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    这是一份2024浙江省浙南名校联盟高二下学期开学考试英语含答案(含听力),文件包含浙江省浙南名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语含答案docx、2024浙江省浙南名校高二下学期开学听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
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    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19. 15. B. £9. 18C. £9. 15.
    1. Why des the man make this enquiry?
    A. T buy a new prduct. B. T knw the pening hurs. C. T have his prduct repaired.
    2. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Wrk experiences. B. Language capabilities. C. Part-time wrk preferences.
    3. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At a tea huse. B. At a furniture shp. C. At the man's huse.
    4. What is the wman trying t d?
    A. Get the phne back. B. Make an explanatin. C. Cmplain abut Mr. White.
    5. What des the wman prbably d?
    A. A travel agent. B. A custm fficer. C. A businesswman.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What will Amada d at 2: 00 tmrrw afternn?
    A. See a dentist. B. Meet a client. C. Attend a cncert.
    7. What kind f music des Amada prefer?
    A. Jazz music. B. Rck music. C. Classical music.
    8. What is puzzling the wman nw?
    A. Lking fr a jb. B. Deciding n a career. C. Thinking abut the future.
    9. What des the man advise the wman t d?
    A. Land the jb in Beijing. B. Wrk in her hmetwn. C. See the wrld ccasinally.
    10. What is the wman's prblem?
    A. She refuses t make friends there. B. She's mistaken sme sales figures.
    C. She's dne pr in selling prducts.
    11. What causes the wman's prblem?
    A. She rarely makes aplgies. B. She hasn't fit in well recently.
    C. She likes feeling pity fr herself.
    12. What is the man's suggestin?
    A. Refresh and restart. B. Pull friends tgether. C. Take up anther pprtunity.
    13. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Salesman and custmer. C. Reprter and manager.
    14. Hw can peple pen the frnt dr in the new huse?
    A. With a key. B. By finger tuch. C. By having a lk at it.
    15. What is the rbt prgrammed t d?
    A. Shpping and guarding. B. Checking and repairing. C. Cleaning and washing.
    16. What des the wman think f the new huse?
    A. It's t expensive. B. It's wrth buying.C. It's far frm satisfactry.
    17. Why des the authr make this speech?
    A. T tell hw t bnd with family members.
    B. T intrduce hw t rganize a surprising picnic.
    C. T explain why listening and caring are imprtant.
    18. What was the kids' respnse t the upcming picnic?
    A. Excited. B. Wrried. C. Calm.
    19. What can be knwn abut the speaker?
    A. He rganizes picnics every Wednesday.
    B. He prepares regular lunch fr his daughters.
    C. He enjys sitting utside the frnt steps f the huse.
    20. What wuld the speaker prbably agree with?
    A. A picnic is sure t help frm gd family relatinships.
    B. Spending time tgether makes little difference t their kids.
    C. It's wrthwhile t d small yet special things with their kids.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Frm unexpected clur t making clever envirnmental chices, Janna Plant, an interirs specialist and tastemaker, shares her design intentins fr the year ahead.
    ·What is yur New Year design reslutin?
    I'd like t get ut and lk at things. The aim is t visit lts f huses and gardens fr inspiratin and see mre exhibitins abrad. I lve a huse tur and try t find smewhere t g and lk abut whenever I travel utside Lndn r abrad. I really appreciate seeing things first-hand these days.
    ·What was a highlight f 2023?
    Selling my huse f 22 years and having the imprvement f a new prperty () -very exciting t be ding a prject fr myself! What's fantastic is t wrk with suppliers wh have amazing cllectins t discver and thse wh allw us t change the clurs r make changes t existing designs.
    ·What design ideas d yu have that yu hpe t bring t fruitin?
    Happily, clients seem t be mre respnsive t having blder paint plans and using mre clurs. We have been asking them t see hw layering pattern can make a rm mre quiet and relaxing. I think that we are making ur rms lk very nice by using a lt f decrative trims and accessries.
    21. Where will Janna prefer t g t get design ideas?
    A. Huses in America. B. Gardens in Lndn.
    C. Tastemakers' huses. D. Gardening exhibitins.
    22. What will Janna prbably agree with?
    A. That imprving her ld huse is exciting. B. That wrking with suppliers is very fantastic.
    C. That clients are willing t paint mre clurs. D. That layering pattern can make a rm detailed.
    23. In which sectin f a magazine may this text be?
    A. New Prperty. B. Hme Decratin.
    C. New Year Reslutin. D. Envirnmental Chices.
    It was meant t cnnect us, make us smarter and ur lives easier. And it has. But there's at least ne cmer f life where the Internet has made things s much mre difficult: gift giving.
    Once upn a time, if yu were struggling t find a present fr a lved ne, there were easy ptins t fall back n-DVDs, CDs, vide games and ther physical media. This wasn't even that lng ag, but nw it's been snatched frm ur grasp by the Internet ffering us the chance, at a relatively lw cst, t watch, listen t r read whatever we want, whenever we want. With everything already watched, listened t, r read, buying a present has becme near impssible.
    Therefre, we all have t wrk at becming perfect gift givers, taking all factrs int cnsideratin and searching high and lw t seek ut the ideal present. If we g the extra mile, there's less chance that the persn we have in mind has already bught what we're cnsidering nline.
    But as I nw cnsider this exact plan f actin, I'm thinking perhaps it's nt all that bad. Maybe the Internet is delivering us a lessn, firm but fair: the era f half-baked present purchasing is ver and it's time t g hard r g hme.
    In this era f immediate satisfactin, if yu want t give smene a useful present, yu d have t actually g t the effrt f surcing smething nice fr them. Perhaps that's making fr a mre rewarding gift experience fr all invlved. And perhaps it als means fewer gifts that are given as an excuse and end up being unused.
    24. Hw is the tpic f gift giving intrduced in Paragraph 1?
    A. By demnstrating the prspect f the Internet.
    B. By shwing the difficulty in using the Internet.
    C. By pinting ut the shrtcming f the Internet.
    D. By arguing abut the pssible benefits f the Internet.
    25. What might be a reasn fr gift giving being difficult accrding t Paragraph 2?
    A. Numerus gift ptins. B. Relative high cst fr presents.
    C. Limited ffer frm digital giants. D. Easy access t the Internet versins.
    26. What des the authr suggest readers d?
    A. Purchase satisfactry gifts. B. Try t select a present.
    C. Buy fewer gifts as an excuse. D. Make mre valuable presents.
    27. What might be the authr's attitude twards nwadays gift giving?
    A. Cnfused. B. Critical. C. Neutral. D. Acceptable.
    Grwing up n a farm, Tri James spent much f her early years utdrs, building shelters and playing in muddy streams. She describes herself as an ambitius, adventurus child wh went t bed reading the survival guides that lived n her bedside table. Even s, James says she culd never have predicted that, ne day, she might be the yungest British wman t reach the summit f Munt Everest.
    Tday, James is a prfessinal adventurer. Yet ahead f her first expeditin at the age f 18, which she spent mapping the cracks f Iceland's Vatnajökull glacier with the British Explring Sciety, James recalls dubting her ability t last a mnth ut in the cld withut the cmfrt f a ht bath. ‘It's nly by stepping ut f ur cmfrt zne that we understand ur true ptential,’ she explains. ‘That's when the magic happens.’
    Althugh James has spent a significant part f her life explring sme f the mst remte landscapes in the wrld, when it cmes t traveling, she believes that there are numerus ways fr everyne t push their bundaries, ther than by undertaking physical challenges. James als encurages wuld-be adventurers nt t be put ff by the steretypical image f the rugged, hardy explrer. ‘I am such a believer that, with the right supprt and skills, everyne can bring smething t an expeditin,’ she says.
    Smetimes, she adds, it's nly ut in the field that smene's hidden talents emerge. A diverse team can be key t a successful trip, particularly given the rle f explratin in tday's wrld. ‘Histrically, explratin has been abut peple finding nature's hardest bstacles and trying t either vercme them, r beat them,’ says James. But nw, fr me at least, explratin is abut cnnecting, nt cnquering. It's abut ur cnnectin t the living wrld arund us, it's abut sharing its imprtance nce we've returned and it's abut figuring ut hw t d adventure sustainably.
    28. What d we knw abut James?
    A. She was nce dubted t be a prfessinal adventurer.
    B. She enjys reading thrilling adventure survival stries.
    C. She was a child with big dreams and a desire fr explratin.
    D. She might be the yungest wman t cnquer Munt Everest.
    29. What wuld James prbably agree with accrding t Paragraph 3?
    A. Few ways are there fr us t push ur bundaries.
    B. Future explrers are suppsed t venture bravely.
    C. Explring remte landscapes in the wrld is f significance.
    D. Supprt and skills are sure t bring ut the best f explrers.
    30. What might be the value f explratin nwadays?
    A. T make the mst f peple's hidden talent.
    B. T vercme the pssible hardest bstacles.
    C. T figure ut hw t have a successful adventure.
    D. T engage in sustainable interactins with nature.
    31. What might be the best title f this text?
    A. Brn t Be Adventurers. B. Cnnecting the Living Wrld.
    C. James's Amazing Expeditins. D. Adventurer James's Travel Insights.
    The plar research vessel (船舰) RRS Sir David Attenbrugh, which will always be thught f by sme as Baty McBatface, is currently n an Antarctic task t find ut hw sea ice influences the cycle f nutrients and carbn in the wrld's ceans.
    The 12 researchers n bard are using autnmus underwater vehicles t explre huge areas f free-flating sea ice. This will help us better understand hw climate change is impacting rganisms frm micrscpic planktn (浮游生物) t penguins and rcas. .
    Last week, the vessel cllected samples frm arund the A23a mega iceberg (a scientific term) . The largest iceberg in existence is almst 4, 000 sq km, equal t an area twice the size f Greater Lndn, weighing clse t a trillin metric tnnes and twering up t 1, 312 feet abve the sea.
    It riginally brke away frm a main ice shelf cnnected t Antarctica in 1986, but had remained stuck against the seabed ever since. Until last mnth. Nw, A23a is drifting int the Suthern Ocean.
    Of curse, ne iceberg flating int warmer waters and melting is just the tip f the iceberg when it cmes t the climate crisis. At COP28, billins and billins were prmised t fund glbal I climate slutins, especially in develping natins. Mre than 130 cuntries agreed t deal with emissins in agriculture, with 118 prmising t triple renewables t.
    But mre needs t be dne. Frget the A23a iceberg being a threat t shipping, it's a sign we may be all sunk.
    32. What is the purpse f RRS Sir David Attenbrugh's explratin?
    A. T be thught highly f as Baty McBatface.
    B. T study the impact f the sea ice in circulatin.
    C. T recrd the cycle f nutrients and carbn glbally.
    D. T stand ut as ne f the best research vessels in the wrld.
    33. What was this explratin mst cncerned abut?
    A. The width f warm waters. B. The shape f main ice shelf.
    C. The size f remaining iceberg. D. The weight f free-flating iceberg.
    34. What is the main idea f Paragraph 5?
    A. Jint effrts was made t fix the climate crisis.
    B. COP 28 made a difference t the climate crisis.
    C. The climate crisis will be slved in the near future.
    D. The melting f iceberg is just the start f the climate crisis.
    35. Hw can we describe the authr's attitude accrding t the text?
    A. It never rains but it purs.
    B. Facts speak luder than wrds.
    C. Where there is glbal cmmunity, there is a way.
    D. When the explring stps, the destrying can t.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Mindful weight lss is an apprach t lsing weight that emphasis being aware f yur physical and emtinal state abut fd chices. Research shws that mindful eating can help peple reach their target weight mre effectively and sustainably than dieting alne. It invlves develping a deeper understanding f hunger, cravings (渴望) and emtins related t fd, as well as learning t better listen t the bdy's need. 36
    The practice f mindful eating starts with paying attentin t what yu are feeling rather than fcusing n restricting calnes r aviding certain fds tgether. Yu may be asked questins such as “Hw hungry am I” r “What am I really craving?” that help yu fcus n what yur bdy is telling yu. 37 This helps yu better enjy yur fd and stay satisfied lnger.
    A key cmpnent f mindful weight lss is researching healthy fds, understanding prtins, and learning abut nutritin labels, 38 Keeping track f meals and snacks thrugh jurnaling fr a few weeks can be helpful in getting an idea f what fds are triggering cravings r leading t vereating.
    39 Such feelings can be guilt, stress, bredm r lneliness. Being mindful f emtins can help identify triggers fr eating and help create healthier habits.
    Mindfulness helps t stay strng in the face f cravings and urges by recgnizing them as a part f the weight lss jurney and staying fcused n reaching gals. Practicing regular mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing, yga r mediatin will als help build weight lss ver time. 40 With cnsistent effrt, mindful weight lss can lead t imprved physical health, mental wellness and verall balance in life.
    A. The practice f mindful eating prmtes verall health.
    B. Becming aware f mindful weight can help yu get there.
    C. Therefre, yu can make infrmed decisins abut what t eat.
    D. Mindful weight lss als includes being aware f emtins related t fd.
    E. With this knwledge, yu can change lifestyle fr lng-term weight lss success.
    F. Mindful weight is a jurney twards health, nt just a fcus n a specific weight.
    G. Yu can als practice mindful eating by experiencing taste, texture, and emtins.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Fr as lng as I can remember I've been making art. That meant spending hurs at the kitchen table, as a child, drawing wmen in beautiful gwns and dgs wearing clthes eating in fancy restaurants. Because I was encuraged and praised, I 41 that talent.
    In cllege-thinking that I was ging t 42 educatin-I had an amazing prfessr in an elective drawing class wh encuraged me t 43 my majr t fine art. As smene easily influenced by praise, I tk her advice and gt my 44 in painting and drawing.
    Even befre I graduated, I had begun shwing my art in any 45 that I culd. I started ut in small cffee shps and farmers markets; it was a perfect way t discver my style and 46 art lvers. 47 , I began shwing at galleries and in larger art shws. It was at ne f these shws that I met my art publisher, with whm I 48 wrking fr five years.
    The art publishing wrld was a great way t get my wrk in frnt f wide 49 , selling at stres like Target and Hme Gds. It was als at this time that a number f my paintings were used in feature films. 50 my art n the big screen was definitely ne f the mst 51 mments f my career.
    I smetimes wnder what ther visual artists d when they're feeling burnt ut and 52 with their craft. I feel s lucky t have writing t turn t when the well f my visual creativity runs 53 . Visual arts and writing are different enugh that they dn't feel like they draw frm the same 54 f creative inspiratin.
    Peple always tell artists t 'find their wn vice'. While I d agree with this, I dn't knw if it's smething yu can just g ut and find. T me, it's imprtant that yur vice 55 yu.
    41. A. pssessed B. develped C. wasted D. recgnized
    42. A. stick t B. deal with C. majr in D. stand fr
    43. A. relate B. switch C. cmpare D. apply
    44. A. patience B. talentC. permitD. degree
    45. A. spt B. stre C. gallery D. shw
    46. A. believe in B. cme acrss C. cnnect with D. depend n
    47. A. Eventually B. Obviusly C. Immediately D. Gradually
    48. A. felt like B. gave upC. put ff D. ended up
    49. A. artistsB. prfessrsC. publishers D. audiences
    50. A. Drawing B. Seeing C. Creating D. Describing
    51. A. upsetting B. terrifying C. thrilling D. embarrassing
    52. A. uninspired B. panickedC. relieved D. shcked
    53. A. shrt B. wild C. dry D. strng
    54. A. surceB. behaviur C. recreatin D. knwledge
    55. A. heals B. finds C. satisfiesD. Impresses
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    In the mid-19th century, the wrld 56 (destry) by chlera, a disease that killed thusands. In Lndn, the epidemic (流行病) was particularly severe, with bdies piling up and fear running wild. In this chas, a man name d Jhn Snw rse 57 (challenge) the invisible enemy.
    Jhn Snw, 58 medical dctr, had a keen interest in finding the surce f chlera. He was nt cnvinced by the then-cmmn belief 59 chlera was spread thrugh bad air. His suspicins were arused 60 he nticed that mst cases were cncentrated arund a single water pump in Sh. He investigated deeper, mapping the pumps and 61 (assciate) them with chlera cases.
    With detailed bservatin and curageus experimentatin, Jhn Snw identified the plluted water 62 the “criminal” behind the epidemic. He cnvinced authrities t remve the handle f the pump, 63 (effective) stpping the spread f chlera. His actins saved 64 (cunt) lives and marked a significant turning pint in public health histry.
    Jhn Snw's lasting impact serves as a 65 (remind) f the strength f bservatin, lgical reasning, and decisive actin in the face f challenges.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假如你是学生会主席李华,你校近期将举办“中华传统美食节 (Chinese Fd Culture Festival) ”活动,请你写一则通知向学生征集活动创意。内容包括:1. 活动介绍:2、征集要求:3. 鼓励参与。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Din was having a running race. This race wuld stretch in six stages ver seven days and cver almst 155 miles. Gbi, a little she-dg happened t jin him. It was their third day.
    The sky was clear, the weather was warm: the grund was firm beneath Gbi's feet. Frm time t time, Din wuld lk ver at her and smile. The warmth f that smile was even brighter than the sun beating dwn n them, but in a gd way. It filled Gbi up.
    As they prgressed, a brad river ppped int their sight, lying right in frnt. Din had n idea hw deep it was, but the race markers led right acrss, s he had t assume he'd be able t make it acrss as well.
    Taking a deep breath, he tk a careful step int the water. It was surprisingly cld cnsidering hw warm the day was, and he sank dwn up t his waist, but that was it. At least the riverbed seemed slid. He culd make his way acrss; he just had t g slwly. One wrng step and he'd get cmpletely wet. Plus, he culd hurt himself since he culdn't see where he was putting his feet. This was ging t take a while.
    Gbi watched as the man jumped int the water. She wagged her tail, but he didn't lk her way. He was clearly busy cncentrating. She sat dwn just befre the water and watched. Surely, he wuld turn arund and ntice that she wasn't with him. But several minutes passed, and he gt farther and farther away. Finally, Gbi culdn't take it any lnger. She began anxiusly running up and dwn the riverbank. Was the man ging t leave her?
    At the sund f her bark, Din stpped. He always made a pint f facing frward, always frward, during a race. But this time he did glance back. Gbi was sitting at the river's edge, barking fiercely. There was n way the little dg culd crss that n her wn. These days, he'd fed her, given her water, and named her. He had t admit that he liked having her with him. She lifted his spirits.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1-5 BCCBB 6-10 AABAC 11-15 BACBC 16-20 AAABC
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    21-25 ACBCD 26-30 BDCBD 31-35DBCAA
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    36-40 EGCDF
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    41-45 BCBDA 46-50 CADDB 51-55 CACAB
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    56. was destryed 57. t challenge 58. a 59. that 60. when/after
    61. assciating 62. as 63. effectively 64. cuntless 65. reminder
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    With the purpse f facilitating students' better understanding f Chinese fd culture, a Chinese Fd Culture Festival will be arranged by the Students' Unin recently. Here, we are calling fr yur cntributins t help us make the festival mre creative.
    Any spellbinding activity planning t shwcase Chinese fd culture is welcme. Yur scheme is expected t be riginal with a detailed implementatin plan. All submissins shuld be addressed t studentsunin@htmail. cm within the deadline f March 1st. Thse whse ideas are adpted will be awarded.
    We are eagerly awaiting yur thught-prvking perspectives and inspiring ideas.
    The Students' Unin
    One pssible versin:
    Right nw, listening t her barking as he left her behind nearly brke his heart. “Oh, fine!” Din declared at last. Turning carefully, he started t make his way back. The secnd she saw him tur arund, Gbi was n her feet, tail wagging furiusly, her whimpers changing t happy barks. When he was clse enugh, Din reached ut ne lng arm and scped Gbi up ff the grund. Then he hugged her t his chest. The little dg lifted her head and licked his cheek, which tickled. Din laughed. “Yeah, yeah, yu're welcme,” he tld her.
    This became tugher fr Din t crss the brad river. Befre, Din had kept his arms ut fr balance. Nw ne f them was hlding Gbi instead. That meant he had nly ne arm free. He had t g even mre slwly and mre carefully. Thrugh it all, Gbi was amazingly gd. She didn't struggle. She didn't bark. She didn't whimper. She just snuggled up against his chest and watched as they slwly inched their way acrss the river. Once they reached the ther side, Din set her dwn. She quickly circled him, barking and wagging her tail.
    Text 1
    W: HuaWei Service Center. This is Fina speaking. D yu want t rder ur latest prducts r have smething fixed?
    M: Actually, I just want t find ut when yu'll be pen in the mrning.
    Text 2
    M: Dra, are yu planning t d sme part-time wrk this summer?
    W: Yes, I lve gardening and I bet I'm an expert at that. I think I'll d that. What abut yu?
    M: I'll teach sme freign kids simple Chinese.
    Text 3
    M: Please make yurself at hme. I'll make yu sme tea while yu sit n the sfa and have sme ckies.
    W: Thanks. Just a glass f water is fine.
    Text 4
    M: Yu're late again! Why dn't yu text me?
    W: Srry, I culdn't. I was secretly brwsing Duyin n my phne in class, and I was caught by Mr. White. He put it in his drawer. I can't have it back until lunchtime.
    Text 5
    W: Please shw yur passprt, man. Are yu cming t America fr study r n business?
    M: I came here fr sightseeing with my friends, madam.
    W: D yu have anything t declare?
    M: N. . . madam. we dn't.
    Text 6
    M: Amada, I've gt an extra ticket t a live cncert tmrrw. D yu want t jin me?
    W: Sunds wnderful, but let me check my schedule first. I'll meet a client tmrrw mrning, and in the afternn, I'll g fr dental cleaning at 2: 00 pm. I guess I'll be free after 3: 00 pm.
    M: That's great. The cncert wn't begin until 4: 00 pm.
    W: Then I can make it. But I hpe it's nt a rck cncert r a classical music cncert.
    M: Dn't wrry. Sme famus jazz bands will perfrm tmrrw.
    W: Then I can't wait.
    Text 7
    W: I'll have t make a chice sn abut next year. I've been ffered a jb in Beijing, but I've als passed the public servant exam t wrk in the gvernment in my hmetwn.
    M: Ww, Beijing? Hw culd yu say n?
    W: Well, believe it r nt. I dn't have a burning desire t see the wrld. I'd much prefer just t stay in my hmetwn. Anyway, it's hard t decide.
    M: Well, I wuld strngly advise yu t think f the future. Wrking in a big city is much mre exciting than wrking in a small twn. Yu're lucky t have a chice. A lt f peple dn't.
    Text 8
    W: Yu wanted t see me, Mr. Black?
    M: Yes, Susan. Cme in! Have a seat. I've been meaning t have a chat with yu abut yur perfrmance recently. Yu've been turning in sme very pr sales figures since yu wrked here. What might be the prblem?
    W: I knw. I can nly aplgize. I'm afraid I've been feeling really upset recently.
    M: Right. And why's that, then?
    W: I'm nt sure. . . yu knw, mving t a new city, I haven't really settled in here yet. I haven't really made any friends. I'm just feeling blue generally. . . and a bit lnely after wrk, t be hnest.
    M: Well, I think yu really need t pull yurself tgether, Susan. Yu've been given a great pprtunity t wrk here with us and yu're just wasting it. I really need t start seeing sme results!
    Text 9
    W: Hell, Mr. Black. Our newspaper is ging t intrduce the new huse that yur cmpany has built. Culd yu tell me smething abut it?
    M: All right. The new huse has a cmplete hme system. It will make peple's lives easier.
    W: Gd. Please tell me hw this huse will make peple's lives easier.
    M: When yu arrive at the frnt dr, yu dn't need a key t pen it. The dr will pen with a tuch f yur finger. Yu'll be able t check yur refrigeratr when yu're at the grcery stre and find ut what yu need t buy.
    W: Oh, that's wnderful. By the way, can I give an rder t the washing machine?
    M: Sure. But yu wn't need t. The huse cmes with a rbt. It is prgrammed t clean the huse and d the washing.
    W: Great. Hw much des the new huse cst, please?
    M: A millin dllars.
    W: A millin dllars! It will be thirty years befre I can affrd t buy such a huse!
    Text 10
    M: Special family bnds are nt created by big ship vacatins, new tys, bicycles, r expensive clthes. Great families are frmed by making time fr each ther, and by listening and caring. The gd news is that it csts nthing t d these things. Last weekend, as my tw little daughters and I were sitting utside the frnt steps f ur huse enjying the sunshine, I had an idea that I and my tw daughters, Sandra and Tina, wuld have a picnic in the park n the cming Wednesday nn instead f the regular lunch. Bth Sandra and Tina lit up with surprise. “Great! Then we wuld put up a tent in the park just like a picnic in the muntain!” They shuted. That's ur little plan fr a simple Wednesday. I'm sure it will becme anther example that small things cntribute t special family mments. A picnic is smething that wrks fr us. It's up t yu t find ut what thse things are and d them. When yur kids grw up, they wn't remember the iPad r tys yu bught them. They will remember the time yu spend with them. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
    Paragraph 1: Right nw, listening t her barking as he left her behind nearly brke his heart. ________________
    Paragraph 2: This became tugher fr Din t crss the brad river. ____________________________________

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