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    Time:10:00 am - 5:00 pm Daily between Oct.16 and Oct.31
    Address:Markwicz Fine Art Gallery
    This art exhibit is cmmitted t glbal awareness and preventin f paching and trphy hunting (偷猎和战利品狩猎) f endangered species such as elephants,lins,and rhins.Presented are wrks by French American artist and animal rights activist,Arn Elias.
    Time:11:00 am - 5:00 pm Daily between Sep.25 and Dec.19
    Address:Nasher Sculpture Center
    Admissin:Adults:$ 10;Children under 12:FREE
    Betye Saar cmbines items typically discvered at flea markets and secnd-hand stres int new creatins.This exhibitin ffers an pprtunity t view Saar's sketchbks (速写册) and t examine the relatinships f Saar's fund bjects,sketches,and finished wrks,thrwing new light n her art.
    Time:11:00 am - 5:00 pm Daily between Oct.16 and Dec.26
    Address:Nasher Sculpture Center
    Admissin:Adults:$ 10;Children under 12:FREE
    The exhibitin will bring tgether Carl Bve's nine cllage sculptures (拼贴雕塑) frm the last five years,tw f which have been made especially fr the Nasher's exhibitin.Bve's sculptures are special fr their use f clr,which ften draws upn utdated print technlgies.This exhibitin was rganized by the Cunty Museum f Art.
    Time:10:00 am - 10:00 pm Daily between Oct.9 and Nv.28
    Address:Lighthuse Dallas
    Admissin:$ 40 - $100
    Yu will be immersed (沉浸) in Van Ggh's wrks — frm his sunny landscapes and night scenes t his prtraits and still life paintings.It is all digital,hands-free,and perfect fr ur scially distant wrld.Its rich cntent is suitable fr a wide audience,including families,schl grups,cuples,and senirs.
    1.Where shuld yu g if yu want t learn smething abut wildlife? ______
    A. Lighthuse Dallas.B. Cunty Museum f Art.
    C. Nasher Sculpture Center.D. Markwicz Fine Art Gallery.
    2.Hw much shuld a cuple pay if they want t see Carl Bve's sculptures with their 10-year-ld daughter? ______
    A. $40.B. $30.C. $20.D. $10.
    3.When can yu enjy the wrks by Van Ggh? ______
    A. At 9:30 am n Sep.8.B. At 4:00 pm n Dec.31.
    C. At 8:00 pm n Nv.30.D. At 10:30 am n Oct.16.
    At 65,Bryny Harris tk ut her pensin (退休金) and signed up fr a psychtherapy (心理治疗) curse. "I'm happy that I used my pensin t train fr a new career," she says.Nw,at 74,she has a successful psychtherapy practice in Fredrikstad,Nrway. "I just knew it was the right time,and I felt equipped t d it.It was the very best thing I ever did fr myself."
    The fur-year curse was n the cast f Denmark.T get there,Harris drve fr five hurs thrugh suthern Nrway. "It always felt like cming hme," she says.Her experience was transfrmative (具有转折性的).Practising psychtherapy,she says, "helps me t understand the wrd 'calling'."
    And yet Harris has had many careers ver the decades.At university in Kingstn upn Thames,Lndn,she trained as an architect,and then,wrked as ne "fr shrt and lng perids" while raising fur children.Next came a perid as a phtgrapher n a cmmunity arts prject,then teaching phtgraphy. "The wrld ffered mre pssibilities than I had ever realised," Harris says.She regards these mves as gradual shifts (转换) rather than reinventin. "I have never made a decisin such as 'I'm ging t stp ding that and d smething else.' It's always been a gentle prgressin."
    Years ag,she and her husband had a dream t pen a shp specialising in bks abut flklre,mythlgy and traditin.The shp,in Hatherleigh,Devn,is "where the idea f therapy came int my mind.Because in a small independent bkshp,peple pen up and talk." Harris als says that her "therapy side was hiding in the backgrund" when she taught phtgraphy.In her 40s,she had a shrt perid f cunselling (咨询).She n lnger recalls exactly why,but it must have had an impact because when she turned 60,she wrte letters "t peple wh had been hugely influential in my life." She searched fr her frmer cunsellr,but unfrtunately culdn't find him.
    Harris has a can-d spirit.The best psychtherapy curse was in Denmark,s first she had t learn Danish. "I really lve a gd challenge.Smetimes yu can feel very stuck,but that is hw I have lived my life," she says.
    When she was a child,Harris's parents liked mving.She had nine hmes befre she went t university. "Nw,I have n desire t uprt myself." Her flat lks ut ver a river,and she has lived there lnger than she has lived anywhere else.Each week brings fresh calls t her practice.
    4.What did Harris think f the psychtherapy curse? ______
    A. The jurney t it was tiring.B. It helped her make friends.
    C. She culd hardly affrd it.D. It made her feel at ease.
    5.What d we knw abut Harris's past careers? ______
    A. They were all abandned fr family reasns.
    B. They led her t find her true calling.
    C. They made her very imprtant.
    D. They all prved t be a failure.
    6.What inspired Harris t take up psychtherapy as a career? ______
    A. Readers' willingness t cmmunicate in the bkshp.
    B. Her talk with her husband abut medical specialists.
    C. Chats with her students in phtgraphy classes.
    D. Her successful experience as a cunsellr.
    7.What can we infer abut Harris frm the text? ______
    A. She acts as her parents did.
    B. She lives her life t the fullest.
    C. She speaks Danish as her native language.
    D. She has returned t the place where she was brn.
    When I was in my early teens,I was a huge fan f a lcal band.I saw them play many times,bught plenty f their psters and recrds,and was excited when I met them after shws.But as they grew and received mre attentin frm the industry,they started making changes t their music.The rugh edges(小缺点) that made them stand ut were smthed ver.There wasn't much left that I cnnected with.I watched as a band I lved turned int smething I culd hardly recgnize.
    I didn't knw much abut the music industry at the time,but it was clear t me that they were taking a huge risk.Many artists,understandably,think they will find mre cmmercial success by any aspect f their music r in age that smene might find bjectinable (令人反感的).Hwever,what is unbjectinable is als unremarkable.
    My experience made me think abut what makes smene fall in lve with a sng r a band.It's different fr everyne,I'm sure,but I think ne f the key factrs that make an artist cnnect with a fan is realness.When artists write what they think peple want t hear instead f what they want t express,they are missing ut n pints f cnnectin that can turn a casual(偶然的) listener int a super fan.
    This experience als made me think abut what rle I wanted t play in the music industry.I knew by then that I didn't have the talent t be an artist myself.But I lved learning abut the music industry.I lved ding research n what makes an artist successful and why.When I listened t a new artist r saw a band play,l wanted t find ut what made them special,prtect it,and share it with the wrld.I eventually figured ut that managers are the nes wh are in the best psitin t achieve that.
    8.Hw did the authr feel when the band he lved changed its style? ______
    A. he was upset.B. he was carefree.
    C. he was hpeful f their success.D. He was cnfused abut the reasn.
    9.What des the underline wrd "eliminating" in paragraph 2 prbably mean? ______
    A. Making up fr.B. Getting rid f.
    C. Making use f.D. Getting used t.
    10.What des the authr think helps artists win super fans? ______
    A. Having great talent.B. Being true t themselves.
    C. Writing sngs peple like.D. Cmmunicating with listeners.
    11.What might the authr be nw? ______
    A. A pp singer.B. A band directr
    C. An artist manager.D. An educatinal researcher.
    Peple have been predicting (预测) the death f cable TV (有线电视) fr a lng time,but this really might be it.Just a decade (十年) ag,nearly all Americans — mre than 85 percent f — paid fr packages f TV channels frm cable r satellite (卫星) cmpanies.That started t drp slwly at first and then far mre quickly in the past few years.Nw,the share f American hmes that pay fr traditinal TV service is appraching 50 percent,accrding t expert Craig Mffett and S&P Glbal Market Intelligence's Kagan research grup.
    Fr cmparisn,cellphnes were arund fr decades befre the percentage f Americans wh didn't have a landline (座机) at hme reached 50 percent,arund 2017.Maybe it seems predictable that cable TV wuld g the way f the landline.I prmise yu that it was nt necessarily bvius,even nce Netflix started t take ff.Old habits die hard.Old industries that make a lt f peple rich die even harder.And dn't frget that sme new technlgy habits catch n fast but dn't stick.
    What may be a final drp in America's cable TV industry is a big deal.It shws that technlgy can change deep-rted ways f ding things slwly,and then suddenly.
    Ian Olgeirsn,a research directr at Kagan wh has been fllwing America's TV market fr abut 20 years,tld me that he was surprised by hw quickly the mnthly cable bill went frm being standard t utdated fr many Americans.Olgeirsn and ther TV experts I've been speaking t didn't single ut a turning pint in cable TV's big drp.They said the dwnward trend (趋势) was mre like a series f prgressive changes building up.
    It's clear that the cable TV system that fr decades brught jy and headaches t tens f millins f Americans is wearing thin.The wild card is whether Americans keep turning away frm cable and satellite TV relatively slwly,r whether it will fail suddenly.
    I have always lved TV.I felt like a real grwn-up when I first started t pay a huge bill fr televisin,partly t watch my favrite ftball team.I had reduced my cable TV package,but then a few mnths ag I was tld that my bill was ging t increase by abut $10 a mnth.That was it.I'm a n-cable husehld nw,t.
    12.What des paragraph 1 mainly tell us abut cable TV? ______
    A. Its falling ppularity.B. Its increasing payments.
    C. Its varius TV channels.D. Its high service standard.
    13.Why des the authr mentin cellphnes and landlines in paragraph 2? ______
    A. T prve technlgy can change the wrld.
    B. T shw it is nt easy fr cable TV t g away.
    C. T illustrate there is n market left fr cable TV.
    D. T explain technlgy can bring frtune t peple.
    14.Which f the fllwing is beynd Olgeirsn's expectatins? ______
    A. America's TV market was dwn suddenly.
    B. The death f cable TV will cme in abut 20 years.
    C. Americans turned away frm cable TV s quickly.
    D. There are still many Americans shwing interest in cable TV.
    15.What wuld be the best title fr the text? ______
    A. Cable TV wn't be replaced by satellite TV
    B. Cable TV brught jy t Americans
    C. Cable TV has existed fr decades
    D. Cable TV is the new landline
    Austrian painter Gustav Klimt created sme f his best-knwn masterpieces during the first decade f the 20th century. (1) ______ .Nazi lting (纳粹掠夺) during Wrld War Ⅱ led t the destructin f many prized Klimt wrks,including the Faculty Paintings:three enrmus scenes titled Philsphy,Medicine and Jurisprudence.
    T study these paintings,art histrians have lng had t make d with black-and-white phtgraphs.Thanks t machine learning,hwever,researchers have nw restred (恢复) histrical images f the Faculty Paintings t almst their riginal clrs. (2) ______ .
    T create the images,Ggle Arts and Culture and the Belvedere Museum in Vienna develped a tl that selected infrmatin abut Klimt's use f clr frm different surces.The data set included newspaper descriptins f the Faculty Paintings and 80 full-clr reprductins f Klimt paintings frm the same perid. (3) ______ .
    Ggle engineer Emil Wallner spent nearly six mnths cding the AI algrithm (编写人工智能算法) t create clr predictins. (4) ______ .Fr example,ne might expect the starry sky featured in Klimt's Philsphy t be blue,but the AI-clred versin tends t be a little green,based partly n newspaper accunts that describe the painting's greenish clr.
    "(5) ______ ," says Franz Smla,wh wrked n the restratin with Wallner. "We were able t clr Klimt's wrks even in places abut which we had n knwledge."
    Art lvers can explre these clrful recreatins nline.The restred paintings are paired with an nline exhibitin, "Klimt vs.Klimt:The Man f Cntradictins",which explres the painter's life and wrks.
    A.It was stred with ther precius artwrks
    B.But nt all f Klimt's paintings survive tday
    C.It als included 1 millin pictures f the real wrld
    D.That suggests that these three Klimt paintings were nt saved
    E.He says sme parts f the final paintings surprised the researchers
    F.With machine learning,we can predict that Klimt used certain clrs
    G.That ffers viewers a sense f what Klimt's wrks lked like befre their destructin
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    Third graders frm Wlfsville Elementary Schl spent Mnday afternn getting their hands dirty and their shes wet during an infrmative trut release (鳟鱼放生).
    The trut,which the students had been (1) ______ in their classrm since last December,were (2) ______ ready t be released int their natural envirnment.The students carefully (3) ______ them frm a big cntainer t a red plastic cup t the creek (溪).They then (4) ______ the trut fingerlings (仔鱼) they'd been watching ver fr five mnths.
    Wlfsville Elementary has been ding a trut release (5) ______ spring fr the past decade as part f a natinal (6) ______ called "Trut in the Classrm",which prvides students with trut eggs t (7) ______ and eventually release int water as fish.
    Thrugh the partnership,students learn varius (8) ______ such as water pH,animal lifecycles and envirnmental science,said Rebecca Butler,Wlfsville Elementary's third grade teacher. "We try t get them utside and away frm vide games,and hpefully they (9) ______ that clean water is imprtant and (10) ______ else is ging t take care f ur resurces,s they learn t care fr them," Butler said.
    McKinna Hidalg,a third grader at Wlfsville,said she (11) ______ letting the trut g in the water and seeing them (12) ______ away,after first meeting them as (13) ______ .
    The favrite part fr Hidalg's classmate Macie Lader,hwever,was getting t g int the creek.Her scks and shes were (14) ______ ,but she didn't care.Right befre mving n t her next statin,Macie tk ff her (15) ______ ,dumped (倾倒) all the water ut and flashed a wide smile.
    21.A. hidingB. raisingC. waitingD. training
    22.A. usuallyB. prbablyC. nearlyD. finally
    23.A. transprtedB. fllwedC. changedD. saved
    24.A. made up frB. gt alng with
    C. waved gdbye tD. tk advantage f
    25.A. neB. nextC. everyD. anther
    26.A. prgramB. parkC. teamD. tur
    27.A. play withB. care frC. cleanD. eat
    28.A. cursesB. tipsC. skillsD. tpics
    29.A. fearB. learnC. dubtD. shw
    30.A. nbdyB. nthingC. smebdyD. smething
    31.A. hatedB. frgtC. lvedD. remembered
    32.A. flyB. swimC. runD. walk
    33.A. eggsB. fishesC. friendsD. strangers
    34.A. ldB. wetC. lstD. clean
    35.A. glvesB. glassesC. shesD. shrts
    36.Petry (1) ______ ( cmmunicate) in wrds.T d that (2) ______ ( successful),it must have smething imprtant t say,expressing it in a unique way.Whether yu are writing petry yurself r analysing (分析) pems (3) ______ ( write) by smene else,yu shuld be thinking abut these tw brad categries:what is being said,and hw it is being expressed.
    What is being said may be smething unfrgettable r smething funny,smething deeply emtinal r smething that has just made the writer stp and think.Whatever it is,the theme f the pem will be smething wrth (4) ______ ( say).If yu are writing a pem yurself and are nt very (5) ______ ( experience),it's best t chse a tpic yu feel deeply abut.Writing a pem (6) ______ begins with 'I remember' is a gd way t fcus yur attentin (7) ______ smething really memrable.
    Hwever,tw pems culd easily have (8) ______ same theme and yet be cmpletely different.What makes (9) ______ ( they) different?Hw they are expressed is the key.It is the way the pet writes that yu need t analyse if yu are writing abut a pem,and if yu are writing ne yurself,yu must chse the frm and the wrds which suit what yu want (10) ______ ( express).
    A Cking Cmpetitin Successfully Held________
    Once there lived a girl named Eve.The little girl was living with a dream.She wanted t be a ballet dancer.Her bdy was very flexible and she had a strng will pwer.Eve's parents never knew f the great dancing skills their daughter had until ne day,they saw the little ne dancing with the beautiful steps f a ballerina (芭蕾舞女演员).
    "Isn't it strange?Eve is dancing s well withut any frmal training!" the mther said.
    "We must give her prfessinal lessns t help her imprve her skills," her father said.
    The fllwing day,Eve's parents tk her t a lcal dance training schl.Upn meeting the dance teacher,her parents requested Eve's admissin t the schl.The teacher asked Eve t dance.The little girl was happy and shwed sme f her favrite dance steps.Hwever,the teacher didn't seem interested in her perfrmance.He kept himself busy with ther tasks in the dance rm while the little girl cntinued dancing with the hpe f impressing the teacher.
    "That's OK.Yu can leave nw!" the teacher said.
    Eve was shcked t hear this.S were her parents.They culdn't believe their ears.
    "The girl is average.She des nt have it in her t becme a ballerina," the dance teacher said. "Dn't let her waste her time dreaming f ne day becming a dancer."
    Disappinted,Eve and her parents returned hme.Tears rlled dwn Eve's face.Her dreams were shattered (粉碎) within a matter f minutes.With crushed (被击碎的) cnfidence,Eve never attempted t dance again.She cmpleted her studies and went n t becme a teacher in schl.Life was gd and she kept herself busy with family and wrk.Hwever,whenever she happened t pass the schl's ballet rm,memries f childhd days danced befre her eyes.
    Paragraph 1:
    One day,the ballet trainer in her schl was late.______
    Paragraph 2:
    "What a perfrmance,Eve!Yu are a true ballerina!" said the ballet trainer entering the classrm._____
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据Address:Markwicz Fine Art Gallery部分This art exhibit is cmmitted t glbal awareness and preventin f paching and trphy hunting (偷猎和战利品狩猎) f endangered species such as elephants,lins,and rhins.(本次艺术展览致力于提高全球对大象、狮子、犀牛等濒危物种偷猎和战利品狩猎的认识和预防。)可知如果你想了解野生动物,你应该去Markwicz Fine Art Gallery。故选D。
    (2)数字计算题。根据CAROL BOVE:COLLAGE SCULPTURES部分Admissin:Adults: $10;Children under 12:FREE(门票:成人:$10;12岁以下儿童:免费)可知一对夫妇如果想带着10岁的女儿去看卡罗尔•博夫(Carl Bve)的雕塑,应该付20美元。故选C。(3)细节理解题。根据VAN GOGH:THE IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE部分Time:10:00 am - 10:00 pm Daily between Oct.9 and Nv.28(时间:10月9日至11月28日每天上午10点至晚上10点)可知10月16日上午10:30能欣赏梵高的作品。故选D。
    这篇短文主要介绍了三个艺术展览。第一个展览是关于保护濒危物种,反对偷猎和狩猎的艺术展。第二个展览是关于艺术家Betye Saar的作品,展示了她将二手市场和旧货店的物品组合成新作品的创作方式。第三个展览是关于艺术家Carl Bve的九件拼贴雕塑作品,展示了她在过去五年中的创作成果。最后一个展览是关于梵高的沉浸式体验,通过数字技术展示了他的作品,适合各个年龄段的观众。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第二段 "It always felt like cming hme," she says.Her experience was transfrmative (具有转折性的).Practising psychtherapy,she says, "helps me t understand the wrd 'calling'."("总有回家的感觉,"她说。她的经历具有变革性。她说,练习心理治疗"有助于我理解'使命感这个词。")可知,哈里斯一想到心理治疗课程就感到很自在。故选D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第三段And yet Harris has had many careers ver the regards these mves as gradual shifts (转换) rather than reinventin. "I have never made a decisin such as 'I'm ging t stp ding that and d smething else.' It's always been a gentle prgressin."(然而,哈里斯在过去的几十年里有过许多职业...她认为这些是渐进的转变,而不是重新发明。"我从来没有做出过'我要停止做那件事,做其他事情'这样的决定。这一直是一个温和的过程。")可知,哈里斯过去的职业生涯使她找到了自己真正的职业。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第四段The shp,in Hatherleigh,Devn,is "where the idea f therapy came int my mind.Because in a small independent bkshp,peple pen up and talk."(这家位于德文郡哈瑟利的商店"是我想到治疗的地方。因为在一家小型独立书店里,人们敞开心扉交谈。")可知,读者在书店交流的意愿激发了哈里斯将心理治疗作为一种职业。故选A。
    (4)推理判断题。根据倒数第二段Harris has a can-d spirit.The best psychtherapy curse was in Denmark,s first she had t learn Danish. "I really lve a gd challenge.Smetimes yu can feel very stuck,but that is hw I have lived my life," she says.(哈里斯有一种敢作敢为的精神。最好的心理治疗课程在丹麦,所以她必须先学习丹麦语。她说:"我真的很喜欢挑战。有时你会觉得很困,但这就是我的生活方式。"。)可知,哈里斯过着充实的生活。故选B。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第一段中的There wasn't much left that I cnnected with.I watched as a band I lved turned int smething I culd hardly recgnize.(我已经没什么可留恋的了。我看着我喜欢的乐队变成了我几乎认不出来。)可知,作者曾经那么喜欢这支乐队,但是这支乐队的改变让作者无所适从。由此可知,这个乐队的改变让作者感到伤心难受。故选A。
    (2)词义猜测题。根据第二段中的Many artists,understandably,think they will find mre cmmercial success by any aspect f their music r in age that smene might find bjectinable (令人反感的).Hwever,what is unbjectinable is als unremarkable.(可以理解的是,许多艺术家认为,通过消除他们音乐中的任何方面,或者消除一些人可能会觉得令人反感的年龄,他们会获得更多的商业成功。)可知,很多艺术家想要获得商业上的成功,所以就要将让人感到反感的方面给除掉,这样才会让人接受。由此可知,划线词"eliminating"意为"除掉"。结合选项:A.Making up fr编造;B.Getting rid f除掉;C.Making use f利用;D.Getting used t习惯于。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第三段中的My experience made me think abut what makes smene fall in lve with a sng r a band.It's different fr everyne,I'm sure,but I think ne f the key factrs that make an artist cnnect with a fan is realness.(我的经历让我思考是什么让一个人爱上一首歌或一支乐队。我敢肯定,这对每个人来说都不一样,但我认为让艺术家与粉丝产生联系的关键因素之一是真实性。)可知,作者认为只有保持真实的自己,艺术家才有可能赢得粉丝的喜欢。故选B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段 This experience als made me think abut what rle I wanted t play in the music industry.I knew by then that I didn't have the talent t be an artist myself.But I lved learning abut the music industry.I lved ding research n what makes an artist successful and why.When I listened t a new artist r saw a band play,l wanted t find ut what made them special,prtect it,and share it with the wrld.I eventually figured ut that managers are the nes wh are in the best psitin t achieve that.(这段经历也让我思考我想在音乐行业扮演什么样的角色。那时我知道我自己没有成为艺术家的天赋。但我喜欢学习音乐行业。我喜欢研究艺术家成功的原因。当我听一个新的艺术家或看乐队演出时,我想找出是什么让他们变得特别,保护他们,并与世界分享。我最终发现,管理者才是实现这一目标的最佳人选。)可知,作者是音乐行业里的人,而作者想让好的乐队和艺术家能够始终如一地保持真实,而能做到这一点的只有经理人。由此可知,作者其实就是个艺术经理。故选C。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Just a decade (十年) ag,nearly all Americans — mre than 85 percent f — paid fr packages f TV channels frm cable r satellite ( 卫 星) cmpanies.That started t drp slwly at first and then far mre quickly in the past few years.Nw,the share f American hmes that pay fr traditinal TV service is appraching 50 percent(就在十年前,几乎所有的美国人——超过85%的美国家庭——都从有线电视或卫星电视公司购买了电视频道套餐。这一数字起初开始缓慢下降,在过去几年里下降得更快。现在,为传统电视服务付费的美国家庭比例接近50%。)可知,第一段主要写有线电视的受欢迎程度正在下降。故选A。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第二段Maybe it seems predictable that cable TV wuld g the way f the landline.I prmise yu that it was nt necessarily bvius,even nce Netflix started t take ff.(也许可以预见的是,有线电视将走固定电话的道路。我向你保证,即使在Netflix开始腾飞的时候,这也不一定是显而易见的。)可见本段提到手机和固定电话。是为了表明有线电视的消失并不容易。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第四段Ian Olgeirsn,a research directr at Kagan wh has been fllwing America's TV market fr abut 20 years,tld me that he was surprised by hw quickly the mnthly cable bill went frm being standard t utdated fr many Americans.(Ian Olgeisn跟踪美国电视市场约20年,他告诉我,他对许多美国人每月的有线电视账单从标准到过时的速度感到惊讶。)可知,美国人很快就放弃了有线电视超出了Ian Olgeisn的预期。故选C。
    (4)标题归纳题。本文主要讨论了有线电视的衰落。作者也分享了自己的经历,从开始付高额电视费用,到几个月前决定取消有线电视服务。可以预见的是,有线电视将走固定电话的道路。A.Cable TV wn't be replaced by satellite TV有线电视不会被卫星电视取代;B.Cable TV brught jy t Americans有线电视给美国人带来了欢乐;C.Cable TV has existed fr decades有线电视已经存在了几十年;D.Cable TV is the new landline有线电视是新的固定电话。所以D选项符合本段的主旨。所以故选D。
    【解析】(1)联系下文题。根据下文Nazi lting (纳粹 掠 夺) during Wrld War Ⅱ led t the destructin f many prized Klimt wrks,including the Faculty Paintings:three enrmus scenes titled Philsphy,Medicine and Jurisprudence(第二次世界大战期间,纳粹的劫掠导致许多珍贵的克里姆特作品被毁,包括教师的画作:三幅巨大的场景,标题分别是哲学、医学和法学。)可知奥地利画家古斯塔夫•克里姆特的画并没有全部幸存下来。因此B.But nt all f Klimt's paintings survive tday(但是并非所有的克里姆特的画都保存到了今天)符合语境。故选B。
    (2)联系上文题。根据上文Thanks t machine learning,hwever,researchers have nw restred (恢复) histrical images f the Faculty Paintings t almst their riginal clrs(然而,由于机器学习,研究人员现在已经将教员画作的历史图像恢复到了几乎原始的颜色)可知我们现在可以看到原画了。因此G.That ffers viewers a sense f what Klimt's wrks lked like befre their destructin(这让观众对克里姆特的作品在被破坏前的样子有了一点了解)符合语境。故选G。
    (3)联系上文题。根据上文The data set included newspaper descriptins f the Faculty Paintings and 80 full-clr reprductins f Klimt paintings frm the same perid(数据集包括报纸上对教员画作的描述和80幅同一时期克里姆特画作的全彩复制品)可知这里还应该包含一些东西。因此C.It als included 1 millin pictures f the real wrld(它还包括100万张真实世界的照片)符合语境。故选C。
    (4)联系下文题。根据下文Fr example,ne might expect the starry sky featured in Klimt's Philsphy t be blue,but the AI-clred versin tends t be a little green,based partly n newspaper accunts that describe the painting's greenish clr.(例如,人们可能会认为克里姆特哲学中的星空是蓝色的,但人工智能颜色的版本倾向于有点绿色,部分是基于报纸上描述这幅画的绿色。)可知这让研究者惊讶。因此E.He says sme parts f the final paintings surprised the researchers(他说,最终画作的一些部分让研究人员感到惊讶)符合语境。故选E。
    (5)联系下文题。根据下文"We were able t clr Klimt's wrks even in places abut which we had n knwledge."("即使在我们不了解的地方,我们也能给克里姆特的作品上色.")可知我们可以通过机器学习做更多的事情。因此F.With machine learning,we can predict that Klimt used certain clrs(通过机器学习,我们可以预测克里姆特使用了某些颜色)符合语境。故选F。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.hiding躲藏;B.raising喂养;C.waiting等待;D.training训练。根据后文They then (4)the trut fingerlings (仔鱼) they'd been watching ver fr five mnths.可知然后,他们向已经照看了五个月的鳟鱼鱼种挥手告别。说明学生们从去年12月开始在教室里饲养的鳟鱼,终于可以放归自然环境了。故答案为B。
    (2)考查副词及语境理解。A.usually经常;B.prbably可能地;C.nearly几乎;D.finally最后。根据后文They then (4)the trut fingerlings (仔鱼) they'd been watching ver fr five mnths.可知然后,他们向已经照看了五个月的鳟鱼鱼种挥手告别。说明学生们从去年12月开始在教室里饲养的鳟鱼,终于可以放归自然环境了。故答案为D。
    (3)考查动词及语境理解。A.transprted运送;B.fllwed跟随;C.changed改变;D.saved拯救。根据空后them frm a big cntainer t a red plastic cup t the creek可知学生们小心翼翼地将它们从一个大容器中装进一个红色塑料杯,运到小溪边。故答案为A。
    (4)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.made up fr弥补;B.gt alng with与……相处;C.waved gdbye t向……挥手告别;D.tk advantage f利用。根据前文Third graders frm Wlfsville Elementary Schl spent Mnday afternn getting their hands dirty and their shes wet during an infrmative trut release可知周一下午,沃尔夫斯维尔小学三年级的学生在一次信息丰富的鳟鱼放生活动中弄脏了手,弄湿了鞋。说明他们向已经照看了五个月的鳟鱼鱼种挥手告别。故答案为C。
    (5)考查代词和形容词及语境理解。A.ne一个;B.next下一个;C.every每一个的;D.anther另一个。根据空后spring fr the past decade可知在过去的十年里,沃尔夫斯维尔小学每年春天都会放生鳟鱼,这是一项名为"教室中的鳟鱼"的国家计划的一部分,该计划为学生提供鳟鱼卵,让他们照顾并最终以鱼的形式放生到水中。故答案为C。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.prgram计划;B.park公园;C.team队伍;D.tur旅游。根据空后called "Trut in the Classrm"可知这是一项名为"教室中的鳟鱼"的国家计划的一部分。故答案为A。
    (7)考查动词(短语)及语境理解。A.play with和……玩;B.care fr照顾;C.clean打扫;D.eat吃。根据前文They then (4)the trut fingerlings (仔鱼) they'd been watching ver fr five mnths.可知然后,他们向已经照看了五个月的鳟鱼鱼种挥手告别。说明该计划为学生提供鳟鱼卵,让他们照顾并最终以鱼的形式放生到水中。故答案为B。
    (8)考查名词及语境理解。A.curses课程;B.tips建议;C.skills技能;D.tpics话题。根据空后such as water pH,animal lifecycles and envirnmental science,said Rebecca Butler,Wlfsville Elementary's third grade teacher可知沃尔夫斯维尔小学的三年级老师丽贝卡•巴特勒说,通过这种合作关系,学生们可以学习各种主题,比如水的pH值、动物的生命周期和环境科学。故答案为D。
    (9)考查动词及语境理解。A.fear害怕;B.learn学习,了解;C.dubt怀疑;D.shw展示。根据空后clean water is imprtant and (10)else is ging t take care f ur resurces,s they learn t care fr them可知希望他们知道干净的水是重要的,没有人会去保护我们的资源,所以他们学会去保护它们。故答案为B。
    (10)考查不定代词及语境理解。A.nbdy没有人;B.nthing没有事情;C.smebdy某个人;D.smething某件事情。根据下句s they learn t care fr them可知所以他们学会去保护它们。说明没有人会去保护我们的资源,故答案为A。
    (11)考查动词及语境理解。A.hated讨厌;B.frgt忘记;C.lved喜欢;D.remembered记住。根据前文Third graders frm Wlfsville Elementary Schl spent Mnday afternn getting their hands dirty and their shes wet during an infrmative trut release可知周一下午,沃尔夫斯维尔小学三年级的学生在一次信息丰富的鳟鱼放生活动中弄脏了手,弄湿了鞋。说明沃尔夫斯维尔小学三年级学生麦金娜•伊达尔戈(McKinna Hidalg)说,她喜欢让鳟鱼下水,看着它们游走,第一次见到它们是在产卵的时候。故答案为C。
    (13)考查名词及语境理解。A.eggs蛋;B.fishes鱼;C.friends朋友;D.strangers陌生人。根据前文Wlfsville Elementary has been ding a trut release (5)spring fr the past decade as part f a natinal (6)called "Trut in the Classrm",which prvides students with trut eggs t (7)and eventually release int water as fish.可知在过去的十年里,沃尔夫斯维尔小学每年春天都会放生鳟鱼,这是一项名为"教室中的鳟鱼"的国家计划的一部分,该计划为学生提供鳟鱼卵,让他们照顾并最终以鱼的形式放生到水中。说明沃尔夫斯维尔小学三年级学生麦金娜•伊达尔戈(McKinna Hidalg)说,她喜欢让鳟鱼下水,看着它们游走,第一次见到它们是在产卵的时候。故答案为A。
    (14)考查形容词及语境理解。A.ld旧的;B.wet湿的;C.lst丢失的;D.clean干净的。根据前文Third graders frm Wlfsville Elementary Schl spent Mnday afternn getting their hands dirty and their shes wet during an infrmative trut release可知周一下午,沃尔夫斯维尔小学三年级的学生在一次信息丰富的鳟鱼放生活动中弄脏了手,弄湿了鞋。说明她的袜子和鞋子都湿了,故答案为B。
    (15)考查名词及语境理解。A.glves手套;B.glasses眼镜;C.shes鞋;D.shrts短裤。根据前文Third graders frm Wlfsville Elementary Schl spent Mnday afternn getting their hands dirty and their shes wet during an infrmative trut release可知周一下午,沃尔夫斯维尔小学三年级的学生在一次信息丰富的鳟鱼放生活动中弄脏了手,弄湿了鞋。说明梅西脱下鞋子,倒掉所有的水,露出一个灿烂的笑容。故答案为C。
    【小题6】that / which
    【小题10】t express
    (4)考查动名词。句意:不管是什么,这首诗的主题都是值得一说的。根据固定搭配be wrth ding"值得做",可知用动名词,故填saying。
    (7)考查介词。句意:写一首以"我记得"开头的诗是把你的注意力集中在真正难忘的事情上的好方法。fcus ne's attentin n sth."专注于",为固定搭配,故填n。
    (9)考查代词。句意:是什么让他们与众不同?如何表达是关键。指代前面的tw pems,所以用名词复数,故填them。
    (10)考查动词不定式。句意:你需要分析的是诗人的写作方式,如果你是在写一首诗,如果你自己写一首诗,你必须选择适合你想表达的形式和词汇。want后跟动词不定式作宾语,故填t express。
    37.【答案】A Cking Cmpetitin Successfully HeldLast Saturday,a cking cmpetitin was successfully held at the schl hall.The cmpetitin lasted abut tw hurs,beginning frm 2:00 pm.【高分句型一】(活动时间和地点)
    During the first hur,students cked fd with the materials that they had prepared.After finishing cking,they presented their wrks t the judges and the audience.Sme cked delicius dumplings,while thers prepared fruit salad r sushi.Li Hua frm Class 1 Grade 2 wn first prize fr the perfect flavr f his dumplings.(活动过程及获奖情况)
    Thrugh this activity,students were given the chance t put their abilities int practice.(活动反响)
    【解析】高分句型一:The cmpetitin lasted abut tw hurs,beginning frm 2:00 pm.
    分析:本句使用了现在分词短语beginning frm 2:00 pm作状语。
    高分句型二:During the first hur,students cked fd with the materials that they had prepared.
    38.【答案】Paragraph 1:
    One day,the ballet trainer in her schl was late . Melanie was asked t keep an eye n the girls s that they wuld behave themselves.【高分句型一】Once inside the ballet rm,all her ld memries flded back,She culdn't cntrl herself anymre.She started f by teaching sme steps t the girls and then carried n dancing herself fr sme time.Unaware f the time and the peple arund her,Melanie was lst in her wn little dancing wrld.(Melanie照看学舞的女孩以及Melanie自己跳起舞)
    Paragraph 2:
    "What a perfrmance,Eve!Yu are a true ballerina!" said the ballet trainer entering the classrm.Hearing her vice,Melanie stpped dancing.【高分句型二】She was embarrassed t see the teacher in frnt f her and was at a lss fr wrds.This was the first time that smene had said she was a wnderful dancer.Then the teacher,wh was shcked t see Melanie's amazing skills,asked Melanie t visit a dance trainer with her.There has been n lking back fr Melanie since then.Tday,Melanie is a wrld-famus ballet dancer.(Melanie的舞蹈技能得到认可以及Melanie实现梦想)
    Melanie was asked t keep an eye n the girls s that they wuld behave themselves.
    分析:运用了s that引导的目的状语从句。
    Hearing her vice,Melanie stpped dancing.
    分析:运用了现在分词短语Hearing her vice作状语。

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