Unit 5 starting out+understanding ideas课件PPT
Into the wildBook 1 Unit 5B1U5Starting outStarting outWhat are the most popular pets in the UK?What is the most important animal charity in the UK? What are its major duties?Starting outWhat are the most popular pets in the UK? Dogs, cats, fish, guinea pigs (天竺鼠), and caged birds.What is the most important animal charity in the UK? The RSPCA (the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) Duties: to improve the lives of/look after working animals (such as pit ponies), pets, farm animals, and animals in the wild. (livestock /ˈlaɪvstɒk/ )/’gini/Starting outDo you keep a pet? What is it?How do you like it? How do you interact with it?Starting outWhat are the relationships between the people and the animals?Pet owner & PetBlind people & Guide dog(Life assistant)Horseman & Horse(Competition companion)Owner & Livestockthe animals kept on a farm, for example, cows or sheepB1U5Understanding ideasLead-inDo they migrate?monarch butterfly/’mɒnək/ 黑脉金斑蝶/帝王蝶 red panda 小猫熊Atlantic salmon大西洋鲑鱼salmon三文鱼、鲑鱼、大麻哈鱼Lead-inDo they migrate?Siberian crane/kreɪn/ 鹤killer whaleAfrican lion虎鲸、逆戟鲸非洲狮Lead-inChoose the animals that migrate. monarch butterflySiberian crane red pandaAtlantic salmonkiller whaleAfrican lionPredictionThe Monarch’s JourneyReading for the main ideaChoose where you are most likely to find the passage. 1 In a scientific research paper about the monarch butterfly’s migration.2 In a popular nature magazine introducing the monarch butterfly.3 In a travel leaflet encouraging people to visit North America. Leaflet:a printed sheet of paper or a few printed pages that are given free to advertise or give information about sth.传单;小册子Introduction-migrationMonarch-When & WhereMonarch-How The causes of the research The effects of the research Structure 1 In a scientific research paper about the monarch butterfly’s migration.2 In a popular nature magazine introducing the monarch butterfly.Reading for the main ideaChoose where you are most likely to find the passage. 1 In a scientific research paper about the monarch butterfly’s migration.2 In a popular nature magazine introducing the monarch butterfly.3 In a travel leaflet encouraging people to visit North America. Reading for informationWhere, why, and how do they migrate?When: Every autumn.Where: California or Mexico.Why: To spend the winter.How: By telling the time of day and measuring the position of the sun to determine the way to go.Complete the sentence and the “cause-effect” flow chart. a. The monarch butterfly is able to tell ______________.b. Using these two pieces of information, the monarch butterfly determines _____________.c. The monarch butterfly measures _____________________ with its eyes.d. The monarch butterfly reaches ___________________________ __________.the time of daythe way to gothe position of the sun the places where it will spendthe winteracbe. Humans _________ trees.f. The ________________________________ where monarchs can be found is destroyed.g. Humans use chemicals that ____________ that monarch caterpillars eat.h. The monarch butterfly’s population ________________________ ___________ in the last few years.egfcut downnatural environment of many placeskill the plantshas crashed (by as much as90 per cent)Complete the sentence and the “cause-effect” flow chart. Think and shareWhat impresses you most about the monarch butterfly?The population of the monarch has crashed by as much as 90 per cent in the last few years. This gives me a huge shock. It’s high time that we should think over about the cause and take measures.Think and shareWhat can people do to help protect the monarch butterfly?Do not use chemicals that kill the plants as much as possible.Protect the natural environment.…Take action!Global warming is changing the migration pattern of billions of birds, forcing them to migrate earlier every spring, found a first-of-its-kind study released on Tuesday.