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    第I卷 选择题(100分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Why does the woman talk to David?
    A. To make an apology. B. To ask for a favor. C. To invite him over.
    【原文】W: David, I’m really sick. I’m afraid I’ve got a cold. I need some medicine, but I’m too weak to go outside to buy some. Could you help me out? I’ll really appreciate that.
    M: Certainly. I’ll go right away.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates.
    B. Teacher and student.
    C. Salesman and customer.
    【详解】W: Ouch! My pencil is broken! Can I borrow yours, Bill?
    M: You’re the only person who still uses pencils to take notes in class. Everyone else uses a laptop.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where are probably the speakers?
    A. In the car shop. B. In the toy shop. C. In the clothing shop.
    【原文】W: Excuse me, can you show me this toy car?
    M: Sure. This is battery-powered. Just press this button to turn it on.
    W: OK. I’ll take it. The doll in the pink dress is really pretty. I want one, too.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A What to have for lunch.
    B. Where to buy some vegetables.
    C. Who will cook a meal.
    【详解】M: What would you like for lunch? How about some fried chicken?
    W: I don’t want to eat unhealthy food. Let’s buy some vegetables and meat. I’ll give you a taste of my cooking today.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Why does the woman want a pet?
    A. She feels lonely. B. She loves pets. C. She is responsible.
    【原文】W: I’m thinking about getting a pet. Maybe a dog or a cat.
    M: That needs a lot of responsibility.
    W: I know. But I’m lonely.
    M: They are great companions.

    6. What does the man plan to do this afternoon?
    A. Go swimming. B. Go to class. C. Go to the library.
    7. What does the woman offer to do for the man?
    A. Collect information for his paper.
    B. Help him with his chemistry.
    C. Teach him to study math.
    【答案】6. C 7. B
    【原文】W: Would you like to go swimming this afternoon?
    M: I wish I could, but I have to spend the rest of the day in the library. I have a ten-page paper to finish. I should hand it in tomorrow.
    W: Is that for Mr. Smith’s class?
    M: Yes. I have to write an article on the influence of the invention of paper-making according to what we learned in class. And I have to study math and chemistry, too. I don’t know how I’m going to do it at all.
    W: Well, I’ve been doing well in chemistry, so I’d be happy to help you.
    M: Thanks. I’ll see you in front of the library.
    W: OK. Good luck with the paper.

    8. What did the woman buy as her husband’s birthday present?
    A. A hat. B. A tie. C. A shirt.
    9. Why did the assistant refuse to help the woman?
    A. Because the woman didn’t show him the receipt.
    B. Because the thing she wanted to change had been worn.
    C. Because the woman told a lie.
    【答案】8. B 9. B
    【原文】M: Can I help you?
    W: Yes, well, I bought this tie last week for my husband’s birthday,and er...well, he doesn’t like it. Could I change it for something else, such as a shirt or a hat?
    M: Certainly, madam, provided that it hasn’t been worn, and if you have the receipt.
    W: Yes, here it is.
    M: OK, er...this tie looks as if it were worn. I’m afraid I can’t put that back on the shelf.
    W: Oh, that’s a pity.

    10. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
    A. Manager and interviewee.
    B. Boss and secretary.
    C. Designer and customer.
    11. Which is true of Miss Brown?
    A. She has just graduated from Peterson Secretary School.
    B. She posted the ad in a newspaper for a job.
    C. She doesn’t think the salary is too much.
    12. What was the probable result of the interview?
    A. Miss Brown was given the position.
    B. Miss Brown was likely to be turned down.
    C. Miss Brown was likely to be given the position.
    【答案】10. A 11. A 12. C

    13. Where did the woman see the guest speaker?
    A. In the gym. B. In the hallway. C. In the classroom.
    14. How many presentations will the speakers listen to?
    A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
    15. What will the final speaker talk about?
    A. Travel safety. B. Road safety. C. Classroom safety.
    16. Which class did the woman take?
    A. Wood Working. B. Metal Working. C. Cooking.
    【答案】13. B 14. C 15. A 16. A
    【原文】M: Hi, Laura. Are you on your way to the gym?
    W: Yeah. Our teacher told us there is a guest speaker here to give the students a special presentation. What is it about?
    M: It’s the first in a series of safety announcements for the graduating class. The speaker is a man who was injured in a car accident.
    W: That must be the man in the wheelchair I saw in the hallway this morning. Why is he speaking to us?
    M: He wants to warn us about the dangers of speeding.
    W: That makes sense. How many more announcements will there be?
    M: We have one next week, and the week after. One is about classroom safety, and the other is about travel safety.
    W: Classroom safety?
    M: You know, because we are taking classes like Wood Working, Metal Working, and Cooking. Which one did you take?
    W: I already know how to cook, so I took Wood Working. You?
    M: Metal Working. I help my dad out in his shop already, so it’s an easy “A” for me.
    W: OK, I have to go. Talk to you later.
    M: Bye!

    17. Who can take part in the contest?
    A. Students in grades 2 to 9. B. Students in grades 2 to 8. C. Students in grades 2 to 7.
    18. How often is the Noetic Learning Math Contest held?
    A. Once a year. B. Twice a year. C. Once every two years.
    19. What are students required to do during the contest?
    A. Solve 45 problems in an hour.
    B. Solve 10 problems in half an hour.
    C. Solve 20 problems in 45 minutes.
    20. What will the highest scorer of each team receive?
    A. A “Team Winner” medal.
    B. A “Team Achievement Plaque”.
    C. A “ National Honor Roll” medal.
    【答案】17. B 18. B 19. C 20. A
    【原文】W: Do you love math? If you do, why not go to take part in the Noetic Learning Math Contest? The contest is a problem solving contest for students in grades 2 to 8. It takes place once every half a year. The goal of the competition is to encourage students’ interest in math, to develop their problem solving skills, and to inspire them to do well in math. During the contest, students are given 45 minutes to solve 20 problems. Many problems are designed to challenge students and to enrich their problem solving experience. Teachers in any public school or private school are encouraged to ask their students to take part in the contest. The top 10% of all students in the contest in each grade will receive “National Honor Roll” medals. The highest scorer of each team will receive a “Team Winner”medal. The top 10% of teams will receive “Team Achievement Plaques(奖章)”.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Cities are taking steps to support wildlife populations and educate citizens about the importance of the environment. Here are four of the most wildlife-friendly cities in the United States.
    Austin, Texas
    Austin, the capital of Texas, earns the rank as the top city for wildlife in large part due to its work to help improve declining monarch butterfly populations. Austin sits within the main migration pattern of the monarch, which means that monarch butterflies pass through it twice annually. Austin also leads all US cities with 2,616 certified (经认证的)wildlife habitats.
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Atlanta secures the second-place ranking thanks to its Climate Action Plan, which aims to expand on the 3,000 acres of parks that the city already manages. Already classified by the US Forest Service as one of the most forested urban centers in the country, Atlanta also calls fbr planting more trees and creating more green spaces based on its climate plan. Six neighborhoods in Atlanta have been designated (指定)as Community Wildlife Habitats. Put together, these areas of vegetation can help reduce the urban heat island effect in the city.
    Seattle, Washington
    Seattle is home to 489 parks that span 6,441 acres, including 2,500 acres of forested public land. The city’s largest park, Discovery Park, covers 534 acres and serves as an important protected area fbr birds and marine animals. Due to the amount of forested land in Seattle, the researchers use the city to study how urban environments can be designed to support wildlife. The Seattle Urban Project enlists the community to report wildlife sightings, which helps to demonstrate how and where flesh-eating mammals can coexist with humans.
    Chula Vista, California
    Chula Vista, a city in southern California, ranks high on the list due to its efforts to combat water use issues. The city’s NatureScape Program encourages citizens to replace lawns with gardens of native plants that attract pollinators (传粉昆虫)and conserve water. The city has also formed the CLEAN group, a partnership between the government, businesses and community groups designed to address environmental issues.
    21. What is special about the city Austin, Texas?
    A. It manages the largest green spaces.
    B. It owns the largest number of parks.
    C. It can report the most wildlife sightings.
    D. It has got the most certified wildlife habitats in the US.
    22. What do the researchers in Seattle try to find out?
    A. How to build more parks in the city.
    B. How to make the city wildlife-friendly.
    C. How to improve biodiversity in the city.
    D. How to make the city more livable fbr humans.
    23. Which of the following contributes to helping more native plants to reproduce?
    A. The CLEAN group.
    B. The Climate Action Plan.
    C. The Seattle Urban Project.
    D. The Nature Scape Program.
    【答案】21. D 22. B 23. D
    细节理解题。根据Austin, Texas部分中“Austin also leads all US cities with 2,616 certified (经认证的)wildlife habitats.(奥斯汀也在美国所有城市中领先,拥有2616个认证的野生动物栖息地。)”可知,奥斯汀也在美国所有城市中领先,拥有2616个认证的野生动物栖息地。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据Seattle, Washington部分中“Due to the amount of forested land in Seattle, the researchers use the city to study how urban environments can be designed to support wildlife. (由于西雅图有大量的林地,研究人员利用这座城市来研究如何设计城市环境来支持野生动物。)”以及“The Seattle Urban Project enlists the community to report wildlife sightings, which helps to demonstrate how and where flesh-eating mammals can coexist with humans.( 西雅图城市项目号召社区报告野生动物目击事件,这有助于展示食肉哺乳动物如何以及在何处与人类共存。)”可知,西雅图的研究者正在努力的研究如何设计城市环境来支持野生动物,有助于促进人类和动物共存即如何让城市对野生动物友好。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据Chula Vista, California部分中“The city’s Nature Scape Program encourages citizens to replace lawns with gardens of native plants that attract pollinators (传粉昆虫)and conserve water. (该市的“自然景观计划”鼓励市民将草坪换成本地植物花园,以吸引传粉者并节约用水。)”可知,自然景观计划有利于帮助更多本土植物繁殖。故选D。
    I was picking through coat pockets and madly shaking all my old purses and wallets. I was looking for pennies, quarters — anything that would help me make it to the end of the week. It sure was feeling heavy.
    A hopeless girl in her twenties,I was a single parent, with a one-year-old son and a five-year-old daughter.
    Life consisted of ups and downs. One year, I was having baby showers and taking vacations in the mountains of Tennessee. The next, I was searching around my small, two-bedroom apartment collecting loose change to buy food and gas. Suddenly, I found myself becoming poor, and it was hard.
    I’ll never forget the joy of finding one penny during my hunt, then two, then fifteen, and then twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six. Every time I found one, I felt excited. Looking back now, I see that it was somewhat ironic (讽刺的) because I had looked down on pennies at one point in my life.
    I sat in my bedroom that night and sorted all the change from my hour-long quest. I smiled and made jokes with my daughter while we packed our pennies. Her brother joyfully bounced up and down in his bouncer. They had no idea how many nights I would cry with my face buried in the pillows, wondering how I would keep a roof over their heads, lights on in the house, and food on the table.
    I remember those days like they were yesterday, but I don’t remember them with sadness. I remember them intentionally because I promised myself that if I were ever to escape the pains of poverty, I would never forget the value of a penny.
    I’ve kept that promise, too.
    24. Why did the author shake her old purses?
    A. To look for money to pay for their expense. B. To purchase something for her children.
    C. To make money at the end of the week. D. To put them into her coat pockets.
    25. What do we know about the author?
    A. She could make ends meet. B. She often lived a hard life.
    C. She was once living well. D. She enjoyed her family life.
    26. What is the author’s promise?
    A. To help others little by little. B. To find great value in little things.
    C. To bring happiness to her children. D. To forget the sad days intentionally.
    27. What does this text want to convey?
    A. It’s no use crying over spilt milk.
    B. We should repair the house before it rains.
    C. Each family has its own happiness and unhappiness.
    D. One penny is the small seed from which fortunes spring.
    【答案】24. A 25. C 26. B 27. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段“I was looking for pennies, quarters — anything that would help me make it to the end of the week.(我在找便士,二角五分的硬币——任何能让我撑到周末的东西)”可知,作者翻找旧钱包寻找零钱是为了支付本周的开支。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“Life consisted of ups and downs. One year, I was having baby showers and taking vacations in the mountains of Tennessee. The next, I was searching around my small, two-bedroom apartment collecting loose change to buy food and gas. Suddenly, I found myself becoming poor, and it was hard.(人生有起有伏。有一年,我在田纳西州的山区举办婴儿派对和度假。接下来,我就在我那间两居室的小公寓里四处寻找零钱,准备买食物和汽油。突然间,我发现自己变穷了,这很艰难)”可推知,作者之前生活富足,而目前却穷困潦倒。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“I remember them intentionally because I promised myself that if I were ever to escape the pains of poverty, I would never forget the value of a penny.(我有意地记住它们,因为我向自己保证,如果我能摆脱贫穷的痛苦,我永远不会忘记一分钱的价值)”可推知,作者承诺要从小事情中发现巨大的价值。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“I remember those days like they were yesterday, but I don’t remember them with sadness. I remember them intentionally because I promised myself that if I were ever to escape the pains of poverty, I would never forget the value of a penny.(我记得那些日子就像昨天一样,但我不带悲伤地记得它们。我有意地记住它们,因为我向自己保证,如果我能摆脱贫穷的痛苦,我永远不会忘记一分钱的价值)”结合本文主要讲的是作者在急需钱的情况下,找遍所有可能存放硬币的地方,以解燃眉之急。此后,作者再也不轻视每一分钱的价值。由此推知,这篇文章想要传达的是,一分钱是一粒小小的种子,它孕育着财富。故选D。
    People who give, live longer, studies have shown. Now, a new study by University of Michigan researchers shows that why people volunteer — not whether they volunteer — is what really counts.
    For the study, Konrath and colleagues analyzed data collected in 2008 and 2012 aiming at the same random samples of 3,376 people. Overall, they found that just 2.3 percent of those who once worked as volunteers had died, compared to 4.3 percent of non-volunteers. They further found that how much people volunteered mattered as well — only 1.8 percent of regular volunteers died, compared with 2.5 percent of occasional volunteers.
    But what really made a difference were people’s motives for volunteering. The researchers asked people to rate how important they found various reasons for volunteering, and they found that the more important people rated reasons such as feeling pity for people in need, the more likely they were to be alive. Those who rated motives related to personal benefit as more important were more likely to have died, and just as likely to die as those who didn’t volunteer at all. These reasons included volunteering because they enjoyed the social contact, to escape their own problems, or to explore their own strengths.
    Konrath says the current findings suggest it may be a poor idea to encourage people to volunteer because it’s good for them. “Volunteering is increasingly being encouraged in schools and organizations. Some groups say that it’s okay to want benefits for yourself, and encourage people to think of volunteering as an exchange for personal interests. Some groups emphasize the health benefits received through volunteering.” Konrath added, “Of course, it’s reasonable for volunteers to expect benefits for themselves. But the potential health benefits of volunteering are significantly reduced if self-benefit becomes a person’s main motive.”
    28. What does the new study mainly find?
    A. Whether we volunteer decides our well-being. B. Why we volunteer has an impact on our health.
    C. How we volunteer makes sense to others. D. How often we volunteer makes a difference.
    29. How did the researchers do the research?
    A. By analyzing statistics. B. By reviewing previous studies.
    C. By doing lab experiments. D. By observing random samples.
    30. Which of the following motives will probably benefit the volunteers most?
    A. Making more friends. B. Developing ability in practice.
    C. Solving personal problems. D. Helping people in trouble.
    31. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
    A. Practical suggestions on further studies. B. Potential applications of the research method.
    C. A further explanation of the current findings. D. A reasonable doubt about the research findings.
    【答案】28. B 29. A 30. D 31. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段“People who give, live longer, studies have shown. Now, a new study by University of Michigan researchers shows that why people volunteer—not whether they volunteer—is what really counts.(研究表明,付出的人更长寿。现在,密歇根大学研究人员的一项新研究表明,真正重要的是人们为什么志愿,而不是他们是否志愿)”可知,这项新研究主要发现了我们做志愿者的原因对我们的健康有影响。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“For the study, Konrath and colleagues analyzed data collected in 2008 and 2012 aiming at the same random samples of 3,376 people.(在这项研究中,康拉斯和同事分析了2008年和2012年收集的数据,这些数据针对同样的3376人随机样本)”可知,研究人员通过分析数据进行这项研究。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“The researchers asked people to rate how important they found various reasons for volunteering, and they found that the more important people rated reasons such as feeling pity for people in need, the more likely they were to be alive.(研究人员要求人们评价他们认为志愿服务的各种原因有多重要,他们发现,人们对诸如同情需要帮助的人这样的原因评价越重要,他们长寿的可能性就越大)”推知,“帮助有困难的人”可能会使志愿者受益最大。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据最后一段“Konrath says the current findings suggest it may be a poor idea to encourage people to volunteer because it’s good for them. “Volunteering is increasingly being encouraged in schools and organizations. Some groups say that it’s okay to want benefits for yourself, and encourage people to think of volunteering as an exchange for personal interests. Some groups emphasize the health benefits received through volunteering.” Konrath added, “Of course, it’s reasonable for volunteers to expect benefits for themselves. But the potential health benefits of volunteering are significantly reduced if self-benefit becomes a person’s main motive.”(康拉特说,目前的研究结果表明,鼓励人们做志愿者可能不是一个好主意,因为这对他们有好处。“学校和组织越来越鼓励志愿者活动。一些组织表示,为自己谋取利益是可以的,并鼓励人们将志愿活动视为个人兴趣的交换。一些团体强调通过志愿活动获得的健康益处。”康拉特补充说:“当然,志愿者期望自己受益是合理的。但如果自我利益成为一个人的主要动机,志愿服务的潜在健康益处就会大大降低。”)”可知,最后一段主要讲的是对当前发现的进一步解释。故选C。
    Brown rice is a tough sale when offered next to white. Despite the fact that brown rice is healthier, people prefer white rice because they think it just tastes better, just like folks opt for white bread instead of whole wheat. White rice and brown rice begin as the same thing—they come from the same grain, after all. But white rice is different from brown rice in terms of processing.
    When rice is first harvested, it is washed, and the outer covering is removed from the grains. At this point, what you’re left with is brown rice. It still has several thin layers of bran coating the grain. To get white rice from that grain, it also has to be milled and polished down, removing the bran. That is why brown rice is a whole grain. It contains all parts of the grain, including the fibrous bran, the nutritious germ and endosperm. White rice has had the bran, the germ, much of the fiber, vitamins and other nutrients removed.
    One cup of cooked brown rice contains 4 g of fiber and 5 g of protein, while one cup of cooked white rice contains only 1 g of fiber and 4 g of protein. But fiber isn’t the only benefit of brown rice. Studies have found that it can reduce the risk of diabetes.
    One of the reasons white rice has soared in popularity is that it’s easier to cook. Not only does it take less time because the fibrous bran has been removed, but it turns out with a soft, delicious result more often than not. What makes brown rice so hard to prepare is the fact that you have to cook it long enough to soften the bran, but not so long that the inner grain turns mushy. This is tricky, but it’s not impossible. There are many foolproof methods you can use. One is to get a rice cooker, but if you’re not up for another appliance on your kitchen counter, there are other options.
    32. How does the author lead in the topic of the text?
    A. By making a comparison. B. By quoting a proverb.
    C. By using imagination. D. By listing data.
    33. Which of the following is a difference between white rice and brown rice?
    A. White rice is thicker. B. Brown rice has better taste.
    C. Brown rice is less processed. D. White rice contains more vitamins.
    34. What makes white rice easier to cook compared to brown rice?
    A. Having no bran. B. Containing more fiber.
    C. Having no endosperm. D. Containing more protein.
    35. What is the author’s attitude to eating brown rice?
    A. Doubtful. B. Supportive. C. Tolerant. D. Curious.
    【答案】32. A 33. C 34. A 35. B
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Brown rice is a tough sale when offered next to white. Despite the fact that brown rice is healthier, people prefer white rice because they think it just tastes better, just like folks opt for white bread instead of whole wheat. White rice and brown rice begin as the same thing-they come from the same grain, after all. But white rice is different from brown rice in terms of processing.(糙米和白米放在一起很难卖出去。尽管糙米更健康,但人们更喜欢白米,因为他们认为白米味道更好,就像人们选择白面包而不是全麦面包一样。白米和糙米一开始是一样的——毕竟它们来自同一种谷物。但是在加工方面,白米和糙米是不同的)”可推知,作者通过作比较引出文章的主题。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“That is why brown rice is a whole grain. It contains all parts of the grain, including the fibrous bran, the nutritious germ and endosperm. White rice has had the bran, the germ, much of the fiber, vitamins and other nutrients removed.(这就是为什么糙米是一种全谷物。它包含谷物的所有部分,包括纤维麸皮、营养胚芽和胚乳。白米去除了麸皮、胚芽、大量纤维、维生素和其他营养物质)”可知,糙米加工较少。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“Not only does it take less time because the fibrous bran has been removed, but it turns out with a soft, delicious result more often than not. What makes brown rice so hard to prepare is the fact that you have to cook it long enough to soften the bran, but not so long that the inner grain turns mushy. (不仅因为去掉了纤维麸皮,所以花的时间更少,而且往往会做出柔软可口的结果。糙米很难准备的原因是,你必须煮足够长的时间来软化麸皮,但又不能煮得太长,以至于内部的谷物变成糊状)”可知,与糙米相比,没有麦麸让白米更容易煮。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中“That is why brown rice is a whole grain. It contains all parts of the grain, including the fibrous bran, the nutritious germ and endosperm. White rice has had the bran, the germ, much of the fiber, vitamins and other nutrients removed.(这就是为什么糙米是一种全谷物。它包含谷物的所有部分,包括纤维麸皮、营养胚芽和胚乳。白米去除了麸皮、胚芽、大量纤维、维生素和其他营养物质)”以及第三段“But fiber isn’t the only benefit of brown rice, Studies have found that it can reduce the risk of diabetes.(但纤维并不是糙米的唯一好处,研究发现它可以降低患糖尿病的风险)”可推知,作者对吃糙米的态度是支持。故选B。
    When high school students spend time memorizing and reciting a poem, they develop confidence by engaging deeply with language. Here are my five Cs-things I’ve observed from several years of teaching students through Poetry Out Loud, from selecting a poem to performing at the state competition.
    Choice.____36____ Students learn how to search for poems, and they have complete discretion (判断力) over the poem they will perform. Students often gravitate (被吸引) to poems that fit their reading level and also match a personal interest or philosophy, which is great. But there are also lots of unexpected mismatches that end up stretching students’ skills in ways a teacher could not work out.
    Concrete learning task. Learning just one poem well gives students a finite and concentrated experience with language. ____37____ I’ve seen students with all manner of challenges get up and do something they thought was impossible, in large part because it involves a single, repeated exercise.
    Continuing learning. Students learn a poem that will likely stay with them for years, if not forever. Poems contain mysteries and complexities that reveal themselves slowly- and sometimes even suddenly-over time. ____38____
    Confidence. Recitation is the perfect introduction to public speaking skills. All students need to be able to speak effectively in front of others. ____39____Students learn elements of physical presence, voice, speed, volume, and tone without having to present their own work, which is more frightening for most students.
    ____40____Students are not asked to memorize much anymore, yet many of them take pleasure in the act of repetition and remembering. They like testing themselves and realizing that they can in fact recall lines. For English language learners, many autistic students, and other exceptional learners, reciting poetry is an especially powerful way to understand language and build confidence. For our kids who need small victories, mastering one poem is a welcome relief.
    A. Practice memorizing poems.
    B Challenging memory and recall.
    C. This is the first step of the exercise.
    D. Performing a poem is a bit like acting.
    E. And every student can learn one poem.
    F. Therefore, it is a lasting course to learn poems.
    G. As a result, it is beneficial for students to learn poems.
    【答案】36. C 37. E 38. F 39. D 40. B
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲的是作者通过Poetry Out Loud教学生的几年里观察到的学生学习的方法。
    空前说“Choice.(选择。)”,是作者要讲的第一个所观察到的学生的行为,C选项“This is the first step of the exercise.(这是练习的第一步。)”说明了这是第一步,也是作者第一个要说的内容,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选C。
    空前说“Learning just one poem well gives students a finite and concentrated experience with language.(只要学好一首诗,学生就能获得有限而集中的语言体验。)”,空格处应该对学生学一首诗进行进一步的讲解,E选项“And every student can learn one poem.(每个学生都可以学一首诗。)”中的“learn one poem”和空前“Learning just one poem”相一致,重申了学生都可以学习一首诗,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选E。
    空前说“Students learn a poem that will likely stay with them for years, if not forever. Poems contain mysteries and complexities that reveal themselves slowly- and sometimes even suddenly-over time.(学生们学到的一首诗可能会伴随他们很多年,甚至永远。诗歌包含着神秘和复杂,它们会随着时间慢慢地——有时甚至是突然地——展现出来。)”,这说明学诗对学生的影响是持久的,F选项“Therefore, it is a lasting course to learn poems.(因此,学诗是一门持久的课程。)”说明了学诗是持久的,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选F。
    空前说“Recitation is the perfect introduction to public speaking skills. All students need to be able to speak effectively in front of others.(背诵是公众演讲技巧的完美入门。所有的学生都需要能够在别人面前有效地说话。)”,空后说“Students learn elements of physical presence, voice, speed, volume, and tone without having to present their own work, which is more frightening for most students.(学生们无需展示自己的作品,就可以学习身体展示、声音、速度、音量和语气等要素,这对大多数学生来说更可怕。)”,说明把诗表演出来像是演戏,D选项“Performing a poem is a bit like acting.(表演一首诗有点像表演。)”说明了在公开场合背诗就像表演,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选D。
    空格处是本段主题句,由空后的“Students are not asked to memorize much anymore, yet many of them take pleasure in the act of repetition and remembering. They like testing themselves and realizing that they can in fact recall lines.(学生们不再被要求记忆太多东西,但他们中的许多人却从重复和记忆中获得乐趣。他们喜欢测试自己,并意识到他们实际上可以回忆起台词。)”可知,本段主要讲的是学生在学诗时会挑战他们的记忆力,B选项“Challenging memory and recall.(挑战记忆和回忆。)”概括了本段内容,可作为主题句,故选B。
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    Maria Andrejczyk went through serious struggles before reaching the platform for Olympic medalists. The Polish athlete ____41____ her chance at the 2016 Olympic Games by just 2 centimeters. Sidelined by a shoulder injury in 2017, she then learned she had bone cancer. Showing true ____42____ spirit, Maria powered through her recovery in time to ____43____ for the 2020 Games in Tokyo, Japan. All of her effort was worth it when she earned her first Olympic medal ever, a silver! Back at home, she heard about an 8-month-old baby named Miloszek Maysa, who ____44____ needed to go to the U.S. for a ____45____ that could save his life.
    Baby Miloszek was born with a heart defect. His condition is too ____46____ to be treated in Poland, but doctors at Stanford University Medical Center are able to take his case. ____47____, they require 80 percent of the payment up front, a sum the family simply could not ____48____. That’s when Maria ____49____ to help!
    Just a week after ____50____ her first Olympic medal ever and returning from Japan, Maria posted a ____51____ on a social media platform announcing that she would be auctioning (拍卖) off her silver medal to raise money for Miloszek’s surgery.
    Days later, a Polish convenience store called Zabka ____52____ the medal for $125,000, which was more than Maria had ____53____ to get. Not only that, but when her ____54____ broke, more people began donating to the fundraiser. Finally, they pulled in more than enough cash to ____55____ Miloszek’s trip to America! And the ____56____ doesn’t end there. Zabka announced that they would let Maria keep her ____57____ after all!
    “We were very touched by the extremely ____58____ gesture of our Olympian, so we decided to support the ____59____ for Miloszek,” the company wrote. “We decided that the silver medal from Tokyo will stay with Maria! We are glad that we were able to ____60____.”
    41. A. missed B. gave C. found D. seized
    42. A. team B. fighting C. low D. delicate
    43. A. look B. care C. qualify D. pay
    44. A. delightedly B. probably C. previously D. desperately
    45. A. visit B. surgery C. wedding D. donation
    46. A. ideal B. optimistic C. serious D. common
    47. A. Undoubtedly B. Unfortunately C. Additionally D. Absolutely
    48. A. demand B. permit C. ensure D. afford
    49. A. crowded in B. turned in C. brought in D. stepped in
    50. A. defeating B. earning C. battling D. declaring
    51. A. parcel B. message C. card D. list
    52. A. sold B. returned C. purchased D. saved
    53. A. expected B. refused C. accepted D. commanded
    54. A. health B. dream C. heart D. story
    55. A. transport B. provide C. cover D. cost
    56. A. kindness B. news C. sympathy D. gratitude
    57. A. secret B. reputation C. money D. medal
    58. A. noble B. dramatic C. amusing D. awkward
    59. A. fans B. request C. fundraiser D. award
    60. A. contribute B. doubt C. fight D. deliver
    【答案】41. A 42. B 43. C 44. D 45. B 46. C 47. B 48. D 49. D 50. B 51. B 52. C 53. A 54. D 55. C 56. A 57. D 58. A 59. C 60. A
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位波兰运动员以2厘米只差错过了参加2016年奥运会的机会。A. missed错过;B. gave给予;C. found找到;D. seized抓住。根据第一句“Maria Andrejczyk went through serious struggles before reaching the platform for Olympic medalists.”和第四句“Showing true     2    spirit, Maria powered through her recovery in time to    3     for the 2020 Games in Tokyo, Japan.”可知,玛利亚在2020年才获得了参加日本东京奥运会的资格,所以2016年时,她一定是错过了参加奥运会的机会。故选A项。
    考查名词(形容词)词义辨析。句意:玛丽亚展现出了真正的战斗精神,她及时康复,获得了参加2020年日本东京奥运会的资格。A. team团队;B. fighting战斗;C. low低的;D. delicate精致的。根据上一句“Sidelined by a shoulder injury in 2017, she then learned she had bone cancer.”和下文的“... Maria powered through her recovery in time to 3  for the 2020 Games in Tokyo, Japan.”可知,玛利亚得了骨癌,但她还是及时康复,获得了参加2020年日本东京奥运会的资格,所以玛丽亚展现出了真正的战斗精神。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:玛丽亚展现出了真正的战斗精神,她及时康复,获得了参加2020年日本东京奥运会的资格。A. look看;B. care护理;C. qualify获得参赛资格;D. pay支付。根据下一句“All of her effort was worth it when she earned her first Olympic medal ever, a silver!”可知,玛丽亚一定是有资格参加日本东京奥运会,才获得了奖牌。故选C项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:回到家里,她听说有个8个月大的婴儿名叫Miloszek Maysa,急需去美国做手术,以挽救他的生命。A. delightedly高兴地;B. probably可能地;C. previously以前;D. desperately非常。根据下文的“...could save his life”可知,这个婴儿急需去美国接受治疗。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:回到家里,她听说有个8个月大的婴儿名叫Miloszek Maysa,急需去美国做手术,以挽救他的生命。A. visit访问;B. surgery手术;C. wedding婚礼;D. donation捐赠。根据第三段最后的“Miloszek’s surgery”可知,这个婴儿去美国是为了去接受手术。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他的病情非常严重,无法在波兰治疗,但斯坦福大学医疗中心的医生能够接受他的病例。A. ideal理想的;B. optimistic乐观的;C. serious严重的;D. common普通的。根据下文的“to be treated in Poland”可知,婴儿的病无法在波兰治疗,所以婴儿的病情一定非常严重。故选C项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,他们要求预付80%的款,这个家庭根本负担不起这笔钱。A. Undoubtedly毫无疑问;B. Unfortunately不幸的是;C. Additionally此外;D. Absolutely绝对地。根据下文的“…they require 80 percent of the payment up front, a sum the family simply could not     8    .”可知,婴儿的家庭付不起医疗费,这肯定是不幸的。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,他们要求预付80%的房款,这个家庭根本负担不起这笔钱。A. demand要求;B. permit许可;C. ensure确保;D. afford负担得起。根据下文的“That’s when Maria   9   to help!”可知,玛利亚要帮助婴儿,所以推测婴儿的家庭肯定是负担不起那么多钱。故选D项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:这时玛丽亚来帮忙了!A. crowded in挤进来;B. turned in上缴;C. brought in带入;D. stepped in介入。根据下一段“Just a week after  10  her first Olympic medal ever and returning from Japan, Maria posted a    11   on a social media platform announcing that she would be auctioning(拍卖) off her silver medal to raise money for Miloszek’s surgery.”可知,玛利亚要卖掉奖牌参与对婴儿的帮助。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在从日本获得她的第一枚奥运会奖牌并返回一周后,玛丽亚在社交媒体平台上发布了一条消息,宣布她将拍卖她的银牌,为Miloszek Maysa的手术筹集资金。A. defeating击败;B. earning赢得;C. battling战斗;D. declaring声明。根据第一段的“All of her effort was worth it when she earned her first Olympic medal ever, a silver!”可知,玛利亚赢得了奥运奖牌。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在从日本获得她的第一枚奥运会奖牌并返回一周后,玛丽亚在社交媒体平台上发布了一条消息,宣布她将拍卖她的银牌,为Miloszek Maysa的手术筹集资金。A. parcel包裹;B. message信息;C. card卡片;D. list列表。根据句中的动词post和下文的“on a social media platform”可知,玛丽亚一定是在社交媒体平台上发布了一条消息。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:几天后,一家名为Zabka的波兰便利店以12.5万美元的价格买下了这枚奖牌,这比玛丽亚预期的要多。A. sold售出;B. returned返回;C. purchased购买;D. saved保存。根据上一段中的“... she would be auctioning(拍卖) off her silver medal to raise money for Miloszek’s surgery.”和下文的“for $125,000”可知, 玛利亚宣布要拍卖她的奖牌,所以Zabka是花125,000美元买了她的奖牌。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:几天后,一家名为Zabka的波兰便利店以12.5万美元的价格买下了这枚奖牌,这比玛丽亚预期的要多。A. expected预期;B. refused拒绝;C. accepted接受;D. commanded命令。根据句中的more than和动词get可知,这些钱要比玛利亚预期的要多。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:不仅如此,当她的故事曝光后,越来越多的人开始向筹款活动捐款。A. health健康;B. dream梦想;C. heart心脏;D. story故事。根据空格后的broke可知,这里指的是玛利亚的故事被传开。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后,他们筹到了足够Miloszek Maysa去美国的钱!A. transport运输;B. provide提供;C. cover足以支付;D. cost花费。根据空格前的“more than enough cash”可知,他们筹到的钱足以支付Miloszek去美国的费用。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:善意还不止于此。A. kindness善良;B. news新闻;C. sympathy同情;D. gratitude感恩。根据上文提到的人们对Miloszek的帮助以及下一句“Zabka announced that they would let Maria keep her   17    after all!”可知,此处是说“人们的善意还不止于此”。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:扎布卡宣布他们最终还是会让玛丽亚保留她的奖牌! A. secret秘密;B. reputation声誉;C. money钱;D. medal奖章。根据该段第一句“Days later, a Polish convenience store called Zabka   12     the medal for $125,000, which was more than Maria had    13    to get.”和最后一段的“We decided that the silver medal from Tokyo will stay with Maria!”可知,Zabka买下了玛利亚的奖牌,所以Zabka让玛利亚留下的一定是她的奖牌。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:该公司写道:“我们被这位奥运选手极其高尚的姿态所感动,所以我们决定支持为Miloszek募集资金者。”A. noble高尚的;B. dramatic戏剧性的;C. amusing有趣的;D. awkward尴尬的。根据第三段“Just a week after   10  her first Olympic medal ever and returning from Japan, Maria posted a   11   on a social media platform announcing that she would be auctioning(拍卖) off her silver medal to raise money for Miloszek’s surgery.”可知,玛利亚要卖掉自己的奖牌为Miloszek Maysa筹钱,她的行为肯定是高尚的。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:该公司写道:“我们被这位奥运选手极其高尚的姿态所感动,所以我们决定支持为Miloszek募集资金者。”A. fans粉丝;B. request请求;C. fundraiser筹款人;D. award奖励。根据句意可知,空格处的词应该是指上文的our Olympian,也就是玛利亚,而玛利亚正是为Miloszek筹集资金的人。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们决定,来自东京的银牌将属于玛丽亚! 我们很高兴能够做出贡献。A. contribute做贡献;B. doubt怀疑;C. fight战斗;D. deliver交付。根据上一句“We decided that the silver medal from Tokyo will stay with Maria!”可知,Zabka虽然购买了玛利亚的奖牌,但最后还是让玛利亚留下奖牌,卖奖牌的钱仍然用来帮助Miloszek,所以Zabka对筹集资金帮助Miloszek做出了贡献。故选A项。
    第II卷 非选择题(50分)
    Every year, universities____61____ ( rank ) by different organizains.On Sept. 2, Times Higher education brought out the World University Rankings 2022 , in____62____ Chinese mainland universities wrote a newpage in the rankings history.This year,a record 10 Chinese mainland universities ranked in the world’s top 200 universities.Tsinghua University and Peking University tied for 16th place, ____63____ ( mark) the first time that two Chinese mainland universities have made____64____ into the top 20.
    The Chinese mainland has the____65____ (four) highest number of universities in the ramkings , behind the United States with 183 , Japan with 118 and the UK with 101.
    The COVID-19 pandemic(大流行)has had an infuence____66____the rankings. Universities that did research on understanding and managing the pandemic saw____67____ clear rise on the rankings table. 11 Chinese mainland universities , including Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan and Capital Medical University in Beijing, all move up at least two ranking____68____ ( band).
    “There is a clear change happening across higher education around the world, and perhaps most____69____ ( rapid) in the Chinese mainland.”said Phil Baty, chief knowledge officer at Times Higher Education.“It is interesting_____70_____ ( see ) whether the Chinese mainland can challenge the US and UK’s long-running advantage in the global top 10,”he added.
    【答案】61. are ranked
    62. which 63. marking
    64. it 65. fourth
    66. on##upon
    67. a 68. bands
    69. rapidly
    70. to see
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了2022年Times Higher Education发布的世界大学排名,阐述了中国大陆大学在此次排名中的表现。
    考查被动语态。句意:每年,大学都会由不同的组织进行排名。根据句意及空后by可知,空处应为被动语态,结合Every year, universities可知,时态为一般现在时,主语为复数,故填are ranked。
    考查定语从句。句意:9月2日,泰晤士高等教育公布了2022年世界大学排名,中国大陆大学在排名历史上写下了新的一页。根据句意及句子结构可知,空处为非限制性定语从句,先行词为the World University Rankings 2022,结合空前介词in,空处应为关系代词which,故填which。
    考查固定短语。句意:清华大学和北京大学并列第16位,标志着两所中国大陆大学首次进入前20名。make it为固定短语,表示“获得成功”,根据句意及句子结构可知,此处表示成功进入前20名,故填it。
    考查介词。句意:COVID-19的大流行对排名产生了影响。根据句意可知,空处的意思为影响,结合空前influence,空处因为介词on/upon,influence on/upon表示“对……的影响”,故填on/upon。
    考查冠词。句意:在理解和管理疫情方面进行研究的大学在排名榜上明显上升。根据句意及句子结构可知,空前为动词saw, 空后clear为形容词,rise为名词,可知空处为冠词,无特指及元音因素的词clear,故填a。
    考查名词复数。句意:包括武汉华中科技大学和北京首都医科大学在内的11所中国大陆大学都至少上升了两个等级。根据句意及空前数词two, 结合括号内的提示词band可知,空处应为名词复数。故填bands。
    考查不定式。句意:“有趣的是,看看中国大陆能否挑战美国和英国在全球前10名中的长期优势,”他补充说。根据句意及句子结构可知,it is +adj + to do sth,表示“做某事是……的”,it为形式主语,真正的主语为不定式,故填to see。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    71. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    I am a member of Calligraphy Club in our school. I really enjoy the time how the brush in my hand go smoothly on the paper. Use brushes to write Chinese characters requires much muscle strengths and control. It helps me to find inner peace and build up with self-discipline. In this fast-paced society, people forget slow down to appreciate the beauty of Chinese characters. However, our club often arranges calligraphy exhibitions on campus such that students can have a taste of this traditional art. I think it’s your responsibility to preserve and promote Chinese traditional culture among youngest people.
    6. slow前添加to
    7. However→Therefore
    8. such→so
    5.考查固定短语。句意:它帮助我找到内心平静,建立自律。表示“建立”短语为build up。故删除with。
    6.考查非谓语动词。句意:在这个快节奏的社会,人们忘记了慢下来欣赏汉字的美丽。表示“忘记要做某事”短语为forget to do sth.。故slow前添加to。
    8.考查固定句型。句意:因此,我们俱乐部经常在校园里安排书法展览,让学生们可以体验到这种传统艺术。表示“以便”应用句型so that。故such改为so。
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    72. 假定你是李华,你校将举办中国诗词朗诵大会(Chinese Poetry Recitation Conference)。请给你的交换生朋友Joe写一封邮件,邀请他一起观看。
    Dear Joe,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Joe,
    How is everything going? I can’t wait to inform you that a Chinese Poetry Recitation Conference will be held in our school. As you are keen on Chinese poetry, I’m writing to invite you to enjoy it with me.
    As scheduled, the conference will be held from 3:00 pm to 5:00pm at the Academic Hall this Friday, whose aim is to improve our ability to appreciate Chinese ancient poetry as well as cultivate our literature taste. As you know, Chinese poetry, extensive and profound, is a precious cultural heritage of Chinese literature. Undoubtedly, it is a golden chance for us to get exposed to the charm of Chinese poetry.
    Eagerly looking forward to your early reply.
    Li Hua
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生交换生朋友Joe写一封邮件,邀请他一起观看学校即将举办的中国诗词朗诵大会(Chinese Poetry Recitation Conference)。内容包括:1活动目的;2.时间地点;3.活动意义。
    对……感兴趣:be keen on →be interested in
    接触:get exposed to→expose oneself to
    原句:Undoubtedly, it is a golden chance for us to get exposed to the charm of Chinese poetry.
    拓展句:There is no doubt that it is a golden chance for us to get exposed to the charm of Chinese poetry.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】As scheduled, the conference will be held from 3:00 pm to 5:00pm at the Academic Hall this Friday, whose aim is to improve our ability to appreciate Chinese ancient poetry as well as cultivate our literature taste.(运用了状语从句的省略以及whose引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】As you know, Chinese poetry, extensive and profound, is a precious cultural heritage of Chinese literature.(运用了as引导的非限制性定语从句)

    四川省宜宾市叙州区第二中学2023-2024学年高三上学期一诊模拟考试英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份四川省宜宾市叙州区第二中学2023-2024学年高三上学期一诊模拟考试英语试题(Word版附解析),共25页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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