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    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    BEIJING — Chinese President Xi Jinping annunced that China will launch the Glbal Artificial Intelligence (AI) Gvernance Initiative, which presents a cnstructive apprach t addressing universal cncerns ver AI develpment and gvernance and drew up blueprints fr relevant internatinal discussins and rule-making, a freign ministry spkespersn said n Wednesday.
    Xi made the annuncement in his keynte speech at the pening ceremny f the third Belt and Rad Frum fr Internatinal Cperatin (BRF) in Beijing n Wednesday.
    “It is part f China’s active effrt t advance the visin f a cmmunity with a shared future fr mankind and the Glbal Develpment Initiative, the Glbal Security Initiative and the Glbal Civilizatin Initiative,” the spkespersn said.
    AI is a new frntier f human develpment, and it cmes with majr pprtunities and hard-t-predict risks and challenges that require glbal respnse, the spkespersn said.
    The spkespersn said the Initiative systematically utlines China’s prpsals n AI gvernance frm three aspects, namely, the develpment, security and gvernance f AI. The cre cmpnents f the Initiative are: We shuld uphld a peple-centered apprach in develping AI and adhere t the principle f develping AI fr the gd f humanity, s that AI is develped in a way that is beneficial t human prgress; We shuld uphld the principles f mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit in AI develpment, and ppse drawing idelgical lines r frming exclusive grups t bstruct ther cuntries frm develping AI; We shuld prmte the establishment f a testing and assessment system based n AI risk levels, s as t make AI technlgies mre secure, reliable, cntrllable and equitable; We supprt effrts t develp AI gvernance framewrks, nrms and standards based n brad cnsensus and with full respect fr plicies and practices amng cuntries, and supprt discussins within the United Natins framewrk t establish an internatinal institutin t gvern AI; Effrts shuld be made t cnduct internatinal cperatin with and prvide assistance t develping cuntries, t bridge the gap in AI and its gvernance capacity.
    “China stands ready t have exchanges and practical cperatin with all sides n glbal AI gvernance and deliver benefit fr all human beings thrugh AI technlgy,” the spkespersn added.
    21.What annuncement was made accrding t Paragraph 1?
    A.Rules abut AI cntrl in China.
    B.A initiative abut gverning AI glbally.
    C.Universal cncerns abut AI develpment.
    D.Dmestic plans fr AI rule-making.
    22.We can learn frm the spkesman that __________.
    A.AI develpment needs glbal cncerns
    B.China has made every effrt t develp AI
    C.The initiative was launched related t fur aspects
    D.AI shuld advance based n the needs f rbts
    23.What’s China’s attitude twards AI develpment accrding t the text?
    A.Supprtive if it’s fr human-kind.
    B.Indifferent if it’s fr sme peple’s benefit.
    C.Disapprved if it is nt fr educatin.
    D.Neutral whatever it is.
    I was cutting up lettuce (生菜) in the kitchen when I suddenly remembered watching a vide abut putting the lettuce stub (残余部分) in water t grw a whle new vegetable. S I tk ut a wide-muthed mug (大杯) and placed the stub int it, gave it a little water, and placed it by the windw.
    On a snwy mrning, I nticed the first sign. A first small leaf frm its heart spread ut. A tiny green flag f hpe. Beaten, but nt defeated. Within days, it was impssible t see the cuts where I had remved the leaves. The grwth was explsive. And when I lifted the blssming head ut f the mug, tiny rt threads fell dwn, seeking fr the earth. What is grwing here? Lettuce r hpe?
    If I were a lettuce in a similar cnditin, I’d want t dubtfully assess where I fund myself befre being devted t full grwth. Yet fr this lettuce, my inadequate ffering f water and a place by a windw was enugh fr it t decide t reclaim itself again. It grew in a mug f water, in faith. This is the heart f this lettuce: alive, strng and fearless. It deserved a name. I decided t call it Mnty.
    Mnty wanted t grw, as we all d. I think I gave him a little lve and freedm. Thse tw ingredients were all he needed t return t himself. I see jy in this lettuce. The return t self is always an expressin f jy, which is life itself. With the right ingredients, this is the tendency f all living things.
    Mnty still lives in a mug, but I’m ging t transplant him utside. He deserves t becme his full self. The nly prblem I see nw is my capacity t supprt Mnty. I hpe I have enugh f a green finger.
    I’m surprised t find myself where I am. Maybe Mnty is, t. I have the same chice as he des: give in and decay (腐烂), r start again. The prspect f starting again is discuraging. But my lettuce-friend, Mnty, leads the way. I can nly hpe t be as brave.
    24.Why did the authr put the stub in water?
    A.T hpe that it wuld grw.B.T decrate the nice mug.
    C.T cnduct an experiment.D.T remve his bad md.
    25.What is the first sign f life in the authr’s eyes?
    A.The remaining stub.B.The small leaf.
    C.The disappearing cuts.D.The tiny rt threads.
    26.Hw wuld the authr feel if in the lettuce’s situatin?
    27.Which can be a suitable title f the passage?
    A.Enjy yur wn life t the fullest.B.Believe in yurself when in truble.
    C.Never be afraid t restart yurself.D.Give freedm t the heart in a way.
    Antibitics, which can destry r prevent the grwth f bacteria and cure infectins, are vital t mdern medicine. Their ability t kill bacteria withut harming the patient has saved billins f lives and made surgical prcedures much safer. But after decades f veruse, their pwers are fading. Sme bacteria have evlved resistance, creating a grwing army f superbugs, against which there is little effective treatment. Antimicrbial (抗菌的) resistance, expected t kill 10 millin peple a year by 2050 up frm arund 1 millin in 2019, has been seen as a crisis by many.
    It wuld be unwise t rely n new antibitics t slve the prblem. The rate at which resistance emerges is increasing. Sme new drugs last nly tw years befre bacteria develp resistance. When new antibitics d arrive, dctrs ften stre them, using them nly reluctantly and fr shrt perids when faced with the mst persistent infectins. That limits sales, making new antibitics an unappealing idea fr mst drug firms.
    Gvernments have been trying t fix the prblem by channeling cash int research in drug firms. That has prduced nly limited imprvements. But there is a phenmenn wrth a lk. Micrbilgists have knwn fr decades that disease-causing bacteria can suffer frm illnesses f their wn. They are supersensitive t attacks by phages, specialized viruses that infect bacteria and ften kill them. Phages are cnsidered a prmising alternative t antibitics.
    Using ne disease-causing virus t fight bacteria has several advantages. Like antibitics, phages nly tend t chse particular targets, leaving human cells alne as they infect and destry bacterial nes. Unlike antibitics, phages can evlve just as readily as bacteria can, meaning that even if bacteria d develp resistance, phages may be able t evlve arund them in turn.
    That, at least, is the thery. The truble with phages is that cmparatively little is knwn abut them. After the discvery f penicillin, the first antibitic, in 1928, they were largely ignred in the West. Given the severity f the antibitic-resistance prblem, it wuld be a gd idea t find ut mre abut them.
    The first step is t run mre clinical trials. Interest frm Western firms is grwing. But it is being held back by the fact that phages are an even less appealing investment than antibitics. Since they are natural living things, there may be truble patenting them, making it hard t recver any investment.
    Gvernments can help fun d basic research int phage treatment and clarify the law arund exactly what is and is nt patentable. In time they can set up phage banks s as t make prductin cheaper. And they can spread awareness f the risks f verusing antibitics, and the ptential benefits f phages.
    28.We can learn frm paragraphs 1 and 2 that .
    A.dctrs tend t use new antibitics when the patients ask fr them
    B.antimicrbial resistance is develping mre rapidly than predicted
    C.new antibitics fail t attract drug firms due t limited use f them
    D.previus antibitics are effective in slving mdern health prblems
    29.What is phages’ advantage ver antibitics?
    A.They can increase human cells when fighting bacteria.
    B.They are nt particular abut which cells t infect and kill.
    C.They can evlve accrdingly when bacteria develp resistance.
    D.They are t sensitive t be infected by disease-causing bacteria.
    30.Accrding t the passage, the bstacle t phage treatment is that .
    A.there is little chance f patenting phages in the future
    B.gvernments prvide financial supprt fr ther research
    C.the emergence f superbugs hlds back drug firms’ interest
    D.ver-dependence n antibitics distracts attentin frm phages
    31.What is the main idea f the passage?
    A.Gvernments fail t stp the use f antibitics.
    B.Phages culd help prevent an antibitics crisis.
    C.Develpment f antibitics is limited by phages.
    D.Antimicrbial resistance calls fr new antibitics.
    Tnal languages use pitch (音调) t distinguish wrds that therwise might sund the same. In Mandarin, fr instance, mă means hrse whereas mã means mther. Nntnal languages like Spanish smetimes include pitch changes t suggest emtin, fr example, but nt t change a wrd’s meaning.
    As a Mandarin speaker and musician, Jingxuan Liu wndered abut the crssver (融合) between language and music. While studying at Duke University, Liu helped analyze the musical abilities f nearly half a millin peple frm 203 cuntries. Her clleagues had launched an nline game in which participants cmpleted several musical tasks, including identifying matching meldies at different pitches and finding beat tracks that fit sngs’ rhythms.
    On average, native speakers f the 19 represented tnal languages were better at the meldy task cmpared with speakers f 29 nntnal languages. And the effect wasn’t small a tnal first language strengthened meldic understanding by abut half the amunt that music lessns did, which was als surveyed. But tnal languages speakers tended t be wrse at the rhythm task.
    Humans must be chsy abut what they pay attentin t. Pitch patterns are quite imprtant in tnal languages, which might explain the balancing act in music. “Yu’ve gt a finite resurce f attentin, and yu’ve gt t divide up that smehw,” says study cauthr Curtney Hiltn, a scientist at the University f Auckland in New Zealand.
    Prir research n language and music ften cmpared just tw tngues, usually English and Mandarin. But ther cultural influences, such as Eastern and Western music styles, culd have affected results. By examining a wide range f peple, the new study included languages never estimated in this way and reached mre generalizable cnclusin.
    “Our result here is shwing that the language smene speaks which is an imprtant part f culture — als shapes cgnitin,” Hiltn says.
    32.Why did Liu’s clleagues launch the nline game?
    A.T attract mre students t d the research.
    B.T learn abut different peple’s musical abilities.
    C.T cnfirm the rle f music in peple’s language learning.
    D.T find the difference between tnal languages and nntnal nes.
    33.What were native speakers f tnal languages better at than thse f nntnal languages?
    A.Finding beat tracks.B.Suggesting emtin.
    C.Distinguishing wrd meanings.D.Figuring ut matching meldies.
    34.What des the underlined wrd “finite” in paragraph 4 mean?
    35.Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Liu’s study?
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Lifelng learning and the Future f Wrk: Challenges and Opprtunities
    Our wrld is underging dramatic and transfrmative change technlgical, rganizatinal, and climatic presenting new challenges t the future f wrk. These glbal trends are having a significant impact n skills. 36 . That is because skills acquired tday may quickly becme bslete (淘汰的).
    The cncept f lifelng learning has been arund fr decades and the ILO (Internatinal Labur Organizatin) has adpted numerus nrmative instruments and plicies related t lifelng learning. 37 . In the ld days, we culd say let’s g t schl, get qualified fr a jb, enter the labur market and that’s the jb f learning dne. Nw, peple need t learn hw t learn because learning is ging t be a feature f the transitins they are ging t g thrugh thrughut their lives.
    Lifelng learning affects us all. 38 , frm early childhd and basic educatin t adult learning and upskilling t take advantage f change. It is a glbal cncept applying t develped and develping ecnmies. And it requires the active engagement and supprt f gvernments, emplyers and wrkers.
    39 ? There’s n ne size fits all strategy. But there are things we can d. Develp fundatinal and cre wrk skills. Imprve vcatinal guidance and labur market data. Recgnize bth frmal and infrmal skills learning. Imprve crdinatin and ensure equitable (公平的) access t learning.
    Ultimately, lifelng learning is the key fr peple t be able t benefit frm new ways f wrking. 40 .
    A.D I need t be active in lifelng learning
    B.Many f tday’s skills wn’t match tmrrw’s jbs
    C.Hw d we adapt lifelng learning t ur new reality
    D.It is central t managing the transitins we face ver the life cycle
    E.And it will light the path n ur jurney t a brighter future at wrk
    F.It is easy t say that peple need t keep learning thrughut their careers
    G.But the transfrmative change happening nw is reshaping its definitins and giving it new imprtance
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    The caller said she was in truble and that he culd help. Mm 41 it and lst thusands f dllars. It tk us mnths t recver her mney and her 42 .
    One April mrning, my mther’s phne rang. The man that greeted her sunded 43 “Smene has 44 t yur bank accunts and can take all yur mney.” The warm vice was exactly what she badly 45 during her islatin frm the cmmunity due t COVID-19. The man said he needed infrmatin t ensure the mney was safe and she tried t fllw his 46 thugh her brain injury made it rather hard.
    He explained slwly what t d and hurs later, she said she had t relieve herself. “OK, but Stay n the line 47 we will lse ur prgress.” Then she 48 the phne n the shelf in the bathrm. Suddenly the phne buzzed with a text-it was my father, checking in. She typed back there was a prblem, but she was 49 it. Then she 50 ut her wrn, printed-ut packet f passwrds frm a pile f bks and entered them.
    My Mm thughts he had labred fr hurs prtecting her family. 51 , the scammer (诈骗犯) had taken away her persnal infrmatin and mney. After learning the truth, my mther sught t 52 the cnversatins with the scammer but just said, “I can’t remember. I dn’t knw what t d. This was s stupid.”
    I tried different means and 53 gt the mney back. We didn’t blame her as the internal shame my mm felt culd turn int smething mre 54 depressin and even suicide.
    The ther day my dad mentined, “Yu knw, anther scammer called yur mama. She did the right thing, thugh. She hung upn him and called me.” My mm was smiling at me and I knew she was 55 .
    41.A.brke ffB.tk inC.referred tD.fell fr
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    During the Hangzhu 2023 Asian Games, athletes frm arund the wrld have been explring acupuncture (针灸), 56 cmpnent f Traditinal Chinese Medicine (TCM). This practice has been an imprtant part f Chinese healthcare system fr centuries.
    TCM, which includes acupuncture, herbal therapy, massage, Tai Chi, and Qigng 57 (remain) an essential cmpnent f China’s medical system, gaining increasing 58 (recgnize) n a glbal scale. Nt nly is it ppular amng the Chinese ppulatin, but it is als gaining interest in Western scieties, 59 has led t increased investments in prfessinal TCM services.
    While China places significant emphasis n the integratin f TCM with mdern bimedicine, it is als becming mre ppular wrldwide. Althugh sme medical prfessinals are 60 (dubt) abut the far reaching effects f TCM, the practice 61 (accept) as a fundamental aspect f glbal healthcare t date.
    TCM has been recgnized fr the ptential benefits, particularly when 62 (use) alngside with mdern medicine, which has resulted in its increasing integratin int mdern healthcare systems. 63 its ancient Chinese rigins, TCM’s principles and practices have a glbal influence currently, with experts 64 (ffer) their special skills acrss the wrld.
    As research int TCM cntinues t advance and mre individuals embrace it fr 65 their healthcare needs, the field is definite t grw.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    1. 理解和安慰。
    2. 你的建议和理由。
    3. 希望和祝福。
    第二节 (满分25分)
    Hnesty Wn’t Let Yu Dwn
    Asad was a 13-year-ld by wh was very hnest and hardwrking. Recently, he had entered a new schl s he had n friends yet. On Mnday mrning, he was nearly late fr schl. The night befre, his family attended his cusin’s wedding and reached hme late, which was why he culdn’t get up n time as usual.
    At schl, Asad culd nt pay attentin t anything and wanted the bell t ring s that he culd buy smething t eat. After a few hurs, when the bell rang, Asad quickly pened his schlbag t find his mney, but just then he remembered that he had left fr schl in a hurry in the mrning and frgtten t take the mney. He lked under his bks, hping t find sme mney but there was nthing.
    Nt knwing what t d, he walked ut f the classrm and sat n a bench in frnt f the dining rm. He saw a few f his classmates there, amng whm was Fahad. He was ne f the richest kids in his class but he was very arrgant. But as Asad was new, he didn’t knw much abut anyne.
    Asad thught he might brrw sme mney frm Fahad and return it t him the next day. S he gt up and slwly went twards Fahad and asked if he culd brrw sme mney.
    Fahad smirked (讥笑) and said, “I knew yu were a lser, but I didn’t knw yu were als a beggar?” Fahad laughed ut s lud that the ther kids heard and als made fun f Asad.
    It was t humiliating (丢脸的) fr Asad. He culd nt answer Fahad and slwly walked back twards an empty bench. He culd still hear them laughing at him in the distance. When he reached the bench, he nticed smething lying near it. It was a wallet. He picked it up and recgnized it was Fahad’s, as he remembered Fahad shwing it t his friends and saying that his uncle bught it fr him frm the UK. There was quite a lt f mney inside fr a kid.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1:
    At first, Asad wanted t keep it a secret and punished Fahad.
    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:
    Then Fahad said, “why are yu giving it back?”
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    21.B 22.A 23.A 24.A 25.B 26.A 27.C
    28.B 29.C 30.D 31.B 32.B 33.D 34.B 35.A
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    36.B 37.G 38.D 39.C 40.E
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    41.D 42.B 43.B 44.A 45.C 46.D 47.D 48.B 49.C 50.A 51.B 52.A 53.C 54.D 55.C
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    56.a 57.remains 58.recgnitin 59.which 60.dubtful 61.has been accepted 62.used 63.Despite 64.ffering 65.what
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    66.Dear David,
    I can understand yur cncerns abut yur feelings fr a rbt. It’s cmpletely nrmal t feel cnfused and wrried abut smething new and unfamiliar.
    I think yu shuld give yurself sme time t figure ut hw yu feel and why yu feel that way. It might als be helpful t talk t smene yu trust abut yur feelings, such as a clse friend r family member.
    Remember, yur feelings are valid, even if thers might nt understand them. Yu shuld never feel guilty r ashamed f hw yu feel. Take care f yurself and dn’t frget that I’m here if yu need t talk.
    Best f luck,
    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    67.At first, Asad wanted t keep it a secret and punished Fahad. At least he culd affrd the lunch nw. Hwever, anther vice ppped up, urging him t give it back t Fahad, which made him feel trn. “I shuld never keep the wallet at the cst f my hnesty, and Fahad wuld be extremely embarrassed withut any mney in the presence f s many classmates!” Asad cnvinced himself. Once he made up his mind, he accelerated his pace and caught him up. “Fahad, it’s yur wallet and I fund it n the bench.” Taking ver the wallet, Fahad stared int Asad’s eyes with a puzzled lk written n his face.
    Then Fahad said, “Why are yu giving it back?” He even lked int his wallet, bviusly dubtful abut Asad’s act. Calmly and patiently, Asad explained, “I had riginally wanted t keep it secret as a punishment fr yur arrgance, but being hnest matters mre t me.” Hearing what Asad had said, Fahad felt his face burning with shame. He bent, thanking Asad fr saving him frm the embarrassing situatin and aplgizing t the classmates arund fr calling them lsers. “And the lunch is n me. Yu all are my friends!” Fahad annunced.

    安徽省蚌埠市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份安徽省蚌埠市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含安徽省蚌埠市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试卷Word版含解析docx、安徽省蚌埠市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试卷Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

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