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    这是一份213,山西省朔州市怀仁市第一中学等多校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题(1),共6页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后.你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1.What time des the train leave?
    A.At 12:00. B.At 11:45.C.At 11:30.
    2.What is the man ging t d tnight?
    A.T a birthday party. B.T visit Jane.C.T the theatre.
    3.Hw much can the wman save if she buys three shirts?
    A.3 dllars.B.6 dllars.C.5 dllars
    4.Wh is cming t visit the family?
    A.The man's mther.B.The wman's mther.C.The child's mther.
    5.Hw many radis will Jessie have in his family?
    A.Tw. B.Three. C.Fur.
    第二节 (共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中 选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题.每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题 将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6.What are the speakers ging t d after lunch?
    A.See a film.B.G shpping.C.Attend a meeting.
    7.Which restaurant will the speakers g t?
    A.Jim's Cafe. B.Rse Restaurant. C.Seafd Palace.
    8.Which is CORRECT?
    A.Janice called Allisn.B.Allisn called Janice. C.James called Allisn.
    9.Wh gt the tw tickets fr the Natinal Wmen's Vlleyball match?
    A.Janice.B.Allisn. C.Nt mentined.
    10.What time are they ging t meet at the entrance t the Capital Stadium?
    A.6:40. B.6:20. C.7:20.
    11.What kind f peple d they NOT need?
    A.Thse wh have n experience in ffice wrk.
    B.Thse wh knw n freign language.
    C.Thse wh want t wrk nly 30 hurs a week.
    12.What kind f peple will prbably get a higher pay?
    A.Thse wh are well educated.
    B.Thse wh can speak a sccnd language.
    C.Thse wh have much experience.
    13.What's the relatinship bet ween the tw speakers?
    A.Interviewer and interviewee.
    B.Bss and secretary.
    14.Why is it easier fr the wman t learn English?
    A.She ften talks t English peple.
    B.She speaks tw languages already.
    C.She always des her hmewrk right after class.
    15.Which f the fllwing is suggested by the wman as a gd way t learn English?
    A.Reading newspapers.B.Talking t freigners. C.Bth A and B.
    16.Why is it difficult fr the man t learn English?
    A.He desn't d hmewrk n time.您看到的资料都源自我们平台,20多万份最新小初高试卷,家威鑫 MXSJ663 免费下载 B.There are n native English speakers arund him.
    C.He is t shy t speak English.
    17.Wh d yu suppse is speaking?
    A.A turist guide. B.A bus driver. C.The head f a turist grup.
    18.What's the weather like?
    A.Cmfrtable. B.Ht. C.Cl.
    19.What d peple cnjy ding in the natinal park in late autumn and winter?
    A.Ging fr a walk. B.Driving arund the lake.C.Taking phts.
    20.Hw lng are the turists suppsed t stay in the park?
    A.65 minutes. B.110 minutes C.3 hurs.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50 分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项,
    Endangered Species(濒危物种)Bks fr Kids
    Will We Miss Them?Endangered Species
    Written frm the unique view f a 13-ycar-ld authr.this bk interests children in the lives and challenges f endangered species.helping ther yung peple learn abut these animals as the first step tward saving them.
    ◆Authr:Alexandra Wright
    ◆Publicatin Date:September,2011
    Almst Gne:The Wrld's Rarest Animals
    Have yu ever seen a wmbat r an Eastern barred bandict?Prbably nt.These animals are almst gne frm the earth.and they're nt text and cut-paper paintings intrduce basic endangered species knwledge t yung children.
    ◆Authr:Steve Jenkins
    ◆Publicatin Date:January,2016
    A Petic Jurney int the Wild
    Take a jurney acrss land and sea t meet 21 endangered and threatened animals.Lvely paintings and pems intrduce amazing animals frm arund the glbe and shw the dangers they face.The bk als lists activities and rganizatins that prvide mre detailed infrmatin abut endangered species prtectin.
    ◆Authr:Rachel Allen Dilln
    ◆Publicatin Date:February,2019
    Eyewitness:Endangered Animals
    This DK Eyewitness bk is an explratin f endangered animals arund the wrld,inclu- ding factrs that are driving them tward extinctin(灭绝)and ways that we can help them sur- vive.Blcks f text and diverse phtgraphs keep readers turning the pages.
    ◆Authr:Ben Hare
    ◆Publicatin Date:August,2015
    21.Which bk is written by a teenage authr?
    A.A Petic Jurney int the Wild.
    B.Eyewitness:Endangered Animals.
    C.Almst Gne:The Wrld's Rarest Animals.
    D. Will We Miss Them?Endangered Species.
    22.What can we find in A Petic Jurney int the Wild?
    A.Activities f hunting wildlife.
    B.Pems abut amazing animals.
    C.Paintings abut sme extinct animals.
    D.Surrundings f the endangered wildlife.
    23.What is the purpse f the text?
    A.T list sme endangered animals.
    B.T encurage prtectin f animals.
    C.T intrduce endangered species bks.
    D.T call n readers t fight illegal hunting.
    My family mved t St.Paul,Minnesta last year,where the average winter temperature is arund 10 degrees Fahrenheit.Once summer ended,everyne went inside t play ice hckey(冰球).I'd been n the ice nly a cuple f times when I was much yunger.When I'd fallen and br- ken my wrist during my secnd lessn.I'd decided never t put n ice skates again.
    Ben,the friend I made in the new city.vlunteered t teach me t skate.Even thugh he was very patient,I was s disappinted by my clumsiness(笨拙)that I began t make up excuses fr nt skating.
    One day I discvered a faster rute hme.It tk me past a large frzen pnd.I nticed a wman teaching a yung girl t skate.The girl was trying t jump and spin(旋转)in the air.
    Over and ver,she pushed ff the grund with the te f her skate.And ver and ver,she landed hard n the ice.
    After I had been watching the girl practice fr abut a week,ne afternn she suddenly lifted ff the grund.spun in the air,and landed n her feet!
    The next day I bught myself sme brand new skates.Every day n the way hme I stpped at the pnd and walked nt the ice.right next t the girl wh had landed her jump.As she perfected her twists and tricks,I taught myself t glide(滑行)and turn.It was hard being a beginner.Hwever,every time I fell dwn,I just picked myself up and started ver again.Sn I was able t keep my balance and skate mre cnfidently.In just a few weeks,I was actually ready t practice the speed skating,fast stps,and quick turns needed fr ice hckey.When I was finally ready t shw Ben my newfund skating ability,he tld me I shuld jin the lcal hckey league. I tried ut and was chsen fr a team.By the end f the seasn,I was part f a winning team.
    24.What can we learn abut the authr?
    A.He learned skating frm the girl. B.He preferred ice hckey t skating.
    C.He had nce given up learning skating. D.He mved t a new city withut summer.
    25.Why did the authr mentin the girl n the pnd?
    A.T prve the girl was skillful.
    B.T suggest the girl inspired him.
    C.T shw the girl was a quick learner.
    D.T explain hw he came acrss the girl.
    26.Accrding t the last paragraph,the authr's training was
    A.hard but rewarding B.easy and basic
    C.bring and tiring D.strict but interesting
    27.What des the stry mainly tell us?
    A.All rads lead t Rme. B.One is never t ld t learn.
    C.One gd turn deserves anther. D.Nthing is impssible t a willing heart.
    A study has shwn hw ecturism in the Philippines has transfrmed peple's attitudes twards marine(海洋的)cnservatin.
    Researchers frm the University f Victria in Canada and ther institutes in Philippines,visited three sites where turists pay t swim with whale sharks in the wild.They interviewed range f lcals in Oslb,Dnsl and Pintuyan,including fishers and ex-whale shark hunters.At Oslb,the largest f the three sites,peple were mre likely t speak abut the resulting imprvements t their quality f life and an increase in jb pprtunities.At the smaller,less prfitable sites,respnses were mre likely t be abut the changes in hw peple behaved twards the sharks.
    Dr.Jackie Ziegler,wh led the team frm the university's Marine Prtected Areas Research Grup,said,“Many f the peple we spke t reprted they nw care abut and value whale sharks because f turism activities.They als expressed the cmmunity's emtinal cnnectin t the species and the strng need t prtect them.Befre the intrductin f turist activities, mst f the lcals admitted t harming the sharks by hitting them with stnes,harpns,paddles,dynamite r riding them.”In terms f attitudes twards the wider marine envirnment,the majrity f respndents nw actively encurage thers t care fr the cean and they als use mre sustainable(可持续的) fishing practices.
    The study als acknwledged the ptential negative effects f turism n the marine envirnment,such as impacts n the health f lcal cral reefs and f the sharks.It cncluded that further studies were needed t assess these impacts befre firm cnclusins culd be drawn regarding the psitive impact f whale shark turism n cean cnservatin.
    Nevertheless,the researchers say their wrk suggests ecturism can be an effective means f strengthening prtectin.“It was fascinating t hear the imprtance s many lcal Filipin cmmunities place n whale shark turism.Bringing in the views f the lcal tur peratrs t the study was imperative(必要的)in uncvering the true impact f whale shark turism and the wider benefits t cean cnservatin in the Philippines,”Dr.Ziegler added.
    28.What d the lcal peple cncern least accrding t paragraph 2?
    A.Imprvements f life. B.Behavirs twards sharks.
    C.Increases f wrk chances. D.Relatinships between peple.
    29.Which wrd can best describe lcals' actin twards marine life befre ecturism?
    A.Prtective. B.Satisfying. C.Unsustainable. D.Beneficial.
    30.What will be the fcus f the future research n turism?
    A.Influences n the health f ther marine species.
    B.Strategies fr carrying ut marine ecturism.
    C.Benefits frm cean cnservatin.
    D.Imprtance f prtecting the lcal whale sharks.
    31.What may be the best title f the text?
    A.Ecturism Has Brught Large Benefits t Peple
    B.Ecturism Transfrms Lcals' Attitudes t Marine Cnservatin
    C.Marine Ecturism Gives Rise t a New Kind f Business
    D.Ecturism Des Much Gd t Marine Life as Befre
    Tw thirds f the ice in the glaciers(冰川)f the Alps is dmed!These glaciers will melt by the end f the century as glbal temperatures rise.accrding t a recent study.
    Scientists claim that half the ice held in sme 4,000 Alpine glaciers will disappear by 2050 due t glbal warming thrugh the effect f past emissins.After that,even if carbn emissins drp t zer,tw-thirds f the ice will still have melted by 2100.If emissins cntinue t rise at the current rate,the ice tngues will have all but disappeared frm Alpine valleys by the end f the century.The mst pessimistic predictin tells us that the Alps will be mstly ice-free by 2100.Only islated ice patches wuld remain at high altitudes,representing five per cent,at mst, f the ice vlume seen tday.
    The researchers warn that the lss f these glaciers will mean much less water is available fr farming and hydrelectricity,especially during drughts.It wuld als affect nature and turism
    In February,a study fund that a third f the huge ice fields in Asia's twering muntain chains were als under threat fr the same reasns.This will lead t serius cnsequences fr almst tw billin peple wh live dwnstream.Glaciers alng the Hindu Kush and Himalayan range are at higher,clder altitudes.If glbal carbn emissins are nt cut,hwever,tw-thirds f their ice culd be gne by 2100.
    The latest research cmbined cmputer mdels with real-wrld data t frecast the fate f the glaciers.It used 2017 as its starting pint.Unlike previus wrk,these mdels included hw the glaciers mve dwn the muntains.Applying this apprach t ther glaciated muntain chains culd imprve ice lss frecasts there.
    Cutting the emissins frm fssil-fuel burning.defrestatin and ther plluting activities is the biggest factr in minimizing the melting f the ice.The future f these glaciers is indeed at risk,but there is still a pssibility f limiting their disappearance.
    32.What des the underlined wrd “dmed”mean in paragraph 1?
    A.Plluted. B.Discvered. C.Endangered. D.Abandned.
    33.What can we infer frm paragraph 2?
    A.Emissins have much t d with the ice melting.
    B.The Alps is expected t lse all its ice by 2100.
    C.Ice lss will be avided with emissins prevented.
    D.Large ice pieces will just exist at the muntain tp.
    34.Why are the Asia's ice fields mentined in paragraph 4?
    A.T explain hw glacier melting came abut.
    B.T imply pllutin is a wrldwide prblem.
    C.T shw what cnsequences ice melting will cause.
    D.T indicate the Alps is nt alne t face ice melting.
    35.What is the writer's attitude twards the future f glaciers?
    A.Objective. B.Optimistic. C.Critical. D.Dubtful.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Straw Weaving(草编)
    What's the first thing that pps int yur mind when yu think f wheat straw? 36 Hwever,Wu Cui,an intangible cultural inheritr,can turn the straw left ver frm harvested wheat int beautiful and eye-catching functinal artwrks.
    ·The Origin f Straw Weaving
    37 .The Bk f Rites,ne f the classical wrks f Cnfucianism,als recrds that there were already mats made f cattail grass and prfessinal straw-weaving craftsmen during the Zhu Dynasty.
    ·The Prcess f Straw Weaving
    Straw weaving is a methd f manufacturing daily items r artwrks.Wu explains the prcess f straw weaving:selectin f materials is the first step f a cmplicated,time-cnsuming and labr-intensive prcess that can take weeks,r even mnths,t cmplete.Yu need t sketch (素描)the piece n paper,which requires drawing skills. 38 .Even by finishing that prcess, it des nt mean that yu will always create a gd piece f wrk.and the hardest part is t make it lifelike
    · 39
    In the past,wven straw items culd be fund almst in every husehld in the cuntryside. But due t the impact f industrializatin.manufactured gds have replaced such prducts,which yield lw prfits,and there are nly abut 100 individuals engaging in the wrk acrss the cuntry."The wrld has changed,and craftsmen need t pursue the beauty and artistry f straw culture t help the craft survive and thrive,”Wu says.
    ·The Future f Straw Weaving
    Frm her perspective,straw weaving shuld respnd t peple's needs and preferences,while still drawing inspiratin frm traditinal culture.“ 40 ,”she says.When asked abut her plans,Wu says she wants t dig deeper int lcal traditinal culture and create cultural creative prducts by develping the straw-weaving technique.
    A.The Current Situatin f Straw Weaving
    B.Next cmes weaving,shaping and preserving f the wrk
    C.Craftspeple shuld try their best effrts t prmte prducts
    D.It was listed as a natinal intangible cultural heritage in 2008
    E.Mst peple wuld prbably just see it as a pile f waste in a farmer's field
    F.The earliest straw-weaving prducts were discvered at Hemudu Cultural Ruins
    G.Craftspeple shuld be respnsive and creative and cnstantly update their prducts
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30 分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Once upn a time,there lived an ant and a grasshpper(蟋蟀) in a grass field by a river.The ant wuld wrk hard all day lng frm dawn t dusk 41 the grain.On the ther hand,the grasshpper wuld spend all his time singing and dancing.He wuld 42 call the ant t jin him in singing,dancing and making merry at the present time.Hwever,the ant wuld 43 him and cntinue with her wrk.
    Sn summer 44 t autumn and autumn t winter.It became freezing cld utside due t snwfall and the sun was barely seen and the nights were 45 and dark.Out f cld,the grass- hpper lst his 46 in singing and making merry.He was cld and hungry and had n 47 t take shelter frm the snw utside.He wndered hw t save himself frm this 48 situatin.
    Suddenly he remembered abut the ant and decided t 49 her fr sme fd and shelter. Off he went t her place and kncked at her dr fr 50 .When she pened the dr,the grasshpper ffered t sing fr her 51 fr sme fd and shelter.
    T this.the ant replied that she had wrked hard in summer t save enugh 52 fr winter and the grasshpper had laughed at her then.She gently asked him t sing smewhere else and 53 his fd and shelter.It is then,the grasshpper realised that he shuld have 54 enugh fr the winter instead f wasting his time and being 55 during summer.
    B.cleaning C.cllecting D.cvering
    B.hardly C.gradually D.frequently
    B.admit C.ignre D.frget
    B.faded C.belnged D.appeared
    B.shrt C.quiet D.nisy
    B.effrt C.faith D.interest
    B.place C.desire D.intentin
    B.strange C.tugh D.smth
    B.invite C.reject D.hire
    B.help C.service D,answer
    fun B.in case C,fr use D.in return
    B.mney C.shelter D.medicine
    B.sell C.earn D.buy
    B.saved C.helped D.danced
    B.careful C.plite D.lazy
    第二节 (共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Tday.giant pandas are ne f the wrld's mst well-knwn animals.And they are 56. (glhal)recgnized as being a leading symbl f bth China and nature cnservatin in general.But glbal interest 57.the animal nly tk ff early in the 20th century.
    The idea f the WWF's lg(标志)58.(cme)frm Chi-Chi:a giant panda that arrived at Lndn Z in 1961—the same year that WWF 59.(create),
    Aware f the need fr a recgnisable symbl that wuld break thrugh all language barriers (障碍),WWF's funders agreed that the big,furry bear with her special black and white cat wuld make a great lg.The riginal sketches(草图)were dne by the British envirnmentalist and 60.(art),Gerald Wattersn.
    Based n these.Sir Peter Sctt.ne f WWF's funders.drew 61.first lg. He said at the time that "we wanted an animal that was beautiful.62.(endanger),and lved by many peple in the wrld fr 63.(it)attractive qualities.We als wan ted an animal that had an impact(影响力)in black and white 64.(save)mney r printing csts.”
    The panda has since becme a symbl nt just fr WWF,65.fr the cnserya-tin mvement as a whle.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    你校学生会正在举办英语作文征文活动,请你以“My Favurite Festival”为题,写一篇短文介 绍你最喜欢的中国传统节日进行投稿。内容包括:
    My Favurite Festival
    “I just culdn't stp thinking abut her.”That's what a nine-year-ld cat lver Sutter Rwse said after he saw a stry abut a stray cat (流浪猫)in his cmmunity f Williams Lake.British Clumbia,which was in need f surgery(外科手术).He decided t d smething abut it and raise funds t help the cat.Nw,that cat is much better and has a brand new wner,all thanks t Sutter's hard wrk and clever thinking.
    Online,Sutter came acrss a stry psted by his lcal animal shelter.The BC SPCA explained that the cat—which was named Hazel by shelter staff—had been fund at the transfer statin in Anahim Lake,abut fur hurs west f Sutter's hme.A transfer statin is a place where garbage and ther waste are srted.Shelter staff said Hazel was lking fr fd there.
    They later discvered that the back part f it was injured.The head f her femur(股骨)was brken and died-meaning the death f cells in sme part f the bdy—had set in.s Hazel wuld need surgery t get better.SPCA staff put ut a call t the cmmunity t raise funds fr it,and that's when Sutter gt t wrk.Sutter thught up a gd idea:making use f the pwer f cinnamn buns(肉桂面包).He knew if there was anything that culd get cmmunity members t emp ty their pckets,it wuld be this sweet treat:cinnamn buns.
    He and his mum,Leslie Rwse,gt t wrk baking,and his mum psted abut Sutter's effrts n a scial media page fr his lcal cmmunity.Arund 15 dzen(r 180)cinnamn buns later,Sutter had raised $850.His mum drpped ff the mney at the shelter.and Hazel was able t start her surgeries.
    Fllwing Hazel's surgeries and several days f recvery,Sutter's mum was ready t share sme gd news.Sutter's mum tld Sutter that Hazel had a new wner.She asked him t guess wh that wner was."I guessed us!And I was right,"said Sutter.
    They decided t pick up Hazel n weekend.
    Since adpting Hazel.Sutter has made a lt t imprve her cnditin.

    213,山西省朔州市怀仁市第一中学等多校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题: 这是一份213,山西省朔州市怀仁市第一中学等多校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题,共4页。

    2023-2024学年山西省朔州市怀仁市第一中学校等多校高三上学期11月联考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年山西省朔州市怀仁市第一中学校等多校高三上学期11月联考英语试题含答案,文件包含山西省朔州市怀仁市第一中学校等多校2023-2024学年高三上学期11月联考英语试题原卷版docx、山西省朔州市怀仁市第一中学校等多校2023-2024学年高三上学期11月联考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共44页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年山西省朔州市怀仁市怀仁市第一中学校等多校高一上学期9月月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年山西省朔州市怀仁市怀仁市第一中学校等多校高一上学期9月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含精品解析山西省朔州市怀仁市怀仁市第一中学校等多校2023-2024学年高一上学期9月月考英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析山西省朔州市怀仁市怀仁市第一中学校等多校2023-2024学年高一上学期9月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共42页, 欢迎下载使用。






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