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    Thanks Fr Giving 4 Miler
    Thurs. Nvember 23, 2023
    The Event
    Sign up tday fr the 2023 Thanks Fr Giving 4 Miler and Kids Dash that will take place this Thanksgiving in New Albany! Cme ut and jin us fr a fun kick ff t Thanksgiving Day festivities! As always, 100% f ur net prceeds g t help thse in need.
    All are welcme, including cmpetitive runners, jggers, and walkers wanting t enjy time with friends and lved nes. Registratin ends n Nvember 22, 2023.
    The Fee
    There is n fficial race fee. Yu can give as much r as little as yu want. Hwever-a $40 minimum dnatin is required t get ur sft T-shirt. Our gal is t feed as many families in Central Ohi as we can. Yu can help by running ur race, spreading the wrd, r making a dnatin. Yu may bring any dnatin yu want, frm a can f sup t cash. Let’s make a difference.
    Event Day Timeline
    6:30 am: Race day check-in begins.
    8:00 am: Opening ceremny (仪式) begins!
    8:15 am: Kids Dash begins!
    8:30 am: The Thanks Fr Giving 4 Miler kicks ff!
    The tp three verall male and female finishers will receive a gift certificate. The tp three male and female finishers in each f the fllwing age grups will receive a pumpkin (南瓜) pie: 14 and under, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70 and abve. Every participant f the kids race receives a finisher’s medal!
    Fr safety, please n bicycles, skatebards, inline skates, r participatin with pets.
    1. What is Thanks Fr Giving 4 Miler and Kids Run?
    A. A marathn race.B. A charity event.
    C. A kid-targeted activity.D. A hliday get-tgether.
    2. What will a man ranking secnd in his age grup be sure t win?
    A. A sft T-shirt.B. A pumpkin pie.
    C. A gift certificate.D. A finisher’s medal.
    3. What is required fr participatin?
    A. Bringing a dnatin.
    B. Reaching a certain age.
    C. Registering in advance.
    D. Wearing safety equipment.
    “In the future, everybdy will be famus fr 15 minutes,” said US artist Andy Warhl(1928 —1987). And he is quite right. Nw it seems that anybdy can becme an instant nline celebrity.
    Warhl is best nted fr his paintings that represent celebrity faces and US cnsumer gds, like Cca-Cla bttles r Campbel’s sup cans. As a great influence n the twentieth century pp art mvement, Andy Warhl rse t becme a crnerstne in the cntemprary art wrld, devted t bringing his views n materialism, plities and ecnmics t the art. Actually, the visual wrld Warhl created is directly cnnected t his backgrund.
    In the mid-1950s, the wrking class gathered a great deal f frtune. They wanted t achieve a higher status in sciety. “The cnsumer gds and Hllywd faces are a wrking-class-cded icngraphy(肖像)that is ften misinterpreted as generally ‘American’.” Anthny E. Grudin, authr f Warhl’s Wrking Class cmmented. Reprducing these themes in his wrk meant that peple utside f the art wrld culd immediately cnnect with Warhl’s pictures. Cnsidered “a creature f transfrmatin”, Warhl cnstantly explred with different frms f media t evke resnance amng peple.
    Fr example, in additin t being a painter, Warhl was, in the wrds f UK writer Peter Wllen: “A filmmaker, a writer, a phtgrapher, a TV sap pera prducer.” Warhl, in shrt, was what we might call a ‘Renaissance(文艺复兴) man’, even thugh he was a leader in pp r perhaps pst-mdern art.
    In his later years, he funded Interview Magazine and wrte several bks, including The Philsphy f Andy Warhl. But UK artist Gillian Wearing said, “Warhl left his mark in many mre ways than his actual wrk.” Warhl’s wrks are all abut “America, mney, fame and death”, UK writer Jn Savage remarked. “He summer up , defined and in many ways symblized the wrld in which we nw live.”
    4. What’s Andy Warhl’s purpse f creating his paintings?
    A. T highlight Renaissance style.B. T cmbine art with materialism.
    C. T attain fame and higher status.D. T challenge traditinal art frms.
    5. What d Andy Warhl’s paintings fcus n?
    A. Ppular drinks.B. Average peple.
    C. Cmmercial prducts.D. Living scenes f wrking class.
    6. What kind f persn is Andy Warhl accrding t the text?
    A. Cnstructive and multi-talented.B. Cnservative and realistic.
    C. Optimistic and encuraging.D. Creative and critical.
    7. In which clumn f the newspaper can we read the passage?
    A. Health.B. Sprts.C. Science.D. Peple.
    With a fragrance (芳香) thrugh the bedrms f lder adults fr tw hurs every night fr six mnths, memries skyrcketed. Participants in this study by University f Califrnia, Irvine (UCI)neurscientists gained a 226% increase in cgnitive capacity cmpared t the cntrl grup. The researchers say the finding transfrms the lng-knwn tie between smell and memry int an easy, nn-invasive technique fr strengthening memry and ptentially preventing dementia (痴呆).
    The prject was cnducted thrugh the UCI Center fr the Neurbilgy f Learning & Memry. It invlved men and wmen aged 60 t 85 withut memry impairment. All were given seven small cntainers, each cntaining a single and different natural il. Peple in the enriched grup received full-strength ils. Cntrl grup participants were given the ils in tiny amunts. Participants put a different cntainer int their rm each evening prir t ging t bed, and it activated fr tw hurs as they slept.
    Peple in the enriched grup shwed a 226% increase in cgnitive perfrmance cmpared t the cntrl grup, as measured by a wrd list test cmmnly used t evaluate memry. Participants als reprted sleeping mre sundly. The researchers say the results frm their study bear ut what scientists learned abut the cnnectin between smell and memry.
    Scientists have lng knwn that the lss f ability t smell, can predict develpment f nearly 70 neurlgical and psychiatric diseases. These include Alzheimer’s and ther dementias, Parkinsn’s and alchlism. Researchers have previusly fund that expsing peple with mderate dementia t up t 40 different smells twice a day ver a perid f time imprved their memries and language skills, eased depressin and imprved their sense f smell.
    The team wuld next like t study the technique’s impact n peple with diagnsed cgnitive lss. A prduct based n their study and designed fr peple t use at hme is expected t cme nt the market this fall.
    8. What field may the findings be applied t?
    A. Cntrlling sleep.B. Explring smells.
    C. Develping skills.D. Prmting memry.
    9. What is paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A. Research results.B. Research prcess.
    C. Research methds.D. Research purpse.
    10. Hw did researchers assess the perfrmance f the participants?
    A. By giving the participants a test.
    B. By scanning the participants’ brain.
    C. By bserving the participants’ actins.
    D. By asking abut the participants’ feeling.
    11. What will the researchers fcus n in future?
    A. Develping a smell prduct.
    B. The impact f cgnitive lss.
    C. Applicatin f research results.
    D. Ding market research fr their prduct.
    Researchers have prpsed a nvel methd fr cunting and tracking vehicles n public rads, a develpment that culd imprve current traffic systems and help travelers get t their destinatins faster.
    Using the cameras already installed n campus buses at the Ohi State University, researchers prved that they culd autmatically and accurately measure cunts f vehicles n urban radways, detect bjects in the rad and distinguish parked vehicles frm thse that are mving.
    In previus studies, Ohi State researchers fund that using these mbile cameras prvides much better spatial and tempral (时间的) cverage than relying n ften temprarily placed sensrs that dn’t prvide a view f many streets and rads in a city.
    “If we cllect and prcess mre high-reslutin (高清) spatial infrmatin abut what’s happening n the rads, then planners culd better understand changes in demand, effectively imprving efficiency in the brader transprtatin system,” said Keith Redmill, lead authr f the study.
    “If we can measure traffic in a way that is as gd r better than what is cnventinally dne with fixed sensrs, then we will have created smething incredibly useful extremely cheaply,” he said. “Our gal is t start building a system that culd d this withut much manual interventin because if yu want t cllect this infrmatin ver lts f ptential vehicles and lts f time, it’s wrth fully autmating that prcess.”
    While still a lng way frm ttal implementatin (实施), the study suggests the system’s results bear prmise fr the future f intelligent traffic surveillance. Transprtatin planners, engineers and peratrs make vital decisins abut the future f ur radways, s when designing transprtatin systems t wrk ver the next 30 t 50 years, it’s necessary that we give them data that allws them t imprve the efficiency f the system and the level f service prvided t travelers.
    12. Hw can cameras n buses benefit travelers?
    A. By shrtening their travel time.
    B. By making their schedules tight.
    C. By decreasing their transprt cst.
    D. By imprving their safety awareness.
    13. What can we knw abut the sensrs placed n buses?
    A. They prvide mre spatial cverage.
    B. They can’t detect bjects n the rad.
    C. They cver less view f the urban traffic.
    D. They accurately recrd the flw f traffic.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “surveillance” in paragraph 6 mean?
    A. Operatin.B. Mnitring.C. Prtectin.D. Arrangement.
    15. What is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Transprtatin autmatin is n its way
    B. It is time t imprve the efficiency f traffic system
    C. Transprtatin planners use cameras t make plicies
    D. Cameras installed n buses can better measure traffic
    Yur guide t a n-spend challenge
    A n-spend challenge isn’t abut ttal deprivatin (剥夺) r freezing yur bank accunt. ____16____. The mst cmmn frm f the challenge is t purchase nly necessities and restrain frm buying wants and impulse desires.
    Assessing and priritising needs
    Befre delving (深入探究) int the n-spend challenge, take the time t assess and differentiate yur essential needs frm yur wants. Identify recurring bills, necessary expenditures and essential items. Distinguish them frm free spending n nn-essential prducts and services. This initial step lays the fundatin fr a realistic and sustainable challenge. ____17____.
    Creating a realistic budget
    A successful n-spend challenge is rted in the develpment f a well-crafted budget that reflects yur financial reality. ____18____. Allcate specific amunts fr variable expenses such as grceries and bills, enhancing accuntability and prviding a clear radmap fr respnsible spending during the challenge.
    Supprt system
    ____19____. A firm supprt system that understands and respects yur financial gals creates a psitive envirnment, fstering mtivatin and slidarity. Share tips, experiences and celebrate milestnes tgether, turning the challenge int a shared jurney twards financial cnsciusness.
    As yur challenge cncludes, take enugh time t reflect n the entire experience. What insights did yu gain int yur spending habits and pririties? Identify psitive changes yu want t maintain and integrate them int yur lng-term financial strategy.
    The n-spend challenge is nt merely a temprary exercise; it serves as a catalyst fr enduring financial wellness. Embrace the jurney, learn frm the experience and watch as yur financial gals transfrm int realities.
    A. Establishing lng-term habits
    B. Understanding the n-spend challenge
    C. It ensures that crucial aspects f yur life remain unaffected
    D. Begin by utlining yur incme, fixed expenses and any upcming financial gals
    E. Share yur cmmitment with friends and family encuraging them t supprt yur effrt
    F. The n-spend challenge serves as an pprtune mment t cultivate mindful spending habits
    G. It represents a cnscius decisin t redirect yur financial fcus and cntrl yur spending habits
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Fr the past 17 years, Raquel Radfrd Baker has been a schl bus driver fr the Dallas Independent Schl District. Last mnth, Baker saved the life f a 7-year-ld by wh had a ____21____ mment n his way t schl when he accidentally swallwed (吞咽) a cin and began t chke.
    The ____22____, which was caught n tape, tk place n September 29. Prestn, a first grader, was sitting in his seat n the bus, when he suddenly sat up, ____23____ that the cin he had been hlding abve his pen muth had ____24____ his thrat. He gt up and walked t Baker at the frnt f the bus and tapped her fr ____25____.
    Initially, Baker thught Prestn was sick, but ____26____, she heard him say smething abut a cin and she sprang int ____27____. She grabbed him frm behind and carried him ff the bus. When she gt t a bench in frnt f the schl, she tld a nearby parent t call 911 as she started ____28____ first aid, which she’d ____29____ during the cmpany’s training sessins. ______30______ that mment, Baker, getting teary, said the nly ______31______ running thrugh her mind was, “I have t save this by. I have t save him.”
    Thanks t her ______32______, the cin was remved frm Prestn’s thrat. Befre that, hwever, Prestn had gne ______33______ and his face was turning blue. Baker cntinued first aid. That was when Prestn said, “Miss Raquel, I’m kay. I can ______34______ ” Baker said that mment brught great ______35______. She immediately hugged him tight. Prestn prmised t never put cins in his muth again.
    21. A. merryB. hnrableC. guiltyD. scary
    22. A. incidentB. jurneyC. attackD. cnflict
    23. A. decidingB. imaginingC. realizingD. explaining
    24. A. thrwn ffB. turned intC. trn ffD. slipped int
    25. A. leaveB. changeC. helpD. cmfrt
    26. A. eventuallyB. temprarilyC. cnstantlyD. secretly
    27. A. panicB. actinC. fameD. dubt
    28. A. assessingB. seekingC. teachingD. perfrming
    29. A. inventedB. learnedC. missedD. frgtten
    30. A. RecallingB. IgnringC. RecgnizingD. Repeating
    31. A. memryB. challengeC. thughtD. curage
    32. A. curisityB. effrtC. frtuneD. guidance
    33 A. deafB. weakC. madD. impatient
    34. A. standB. mveC. listenD. breathe
    35. A. reliefB. respnsibilityC. respectD. mtivatin
    Climate prtectin strategy is fascinating the glbe during the 19th Asian Games, nt just athletic talent .____36____ (bst) climate cperatin, China, with the centuries ld histry and unique culture, is using green measures. Hangzhu city has adpted a ____37____ (practice) ec apprach. The emphasis f the Asian Games ____38____ (be) n “green, intellectual, frugal, and civilized” cntests, reflecting a trend tward mre eclgically friendly and sustainable practices in majr events.
    Aviding firewrks during the pening ceremny prmtes envirnmental awareness. Traditinal firewrks displays are fun ____39____ pllute the air. The Asian Games intend t exhibit a ____40____ (cmmit) t sustainability while prviding an engaging and memrable experience ____41____ all guests by replacing this event with digitally pwered visual effects and sund presentatins. The Asian Games’ ec friendly licensed items include backpacks ____42____ (make) frm recycled bttles and frisbees frm rice husks (谷壳). As all Asian Games venues and facilities emply green energy, the event’s green elements demnstrate China’s recent green transfrmatin and ____43____ (it) respnsibility and prmise t meet the dual carbn gals.
    The Games Village gave residents a “Lw Carbn Accunt” as part f the green measures. Carbn pints ____44____ (use) in prmting lw carbn habits including p late recycling, green cmmuting, and plastic-free purchasing. Pints culd be traded fr lw-carbn Olympic mascts and ther prizes. China cntinues t carry ut a climate change plicy, develp ____45____ better carbn market, and participate in glbal climate gvernance. China aims t peak and neutralize carbn dixide emissins by 2030 and 2060.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    《中学生英文报》正在举办英语征文活动,题目为“Cnvenience r Burden”请你以二维码为话题投稿,内容包括:
    1. 二维码的利弊;2. 你的观点。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 标题与部分首句已写好,不计入总词数。参考词汇:二维码QR cde
    Cnvenience r Burden
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    At ne table by the windw, a lady just finished up her lunch. It wasn’t anything fancy, just a sandwich and sme salad, with a cup f tea t wash them all dwn. She seemed t be in her wn little wrld, staring ut the windw every nw and then, like she was waiting fr smething. After a bit, she gt up, paid fr her meal at the cunter, and left.
    Her table was still a mess, with bits f her meal left behind. It wasn’t a big deal—this happens all the time. But tday, smething different was ging t happen. A yung by, wh lked like he’d had a pretty rugh time, had been watching her and the table frm arund the crner.
    This kid was in bad shape. His clthes were t big and lked like they’d seen better days. His hair was all ver the place, and there was dirt n his face. He had that lk f smene wh hadn’t had a gd meal fr way t lng. When the lady left, he saw his chance. He quickly sat dwn and started scarfing dwn (狼吞虎咽) the leftvers like they were the best meal he’d ever had.
    But then, the waiter walked ver. He was an lder guy wh’d prbably seen everything. He didn’t say anything at first, just watching the kid fr a secnd. The by gt scared and stpped eating, and tears started t well up in his eyes. He thught the waiter wuld kick him ut fr sure. Instead, the waiter tk away the half-eaten plate, and the by’s heart sank. The by gt up t leave.
    But befre he culd get far, the waiter came back.
    Then all peple in the canteen started clapping.
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. Hw much des the muse cst nw?
    A. $40. B. $32. C. $20.
    2. What will the speakers prbably d first?
    A. Enjy the tea. B. Clean the backyard. C. Sit in the backyard.
    3. What happened t the wman?
    A. She lst her mney.
    B. She culdn’t find her accunt histry.
    C. Her card was eaten by the machine.
    4. What des the man speaker think f Bb?
    A. He is kind. B. He is brave. C. He is easyging.
    5. What is the wrst thing f Je’s stry?
    A. The grammar. B. The handwriting. C. The spelling.
    6. What will the wman’s speech mainly be abut?
    A. Greenhuse gases. B. Cal resurces. C. Wind pwer.
    7. When will the speech begin?
    A. At 2:30 p. m. B. At 3:00 p. m. C. At 5:00 p. m.
    8. What des the man want his huse t have?
    A. Tw bedrms. B. A small kitchen. C. A big garden.
    9. What des the man’s wife like ding?
    A. Gardening. B. Surfing. C. Swimming.
    10. Hw will the wman cntact the man?
    A. By phne. B. By email. C. By letter.
    11. What des the wman ask sme lcal artists t d?
    A. Advertise her gds. B. Sell their wn wrks. C. Give her sme inspiratin.
    12. What will the wman d fr small rders abut delivering?
    A. Charge a small fee. B. Deliver them fr free. C. Give a discunt.
    13. What is special abut the packaging?
    A. It’s expensive. B. It’s rich in clr. C. It’s ec-friendly.
    14. What kind f travel cmpanin is Karen lking fr?
    A. One wh speaks Spanish well. B. One wh is in her thirties. C. One wh is easy-ging.
    15. Why culd Karen speak Spanish pretty well?
    A. She tk Spanish lessns at cllege.
    B She wrked in Spain fr a lng time.
    C. She nce lived in a Spanish-speaking cuntry.
    16. Where des Karen plan t place an ad?
    A. In a magazine. B. In the newspaper. C. On the Internet.
    17. What des the speaker say abut 3D printing at first?
    A. It has develped in many fields. B. It is harmful t the envirnment. C. It has changed ur lifestyle.
    18. What advantage can we have frm 3D fd printing technlgy?
    A. We can make varius fd with it.
    B. We may save much time.
    C. We will create mre jbs related t it.
    19. What may be influenced if peple accept 3D-printed fd?
    A. The traditinal restaurants. B. The market f the micrwave. C. The transprtatin industry.
    20. Why des the speaker give the talk?
    A. T encurage peple t use 3D printers at hme.
    B. T intrduce the develpment f 3D printers in fd.
    C. T prve the bright future f 3D-printed fd.
    21. D 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. D 29. B 30. A 31. C 32. B 33. B 34. D 35. A
    36. T bst 37. practical 38. is 39. but 40. cmmitment 41. fr 42. made
    43. its 44. were used 45. a
    Cnvenience r Burden
    Nwadays, QR cdes are everywhere in ur lives. They have clearly led t increased cnvenience in ur daily life. With a clear “beep” after scanning a QR cde by WeChat r Alipay, a cashless payment will instantly be accmplished, thus saving us the truble f carrying wallets arund, nt t mentin its functin t keep electrnic recrds f every transactin.
    Hwever, as pprtunities and requirements fr scanning increase, what shuld be a cnvenience and quick scan can smetimes be turned int a burden. Imagine yurself in a restaurant with a smartphne withut pwer, cld, hungry and penniless, and the bss nly accepts rders placed thrugh a mini-prgram n WeChat/Alipay! What a bad luck!
    Frm my perspective, the widespread use f QR cdes is mre f a cnvenience than a burden. QR cdes save time, increase security and help cnsumers make infrmed chices. We can easily slve the prblem f battery anxiety by carrying a pwer bank n us.
    But befre he culd get far, the waiter came back. He had a full, fresh meal in hand—warm and smelling amazing. He signaled the little by t sit dwn and landed the meal with great care n t the table. The kid culdn’t believe it and culdn’t find wrds t express himself. He just stared fr a secnd until the tears started falling. This time, they were happy tears. In the meantime, the whle canteen went quiet when the peple in the canteen saw what was happening.
    Then all peple in the canteen started clapping. Everyne was smiling and lking at the kid enjying his surprise meal. As the by ate, ther cnsumers started walking up t the waiter and giving him sme mney. They were tipping him, but it wasn’t just a few cins; they were super generus. The by, with a full stmach and a happy heart, lked like he culdn’t thank the waiter enugh. They didn’t talk much, but it didn’t matter. They were just tw peple sharing a quiet mment tgether, and it felt like they understd each ther perfectly.

    吉林省通化市梅河口市第五中学2023-2024学年高三下学期开学英语试题: 这是一份吉林省通化市梅河口市第五中学2023-2024学年高三下学期开学英语试题,共11页。

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