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      2023届四川省宜宾市叙州区第二中学校高三二模英语试题(含听力) Word版含解析.docx
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      2023届四川省宜宾市叙州区第二中学校高三二模英语试题(含听力) Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份四川省宜宾市叙州区第二中学校2023届高三二模英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含2023届四川省宜宾市叙州区第二中学校高三二模英语试题含听力Word版含解析docx、2023届四川省宜宾市叙州区第二中学校高三二模英语试题含听力Word版无答案docx、2023届四川省宜宾市叙州区第二中学校高三二模英语听力mp3mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Why did the wman get a ticket?
    A. She parked in the wrng place.B. She drve t fast.C. She made a wrng turn.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Wh’s Jenny?
    A. She is a student.B. She is a teacher.C. She is a dctr.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. On a beach.B. In a hspital.C. Over the phne.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Wh is having a hliday abrad?
    A. David.B. Mike.C. Jhn.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What was the weather like in the Lake District n their hliday?
    A. Rainy.B. Sunny.C. Snwy.
    6. Hw much des an entrance ticket cst?
    A. Tw dllars.B. Five dllars.C. Seven dllars.
    7. Hw des the wman pay?
    A. In cash.B. By cheque.C. By credit card.
    8. What is the price f the jeans tday?
    A. $60.B. $90.C. $150.
    9. Where will the man g first?
    A. The cashier desk.B. The Kids Wear area.C. The dressing rm.
    10. What is the matter with the man’s sn at schl?
    A. He desn’t d well in tests.B. He is lnely with few friends.C. He is easily distracted in class.
    11. What des the wman suggest the man’s sn d?
    A. Make mre new friends.
    B. Have mre challenging hmewrk.
    C. Practice mre befre tests.
    12. What’s the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Wife and husband.B. Teacher and parent.C. Friends.
    13. Which rm will the wman hire?
    A. The Charltn Rm.B. The Main Hall.C. The Small Hall.
    14. Hw much shuld the wman pay fr the rm?
    A. £75.B. £115.C. £230.
    15. What needs an extra charge?
    A. Cameras.B. The parking lt.C. Tables
    16. Why is a black bx placed by the fire dr?
    A. T detect a certain sund level.
    B. T shw peple the escape way
    C T recrd the band’s perfrmance
    17. What led t Puri’s research?
    A. A wildlife exhibitin.B. Her family’s hpeC. A market visit.
    18. What’s the prblem with present mnitring systems?
    A. They aren’t accurate.B. They can’t catch picturesC. They can’t lcate hunters
    19. Hw des ELSa wrk?
    A. By using better visual recgnitin.
    B. By analyzing mvement patterns.
    C. By studying animals’ living situatins.
    20. What des Jasper think f ElSa?
    A. It is nt as gd as his system
    B. It will stp much illegal hunting.
    C. Its perfrmance needs t be prved.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Here are live nline cnversatins fr the Internatinal Bker Prize.
    At Night All Bld Is Black
    Thu 13 May 19:30-20:30
    French-Senegalese authr David Dip’s shrt nvel At Night All Bld Is Black, paints a cmpletely different picture f the cruel 1914-18 cnflict.
    This event includes a shrt perfrmed reading frm the nvel by actr Ken Nwsu.
    The Emplyees
    Thu 29 Apr 19:30-20:30
    Since she published her first nvel Celestine in 2015, Olga Ravn has cme t be regarded as ne f the mst influential writers in cntemprary Danish literature. Her new bk, The Emplyees takes readers abard the Six-Thusand Ship as it flies thrugh the far universe in the 22nd century.
    This event includes a shrt perfrmed reading frm The Emplyees by actr Lucy Phelps.
    We Cease t Understand the Wrld
    Thu 20 May19:30-20:30
    It is Labatut’s third bk, which has been translated frm the Spanish versin by writer and translatr Adrian Nathan West wh used his knwledge f Wrld War II and sught ut riginal dcuments frm scientific histry int English.
    This event includes a shrt perfrmed reading frm the nvel by actr Fina Shaw.
    The War f the Pr
    Thu 27 May 19:30-20:30
    Writer and film-maker Erie Vuillard became famus in his native France when he wn the Prix Gncurt in 2017 fr his nvel The Order f the Day, set in Austria during the Secnd Wrld War. He’ll jin us this evening t discuss his latest wrk.
    This event includes shrt perfrmed reading frm the nvel by actr Ken Nwsu.
    21. Wh wrte a bk abut space lie?
    A. David Dip.B. Olga Ravn.C. Labatut.D. Eric Vuillard.
    22. Which bk’s authr will appear in the nline cnversatins?
    A. At Night All Bld Is Black.B. The Emplyee
    C. We Cease t Understand the Wrld.D. The War f the Pr.
    23. What d the fur cnversatins have in cmmn?
    A. The guests d sme reading f the nvels.B. The guests have a talk abut the nvels.
    C. They refer t sme brief reviews.D. They start at the same time.
    T really knw a cuntry, yu need t understand its culture and histry.
    That was why jurnalist and media expert Zhang Ciyun began his wrk n a six-vlume(册)explratin f ancient Chinese wisdm as reflected in myths, classics wrks, idims, paintings, histrical figures and architecture.
    The English-language editin f the bk series was unveiled at last week’s Shanghai Bk Fair. The series caters fr an increasing number f freign readers wh are deeply interested in traditinal Chinese culture.
    “The idea f the bk series came t me nearly three decades ag, when I discvered hw little freigners knew abut Chinese culture”, Zhang said. “Oh, they knew abut kung fu mvies, the Great Wall and the terractta warrirs, and had vague impressins f Chinese emperrs. But they wanted t knw mre abut Chinese culture.”
    Zhang, a funder and frmer editr-in-chief f the English-language Shanghai Daily, is fluent in English. He draws n that skill t tell the stries f ancient China in the everyday language and experiences f native English speakers.
    Zhang said ancient culture has had a far-reaching impact n the behavir and thinking f cntemprary Chinese, and gives freign readers insight int mdern-day China.
    He recalled a Shanghai Daily survey f readers that shwed freigners had great curisity abut Chinese culture. But at that time, bks that might help them explre deeper int that culture were pieces scattered(散布)ver different publicatins. There were n bks in English prviding easy access t Chinese histry and culture.
    “As a jurnalist wrking fr an English-language newspaper, I really wanted t d smething t meet that need,” he said. “I decided t use my writing skills t tell ancient stries abut Chinese culture, especially its traditinal aspects.”
    He began his prject in abut 1993, beginning with a series f articles explaining the stries behind Chinese idims. His first wrks were cmpiled int ne bk, which received psitive feedback and was later translated int German and ther freign languages.
    24. What can we learn abut Zhang Ciyun’s bks?
    A. They invlve varius Chinese culture frms.
    B. They have been translated int German.
    C. They were nt well received at first.
    D. They were accmplished in 1993.
    25. Why did Zhang write the bk series?
    A T recrd ancient Chinese wisdm.B. T spread Chinese culture.
    C. T pursue fame and interests.D. T prmte Shanghai Daily.
    26. What can be inferred abut freigners’ learning Chinese culture in the past?
    A. N English bks abut Chinese ancient culture were available.
    B. Freigners shwed little interest in learning abut Chinese culture.
    C. It was nt cnvenient fr freigners t learn abut Chinese culture.
    D. English bks n Chinese culture were published in large numbers.
    27. Which f the fllwing best describes Zhang?
    A. Famus and humrus.B. Creative and respnsible.
    C. Ambitius but unlucky.D. Wise but cnservative.
    After being attacked by Hurricane Ida’s 150 mph winds and trrential rains, hundreds f thusands f Gulf Cast residents were left withut pwer and fresh water this week as a 100-degree heat wave settled ver the regin. Ida smashed int Luisiana as a Categry 4 hurricane, ripping ff rfs, kncking ut transmissin lines, flding rads, and reducing sme brick buildings in dwntwn New Orleans t rubble. At least eight peple died in the strm and the tll is expected t rise as emergency wrkers search wrecked hmes and businesses.
    One f the mst pwerful hurricanes t ever hit the U.S. mainland, Ida brught a 5 t 12-ft strm surge that cvered lw-lying cmmunities in sutheastern Luisiana. Grand Isle is nw “uninhabitable,” said Parish President Cynthia Lee Sheng, with 3 feet f sand cvering the entire barrier island and 40 percent f the buildings cmpletely destryed.
    The strm caused a citywide blackut in New Orleans, but a Hurricane Katrina-level disaster was avided there, thanks in part t the $ 14.5 billin spent n new levees, seawalls, and pumps after the 2005 strm. Experts are warning that Ida culd wrsen the Cvid crisis in the Gulf Cast, as residents crwd tgether in hmes and emergency shelters withut immediate access t testing r medical care. ICUs in Luisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama hspitals were already near capacity be- fre the strm hit. Nearly 1 millin peple are still withut pwer acrss Luisiana, and authrities waned it culd be weeks befre electricity is restred. “If yu have already evacuated,” said Gv. Jhn Bel Edwands, “d nt return here.”
    28 Which f the fllwing best describes Hurricane Ida?
    A. Mild.B. Destructive.C. Uncntrllable.D. Impressive.
    29. What des the underlined wrds “the tll” mean in Paragraph 1?
    A. The death number.B. The heat wave.
    C. The wind speed.D. The citywide blackut.
    30. What is ne f the reasns fr Grand Isle t be uninhabitable?
    A. The entire island is cvered with sand.B. It is ne f the lw-lying cmmunities.
    C. The residents there can't wait t leave.D. Over half f its buildings were in ruins.
    31. What can be inferred abut the attitude f Gv. Jhn Bel Edwards twards the prspect f Luisiana?
    A. AmbitiusB. Undubted.C. Indifferent.D. Uncnfident.
    Extra fingers are nt that rare. Abut ne r tw in every 1, 000 babies are brn with extra fingers. If the extras are just small nubs(肿块), they may be surgically remved at birth. But sme extra fingers can prve helpful, a new study shws.
    An extra finger can be incredibly handy. Peple brn with six fingers per hand can tie their shes, flexibly manage phnes and play a cmplicated vide game---all with a single hand. What's mre, their brains had n truble cntrlling the mre cmplex mvement f their extra fingers, the new study finds. Its results als highlight hw flexible the human brain can be. That infrmatin can guide peple wh design brain-cntrlled rbts.
    Researchers wrked with a 52-year-ld wman and her 17-year-ld sn, bth f whm were brn with six fingers n each hand. Their extra fingers grew between the thumb and index finger. And they resemble thumbs in hw they can mve. The researchers studied the subjects' hands with MRI(核磁共振成像), which can map bdy structures. They als lked at activity in the parts f the brain that cntrl the hands. Thse scans shwed a dedicated brain system that cntrls the extra fingers. The sixth fingers had their wn muscles and tendns That means they dn't' just depend n the muscles that mve the ther fingers as sme dctrs had thught. The brain had n truble directing the extra fingers, the researchers shwed. It suggests smene's mind wuld be able t cntrl rbtic fingers r limbs. Hwever, it might be harder fr a persn nt brn with extra fingers.
    Living in a wrld designed fr peple with five fingers has led the mm and sn t adapt in interesting ways. Fr instance, eating tls are t simple fr them, s they cnstantly change the psture n the eating tls and use them in different way. Still, nt everyne with extra fingers may shw imprved flexibility. In sme cases, extra fingers may be less well develped.
    32. What des the new research find abut extra fingers?
    A. They are always useless.B. They are very uncmmn.
    C. They are usually necessary.D. They are smetimes beneficial.
    33. What can we infer abut extra fingers frm the text?
    A. Brain-cntrlled rbts can be designed t have extra fingers.
    B. Extra fingers are mre flexible than nrmal nes.
    C. The extra nubs remved at birth are actually helpful.
    D. Extra fingers' muscles and tendns are strnger.
    34. Hw d extra fingers mve accrding t the study?
    A. They can't mve by themselves.
    B. They fllw ther fingers t mve.
    C. They act under the directin f the brain.
    D. They mve ut f the cntrl f the brain.
    35. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Sixth Finger Can Imprve Ability
    B. Sixth Finger Can Prve Extra Handy
    C. Sixth Finger Shuld Be Treated Prperly
    D. Sixth Finger Shuld Develp in Many Ways
    Camping is a fun and exciting experience, but t stay rganized and safe, yu must carefully prepare fr the trip.
    ____36____ . If it is just yu r yur family, things will becme easier. Hwever, if yu are taking a grup f friends, yu’d better make sure yu get insurance infrmatin and health infrmatin befre yu start. If smene is injured n the trip, the insurance infrmatin will make a huge difference in the care they receive. ____37____. Fr example, fr thse wh are suffering basic diseases, make sure they have enugh medicines available.
    Then decide hw lng yu will stay and figure ut where yu will be camping. If yu d nt knw this, yu will g thrugh the truble f purchasing and packing a tent when yu were suppsed t sleep in a cabin.
    ____38____ . The fd shuld be enugh fr three meals and an ptinal snack per day, as well as lts f water. Basically, ensure fd safety. Fds like dairy prducts and meat g bad easily. ____39____.
    At last, gather all f the ther things n the “Things Yu’ll Need" list and try t pack them in a small, lightweight bag. ____40____. Materials t deal with burns, cuts, and bumps shuld be prepared in it.
    A. Health infrmatin is als imprtant
    B. Stay calm when an accident happens
    C. Make sure they are fresh and safe t eat
    D. And never frget t pack up a first aid kit
    E. Firstly, decide with whm yu are camping
    F. Taking exercise every day is a gd way t keep healthy
    G. Of curse, yu’d better pack an apprpriate amunt f fd
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    Several years ag, my wife and I went t the University f Hawaii t d research fr a new bk. We stayed at a____41____ seaside htel, ate a delicius meal, and slept deeply n ur first night. The next mrning, we decided nt t eat____42____and headed ut in the mrning rush hur. After several____43____lights, we were still far away frm the crssing. Then we____44____behind a big yellw schl bus. It was warm. Our windws were dwn, s we culd hear the jyful____45____f the children n the bus, but we were____46____ and unhappy.
    Then we nticed a yung man____47____n the muddy grund with a cardbard(硬纸板) ____48____n his knees. It was t far away t read the lettering, but we suppsed it was a cry fr____49____because f an unknwn situatin in which he fund himself. He lked pretty____50____. He clearly didn’t have mney.
    Suddenly, he gt up, put his sign n the grund and____51____tward the schl bus. As he gt near, a little girl____52____with a brwn paper lunch bag in her____53____As the stranger came clser, she____54____him the bag. There was n____55____s we culd hear n wrds____56____ but he tk the bag and very____57____kissed her little hand. Then he went back t his place where he had sat, the light____58____, and we slwly mved frward. We culd see the____59____n his face.
    I am ninety-fur years ld nw, and there are few mments in my life that have____60____me mre than that little hand giving a ttal stranger her lunch bag.
    41. A. cmfrtableB. cheapC. shabbyD. small
    42. A. lunchB. seafdC. breakfastD. steak
    43. A. beautifulB. greenC. clrfulD. red
    44. A. talkedB. wanderedC. stppedD. hit
    45. A. musicB. celebratinC. striesD. laughter
    46. A. srrwfulB. annyedC. disappintedD. embarrassed
    47. A. sleepingB. lyingC. sittingD. standing
    48. A. alphabetB. bxC. laptpD. sign
    49. A. wrkB. chancesC. cigaretteD. aid
    50. A. cnfidentB. handsmeC. dirtyD. fancy
    51 A. pintedB. drveC. slidD. walked
    52. A. reached utB. handed utC. came utD. blcked ut
    53. A. handB. eyesC. pcketD. suitcase
    54. A. threwB. gaveC. shwedD. sld
    55. A. secretB. gapC. cnversatinD. signal
    56. A. exchangedB. writtenC. understdD. nticed
    57. A. vilentlyB. graduallyC. abruptlyD. gently
    58. A. changedB. fadedC. wrkedD. brke
    59. A. wrinklesB. tearsC. painD. srrw
    60. A. shckedB. tuchedC. satisfiedD. defined
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Shaanxi kuaiban is a____61____ (traditin) Chinese frm f strytelling in the Shaanxi lcal language t the strng regular repeated sund f bamb clappers. On June 10, 2021, the Ministry f Culture and Turism ____62____ (recgnize) a new grup f 325 natinal intangible (非物质的) cultural heritage items in Beijing, increasing the list established in 2006 t 1,557 items. Shaanxi kuaiban, ____63____ can date back t the late Qing Dynasty (1644 — 1911), has been included. It can ____64____ (perfrm) by a grup r alne. With ne r tw pairs f kuaiban f different sizes in hand, the perfrmers speak in the lcal language while____65____ (tell) stries, which are usually abut sufferers r heres.
    Shaanxi kuaiban is ____66____ ppular that there are many prfessinal artists and perfrmers in China. Accrding t its perfrmers, the art was riginally used by farmers ____67____ (share) their knwledge and earn mney. ____68____ time ging by, mre and mre peple perfrm Shaanxi kuaiban in different particular events — fr example, at festival celebratins, ____69____(party) and art shws. Supprted by the gvernment, it has been ne f the _____70_____ (gd) art frms in Shaanxi and has been intrduced t lcal schls as part f their art educatin.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    71. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文,文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删改或修改。
    Chpsticks, als knw as kuai zi , are the mst imprtant eating tls in China. Chinese use it during each meal. Chpsticks can be made nt nly bamb and als f many ther materials. They use the thery f leverage t picking up varius kinds f fd easy. Manners are imprtant where Chinese use chpsticks just like westerners use frks and knives. Chinese had been using kuai zi fr at least 3,000 years. Chpsticks used in ther Asian cuntries like Japan and ROK, t. The materials cme frm nature. They represent the wise f Chinese.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    72. 假定你是李华, 正在学习中国武术(martial arts), 请给你的英国朋友Eric写一封Email, 分享有关情况。内容包括:
    1. 学习目的;
    2. 时间安排;
    3. 收获与感受。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
    Dear Eric,
    Li Hua

    四川省宜宾市叙州区第二中学校2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份四川省宜宾市叙州区第二中学校2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题(Word版附解析),共24页。试卷主要包含了请将答案正确填写在答题卡上等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    四川省宜宾市叙州区第二中学校2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份四川省宜宾市叙州区第二中学校2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题(Word版附解析),共25页。试卷主要包含了 请将答案正确填写在答题卡上等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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