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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分15分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅 读一遍。答案写在答题卡上。
    1. What des the man's father prbably d?
    A. An actr. B. A writer. C. A film directr.
    2. What will the wman d?
    A. Ck dinner. B. G n a diet. C. Order a takeaway.
    3. Where will the man take his next hliday?
    A. In a city. B. In a desert. C. At the seaside.
    4. Hw d the speakers find scial media detx?
    A. Embarrassing B. Challenging C. Accessible.
    5. What will the wman d next?
    A. She will check ut B. She will have a meeting. C. She will reserve a rm.
    听下面3段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完 后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. Why des the man make the phne call?
    A. T send an email. B. T deliver a package C. T place an rder.
    7. When d they plan t meet?
    A. Right nw. B. Tmrrw. C. The day after tmrrw.
    8 Hw will the wman prbably pay?
    A. In cash. B. By check. C. Thrugh e-payment.
    9. What is the first step in the applicatin prcess?
    A. Dwnlading an app. B. Paying fr the service charge.
    C. Cmpleting an applicatin frm.
    10. Which persnal infrmatin is required fr the applicatin?
    A. Identificatin prf. B. Health cnditin. C. Educatinal experiences.
    11. What is clsely related t the minimum incme?
    A. The types f credit cards. B. The number f credit cards. C. The banks f ffering service.
    12. Which ne tps the speaker's mvie list?
    A. Elf. B. Hme Alne. C. The Little Prince.
    13. What gives The Little Prince a mdern tuch?
    A. Adding a new rle. B. Leading the bx ffice. C. Being based n a true stry.
    14. What type f mvie is Elf?
    A. A cmedy. B. A dcumentary. C. A cartn.
    15. What des the speaker think f Hme Alne?
    A. It's still ppular. B. It's educatinal. C. It's ut f date.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Bristl Old Vic
    When the Theatre Ryal(nw Bristl Old Vic)was built, electricity hadn't been discvered. Fr ver 250 years the peple wh have wned, wrked inside and visited the theatre have kept recrds abut their activity. These are kept safe at the University f Bristl Theatre Cllectin, and yu'll discver a range f dcuments which recrd the histry f the theatre, frm its fundatin in 1764 up until the present day, Here are sme f them.
    In 1764 businessmen Alexander Edgar and Thmas Symns suggested building a new theatre between Baldwin Street and the back f Cpers' Hall in King Street. The estimated cst was £2,000 t be split amng 40 subscribers, but the building wrk cst mre than expected. Owning shares allwed them t influence decisins abut the theatre.
    Each f the riginal Bristl Old Vic sharehlders was given a silver ticket that prmised sight f any perfrmance held at the theatre. As the hlders were clever businessmen. they insisted that the silver tickets culd be laned r traded. This enabled them t make sme extra mney but made it extremely difficult fr the theatre managers t keep track f wh was allwed t see shws fr free.
    In May 2016, the theatre celebrated its 250th birthday! As the ldest cntinuusly- wrking theatre in the English-speaking wrld, it deserved a prper party, s Bristl-based Limbic Cincma was hired t create a film f the theatre's histrical highlights which was prjected (放映)nt the theatre itself.
    21. Where can yu find the three mentined dcuments?
    A. At Baldwin Street.
    B. At Cpers' Hall in King Street.
    C. At the University f Bristl Theatre Cllectin.
    D. At Bristl-based Limbic Cinema.
    22. Hw was the theatre's 250th birthday celebrated?
    A. By making a film prjected in theatres acrss England.
    B. By building Bristl-based Limbic Cinema.
    C. By releasing silver ticket in memry f the birthday.
    D. By creating a film abut its histry.
    23. What's the purpse f the text?
    A. T intrduce sme infrmatin f Bristl Old Vic.
    B. T change peple's view n Bristl Old Vic.
    C. T recmmend a mvie related t the theatre.
    D. T cmpare the theatre and thers.
    Fr many runners, a marathn can ften be a challenge-but smetimes what gets a runner thrugh the tugh 26. 2 miles is lking ut int the crwd and seeing his r her lved ne hlding up a sign and shuting wrds f encuragement. Fr ne mm, thugh, her lved ne was a bit mre hands-n.
    While running the REVEL Big Cttnwd Marathn in Salt Lake City, Curtney Rich. a self-taught baker and mther f tw, was beginning t run ut f energy just yards frm the end when she was suddenly jined by her 10-year-ld daughter, Avery.
    The tuching mment, caught n vide and psted n scial media, shws Avery running t her mther's side t supprt her as she apprached the end f the race. Rich's face lit up when Avery jined her and helped her crss the finish line.
    Rich later said in the vide's captin that being jined by her daughter t finish the race was "a mment I hpe neither f us ever frget". Rich said that her daughter culd tell she was struggling after a phne call near the end f the race. "She knew I had struggled the last few miles. "Rich said. "She saw tears in my eyes when I called n mile 24. ”
    In the vide, Rich's facial expressin changes frm tiredness t a smile after seeing her daughter emerge frm the crwd t jin her. Then. Rich and her daughter ran hand-in-hand t the finish line. “Nthing culd have prepared me fr the mment my 10-year-ld daughter wuld jump ut f the crwd and run with me t the finish line, "she said. When the race was dne, the tw hugged each ther at the finish line. The vide ends with a final captin. “And then she just held me. She held me. ”
    In the past, the REVEL Big Cttnwd Marathn has had ther memrable mments f mthers caring fr their children. but perhaps nt as hands-n as this ne.
    24. What happened t Rich when she was cming t the finish line?
    A. She fell dwn all f a sudden.
    B. She was far behind thers.
    C. She felt herself struggling.
    D. She was interrupted by Avery.
    25. Hw did Avery react t the accident?
    A. She helped Rich run t the finish line.
    B. She tried t call fr help at nce,
    C. She ran the rest in place f Rich.
    D. She shuted encuraging wrds t Rich.
    26. Hw did Rich feel abut Avery's respnse?
    A. Dubtful. B. Cntent. C. Cncerned. D. Expected.
    27. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. A Mther Wuld Never Give Up On Her Marathn Dream
    B. A Mther Encuraged Her Daughter T Pursue Her Dream
    C. A Daughter Gt Invlved In Her Mther's Race By Mistake
    D. A Daughter Cheered Fr Her Mther By Jining In Her Race
    Lcated within the beautiful landscape f Wiscnsin's Lake Chippewa lies a natural wnder that pses a unique challenge fr the lcal cmmunity. This hidden wnder is nne ther than a giant flating island. The island, cmpsed f plants and trees, ccasinally flats arund the lake, causing a significant incnvenience by blcking a vital bridge. Later, the lcal peple prpsed a slutin t this prblem. Every year, lcal bat wners wrk tgether and push the island away frm the bridge.
    Lake Chippewa was brn in 1923 when a vast bg( 沼 泽 )was transfrmed thrugh flding. Sn after that, many f the peat( 泥 炭 ) bgs started rising t the surface and became perfect grwing spts fr plants, with seeds carried by wind and wild birds t this flating place. Over the years, these bgs have grwn plants and trees and turned int full islands. As time ges by, plants take rt, and the ldest islands even have trees that act as sails when the wind blws, mving the entire flating mass arund the lake.
    Althugh the decades-ld flating island des nt relcate cnstantly, when it des, it causes truble fr the cmmunity by blcking the vital bridge that serves as the nly passage between the lake's East and West sides. The nly slutin is t gather a fleet f bats, and nt just ne r tw, but dzens f bats wrking tgether t push the island away. “It takes a cmmunity's effrt, and yu must have the winds at yur back t push them in, "said a resident. Mving the island als requires precisin( 精 确 ) , as merely relcating it a shrt distance may result in its return within days.
    Sme peple have suggested blwing up the flating islands t get rid f the prblem. Hwever, the big bg in Lake Chippewa has been arund fr decades, and in that time a wealth f animal and plant species have made it their hme. Therefre, lcal authrities prefer they be dealt with in a way that wn't negatively impact wildlife, highlighting the delicate balance between human cnvenience and envirnmental cnservatin. The annual traditin f relcating Lake Chippewa's flating island is evidence t the cexistence f humanity and nature, a heartwarming display f cmmunity unity, and a reminder f the imprtance f preserving the unique habitats that enrich ur wrld
    28. What des the underlined wrd “slutin” in paragraph 1 refer t?
    A. Building a new bridge. B. Transfrming the vast bg.
    C. Mving the flating island away. D. Recnstructing the lcal cmmunity.
    29. What is paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A. The frmatin f the flating island.
    B. The histry f flding in Lake Chippewa.
    C. The abundance f species in Lake Chippewa.
    D. The impact f the wind n the flating island.
    30. What d we knw abut the relcatin wrk frm paragraph 3?
    A. It is usually finished within days.
    B. It is demanding in cperatin and precisin.
    C. It can nly be carried ut during windless days.
    D. It greatly disturbs the cmmunity residents lives.
    31. Why d the lcal authrities refuse t blw up the island?
    A. T save csts fr lcal peple.
    B. T ensure the safety f residents.
    C. T increase the bnd between cmmunities.
    D. T prtect the wildlife species n the island.
    Like s many ther gd things in life, sleep is best at a right length. A multi-year study f lder adults fund that bth shrt and lng sleepers experienced greater cgnitive(认知的)decline than peple wh slept a prper amunt, even when the effects f early Alzheimer's disease were taken int accunt.
    “Our study suggests that there is a middle range, r ‘sweet spt', fr ttal sleep time where cgnitive perfrmance is stable ver time. Shrt and lng sleep time is assciated with wrse cgnitive perfrmance, "said first authr Brendan Lucey, an assciate prfessr f the Washingtn University Sleep Medicine Center. “An unanswered questin is if we can intervene( 干 预 ) t imprve sleep, wuld that have a psitive effect n their cgnitive perfrmance s they n lnger decline? We need mre further data t answer this questin. ”
    Lucey and clleagues turned t vlunteers wh participated in Alzheimer's studies thrugh the university's Charles F. and Janne Knight Alzheimer Disease Research Center. Such vlunteers experienced annual clinical and cgnitive assessments, and prvided a bld sample t be tested. Fr this study, each participant slept with a tiny EEG mnitr attached t their heads fr fur t six nights t measure their brain activities during sleep.
    The researchers fund a U-shaped relatinship between sleep and cgnitive decline. Overall, cgnitive scres declined fr the grups that slept less than 4. 5 r mre than 6. 5 hurs per night while scres stayed stable fr thse in the middle f the range.
    The U-shaped relatinship held true fr measures f specific sleep stages, including rapid-eye mvement(REM)sleep and nn-REM sleep. Mrever, the same is true even after cnsidering the factrs that can affect bth sleep and cgnitin, such as age, sex, levels f Alzheimer's prteins.
    “It was particularly interesting t see that nt nly thse with shrt amunts f sleep but als thse with lng amunts f sleep had mre cgnitive decline, "said Prfessr Beau M. Ances.
    “Each persn's sleep needs are unique, and peple wh wake up feeling rested n shrt r lng sleep schedules shuld nt feel frced t change their habits, ”said c-senir authr David Hltzman, MD. “But thse wh are nt sleeping well shuld be aware that sleep prblems ften can be treated. ”
    32. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. The gd things in life. B. The benefits f best sleep.
    C. The effects f Alzheimer's disease. D. The influence f sleep time n cgnitin.
    33. Accrding t the passage, which sleep time is suitable?
    A. 4 hurs. B. 6 hurs. C. 7 hurs. D. 7. 5 hurs
    34. What can we knw abut U-shaped relatinship?
    A. Cgnitin is related t different sleep stages.
    B. The sleep time has n cnnectin with cgnitive scres.
    C. The lnger sleep time is, the higher cgnitive scres are.
    D. It n lnger exists when age, sex, and s n are cnsidered.
    35. What dcs David Hltzman's wrds imply?
    A. Quality f a persn's sleep is the key.
    B. Peple n shrt sleep schedules must change their habits.
    C. Lng time sleepers d nt have cgnitive decline.
    D. Bth lng time and shrt time sleepers have sleep prblems.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
    根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    When gardeners grw varieties f plants in their beautiful gardens, they are happy t see beneficial insects like bees and butterflies surrunding the flwers. But as they take a clser lk, they may find sme plants are cvered in black dts and filled with harmful insects r pests. Sme gardeners may immediately reach fr chemicals. ____36____ Althugh it may stp the insect prblem, it will als threaten bees and butterflies which help the plants reprduce.
    If yu are wise gardeners, yu shuld first take preventive measures t cntrl the harmful insects. ____37____ Only when there are t many harmful insects, shuld pest cntrl be cnsidered. The first defense shuld always be the safest methd available.
    As a rule, preventin is the best treatment. Inspect plants clsely, including their leaves, befre buying them frm the stre. ____38____
    When planting, space plants ut t permit them t grw t their full size. Plants t clse tgether can breed harmful rganisms, like bacteria.
    ____39____ They invite pests if permitted t remain n the grund. When yu d see pests, wash them away. Use rubbing alchl t remve sme insects, r pick them ff the plants.
    If yu decide a pesticide is necessary, chse it carefully and fllw the directins and warnings n the prduct. Avid using pesticides in extreme heat, n windy days, r when the plants are wet. ____40____ At the time, beneficial insects are inactive. Yu can cnsider remving flwers frm the plants t lessen the risk that beneficial insects will cme in cntact with the pesticides.
    A. But this is nt wise.
    B. In mst cases, chemicals dn’t help.
    C. Treat the plants early in the mrning r at night.
    D. Als d remember the plants need nutritin and care.
    E. Keep yur garden free f fallen leaves, fruits and ther wastes.
    F. D nt bring any plants hme that shw signs f disease r pests.
    G. The prcess starts with the idea that having sme pests is acceptable.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Margaret Thmpsn and her husband, Kenneth, stretched their legs tgether n walking hlidays in Switzerland. In Interlaken, they wuld head up the muntain and watch the paragliders (滑翔伞运动员) ___41___ themselves int the sky. Back in twn, in a large park, they watched them return t the ___42___ . “Sme day I’d lve t d that,” Thmpsn tld Kenneth.
    But there was always s much t d in Interlaken. ___43___, Thmpsn didn’t knw if Kenneth wuld have ___44___ it. “He was nt s keen n heights as I was,” she said. S she ___45___ t watch the gliders take flight and land.
    Kenneth died in 2005. Eleven years later, Thmpsn ___46___ tk t the skies herself, in a paraglider at the age f 80. Althugh sme peple get scared while flying, she said she just feels ___47___ . Thmpsn did her secnd paraglide when she turned 85.
    Thmpsn asked the rganizers abut the age ___48___ fr paragliding. They said: “Any age, as lng as yu’re ___49___.” Thmpsn, nw 86, plans her third flight fr when she is 90.
    Thmpsn___50___ living abve her parents’ shp in Belfast. At 18, she helped in the shp while ___51___ fr her music diplmas (文凭) in Stranmillis, suth Belfast. She started t ___52___ pian t lcal children, and at the height f her teaching she gave 70 ___53___ a week. She still has 15 pupils n her bks.
    Is she scared f getting lder? “Fear? N. Peple say: ‘Isn’t getting ld ___54___ ?’ I say: ‘N. Yu are free t d mre things that yu want t d,’” Thmpsn said.
    “Peple might wrry abut falling, it being the end f them. But that desn’t ___55___ me at all. When it’s yur time, it’s yur time. N matter where yu are,” Thmpsn added.
    A. launchB. mveC. pushD. pull
    A. spaceB. ceanC. earthD. sky
    A. TherefreB. BesidesC. HweverD. Instead
    A. caredB. enjyedC. rememberedD. needed
    A. pretendedB. determinedC. cntinuedD. tried
    A. quietlyB. immediatelyC. patientlyD. finally
    A safeB. freeC. luckyD. ready
    A. standardB. differenceC. grupD. limit
    A. fitB. fullC. braveD. calm
    A. settled dwnB. grew upC. went nD. turned up
    A. writingB. actingC. studyingD. searching
    A. teachB. fferC. sellD. shw
    A. skillsB. tasksC. lessnsD. perfrmances
    A. necessaryB. pssibleC. harmfulD. awful
    A. threatenB. btherC. cntrlD. surprise
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文. 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    An exhibitin titled Symbisis f the Chinese Zdiac (生肖) pened at the Tcumen Internatinal Airprt in Panama n Dec 19 and wuld run until Jan 20.
    Sally Huang, 56_________ Chinese Panamanian artist and a dctr f art frm Beijing Nrmal University, presented thirteen paintings, 57_________ cmbined the freehand brushstrkes f traditinal Chinese paintings with the beautiful clrs f Latin America, and presented the zdiac animals. Als there were sme sculptures(雕刻品)f zdiac animals 58 ___________ display, which were created by Chinese artist Zhang Yng, graduating frm the Central Academy f Fine Arts.
    The exhibitin 59__________ (include)in the prject Painting Our Canals(运河), which was spnsred by the Beijing Culture and Arts Fund this year. The Beijing Culture and Arts Fund is a nnprfit fund. 60 __________(fund) by the Beijing Bureau f Culture and Turism t prvide supprt in the three majr fields f stage art, cultural exchange. 61_________ the cultivatin(培养) f art talents.
    The lead institutin applying fr the prject was Beijing Nrmal University, 62_________ (feature)a series f events themed n the canal culture in bth China and Panama, als inviting artists frm bth cuntries 63 __________ (attend)the exhibitin as well as hsting academic frums.
    The pening ceremny was jined by representatives frm bth cuntries, such as the Chinese ambassadr t Panama and the vice minister f culture in Panama.
    The ambassadr expressed sme 64__________ (message)cngratulating the artists in his speech, while emphasizing that China and Panama shuld wrk tgether t prmte 65 ___________ (glbe) peace and develpment.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    上个月你校举办了一年一度的读书月活动, 现校报正在以“The Bk I Like Mst”为题进 行征文比赛, 请你就读过的一本书写一篇评论。要点如下:
    1. 基本信息;2. 主题思想;3. 评价或感受。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;3. 请按如下格 式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The Bk I Like Mst
    One day, a by transferred t my class. He walked t the frnt f the class and intrduced himself. “I am Brady, frm Califrnia. I like basketball and dance.” “Dance!?” Steven yelled. “That’s fr girls.” The whle class laughed. Brady’s face turned bright red. At lunch, Brady walked t an empty seat at my table. He was abut t sit dwn when Steven put his ft n the chair. “This seat is taken,” he said. “Sit with the girls.” The thers laughed ludly. Brady lwered his head and walked away.
    After schl, Brady sat alne n the schl bus. I felt srry fr him. I thught abut sitting with him, but I didn’t want t be made fun f. I remembered hw everyne laughed at me when I, a by, knitted a scarf fr my favurite teacher. I didn’t like being laughed at, s I gave up knitting.
    But what wuld have happened if I’d std up fr myself? An verwhelming sense f regret and guilt was lingering in my mind all night. S, I was determined t stand by Brady.
    The next day, we had gym class. The cach annunced that we wuld have a basketball game and Steven and I were the captains f the tw sides. When I picked teammates, I lked arund and nticed Brady. I had butterflies in my stmach. I didn’t want t get laughed at again. But sn I knew what I shuld d.
    注意:1. 词数应为120个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    “I chse Brady!” I said firmly.
    Steven lwered his head and walked t Brady.
    1—5 ABABC 6—10 CABCA 11—15 AACBC 16—20 BCBAB
    21—23 CDA 24—27 CABD 28-31 CABD32-35 DBAA
    36. A 37. G 38. F 39. E 40. C
    41. A 42. C 43. B 44. B 45. C 46. D 47. B 48. D 49. A 50. B 51. C 52. A 53. C 54. D 55. B
    56. a 57. which 58. n 59. was included 60. funded
    61. and 62. featuring 63. t attend 64. messages 65. glbal
    The Bk I Like Mst
    Amng all f the bks I’ve read, I culdn’t get enugh f a bk, Tuesdays with Mrrie, written by Mitch. The stry centers n a successful jurnalist Mitch keeping visiting his prfessr, Mrrie, Wh is weakened by his severe illness. The weekly cnversatins between them result in a series f lessns n the meaning f life.
    Althugh this bk is abut dying, it is a pleasant surprise t find that this bk is filled with jy and hpe. Mrrie’s bravery twards the end f his life has made me value my wn life mre.
    Mrrie’s wise cmments n death and life nt nly imprves ur ability t face the death, but enlighten us hw t be present. It is a bk that shuld be n everyne’s reading list.
    “I chse Brady!” I said firmly. Everybdy was shcked. Brady, frzen n the spt, whispered t me, “are yu sure abut this?” I beamed, “Abslutely! I have been there. I knw basketball is in yur bld.” Hearing my wrds, his face cracked int a smile. In the game, Brady was a beast in grace. He made 10 baskets and even stle the ball frm Steven fur times. In the end, ur team, the underdg, wn! Everyne embraced Brady.
    Steven lwered his head and walked t Brady. This time he swallwed his pride and patted Brady n the shulder. “Nt bad! Br! Where did yu learn thse mves?” Steven asked. “Ballet class,” Brady replied with a smile. Frm then n, ur schl team had gt an MVP and Brady, n the ther hand, wn a ballet fan called Steven.例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19. 15. B. £9. 18. C. £9. 15.

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