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    (时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
    第一 部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分.满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题.从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1.What wuld the wman like?
    A.Chips and ice cream.B.Cheese cake. C.Chclate cake.
    2.Wh has given up smking?
    A.Frank. B.The wman C.Jack.
    3.What will the man d next?
    A.Check the light. B.Change a new light. C.Turn ff the light.
    4.What d we knw abut the man?
    A.He has been ding his ffice wrk.
    B.He is t ld t walk arund.
    C.He has hurt his shulders.
    5.What are the speakers talking abut?
    A.The Western life. B.A bk. C.Sme pictures.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分.满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有儿个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6.What is the mst prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Husband and wife. B.Emplyer and emplyee.C.Tur guide and custmer.
    7.What des the man want the wman t d?
    A.Make a travel plan. B.G travelling with him.C.Put ff her trip.
    8.Wh is making the call?
    A.Helen. B.Mike. C.Samuel.
    9.What is the purpse f the call?
    A.T cnfirm the data.B.T d research. C.T make an appintment.
    10.What des the man want t d after graduatin?
    A.T be a teacher. B.T be an engineer. C.T wrk at a htel.
    11.What is the wman's majr nw?
    A.Cmputer science. B.Htel management. C.French.
    12.Hw des the wman pay fr cllege?
    A.By ding a part-time jb.
    B.By taking a schlarship.
    C.By getting mney frm her parents.
    13.What culd the wman prbably be?
    A.A tur guide. B.A huse agent. C.A designer
    14.What disappeared in this area?
    A.The cncert hall. B.The sprts centre. C.The ld cinema
    15.What des the man think f the area?
    A.Crwded B.Incnvenient C.Attractive
    16.What will the speakers d next?
    A.See a huse. B.Visit a museum. C.Take a walk
    17.Hw many levels f curses des the prgramme ffer?
    A.Seven. B.Eight. C.Nine,
    18.What is the strength f the prgramme?您看到的资料都源自我们平台,20多万份最新小初高试卷,家威鑫 MXSJ663 免费下载 A.It is available thrughut the year.
    B.It can meet persnal requirements.
    C.It prvides curses n US culture.
    19.What will peple d t determine their levels?
    A.T have an exam. B.T write a shrt passage.C.T talk with a native speaker.
    20.What shuld be dne t get extra English hurs?
    A.Studying full-time.
    B.Finishing a seven-weck curse.
    C.Jining the Language Centre Prject.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题:每小题2.5分.满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文.从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项
    Camden Market
    Whatever yur cup f tea is.yu re bund t find smething that yu're fnd f at the Cam den markets.The Camden markets cnsist f six markets in and arund Camden Twn.lcated ncar Camden Lck.The markets attract 100.000 turists every weekend.
    But believe it r nt.the Camden markets are a relatively new additin t Lndn,as the area surrunding Camden Lck was used primarily fr agricultural and industrial purpses befre the 1800s.
    Camden Market Highlights
    ·Out f the six markets.Camden Lck Village is perhaps the mst famus.This cvered market is fully packed with all srts f beautiful,handmade items.
    ·At Camden Lck Market yu can find fd stalls(货摊)ffering fd frm all ver the wrld.as well as handmade jewelry(珠宝),secnd-hand ther husehld items yu wn't find anywhere else in the city.
    ·Cheek ut Inverness Street Market.It may nt be as big as the ther Camden markets but dn't let that stp yu.as here yu will find a variety f specially shps.and cuntless bars and restaurants.
    ·Camden High Street is a highly ppular shpping area and is packed with independent shps. pubs.and restaurants.many f which feature sme interesting designs that are wrth taking a pht f.N Camden Twn pht cllectin wuld be cmplete withut a sht f the large black and range dragn at Camden High Street.
    Visiting Infrmatin
    ·Open:10:00 AM t 6:00 PM
    ·Time Needed:2.5 hurs
    21.What d we knw abut the Camden markets?
    A.They are new but ppular.
    B.They are pen all day lng.
    C.They are far frm Camden Lck.
    D.They are fr agricultural and industrial uses.
    22.What is special abut Camden Lck Market?
    A.It sells secnd-hand jewelry. B.It features cuntless lcal bars
    C.It ffers unique husehld items. D.It mainly sells Camden's lcal prduce.
    23.Which place is mst prbably favred by phtgraphy lvers?
    A.Camden Lck Village. B.Camden High Street.
    C.Camden Lck Market. D.Inverness Street Market
    When I turned twelve,I wrked in summer at my father's small brick cleaning business.I re- member the harsh acid smell f the cleaning slutin,the dim bulb light reflecting the busy figures and the scraping sund f stiff irn brushes against rugh brick.It was tempting t have yur jb just finished.But anybdy wh wrked fr Thmas Kahn had t meet his standards, and that included me.If I messed up.he made me stay late until I gt it right.My father wasn't being mean.He demanded the exact same f himself.Every brick he cleaned n the huse std ut like a red jewel in a white setting.It was his signature.
    In 1970,when I was twenty,I was t get married.I mved ut f my parent's mdest place int a husing prject.Drugs and gang vilence were just beginning t damage the prjects.Sme f my friends went t jail.Sme were killed.My wife Verllen,was 18,and nbdy gave ur marriage a chance.But we believed in each ther.And ur faith made us strng.
    When we married.I wrked as a stck elerk at Suthwest Super Fd.It was hard,tedius wrk.Each Friday night a truck came.with cases f fd that had t be unladed,priced and placed n shelves.Mst f stck clerks try t get Friday night ff.But I was always ready t wrk.By Saturday mrning,all the cans and jars in my aisle were placed with a label facing smartly ut,like a line f sldiers n review.That was my signature.I tk pride in a jb nbdy wanted.
    Years past since I established my belief in ding the jb,influenced prfundly by my father's persistence and standards.In my mind,it has becme a traditin.I hpe this generatin and the generatins behind can keep t and fllw.
    24.What d we learn abut the authr's father?
    A.He is a tugh persn. B.He is quite mean t thers.
    C.He is very demanding in his wrk. D.He usually wrks very late.
    25.What can be learned abut the husing prject?
    A.It was a prmising industry.
    B.It frced many peple t g t prisn.
    C.It enabled the authr t get married.
    D.It was bthered by drugs and gang vilence.
    26.Which f the fllwing best described the authr's wrk as a stck clerk?
    A.He was required t wrk at Friday night.
    B.He had t sign his name n every label.
    C.He had t endure the hardship and bredm.
    D.He was mainly respnsible fr unlading fd.
    27.What can be implied frm the authr's wrking experience?
    A.Persistence can be passed n t the next generatin.
    B.Hardship can help develp a persn's patience.
    C.Demanding jbs are hard t address fr a beginner.
    D.Strng will must be cultivated in the harsh wrking envirnment
    Thrughut ur daily lives,we have knwn plenty f peple and will knw mre.But hw can we tell if smene is wrth ur trust?In a paper published recently in the Jurnal f Persnality and Scial Psychlgy,researcher gave us the answer.
    The researchers asked 401 adults frm the United States t fill ut a questinnaire measuring their guilt-prneness(内疚倾向)in different situatins as well as several ther qualities,and then play a shrt nline game.In this game,Player 1 is given 1,which they can chse t give t Player 2.Any mney given t Player 2 is then autmatically increased t 2 can then decide whether t keep all f the mney r behave in a trustwrthy way by returning a part f the mney t Player 1.The researchers fund mre guit-prne peple were mre likely t share the mney with Player 1.Actually,in fllw-up studies,guilt-prneness predicted trustwrthiness better than ther persnality qualities the researchers measured.
    Why might guilt lead t trustwrthy behavir?The researchers fund peple wh were guilt prne als reprted feeling a must t act in ethical(合乎道德的)and respnsible ways while inter- acting with their partners in the game.Peple wh are guilt-prne tend t avid engaging in behavir that might harm r disappint thers.If they d smething bad,guilt encurages them t try t make things right again.
    Then,hw can we use this research t ascertain whether smene is trustwrthy?“One way t d this might be bserve hw they respnd t experience regret,”lead authr Emma Levine, assistant prfessr at the University f Chicag Levine,explains.Anther way is t ask them t describe a difficult dilemma they faced in the past,suggests c-authr Taya Chen,assciate prfessr at Carnegie Melln University.This is particularly effective,Chen and her clleagues have fund,because it allws us t see if they're cncerned abut the effects their actins have n thers.
    28.What did guilt-prne Player 2 tend t d in the nline game?
    A.Keep all the mney. B.Share the mney with Player l.
    C.Return the mney t the researchers. D.Spend the mney n themselves
    29.Why might guilt lead t trustwrthy behavir?
    A.It encurages peple t harm thers.
    B.It makes peple feel respnsible t act ethically.
    C.It makes peple want t disappint thers.
    D.It makes peple avid difficult dilemmas.
    30.What des the underlined wrd “ascertain”in the last paragraph mean?
    A.Ask. B.Express. C.Describe. D.Determine.
    31.Hw is the text rganized and develped?
    A.By prviding backgrund. B.By making a lt f cmparisns.
    C.By answering the raised questins. D.By analyzing effects f guilt-prneness.
    Whenever Alyssa Bhart heard a vice frm her cmputer repeatedly-status alert,status alert—the search was n.The warning came frm a radar device installed in Churchill,Manitba—a mdified(改进的)military system prgrammed with artificial intelligence(Al)and trained t detect plar bears.
    Over the past fur years,the nnprfit Plar Bears Internatinal(PBI)has led radar.r “bear-dar”,tests t hpefully help nrthern cmmunities stay safe.Plar bears are pwerful predatrs,and fr peple in the Arctic,an essential part f cexisting with bears is maintaining a respectful distance.But with climate changes reducing sea ice,plar bears cnflicts are spending mre time n land.The chances f plar bears and humans cnflicts are increasing,which can have terrible cnsequences fr bth parties.
    The prject came int being when PBI was lking fr new ways t prevent human-plar bear cnflicts.A chance meeting with Sptter RF,a cmpany that makes military radar devices, gave them an idea:maybe they culd use the radar system t detect plar bears heading tward twns and send ut an early warning.
    In their initial tests,the researchers discvered that "the technlgy wrks great",says Geff Yrk,FBI's senir directr f cnservatin.“If anything,it detects t much.”The radar turned ut t send thusands f mtin alerts.S in 2020,the team turned t Al t try t narrw dwn the hits."By incrprating this AI,we are truly teaching this radar t learn what a plar bear is," says Alysa MeCall,a staff scientist with PBI.
    This past fall,the team psitively identified 28 plar bears and had 89 alerts that didn't turn ut t be bears.McCall says their gals is t have mre psitive identificatins than negative.In rare events,the team nticed plar bears,either n the camera r in persn,that the bear-dar didn't identify.In thse cases,the tw mst cnfusing variables fr the bear-dar were variatins in the bears' sizes,and the directin the bears were walking in relatin t the radar."We are nt quite there yet.But I think the results have prved we have a gd directin f where t g with the AI,”says MeCall.
    32.What is PBI trying t d?
    A.T prvide new hmes fr plar bears.
    B.T help humans stay away frm plar bears.
    C.T prtect plar bears with advanced technlgy.
    D.T lk int the cause f human-plar bear cnflicts.
    33.What was the prblem with PBI's initial radar system?
    A.It was ften damaged by plar bears. B.It needed much time t find the target.
    C.It cst t much mney t perate well. D.It sent ut unnecessary warning signals.
    34.Hw did MeCall feel abut the test results?
    A.Satisfied. B.Disappinted. C.Cncerned. D.Hpeless.
    35.What can be the best title f the text?
    A.AI Des a Great Jb in Plar Bear Cnservatin
    B.Climate Change Intensifies Human-bear Cnflicts
    C.Bear-dar Warns Humans f Appraching Plar Bears
    D.Plar Bears Pse a Big Threat t Nrthern Cmmunities
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    As a way t cnnect the mind,bdy and spirit,nw,yga is practiced r celebrated all ver the wrld by adults and teens.36 Hw can yga actually benefit children in the lng run? Here are sme benefits f yga fr kids.
    ·It helps with self-cntrl.
    Self-cntrl is an imprtant part f a child's develpment.Kids wh can practice self-cntrl are better at maintaining friendships and making decisins.Studies shw that kids wh rutinely practice yga are als less impulsive(易冲动的). 37
    ·It reduces stress and anxiety.
    Kids need stress relief tls,t!In fact,reprts shw that children's anxiety levels may have dubled as a result f stress in daily life and schl. 38 These techniques help kids cm- frt their minds,which in turn cmfrts their bdies.s yga is a great tl fr kids t use t wrk thrugh their stress and anxiety.
    ·It imprves fcus and attentin.
    Cncentratin is a tugh skill fr many yung kids t master! 39 After a while f practicing yga,children develp the ability t cncentrate fr lnger perids f time.This is a skill that will greatly benefit children when they enter schl.
    · 40
    Anther incredible benefit f yga is that regular practice helps children learn t believe in themselves and their wn capabilities.They will feel prud f themselves when they master a new mve and can demnstrate all the different pses that they knw.
    A.It affects relatinship with parents.
    B.It is als practiced by yung children.
    C.It bsts self respect and cnfidence.
    D.Ding yga can help kids have a deep sleep
    E.Yga lets children fcus n ne manageable task at a time.
    F.They als have mre patience while waiting fr psitive rewards.
    G.Yga helps children practice breathing techniques t calm anxius nerves.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30 分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    I wanted t be a teacher when I was 10 because I saw my teachers had special pwers.
    There was an English teacher in fifth grade wh culd 41 and effrtlessly transprt us t different wrlds every day by telling us stries frm bks we wuld therwise never 42 .It was even shcking that my teacher culd 43 the invisible.I was ne f thse wh 44 insight(洞察).Yet my teacher wuld always ntice me and the 45 message in her eyes suggested that she culd see me thrugh.She had anther superpwer and even after fur decades,l culd still 46 remember her lessns abut the great masters f art and great gegraphers.She did this even thugh her 47 was nt art.nr gegraphy.I knew I wanted t be ne f thse all-seeing nes with the 48 that made children feel safe and valued.
    I knw being a teacher isn't the 49 r the mst financially rewarding f jbs.And there are ccupatinal 50 一yur knees can becme wrn ut frm years f carrying piles f nte- bks up and dwn the schl staircase;yur 51 can give in frm t much talking.But despite all that,there are still thse chsing this 52 .T them,teaching is nt just a jb-it is a science,an art and a craft,which demands 53 labur and investment.
    I have taught fr three decades.Occasinally,I meet my 54 fr me and fnd 55 f ur time tgether are my rewards.
    B.casually C.deliberately D.magically
    42,A.take away B.pick up C.hand ut D.leave alne
    B.bear C.break D.cver
    B.partly C.hardly D.rughly
    B.task C.majr D.duty
    B.dubt C.desire D.superpwer
    B.hardest C.dullest D.weakest
    B.risks C.skills D.stages
    B.sight C.cars D.legs
    B.cause C.gift D.reasn
    B.private C.slight D.emtinal
    B.frmer C.patient D.plitt
    B.services C.memries D.messages
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15 分)
    When it finally pened in February 2022,Dubai's new Museum f the Future was already ne f the city's favrite 56. (build).And hw culd it nt be?Fr six years.residents and visitrs alike had watched curiusly every step f the cnstructin prcess f this shimmering silver landmark 57. (lcate)n Dubai's main highway.Sheikh Zayed Rad.
    The gemetric skeletn really began t take shape when the calligraphy-cvered metal plates 58. (add).Once in place,a team f wrkers abseiled dwn the curved sides 59. a daily basis,drawing gazes and phne cameras,with everyne wndering just exactly 60. they were ding.
    Upn pening.Dubai's ruler Sheikh Mhammed bin Rashid Al Maktum declared the 77-meter-high stainless steel trus "the mst beautiful building in the wrld".61. Architectural Digest called it "62. instant(and highly Instagrammable)icn".
    “I knew it culd be designed because it's 63. (basic)like an egg,and an egg is very strng frm."the designer Killa says.adding that thrughut the ages.64. (start)with the Pyramids in Giza and the Panthen in Rme,many f the wrld's greatest buildings were at the limits f the technlgy f their day.And with all the bundary-pushing techn- lgical advancements used by Killa t bring the building t life,the Museum f the Future 65. (bring)the future f architecture t life in the Dubai f tday.
    第四部分 写作(共两节.满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    假定你是李华.你校英文报“文化与体验”栏日正在举办主题为“一次难忘的旅行经历”的征文 比赛, .请你写一篇文章投稿,内容如下:
    An Unfrgettable Travel Experience
    第二节 (满分25分)
    My first year f high schl felt awkward.After I left junir high as a straight-A student,it felt strange starting ver as a freshman.And t make matters wrse,my clsest friend went t a different high schl.I felt very islated.
    I missed my ld teachers s much that I wuld g back and visit them.They wuld encurage me t get invlved in schl activities s that I culd meet new peple.They tld me that in time I wuld adjust and prbably end up lving my new schl mre than I had lved my ld ne.
    One Sunday afternn nt lng after I had started high schl.I was sitting at hme ding hmewrk.It was a cld and windy fall day,and we had a fire ging in ur fireplace.My mther kept stking the fire t keep the huse nice and warm.Suddenly.I smelled smething strange,and then I nticed smke puring in thrugh the seams(接缝处)f the ceiling.The smke began t fill the rm s quickly that we culd barely see anything.Feeling abut ur way t the frnt dr.we managed t get int the frnt yard.By the time we made ur way utside.the whle rf was engulfed(吞没)in flames and it was spreading quickly.I ran t the neighbrs t call the fire department.
    Five hurs later.the fire was finally ut.Our huse was almst cmpletely burned dwn. Everything was gne in the smke.The firemen wuldn't let us g back int the huse that night.It was still t dangerus.We piled int the car with just the clthes n ur backs,and made ur way t my grandparents' huse t spend the night.
    On Mnday.I went t schl.When the fire brke ut.I was wearing pajamas(睡衣),and 1 had n shes!I had kicked them ff when I was ding my hmewrk."Why I have t be here!"I cried inside,head hung lw.
    I was ttally embarrassed by everything.
    The next day.when I entered the classrm.I was shcked.

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