL753航班抵达伦敦后发现钱包遗失。请给航空公司写一封邮件说明情况并寻求帮助。内容包括:
    1. 行程信息;
    2. 钱包特征;
    3. 联系方式(lihua@gglemail.cm.)
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Sir/ Madam,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Sir/ Madam,
    I am writing t reprt the lss f my wallet. On 1st Nvember, 2021, I flew business class n FL753 f yur cmpany frm China t Lndn.
    I clearly remember it was with me immediately I barded the plane. Hwever, n arrival at Lndn Heathrw Airprt, I fund it gne. I guess it must have slipped ut f my pcket during the flight. It is a black leather ne with arund 200 punds, my ID card and 2 credit cards in it. Alng with the items mentined abve, the wallet cntains a family pht taken n my graduatin ceremny with my parents, which is a precius memry all these years. As yu can imagine, these matter a lt t me.
    Has anybdy happened t find it? Please email me at lihua@gglemail.cm. Thank yu fr yur time and supprt.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    记得某事:remember sth.→keep sth. in mind
    立刻:immediately→at nce
    跟……一起:alng with→tgether with
    原句:I am writing t reprt the lss f my wallet.
    拓展句: I am writing t reprt the lss f my wallet, which causes me great incnvenience.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Alng with the items mentined abve, the wallet cntains a family pht taken n my graduatin ceremny with my parents, which is a precius memry all these years.(运用了which引导的非限定性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】As yu can imagine, these matter a lt t me.(运用了as引导的非限定性定语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It was my sixth-grade year. I was verjyed when the U. S. Navy band came t perfrm in ur twn. It was an event I’d never frget, and ne instrument std ut abve all thers. That day, at 12 years ld, I fell in lve with the heavenly sund that came frm the trumpets (小号), and a dream was brn. Smeday, I wanted t jin a military band nstage as a guest perfrmer.
    My father tk ntice f my enthusiasm and bught me a used trumpet. I practiced every day, training my lips, mastering my breathing, until I felt at ne with the instrument. I made first chair and played trumpet thrugh high schl. “Smeday I’ll play alng with a military band,” I tld my friends. The details I left t Gd t figure ut, while I pursued a mre practical life curse. Rather than declaring a perfrmance majr in cllege, I studied t be a music teacher.
    Nw I was blessed t be at this military band cncert, a magic al after nn that had brught with it a trip dwn memry lane.
    After the cncert, I made my way t the stage t thank Clnel (上校) Carin, the cnductr f the military band. When he learned I taught music in twn and played trumpet, he invited me t play a trumpet sl (独奏) at their next cncert in the park.
    A sl? I culdn’t remember the last time I’d taken my trumpet ut f its case. I dubted I’d even be able t get a decent nte ut f it. “Sir, that’s impssible. I’m srry, but there’s n way.”
    “In the Army,” the clnel thundered, “yu dn’t say n!”
    I felt scared and trapped. Yet, a lingering thught tk rt: “Is it pssible that life is pening the dr t my childhd dream?” I said yes t the invitatin. I knew I had t d my part and practiced fr hurs every day. My lips swelled and then bled.
    注意: 1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
    As time passed, Clnel Carin tk an unexpected rle in my preparatin.
    I std n stage next t Manuel, my perfrmance partner.
    【答案】 As time passed, Clnel Carin tk an unexpected rle in my preparatin. Sensing my anxiety, he made a thughtful adjustment t the riginal plan. Rather than facing the sl challenge, I wuld have Manuel, an accmplished trumpet player, as my partner. Every evening after the band’s practice, Clnel Carin arranged fr Manuel t tutr me. Under his supervisin and with Manuel’s expertise, I revisited fundamental techniques and hned the skills I’d neglected. Clnel Carin’s unique cmbinatin f disciPline and empathy gradually restred my cnfidence. With each sessin, I felt mre inspired t push beynd my bundaries. Befre I knew it, the cncert day arrived.
    I std n stage next t Manuel, my perfrmance partner. The sptlights cast a warm glw arund us, and the atmsphere was charged with anticipatin. As the first ntes flwed frm ur trumpets, all my nerves vanished. Tgether, Manuel and I played in harmny. Surprisingly, I played better than I had during my best practices. As we finished ur perfrmance, the crwd leapt t their feet, shwering us with applause. Meeting Clnel Carin’s prud gaze, I was verwhelmed with gratitude. My childhd dream had been realized. Nt nly had I perfrmed with a military band, but I had als frged memries that I wuld cherish frever.
    ①感觉到:sense/feel/aware f
    ②深思熟虑的:thughtful/ cgitative/ deliberate
    ③安排:arrange fr/schedule/settle
    ①吃惊地:surprisingly/astnishingly/ startlingly
    ②自豪的:prud/ stlz/arrgant
    ③感谢:be verwhelmed with gratitude/shwing ne’s appreciatin/shw ne’s gratitude/be grateful
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. Sensing my anxiety, he made a thughtful adjustment t the riginal plan.(运用了现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2]. As we finished ur perfrmance, the crwd leapt t their feet, shwering us with applause.(运用了as引导时间状语从句和现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型3]. Nt nly had I perfrmed with a military band, but I had als frged memries that I wuld cherish frever.(运用了倒装句和和that引导定语从句)
    1-5 AABCB 6-10 CBAAB 11-15 ABABC 16-20 CBACC

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