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    It can be really hard t learn a language well withut living in a cuntry full f native speakers! Yu have t find smething interesting! Here's the slutin: TV Series.
    Game f Thrnes
    Yu shuld really start watching it. The language is beautiful and easy t understand. Drama, lve and gd characters mark the shw and there are actrs frm all arund the wrld. Yu wn't knw what's ging t happen at the ending. This is a must-see!
    A British masterpiece. Is there any language learner wh has nt heard f Sherlck Hlmes and his friend Jhn Watsn? The writers placed the stries int Lndn in the 21st century, s it's basically a mdern versin f the riginal stries. Here yu have everything that an English language learner culd wish fr: British accents, gd acting, lng and interesting cnversatins with a lt f humur.
    Everybdy knws Friends, which culdn't be missed ff f this list. With many different accents t be heard and lts f dialects, this is the perfect shw fr English learners. The plt is relatively simple t understand. Six friends battle with tugh jbs, cmplicated relatinships and life in Manhattan, New Yrk. In parts f the shw there are als British accents t listen t and learn.
    Hw I Met Yur Mther
    It is ne f the mst successful situatin cmedies in the United States, attracting the audience all arund the wrld. It's abut the life f five friends that live in New Yrk, fcusing n their wrk and their favrite free time activity: sitting in their favrite bar. Yu get t knw many mdern American expressins and can enjy a lt f dialects that make the shw even mre interesting.
    1.Which f the fllwing has an unexpected ending?
    A. Friends.B. Sherlck.
    C. Games f Thrnes.D. Hw J Met Yur Mther.
    2.What can audience learn frm bth Sherlck and Friends?
    A. British accents.B. Humrus cnversatins.
    C. American dialects.D. Wnderful perfrmances.
    3.What d we knw abut Hw I Met Yur Mther?
    A. It is abut five American students.
    B. It attracts audience frm all ver the wrld.
    C. There are many frmal expressins in the shw.
    D. It's the nly successful sitcms in the United States.
    I was brn with a rare cnditin.Living with n hands and n feet has made me wh I am tday.
    My parents helped me develp tls t vercme my challenges.When I was tw,my dad decided that my family wuld stp helping me eat.He knew that ne day I'd live n my wn,s I'd have t lk after myself.I learned t eat with a spn,and then with a knife and frk.It gave me a huge sense f achievement.
    My darkest mment fell when I was 10.My family had mved frm Indiana t Gergia.In Indiana,friends treated me as nrmal.But in Gergia,it was different.I felt very aware f my disability.I wrried I'd have t live at hme frever.I felt hpeless abut the future.
    My wrld changed when I gt int sprts.I started playing ftball.Everything came tgether when I made my first tackle at age 11.It was my first real achievement.
    Everyne I played against was able-bdied.At first,I struggled.But I threw everything I had int learning t be the best player.I turned my lack f height int a weapn.
    Then I decided t start wrestling.I lst 35 games,but then I had a breakthrugh.I had an amazing cach wh helped me invent mves that tk advantage f my strength.My different bdy type was a psychlgical advantage-ppnents didn't knw hw t handle it.I eventually finished 12th in the103-pund weight class in the champinships.
    I keep ging in the face f difficulties.Instead f thinking abut the final gal,I fcus n the near future.I just figure ut hw t d the best I can with the next few feet in frnt f me.
    4.Why did the writer's father stp helping him eat? ______
    A. T push him t be mre independent.
    B. T let him get used t the new tls.
    C. T give him a sense f achievement.
    D. T prepare him fr his new life in Gergia.
    5.Hw was the writer's new life in Gergia at first? ______
    A. The writer gt help frm friends in Gergia.
    B. The writer felt anxius abut his life.
    C. The writer lived the same life as befre.
    D. The writer shwed great talent in sprts.
    6.Hw did the writer becme gd at wrestling? ______
    A. By training himself independently.
    B. By learning hw t better use his strength.
    C. By facing difficulties bravely.
    D. By learning frm different ppnents.
    7.Which f the fllwing statements is true abut the writer? ______
    A. He highly values the final gal.
    B. He fcuses n what's directly ahead.
    C. He cmplains a lt abut his misfrtune.
    D. He dreams big despite his disability.
    While ChatGPT answered a variety f questins raised by testers successfully,sme respnses were nticeably ff.In fact,Stack Overflw—a website fr prgrammers—didn't allw users t share infrmatin frm ChatGPT,saying that it's "harmful t the site and t users wh are asking r lking fr crrect answers."
    Beynd the issue f spreading incrrect infrmatin,the tl culd als be used t explain prblematic thughts,and as with all AI tls,spread biases (偏见) based n the pl f data n which it's trained.Typing smething invlving a CEO,fr example,culd aruse a respnse assuming that the individual is white and male,fr example.
    "While we've made effrts t make the mdel refuse unsuitable requests,it will smetimes respnd t harmful instructins r exhibit biased behavir," OpenAI,the cmpany that created ChatGPT,said n its website."We're using the Mderatin API t warn r stp certain types f unsafe cntent,but it still has sme false negatives and psitives fr nw.We're eager t cllect user feedback (反馈) t aid ur nging wrk t imprve this system."
    Still,Lian Jye Su,a research directr at market research cmpany ABI Research,warns the chatbt is perating "withut understanding the cntext f the language."
    "It is very easy fr ChatGPT t give plausible-sunding (听起来合理) but incrrect r senseless answers," he said."It guessed when it was suppsed t explain and smetimes respnded t harmful instructins r exhibited biased behavir.It als lacks reginal and cuntry-specific understanding."
    While ChatGPT is free,it des put a limit n the number f questins a user can raise befre having t pay.When Eln Musk,a c-funder f OpenAI,recently asked Altman n Twitter abut the average cst per ChatGPT chat,Altman said:"We will have t mnetize (货币化) it smehw at sme pint;the cmpute csts are eye-watering."
    8.Why des the authr mentin Stack Overflw? ______
    A. T tell hw narrw-minded it is.
    B. T reveal (揭露) the cmpetitin it has with ChatGPT.
    C. T shw the negative influence f ChatGPT.
    D. T indicate ChatGPT's strng ability.
    9.What is the 3 paragraph mainly abut? ______
    A. The prblem OpenAl is nw facing.
    B. The reasn fr the use f Mderatin API.
    C. The effrts OpenAI make fr imprvement.
    D. The success in slving OpenAI's prblem.
    10.Why des ChatGPT have prblems? ______
    A. It des nt d market research.
    B. It nly wrks thrugh guessing.
    C. It cannt respnd prperly based n cntexts.
    D. It hlds bias n all underdevelped regins.
    11.Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text? ______
    A. Is ChatGPT gd enugh?B. Hw t make full use f ChatGPT?
    C. ChatGPT:Mre Mney-saving.D. ChatGPT:Wave f the Future.
    The e-cmmerce cmpany that retailers(零售商)talk abut mst these days is neither Amazn,the American giant,nr Alibaba,China's biggest.It is Pindudu(PDD),a Chinese firm that started in 2015 as an nline fd supplier,but whse success has driven its market value abve ﹩200 bn.Last year it was China's fastest-grwing Internet stck,rising by 330%.
    PDD attracts attentin fr tw reasns.One is its business mdel.David Liu,vice-president f strategy,explains that it has drawn n the ppularity f smart phne in China t create an e-cmmerce experience in which peple club tgether t buy prducts frm rbt vacuum-cleaners t bananas.During the pandemic this has expanded int a fast-grwing business acrss thusands f twns and villages,in which PDD's users gather t buy lcal farm prduce at lw prices.Sme call this "cmmunity grup-buy" calls it "interactive(互动的)cmmerce".It is ne f the httest parts f the Chinese Internet.
    The secnd is the way PDD has brken the recrd f giants f nline shpping.Until a few years ag,China's e-cmmerce market seemed a tw-way cmpetitin between Alibaba and JD.cm,a cmpetitr platfrm.N lnger,Elinr Leung f CLSA,a brkerage(经纪公司),expects PDD's share f nline retail in China t g beynd that f JD in 2021.She expects the number f users ver Alibaba.And althugh PDD put a huge amunt f mney t lwer the prices f gds,ensuring the custmers frm prer parts f China easy access t its app,she thinks it may turn prfitable this year.
    Remarkably,the key t its success fcused n parts f the market they have been unable t reach instead f defeating its bigger cmpetitrs.Althugh nline sales f grceries have rcketed during the pandemic,less than a tenth f the 8.1 trn yuan (﹩1.25 trn) farm-prduce market is bught and sld digitally. "We are cntinuing t grw the pie," says Mr Liu.That lessn applies elsewhere t.Hwever,n matter hw a future market lks,there is pprtunity fr new nline businesses because e-cmmerce is at an early stage f develpment.
    12.What des the underlined "club tgether" mean in Paragraph 2 ? ______
    A. Share the expenses.B. Have a club tgether.
    C. Buy smething in grups.D. Interact with each ther.
    13.What mainly makes PDD g ff with a bang? ______
    A. Ensuring easy access t the app.
    B. Explring new markets.
    C. Lwering the price f gds.
    D. Cmpeting with giants f nline shpping.
    14.Which f the fllwing may Elinr Leung agree with? ______
    A. E-cmmerce has yet t be develped fully.
    B. PDD may end up making prfits this year.
    C. PDD is China's fastest-grwing largest Internet business.
    D. PDD's share f nline retail in China has gne beynd that f JD in 2021.
    15.What's Mr Liu's attitude twards the future e-cmmerce? ______
    A. Negative.B. Causal.C. Psitive.D. Objective.
    Many peple think f sharks as dangerus mnsters.But human beings cause a far greater danger t them than they d t us.Althugh shark attacks d ccur,they are quite rare.Accrding t ne estimate,hwever,humans kill 100 millin sharks every year.(1) ______
    Why shuld we save the sharks?
    Sharks take up the tp psitin n the fd chain in the cean.As sharks die ff,the ppulatin f the animals that sharks cnsume will increase.This,in turn,means that the number f the creatures thse animals eat will drp.(2) ______ Fish that eat algae(藻类)are als included.This can cause algae t spread s much that it damages cral reefs.
    ( 3) ______ The cean nt nly prduces mre xygen than all the rainfrests n Earth cmbined,but als remves half f the man-made greenhuse gas frm the atmsphere.Once sharks die ff,the glbal ecsystem will be upset,affecting all creatures including human beings.
    Dn't use shark prducts
    First,vitamin energy drinks and leather gds can be made frm shark parts.(4) ______ In additin,shark meat is sld arund the wrld,smetimes under misleading names such as rck salmn r whitefish.
    Shark fin sup is a ppular dish.Hwever,the prcess f getting fins is cruel.Fishermen cut the shark's fins ff and then thrw the shark back int the water,still alive.(5) ______ Sharks breathe by swimming,s ả shark that can't swim will die.
    A.It is time fr children t learn abut sharks.
    B.Shark il is als used in many ppular beauty prducts.
    C.Then the shark dies slwly,smetimes ver several days.
    D.Actually,the killing f sharks will affect the whle planet.
    E.Peple in sme cuntries are especially keen n shark prducts.
    F.Amng them are sme sea fish that humans cnsume every day.
    G.This number is a warning that many kinds f sharks may die ut.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    This was my first year teaching in a special needs schl.I was uncertain what t (1) ______ at ur annual Special Sprts Meeting.My students had different (2) ______ ,frm mild learning disabilities t severe brain diseases.
    Mark was ne with the latter,limited t a (3) ______ Hwever,he (4) ______ greeted everyne with huge smiles.His classmates lved him and ften tk their time t make sure f his participatin in grup activities,especially Mike,Andy and Lucas,all (5) ______ at sprts.Mark imagined being like them.Watching and cheering fr their elegant (6) ______ n the playgrund seemed t fill him with wnder.
    The big day came at last and the final (7) ______ was the 400-meter race.Everyne was invited t (8) ______ accrding t their wn ability.Mike,Andy and Lucas (9) ______ t prve wh the best athlete was.But when they reached the finish line they paused and lked behind them.At the back,determined nt t be left behind,was Mark,( 10) ______ n the track in his wheelchair with half the distance left t (11) ______ .Lking at each ther,a (12) ______ thught passing between them.Slwly,they jgged back twards their friend,( 13) ______ him n as he had dne fr them befre.
    The prgress was (14) ______ ,but eventually they crssed the finish line tgether t the cries f their teachers and classmates.I came t understand what makes the Special Sprts Meeting s (15) ______ .
    21.A. expectB. teachC. describeD. cnsider
    22.A. gradesB. challengesC. knwledgeD. wishes
    23.A. classrmB. playgrundC. wheelchairD. library
    24.A. neverB. seldmC. smetimesD. always
    25.A. prB. satisfiedC. excellentD. disappinted
    26.A. behavirB. cnversatinC. sprtswearD. mvement
    27.A. resultB. eventC. ceremnyD. celebratin
    28.A. participateB. welcmeC. watchD. bserve
    29.A. gave utB. brke ffC. set utD. shwed ff
    30.A. afraidB. alneC. aliveD. awake
    31.A. cverB. findC. keepD. run
    32.A. strangeB. nrmalC. creativeD. silent
    33.A. pushingB. mvingC. cheeringD. driving
    34.A. wrthwhileB. slwC. excitingD. painful
    35.A. interestingB. prfessinalC. challengingD. extrardinary
    Experiences are acquired thrugh ur jurney in life;we chse and create ur beliefs,fears and pinins (1) ______ (base) n all ur experiences in life.Even thugh things and life are the way they are,we all have different pinins abut everything and everybdy.Other peple have pinins abut us t.But (2) ______ really matters is the pinin we have abut (3) ______ (we).Yu either chse t accept and fllw what ther peple believe (4) ______ decide t be yurself and live accrding t the reality f life.
    ( 5) ______ living life as it is and being yurself,yu create an image abut yurself.It is extremely imprtant (6) ______ (understand) hw this image,created by yur beliefs and imaginatin,directs and influences yur (7) ______ (grw).This image (8) ______ yu create abut yurself determines wh yu are and hw yu feel;it determines hw successful yu becme in life.Everything starts in the mind.If yu really want t accmplish yur dreams,imagine yurself (9) ______ (live) the life yu want,believe in yurself and be (10) ______ (cnfidence)!It desn't matter hw bad r difficult the circumstances may lk like.In shrt,yu are as happy r sad as yu see yurself.
    37.假定你是李华,上周你校邀请外教Jacksn做了一场关于如何建立良好的人际关系"Hw t build up gd interpersnal relatinships"的讲座,请你给他写一封感谢信,
    (1)写作词数应为 80 左右;
    Dear Jacksn,
    Yurs, Li Hua
    "Surprise!" was the first thing I heard when I pened the dr.My family and friends were all smiling at me.There were clrful ballns all ver the huse,a big pster saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY",and f curse a cake with 12 candles.It was a wnderful feeling.I knew that I had finally turned twelve and I might pssibly get the thing I wanted mst.
    I saw my mm and dad cming twards me with a small bx which seemed t be a birthday present.When I pened the bx,I culdn't believe my eyes.I had really gtten a mbile phne!Thrwing myself int their arms,I let ut a cry f jy, "Thank yu!I lve yu guys!"
    "Yu're welcme.We knew this was ging t make yu happy but we didn't nly get yu this because yu turned twelve,but als because yu are ding well in schl.We expect yu t keep getting gd grades."
    "Of curse I will." I said cnfidently.
    As sn as I gt t schl the next mrning,I was shwing ff my phne and asking everyne fr their number.It was cl hw I gt s many cntacts n the first day.
    It felt like I didn't even exist in that class anymre.I wuldn't pay much attentin t the teachers because I was t busy n my phne.Hwever,I didn't get caught using it.
    I am pretty sure that the teacher did ntice that I stpped paying attentin t her because a week later we tk a test and I failed.What was wrse,my mm had t sign the test.
    It was hard t shw my mm the test.She was used t seeing A's and B's n my tests.Finally,I shwed it t her,and she culdn't believe it.She was angry but mst f all,she was disappinted.
    Paragraph 1:
    Realizing the reasn fr my failure,my parents started t dislike the fact that I had a phne._________ Paragraph 2:
    Then I started t wnder if I was wrng.
    1. 根据Game f Thrnes部分的Yu wn't knw what's ging t happen at the ending.(你不会知道结局会发生什么。)可知,Game f Thrnes的结局无法预料。故选C。
    2. 根据Sherlck部分的Here yu have everything that an English language learner culd wish fr: British accents, gd acting, lng and interesting cnversatins with a lt f humur.(在这里,你拥有英语学习者所希望的一切:英式口音,精彩的表演,充满幽默的长而有趣的对话。)和Friends部分的In parts f the shw there are als British accents t listen t and learn.(在节目的部分内容中,也有英式口音可以听和学习。)可知,在这两部剧里都可以学到英式口音。故选A。
    3. 根据Hw I Met Yur Mther部分的It is ne f the mst successful situatin cmedies in the United States, attracting the audience all arund the wrld.(它是美国最成功的情景喜剧之一,吸引了世界各地的观众。)可知,Hw I Met Yur Mther这部剧吸引了世界各地的观众。故选B。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第二段中When I was tw,my dad decided that my family wuld stp helping me eat.He knew that ne day I'd live n my wn,s I'd have t lk after myself. (在我两岁的时候,我爸爸决定我的家人不再给我喂饭了。他知道有一天我得靠自己生活,所以我得自己照顾自己)可知,父母不再喂作者吃饭是为了让他更独立。故选A。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第三段中My family had mved frm Indiana t Gergia.In Indiana,friends treated me as nrmal.But in Gergia,it was different.I felt very aware f my disability.I wrried I'd have t live at hme frever.I felt hpeless abut the future.(我最黑暗的时刻出现在我十岁的时候。我家从印第安纳州搬到了乔治亚州。在印第安纳州,朋友们像对待正常人一样对待我。但在乔治亚州,情况就不同了。我很清楚自己的残疾。我担心我会永远住在家里。我对未来感到绝望)可知,作者对他在乔治亚州的新生活感到担忧。故选B项。
    (3)推理判断题。根据倒数第二段I had an amazing cach wh helped me invent mves that tk advantage f my strength. (我有个很棒的教练,他帮助我发明了一些可以利用我力量的动作)可知,作者通过学习如何更好地利用自己的力量变得擅长择跤。故选B项。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段I just figure ut hw t d the best I can with the next few feet in frnt f me. (我只是知道如何在接下来的几英尺内,尽我所能做到最好)可知,作者对生活的态度是专注做好眼前的事。故选B项。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第一段In fact,Stack Overflw — a Q&;A website fr cders and prgrammers — didn't allw users t share infrmatin frm ChatGPT,saying that it's "harmful t the site and t users wh are asking r lking fr crrect answers."(事实上,Stack Overflw--一个面向程序员和程序员的问答网站--不允许用户分享来自ChatGPT的信息,称这"对网站和询问或寻找正确答案的用户有害"。)可知,作者提及Stack Overflw是想表明ChatGPT对一些寻找正确答案的用户有负面影响。故选C。
    (2)段落大意题。根据第三段"While we've made effrts t make the mdel refuse unsuitable requests,it will smetimes respnd t harmful instructins r exhibit biased behavir," OpenAI,the cmpany that created ChatGPT,said n its website."We're using the Mderatin API t warn r stp certain types f unsafe cntent,but it still has sme false negatives and psitives fr nw.We're eager t cllect user feedback (反馈) t aid ur nging wrk t imprve this system."("开发ChatGPT的OpenAI公司在其网站上表示:"虽然我们已经努力让模型拒绝不合适的请求,但它有时会对有害的指令做出反应或表现出偏见行为。""我们正在使用适度API来警告或阻止某些类型的不安全内容,但目前它仍然有一些误报和误报。我们渴望收集用户反馈,以帮助我们不断改进这一系统。")可知,第三段主要讲到OpenAI现在面临的问题。故选A。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第四段Still,Lian Jye Su,a research directr at market research cmpany ABI Research,warns the chatbt is perating "withut understanding the cntext f the language. "(尽管如此,市场研究公司ABI research的研究总监苏连杰警告说,聊天机器人的操作"没有理解语言的上下文"。)可知,ChatGPT这种聊天机器人会出现问题主要是因为它们没有彻底了解上下文,所以不能做出正确的反应。C.It cannt respnd prperly based n cntexts.(它不能根据上下文做出适当的反应。)故选C。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据第一段While ChatGPT answered a variety f questins raised by testers successfully,sme respnses were nticeably ff.(虽然ChatGPT成功地回答了测试人员提出的各种问题,但有些回答明显不正确。)可知,本篇文章主要讲述ChatGPT所带来的问题和造成问题的原因,所以表明ChatGPT实际上并没有那么好,用疑问句可以引出文章话题,吸引读者。故文章最好的标题是A.Is ChatGPT gd enugh?(ChatGPT足够好吗?)故选A。
    1. 根据第二段的"During the pandemic this has expanded int a fast-grwing business acrss thusands f twns and vllages,in which PDD's users gather t buy lcal farm prduce at lw prices. (在疫情期间,这已发展成为一项快速增长的业务,遍及数千个城镇和村庄,拼多多的用户聚集在这里以低价购买当地农产品。) "可知,人们在拼多多上购买商品时是以一起购买即"团购"的方式进行的。由此推知,划线词club tgether的意思是"一起购买(团购)。"故选C。
    2. 根据最后一段的"Remarkably,the key t its success fcused n parts f the market they have been unable t reach instead f defeating its bigger cmpetitrs. (值得注意的是,该公司成功的关键是专注于他们(阿里巴巴和京东)无法触及的部分市场,而不是击败更大的竞争对手。)"可推知,拼多多的成功主要是因为开辟了新的市场。故选B。
    3. 根据倒数第二段的" And althugh PDD put a huge amunt f mney t lwer the prices f gds,ensuring the custmers frm prer parts f China easy access t its app,she thinks it may turn prfitable this year.(尽管拼多多投入了大量资金来降低商品价格,确保中国贫困地区的消费者能够方便地使用其应用程序,但她认为该公司今年可能会盈利。)"可知,Elinr Leung认为拼多多今年会盈利。故选B。
    4. 根据最后一段的"Hwever,n matter hw a future market lks,there is pprtunity fr new nline businesses because e-cmmerce is at an early stage f develpment.(然而,不管未来的市场如何,新的在线业务都有机会,因为电子商务还处于发展的早期阶段。)"可推知,Mr Liu对于电子商务的未来是乐观的。A.Negative.消极的;B.Causal.漫不经心的;C.Psitive.积极的;D.Objective.客观的。故选C。
    【解析】(1)G.细节理解题。根据上文Althugh shark attacks d ccur,they are quite rare.Accrding t ne estimate,hwever,humans kill 100 millin sharks every year.(虽然鲨鱼袭击事件确实发生,但却非常罕见,然而,据估计,人类每年杀死1亿只鲨鱼。)可知,人类每年杀死1亿只鲨鱼,下文"Why shuld we save the sharks?(为什么我们应该保护鲨鱼。)提到我们应该保护鲨鱼,所以G选项This number is a warning that many kinds f sharks may die ut."这个数字是一个警告,许多种类的鲨鱼可能会灭绝"符合语境,G项中"This number"指代上文的"100 millin",故选G项。
    (2)F.语境衔接题。上文As sharks die ff,the ppulatin f the animals that sharks cnsume will increase.This,in turn,means that the number f the creatures thse animals eat will drp.(随着鲨鱼的死亡,鲨鱼所食用的动物的数量将会增加。反过来,这就意味着这些动物吃的生物数量会减少。)提到鲨鱼数量减少会使其引以为食的动物数量增加,这些动物引以为食的生物数量就会减少,结合下文"Fish that eat algae (藻类) are als included.(吃藻类的鱼也包括在内)"中的als可知,空处应是提到数量减少的生物包括哪些,F项Amng them are sme sea fish that humans cnsume every day."其中有一些是人类每天食用的海鱼"符合语境,F项中的"them"指代上文的"the creatures",故选F项。
    (3)D.段落主旨题。根据下文The cean nt nly prduces mre xygen than all the rainfrests n Earth cmbined,but als remves half f the man-made greenhuse gas frm the atmsphere.Once sharks die ff,the glbal ecsystem will be upset,affecting all creatures including human beings.(海洋不仅产生的氧气比地球上所有热带雨林的总和还要多,而且还从大气中消除了一半的人为温室气体。一旦鲨鱼灭绝,全球生态系统将被破坏,影响到包括人类在内的所有生物。)可知,本段是讲述鲨鱼数量减少对全球的影响,D项Actually,the killing f sharks will affect the whle planet."事实上,捕杀鲨鱼会影响到整个地球"统领本段,符合语境。故选D项。
    (4)B.推理判断题。根据上文First,vitamin energy drinks and leather gds can be made frm shark parts.(首先,鲨鱼的部分可以制成维生素能量饮料和皮革制品)"及下文"In additin,shark meat is sld arund the wrld,smetimes under misleading names such as rck salmn r whitefish.(此外,鲨鱼肉在世界各地销售,有时会被冠以误导性的名字,如岩鲑或白鱼。)可知,本段是描述鲨鱼制品,B项Shark il is als used in many ppular beauty prducts."鲨鱼油也被用于许多流行的美容产品中"符合语境,故选B项。
    (5)C.语境衔接题。根据上文Fishermen cut the shark's fins ff and then thrw the shark back int the water,still alive.(渔民割下鲨鱼的鱼鳍,然后把还活着的鲨鱼扔回水中。)可知,被割掉鱼鳍的鲨鱼被扔回海里,再结合下文Sharks breathe by swimming,s a shark that can't swim will die.(鲨鱼通过游泳呼吸,所以不会游泳的鲨鱼会死亡。)可知,没有鱼鳍的鲨鱼不会游泳,所以几天就会死亡,C项Then the shark dies slwly,smetimes ver several days.
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.expect期待;B.teach教;C.describe描述;D.cnsider考虑。句意:我不确定在我们的年度特殊运动会上会有什么期待。根据下文"My students had different(2),frm mild learning disabilities t severe brain diseases."可知,作者的学生有一系列的问题,从轻微的学习障碍到严重的脑部疾病,因此作者不知道在特奥会上有什么可以期待的。故选A项。
    (2)考查名词及语境理解。A.grades年级;B.challenges挑战;C.knwledge知识;D.wishes希望。句意:我的学生面临着不同的挑战,从轻微的学习障碍到严重的脑部疾病。根据下文"frm mild learning disabilities t severe brain diseases."可知,作者的学生有很多问题,因此学生面临着不同的挑战。故选B项。
    (3)考查名词及语境理解。A.classrm教室;B.playgrund操场;C.wheelchair轮椅;D.library图书馆。句意:马克是后者的一员,只能坐轮椅。根据下文"(10)n the track in his wheelchair"可知,此处为马克是后者的一员,只能坐轮椅。故选C项。
    (4)考查副词及语境理解。A.never从不;B.seldm很少;C.smetimes有时候;D.always总是。句意:然而,他总是以灿烂的笑容迎接每一个人。根据下文"His classmates lved him"可推知,此处为他总是以灿烂的笑容迎接每一个人。故选D项。
    (5)考查形容词及语境理解。A.pr穷的;B.satisfied满意的;C.excellent优秀的;D.disappinted失望的。句意:他的同学都很喜欢他,经常花时间确保他参加小组活动,尤其是迈克、安迪和卢卡斯,他们都很擅长运动。根据下文"Mark imagined being like them."可知,马克想象自己像他们一样,说明他们在体育方面很擅长。故选C项。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.behavir行为;B.cnversatin对话;C.sprtswear运动装;D.mvement动作。句意:看着他们在操场上优雅的动作,为他们欢呼,似乎让他充满了惊奇。根据句意以该句中的"n the playgrund"可知,此处为看着他们在操场上优雅的动作。故选D项。
    (7)考查名词及语境理解。A.result结果;B.event项目;C.ceremny仪式;D.celebratin庆祝。句意:大日子终于来了,最后一个项目是400米赛跑。根据句意以及该句中的"the 400-meter race"可知,此处为最后一个项目是400米赛跑。故选B项。
    (8)考查动词及语境理解。A.participate参加;B.welcme欢迎;C.watch观看;D.bserve观察。句意:每个人都被邀请根据自己的能力参加。根据上文"Everyne was invited t"可知,是每个人都被邀请参加。故选A项。
    (9)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.gave ut分发;B.brke ff中断;C.set ut开始做;D.shwed ff炫耀。句意:迈克,安迪和卢卡斯开始证明谁是最好的运动员。根据句意以及该句中的"t prve wh the best athlete was."可推知,此处为迈克,安迪和卢卡斯开始证明谁是最好的运动员。故选C项。
    (10)考查形容词及语境理解。A.afraid害怕的;B.alne独自的;C.alive活着的;D.awake醒着的。句意:排在后面的是马克,他决心不落在后面,独自坐在轮椅上,还有一半的距离要走。根据上文"At the back,determined nt t be left behind,"可知,此处为排在后面的是马克,他决心不落在后面,独自坐在轮椅上。故选B项。
    (11)考查动词及语境理解。A.cver行走(一段路程);B.find发现;C.keep保持;D.run跑步。句意:排在后面的是马克,他决心不落在后面,独自坐在轮椅上,还有一半的距离要走。根据句意以及该句中的"with half the distance left t"可知,此处为他决心不落在后面,独自坐在轮椅上,还有一半的距离要走。故选A项。
    (12)考查形容词及语境理解。A.strange奇怪的;B.nrmal正常的;C.creative有创造力的;D.silent沉默的。句意:彼此看着对方,一个无声的思想在他们之间传递。根据上文"Lking at each ther"可知,他们没说话,只是彼此望着,因此是一种沉默的思想在他们之间传递。故选D项。
    (13)考查动词及语境理解。A.pushing推;B.mving移动;C.cheering欢呼;D.driving开车。句意:他们慢慢地跑回朋友身边,为他加油,就像他以前为他们加油一样。根据下文"as he had dne fr them befre."以及第六空前的"Watching and cheering fr their elegant"可知,此处是说"为他加油"。故选C项。
    (14)考查形容词及语境理解。A.wrthwhile值得的;B.slw慢的;C.exciting令人激动的;D.painful痛苦的。句意:虽然进展缓慢,但在老师和同学的呼喊中,他们最终一起冲过了终点线。根据上文"Slwly,they jgged back twards their friend"以及马克是坐轮椅可知,他们的进程很慢。故选B项。
    (15)考查形容词及语境理解。A.interesting有趣的;B.prfessinal专业的;C.challenging有挑战性的;D.extrardinary非凡的。句意:我开始明白是什么让特殊运动会如此不同寻常。根据上下文语境以及"I came t understand…"可推知,此处为我开始明白是什么让特殊运动会如此不同寻常。故选D项。
    【小题6】t understand
    【解析】(1)考查过去分词。句意:我们根据生活中的所有经历来选择和创造我们的信念、恐惧和观点。短语be based n表示"以……为基础",此处省略be动词,用过去分词做后置定语。故填based。
    (4)考查连词。句意:你要么选择接受和追随别人的信仰,要么决定做你自己,按照现实生活的方式生活。either ...是固定搭配,意为"要么……要么……"。故填r。
    (6)考查动词不定式。句意:理解这个由你的信念和想象力创造的形象如何指导和影响你的成长是极其重要的。此处为固定句型"It is+adj+t d sth.",不定式作真正的主语,it作形式主语。故填t understand。
    (9)考查动名词。句意:如果你真的想实现你的梦想,想象你自己过着你想要的生活,相信自己,自信!结合句意表示"想象自己做某事",imagine sb/neself ding sth.。故填living。
    37.【答案】 Dear Jacksn,
    Hw's everything?I am Li Hua,a student wh attended the lecture yu delivered last Friday.【高分句型一】I'm writing t tell yu hw much I learned frm it and cnvey my gratitude.(表达感谢)
    Yur lecture n "Hw t build up healthy interpersnal relatinships" featured slutins t prblems students face every day with each ther.【高分句型二】I learned that maintaining psitive relatinships requires mutual understanding,respect and trust.I applied this knwledge t reslving a quarrel with my rmmate wh had ignred me fr a week.In yur next lecture I am expecting t learn mre abut being n gd terms with family members.(总结收获)
    Once again,thank yu fr yur enlightening/instructive/helpful lecture,and hpefully I will see yu in the near future!(你的期待)
    Yurs sincerely, Li Hua
    【解析】 高分句型一 I am Li Hua,a student wh attended the lecture yu delivered last Friday.
    高分句型二 Yur lecture n "Hw t build up healthy interpersnal relatinship" featured slutins t prblems students face every day with each ther.
    38.【答案】Realizing the reasn fr my failure,my parents started t dislike the fact that I had a phne.They said they had nticed that I never paid attentin t them.It was like I had my wn little wrld.S they thught we didn't cmmunicate as much with my phne.They regretted having given me a phne,which made me ignre the family and study. ​【高分句型一】(作者的父母发现作者有手机之后的一些变化和感受)
    Then I started t wnder if I was wrng.A week later I tried ging a whle day withut a phne and it didn't g that badly.I had s much fun because I was actually spending time with my family and paying attentin t them.【高分句型二】Frm that day,I had a different pinin twards phnes.Phnes really take yu away frm the rest f the wrld.I' m nt saying that phnes are bad and nt t use them,but yu d have t spare sme time t spend with yur family and nt get stuck with yur phne all day.(作者反思自己的行为后,开始放下手机,做出改变)
    高分句型一:They regretted having given me a phne,which made me ignre the family and study. ​
    高分句型二:I had s much fun because I was actually spending time with my family and paying attentin t them.

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