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    Visitrs will find sme f the best skiing in France. France ffers a wide variety f skiing areas suitable fr everyne, frm beginners t the best in the wrld.
    Val d’Isere
    Val d’Isere, linked with the neighbring Tignes, makes up Espace Killy area. Named after the famus three — time Olympic gld medalist Jean-Claude Killy wh grew up skiing in the area, the Val d’Isere base sits at 6,069 feet. This altitude is paired with cnsistent snwfall and Eurpe’s largest snw-making capacity.
    La Rsiere
    La Rsiere is a histric muntain twn sitting in the heart f the Saint Bernard Pass. Because it’s clse t the Italian brder (边界, 国界) , it’s ften called the mst Italian area in Savy. La Rsiere is an excellent destinatin fr middle skiers and even advanced skiers.
    Les Tris Valles
    Les Tris Vallees r the Three Valleys is hme t a grup f intercnnected ski resrts that create the largest ski area in the wrld. Curchevel is the largest ski resrt in the area, with ver 90miles f skiable trails. This area attracts all levels, with almst a third f the rutes being beginner-friendly. Curchevel is als knwn t attract a special crwd, including Prince William and Kate Middletn.
    Yu can find Avriaz in the Prtes du Sleil area, which makes up the secnd largest ski regin in the cuntry. The entire regin cmprises 12 resrts and ver 40 miles f area that crss int Switzerland. One pass will grant yu access t all the lifts in the area, making it pssible t ski in tw cuntries n the same day. Avriaz is the snwiest resrt in France and is als unique in that the resrt itself is car-free! Visitrs reach the resrt by cable car and then get arund by walking, skiing, r hrse-drawn sleigh (雪橇) .
    1.What is Espace Killy named after?
    A. A place fr hlding the Olympics.B. A place cnnecting Val d’Isere.
    C. A famus athlete.D. A neighbr city f Val d’Isere.
    2.What is special abut Avriaz?
    A. Peple can ride hrses there.B. Cars are nt allwed there.
    C. It’s very quiet and unique.D. It’s a very large ski resrt.
    3.What d La Rsiere and Avriaz have in cmmn?
    A. They bth brder anther cuntry.B. They ffer the service f cable cars.
    C. They lie in the Saint Bernard Pass.D. They’re bth Italian ski regins.
    “I was dead fr 67 minutes. It’s a miracle that I’m here tday.” Thse are the wrds f Bruce Richardsn, wh survived a cardiac arrest (心脏骤停) in July 2016 thanks t the quick actins f his friends and the first respnders wh refused t give up.
    It was an early summer mrning, a typical Saturday. Bruce vlunteered as usual in the cmmunity center. “I had n symptms that there was any prblem. It was a cmpletely nrmal mrning; I felt fine,” he shared. “I was visiting with friends. Then, I passed ut. What happened next I knw frm what thers have tld me.”
    Bruce’s friend, Jack, had learned hw t perfrm CPR, and he quickly began chest cmpressins. Anther friend, Dug, dialed 911 and the peratr walked him thrugh cmpressins until first respnders arrived. Once the ambulance arrived, the paramedics tried five times t restart Bruce’s heart with an AED. By this time, Bruce had been withut a heartbeat fr ver 30 minutes, ften when time f death is called. On the phne with an emergency rm dctr, ne f the paramedics was instructed t try tw AEDs simultaneusly (同时) . It wrked; Bruce’s heart began t beat again. Incredibly, he awke the next day and was able t cmmunicate. After a week, Bruce made a full recvery and left the hspital.
    Since Bruce’s cardiac arrest, he has since been able t resume a nrmal life with sme differences. He nw is a passinate CPR advcate. He has shared his stry in the news, and last year he was a guest speaker at the Assciatin’s Indianaplis Heart & Strke Ball t encurage peple t spread the message f CPR. Finally, Bruce shared his stry in a vide nw being used t prmte American Heart Assciatin Hands-Only CPR kisks installed arund the cuntry.
    4.What made Bruce’s survival frm a severe heart attack pssible?
    A. The dctr’s first aid withut delay.
    B. His friends’ prper guidance n perfrming CPR.
    C. His vlunteer experiences in the cmmunity center.
    D. The instant actins f his friends and the first respnders.
    5.Why did Bruce share his stry in a vide?
    A. T advcate the applicatin f CPR.B. T appeal t mre peple t vlunteer.
    C. T share his struggle fr a nrmal life.D. T enhance peple’s awareness f fitness.
    6.What can we learn frm Bruce’s stry?
    A. Hard wrk will pay ff ne day.B. The knwledge f first aid cunts.
    C. Learning t live in the present matters.D. Ease yur mind when panic arises.
    7.What is the text?
    A. A research paper.B. A bk review.C. A news reprt.D. A curse advertisement.
    A new APP uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) t tell yu what yur pet is thinking. It’s called Happy Pets and it analyses an animal’s facial features, tells yu what breed (血统) it is and indicates which f the five mst cmmn animal emtins—happy, angry, neutral, sad and scared.
    The Happy Pets app uses AI, r machine learning. It’s a technlgy that’s used fr visin in rbtics and self-driving cars and it wrks by taking in images and assigning imprtance t them. One cmmn use fr AI is in facial recgnitin technlgy. Many f us can unlck ur mbile phnes with an image f ur face and it’s imprtant part f security prcesses in, fr instance, airprts.
    But this is the first time this kind f technlgy has been used fr animals. It then had t learn t recgnize facial features. This is sphisticated because phts can be taken in s many different ways: frm the side, abve, belw, in bright light. And different animals can have such different facial features. Think abut hw different the nses f a brder cllie (边境牧羊犬) and bulldg are, fr instance. Once the AI behind Happy Pets had learned all this, it then had t be able t detect emtins based n specific facial features that are assciated with each emtin, which it has learned frm thusands f examples. Fr instance, if a dg tightens its eyes and muth while changing the psitin f its ears in a particular way, it’s a sign f being scared.
    In an nline article fr Melburne University’s Pursuit, the researchers write they’re happy with hw the app perfrms. The researchers wuld lve feedback abut hw they culd develp the app further.
    8.Which f the fllwing may g beynd Happy Pets’ functin?
    A. Learning the kinds f pets.B. Shwing pets’ main feelings.
    C. Teaching pets’ facial recgnitin.D. Analyzing the pets’ facial features.
    9.What is the facial recgnitin technlgy cmmnly used as nw?
    A. The rbt’s eye.B. A security system.
    C. The visin f self-driving.D. A machine learning system.
    10.What des the underlined wrd “sphisticated” in Paragraph 3 meaning?
    A. Typical.B. Cmplex.C. Scientific.D. Traditinal.
    11.Why des Happy Pets have t learn t recgnize faces?
    A. Because faces can definitely shw animals feelings.
    B. Because it wants t have emtins f humans.
    C. Because it enables Happy Pets t detect emtins based n specific facial features.
    D. Because the types f animals are based n the lks.
    “The failure t play is nw a serius issue and it calls fr actin fr change,” says Sir Ken Rbinsn, a leading expert in educatin, creativity and human develpment. This is the driving frce behind Outdr Classrm Day - a glbal teacher-led campaign, supprted by Dirt is Gd, a cmpany prducing daily chemical prducts.
    Outdr Classrm Day, taking place n 17th May and 1st Nvember this year, will see schls arund the wrld swap the inside fr the playgrund and beynd t make playtime a key part f the schl day. This might invlve using natural bjects like stnes t d sums, r ging n an insect hunt t encurage curisity. By nw, Outdr Classrm Day has grwn frm a grassrts mvement t a glbal campaign that is expected t benefit five millin children and ver 40,000 schls frm all arund the wrld.
    This is helping t change the trend that sees many schls selling up r building up n their playgrunds and cutting back n playtime t make mre rm fr academic studies, while at hme children’s lives are increasingly filled with rganized activities intended t help them learn. Tday glbally 61% f parents surveyed in the Dirt is Gd Qualitative Study said that children dn’t knw hw t play withut using technlgy.
    Outdr Classrm Day is making playing time happen, with 22% f participating schls having increased their playtime since jining the campaign. 93% f teachers surveyed saw imprvements in children’s creativity after playing utside and 97% believe that time utdrs is necessary fr children t reach their full ptential.
    Scientific studies shw that real play - the active, physical, self-directed play - is essential fr children t develp key life skills that are nt taught elsewhere. Few wuld questin the value f develping creativity, leadership, resurcefulness, and curisity.
    12.What d children d n Outdr Classrm Day?
    A. Have PE. classes n the playgrunds.
    B. Have a day ff and g playing anywhere.
    C. Learn and play by using natural things utside.
    D. Play n their wn withut the teachers’ guidance.
    13.Why d children spend less time utdrs?
    A. Schls stp prviding playgrunds.B. Adults ignre the imprtance f playtime.
    C. Parents prefer t hmeschl their children.D. Technlgy helps children learn better at hme.
    14.What’s the schl teachers’ attitude twards the campaign?
    A. Psitive.B. Uncertain.C. Uncncerned.D. Negative.
    15.What’s the purpse f the passage?
    A. T intrduce an activity.B. T advertise a prduct.
    C. T entertain the public.D. T persuade students t play.
    16.Imprtant Things t Knw When Dining Out
    Cultural dining manners might surprise yu with sme f its imprtant rules. ① Knwing sme tips will help ensure that yu have an enjyable meal with friends r family—n matter where yu are in the wrld.
    Chpstick Rules
    ② When yu put them dwn between bites, always put them dwn tgether s they are parallel with the edge f the table in frnt f yu. Never stick them upright in yur fd r crss them as yu use them.
    Hands r Utensils (餐具)
    In India and the Middle East, it’s cnsidered very rude t eat with yur left hand. Peple in France expect yu t eat with a utensil in each hand. ③ preferring t use their hands instead. In Chile, yu may never tuch any fd with yur fingers. Peple in Thailand generally use their frks nly t push fd nt their spns.
    Making Requests
    It may seem like a simple request t ask fr salt and pepper at a meal. In Prtugal, this wuld be a serius mistake, because it shws the chef that yu dn’t like their seasning skills. ④
    Sme f these cultural dining manners may seem randm and strange, but they are imprtant in varius cuntries. ⑤ the mre cmfrtable yu’ll begin t feel with its freign cultural practices.
    A. The mre friends yu make in yur lifetime.
    B. The mre time yu spend in any given cuntry.
    C. It’s embarrassing t make a mistake at a restaurant.
    D. Mexicans cnsider it inapprpriate t eat with knives r frks.
    E. It’s a gd sign fr the chef if yu make a mess arund yur plate.
    F. Similarly, in Italy, never ask fr extra cheese t add t yur fd.
    G. The way yu handle chpsticks is imprtant t avid annying yur cmpanins.
    When I studied in my high schl, I did an experiment abut hw the temperature affected the grwth f a plant. That experiment made me 1 that science teaches us the dmin effect (多米诺效应) in the envirnment. It teaches peple ur 2 s we knw where we are frm. That day I 3 decided t be a scientist and that will be my greatest ambitin in life. Ever since that day I have studied harder 4 in all my science-related subjects. After schl I d much research n hw I can becme a 5 scientist in the future.
    One f my 6 in becming a scientist is Barbara McClintck. She has been awarded the 1983 Nbel Prize in Physilgy r Medicine. At 25 she already had her PhD in btany and after that she started her 7 as the leader in the develpment f maize cytgenetics (玉米细胞遗传学) and she was 8 t that research fr the rest f her life.
    If I am lucky and given the 9 t achieve my ambitin as a scientist, I want t be like Dctr McClintck. She 10 smething that helped the ther scientists 11 the thing abut genetics that did nt just help her generatin but als the future generatin.
    I knw I will be able t realize my 12 as lng as I put my heart and perseverance int it. If I am lucky enugh t achieve my gal, I will share my 13 with all the kids wh als lve science and want t becme scientists. My future will be as 14 as the stars in the night sky. My future is still far but I will make the mst f all in the 15 t achieve my greatest ambitin f becming a scientist.
    17.A. dubtB. realizeC. wnderD. value
    18.A. schlB. riginC. grwthD. study
    19.A. easilyB. hardlyC. partlyD. firmly
    20.A. especiallyB. pssiblyC. prperlyD. separately
    21.A. happyB. ppularC. carefulD. real
    22.A. experiencesB. persuasinsC. inspiratinsD. generatins
    23.A. careerB. attemptC. praiseD. science
    24.A. devtedB. invitedC. linkedD. attached
    25.A. reasnB. freedmC. rightD. pprtunity
    26.A. heardB. expectedC. discveredD. awarded
    27.A. set utB. figure utC. stick utD. take ut
    28.A. fameB. rewardC. dreamD. stage
    29.A. infrmatinB. decisinC. lightD. frtune
    30.A. brightB. capableC. prudD. brave
    31.A. lessnB. mindC. presentD. Heart
    32.Yuan Lngping, a Chinese scientist ① is knwn in China as the “Father f Hybrid Rice”, is a great man with a humble mind and a warm heart.
    His lifetime research in hybrid rice made him a ② (natin) her and a symbl f dgged (顽强的) scientific pursuit.
    It was in the 1970s that Yuan achieved his scientific breakthrughs that wuld later make him ③ husehld name. ④ (create) the hybrids, he added the genetic material f a wild rice frm Hainan Island t cmmercial rice strains.
    Yuan Lngping was brn in 1930 in Beijing, r Beiping, as it ⑤ (all) at that time. He entered cllege in 1949, and chse t study agriculture despite the dubts f his ⑥ (parent). After ⑦ (graduate) in 1953, Mr. Yuan tk a jb as a teacher at an agricultural cllege in Hunan prvince and devted ⑧ (he) t the research int crp genetics.
    “Famished (饥饿的) , yu wuld eat whatever there was t eat, even grass rts and tree bark,” Mr. Yuan recalled in his memir (回忆录) . “At that time I became even mre determined t slve the prblem abut ⑨ fd prductin can be increased s that rdinary peple wuld nt starve.”
    “There’s n secret t it; my experience can ⑩ (actual) be summed up in fur wrds: knwledge, sweat, inspiratin and pprtunity,” Mr. Yuan said in a vide message that encuraged yung Chinese t g int science.
    33.近年来, 越来越多的高中学校实行寄宿制, 同学们对寄宿制观点不一。你校英语报就此话题征求学生们的意见, 请你给你校英语报写一篇文章, 谈谈你对寄宿制的态度并给出理由。
    注意:1. 词数不少于80;
    2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
    参考词汇:住校bard in the schl
    34.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    In 1959, when Jean Harper was in the third grade, her teacher gave the class an assignment (任务) t write a reprt n what they wanted t be when they grew up. She pured her heart int her reprt and expressed her dream f becming an airline pilt. Her paper came back with an “E” n it. The teacher tld her it was a “fairy tale” (神话) . Jean was heartbrken and ashamed.
    As the years went by, Jean was beaten dwn by the discuragement and negativity she encuntered whenever she talked abut her dream. “Girls can’t becme airline pilts; never have, never will. Yu’re crazy. That’s impssible.” Finally Jean gave up.
    In her senir year f high schl, her English teacher was Mrs. Drthy Slatn, a demanding (要求高的) teacher with high standards. One day Mrs. Slatn asked this questin, “If yu had unlimited finances (资金) , unlimited access t the finest schls, unlimited talents and abilities, what wuld yu d?”
    Jean felt a rush f the ld enthusiasm (激情) , and with excitement she wrte dwn the very ld dream. But thinking f the questining and ridicule (嘲讽) she had suffered befre, she tre up (撕碎) the piece f paper full f “her Dream”. Jean finally wrte in his exercise bk, “Srry, teacher, I have nthing t d because I have n dream.”
    The next day, after class, Mrs. Slatn stpped Jean and said, “Gene, cme t my ffice.” She lked gently at Jean, “Jean, can yu tell me why yu say yu dn’t have a dream?” Gene said depressedly, “N ne wants t believe that I can be a pilt. I have a dream. If I have the cnditins yu mentined, I just want t try my best t be a female pilt.”
    The next thing that Mrs. Slatn said changed the curse f Jean’s life. The teacher leaned frward ver her desk and said, “I have a little secret fr yu. Yu d have unlimited abilities and talents. When yu leave schl, if yu dn’t g fr yur dreams, n ne will d it fr yu.”
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1:
    The hurt and fear f years f discuragement disappeared all f a sudden.
    Paragraph 2:
    Eventually, Jean made it.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Val d’Isere部分第二句“Named after the famus three — time Olympic gld medalist Jean-Claude Killy wh grew up skiing in the area, the Val d’Isere base sits at 6,069 feet. (伊泽尔谷海拔6069英尺, 以著名的三届奥运会金牌得主Jean-Claude Killy的名字命名, 他在这里滑雪长大) ”可知, Espace Killy以奥运金牌得主Jean-Claude Killy的名字命名。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Avriaz部分倒数第二句“Avriaz is the snwiest resrt in France and is als unique in that the resrt itself is car-free! (阿沃里亚兹是法国降雪量最大的度假胜地, 它的另一个独特之处在于, 这个度假胜地本身就没有汽车!) ”可知, Avriaz是独一无二的无车度假胜地。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据La Rsiere部分第二句“Because it’s clse t the Italian brder, it’s ften called the mst Italian area in Savy. (因为靠近意大利边境, 它通常被称为萨伏伊最意大利的地区) ”可知, La Rsiere靠近意大利。根据Avriaz部分第二句、三句“The entire regin cmprises 12 resrts and ver 40 miles f area that crss int Switzerland. One pass will grant yu access t all the lifts in the area, making it pssible t ski in tw cuntries n the same day. (整个地区包括12个度假村和超过40英里的区域, 穿过瑞士。一张通行证可以让你使用该地区的所有电梯, 使你有可能在同一天在两个国家滑雪) ”可知, Avriaz靠近瑞士。由此可知, La Rsiere和Avriaz的共同之处在于它们离另一个国家很近。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“Thse are the wrds f Bruce Richardsn, wh survived a cardiac arrest (心脏骤停) in July 2016 thanks t the quick actins f his friends and the first respnders wh refused t give up. (这是布鲁斯•理查森的话, 他在2016年7月心脏骤停后幸免于难, 这要归功于他的朋友们的迅速行动和拒绝放弃的急救人员) ”可知, 朋友和急救人员的迅速行动让布鲁斯从严重的心脏病发作中幸存下来。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“Finally, Bruce shared his stry in a vide nw being used t prmte American Heart Assciatin Hands-Only CPR kisks installed arund the cuntry. (最后, 布鲁斯在一个视频中分享了他的故事, 这个视频现在被用来宣传美国心脏协会在全国各地安装的人工心肺复苏术亭) ”可知, 布鲁斯要在视频中分享他的故事是为了提倡应用心肺复苏术。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“Bruce’s friend, Jack, had learned hw t perfrm CPR, and he quickly began chest cmpressins. Anther friend, Dug, dialed 911 and the peratr walked him thrugh cmpressins until first respnders arrived. (布鲁斯的朋友杰克已经学会了如何进行心肺复苏术, 他很快开始进行胸部按压。另一位朋友道格拨打了911, 接线员带着他进行按压, 直到急救人员赶到) ”结合文章主要讲述了Bruce Richardsn突发心脏疾病, 幸亏朋友和急救人员的迅速行动让Bruce从严重的心脏病发作中幸存下来。而Bruce现在是一位热情的心肺复苏术倡导者。可知, 布鲁斯的故事告诉我们急救知识很重要。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章主要讲述了Bruce Richardsn突发心脏疾病, 幸亏朋友和急救人员的迅速行动让Bruce从严重的心脏病发作中幸存下来。而Bruce现在是一位热情的心肺复苏术倡导者。可推知, 文章是新闻报道。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“It’s called Happy Pets and it analyses an animal’s facial features, tells yu what breed (血统) it is and indicates which f the five mst cmmn animal emtins—happy, angry, neutral, sad and scared. (它叫作快乐宠物, 它分析动物的面部特征, 告诉你动物是什么品种, 而且它显示五种最常见的动物情绪中的哪一种—快乐、愤怒、中性、悲伤和恐惧。) ”可知, 快乐宠物的功能包括:分析宠物面部特征、告诉是什么品种并指出动物的情绪, A、B、D三项均是这款应用程序的功能, C项“教授宠物的面部识别”在文中没有提到。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“One cmmn use fr AI is in facial recgnitin technlgy. Many f us can unlck ur mbile phnes with an image f ur face and it’s imprtant part f security prcesses in, fr instance, airprts. (人工智能的一个常见用途是面部识别技术。我们中的许多人可以通过面部图像解锁手机, 而且这是机场等安全流程的重要组成部分。) ”可知, 面部识别技术常用于解锁手机和机场等场所的安全流程。由此可推测出, 面部识别技术主要通常用于安保系统。故选B。
    解析:词义猜测题。This指代上文中的“learn t recgnize facial features” (学习识别面部特征) 。根据画线词后的“because phts can be taken in s many different ways: frm the side, abve, belw, in bright light”可知, 照片的拍摄有很多种不同的方式。由此可推测出, 识别面部特征很复杂。sphisticated意为“复杂的”, 和B项意思最接近。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“It then had t learn t recgnize facial features. (然后它必须学会识别面部特征。) ”和“Once the AI behind Happy Pets had learned all this, it then had t be able t detect emtins based n specific facial features that are assciated with each emtin, which it has learned frm thusands f examples. (一旦快乐宠物背后的人工智能学会了这一切, 它就必须能够根据与每种情绪相关的特定面部特征来检测情绪, 这是它从数千个例子中学到的。) ”可知, 快乐宠物必须要学会识别面部特征, 因为这使它能够基于特定的面部特征来检测宠物的情绪。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Outdr Classrm Day, taking place n 17th May and 1st Nvember this year, will see schls arund the wrld swap the inside fr the utside and take learning int the playgrund and beynd t make playtime a key part f the schl day. This might invlve using natural bjects like stnes t d sums, r ging n an insect hunt t encurage curisity. (今年5月17日和11月1日举行的“户外课堂日”, 将看到世界各地的学校从教室里面换到教室外面, 把学习带到操场和其他地方, 使玩耍时间成为学校一天的重要组成部分。这可能包括使用石头等自然物体来做算术, 或者进行昆虫狩猎来激发好奇心。) ”可知, 在“户外课堂日”, 孩子们把学习转移到教室外面, 他们可以在这一天可以利用户外的自然事物学习和玩耍。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段“This is helping t change the trend that sees many schls selling up r building n their playgrunds and cutting back n playtime t make mre rm fr academic studies, while at hme children’s lives are increasingly filled with rganized activities intended t help them learn. (这有助于改变这样一种趋势, 即许多学校出售或修建操场, 减少玩耍时间, 为学业腾出更多空间, 而在家里, 孩子们的生活越来越多地被旨在帮助他们学习的有组织的活动所占据。) ”可知, 学校会减少孩子们的玩耍时间, 为学业腾出更多空间, 家长认为学习比玩耍重要, 会给孩子安排更多的旨在帮助他们学习的活动, 由此可知, 孩子们在户外的时间更少了, 是因为成年人忽视了游戏时间的重要性。故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“93% f teachers surveyed saw imprvements in children’s creativity after playing utside, and 97% believe that time utdrs is necessary fr children t reach their full ptential. (93%的受访教师认为孩子们在户外玩耍后创造力有所提高, 97%的教师认为户外活动对孩子们充分发挥潜能是必要的。) ”可知, 多数教师认为在户外玩耍可以提高孩子的创造力, 有助于充分发挥他们的潜能, 由此可推断出, 学校老师对这项活动的态度是积极的。故选A项。
    解析:推理判断题。通读文章, 结合第二段“Outdr Classrm Day, taking place n 17th May and 1st Nvember this year, will see schls arund the wrld swap the inside fr the utside and take learning int the playgrund and beynd t make playtime a key part f the schl day. This might invlve using natural bjects like stnes t d sums, r ging n an insect hunt t encurage curisity. (今年5月17日和11月1日举行的“户外课堂日”, 将看到世界各地的学校从教室里面换到教室外面, 把学习带到操场和其他地方, 使玩耍时间成为学校一天的重要组成部分。这可能包括使用石头等自然物体来做算术, 或者进行昆虫狩猎来激发好奇心。) ”可知, 本文主要介绍了一项名为“Outdr Classrm Day ”的活动, 这项活动旨在通过增加孩子的玩耍时间, 来提高孩子的创造力, 充分发挥他们的潜力, 所以文章的目的是为了介绍一项活动。故选A项。
    解析:①空前说“Cultural dining manners might surprise yu with sme f its imprtant rules. (文化饮食礼仪的一些重要规则可能会让你大吃一惊。) ”, 空后说“Knwing sme tips will help ensure that yu have an enjyable meal with friends r family- -n matter where yu are in the wrld. (了解一些技巧将有助于确保你与朋友或家人享受愉快的晚餐—无论你在世界的哪个地方。) ”可知, 此处是指要学习一些用餐礼节以避免在用餐时犯错误, C选项“It’s embarrassing t make a mistake at a restaurant. (在餐馆里犯错是很尴尬的。) ”说明了在餐厅里犯关于用餐礼仪的错误是很尴尬的, 这样就引出后文所说的一些重要事项, 因此C选项在空格处承上启下, 符合语境, 故选C。
    ②本段小标题是“Chpstick Rules (筷子的规则) ”, 这说明空格处和筷子有关, 空后说“When yu put them dwn between bites, always put them dwn tgether s they are parallel with the edge f the table in frnt f yu. Never stick them upright in yur fd r crss them as yu use them. (当你把它们放在嘴里的时候, 一定要把它们放在一起, 这样它们就和你面前的桌子边缘平行了。不要把筷子笔直地插在食物里, 也不要在使用筷子的时候把筷子交叉起来。) ”, 这说的是怎么用筷子, 可见用筷子的方法是很重要的, G选项“The way yu handle chpsticks is imprtant t avid annying yur cmpanins. (你使用筷子的方式在避免惹恼你的同伴方面很重要。) ”说明了用筷子的方式很重要, 因此引起下文, 符合语境, 故选G。
    ③空前说“In India and the Middle East, it’s cnsidered very rude t eat with yur left hand. Peple in France expect yu t eat with a utensil in each hand. (在印度和中东, 用左手吃饭被认为是非常粗鲁的。法国人希望你吃饭时两只手各拿一个餐具。) ”, 空后说“In Chile, yu may never tuch any fd with yur fingers. Peple in Thailand generally use their frks nly t push fd nt their spns. (在智利, 你不能用手指碰任何食物。泰国人通常只用叉子把食物推到勺子上。) ”, 说明本段主要介绍的是不同的国家关于用手还是用餐具的习俗, 空格处也应该提到某一个国家, D选项“Mexicans cnsider it inapprpriate t eat with knives r frks, (墨西哥人认为用刀叉吃饭是不合适的, ) ”说明的是墨西哥的人认为用刀叉吃饭是不合适的, 因此承上启下, 符合语境, 故选D。
    ④空前说“It may seem like a simple request t ask fr salt and pepper at a meal. In Prtugal, this wuld be a serius mistake, because it shws the chef that yu dn’t like their seasning skills. (在吃饭时要盐和胡椒似乎是一个简单的要求。在葡萄牙, 这将是一个严重的错误, 因为这会让厨师知道你不喜欢他们的调味技巧。) ”, 空格处也应该继续说关于不提或提要求的, F选项“Similarly, in Italy, never ask fr extra cheese t add t yur fd. (同样, 在意大利, 永远不要要求在你的食物中添加额外的奶酪。) ”说明了在意大利不要要求在你的食物中添加额外的奶酪, 和空前的不要要求加盐和胡椒相呼应, 因此承接上文, 符合语境, 故选F。
    ⑤空前说“Sme f these cultural dining manners may seem randm and strange, but they are imprtant in varius cuntries. (其中一些文化饮食习惯可能看起来很随意和奇怪, 但它们在许多国家都很重要。) ”, 空后说“the mre cmfrtable yu’ll begin t feel with its freign cultural practices. (你就会开始对外国的文化习俗感到越舒服。) ”, 再根据常理判断, 你在一个国家待的时间越久, 就会对外国的文化习俗感到越舒服, B选项“The mre time yu spend in any given cuntry, (你在任何一个国家待的时间越长, ) ”说明你在一个国家待的时间越长, 你就会开始对外国的文化习俗感到越舒服, 因此引起下文, 符合语境, 故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:那个实验让我意识到科学教会了我们环境中的多米诺骨牌效应。A. dubt怀疑;B. realize意识到;C. wnder想知道;D. value重视。根据前文“That experiment”以及后文“science teaches us the dmin effect (多米诺效应) in the envirnment.”结合选项可知, “实验让我意识到科学教会了我们环境中的多米诺骨牌效应”符合语境, 引发后文让作者决定成为科学家。故选B项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:它告诉人们我们的起源, 这样我们就知道我们来自哪里。A. schl学校;B. rigin起源;C. grwth增长;D. study学习。根据后文“we knw where we are frm”可知, 让我们知道我们来自哪里, 所以是告诉我们起源。故选B项。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:那天, 我坚定地决定成为一名科学家, 这将是我一生中最大的抱负。A. easily容易地;B. hardly几乎不;C. partly部分地;D. firmly坚定地。根据后文“Ever since that day I have studied harder ______ in all my science-related subjects. ”可知, 作者更加努力地学习, 特别是在所有与科学相关的科目上, 所以是坚定的想成为一名科学家。故选D项。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:从那天起, 我更加努力地学习, 特别是在所有与科学相关的科目上。A. especially特别;B. pssibly可能;C. prperly适当地;D. separately分别地。根据前文“That day I ______ decided t be a scientist and that will be my greatest ambitin in life.”可知, 作者坚定的想成为一名科学家, 所以他特别是在所有与科学相关的科目上会更努力地学习。故选A项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:放学后, 我做了很多关于如何在未来成为一名真正的科学家的研究。A. happy快乐的;B. ppular流行的;C. careful小心;D. real真正的。根据前文“That day I ______ decided t be a scientist and that will be my greatest ambitin in life.”可知, 作者坚定地决定成为一名科学家, 所以是做了很多关于如何在未来成为一名真正的科学家的研究。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我成为科学家的灵感之一来自芭芭拉•麦克林托克。A. experiences经历;B. persuasins说服;C. inspiratins灵感;D. generatins代。根据后文“achieve my ambitin as a scientist, I want t be like Dctr McClintck”可知, 作者想成为像芭芭拉•麦克林托克博士那样的人, 所以是作者成为科学家的灵感之一。故选C项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:25岁时, 她已经获得了植物学博士学位, 之后, 她开始了自己的职业生涯, 成为玉米细胞遗传学发展的领导者, 并将她的余生献给了这项研究。A. career事业;B. attempt企图;C. praise赞扬;D. science科学。根据后文“as the leader in the develpment f maize cytgenetics”可知, 成为玉米细胞遗传学发展的领导者应是她的事业。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:25岁时, 她已经获得了植物学博士学位, 之后, 她开始了自己的职业生涯, 成为玉米细胞遗传学发展的领导者, 并将她的余生献给了这项研究。A. devted奉献;B. invited邀请;C. linked联系;D. attached把…附。根据后文“the rest f her life”结合选项, 应是“将她的余生献给了这项研究”符合语境, be devted t为固定搭配意为“献身于”。故选A项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果我很幸运, 有机会实现我作为一名科学家的抱负, 我想成为麦克林托克博士那样的人。A. reasn原因;B. freedm自由;C. right正确;D. pprtunity机会。根据前文“If I am lucky and given”以及后文“t achieve my ambitin as a scientist”可知, 此处是作者在做假设, 根据选项, 应是“有机会实现我作为一名科学家的抱负”符合语境。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:她发现了一些东西, 帮助其他科学家弄清楚了遗传学的事情, 这不仅对她这一代人有帮助, 而且对后代也有帮助。A. heard听到;B. expected预期;C. discvered发现;D. awarded奖励。根据前文“She has been awarded the 1983 Nbel Prize in Physilgy r Medicine.”可知, 麦克林托克获得若贝尔奖, 而根据常识, 获奖是因为发现了一些东西。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:她发现了一些东西, 帮助其他科学家弄清楚了遗传学的事情, 这不仅对她这一代人有帮助, 而且对后代也有帮助。A set ut出发;B. figure ut理解, 弄清楚;C. stick ut伸出;D. take ut除掉。根据前文“She has been awarded the 1983 Nbel Prize in Physilgy r Medicine.”可知, 麦克林托克获得若贝尔奖, 所以她发现的东西应是帮助其他科学家弄清楚了遗传学的事情, 才能获奖。故选B项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道只要我把我的心和毅力投入其中, 我就能实现我的梦想。A. fame名声;B. reward奖励;C. dream梦想;D. stage阶段。根据后文“I put my heart and perseverance int it.”可知, 作者把心和毅力投入其中, 是为了实现成为科学家的梦想。故选C项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果我幸运地实现了我的目标, 我将与所有同样热爱科学并想成为科学家的孩子们分享我的好运。A. infrmatin信息;B. decisin决定;C. light光线;D. frtune好运。根据前文“If I am lucky enugh t achieve my gal”可知, 此处是说作者如果好运成为了科学家, 他也会愿意把自己的好运分享给所有同样热爱科学并想成为科学家的孩子们。故选D项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的未来会像夜空中的星星一样明亮。A. bright明亮的;B. capable有能力;C. prud自豪的;D. brave勇敢的。根据后文“the stars in the night sky”可知, 像星星一样, 应该是明亮的。故选A项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的未来还很遥远, 但我会充分利用现在的一切来实现我成为一名科学家的最大抱负。A. lessn课程;B. mind大脑;C. present现在;D. heart心脏。根据前文“My future is still far”可知, 作者的未来还很遥远, 所以作者应是利用现在的一切来实现她的梦想。故选C项。
    32.答案:wh; natinal;a;T create;was called;parents;graduating;himself ;hw;actually
    Recently, whether it is beneficial fr students t bard in the schl has been a heated discussin amng students.
    Frm my perspective, I am in favr f it. Abve all, barding in the schl makes it pssible fr me t make full use f my time, which can enable me t learn mre efficiently. Meanwhile, by living away frm my parents, I can als cultivate my independence despite feeling a little hmesick smetimes.
    In cnclusin, I am cnvinced that barding in the schl can be really beneficial and meaningful. What is the mst imprtant is that I have learned t be grateful t my parents.
    Jean felt thrilled and tld her ut that her dream. The hurt and fear f years f discuragement disappeared all f a sudden. was t be a pilt. Mrs. Slatn slapped the desk tp. “Then d it!” she said. S Jean did. It didn’t happen vernight. In her 10 years f hard wrk, even facing varieties f laugh, frustratin and ppsitin, she never gave up her dream. Instead, she went n ding everything her third-grade teacher said was fairytale.
    Eventually, Jean made it. She became the first female pilt in the United States. Lking back, she believed that her achievements were inseparable frm Mrs. Slaytn. Her wrds “Then d it” generated tremendus pwer and an uplifting spark! It was this pwer that gave this then indecisive little girl the pwer and belief t pursue her dreams again.

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