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    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题13 阅读理解之议论文-试卷
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      专题13 阅读理解之议论文-2024年高考英语二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考通用)(原卷版).docx
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      专题13 阅读理解之议论文-2024年高考英语二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考通用)(解析版).docx
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题13 阅读理解之议论文-试卷01
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题13 阅读理解之议论文-试卷02
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题13 阅读理解之议论文-试卷03
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题13 阅读理解之议论文-试卷01
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题13 阅读理解之议论文-试卷02
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题13 阅读理解之议论文-试卷03
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    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题13 阅读理解之议论文-试卷

    这是一份【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题13 阅读理解之议论文-试卷,文件包含专题13阅读理解之议论文-2024年高考英语二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练新高考通用原卷版docx、专题13阅读理解之议论文-2024年高考英语二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练新高考通用解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。

    作者在开始叙述一个现象,然后对现象进行解释。这类文章的主题是文中最重要的解释或作者所强调的解释,阅读时要注意作者给出的原因,所以又被称为原因—结果(Cause & Effect)型。还有一种比较常见的是问题—答案型,作者在一开始或一段末以问句提出一个问题(相当于一个现象),然后给出该问题的答案(相当于解释)。针对文中问题给出的主要答案就是这种文章的中心。答题时优先考虑正面答题(直接从文章内容得出答案),然后从中心、态度或利用解答特征等其他角度对选项进行检验;如果从文章内容中直接无法解决,则从中心和态度方面考虑;次之,从解答特征方面考虑。
    题型01 主旨大意题
    Public health data signals a genuine crisis in adlescent mental health: rising rates f anxiety, depressin, and hpelessness. But as we wrry abut tweens and teens wh are struggling, we can’t ignre anther munting effect — the burdens that are shuldered by their friends and peers in an “always n” wrld.
    We have studied teens and tech fr ver a decade. Their netwrks are ever-expanding, in n small part because there’s a sense that being nice means accepting fellw requests frm acquaintances and friends-f-friends. And it’s nt just staying cnnected — it’s keeping up with what thers pst, t.
    Scial media platfrms thus make it technically pssible t maintain mre relatinships than we are histrically actually wired t track and manage. The result is an verwhelming wave f scial infrmatin. It’s especially intense fr adlescents whse develpmental sensitivities drive them t care deeply abut what their peers are ding and thinking.
    Significant stress cmes with trying t be a “gd friend” in the age f scial media. Friendship requires bth public and behind-the-scenes supprt. Even befre a scial media pst is made public, clse friends can be pulled int pht selectin, editing, and final examinatin. Besides, they need t respnd in the right way and in the right amunt f time, which differs frm ne relatinship t anther. Replying t quickly can be seen as ver-eager, especially when the friendship is new r nt clse. But when it’s a clse friend, t lng a lag (延迟) can be hurtful.
    The qualities that are key t building r breaking friendships are actually the same as they’ve always been: mutual (相互的) sharing f jys and srrws, a give and take f acceptance and supprt, and an ability t weather and reslve cnflicts. But technlgies have transfrmed hw friendships play ut. Scial media increases the burdens that cme alng with being a gd friend. T ften, these dynamics hit teens hard in ways that are lst n adults. And that is what shuld be changed with the help f parents, schls and ther parts f sciety.
    4. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. Why mre teens are addicted t scial media.
    B. Hw teens nwadays gain lng-standing friendships.
    C. Hw scial media has made teen friendships mre stressful.
    D. What makes teens becme mre sensitive t their peers’ needs.
    【解析】主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段的“But as we wrry abut tweens and teens wh are struggling, we can’t ignre anther munting effect — the burdens that are shuldered by their friends and peers in an “always n” wrld.(但是,当我们担心那些正在挣扎的青少年时,我们不能忽视另一个日益增加的影响——在一个“永远在线”的世界里,他们的朋友和同龄人所承担的负担。)”可知,本文主要讲的是社交媒体是如何让青少年的友谊变得更紧张的,故选C。
    题型02 词义猜测题
    The curb cut (路缘坡). It’s a cnvenience that mst f us rarely, if ever, ntice. Yet, withut it, daily life might be a lt harder—in mre ways than ne. Pushing a baby strller nt the curb, skatebarding nt a sidewalk r taking a full grcery cart frm the sidewalk t yur car—all these tasks are easier because f the curb cut.
    But it was created with a different purpse in mind.
    It’s hard t imagine tday, but back in the 1970s, mst sidewalks in the United States ended with a sharp drp-ff. That was a big deal fr peple in wheelchairs because there were n ramps t help them mve alng city blcks withut assistance. Accrding t ne disability rights leader, a six-inch curb “might as well have been Munt Everest”. S, activists frm Berkeley, Califrnia, wh als needed wheelchairs, rganized a campaign t create tiny ramps at intersectins t help peple dependent n wheels mve up and dwn curbs independently.
    I think abut the “curb cut effect” a lt when wrking n issues arund health equity (公平). The first time I even heard abut the curb cut was in a 2017 Stanfrd Scial Innvatin Review piece by Plicy Link CEO Angela Blackwell. Blackwell rightly nted that many peple see equity as “a zer-sum game (零和游戏)” and that it is cmmnly believed that there is a “prejudiced scietal suspicin that intentinally supprting ne grup hurts anther.” What the curb cut effect shws thugh, Blackwell said, is that “when sciety creates the circumstances that allw thse wh have been left behind t participate and cntribute fully, everyne wins.”
    There are multiple examples f this principle at wrk. Fr example, investing in plicies that create mre living-wage jbs r increase the availability f affrdable husing certainly benefits peple in cmmunities that have limited ptins. But, the actin als empwers thse peple with pprtunities fr better health and the means t becme cntributing members f sciety—and that benefits everyne. Even the ftball huddle (密商) was initially created t help deaf ftball players at Gallaudet Cllege keep their game plans secret frm ppnents wh culd have read their sign language. Tday, it’s used by every team t prevent the ppnent frm learning abut game-winning strategies.
    S, next time yu crss the street, r rll yur suitcase thrugh a crsswalk r ride yur bike directly nt a sidewalk—think abut hw much the curb cut, that change in design that brke dwn walls f exclusin fr ne grup f peple at a disadvantage, has helped nt just that grup, but all f us.
    23. What des the underlined qute frm the disability rights leader imply cncerning a six-inch curb?
    A. It is an unfrgettable symbl.B. It is an impassable barrier.
    C. It is an imprtant sign.D. It is an impressive landmark.
    【解析】短语猜测题。根据第三段中画线词前一句“That was a big deal fr peple in wheelchairs because there were n ramps t help them mve alng city blcks withut assistance.(对于坐轮椅的人来说,这是一件大事,因为没有坡道可以帮助他们在没有帮助的情况下沿着城市街区移动。)”可知,在没有坡道时,坐轮椅的人没有办法上下路缘,这里一位残疾人权益领导说一个六英尺高的路缘“might as well have been Munt Everest”,即相当于珠穆朗玛峰,由此可推测出,这暗示了一个六英尺高的路缘对坐轮椅的人来说是一个难以通过的障碍。故选B。
    题型03 推理判断题
    ①Frm the example in paragraph..., we can infer that ____________.
    ②Whats the purpse f the text?
    ③Whats the attitude f the authr twards
    Thrughut histry, many species f animals have been threatened with extinctin. When Eurpeans first arrived in Nrth America, mre than 60 millin buffal (水牛) lived n the cntinent. Yet hunting the buffal was s ppular during the 19th century that by 1900 the animal’s ppulatin had fallen t abut 400 befre the gvernment stepped in t prtect the species. In sme cuntries tday, the elephant faces a similar challenge, as illegal hunters kill the animals fr the ivry in their tusks.
    Yet nt all animals with cmmercial value face this threat (威胁). The cw, fr example, is a valuable surce f fd, but n ne wrries that the cw will sn be extinct. Why des the cmmercial value f ivry threaten the elephant while the cmmercial value f beef prtects the cw?
    The reasn is that elephants are a cmmn resurce, while cws are private gds. Elephants wander freely withut any wners. The hunter has a strng mtivatin t kill as many elephants as he can find. Because illegal hunters are numerus, each has nly a slight mtivatin t preserve the elephant ppulatin. By cntrast, cattle live n farms that are privately wned. Each farmer makes great effrt t maintain the cattle ppulatin n his farm because he harvests the benefit f these effrts.
    Gvernments have tried t slve the elephant’s prblem in tw ways. Sme cuntries, such as Kenya and Uganda, have made it illegal t kill elephants and sell their ivry. Yet these laws have been hard t put int effect, and elephant ppulatins have cntinued t dwindle. By cntrast, ther cuntries, such as Malawi and Namibia, have made elephants private gds and allwed peple t kill elephants, but nly thse n their wn prperty.
    With private wnership and the prfit mtive nw n its side, the African elephant might smeday be as safe frm extinctin as the cw. The ancient Greek philspher Aristtle pinted ut the prblem with cmmn resurces: “What is cmmn t many is taken least care f, fr all men have greater regard fr what is their wn than fr what they pssess in cmmn with thers.”
    1. Why des the authr mentin buffal in paragraph 1?
    A. T intrduce a similar threat t elephants.B. T prvide an example f species extinctin.
    C. T ffer an explanatin fr gvernment plicies.D. T present the statistics f the buffal in America.
    【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段中“Yet hunting the buffal was s ppular during the 19th century that by 1900 the animal’s ppulatin had fallen t abut 400 befre the gvernment stepped in t prtect the species. In sme cuntries tday, the elephant faces a similar challenge, as illegal hunters kill the animals fr the ivry in their tusks. (然而,狩猎水牛在19世纪是如此流行,以至于到了1900年,野牛的数量已经下降到大约400只,直到政府介入保护这个物种。今天在一些国家,大象也面临着类似的挑战,因为非法捕猎者为了获取象牙而捕杀这种动物。)”可知,作者之所以提到水牛,是为了介绍大象所面临的类似威胁。故选A项。
    题型04 细节理解题
    细节理解题主要考查考生对文章中某些细节或重要事实的理解能力。它一般包括直接理解题和语意理解题两种。直接理解题的答案与原文直接挂钩,从阅读材料中可以找到。这种题难度低,只要考生读懂文章,就能得分,属于低层次题。它们往往以what, which, wh, when, where, hw来提问,有时还会加上一个前提,如:Accrding t the passage/the first/last para-graph...。
    Science is a prcess that builds upn existing theries and knwledge by cntinuusly revising them. Every aspect f scientific knwledge can be questined, including the general rules f thinking that appear t be mst certain. S why is science trustwrthy if it is always changing? If tmrrw we will n lnger see the wrld as Newtn r Einstein fund it t be, why shuld we take seriusly tday’s scientific descriptin f the wrld?
    The answer is simple: Because at any given mment f ur histry, this descriptin f the wrld is the best we have. The fact that it can be made better can’t diminish (降低) the fact that it is a useful instrument fr understanding the wrld.
    Cnsider a flk healer’s herbal medicine. Can we say this treatment is “scientific”? Yes, if it is prven t be effective, even if we have n idea why it wrks. In fact, quite a few cmmn medicatins used tday have their rigin in flk treatments, and we are still nt sure hw they wrk. This des nt imply that flk treatments are generally effective. T the cntrary, many f them are nt. What distinguishes scientific medicine is the readiness t seriusly test a treatment and t be ready t change ur minds if smething is shwn nt t wrk. A research dctr in a mdern hspital must be ready t change his thery if a mre effective way f understanding illness, r treating it, becmes available.
    What makes mdern science uniquely pwerful is its refusal t believe that it already pssesses ultimate truth. The reliability f science is based nt n certainty but n a cmplete absence f certainty. As Jhn Stuart Mill wrte in “On Liberty” in 1859, “The beliefs which we have mst warrant (依据) fr, have n safeguard t rest n, but a standing invitatin t the whle wrld t prve them unfunded.”
    2. What can we learn abut tday’s scientific descriptin f the wrld?
    A. It can be timeless.B. It can be imprved.C. It is f little value.D. It is the best at any mment.
    【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段“The answer is simple: Because at any given mment f ur histry, this descriptin f the wrld is the best we have. The fact that it can be made better can’t diminish (降低) the fact that it is a useful instrument fr understanding the wrld.(答案很简单:因为在我们历史的任何时刻,这种对世界的描述都是我们拥有的最好的描述。它可以变得更好这一事实不能削弱它是理解世界的有用工具这一事实)”可知,今天对世界的科学描述还可以改进。故选B。
    题型01 主旨大意题
    Smetime in the early 1960s, a significant thing happened in Sydney, Australia. The city discvered its harbr. Then, ne after anther, Sydney discvered lts f things that were just srt f there —brad parks, superb beaches, and a culturally diverse ppulatin. But it is the harbr that makes the city.
    Andrew Reynlds, a cheerful fellw in his early 30s, pilts Sydney ferrybats fr a living. I spent the whle mrning shuttling back and frth acrss the harbr. After ur third run Andrew shut dwn the engine, and we went ur separate ways—he fr a lunch break, I t explre the city.
    “I’ll miss these ld bats,” he said as we parted.
    “Hw d yu mean?” I asked.
    “Oh, they’re replacing them with catamarans. Catamarans are faster, but they’re nt s elegant, and they’re nt fun t pilt. But that’s prgress, I guess.”
    Everywhere in Sydney these days, change and prgress are the watchwrds (口号), and traditins are increasingly rare. Shirley Fitzgerald, the city’s fficial histrian, tld me that in its rush t mdernity in the 1970s, Sydney swept aside much f its past, including many f its finest buildings. “Sydney is cnfused abut itself,” she said. “We can’t seem t make up ur minds whether we want a mdern city r a traditinal ne. It’s a cnflict that we aren’t getting any better at reslving (解决).”
    On the ther hand, being yung and ld at the same time has its attractins. I cnsidered this when I met a thughtful yung businessman named Anthny. “Many peple say that we lack culture in this cuntry,” he tld me. “What peple frget is that the Italians, when they came t Australia, brught 2000 years f their culture, the Greeks sme 3000 years, and the Chinese mre still. We’ve gt a fundatin built n ancient cultures but with a drive and dynamism f a yung cuntry. It’s a pretty hard cmbinatin t beat.”
    He is right, but I can’t help wishing they wuld keep thse ld ferries.
    32. What is the first paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Sydney’s striking architecture.B. The cultural diversity f Sydney.
    C. The key t Sydney’s develpment.D. Sydney’s turist attractins in the 1960s.
    【解析】段落大意题。根据文章第一段第二句“The city discvered its harbr.”以及最后一句“But it is the harbr that makes the city.”可知,第一段主要讲了悉尼发展的关键。故选C项。
    题型02 词义猜测题
    If yu want t tell the histry f the whle wrld, a histry that des nt privilege ne part f humanity, yu cannt d it thrugh texts alne, because nly sme f the wrld has ever had texts, while mst f the wrld, fr mst f the time, has nt. Writing is ne f humanity’s later achievements, and until fairly recently even many literate (有文字的) scieties recrded their cncerns nt nly in writing but in things.
    Ideally a histry wuld bring tgether texts and bjects, and sme chapters f this bk are able t d just that, but in many cases we simply can’t. The clearest example f this between literate and nn-literate histry is perhaps the first cnflict, at Btany Bay, between Captain Ck’s vyage and the Australian Abriginals. Frm the English side, we have scientific reprts and the captain’s recrd f that terrible day. Frm the Australian side, we have nly a wden shield (盾) drpped by a man in flight after his first experience f gunsht. If we want t recnstruct what was actually ging n that day, the shield must be questined and interpreted as deeply and strictly as the written reprts.
    In additin t the prblem f miscmprehensin frm bth sides, there are victries accidentally r deliberately twisted, especially when nly the victrs knw hw t write. Thse wh are n the lsing side ften have nly their things t tell their stries. The Caribbean Tain, the Australian Abriginals, the African peple f Benin and the Incas, all f whm appear in this bk, can speak t us nw f their past achievements mst pwerfully thrugh the bjects they made: a histry tld thrugh things gives them back a vice. When we cnsider cntact (联系) between literate and nn-literate scieties such as these, all ur first-hand accunts are necessarily twisted, nly ne half f a dialgue. If we are t find the ther half f that cnversatin, we have t read nt just the texts, but the bjects.
    34. What des the underlined wrd “cnversatin” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. Prblem.B. Histry.C. Vice.D. Sciety.
    【解析】词句猜测题。根据划线单词上文“The Caribbean Tain, the Australian Abriginals, the African peple f Benin and the Incas, all f whm appear in this bk, can speak t us nw f their past achievements mst pwerfully thrugh the bjects they made: a histry tld thrugh things gives them back a vice. When we cnsider cntact (联系) between literate and nn-literate scieties such as these, all ur first-hand accunts are necessarily twisted, nly ne half f a dialgue. (加勒比海的泰诺人、澳大利亚的土著人、贝宁的非洲人以及印加人,所有这些人都出现在这本书中,他们现在都可以通过他们制造的物品向我们讲述他们过去最强大的成就:通过物品讲述的历史给了他们一个声音。当我们考虑诸如此类的有文化社会和无文化社会之间的接触时,我们所有的第一手资料都必然是扭曲的,只有对话的一半。)”结合划线句“If we are t find the ther half f that cnversatin, we have t read nt just the texts, but the bjects. (如果我们要找到对话的另一半,我们不仅要读文本,还要读物体。)”可知,我们对过去历史的了解,只是书写历史的人所想要让我们了解的历史,如果我们想要了解历史的另一半,我们不仅仅要读文本也要读对象。所以cnversatin指的是“历史”。故选B。
    题型03 推理判断题
    Wh is a genius? This questin has greatly interested humankind fr centuries.
    Let’s state clearly: Einstein was a genius. His face is almst the internatinal symbl fr genius. But we want t g beynd ne man and explre the nature f genius itself. Why is it that sme peple are s much mre intelligent r creative than the rest f us? And wh are they?
    In the sciences and arts, thse praised as geniuses were mst ften white men, f Eurpean rigin. Perhaps this is nt a surprise. It’s said that histry is written by the victrs,and thse victrs set the standards fr admissin t the genius club. When cntributins were made by geniuses utside the club—wmen, r peple f a different clr r belief—they were unacknwledged and rejected by thers.
    A study recently published by Science fund that as yung as age six, girls are less likely than bys t say that members f their gender (性别) are “really, really smart.” Even wrse, the study fund that girls act n that belief: Arund age six they start t avid activities said t be fr children wh are “really, really smart.” Can ur planet affrd t have any great thinkers becme discuraged and give up? It desn’t take a genius t knw the answer: abslutely nt.
    Here’s the gd news. In a wired wrld with cnstant glbal cmmunicatin, we’re all psitined t see flashes f genius wherever they appear. And the mre we lk, the mre we will see that scial factrs (因素) like gender, race, and class d nt determine the appearance f genius. As a writer says, future geniuses cme frm thse with “intelligence, creativity, perseverance (毅力), and simple gd frtune, wh are able t change the wrld.”
    33. What can we infer abut girls frm the study in Science?
    A. They think themselves smart.B. They lk up t great thinkers.
    C. They see gender differences earlier than bys.D. They are likely t be influenced by scial beliefs.
    【解析】推理判断题。根据第四段的“Even wrse, the study fund that girls act n that belief: Arund age six they start t avid activities said t be fr children wh are ‘really, really smart.’”可知,六岁左右的小女孩受社会信念的影响,避开那些被认为是非常聪明的小孩才能参加的活动。由此推断,女孩很可能受到社会信念的影响。故选D项。
    题型04 细节理解题
    During an interview fr ne f my bks, my interviewer said smething I still think abut ften. Annyed by the level f distractin (干扰) in his pen ffice, he said, “That’s why I have a membership at the cwrking space acrss the street—s I can fcus.” His cmment struck me as strange. After all, cwrking spaces als typically use an pen ffice layut (布局). But I recently came acrss a study that shws why his apprach wrks.
    The researchers examined varius levels f nise n participants as they cmpleted tests f creative thinking. They were randmly divided int fur grups and expsed t varius nise levels in the backgrund, frm ttal silence t 50 decibels (分贝), 70 decibels, and 85 decibels. The differences between mst f the grups were statistically insignificant; hwever, the participants in the 70 decibels grup — thse expsed t a level f nise similar t backgrund chatter in a cffee shp—significantly utperfrmed the ther grups. Since the effects were small, this may suggest that ur creative thinking des nt differ that much in respnse t ttal silence and 85 decibels f backgrund nise.
    But since the results at 70 decibels were significant, the study als suggests that the right level f backgrund nise — nt t lud and nt ttal silence—may actually imprve ne’s creative thinking ability. The right level f backgrund nise may interrupt ur nrmal patterns f thinking just enugh t allw ur imaginatins t wander, withut making it impssible t fcus. This kind f “distracted fcus” appears t be the best state fr wrking n creative tasks.
    S why d s many f us hate ur pen ffices? The prblem may be that, in ur ffices, we can’t stp urselves frm getting drawn int thers’ cnversatins while we’re trying t fcus. Indeed, the researchers fund that face-t-face interactins and cnversatins affect the creative prcess, and yet a cwrking space r a cffee shp prvides a certain level f nise while als prviding freedm frm interruptins.
    32. Why des the interviewer prefer a cwrking space?
    A. It helps him cncentrate.B. It blcks ut backgrund nise.
    C. It has a pleasant atmsphere.D. It encurages face-t-face interactins.
    【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的“That’s why I have a membership at the cwrking space acrss the street—s I can fcus.”可知, fcus和选项中的cncentrate都表示“注意力集中”。故选A项。
    Family-Friendly Events in January
    ZLights: Glw Wild Jan. 1-19
    The Phenix Z’s yearly hliday light shw is n until Jan. 19, allwing families ne r mre pprtunities t enjy the city’s z, with millins f lights giving an added dimensin t the festivities.
    Glw Wild, 455 N. Galvin Pkwy. , Phenix, phenixz.rg, $11.95 members, $13.95 general admissin.
    Dwntwn Mesa Festival f the Arts Jan. 4-18
    The Dwntwn Mesa Festival f the Arts features the wrk f established and emerging artists, including thse wh create wdwrk, metal crafts, fd items, art, phtgraphy and gifts.
    On Macdnald, ff f Main Street in Dwntwn Mesa, dtmesafest.cm, free admissin.
    Family Fun Winterfest Jan. 4
    OdySea Aquarium in the Desert is hsting the third annual Family Fun Winterfest in its Desert Curtyard, featuring real snw fr the kids t play in. This free event features everything frm bunce huses t rides, games, snwflake crafts and face painting t g with varius stands set up by lcal sellers, with fd and ther fferings fr sale at the event.
    9500 E. Via de Ventura, Scttsdale, dyseainthedesert.cm, free.
    Yuth Fine Arts Curse Jan. 18-Mar. 7
    Mesa Arts Center is hsting an eight-week yuth arts curse n Saturdays t teach artistic skills and knwledge thrugh fun and challenging art classes in a wide variety f art materials, including painting, drawing, mixed media and sculpture, ensuring mentally stimulating sessins fr all.
    Mesa Art Center, 1 E. Main St, Mesa, mesaartscenter.cm, $93.
    1. Hw can yu get a discunted ticket t the ZLights shw?
    A. Bring a friend.B. Get a membership.C. Jin a tur grup.D. Bk a ticket nline.
    2. What can yu d at Family Fun Winterfest?
    A. Have free fd.B. Take art classes.C. Enjy real snw.D. Meet lcal artists.
    3. Which event lasts the lngest?
    A. ZLights: Glw Wild.B. Dwntwn Mesa Festival f the Arts.
    C. Yuth Fine Arts Curses.D. Family Fun Winterfest.
    (2023·四川成都·成都市锦江区嘉祥外国语高级中学校考三模)My husband and I always wanted t g t the Caribbean but didn’t knw much abut the islands r hw we were ging t affrd it. By chance, a friend f urs in Australia mentined “pet sitting” and that it is smething yu can d all ver the wrld.
    We quickly created an accunt n a pet sitting website and began searching fr ptins. There were nly a cuple f sits available in that part f the wrld, but we tried ur luck, sent a request, and t ur surprise landed a three-mnth jb in Grenada, s ur year was ging t be taken up with Caribbean pet sits.
    Inspired by a Canadian cuple, we decided t start ur wn travel blg. We began by writing abut the Virgin Islands, highlighting the beautiful beaches. Hwever, fr every pht album f a beautiful beach, there were 10 phts f trash. It was hard t ignre the plastic pllutin issue, especially n such primitive and remte beaches. S, we began t share phts f the trash we saw and hw much we culd pick up n ur daily dg walks.
    The mre we lked int plastic pllutin, the mre we realized the severity f the glbal plastic pllutin. Frm that pint, we used ur platfrm t create awareness and highlight ways t say n t plastic and travel plastic-free. We changed ur daily rutines, ur way f living, and even ur diets t accmmdate mre rganic fds and little t n plastic packaging.
    It’s been ver three years nw and we cntinue t d what we can. This jurney has led us t sme amazing places, wrking with great brands and even rganizing a cuntry-wide beach clean-up campaign in Grenada.
    Our aim nw is t keep n ging. We lve cnnecting with like-minded peple. It’s been amazing few years that was sparked by a cnversatin abut pet sitting. Wh wuld have guessed?
    4. Why did the authr d pet sitting?
    A. T raise fund.B. T prtect the envirnment.
    C. T cver travel expenses.D. T sht beautiful beaches.
    5. What des the authr intend t cnvey thrugh her stry?
    A. Pet sitting is a new type f ccupatin.B. The Caribbean is an ideal travel destinatin.
    C. Travel blg is a superb way t gain ppularity.D. Actin shuld be taken t fight plastic pllutin.
    6. Hw did the authr find her experience in the Caribbean?
    A. Challenging.B. Significant.C. Adventurus.D. Rmantic.
    7. Which f the fllwing can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Changing Lifestyles by Ding Pet SittingB. Unexpected Gains frm Pet Sitting Travel
    C. Dealing with Glbal Envirnment PllutinD. The Availability f Pet Sitting in the Caribbean
    (2023上·四川雅安·高三雅安中学校联考期中)Ancient builders acrss the wrld created structures that are still standing tday, thusands f years later. Rman builders built thick cncrete sea barriers against waves. Mayan builders created great sculptures, and Chinese builders cnstructed walls against freign enemies.
    A grwing number f scientists have been studying materials since a lng time ag. They are breaking apart pieces f buildings and reading histrical texts hping t learn hw they have std fr thusands f years. The research has turned up a surprising list f materials that were mixed int ld buildings. They include tree bark, vlcanic ash, rice and beer. These unexpected materials can have the ability t get strnger ver time. Figuring ut hw t cpy these features can have real impacts tday. While sme f ur mdern cncrete has the strength t hld up very tall buildings and heavy structures, it cannt cmpete with the durability f these ancient materials.
    Many scientists have turned t the Rmans. Starting arund 200 BC, the Rman Empire was building cncrete structures that have std the test f time. Even in places where seawater has been hitting structures fr ages, yu will find cncrete basically the way it was when it was pured 2,000 years ag. They think they have fund an imprtant reasn why sme Rman cncrete has held up structures fr thusands f years. That the ancient materials have an unusual pwer t restre themselves and “cure” cracks (裂缝) when they frm is the mst shcking fr them. Exactly hw is nt yet clear, but scientists are starting t find the reasns.
    Tday’s builders cannt just cpy the ancient prcesses. Even thugh Rman cncrete lasted a lng time, it culdn’t hld up heavy buildings. Instead, researchers are trying t take sme f the ancient materials and add them int mdern mixes. Peple dn’t need t make things last quite as lng as the Rmans did. If we add 50 r 100 years t cncrete’s lifespan, we’ll surely require less pulling dwn, less maintenance and less material in the lng run.
    8. What were the mentined Rman and Chinese buildings bth used fr?
    A. Travel.B. Defence.C. Sldier training.D. Seawater cntrl.
    9. Which wrd can best describe the ancient buildings?
    A. Lng-lasting.B. Energy-efficient.C. Delicate.D. Flexible.
    10. What surprises the scientists mst abut the ancient building materials?
    A. Their large cracks.B. Their clear cncrete.
    C. Their internal structures.D. Their self-repairing ability.
    11. What is the authr’s attitude t the future cncrete?
    A. Tlerant.B. Expectant.C. Suspicius.D. Indifferent.
    (2023上·四川成都·高三成都七中校考阶段练习)Cnservatinists g t war ver whether humans are the measure f nature’s value. New Cnservatinists argue such trade-ffs are necessary in this human dminated era. And they supprt “re-wilding”, a cncept riginally prpsed by Sule where peple reduce ecnmic grwth and withdraw frm landscapes, which then return t nature.
    New Cnservatinists believe the withdrawal culd happen tgether with ecnmic grwth. The Califrnia-based Breakthrugh Institute believes in a future where mst peple live in cities and rely less n natural resurces fr ecnmic grwth.
    They wuld get fd frm industrial agriculture, including genetically mdified fds, desalinatin intensified meat prductin and aquaculture (水产养殖), all f which have a smaller land ftprint. And they wuld get their energy frm renewables and natural gas.
    Driving these prfund shifts wuld be greater efficiency f prductin, where mre prducts culd be manufactured frm fewer inputs. And sme unsustainable cmmdities wuld be replaced in the market by ther, greener nes-natural gas fr cal, fr instance, explained Michael Heisenberg., president f the Breakthrugh Institute. Nature wuld, in essence, be decupled frm the ecnmy.
    And then he added a warning: “We are nt suggesting decupling as the pattern t save the wrld, r that it slves all the prblems.”
    Cynics (悲观者) may say all this sunds t utpian, but Breakthrugh maintains the wrld is already n this path tward decupling. Nwhere is this mre evident than in the United Sates, accrding t Idd Wernick, a research schlar at the Rckefeller University, wh has examined the natin’s use f 100 main cmmdities.
    Wernick and his clleagues lked at data carefully frm the U. S. Gelgical Survey Natinal Minerals Infrmatin Center, which keeps a recrd f cmmdities used frm 1900 thrugh the present day. They fund that the use f 36 cmmdities (sand, irn re, cttn etc.) in the U. S. Ecnmy had peaked.
    Anther 53 cmmdities (nitrgen, timber, beef, etc.) are being used mre efficiently per dllar value f grss dmestic prduct than in the pre-1970s era. Their use wuld peak sn, Wernick said.
    Only 11 cmmdities (industrial diamnd, indium, chicken, etc.) are increasing in use (Greenwire, Nv. 6), and mst f these are emplyed by industries in small quantities t imprve systems prcesses. Chicken use is rising because peple are eating less beef, a desirable develpment since pultry cultivatin has a smaller envirnmental ftprint.
    The numbers shw the United States has nt intensified resurce cnsumptin since the1970s even while increasing its GDP and ppulatin, said Jesse Ausubel f the Rckefeller University.
    “It seems like the 20th-century expectatin we had, we were always assuming the future invlved greater cnsumptin f resurces,” Ausubel said. “But what we are seeing in the develped cuntries is, f curse, peaks.”
    12. What des the underlined wrd “trade-ffs” refer t in the first paragraph?
    A. The difficult situatin f ecnmies grwth.
    B. The prfitability f imprt and exprt trade.
    C. The balance between human develpment and natural eclgy.
    D. The cnsumptin f natural resurces by industrial develpment.
    13. Which f the fllwing is true f the views f the new envirnmentalists?
    A. They believe that mankind shuld limit ecnmic grwth.
    B. They believe that mankind is the master f the whle universe.
    C. They believe that mankind shuld live in frests with rich vegetatin.
    D. They believe that mankind will need mre natural resurces in the future.
    14. What can we infer frm the last paragraph f the passage?
    A. Natural resurces cannt supprt ecnmic develpment.
    B. All resurce cnsumptin in develped cuntries has reached a peak.
    C. Mre resurce cnsumptin will nt ccur in a certain perid f time.
    D. Excessive resurce cnsumptin will nt affect the eclgical envirnment.
    15. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. Urbanizatin and re-wildness.
    B. Human existence and industrial develpment.
    C. Cmmdity trading and raw material develpment.
    D. Sciecnmic develpment and resurce cnsumptin.
    1. B 2. C 3. C
    1. 细节理解题。根据ZLights: Glw Wild Jan. 1-19部分中“$11. 95 members, $13. 95 general admissin (会员11.95美元;普通门票13.95美元,)”可知,获得会员资格就可以买到ZLights表演的折扣票。故选B。
    2. 细节理解题。根据Family Fun Winterfest Jan.4部分中“OdySea Aquarium in the Desert is hsting the third annual Family Fun Winterfest in its Desert Curtyard, featuring real snw fr the kids t play in.(位于沙漠中的奥德海水族馆正在其沙漠庭院举办第三届年度家庭趣味冬季活动,以真正的雪为特色,供孩子们玩耍)”可知,在Family Fun Winterfest可以欣赏到真正的雪。故选C。
    3. 细节理解题。根据文章内容可知ZLights: Glw Wild从1月1日到19日;Dwntwn Mesa Festival f the Arts从1月4日到18日;Family Fun Winterfest在1月4日;Yuth Fine Arts Curse从1月18日到3月7日。所以Yuth Fine Arts Curses持续时间最长。故选C。
    4. C 5. D 6. B 7. B
    4. 细节理解题。根据第一段“My husband and I always wanted t g t the Caribbean but didn’t knw much abut the islands r hw we were ging t affrd it. By chance, a friend f urs in Australia mentined “pet sitting” and that it is smething yu can d all ver the wrld.(我丈夫和我一直想去加勒比海地区,但对那些岛屿不太了解,也不知道我们怎么负担得起。一次偶然的机会,我们在澳大利亚的一个朋友提到了“宠物看护”,这是你在世界各地都可以做的事情)”可知,作者夫妻二人担心去加勒比海地区旅行的费用,朋友提出的宠物看护恰好可以解决这个问题。由此可知,他们照顾宠物是为了支付旅行的费用。故选C。
    5. 推理判断题。根据第三段中“It was hard t ignre the plastic pllutin issue, especially n such primitive and remte beaches.(很难忽视塑料污染问题,尤其是在这样原始和偏远的海滩上)”和第四段中“The mre we lked int plastic pllutin, the mre we realized the severity f the glbal plastic pllutin. Frm that pint, we used ur platfrm t create awareness and highlight ways t say n t plastic and travel plastic-free.(对塑料污染了解得越多,我们就越意识到全球塑料污染的严重性。从那时起,我们利用我们的平台来提高人们的意识,并强调拒绝塑料和无塑料旅行的方式)”可知,作者在旅行的过程中发现了塑料污染问题,随着深入的了解,越发觉得需要采取行动应对这一问题,并从自身做起,号召更多的人参与这一行动。由此推知,作者通过她的故事想呼吁大家行动起来应对塑料污染。故选D。
    6. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“This jurney has led us t sme amazing places, wrking with great brands and even rganizing a cuntry-wide beach clean-up campaign in Grenada.(这段旅程带领我们去了一些令人惊叹的地方,与非常棒的品牌合作,甚至在格林纳达组织了一场全国范围的海滩清理运动)”可知,作者在加勒比海地区的经历不仅令她收获了旅行的快乐,还令她做到了有意义的事情,采取行动应对塑料污染。由此推知,作者会觉得这段经历非常有意义。故选B。
    7. 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,作者和丈夫通过申请宠物看护的方式获得了去加勒比海地区旅行的机会,在记录旅行的过程中,他们发现了海滩上难以忽视的塑料污染问题,开始从自身做起,清理海滩上的塑料垃圾,并建立平台开展活动,号召更多的人应对这一问题。再结合最后一段中“It’s been amazing few years that was sparked by a cnversatin abut pet sitting. Wh wuld have guessed?(这几年是由一个关于宠物看护的对话引发的。谁能猜到呢?)”可知,这一段旅行经历的收获是作者开始的时候不曾想到的,因此B项(宠物看护旅行的意外收获)可概括文章大意,适合作为标题。故选B。
    8. B 9. A 10. D 11. B
    8. 推理判断题。根据第一段中“Rman builders built thick cncrete sea barriers against waves. Mayan builders created great sculptures, and Chinese builders cnstructed walls against freign enemies.”(罗马的建造者建造了厚厚的混凝土防波堤。玛雅工匠创造了伟大的雕塑,中国工匠建造了抵御外敌的城墙。)可推知,罗马和中国的建筑都是用来起到防御作用的。故选B项。
    9. 推理判断题。根据第一段中“Ancient builders acrss the wrld created structures that are still standing tday, thusands f years later.”(世界各地的古代建筑者所建造的建筑在几千年后的今天仍然屹立不倒。)以及第二段中“A grwing number f scientists have been studying materials since a lng time ag. They are breaking apart pieces f buildings and reading histrical texts hping t learn hw they have std fr thusands f years.”(长久以来,越来越多的科学家一直在研究材料。他们正在拆除建筑物的碎片,阅读历史文献,希望了解它们是如何屹立数千年的。)可推知,这些古建筑能够持久的存在。故选A项。
    10. 细节理解题。根据第三段中“That the ancient materials have an unusual pwer t restre themselves and “cure” cracks when they frm is the mst shcking fr them.”(这些古老的材料具有一种不寻常的力量,可以在裂缝形成时自我修复和“治愈”裂缝,这对他们来说是最令人震惊的。)可知,古代建筑材料中最令科学家惊讶的是它们的自我修复能力。故选D项。
    11. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“If we add 50 r 100 years t cncrete’s lifespan, we’ll surely require less pulling dwn, less maintenance and less material in the lng run.”(如果我们将混凝土的寿命延长50年或100年,从长远来看,我们肯定需要更少的拆除,更少的维护和更少的材料。)可推知,作者对未来混凝土的态度是期待的。故选B项。
    12. C 13. A 14. C 15. D
    12. 词句猜测题。根据前文“Cnservatinists g t war ver whether humans are the measure f nature’s value. (自然资源保护主义者就人类是否是自然价值的衡量标准展开了战争)”可知,自然资源保护主义者倡导权衡人类与自然关系,结合后文“And they supprt “re-wilding”, a cncept riginally prpsed by Sule where peple reduce ecnmic grwth and withdraw frm landscapes, which then return t nature. (他们还支持“再野生化”,这一概念最初是由索勒提出的,即人们减少经济增长,退出自然景观,然后回归自然)”可知,他们提倡人们减少经济增长,退出自然景观,然后回归自然。由此推知,他们认为这种人与自然的平衡是必要的,trade-ffs指的是人类发展与自然生态的平衡。故选C。
    13. 推理判断题。根据第二段中“New Cnservatinists believe the withdrawal culd happen tgether with ecnmic grwth. The Califrnia-based Breakthrugh Institute believes in a future where mst peple live in cities and rely less n natural resurces fr ecnmic grwth. (新环保主义者认为,退出可以与经济增长一起发生。总部位于加州的突破研究所相信,未来大多数人将生活在城市,经济增长对自然资源的依赖将减少)”可推知,新环保主义者认为人类应该限制经济增长。故选A。
    14. 推理判断题。根据最后一段““It seems like the 20th-century expectatin we had, we were always assuming the future invlved greater cnsumptin f resurces,” Ausubel said. “But what we are seeing in the develped cuntries is, f curse, peaks.” (奥苏贝尔说:“这似乎就像我们20世纪的预期,我们总是假设未来会消耗更多的资源。”“但我们在发达国家看到的,当然是峰值。”)”可断,现在的资源消耗是峰值,由此推知,在一段时间内不会出现更多的资源消耗。故选C。
    15. 主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是前两段的内容可知,这篇短文主要讨论了新保护主义者的观点,他们认为人类是衡量自然价值的标准,提倡“重野化”概念,即人们应限制经济增长,减少对自然资源的依赖,提高生产效率,并从自然景观中退出,让自然回归。因此,文章主要和社会经济发展、资源消耗有关。故选D。 项目
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