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    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题14 阅读七选五-试卷
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      专题14 阅读七选五-2024年高考英语二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考通用)(原卷版).docx
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      专题14 阅读七选五-2024年高考英语二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考通用)(解析版).docx
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题14 阅读七选五-试卷01
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题14 阅读七选五-试卷02
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题14 阅读七选五-试卷03
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题14 阅读七选五-试卷01
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题14 阅读七选五-试卷02
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题14 阅读七选五-试卷03
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    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题14 阅读七选五-试卷

    这是一份【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题14 阅读七选五-试卷,文件包含专题14阅读七选五-2024年高考英语二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练新高考通用原卷版docx、专题14阅读七选五-2024年高考英语二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练新高考通用解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共40页, 欢迎下载使用。

    题型01 主旨概括题
    It can be hard t stay mtivated when yu are n a training plan and this can lead t yu missing essential sessins. 36 Luckily, we have sme tried and tested mtivatinal tricks that will ensure yu keep running all year arund.
    Run with a partner. If yu can, ask a friend t run with yu, as then yu have a reasn t g ut, even when yu dn’t want t. 37 Yu need smene wh will help yu ut f the dr n cld winter mrnings.
    38 A fast-track way t lse yur mtivatin is t always run the same rute ver and ver again. Mix it up by changing where yu run. Try a new rute and yu will fcus n things like hw yu are feeling rather than when yu hit the next lamppst r tree.
    Mix up the training. 39 If yu usually g fr a lng, slw run n a Sunday mrning, why nt try a little sprint sessin instead? Yu can pick a landmark anywhere and run as fast as yu can until yu get t it, befre slwing dwn again t recver.
    Listen t music. The race itself will have plenty f mtivatinal factrs t keep yu ging, with the crwds cheering and ther runners t cncentrate n, but if yu are ut n yur wn, yur favrite sng can really cheer yu up if yu’re feeling that lull (低谷期) cme ver yu. 40
    A. Vary yur lcatins.
    B. Stimulate yur mtivatin.
    C. Yu als need t vary yur training patterns.
    D. This is especially the case when it cmes t the cld mnths.
    E. Make sure yu dn’t pick smene wh is likely t cancel n yu.
    F. Sme music devices will help yu t stay mtivated and n target.
    【答案】36. D 37. E 38. A 39. C 40. G
    36. D 根据上文“It can be hard t stay mtivated when yu are n a training plan and this can lead t yu missing essential sessins. (当你在一个训练计划中很难保持动力,这可能会导致你错过重要的课程。)”可知,空格处应该进一步说明不利的条件。选项D. This is especially the case when it cmes t the cld mnths. (在寒冷的月份尤其如此。)说明的是不利的条件,承接上文;符合语境。故选D。
    37. E 根据下文“Yu need smene wh will help yu ut f the dr n cld winter mrnings. (你需要有人在寒冷的冬天早晨帮你出门。)”可知,前面的句子应该是说要找一个适合的人一起跑步。选项E. Make sure yu dn’t pick smene wh is likely t cancel n yu. (确保你没有选择一个可能会取消你约会的人。)说明的是找一个合适的人,符合语境,引出下文。故选E。
    38. A 根据下文“A fast-track way t lse yur mtivatin is t always run the same rute ver and ver again. Mix it up by changing where yu run. (让你失去动力的一个快速途径就是总是一遍又一遍地跑同样的路线。通过改变你跑步的地方来混合。)”可知,前面的句子应该是说要改变跑步的地点。选项A. Vary yur lcatins. (改变你的位置。)符合语境,能够作为本段的主题句。故选A。
    39. C 根据上文“Mix up the training. (混合训练。)”为本段的主题句,可知,空格处应该进一步说明改变训练方式。选项C. Yu als need t vary yur training patterns. (你还需要改变你的训练模式。)符合语境,承接上文。故选C。
    40. G
    【解析】根据前文“The race itself will have plenty f mtivatinal factrs t keep yu ging, with the crwds cheering and ther runners t cncentrate n, but if yu are ut n yur wn, yur favrite sng can really cheer yu up if yu're feeling that lull(低谷期) cme ver yu. (比赛本身会有很多激励因素让你继续前进,人群会欢呼,其他选手也会集中精力,但如果你一个人出去,你最喜欢的歌曲真的可以让你振作起来,如果你感到平静。)”可知,空格处的句子应该是说音乐帮助度过低谷期有关的话题。选项G. Music can help keep yu ging when the running gets a little tugh. (当跑步变得有点艰难时,音乐可以帮助你继续前进。)承接上文,进一步说明音乐帮助度过低谷期。故选G。
    题型02 语段过渡题
    In China under imperial rule, Natinal Day was a celebratin f the Emperr’s birthday r his rise t the thrne. On Octber 1, 1949, Ma Zedng declared the frmatin f the Peple’s Republic f China. 36 The hliday is held annually in Hng Kng, Macau, and mainland China.
    The first seven days f Octber are referred t as the Glden Week. This is a time f travel and leisure that is celebrated differently in varius parts f China. Peple in cities ften travel t rural areas t relax and enjy the quiet surrundings. Peple frm urban areas als travel t ther cities thrughut China t take part in celebratins. 37 Each year, a large Natinal Day celebratin is held in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square.
    Beijing’s Natinal Day festivals are filled with military perfrmances, fd vendrs, live music, and varius ther activities. In Beijing and ther cities, musical and dance cncerts are held t celebrate Natinal Day. Crafts, painting, and a range f ther activities can be enjyed by peple f varius ages.
    38 This firewrks shw is apprved by the Chinese gvernment and sme f the highest quality rckets and explsives are used t fill the sky with sparkling clrs f gld and red.
    In additin t patritic celebratins, Natinal Day in China is als a time fr peple t enjy being with their families. Family members f all ages will ften use this as an pprtunity t travel t a central lcatin t recnnect after mnths f wrking. 39
    Althugh Natinal Day is entered arund patritism and China’s histry, Natinal Day is als a time f shpping. 40 S peple shuld put a bit f mney t the side and use this as an pprtunity t purchase sme f the things that have been n their wish lists fr a while.
    A. On the evening, a grand and elabrate firewrks demnstratin is perfrmed.
    B. Beijing is the center f the largest Natinal Day activities.
    C. Many cmpanies ffer very large discunts n prducts during Glden Week.
    D. Ever since then, the first day f Octber has been a day f patritism and natinal celebratin.
    E. On Natinal Day, thusands f sldiers and civilians take part in the massive parades.
    F. This helps eliminate the stress f wrk and helps make sure that families remain clse.
    G. China celebrates the Chinese Natinal Day n Octber 1st every year.
    【答案】36. D 37. B 38. A 39. F 40. C
    36. D 前文“In China under imperial rule, Natinal Day was a celebratin f the Emperr’s birthday r his rise t the thrne. On Octber 1, 1949, Ma Zedng declared the frmatin f the Peple’s Republic f China.(在帝国统治下的中国,国庆节是庆祝皇帝诞辰或登基的日子。1949年10月1日,毛泽东宣布中华人民共和国成立。)”讲述了旧时代的中国确定国庆节的依据,以及1949年10月1日新中国正式成立,由此可知,空处应是说新中国成立后国庆节的确立,D项“从那时起,十月的第一天就是爱国主义和民族庆典的日子。”符合题意,选项中的then指代前文中的On Octber 1, 1949。故选D。
    37. B 后文“Each year, a large Natinal Day celebratin is held in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square.(每年,北京天安门广场都会举行大型国庆庆典。)”提到了在国庆节北京在天安门广场举行大型庆典,所以空处应与北京有关,B项“北京是全国最大的国庆节活动中心。”符合题意。故选B。
    【解析】后文“This firewrks shw is apprved by the Chinese gvernment and sme f the highest quality rckets and explsives are used t fill the sky with sparkling clrs f gld and red.(这场烟花表演得到了中国政府的批准,一些最高质量的火箭和炸药被用来让天空充满闪闪发光的金色和红色。)”讲述了烟花表演的细节,所以空处应讲述国庆节晚上有烟花表演,A项“当晚会进行一场盛大而精心的烟花表演。”符合题意。故选A。
    39. F 前文“In additin t patritic celebratins, Natinal Day in China is als a time fr peple t enjy being with their families. Family members f all ages will ften use this as an pprtunity t travel t a central lcatin t recnnect after mnths f wrking.(除了爱国庆祝活动,国庆节在中国也是人们享受与家人团聚的时刻。所有年龄段的家庭成员都会经常利用这一机会,在工作数月后前往中心地点重新联系。)”讲述了人们会利用国庆假期与家人共享团聚时光,空处位于段末,应总结这样做的好处,F项“这有助于消除工作压力,并有助于确保家庭关系密切。”符合题意。故选F。
    40. C 前文“Althugh Natinal Day is entered arund patritism and China’s histry, Natinal Day is als a time f shpping.(虽然国庆节是围绕爱国主义和中国历史而进入的,但国庆节也是购物的时间。)”讲述了国庆节也是购物的时间,后文“S peple shuld put a bit f mney t the side and use this as an pprtunity t purchase sme f the things that have been n their wish lists fr a while.(因此,人们应该存一点钱,并以此为机会购买他们愿望清单上已经有一段时间的东西。)”讲述了人们应该省钱在这个时间去购买想要的东西,由此可知,空处应说国庆节期间商家有折扣,C项“许多公司在黄金周期间提供很大的产品折扣。”符合题意。故选C。
    题型03 细节线索题
    A favrite musical tune can fuel psitive memries, bst yur md, and create a relaxing setting. 36 Here are sme ways t dig int the pwer f music。
    Having truble staying mtivated during wrkut? 37 Research in the Nvember 2019 Psychlgy f Sprt and Exercise fund that upbeat music can make a wrkut seem less challenging and mre enjyable. In the study, peple perfrmed high-intensity interval training (HIIT). The exercisers in the music grup reprted enjying their wrkut mre than thse in the slw r nn-music grups.
    38 But waking up t a pleasant tne instead f a sharp alarm can reduce mrning sleepiness and imprve efficiency, suggests a study published nline Jan. 28, 2020, by PLS One. Set yur smart phne alarm t play sft, harmnic sunds r a relaxing tune.
    Music helps t relieve stress in a medical prcedure. An analysis f 72 trials invlving almst 7,000 patients fund that patients wh listened t music befre, during, and after surgery reprted less pain. Earlier studies had fund that listening t music during dental wrk lwered peple’s anxiety levels. Music prduces a calming effect by stimulating the brain’s pleasure regin. The right chice f music als appears t be necessary. I 39 “Music that is predictable can prmte feelings f cntrl and calm,” she says.
    Many studies have shwn that students wh listen t slw and peaceful sunds have less anxiety. Accrding t Diaz - Falcn, these sunds prvide a calming envirnment and blck distractins in yur thught prcess. She says, “Peaceful music is als believed t activate areas in yur brain respnsible fr analytically thinking and creativity, as well as increasing the brain’s ability t absrb and stre infrmatin.” 40
    A. Try sme relaxing music.
    B. Turn up sme music with a fast beat.
    C. Music has lng served as a sleep aid.
    D. Prfessr Diaz- Falcn says music can increase yur energy.
    E. Try listening t such sunds the next time yu face a cmplex task.
    F. Peple respnd best t familiar music, accrding t Prfessr Diaz- Falcn.
    G. Used in specific ways, music is als a valuable tl fr supprting yur health.
    【答案】36. G 37. B 38. C 39. F 40. E
    【解析】前文“A favrite musical tune can fuel psitive memries, bst yur md, and create a relaxing setting. (一首最喜欢的音乐曲调可以激发积极的记忆,提升你的情绪,并创造一个放松的环境。)”说明音乐有很多好处,选项G中有个als,也是再说音乐的好处。且下文与选项的specific ways相照应。G项“以特定的方式使用,音乐也是一个支持你的健康的宝贵的工具”符合语境,故选G。
    37. B 设空处后文提到“Research in the Nvember 2019 Psychlgy f Sprt and Exercise fund that upbeat music can make a wrkut seem less challenging and mre enjyable (2019年11月的运动和锻炼心理学研究发现,乐观的音乐可以让锻炼看起来不那么具有挑战性,而更令人愉快)”这里的“upbeat”与B项中的“fast beat”相对应。因此推断B项“打开一些快节奏的音乐”符合语境。故选B。
    38. C 设空处为段首。且设空后方有一个转折连词but,后文“But waking up t a pleasant tne instead f a sharp alarm can reduce mrning sleepiness and imprve efficiency”讲到要伴随愉快的音调的音乐起床,跟睡眠有关。C项中的“a sleep aid”一致,因此推断C项“音乐长期以来都作为一种音乐辅助”符合语境。故选C。
    39. F 设空处前面“The right chice f music als appears t be necessary.”提到正确的音乐选择是有必要的。所以设空与音乐的选择有关。F项“根据Prfessr Diaz- Falcn教授,人们对熟悉的音乐反应最好”与之相符。故选F。
    40. E 本段第一句“Many studies have shwn that students wh listen t slw and peaceful sunds have less anxiety.”提到很多研究表明,听慢而平和的音乐的学生表现的没有那么焦虑,下文对这种音乐的作用进行解释。E项中的“such sunds”指代的是这种声音。因此推断E项“下一次你面对一个复杂的任务时,尝试听听这样的音乐”符合语境。故选E。
    题型01 主旨概括题
    As an artist wh shares her jurney n scial media, I’m ften asked by curius fllwers hw t begin an art jurney. Unfrtunately, there is n magic list I can ffer. I d remember, thugh, what it was like t be a cmplete beginner. S I’ve put tgether sme gd tips fr starting an art jurney.
    • Start small. I suggest using a sketchbk (素描本) fr small studies. These small studies prvide inspiratin and may be a springbard fr mre cmplex wrks in the future. 36 Yu’ll want t lk back n yur jurney t see hw far yu’ve cme.
    • Paint ften and paint frm life. There’s n better way t imprve than t put in thse brush miles. Whether yu paint still lifes, prtraits, r landscapes, paint frm life as much as pssible. 37
    • Cntinually challenge yurself t try smething new. 38 Artistic grwth can be a bit painful. Welcme t the club; we’ve all been there. I lve taking n challenges. I nce tk up a challenge t create a painting every day fr a mnth and pst the wrks nline.
    • 39 Seeking and accepting cnstructive feedback (反馈) is crucial t grwth. I pst my wrk n scial media and, in turn, have met sme f the kindest peple. They make me feel valued and respected, n matter my level f artistic ability.
    The jurney yu’re n wn’t fllw a straight path. 40 Push thrugh, give it time and put in the effrt. Yu will harvest the rewards f an artistic life.
    A. Get ut f yur cmfrt zne.
    B. Make career plans and set gals.
    C. Dn’t thrw away yur beginner art.
    D. Share yur wrk if yu feel cmfrtable ding s.
    E. Yu’ll hit radblcks, and yu’ll feel discuraged at times.
    F. Evaluate yur perfrmance and, if needed, redefine yur rle.
    G. Yu’ll develp that painting muscle memry that nly cmes with repetitin.
    【答案】36.C 37. G 38. A 39. D 40. E
    36. C 空前提到使用素描本进行小型研究并作为灵感来源;空后提到你会想回顾你的旅程,看看你已经走了多远。C项“不要丢掉你新手时期的艺术作品”承上启下,符合语境。故选C。
    37. G 空前讨论了尽可能多地画画和实景绘画,无论你画的是静物、肖像还是风景画。G项“你只有通过重复画画才能锻炼出绘画的肌肉记忆”承接上文,与上文的“经常画画”和“实景绘画”相吻合。故选G。
    38. A 空前说“不断挑战自己,去尝试新事物”;空后说“艺术的成长可能会有点痛苦”。A项“走出你的舒适区”承上启下,符合语境。故选A。
    39. D 空后说“寻求和接受建设性反馈对于成长至关重要”。D项“如果你感觉舒服,分享你的作品”既与“接受反馈”相呼应,又与后文的“在社交媒体上发布作品”相吻合。故选D。
    40. E 空前说“你的旅程不会是一条笔直的道路”;空后说“要坚持,投入时间并付出努力”。E项“你会遇到路障,有时你会感到沮丧”承上启下,符合语境。故选E。
    题型02 语段过渡题
    Persnal Frgiveness
    Taking respnsibility fr mistakes is a psitive step, but dn’t beat yurself up abut them. T err (犯错) is human. 36 Yu can use the fllwing writing exercise t help yu d this.
    In a jurnal r n a piece f paper, put the heading “Persnal strengths.” 37 Are yu caring? Creative? Generus? A gd listener? Fun t be arund? They dn’t have t be wrld-changing, just aspects f yur persnality that yu’re prud f.
    At the tp f a secnd page, put the heading “Acts f kindness.” On this ne, list all the psitive things yu’ve dne fr thers. It might be the time when yu helped a friend with their hmewrk, when yu did the irning withut being asked, r when yu baked ckies after the family had had a tiring day. 38
    Yu culd ask a friend r family member t help add t yur list. 39 That way, yu culd exchange thughts n what makes each f yu special and the aspects f yur persnality that shine thrugh. In fact, dn’t wait until yu’ve made a mistake t try this — it’s a great way t bst self-cnfidence at any time.
    It’s smething f a cliché (陈词滥调) that mst peple learn nt frm their successes but their mistakes. The thing is, it’s true. 40 We’ re all changing and learning all the time and mistakes are a psitive way t develp and grw.
    A. A little self-frgiveness als ges a lng way.
    B. Nw list all the characteristics yu like abut yurself.
    C. They might even like t have a g at ding the exercise.
    D. It’s just as imprtant t shw yurself sme frgiveness.
    E. It desn’t mean yu have t ignre what’s happened r frget it.
    F. Whatever it is, n matter hw small it might seem, write it dwn.
    G. Whatever the mistake, remember it isn’t a fixed aspect f yur persnality.
    【答案】36. D 37. B 38. F 39. C 40. G
    36. D 根据空前内容“Taking respnsibility fr mistakes is a psitive step, but dn’t beat yurself up abut them. T err (犯错) is human. (为错误承担责任是积极的一步,但不要因此而自责。人孰能无过)”可知,作者认为人都会犯错,勇于承担责任固然重要,但是也不要因此而过于自责。结合空后“Yu can use the fllwing writing exercise t help yu d this. (你可以使用下面的写作练习来帮助你做到这一点)”中的“d this”以及下文内容可推断,空处应该内容和“不要太自责”相似。选项D“It’s just as imprtant t shw yurself sme frgiveness. (宽恕自己也同样重要)”与“不要太自责”语意相近,起承上启下的作用。故选D。
    37. B 根据空前内容“In a jurnal r n a piece f paper, put the heading “Persnal strengths. ” (在日记或纸上写上“个人优点”)”以及空后内容“Are yu caring? Creative? Generus? A gd listener? Fun t be arund? They dn’t have t be wrld-changing, just aspects f yur persnality that yu’re prud f. (你有爱心吗?有创造力吗?你慷慨吗?是一个好的倾听者?与人相处很有趣吗?它们不一定要改变世界,只要你个性中让你感到自豪的方面就行)”可知,空处指的是列出一些你个性中的优点。选项B“Nw list all the characteristics yu like abut yurself. (现在列出所有你喜欢的自己身上的特点)”符合上下文内容,下文内容具体解释那些是优点。故选B。
    38. F 根据上文内容“At the tp f a secnd page, put the heading “Acts f kindness.” On this ne, list all the psitive things yu’ve dne fr thers. It might be the time when yu helped a friend with their hmewrk, when yu did the irning withut being asked, r when yu baked ckies after the family had had a tiring day. (在第二页的顶部,写上“善举”的标题。在这张单子上,列出你为别人做过的所有积极的事情。它可能是当你帮助朋友做作业的时候,当你没有被要求却主动熨衣服的时候,或者当你在家人累了一天之后烤饼干的时候)”可知,本段主要讲述的是列出一些自己所做的好事。选项F“Whatever it is, n matter hw small it might seem, write it dwn. (不管是什么,不管它看起来有多小,都要把它写下来)”与上文内容一致,讲述的是不管你所做的事情不管有多小,只要是好的事情,都记下来。故选F。
    39. C 根据空后内容“That way, yu culd exchange thughts n what makes each f yu special and the aspects f yur persnality that shine thrugh. (这样,你们就可以交换意见,谈谈是什么让你们每个人都与众不同,以及你们个性中闪光的方面)”可知,空处提到了某种方式,这种方式会使得你和朋友们一起交换意见等。选项C“They might even like t have a g at ding the exercise. (他们甚至可能想试一试做练习)”符合语境,C项中的“they”与空前的“Yu culd ask a friend r family member t help add t yur list. (你可以让朋友或家人帮你增加你的列表内容。)”中的“a friend r family member”保持一致,同时选项C和下文“In fact, dn’t wait until yu’ve made a mistake t try this — it’s a great way t bst self-cnfidence at any time. (事实上,不要等到你犯了错误才去尝试这个——这是一个在任何时候都能增强自信的好方法)”中的“this”一致。故选C。
    40. G 根据空前内容“It’s smething f a cliché (陈词滥调) that mst peple learn nt frm their successes but their mistakes. The thing is, it’s true. (大多数人不是从他们的成功中学习,而是从他们的错误中学习,这是陈词滥调。但事实是,这是真的)”可知,作者认为人是从错误中学习。选项G“Whatever the mistake, remember it isn’t a fixed aspect f yur persnality. (不管你犯了什么错误,记住这不是你性格中固定的一面)”符合语境,G项中的“isn’t a fixed aspect f yur persnality”和空后内容“We’ re all changing and learning all the time and mistakes are a psitive way t develp and grw. (我们一直在改变和学习,错误是一种积极的发展和成长的方式)”保持一致,指的都是犯错并不是性格中固有的一面,我们是通过错误来成长。故选G。
    题型03 细节线索题
    Indr plants might lk as if they just sit arund nt ding much, but in many ways they are the unsung heres f the hme. 36 , but studies have shwn that they can prmte peple’s wellbeing by imprving their md (心情), reducing stress and helping their memry. What’s mre, indr plants are easy t lk after and are nt very expensive.
    What are indr plants?
    Indr plants, als knwn as huseplants r pt plants, are plants that like t grw indrs. Many f these species (物种) are nt ideally suited t grwing utside in the UK, especially in the winter. 37 .
    Why are indr plants gd fr yu?
    Will Spelstra, wh wrks at the Ryal Btanic Gardens, says, “ 38 . I find during the winter mnths, plants arund the huse can really lift yur md.” Several studies have backed this up and fund that indr plants can imprve creativity, fcus and memry. There is als research shwing that pt plants can clean the air arund them by remving harmful gases, such as carbn dixide. They als remve sme harmful chemicals frm paints r cking. 39 .
    Which plants can yu grw?
    Ale vera, peace lilies and spider plants are sme f the species that are easy t grw indrs. Yu can buy plants frm supermarkets, garden centres r nline. Yunger plants are ften cheaper than fully grwn nes, and yu get t care fr them as they mature — which is part f the jy f wning plants. “ 40 ,” Spelstra says. “It can bring a new interest and fcus int peple’s lives and help t make the link between hme and nature.”
    A. All plants are different
    B. Nt nly d they lk beautiful
    C. There are many benefits t grwing plants indrs
    D. Instead, they grw better inside, where it is warmer
    E. Plants like peace lilies and devil’s tngue are amng the best
    F. Changing the pt f yur plant frm time t time will als help
    G. Learning abut the requirements f each plant can be very rewarding
    【答案】36. B 37. D 38. C 39. E 40. G
    36. B 根据下文“but studies have shwn that they can prmte peple’s wellbeing by imprving their md (心情), reducing stress and helping their memry.(而且研究表明,它们可以通过改善情绪、减轻压力和帮助增强记忆力来促进人们的健康)”可知,此处与下文是递进关系,构成nt nly…but“不仅……而且……”结构。由此可知,B. Nt nly d they lk beautiful(它们不仅看起来很漂亮)能够衔接下文,符合语境。故选B。
    37. D 根据上文“Many f these species (物种) are nt ideally suited t grwing utside in the UK, especially in the winter.(这些品种中的许多都不适合在英国户外生长,尤其是在冬天)”可知,有些植物不适合在户外寒冷的环境中生长,即适合在温暖的地方生长。由此可知,D. Instead, they grw better inside, where it is warmer(相反,它们在温暖的室内生长得更好)能够承接上文,符合语境。故选D。
    38. C 根据下文“I find during the winter mnths, plants arund the huse can really lift yur md.(我发现在冬天的几个月里,房子周围的植物真的能提升你的情绪)”可知,室内植物对人有好处。由此可知,C. There are many benefits t grwing plants indrs(在室内种植植物有很多好处)能够衔接下文,符合语境。故选C。
    39. E 根据上文“There is als research shwing that pt plants can clean the air arund them by remving harmful gases, such as carbn dixide. They als remve sme harmful chemicals frm paints r cking.(也有研究表明,盆栽植物可以通过去除二氧化碳等有害气体来净化周围的空气。它们还能去除油漆或烹饪中的一些有害化学物质)”可知,盆栽植物能够清除有害物质。由此可知,E. Plants like peace lilies and devil’s tngue are amng the best(像和平百合和魔芋之类的植物是最好的)能够承接上文,列举了在这方面做的最好的植物,符合语境。故选E。
    40. G 根据上文“Yunger plants are ften cheaper than fully grwn nes, and yu get t care fr them as they mature-which is part f the jy f wning plants.(年轻植物通常比成熟的植物便宜,而且你可以在它们成熟时照顾它们——这是拥有植物的乐趣之一)”可知,不同的植物需求是不同的。由此可知,G. Learning abut the requirements f each plant can be very rewarding(了解每种植物的需求是非常有益的)能够承接上文,同时引起下文,下文“It can bring a new interest and fcus int peple’s lives and help t make the link between hme and nature.”(它可以为人们的生活带来新的兴趣和焦点,并有助于建立家庭与自然之间的联系。)”具体介绍了了解每种植物的需求的好处。故选G。
    (2023·浙江·德清县高级中学校考模拟预测) Acrss Asia many peple have just witnessed the natural wnder that is a ttal slar eclipse. 1
    This week’s ttal eclipse culd be seen in eastern India befre slwly mving acrss Burma, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Japan, and the Pacific Ocean. Yesterday, when it reached eastern China, peple flcked (聚集) int the streets t witness the astrnmical wnder.
    As daylight disappeared and the sky quickly darkened. 2 Cities such as Shanghai were plunged int (陷入) darkness during what is thught t be the lngest ttal eclipse f the 21st century. It lasted 6 minutes and 39 secnds.
    Ttal slar eclipses f such a lng duratin are very rare events. 3 Sha Zhenyi, an astrnmer at the Shanghai Astrnmical Observatry in China explained: “We’ll have t wait a few hundred years fr anther pprtunity t bserve a slar eclipse that lasts this lng? s it’s a very special pprtunity. ‘‘
    But while millins celebrate this phenmenn, it shuld be remembered that ttal eclipses have nt always been such treasured events. Many cultures traditinally believed that a ttal eclipse was a bad men (凶兆) r a supernatural event. 4 Others believed that the eclipse signified ncming disasters. Nwadays it appears that these fears and superstitins (迷信) are lng frgtten. As daylight nce again flded Asian cities such as Shanghai, whps and cheers culd be heard amng the gathered crwds.
    Reflecting n what had just happened, ne Shanghai resident described the eclipse as “eerie” (怪诞的,奇异的), while anther said “It’s like magic, the day turns int night in such a shrt perid f time. I have n idea where I am right nw. 5
    A. It feels like a different wrld.
    B. They happen but nce in a lifetime.
    C. Thse watching were left far frm disappinted.
    D. Sme believed that evil gds were eating the Sun.
    E. Peple were frightened by the sudden darkness.
    F. Sme peple thught it was a natural wnder.
    G. A ttal slar eclipse ccurs when the Sun, Mn and Earth line up in such a way that ur view f the Sun is ttally hidden by the Mn.
    (2023·广东·东莞市东华高级中学校联考模拟预测) Have yu ever set a gal fr yurself, like getting fit, making hnr rll, r being picked fr a team? Like lts f peple, maybe yu started ut ding great, but then lst sme f that drive and had truble getting mtivated again. 1 It all cmes dwn t gd planning, realistic expectatins, and a stick-t-it attitude. Here’s what yu need t d:
    First, knw yur gal. Start by writing dwn yur majr gal. Fr example, “I want t make hnr rll,” r “I want t get fit enugh t make the crss-cuntry team,” r even, “I want t play in the Olympics” are all majr gals because they’re the final thing the gal ‘setter wants t see happen. 2 That’s hw peple get things dne. Yu just have t remember that the bigger the gal, the mre wrk it takes t get there.
    Make it specific. It’s easier t plan fr and master a specific gal than an unclear ne. 3 That’s pretty unclear. Make it specific by defining what yu want t achieve, why yu want t get fit, and by when. This helps yu make a plan t reach yur gal.
    4 Peple ften abandn their gals because their expectatins are unreasnable. Part f staying mtivated is being realistic abut what yu can achieve within the time-frame yu’ve planned. Cmpeting n the Olympic ski team is a wrkable gal if yu are 15 and already a star skier. But if yu’re 18 and nly just taking yur first lessn, time isn’t exactly n yur side.
    Break it dwn. Making any change takes self-discipline. Yu need t pay cnstant attentin s yu dn’t get sidetracked. 5 Fr example, let’s say yu want t run a marathn. If it’s February and the marathn is in August, that’s a realistic time-frame t prepare. Start by planning t run 2 miles and wrk up gradually t the distance yu need.
    A. Make it realistic.
    B. It’s OK t dream big.
    C. What if yu keep slipping up?
    D. Let’s say yur gal is t get fit.
    E. S hw d yu stay mtivated and n track with yur gal?
    F. One way t make this easier is t break a big gal int small steps.
    G. Finding the mtivatin t d it isn’t necessarily easy, but it is always pssible.
    (2023上·广东·高三华南师大附中南海实验高中校考阶段练习)Hw much time des it take yu t sleep, eat and cmmute every day? 1 That case, time is limited fr yu t d ther meaningful things. Managing yur time effectively, therefre, becmes a matter f critical imprtance. Here are many things yu can d.
    Wrk ut a plan in advance.
    2 This will give yu a measure f cntrl ver what is ging t happen. Whether it is a planner that yu stick n the wall r a calendar app n yur smartphne, finding an rganizing tl that wrks well fr yu is essential. Then, recrd all imprtant events such as exams, prjects and rehearsals, s that yu can prepare accrdingly.
    This is abut the skill f rganizatin. It refers t arranging yur persnal space at hme. S when ding yur hmewrk, yu are in a tidy place, free frm distractins. This includes putting away yur mbile phne until yu have finished everything that needs t be dne.
    Priritize (优先考虑) what needs ding.
    There is nly a limited amunt f time in a day, and even with gd planning and rganizatin, it is nt always pssible t cmplete everything that needs t be dne. In such circumstances, yu will have t decide which task shuld be cmpleted first. Yu shuld classify the activities n the basis f their urgency and imprtance. 4 Then yu can fcus n yur bjective and stick t it.
    Once yu start taking little steps every day t plan, rganize and priritize the activities yu intend t devte yur energy, skills and talents t, yu can spare mre time t stay with family and friends, pursue a hbby r wrk n persnal develpment. 5
    A. Create favurable cnditins.
    B. This classificatin is yur ultimate gal.
    C. Balancing them is really a challenge fr yu.
    D. This classificatin will help determine yur pririty.
    E. Think abut upcming events and make a t-d list.
    F. These basic activities take up an enrmus part f yur day.
    G. Yu will end up reaping (收获) the rewards f time management.
    (2023上·湖北·高三华中师大一附中校考期中)Sme pals and I were in the midst f a pinball cmpetitin at a bar the ther night when the machine kept breaking dwn. We called ver a very busy emplyee wh’s respnsible fr helping keep the place running. He put everything aside t fix ur prblematic pinball machine twice. 1 A cuple f the guys immediately bjected, saying the emplyee was just ding the jb he was paid t d. I insisted and gt the grup t agree t the plan, althugh smewhat reluctantly.
    My pinball wizard didn’t stretch ut his hand, but hw many times have we run acrss thse payment screens that suggest a 20% tip fr being handed a sandwich we rdered? 2 There is data t back up the trend: 66% f American adults have a negative view f tipping, and 32% say they’re sick f thse payment-screen hints, accrding t a recent Bankrate survey.
    3 I admit there are times I suspect the tipping thing has gne t far - say, when I’m at a self-checkut line and there’s still request t leave smething extra. But I’m generally willing t err n the side f cautin: If smene is expecting a tip, I’ll assume they have financial reasns t d s. 4
    Plus, tipping is gd karma (因果报应). It’s always wrth it t tip in unexpected situatins- nes that dn’t necessarily invlve a hint n a payment screen. 5 He was s grateful fr the $10 tip that later that night, he rewarded ur grup with well mre than $10 in free tkens (代金券) fr future play.
    S next time, there must be n arguments with my friends when times cme t tip.
    A. This leads t what’s been called “tipping fatigue (疲劳)”
    B. S, why am I willing t g against the trend and say yes?
    C. I suggested we tip him $10 and split the tip amng all f us.
    D. There’s an argument that we shuld ban tipping altgether.
    E. Guess what happened next with my pinball-machine fixer at the bar?
    F. One dllar r tw wn’t make r break me, but it can pssibly help with their rent.
    G. Shuld they earn far belw the minimum wage, emplyers must make up the difference.
    (2023·湖北襄阳·襄阳四中校考模拟预测)Yu dn’t need t be an astrnmer with a giant telescpe t enjy a simple but spellbinding activity: stargazing. 1 It’s s interesting t discver what’s ging n. With a bit f practice, and knw-hw frm bks and websites, stargazers can spt particular stars and als grups f stars.
    There is plenty t take in using just yur eyes but sme peple use a telescpe fr a mre detailed lk. Fr the best results, chse a clear night when the mn is nt very bright. 2
    It can be harder t see the stars in twns and cities. It is because f light pllutin. The night sky is brightened by light frm street lamps, shps and car headlights. The best places fr stargazing are pen, hilly areas r the cast. 3 It is ur hme galaxy stretching acrss the night sky and is best seen in summer and fall evening skies. If the full mn is up, it will be hard t see. Try ging fr a night hike instead! Let yur eyes adjust t the mnlight and keep yur flashlight turned ff.
    4 That is camping in a natinal park under a star-filled sky. Many natinal parks ffer varius night sky prgrams, frm telescpe astrnmy events t full mn walks with rangers. Besides, natinal parks are als great places t knw abut the animals that are awake at night and asleep during the day. Sit quietly and listen fr these creatures.
    When yu head ut at night, always g with an adult. Dress warmly and take a blanket r a chair t sit n, plus a ht drink t warm yu up. Yu might want t take a camera with yu as well, s yu can take a pht if yu see smething amazing in the sky. A whle new wrld cmes alive at night and is waiting t be explred. 5
    A. Get prepared fr the wnder abve.
    B. Just g utside at night and lk up.
    C. Yu are suppsed t avid the full mn.
    D. It als matters which directin yu bserve.
    E. In these places, yu can lk fr the Milky Way.
    F. What is the better way t experience the great wnder?
    G. Where d yu prefer t have a stargazing trip at night?
    【答案】1. G 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A
    1. 根据上文Acrss Asia many peple have just witnessed the natural wnder that is a ttal slar eclipse.可知亚洲各地的许多人刚刚目睹了日全食这一自然奇观。由此可知,上文提到了日全食的景象,本句应当是说明这一现象发生的原因。故G选项“当太阳、月球和地球排成一条直线时,我们看到的太阳完全被月球遮住了,日全食就发生了”符合语境,故选G。
    2. 根据后文Cities such as Shanghai were plunged int (陷入) darkness during what is thught t be the lngest ttal eclipse f the 21st century. It lasted 6 minutes and 39 secnds.可知在这场被认为是21世纪持续时间最长的日全食中,上海等城市陷入了黑暗之中。整个过程持续了6分39秒。由此可知,这次日全食是21世纪持续时间最长的,所以那些观看日全食的人不会失望。故C选项“那些观看的人远远没有失望”符合语境,故选C。
    3. 根据后文Sha Zhenyi, an astrnmer at the Shanghai Astrnmical Observatry in China explained: “We’ll have t wait a few hundred years fr anther pprtunity t bserve a slar eclipse that lasts this lng? s it’s a very special pprtunity.”可知中国上海天文台的天文学家邵振义解释说:“我们必须等待几百年才能有机会观测到持续这么久的日食。所以这是一个非常特殊的机会。”由此可知,再次看到这么久的日食需要等待几百年,所以这是一生只有一次的机会。故B选项“一生只有一次”符合语境,故选B。
    4. 根据后文Others believed that the eclipse signified ncming disasters.可知另一些人认为日食预示着即将到来的灾难。由此可知,本句与后文都是在说明人们对这一现象的看法,其中D选项中sme可与后文thers构成对应,sme…thers…“一些人……另一些人……”。故D选项“有些人相信邪恶的神正在吃太阳”符合语境,故选D。
    5. 根据上文Reflecting n what had just happened, ne Shanghai resident described the eclipse as “eerie”(怪诞的,奇异的), while anther said “It’s like magic, the day turns int night in such a shrt perid f time. I have n idea where I am right nw.可知在反思刚刚发生的事情时,一位上海居民形容日食“可怕”,而另一位说“这就像魔术一样,在这么短的时间内白天就变成了黑夜。我不知道我现在在哪里。”由此可知,本句承接上文说明,日食给人一种进入了不同世界的感觉。故A选项“感觉就像进入了一个不同的世界”符合语境,故选A。
    【答案】1. E 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. F
    1. 根据上文“Have yu ever set a gal fr yurself, like getting fit, making hnr rll, r being picked fr a team? Like lts f peple, maybe yu started ut ding great, but then lst sme f that drive and had truble getting mtivated again.(你曾经为自己设定过目标吗,比如健身,上光荣榜,或者入选球队?像很多人一样,也许你一开始做得很好,但后来失去了一些动力,很难再次获得动力)”以及下文“It all cmes dwn t gd planning, realistic expectatins, and a stick-t-it attitude.(这一切都归结于良好的计划、现实的期望和坚持下去的态度。)”可知,上文提到失去实现目标的动力的现象,可知,本句在说明与前文现象相关的问题,故E选项“那么,你是如何保持动力并朝着目标前进的呢”符合语境,故选E。
    2. 根据下文 “That's hw peple get things dne. Yu just have t remember that the bigger the gal, the mre wrk it takes t get there.(这就是人们做事的方式。你只需要记住,目标越大,需要付出的努力就越多。)”可知,本句与目标远大有关,B选项中dream big 对应后文That,指的就是有远大梦想这件事,故B 选项“有远大的梦想是可以的”符合语境,故选B。
    3. 根据上文“Make it specific. It’s easier t plan fr and master a specific gal than an unclear ne.(使目标具体一点。制定和掌握一个明确的目标比制定一个不明确的目标更容易。)”以及下文 That's pretty unclear. Make it specific by defining what yu want t achieve, why yu want t get fit, and by when.(这很不清楚。明确你想要达到的目标,为什么要健身,以及什么时候要健身。)可知,上文提到制定明确的目标,后文提到具体的步骤。故本句举一个如何让目标明确的例子,D 选项“假设你的目标是健身。”符合语境。故选D。
    4. 根据下文“Peple ften abandn their gals because their expectatins are unreasnable. Part f staying mtivated is being realistic abut what yu can achieve within the time-frame yu've planned.(人们常常因为期望过高而放弃目标。保持动力的一部分是你在计划的时间框架内可以实现的目标要现实。)”提到目标要现实,A选项“现实一点。”符合语境,故选A。
    5. 根据主旨“Break it dwn.(把目标分解。)”以及下文 “Fr example, let's say yu want t run a marathn. If it's February and the marathn is in August, that's a realistic time-frame t prepare. Start by planning t run 2 miles and wrk up gradually t the distance yu need.(例如,假设你想跑马拉松。如果是在2月,而马拉松在8月,这是一个现实的准备时间框架。从计划跑2英里开始,逐渐增加到你需要的距离。)”可知,本句是在举例说明如何分解目标。故F选项“有一种方法可以让这个目标更容易实现,那就是把一个大目标分解成一个个小步骤。”符合主旨,且能连接举的练习马拉松的例子,故选F。
    【答案】1. F 2. E 3. A 4. D 5. G
    1. 由上文“Hw much time des it take yu t sleep, eat and cmmute every day?(你每天花多少时间睡觉、吃饭和通勤?)”可知,设空处所填的句子应该是回答前句,连接后句给出事实的结果。而F项These basic activities take up an enrmus part f yur day.(这些基本活动占据了你一天中很大一部分时间。)符合语境,其中These basic activities和上文sleep, eat and cmmute 对应。 故选F项。
    2. 由上文“Wrk ut a plan in advance.(提前制定一个计划。)”可知,本段主要讲即提前制定计划,而本空设在段首,旨在进一步解释副标题大意。E项Think abut upcming events and make a t-d list.(思考即将发生的事件,并列出待办事项。)符合语境,其中make a t-d list与上文Wrk ut a plan 对应。故选E项。
    3. 由下文“This is abut the skill f rganizatin. It refers t arranging yur persnal space at hme. S when ding yur hmewrk, yu are in a tidy place, free frm distractins. This includes putting away yur mbile phne until yu have finished everything that needs t be dne.(这是关于组织的技巧。它指的是在家里安排你的个人空间。所以,当你做作业时,你在一个整洁的地方,没有分心的事情。这包括把你的手机收起来,直到你完成了所有需要做的事情。)”可知,这段主要讲怎样创造对自己有利的条件。而A项Create favurable cnditins.(创造有利条件。)符合语境,其中“arranging”,“a tidy place”,“free frm distractins”和“putting away”,与A项“Create favurable cnditins”相呼应。故选A项。
    4. 由上文“Yu shuld classify the activities n the basis f their urgency and imprtance. (你应该根据活动的紧迫性和重要性对其进行分类。)”以及后句“Then yu can fcus n yur bjective and stick t it.(然后你可以专注于你的目标并坚持下去。)”可知,设空处所填内容应为将活动进行分类的好处,所以D项This classificatin will help determine yur pririty.(此分类将有助于确定您的优先级。)符合语境。其中This classificatin 与上文classify对应。故选D项。
    5. 由上文“Once yu start taking little steps every day t plan, rganize and priritize the activities yu intend t devte yur energy, skills and talents t, yu can spare mre time t stay with family and friends, pursue a hbby r wrk n persnal develpment. (一旦你开始每天采取一些小步骤来计划、组织和优先安排你打算投入精力、技能和才能的活动,你就可以腾出更多的时间与家人和朋友呆在一起,追求爱好或致力于个人发展。)”可知,这里主要讲一旦提前规划、创造环境并对所做事情进行优化排序,人们将收获时间管理带来的好处。所以G项Yu will end up reaping (收获) the rewards f time management.(你最终会收获时间管理的回报。)符合语境,对上文有总结作用。故选G项。
    【答案】1. C 2. A 3. B 4. F 5. E
    1. 上文“He put everything aside t fix ur prblematic pinball machine twice. (他把一切都放在一边,两次修理我们有问题的弹球机)”以及下文“A cuple f the guys immediately bjected, saying the emplyee was just ding the jb he was paid t d. (几个人立即表示反对,说这名员工只是在做他应得的工作)”说明维修人员给作者他们修理弹球机。空处承上启下,C项中的“him”指代上文中的修理工,下文中的“几个人立即反对的是作者前面提到的建议”。C项“我建议我们给他10美元小费,然后把小费分给我们所有人。”符合语境。故选C。
    2. 上文“My pinball wizard didn’t stretch ut his hand, but hw many times have we run acrss thse payment screens that suggest a 20% tip fr being handed a sandwich we rdered? (我的弹球高手并没有伸出手来,但是我们有多少次碰到过这样的付款屏幕,上面显示给我们点的三明治20% 的小费?)”说明作者他们觉得付的小费并不合理。空处和前文为因果关系,说明人们觉得小费不合理导致的结果就是人们对给小费感觉到疲劳。A项中的This指代前文“人们觉得没有必要给小费”这件事”。故选A。
    3. 上文“There is data t back up the trend: 66% f American adults have a negative view f tipping, and 32% say they’re sick f thse payment-screen hints, accrding t a recent Bankrate survey. (有数据支持这一趋势:根据 Bankrate 最近的一项调查,66% 的美国成年人对小费持负面看法,32% 的人说他们厌倦了付款屏幕上的暗示)”说明人们不愿给小费已经成为了一种趋势。下文“I admit there are times I suspect the tipping thing has gne t far - say, when I’m at a self-checkut line and there’s still request t leave smething extra.(但是我一般都会谨慎行事:如果有人想要小费,我会假设他们是出于经济原因这样做的)”说明作者原意给小费的理由。空处承接上文引出下文。B项中的“I willing t g against the trend ”和上文“There is data t back up the trend”相呼应,并引出作者原意违反这一趋势的原因。故选B。
    4. 上文“But I’m generally willing t err n the side f cautin: If smene is expecting a tip, I’ll assume they have financial reasns t d s. (但是我一般都会谨慎行事: 如果有人想要小费,我会假设他们是出于经济原因这样做的)”说明有人想要小费是有原因的。空处承接上文,表明小费对于他们的重要性。F项“一两块钱不能决定我的成败,但也许能帮他们付房租。”符合语境。故选F。
    5. 下文“He was s grateful fr the $10 tip that later that night, he rewarded ur grup with well mre than $10 in free tkens (代金券) fr future play. (他非常感激那10美元的小费,那天晚上晚些时候,他奖励了我们小组10美元以上的免费代币,以备将来玩耍之用)”说明付小费也会得到回报。空处引出下文,说明作者想让人们看到给小费所得到的回报。E项“猜猜接下来我的弹球机修理工在酒吧发生了什么?”符合语境。故选E。
    【答案】1. B 2. C 3. E 4. F 5. A
    1. 上文“Yu dn’t need t be an astrnmer with a giant telescpe t enjy a simple but spellbinding activity: stargazing.(你不需要是一个拥有巨大望远镜的天文学家,就可以享受一项简单但引人入胜的活动:观星)”说明想要享受观星这一活动不需要有巨大的望远镜,它很简单,B项“晚上出去抬头看看就好了。”介绍观星的简单方法,承接上文,符合题意。故选B。
    2. 上文“Fr the best results, chse a clear night when the mn is nt very bright.(为了获得最佳效果,请选择一个月亮不太亮的晴朗夜晚)”说明观星时,夜晚的月亮不要太亮,C项“你应该避开满月。”承接上文,符合题意。故选C。
    3. 上文“The best places fr stargazing are pen, hilly areas r the cast.(观星的最佳地点是开阔的丘陵地区或海岸)”说明观星的最佳地点,以及下文“It is ur hme galaxy stretching acrss the night sky and is best seen in summer and fall evening skies.(它是我们的银河系,横跨夜空,在夏季和秋季的夜空中最为明显)”介绍银河系的相关信息,E项中the Milky Way表示“银河系”,是关键词,E项“在这些地方,你可以寻找银河系。”承上启下,“these places”代指上文提到的“pen, hilly areas r the cast.”。故选E。
    4. 下文“That is camping in a natinal park under a star-filled sky.(那就是在星空下的国家公园里露营)”说明体验观星的最好方式就是在星空下的国家公园里露营,F项“体验这一伟大奇迹的更好方式是什么?”提出问题,引出下文的答案,符合题意,和下文构成一问一答。故选F。
    5. 上文“Yu might want t take a camera with yu as well, s yu can take a pht if yu see smething amazing in the sky. A whle new wrld cmes alive at night and is waiting t be explred. (你可能也想带上相机,这样如果你在天空中看到了令人惊叹的东西,你就可以拍张照片了。一个全新的世界在夜晚活跃起来,等待着探索)”介绍为观星这一活动所做的准备,A项中prepared是关键词,A项“为上空的奇迹做好准备。”承接上文,符合题意。故选A。年份
    空后的句子是为了证明前一句而举的例子。例证的形式多种多样,思维过程基本是归纳(从例子到观点)和推理(从观点到例子)。常见的表示例证关系的标志词语有:fr example, fr instance, in fact/as a matter f fact, actually, in ther wrds/that is t say等。
    表示时间关系的标志词语有:nw, then, afterwards, five minutes later, sn, befre lng, after that, meanwhile, t this day, just nw, just then等。
    若空格前后两句之间是逻辑或意义上的逆转,则空格处很有可能表示转折。表示转折关系的标志词语有:but, hwever, yet, while/thugh/althugh, r/therwise, n the cntrary, instead, nevertheless (然而), still, in cntrast/cmparisn, by cmparisn等。
    表示强调关系的标志词语有:abve all, indeed, surely, certainly, f curse, after all, at least, at mst等。
    表示因果关系的标志词语有:because, thanks t, because f, due t, s, therefre, thus, cnsequently (结果), as a result / cnsequence (f), s/such ..., s that ...等。
    若空格前后两句之间是逻辑或意义上的层进关系,则空格处很有可能是个表示递进的句子。表示递进关系的标志词语有:t, als, besides, further, furthermre, mrever, likewise, similarly, what’s mre, what’s wrse, in additin, as well, t make matters wrse, nt ... but ..., nt nly ... but als, even mre, nce mre等。
    表示并列关系的标志词语有:and, first(ly), secnd(ly); first, then/next; t begin with, sme ... thers ...; fr ne thing, fr anther thing; then/next, finally/last等。

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