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    Using 1900 as a starting pint,here's a lk at sme f the mst pwerful and destructive hurricanes in the last 120 years in the US.
    Mst pwerful hurricanes
    Hurricane Camille,which landed n August 17,1969 near Waveland,Mississippi,is the mst pwerful strm t strike the Gulf Cast.Camille is ne f the fur categry(级别)-5 hurricanes ever t make a landing in the US,the thers being the 1935 Labr Day Hurricane,Hurricane Andrew in 1992 and Hurricane Michael in 2018.
    Accrding t the Natinal Weather Service,the actual wind speed f Hurricane Camille might be arund 175 mph alng the cast.
    Until the arrival f Hurricane Katrina,Camille's mre than 24-ft strm wave in Pass Christian,Mississippi,held the recrd.Katrina's strm wave alng the Mississippi cast reached 30 feet.
    Cstliest hurricanes
    Hurricane Katrina is nt nly the cstliest-ever US hurricane but als the mst expensive natural disaster in the cuntry's histry.Nt nly did it cst as many as 1,836 lives and leave millins f peple hmeless,but it als caused ﹩160 billin in damages.
    Katrina landed near the Gulf Cast n August 29,2005 as a categry-3 strm.The hurricane's recrd-breaking waves flded 80% f the city.
    Deadliest hurricanes
    The categry-4 Hurricane Galvestn made a surprising landing alng the Texas cast n September 8,1900.It caused a 16-ft strm wave and its wind speed reached 150 mph.
    A large part f the city f Galvestn,Texas,was left in ruins.The number f death reached 12,000 n Galvestn Island and the mainland.It remains the deadliest weather disaster in the US histry as it gave the peple n time t mve ut.
    1.Hw many categry-5 strms have stricken the US since 1900? ______
    A. 1.B. 2.C. 3.D. 4.
    2.Which is the cstliest hurricane in the US? ______
    A. Hurricane Camille.B. Hurricane Andrew.
    C. Hurricane Katrina.D. Labr Day Hurricane.
    3.Why has Hurricane Galvestn becme the deadliest weather disaster in the US? ______
    A. It has caught the peple by surprise.
    B. It has caused the biggest waves.
    C. It has had the highest wind speed.
    D. It has brught in the heaviest rainfall.
    What is the httest tpic at yur schl recently?In Taiyuan N.55 Middle Schl,it's mney.
    The schl held an activity called "making mney" last weekend.Abut 200 Junir 1 and Junir 2 students were divided int 30 teams.They went ut t make mney by selling things.
    What did they chse t sell?Sme sld newspapers;sme chse bttled water;sme sld envirnmentally friendly shpping bags and bamb baskets.
    Hu Qing's team decided t sell sme useful bks in frnt f the Children Activity Center.They thught parents wuld like t buy the bks fr their children.But unfrtunately,they met urban management fficers(城管).The fficers asked them t leave. "We played hide-and-seek(捉迷藏)with the fficers fr the whle mrning," said Hu. "Finally we had t give up."
    Wang Bing and her team sld ice cream in a square.They didn't meet any fficers.But few peple were interested in what they were selling.The team then put up a bard saying "Fr Cuntry Kids".It wrked.Mre peple came t their stall (小摊).A freigner even gave them 100 yuan. "He didn't want any change.He said he wanted t help the children," said Wang. "We were tuched." Later that day they gave the 100 yuan and mre t the "Prject Hpe" ffice.
    MengZhaxiang and his team were luckier.They sld all their cakes in fur hurs,spending 39.5 yuan and getting back 80 yuan.They made 40.5 yuan. "It was nt easy t make the mney," said Meng. "Sme peple just lked.Others just tasted but didn't buy.Nw I knw hw hard it is fr ur parents t make the mney we need t lead happy lives."
    (1) ______ tk part in the activity.
    A.Sme teachers
    B.Abut 200 f Junir 1 and Junir 2 students
    C.Abut 200 students f the three grades
    D.Abut200 Junir 1 students
    4.Hu Qing's team finally gave up because ______ .
    A. the parents didn't like t buy the bks
    B. the Children Activity Center was t crwded
    C. the fficers didn't allw them t sell anything there
    D. the team played the game f the hide-and-seek the whle mrning
    5.Why did mre peple cme t Wang Bing's stall at last? ______
    A. The peple were willing t help cuntry kids.
    B. A freigner came up and helped them.
    C. The team put up a magic bard.
    D. The peple were interested in their ice cream.
    6.Accrding t the passage the students learn ______ .
    A. it's impssible fr them t make mney
    B. it's very imprtant fr them t make a living
    C. it's nt easy fr their parents t make mney
    D. it's difficult fr them t make mney

    The African elephant hlds the recrd fr sleeping the least amng mammals—abut tw hurs a day—but nw,the elephant seal is giving its namesake a run fr its mney.Recent experiments n elephant seals shwed the animals averaged nly tw hurs f sleep per day during the seven mnths ut f the year they spent at sea.
    Jessie Kendall-Bar,a the University f Califrnia,discvered elephant seals' special ability.She fund in the pen cean,elephant seals sleep less than tw hurs per day.While n land,they sleep mre than 10 hurs a day. "That's really special," she says.Previus bservatins had shwn that elephant seals in the pen cean surface fr a cuple f minutes at a time.S scientists knew that they must be sleeping underwater.But they knew very little abut it.
    T find ut mre,Kendall-Bar develped a headcap t gather data abut the animals' brain waves,heart rates,dive (潜水) depths,and mvements t determine when they were sleeping.She discvered that seals d nt sleep in tw-hur bursts.Instead,they take sme catnaps (小睡) lasting less than 20 minutes each.Starting at the surface,adult seals take 10-minute dives at great depths,usually frm 300 t 1,000 feet.
    At this pint,the animals enter the first stage f sleep,r slw-wave sleep.Then,they fall int REM sleep,when their bdies turn upside dwn.It seems REM sleep at great depths is risky because f the inability t escape at that mment. "It is just chilling t imagine an animal ding this underwater in that state." says study c-authr Terrie Williams.
    But what's likely happening is that the seals are sleeping at great depths where their primary hunters - sharks and killer whales - hardly appear. "The elephant seal is basically using its ability t dive really deep as a prtective mechanism (机制)",says Kendall-Bar. "It desn't have t keep ne eye pen r stay awake.It's sleeping with its entire brain."
    11.What has Kendall-Bar fund abut elephant seals? ______
    A. Their sleep habits vary by the places where they are.
    B. They spend a lng time playing in the sea.
    C. They can enter a stage f deep sleep quickly.
    D. Their brain waves are slwer than ther large animals'.
    12.What is mentined abut elephant seals' sleep in the sea? ______
    A. It's a cmmn grup activity.
    B. It can increase their heart rates.
    C. It's made up f a series f shrt sleep.
    D. It helps them develp their swimming ability.
    13.What des the underlined wrd "chilling" in Paragraph 4 prbably mean? ______
    A. Scary.B. Relaxing.C. Familiar.D. Helpful.
    14.Why d elephant seals chse REM sleep deep int the sea? ______
    A. T get sufficient fd easily.
    B. T escape frm lud nises.
    C. T maintain their bdy temperature.
    D. T avid attack frm natural enemies.
    One gd part abut schl is field trips.Students can get ut f the classrm and int the real wrld,even if just fr a few hurs. (1) ______ Whether it's learning hw t feed chickens n the farm r understanding hw gravity wrks at the science museum,these hands-n learning experiences bring children benefits.
    Students d better in schl.Students wh g n field trips generally have better grades. (2) ______ In fact,in a study cnducted by sme researchers,89%f adults said educatinal trips had a psitive researchers,89% f adults said educatinal trips had a psitive,lasting impact n their educatin and career.It's because the trips made them mre curius and interested in and ut f schl.
    ( 3) ______ When explring a new place,students have the pprtunity t listen and talk t new peple.They can learn hw t effectively cmmunicate with strangers,get alng with them and wrk with them.Fr example,they may acquire the skill f using bdy language t interact(互动) with strangers.
    Students learn t be mre independent.A field trip includes many things.Althugh adults are in charge,it's als up t students t figure ut what exhibits they want t learn abut,hw they can finish certain task,etc.During field trips,students can have many such situatins t learn t be independent.During the prcess,they smetimes may feel unpleasant and stressed. (4) ______
    Students develp a strnger cnnectin t the neighbrhd.By getting ut f the classrm and int the streets,students can becme mre familiar with their neighbrhd. (5) ______ Mrever,they have the chance t cmmunicate with lcal peple,which als imprves their cnnectin t the neighbrhd.
    A.Students master mre scial skills.
    B.Students can develp lifelng friendships.
    C.And they have higher graduatin rates frm schl.
    D.These trips,wherever they are,can influence children.
    E.But they'll see their ability t deal with prblems alne imprve.
    F.They will learn mre abut its culture,envirnment,ppulatin,etc.
    G.Teachers' detailed guidance will help students behave well in public.
    15.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    It's hard being an astrnaut's sn,I(1) ______ ,everybdy expects yu t be special r(2) ______ ,but I'm just an average student.
    I ften wnder(3) ______ my father ever had a sn like me.I mean he's s(4) ______ and s gd at everything.S I used t dream abut ding smething spectacular(令人印象深刻的) t(5) ______ my father.
    In ne class,my teacher(6) ______ a Father's Day essay cntest fr us and the winners' essays wuld be read in frnt f all the parents and students.After schl I walked hme,(7) ______ abut my father,wh I wuld write abut in my essay.
    He sat with me in the(8) ______ when I was a little kid and had a nightmare.He(9) ______ me with a new puppy at my eighth birthday party.T me,he wasn't a wrld-famus astrnaut,but just my dad.
    I wrte abut all these(10) ______ in my essay.One f ur neighburs said,"I(11) ______ yu'll win the cntest,David.Yu're the nly ne in twn whse father is an astrnaut."I didn't want t win(12) ______ because my father was an astrnaut.
    I wn the secnd prize.When I finished reading my essay,the(13) ______ applauded.I saw my father blwing his nse.
    Dad ndded t me,(14) ______ his thrat,and put his hand n my shulder."Sn,this is the (15) ______ mment f my life," he said.
    It was the prudest mment f my life,t.Maybe I'll never be a great her r win a Nbel Prize,but just then,it was enugh just t be my father's sn.
    20.A. dubtB. sayC. knwD. believe
    21.A. strangeB. hnestC. perfectD. frmal
    22.A. whyB. whereC. whetherD. when
    23.A. nrmalB. funnyC. specialD. unique
    24.A. shckB. influenceC. attractD. impress
    25.A. reprtedB. annuncedC. claimedD. warned
    26.A. caringB. wrryingC. thinkingD. cmplaining
    27.A. silenceB. threatC. hrrrD. dark
    28.A. pleasedB. astnishedC. supprtedD. encuraged
    29.A. experimentsB. incidentsC. dreamsD. memries
    30.A. wishB. guessC. betD. prmise
    31.A. merelyB. neverC. hardlyD. nearly
    32.A. parentsB. audienceC. studentsD. teachers
    33.A. cleanedB. blewC. clearedD. pened
    34.A. mstB. prudestC. smallestD. lngest
    35.Peple f the Dai ethnic grup in suthwest China's Yunnan prvince annually celebrate their Water.Splashing(泼洒) Festival.It lasts fr three days and marks the fficial New Year celebratin fr ver ne millin peple(1) ______ (live) in China,mainly in Xishuangbanna and Dehng.The festival(2) ______ (include) in China's Natinal List f Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2006.
    Originating in Persia in the 5th century,the water splashing ceremny spread t China arund 1200 AD,and gradually became (3) ______ flk custm amng Dai peple.On the first tw days,peple clean their huses,have their hair cut,and take shwers.Varius (4) ______ (perfrmance) can als be seen.Sme peple send Kngming lanterns int the sky,dance and sing freely n the streets,and watch(5) ______ (clr) dragn bat races n the Lancang River.On the third day f the festival,( 6) ______ marks the first day f the New Year n the Dai calendar,peple ften get up early in the mrning (7) ______ (wash) Buddha statues (佛像) in temples with clean water.After that,they (8) ______ (jyful) jin in the mass water splashing.Peple use anything at hand t splash water ver thers,( 9) ______ friends and neighbrs t strangers,as an (10) ______ (express) f their wishes fr gd luck fr whever is n the receiving end.
    36.David 三年前定居在中国,且对中国传统文化很感兴趣。假定你是李华,本周六你们学校邀请王教授到校举行"孔子及其思想"的讲座。请给 David发一封电子邮件,邀请他来参加并向他介绍讲座的有关事宜,内容包含以下几个方面:
    (1)词数 80左右;
    The spt f red was what first caught Randy Heiss's attentin n December 16,2018.
    He was hiking behind his ranch (牧场) in Patagnia,Arizna,a twn near the US-Mexic brder,when he fund a balln n the grass.Heiss walked twards it with his dg,thinking he wuld pick up smething useless and thrw it away.
    That's when he nticed the balln was cnnected t a piece f paper. 'Dayami',it read n ne side,in a child's writing.Turning the paper ver,he saw a numbered list,all in Spanish. "My Spanish isn't very gd,but I culd see it was a Christmas," he said.
    Heiss was attracted.He thught that maybe a child had tried t send Santa Claus a Christmas wish list by balln,smething he used t d himself when he was a kid.Nbdy had ever returned the letters Heiss had sent,but he wndered whether he culd find the kid wh had sent this ne.
    It wuld be difficult,but he believed he culd wrk it ut.Abut 32 kilmeters t the suthwest,just acrss the brder,was the city f Ngales,Mexic. "Based n the prevailing wind (盛行风),I was pretty sure that's where it came frm," he said.
    Heiss brught the nte hme t his wife,wh is gd at Spanish and helped him translate the list.The elderly cuple figured ut that Dayami,prbably a girl,had asked fr a dll,a dllhuse,clthes and sme art supplies.
    Heiss then psted n scial media alng with sme phts,hping sme f his friends in Ngales might knw the girl's family.A few days passed with n useful infrmatin prvided;Heiss wrried that time was running ut befre Christmas.On December 19,2018,he decided t send a message t Radi XENY,a radi statin based in Ngales.
    T his surprise,smene frm the statin called him back right away.
    Arriving at the Radi XENY ffices with presents,the elderly cuple finally met the excited little girl.
    【解析】(1)D.细节理解题。根据Mst pwerful hurricanes部分Camille is ne f the fur categry (级别) -5 hurricanes ever t make a landing in the US,the thers being the 1935 Labr Day Hurricane,Hurricane Andrew in 1992 and Hurricane Michael in 2018.卡米尔飓风是登陆美国的4个5级飓风之一,其他3个分别是1935年劳动节飓风、1992年安德鲁飓风和2018年迈克尔飓风。可知,自1900年以来,已有4次5级风暴袭击美国。故选D。
    (2)C.细节理解题。根据Cstliest hurricanes部分Hurricane Katrina is nt nly the cstliest-ever US hurricane but als the mst expensive natural disaster in the cuntry's histry.卡特里娜飓风不仅是美国有史以来最昂贵的飓风,也是美国历史上最昂贵的自然灾害。可知,给美国造成损失最大的飓风是卡特里娜飓风。故选C。
    (3)A.细节理解题。根据Deadliest hurricanes部分The categry-4 Hurricane Galvestn made a surprising landing alng the Texas cast n September 年9月8日,4级飓风加尔维斯顿在德克萨斯州海岸意外登陆;第二段It remains the deadliest weather disaster in the US histry as it gave the peple n time t mve ut. 它仍然是美国历史上最致命的天气灾难,因为它让人们没有时间撤出去。可知,因为它让人们措手不及,所以加尔维斯顿飓风成为美国最致命的天气灾害。故选A。
    本文是一篇广告布告类阅读,主要介绍了自1900以来,过去1 20年来美国最强大、最具破坏性的飓风。
    【解析】(1)B.细节理解题。根据文中第二段"Abut 200 Junir 1 and Junir 2 students were divided int 30 teams."200名初一和初二学生被分成30个小组。可知,200名初一和初二学生参加此活动,故选B。
    (2)C.细节理解题。根据文中第四段"The fficers asked them t leave"城管们要求他们离开。可知,城管不让他们在这里卖东西,故选C。
    (3)A.推理判断题。根据文中第五段"He didn't want any change.He said he wanted t help the children"他不想要零钱,他说他想帮助孩子们。可知,他们想要帮助来自农村的孩子,故选A。
    (4)C.推理判断题。根据文中最后一段"Nw I knw hw hard it is fr ur parents t make the mney we need t lead happy lives"现在我知道我们的父母要挣钱过幸福生活有多难了。可知,学生们学会了父母赚钱是多么得不容易,故选C。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第二段She fund in the pen cean,elephant seals sleep less than tw hurs per day.While n land,they sleep mre than 10 hurs a day.(她发现,在开阔的海洋中,海象每天的睡眠时间不到两个小时。在陆地上,它们每天睡10个小时以上。)可知,在海洋和陆地上海象的睡眠时长是不同的,由此可以推断海象的睡眠习惯因地点的变化而发生变化。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段She discvered that seals d nt sleep in tw-hur bursts.Instead,they take sme catnaps(小睡) lasting less than 20 minutes each.(她发现海豹不会在两小时内突然入睡。相反,他们会小睡一会儿,每次持续时间不超过20分钟。)可知,海象在两小时的睡眠时长中,由一系列的短睡眠组成,每次持续时间非常短暂。故选C。
    (3)词句猜测题。根据划线词所在的句子It seems REM sleep at great depths is risky because f the inability t escape at that mment. "It is just chilling t imagine an animal ding this underwater in that state." says study c-authr Terrie Williams.(似乎深度快速眼动睡眠是有风险的,因为在那一刻无法逃离。研究合著者Terrie Williams说:"想象一只动物在那种状态下在水下做这件事,真是令人不寒而栗。"。)可知划线词是指想象一只动物在水下以这种状态这样做肯定是令人害怕的。故划线词的意思是"吓人的"。A.Scary.吓人的;B.Relaxing.放松的;C.Familiar.熟悉的;D.Helpful.有帮助的。故选A。
    (4)细节理解题。根据最后一段But what's likely happening is that the seals are sleeping at great depths where their primary hunters - sharks and killer whales - hardly appear."(但可能发生的情况是,海豹睡在它们的主要捕食者——鲨鱼和虎鲸——几乎不会出现的深处。)及Kendall-Bar(肯德尔-纳尔)所说的话The elephant seal is basically using its ability t dive really deep as a prtective mechanism(机制)(海象基本上是利用它深潜的能力作为一种保护机制。)可知,海象在深海中选择快速眼动睡眠是为了保护自己免受捕食他们的动物的攻击。故选D。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据上文One gd part abut schl is field trips.Students can get ut f the classrm and int the real wrld,even if just fr a few hurs.(学校的一个好处就是实地考察。学生可以走出教室,进入现实世界,即使只有几个小时)"以及后文"Whether it's learning hw t feed chickens n the farm r understanding hw gravity wrks at the science museum,these hands-n learning experiences bring children benefits. (无论是学习如何在农场喂鸡,还是在科学博物馆了解重力是如何工作的,这些实践学习的经历给孩子们带来了好处)可知,后文提到了不同的实地考察场地,故D选项"这些旅行,无论在哪里,都会影响孩子"符合语境,故选D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据上文Students d better in schl.Students wh g n field trips generally have better grades. (学生在学校表现更好。参加实地考察的学生通常成绩较好)以及后文In fact,in a study cnducted by sme researchers,89% f adults said educatinal trips had a psitive,lasting impact n their educatin and career.It's because the trips made them mre curius and interested in and ut f schl.(事实上,在一些研究人员进行的一项研究中,89%的成年人说教育实践对他们的教育和职业有积极的、持久的影响。这是因为这些实践让他们对学校内外都更加好奇和感兴趣)可知,上文提到了参加实地考察的学生通常成绩较好,故本句继续说明参加实地考察的影响:他们有更高的毕业率。故C选项"他们有更高的毕业率"符合语境,故选C。
    (3)标题归纳题。根据后文When explring a new place,students have the pprtunity t listen and talk t new peple.They can learn hw t effectively cmmunicate with strangers,get alng with them and wrk with them.Fr example,they may acquire the skill f using bdy language t interact (互动) with strangers.(当探索一个新的地方时,学生们有机会倾听和与陌生人交谈。他们可以学习如何有效地与陌生人沟通,与他们相处,与他们一起工作。例如,他们可以学会使用肢体语言与陌生人交流的技巧)可知,本段的主旨是学生学会了与陌生人沟通和相处,即掌握了社交技能。故A选项"学生掌握了更多的社交技能"符合语境,故选A。
    (4)推理判断题。根据上文Students learn t be mre independent.A field trip includes many things.Althugh adults are in charge,it's als up t students t figure ut what exhibits they want t learn abut,hw they can finish certain task,etc.During field trips,students can have many such situatins t learn t be independent.During the prcess,they smetimes may feel unpleasant and stressed.(学生学会更加独立。实地考察包括很多东西。虽然是由成年人负责,但学生们也可以自己决定想要了解哪些展品,如何完成某些任务等。在实地考察中,学生可以有很多这样的情况来学习独立。在这个过程中,他们有时会感到不愉快和压力)可知,本段讲述学生学会了更加独立,但是有时会感到不愉快和压力,E选项"但是他们会发现自己单独处理问题的能力提高了"符合本段主题,学会了独立,且与上文构成转折,指出尽管有压力,单数学生能力提高的表现,故选E。
    (5)推理判断题。根据上文Students develp a strnger cnnectin t the neighbrhd.By getting ut f the classrm and int the streets,students can becme mre familiar with their neighbrhd.(学生与社区建立了更强的联系。走出教室,走上街头,学生们可以更加熟悉他们的社区)以及后文Mrever,they have the chance t cmmunicate with lcal peple,which als imprves their cnnectin t the neighbrhd.(此外,他们有机会与当地人交流,这也提高了他们与社区的联系)可知,上文提到了学生可以熟悉社区,故本句具体说明了解社区的哪些方面。F选项中its与上下文的neighbrhd相对应。故F选项"他们将更多地了解它的文化、环境、人口等"符合语境,故选F。
    【解析】(1)C.考查动词及语境理解。A.dubt怀疑;B.say说;C.knw知道;D.believe相信。根据前一句It's hard being an astrnaut's sn.(做一个宇航员的儿子真难)可知,此处指的是"我知道,每个人都盼望着你很特别或十全十美"。故答案为C。
    (2)C.考查形容词及语境理解。A.strange奇怪的;B.hnest诚实的;C.perfect完美的;D.frmal正式的。第一句It's hard being an astrnaut's sn说做宇航员的儿子难,此处解释难的原因:每个人都盼望着你很特别或十全十美。根据r前的special可知选C项。perfect意为"完美的",符合语境。故答案为C。
    (3)A.考查连词及语境理解。A.why为什么;B.where哪里;C.whether是否;D.when何时。根据后一句I mean he's s (4)and s gd at everything.可知,作者总是想知道父亲为什么会有像他这样的儿子。故答案为A。
    (4)C.考查形容词及语境理解。A.nrmal正常的;B.funny有趣的;C.special特殊的;D.unique独特的。根据第一段第二句中的everybdy expects yu t be special r和该空后的s gd al everything可知,作者认为父亲很特别,special意为"特别的"。故答案为C。
    (5)D.考查动词及语境理解。A.shck震惊;B.influence影响;C.attract吸引;D.impress留下印象。根据该空前的ding smething spectacular可知此处指的是作者想做一些惊人的举动来给父亲留下深刻的印象。impress sb意为"给某人留下深刻的印象"。故答案为D。
    (6)B.考查动词及语境理解。A.reprted报道;B.annunced宣告;C.claimed声称;D.warned警告。根据空后的a Father's Day essay cntest可知,作者的老师宣布了一个有关父亲节的写作比赛。annunce意为"宣布"。故答案为B。
    (7)C.考查动词及语境理解。A.caring在乎;B.wrrying担心;C.thinking认为;D.cmplaining抱怨。结合语境可知此处指的是,作者在回家的路上,一边走一边想自己的父亲。think abut意为"考虑;思考"。故答案为C。
    (8)D.考查名词及语境理解。A.silence安静;B.threat威胁;C.hrrr恐惧;D.dark黑暗。根据空后的had a nightmare可知此处指的是,当作者是个小孩子,做噩梦的时候,父亲会陪作者一起坐在黑暗当中。故答案为D。
    (10)D.考查名词及语境理解。A.experiments实验;B.incidents事件;C.dreams梦;D.memries记忆。根据上一段After schl I walked hme,(7)abut my father,wh I wuld write abut in my essay.描述可知,作者把所有这些记忆都写在了文章当中。memry意为"记忆"。故答案为D。
    (11)C.考查动词及语境理解。A.wish希望;B.guess猜测;C.bet打赌;D.prmise许诺。根据后一句Yu're the nly ne in twn whse father is an astrnaut.可知,邻居确信作者会在比赛中获胜。bet意为"打赌;确信"。故答案为C。
    (13)B.考查名词及语境理解。A.parents父母;B.audience观众;C.students学生;D.teachers老师。根据第三段In ne class,my teacher(6)a Father's Day essay cntest fr us and the winners' essays wuld be read in frnt f all the parents and students.可知,台下除了学生以外,还有老师和家长。故此处指的是观众鼓起掌来。audience意为"观众"。故答案为B。
    (14)C.考查动词及语境理解。A.cleaned打扫;B.blew吹;C.cleared清除;D.pened打开。根据前文中的I saw my father blwing his nse.可知,父亲擤了擤鼻子,此处则应指他清了清嗓子,把手放在作者的肩膀上对作者说。clear ne's thrat意为"清嗓子"。故答案为C。
    (15)B.考查形容词及语境理解。A.mst最多的;B.prudest最自豪的;C.smallest最小的;D.lngest最长的。根据下文中的It was the prudest mment f my life,t.可知,此处指的是这是父亲最骄傲的时刻。故答案为B。
    【小题2】was included
    【小题7】t wash
    (2)考查时态语态。句意:2006年,该节日被列入中国国家非物质文化遗产名录。分析句子结构,空处在句中作谓语,主语The festival和include之间存在被动关系,应使用被动语态;根据时间状语in 2006可知谓语动词应使用一般过去时。故填was included。
    (3)考查冠词。句意:泼水节起源于公元5世纪的波斯,公元1200年左右传入中国,逐渐成为傣族民间的一种习俗。此处flk custm泛指"一种习俗",且flk是发音以辅音音素开头的单词,故填a。
    (5)考查形容词。句意:有些人把孔明灯送上天空,在街上自由地跳舞唱歌,在澜沧江上观看五颜六色的龙舟比赛。分析句子结构可知,空处应填形容词组,作定语,修饰dragn bat races。故填clrful/clurful。
    (6)考查定语从句。句意:在节日的第三天,也就是傣族历新年的第一天,人们通常早起,用清水清洗寺庙里的佛像。分析句子结构可知,空处为非限制性定语从句的连接词;先行词是"the third day f the festival",表示物,从句缺少主语,应用关系代词which引导从句。故填which。
    (7)考查不定式。句意:在节日的第三天,也就是傣族历新年的第一天,人们通常早起,用清水清洗寺庙里的佛像。分析句子结构可知,句子中已有谓语动词;此处表示的是"为了用干净的水清洗寺庙里的佛像",表示目的,因此需填动词不定式。故填t wash。
    36.【答案】Dear David,
    As yur friend,I knw yu have been shwing great interest in Chinese traditinal culture since yu settled in China three years ag.【高分句型一】I'm writing t invite yu t the lecture n"Cnfucius and Cnfucianism",which will be made by Prfessr Wang frm Tsinghua University.【高分句型二】It will be held in Rm 102 n the first flr f N.3 building n August 27th this Saturday.As far as I knw,yu like the traditinal culture f China,s yu will enjy it.(介绍活动时间和地点)
    The lecture will last three hurs frm 8 a.m.t 11 a.m.The activity mainly cnsists f three parts,tw-hur listening t the lecture,half an hur's discussin and thirty-minute Cnfucius classics recitatin.I will be very glad if yu cme.(活动安排)
    Lking frward t yur early reply.
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:As yur friend,I knw yu have been shwing great interest in Chinese traditinal culture since yu settled in China three years ag.
    高分句型二:I'm writing t invite yu t the lecture n"Cnfucius and Cnfucianism",which will be made by Prfessr Wang frm Tsinghua University.
    37.【答案】T his surprise,smene frm the statin called him back right away.They brught gd news that they had lcated the eight-year-ld girl,Dayami,and her family.【高分句型一】He felt s happy and excited that he wanted t see the little girl at nce.He went shpping with his wife.In rder t buy all the presents n the list,they went t many places.With their effrts,they bught everything n Dayami's list.Thinking f the happiness f the girl,they were very tired,but very happy.(描写电台是否找到了女孩)
    Arriving at the Radi XENY ffices with presents,the elderly cuple finally met the excited little girl.Heiss gave the presents t the girl and said, "Merry Christmas!" The little girl received the presents in surprise and hugged Heiss tightly.With a bright smile n her face,she said, "Thank yu,Santa Claus." "We nw have friends fr life," Heiss said.Since then,he and the girl's family have becme friends.Althugh they dn't see each ther ften,they send presents t each ther every Christmas.【高分句型二】(描写老夫妇和女孩之间的交流)
    高分句型一:They brught gd news that they had lcated the eight-year-ld girl,Dayami,and her family.
    高分句型二:Althugh they dn't see each ther ften,they send presents t each ther every Christmas.

    2022-2023学年广西玉林市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年广西玉林市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年广西钦州市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年广西钦州市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年广西南宁市普高联盟高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年广西南宁市普高联盟高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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