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    1.(0.5分)My brther likes basketball very much.Ya Ming is_______favurite basketball star.( )
    2.(0.5分)China's Shenzhu﹣16 astrnauts cmpleted their tasks very well and returned t Earth safely________Octber 31,2023.( )
    3.(0.5分)﹣﹣﹣Mr.Smith,_______ is the new bridge?
    ﹣﹣﹣Oh,let me see!It's abut 800 metres.( )
    A.hw ldB.hw lngC.hw muchD.hw ften
    4.(0.5分)Taxi Apps(打车软件) can help us travel arund mre easily, mre and mre peple like using them.( )
    5.(0.5分)﹣﹣What d yu think f the film yu saw yesterday?
    ﹣﹣Oh.It's ne f __________ films I've ever seen.( )
    B.mre interesting
    C.mst interesting
    D.the mst interesting
    6.(0.5分)—Must I finish the jb this Friday?
    —N,yu ________.Yu can finish it next Mnday.( )
    7.(0.5分)—Yu lk s happy.What happened?
    —I______an A in my English exam yesterday.( )
    C.will getD.am getting
    8.(0.5分)—Peter,what were yu ding at this time last night?
    —I________my mther prepare the dinner at that time.( )
    A.helpB.will help
    C.was helpingD.am helping
    9.(0.5分)We________a gardening class next week and we'll learn hw t beautify ur schl.( )
    A.haveB.will have
    C.hadD.are having
    10.(0.5分)—Is yur sister a teacher,Mary?
    —Yes,she________in Beijing Academy since 2013.( )
    A.wrkedB.is wrking
    C.will wrkD.has wrked
    11.(0.5分)Nwadays,the prgram China in the Classics n CCTV becmes ppular and it________by mre and mre peple.( )
    C.was watchedD.is watched
    12.(0.5分)—D yu knw_________n weekends?I'd like t g there with my friends this weekend.
    —Yes,I d.It pens at 8:00 a.m.( )
    A.when the Natinal Museum pens
    B.when des the Natinal Museum pen
    C.when the Natinal Museum pened
    D.when did the Natinal Museum pen
    二、完形填空,阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
    13.(8分)As a child,Liu Wenwen didn't like suna,a "lud" traditinal Chinese musical instrument.Hwever,she was brn int a suna family and was made t learn suna at the age f three.
    Liu said her heart was full f (1) t learn the instrument at that time because her classmates at primary schl laughed at her,saying her whle family played nly fr weddings (婚礼) and funerals (葬礼).Even thugh nt happy,she gt up at 4 day and (2) the instrument utside in a park.
    It wasn't until 2008 that she first fund suna music amazing.That was when she entered the Shanghai Cnservatry f Music t learn the instrument frm Liu Ying,a prfessr (教授) and tp player. "The music was played (3) by the prfessr,and different frm what I had heard befre," she said.That's when she shwed her true (4) fr suna.In 2020,she became the first suna player t study fr a dctr's degree.
    Nw she is a teacher in Shanghai.She lves exchanging ideas abut suna playing skills with her students. "It's wnderful t see the yunger generatin (5) the respnsibility f passing n this cultural traditin." Liu is glad t see suna music get its (6) amng the yung,which is cmpletely different frm the situatin in her childhd.
    On scial media,Liu is ften fllwed by a vide f her live perfrmance at a cncert in Sydney,Australia.Frm the vides,suna is knwn t the wrld.It (7) Westerners t hear such lud,unfamiliar and clrful music. "I feel my hard wrk has paid ff.I have trained fr ver 20 years,prbably just t win cheers and applause fr traditinal Chinese music n the (8) stage," she said.
    四、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
    15.(6分)Arund 5 August 26,ne﹣year﹣ld dg Axel tried t wake up Amanda and Daines t warn them f their sn's cnditin.The cuple thught that he nly wanted t g ut s they ignred (忽视) him.Hwever,the dg did nt give up until the cuple gt ut f bed.The dg led them t the bedrm f their sn Gabriel where they fund him unable t mve and even culdn't speak.The cuple rushed him t the hspital immediately.
    The dctr said Gabriel suffered frm a serius strke (中风).Luckily,he was sent t the dctr in time,r he wuld have had a wrse result.
    After a week in the hspital,Gabriel is nw getting better and is lking frward t ging back t his nrmal life.And what he wants t d mst is t thank his dg fr saving his life.
    "Axel has always been very clever," Gabriel said. "He can tell when smething is wrng—like if we are feeling dwn r stressed—and he des his best t fix the prblem."
    Because f Axel,Gabriel is nt nly talking and walking again but is als clse t healing cmpletely.
    He and his family are very thankful fr having such a smart and prtective dg.After he went back hme,the dg is tasked with fllwing Gabriel everywhere. "He's nw sleeping with Gabriel mre and Gabriel's drs are pen s he can g in and ut.He's always been very sensitive t everything and everybdy's emtins at hme," Amanda said.
    Gabriel and Axel's stry is nt the first stry f a dg's heric act.Many times,dgs have prved their lyalty (忠诚) t humans by saving their lives and we humans shuld cnsider them as family members as well.
    (1)Why did Axel try t wake up Amanda and Daines?
    A.Because Gabriel felt stressed in the mrning.
    B.Because Gabriel failed t pen the dr fr Axel.
    C.Because Axel needed t g ut t play with the cuple.
    D.Because Axel wanted t warn the cuple f their sn's cnditin.
    (2)In the hspital,Gabriel wants t thank Axel fr .
    A.saving his life
    B.fixing the prblem
    C.helping him walk again
    D.fllwing him everywhere
    (3)Accrding t the passage,we knw the dg Axel is .
    A.smart and lyal
    B.sensitive and curius
    C.prtective but nisy
    D.clever but naughty
    16.(6分)Parkinsn's disease ( 帕金森病) is the secnd mst cmmn neurdegenerative (神经退行性) disease wrldwide.It affects abut 1% t 2% f peple aged 65 and ver.As the glbal ppulatin ages,the prevalence ( 流行率) f Parkinsn's disease will increase greatly.
    Nwadays,mre than 6 millin peple wrldwide have Parkinsn's disease,and there are abut 60,000 new patients each year.
    A recent study was carried ut by Shanghai Jia Tng University Schl f Medicine.The study mnitred the health f hundreds f Parkinsn's patients fr up t five years.They studied tw grups f peple.One grup f 147 peple practised regular (有规律的) tai chi,aided by training class t imprve their technique.The traditinal Chinese exercise cmbines slw gentle mvements with deep breathing and relaxatin.The ther grup f 187 patients cntinued with their cmmn care,but didn't practise tai chi.
    After five years f study,the researchers find that Parkinsn's disease prgressed mre slwly in the tai chi grup.This grup als saw fewer falls,less back pain and fewer memry prblems than the ther grup.At the same time,sleep and quality f life cntinuusly imprved.An earlier test f peple with Parkinsn's wh practised tai chi fr six mnths fund greater imprvements in walking,psture (姿态) and balance than thse nt n the prgramme.Experts say the findings supprt earlier studies n the benefits f exercise fr thse with Parkinsn's.
    Writing in the Jurnal f Neurlgy Neursurgery and Psychiatry,researchers say their study shws that tai chi has the lng﹣term beneficial effects n Parkinsn's disease,which include making quality f life last lnger,reducing the task n nursing care and drug (药物) use,while still helping t keep patients active.Tai chi has a ptential imprvement effect n bth mtr and nn﹣mtr symptms in Parkinsn's disease patients.They als find that tai chi training is safe fr patients with early primary Parkinsn's disease.
    This was an bservatinal ( 观察性的) study,s the relatinship between tai chi and imprvement in Parkinsn's disease culd nt be sure.But the researchers will cntinue t study it.
    (1)The secnd paragraph mainly talks abut .
    A.the backgrund f the study
    B.the purpse f the study
    C.the prcess f the study
    D.the result f the study
    (2)What d yu knw abut tai chi frm the bservatinal study?
    A.Parkinsn's disease prgressed quickly fr the tai chi grup.
    B.Tai chi can take the place f drug use fr Parkinsn's patients.
    C.Parkinsn's patients can benefit a lt frm ding tai chi regularly.
    D.It's unsafe fr early primary Parkinsn's patients t practice tai chi.
    (3)What is the writer's main purpse in writing this passage?
    A.T explain hw Parkinsn's patients practice tai chi.
    B.T discuss abut the imprtance f studying Parkinsn's disease.
    C.T suggest sme prper ways f imprving peple's quality f life.
    D.T intrduce a study abut the influence f tai chi n Parkinsn's disease.
    17.(8分)Everyne wants t be attractive t thers.T that end,having a gd persnality is quite imprtant—prbably even mre s than gd lks.In fact,mst f yur success and happiness will be a result f hw well yu interact ( 互动) with thers.Therefre,it is yur persnality that leads t whether peple are attracted t,r shy away frm yu.
    While we can nly change ur lks t a certain degree,we can imprve ur persnality as much as we want.We can develp r integrate (整合) any characteristic we think fitting and agreeable int ur persnalities.
    One way is t listen t thers attentively.Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was cnsidered ne f the mst charming wmen in the wrld because she frmed the skill f being an excellent listener.She was knwn fr the way she wuld lk a persn in the eyes,hang n their every wrd,and make them feel imprtant.There is nthing mre attractive than having smene listen t yu attentively making yu feel like yu're the nly persn in the wrld.
    Having an pinin is als imprtant.There is nthing mre bring than trying t talk t smene wh has n pinin n anything.A cnversatin has nwhere t g if yu have nthing t fcus n.If,hwever,yu have an uncmmn pint f view r different pinin,yu are mre interesting t be with scially.
    What's mre,have a psitive attitude.Wh wants t be arund peple wh are negative,cmplain a lt,r have nthing gd t say?Everyne enjys the cmpany f smene wh makes them laugh r smile,s lk fr the humrus and lucky side in a situatin—there always is ne.When yu can add fun and lightheartedness t a dull r grey setting,thers will naturally be attracted t yu.
    Last but nt least,treat peple with respect.Being hnest and true t yur wrd will bring yu the admiratin,respect and gratitude f thers.Nthing imprves a persn's persnality mre than hnesty and respect—respect fr thers,as well as respect fr yurself.
    We humans have the pwer and ability t shape ur persnalities hwever we wish.When we develp urselves t be all that we can be,we bring happiness t ur wn as well as t thers.
    (1)What can we learn frm the passage?
    A.Gd interactin with thers can lead t success and happiness.
    B.Having a different pint f view will end a cnversatin.
    C.Peple can change their lks as much as they want.
    D.Being hnest will make peple laugh r smile.
    (2)Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis is mentined in Paragraph 3 t shw that .
    A.she was the mst charming wman in the wrld
    B.being a gd listener helps peple t be attractive
    C.peple shuld lk thers in the eyes while listening
    D.she was knwn fr teaching thers t have a gd persnality
    (3)The wrd " dull" in Paragraph 5 is clsest in meaning t .
    (4)What is the passage mainly abut?
    A.The effects f develping a certain characteristic.
    B.The cmparisn f lks and persnalities.
    C.Benefits f having a psitive attitude.
    D.Methds t shape a gd persnality.
    18.(10分)Lu Yuan,a cllege student,did a quick tur arund the city f Chengdu during the weekend.
    "Chengdu is perfect fr 'special frces style turism' because there are gd places t take pictures,and the whle city is an amazing fd curt," Lu said.
    Recently,a new kind f turism called special frces style turism is becming ppular in China.This new kind f turism means visiting turist attractins in a shrt,intense perid.Lu Yuan visited three lcal attractins n the day she arrived,and spent the secnd day t see the pandas.Befre catching the train hme,she als did sme shpping and enjyed a hearty dinner at a famus lcal restaurant.
    Peple wh like taking phts and making recrdings may chse this kind f turism.With the ppularity f scial media,peple prefer presenting their phts and get "likes" frm their friends thrugh scial circles.At the same time,turist attractins prvide sme special pht slts (打卡点) t attract visitrs.Therefre,special frces style turism has becme a way fr peple t shw their lives and experiences by sharing phts and recrdings,which makes peple get a sense f satisfactin.
    Nt all Chinese peple enjy special frces style turism.Many peple prefer t take a lng vacatin t g t a place fr detailed turism and experience the lcal way f life.They tend t enjy slw﹣paced ( 慢速的) deep travel,by staying fr a lng time t gain a deeper understanding f lcal culture,custms,and experience lcal life.The slw﹣paced travel fcuses mre n feelings and experiences.
    Hwever,special frces turs d nt necessarily mean that yu have nt fully experienced the charm f turism.Peple remember the details f their travels mre deeply by taking phts and recrding them.These phts have becme an imprtant way fr them t recall their travels,s they are nt just lking at them withut feeling them.
    The value f turism lies in discvery,experience,and perceptin (感知).Therefre,whether it is special frces style turism r slw﹣paced deep travel,it is wrth respecting and understanding.We shuld all feel the scenery f the jurney with ur hearts,see with ur eyes and walk with ur feet.
    (1)What des "special frces style turism" mean?

    (2)Wh may chse the special frces style turism accrding t the passage?

    (3)What des the value f turism lie in?

    (4)Wuld yu like t chse special frces style turism r slw﹣paced deep travel?Why?(Please give tw reasns.)

    19.(10分)假如你是李华,你和你的英国笔友Peter 都热心参与志愿服务,他给你发来邮件询问你参与志愿服务的情况。请你用英语回复一封邮件,介绍你所参加过的一次志愿者活动,并谈谈你的感受。
    不少于50 词。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
    提示词语:Children's Hme,tell stries,teach,tired,happy
    ● Where did yu d the vlunteer wrk?
    ● What did yu d there?
    ● Hw did yu feel?
    Dear Peter,
    I'm glad t tell yu abut the vlunteer wrk I did._______________________________________
    Li Hua
    不少于50 词。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
    提示词语:reading,keep ding,free time,imprve,knwledge
    ● What is yur gd habit?
    ● Hw d yu keep yur gd habit?
    ● What can yu get frm yur gd habit?
    Gd habits can change ur whle life.___________________________________________________
    1.(0.5分)My brther likes basketball very much.Ya Ming is_______favurite basketball star.( )
    【解答】my我的,形容词性物主代词;her她、她的,人称代词宾格或形容词性物主代词;his他的,名词性或形容词性物主代词;their他们的,形容词性物主代词。根据题干中"My brther"(我的哥哥),可知是男性,"favurite basketball star'"(最喜欢的篮球明星)为名词词组,前面需要用形容词性物主代词,所以C选项符合题意。
    2.(0.5分)China's Shenzhu﹣16 astrnauts cmpleted their tasks very well and returned t Earth safely________Octber 31,2023.( )
    【解答】at后接钟点或中午、夜间;in后加没有具体到某一天的时间(世纪、年、季节、月)或者早晨、下午和晚上;n后接具体到某一天的时间或具体某一天的早晨、下午和晚上;t到。根据空后Octber 31,2023(2023年10月31日)可知,表示具体某一天,因此应用介词n。
    3.(0.5分)﹣﹣﹣Mr.Smith,_______ is the new bridge?
    ﹣﹣﹣Oh,let me see!It's abut 800 metres.( )
    A.hw ldB.hw lngC.hw muchD.hw ften
    【解答】Hw ld"多大",一般针对年龄提问;hw lng"多长"主要是对长度进行提问;/hw lng问的是多长时间,答语通常是(Fr) three days/weeks/mnths等时间段;hw much问多少,后面跟的是不可数名词;/Hw much"多少钱";一般针对钱提问;hw ften多久一次,回答一般是表频率的短语;根据答语It's abut 800 metres.大约800米.可知上文应该是问:新桥有多长?应该用Hw lng。
    【点评】主要考查特殊疑问句的疑问词组,做此类题目,一定注意答语的句意,根据答语推测所要问的内容,然后选出所需要的疑问词或疑问词组.本题主要考查hw lng"多长"主要是对长度进行提问.
    4.(0.5分)Taxi Apps(打车软件) can help us travel arund mre easily, mre and mre peple like using them.( )
    5.(0.5分)﹣﹣What d yu think f the film yu saw yesterday?
    ﹣﹣Oh.It's ne f __________ films I've ever seen.( )
    B.mre interesting
    C.mst interesting
    D.the mst interesting
    【解答】根据It's ne f __________ films I've ever seen,可知ne f+形容词的最高级+名词复数表示…中最…的一个.形容词最高级前面一般加the.
    6.(0.5分)—Must I finish the jb this Friday?
    —N,yu ________.Yu can finish it next Mnday.( )
    【点评】掌握Must开头的一般疑问句,否定回答用needn't或dn't have t开头的知识点,选择正确答案。
    7.(0.5分)—Yu lk s happy.What happened?
    —I______an A in my English exam yesterday.( )
    C.will getD.am getting
    【解答】gt过去式;get得到,动词原形;will get一般将来时;am getting现在进行时。根据yesterday"昨天"可知,句子时态为一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式gt。
    8.(0.5分)—Peter,what were yu ding at this time last night?
    —I________my mther prepare the dinner at that time.( )
    A.helpB.will help
    C.was helpingD.am helping
    【解答】help帮助。选项A是动词原形;选项B是一般将来时;选项C是过去进行时;选项D是现在进行时。根据句子中的at that time(那时)可知空格处使用过去进行时,本题答案是C。
    9.(0.5分)We________a gardening class next week and we'll learn hw t beautify ur schl.( )
    A.haveB.will have
    C.hadD.are having
    【解答】观察选项可知,都是动词"有"的不同时态:A一般现在时;B一般将来时;C一般过去时;D现在进行时;根据句中的时间状语next week 可知,时态是一般将来时。
    10.(0.5分)—Is yur sister a teacher,Mary?
    —Yes,she________in Beijing Academy since 2013.( )
    A.wrkedB.is wrking
    C.will wrkD.has wrked
    【解答】wrk工作。选项A是过去式;选项B是现在进行时;选项C是一般将来时;选项D是现在完成时。根据since 2013可知句子时态使用现在完成时,正确答案是D。
    11.(0.5分)Nwadays,the prgram China in the Classics n CCTV becmes ppular and it________by mre and mre peple.( )
    C.was watchedD.is watched
    【解答】watches一般现在时的第三人称单数形式;watched一般过去时;was watched一般过去时的被动语态;is watched一般现在时的被动语态。根据Nwadays(现在),可知句子时态用一般现在时,主语it和谓语动词watch之间是被动关系,所以要用被动语态;一般现在时的被动语态结构为:am/is/are+动词的过去分词。
    12.(0.5分)—D yu knw_________n weekends?I'd like t g there with my friends this weekend.
    —Yes,I d.It pens at 8:00 a.m.( )
    A.when the Natinal Museum pens
    B.when des the Natinal Museum pen
    C.when the Natinal Museum pened
    D.when did the Natinal Museum pen
    【解答】本题考查宾语从句的相关知识。宾语从句使用陈述句语序,因此可先排除B和D。选项A使用一般现在时;选项B使用一般过去时。根据答语中的It pens at 8:00 a.m(上午八点开放)可知宾语从句的时态使用一般现在时。本题答案是A。
    二、完形填空,阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
    13.(8分)As a child,Liu Wenwen didn't like suna,a "lud" traditinal Chinese musical instrument.Hwever,she was brn int a suna family and was made t learn suna at the age f three.
    Liu said her heart was full f (1) A t learn the instrument at that time because her classmates at primary schl laughed at her,saying her whle family played nly fr weddings (婚礼) and funerals (葬礼).Even thugh nt happy,she gt up at 4 day and (2) B the instrument utside in a park.
    It wasn't until 2008 that she first fund suna music amazing.That was when she entered the Shanghai Cnservatry f Music t learn the instrument frm Liu Ying,a prfessr (教授) and tp player. "The music was played (3) D by the prfessr,and different frm what I had heard befre," she said.That's when she shwed her true (4) C fr suna.In 2020,she became the first suna player t study fr a dctr's degree.
    Nw she is a teacher in Shanghai.She lves exchanging ideas abut suna playing skills with her students. "It's wnderful t see the yunger generatin (5) B the respnsibility f passing n this cultural traditin." Liu is glad t see suna music get its (6) C amng the yung,which is cmpletely different frm the situatin in her childhd.
    On scial media,Liu is ften fllwed by a vide f her live perfrmance at a cncert in Sydney,Australia.Frm the vides,suna is knwn t the wrld.It (7) A Westerners t hear such lud,unfamiliar and clrful music. "I feel my hard wrk has paid ff.I have trained fr ver 20 years,prbably just t win cheers and applause fr traditinal Chinese music n the (8) D stage," she said.
    【解答】(1)考查名词。句意:刘说那时候学习乐器,她心里充满了不开心,因为她的小学同学嘲笑她,说她家只给葬礼和婚礼演奏。A不开心;B兴奋;C温暖;D不耐烦。根据because her classmates at primary schl laughed at her(因为她的小学同学嘲笑她)可知她不开心。故选A。
    (2)考查动词。句意:尽管不开心,她每天早上四点起床在公园外练习这个乐器。A打扫;B练习;C分享;D修理。根据she gt up at 4 day(她每天早上四点起床)可知她早起练习。故选B。
    (3)考查副词。句意:教授弹得很好听,和我以前听到的不一样。A快地;B清楚地;C细心地;D漂亮地。根据a prfessr (教授) and tp player(教授是顶级演奏家)可知教授弹得好听。故选D。
    (4)考查名词。句意:这时她展现了对唢呐的喜爱。A感谢;B遗憾;C喜欢;D害怕。根据In 2020,she became the first suna player t study fr a dctr's degree.(2020年,她成为第一个攻读博士学位的唢呐演奏家。)可知她很喜欢唢呐。故选C。
    (5)考查动词。句意:很高兴看得年轻一代肩负着传播传统文化的责任。A拒绝;B肩负;C隐藏;D平衡。根据the respnsibility (责任)可知此处表示肩负责任。故选B。
    (6)考查名词。句意:刘很高兴看得唢呐受到年轻人的欢迎,和她童年的情况完全不同。A介绍;B保护;C欢迎;D承诺。根据which is cmpletely different frm the situatin in her childhd(和她童年的情况完全不同)可知现在年轻人喜欢唢呐。故选C。
    (7)考查形容词。句意:西方人听到这么大声,不熟悉但美妙的音乐感到很惊讶。A感到惊讶的;B失望的;C困惑的;D满意的。根据suna is knwn t the wrld(唢呐世界闻名)可知西方人听到这个声音感到惊讶。故选A。
    (8)考查形容词。句意:我已经训练了20多年,可能已经在国际舞台上为中国传统文化获得了欢呼和掌声。A当地的;B个人的;C历史的;D国际的。根据句意和suna is knwn t the wrld(唢呐世界闻名)可知此处指"国际的"。故选D。
    【解答】(1)细节推理题。根据I lve t read histrical bks and I want t study histrical events.(我喜欢读历史书,我想研究历史事件。)可知说的是历史,结合选项,应说"你对历史感兴趣吗?加入历史俱乐部,深入了解历史事件和历史时期。你可以参观博物馆,阅读历史书籍,并开发一个创造性的项目。"故选B。
    (2)细节推理题。根据I'm interested in acting and I like perfrming n the stage.(我对表演感兴趣,我喜欢在舞台上表演。)可知说的是表演,结合选项,应说"戏剧俱乐部帮助你发展演技。你扮演不同的角色会很有趣。来练习把自己放在那里,并通过在舞台上表演来建立信心。"故选C。
    (3)细节推理题。根据I enjy ding experiments t slve real﹣life prblems and I'd like t attend science fairs.(我喜欢做实验来解决现实生活中的问题,我想参加科学博览会。)可知说的是科学,结合选项,应说"科学俱乐部为你提供了一个探索你感兴趣的科学主题的机会。你可以做实验,组织项目来处理现实生活中的问题,还可以参加科学博览会。"故选A。
    四、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
    15.(6分)Arund 5 August 26,ne﹣year﹣ld dg Axel tried t wake up Amanda and Daines t warn them f their sn's cnditin.The cuple thught that he nly wanted t g ut s they ignred (忽视) him.Hwever,the dg did nt give up until the cuple gt ut f bed.The dg led them t the bedrm f their sn Gabriel where they fund him unable t mve and even culdn't speak.The cuple rushed him t the hspital immediately.
    The dctr said Gabriel suffered frm a serius strke (中风).Luckily,he was sent t the dctr in time,r he wuld have had a wrse result.
    After a week in the hspital,Gabriel is nw getting better and is lking frward t ging back t his nrmal life.And what he wants t d mst is t thank his dg fr saving his life.
    "Axel has always been very clever," Gabriel said. "He can tell when smething is wrng—like if we are feeling dwn r stressed—and he des his best t fix the prblem."
    Because f Axel,Gabriel is nt nly talking and walking again but is als clse t healing cmpletely.
    He and his family are very thankful fr having such a smart and prtective dg.After he went back hme,the dg is tasked with fllwing Gabriel everywhere. "He's nw sleeping with Gabriel mre and Gabriel's drs are pen s he can g in and ut.He's always been very sensitive t everything and everybdy's emtins at hme," Amanda said.
    Gabriel and Axel's stry is nt the first stry f a dg's heric act.Many times,dgs have prved their lyalty (忠诚) t humans by saving their lives and we humans shuld cnsider them as family members as well.
    (1)Why did Axel try t wake up Amanda and Daines? D
    A.Because Gabriel felt stressed in the mrning.
    B.Because Gabriel failed t pen the dr fr Axel.
    C.Because Axel needed t g ut t play with the cuple.
    D.Because Axel wanted t warn the cuple f their sn's cnditin.
    (2)In the hspital,Gabriel wants t thank Axel fr A .
    A.saving his life
    B.fixing the prblem
    C.helping him walk again
    D.fllwing him everywhere
    (3)Accrding t the passage,we knw the dg Axel is A .
    A.smart and lyal
    B.sensitive and curius
    C.prtective but nisy
    D.clever but naughty
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Arund 5 August 26,ne﹣year﹣ld dg Axel tried t wake up Amanda and Daines t warn them f their sn's cnditin.(8月26日凌晨5点左右,一岁的狗狗阿克塞尔试图叫醒阿曼达和戴恩斯,告诫他们儿子的状况。)和The dg led them t the bedrm f their sn Gabriel where they fund him unable t mve and even culdn't speak.The cuple rushed him t the hspital immediately.(这只狗把他们带到了儿子加布里埃尔的卧室,在那里他们发现他不能动弹,甚至不能说话。这对夫妇立即将他送往医院。)可知,阿克塞尔要叫醒阿曼达和戴恩斯是因为阿克塞尔想提醒这对夫妇他们儿子的病情。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段And what he wants t d mst is t thank his dg fr saving his life.(而他最想做的就是感谢他的狗救了他的命。)可知,在医院里,加布里埃尔想感谢阿克塞尔救了他的命。故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第六段He and his family are very thankful fr having such a smart and prtective dg.(他和他的家人非常感谢有这样一只聪明又有保护欲的狗。)和最后一段Gabriel and Axel's stry is nt the first stry f a dg's heric act.Many times,dgs have prved their lyalty (忠诚) t humans by saving their lives and we humans shuld cnsider them as family members as well.(很多时候,狗通过拯救它们的生命证明了它们对人类的忠诚,我们人类也应该把它们视为家庭成员。)可知,根据这段文字,我们知道狗阿克塞尔聪明且忠诚。故选A。
    16.(6分)Parkinsn's disease ( 帕金森病) is the secnd mst cmmn neurdegenerative (神经退行性) disease wrldwide.It affects abut 1% t 2% f peple aged 65 and ver.As the glbal ppulatin ages,the prevalence ( 流行率) f Parkinsn's disease will increase greatly.
    Nwadays,mre than 6 millin peple wrldwide have Parkinsn's disease,and there are abut 60,000 new patients each year.
    A recent study was carried ut by Shanghai Jia Tng University Schl f Medicine.The study mnitred the health f hundreds f Parkinsn's patients fr up t five years.They studied tw grups f peple.One grup f 147 peple practised regular (有规律的) tai chi,aided by training class t imprve their technique.The traditinal Chinese exercise cmbines slw gentle mvements with deep breathing and relaxatin.The ther grup f 187 patients cntinued with their cmmn care,but didn't practise tai chi.
    After five years f study,the researchers find that Parkinsn's disease prgressed mre slwly in the tai chi grup.This grup als saw fewer falls,less back pain and fewer memry prblems than the ther grup.At the same time,sleep and quality f life cntinuusly imprved.An earlier test f peple with Parkinsn's wh practised tai chi fr six mnths fund greater imprvements in walking,psture (姿态) and balance than thse nt n the prgramme.Experts say the findings supprt earlier studies n the benefits f exercise fr thse with Parkinsn's.
    Writing in the Jurnal f Neurlgy Neursurgery and Psychiatry,researchers say their study shws that tai chi has the lng﹣term beneficial effects n Parkinsn's disease,which include making quality f life last lnger,reducing the task n nursing care and drug (药物) use,while still helping t keep patients active.Tai chi has a ptential imprvement effect n bth mtr and nn﹣mtr symptms in Parkinsn's disease patients.They als find that tai chi training is safe fr patients with early primary Parkinsn's disease.
    This was an bservatinal ( 观察性的) study,s the relatinship between tai chi and imprvement in Parkinsn's disease culd nt be sure.But the researchers will cntinue t study it.
    (1)The secnd paragraph mainly talks abut C .
    A.the backgrund f the study
    B.the purpse f the study
    C.the prcess f the study
    D.the result f the study
    (2)What d yu knw abut tai chi frm the bservatinal study? C
    A.Parkinsn's disease prgressed quickly fr the tai chi grup.
    B.Tai chi can take the place f drug use fr Parkinsn's patients.
    C.Parkinsn's patients can benefit a lt frm ding tai chi regularly.
    D.It's unsafe fr early primary Parkinsn's patients t practice tai chi.
    (3)What is the writer's main purpse in writing this passage? D
    A.T explain hw Parkinsn's patients practice tai chi.
    B.T discuss abut the imprtance f studying Parkinsn's disease.
    C.T suggest sme prper ways f imprving peple's quality f life.
    D.T intrduce a study abut the influence f tai chi n Parkinsn's disease.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据 第二段A recent study was carried ut by Shanghai Jia Tng University Schl f Medicine.The study mnitred the health f hundreds f Parkinsn's patients fr up t five years.They studied tw grups f peple.One grup f 147 peple practised regular (有规律的) tai chi,aided by training class t imprve their technique.The traditinal Chinese exercise cmbines slw gentle mvements with deep breathing and relaxatin.The ther grup f 187 patients cntinued with their cmmn care,but didn't practise tai chi.(上海交通大学医学院最近进行了一项研究。这项研究对数百名帕金森氏症患者的健康状况进行了长达五年的监测。他们研究了两组人。一个147人的小组在训练班的帮助下练习常规太极拳,以提高他们的技术。传统的中国运动将缓慢轻柔的动作与深呼吸和放松相结合。另一组187名患者继续接受常规护理,但没有练习太极拳。)可知,第二段主要介绍了研究的过程。故选:C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段After five years f study,the researchers find that Parkinsn's disease prgressed mre slwly in the tai chi grup.This grup als saw fewer falls,less back pain and fewer memry prblems than the ther grup.(经过五年的研究,研究人员发现太极拳组的帕金森氏症进展较慢。与另一组相比,这一组的跌倒次数更少,背痛更少,记忆力问题更少)可知,帕金森氏症患者可以从经常打太极中受益匪浅。故选:C。
    (3)主旨大意题。根据最后一段This was an bservatinal ( 观察性的) study,s the relatinship between tai chi and imprvement in Parkinsn's disease culd nt be sure.But the researchers will cntinue t study it.(这是一项观察性研究,因此不能确定太极拳与帕金森病改善之间的关系。但研究人员将继续研究它。)可知,文章主要介绍一项关于太极拳对帕金森病影响的研究。故选:D。
    17.(8分)Everyne wants t be attractive t thers.T that end,having a gd persnality is quite imprtant—prbably even mre s than gd lks.In fact,mst f yur success and happiness will be a result f hw well yu interact ( 互动) with thers.Therefre,it is yur persnality that leads t whether peple are attracted t,r shy away frm yu.
    While we can nly change ur lks t a certain degree,we can imprve ur persnality as much as we want.We can develp r integrate (整合) any characteristic we think fitting and agreeable int ur persnalities.
    One way is t listen t thers attentively.Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was cnsidered ne f the mst charming wmen in the wrld because she frmed the skill f being an excellent listener.She was knwn fr the way she wuld lk a persn in the eyes,hang n their every wrd,and make them feel imprtant.There is nthing mre attractive than having smene listen t yu attentively making yu feel like yu're the nly persn in the wrld.
    Having an pinin is als imprtant.There is nthing mre bring than trying t talk t smene wh has n pinin n anything.A cnversatin has nwhere t g if yu have nthing t fcus n.If,hwever,yu have an uncmmn pint f view r different pinin,yu are mre interesting t be with scially.
    What's mre,have a psitive attitude.Wh wants t be arund peple wh are negative,cmplain a lt,r have nthing gd t say?Everyne enjys the cmpany f smene wh makes them laugh r smile,s lk fr the humrus and lucky side in a situatin—there always is ne.When yu can add fun and lightheartedness t a dull r grey setting,thers will naturally be attracted t yu.
    Last but nt least,treat peple with respect.Being hnest and true t yur wrd will bring yu the admiratin,respect and gratitude f thers.Nthing imprves a persn's persnality mre than hnesty and respect—respect fr thers,as well as respect fr yurself.
    We humans have the pwer and ability t shape ur persnalities hwever we wish.When we develp urselves t be all that we can be,we bring happiness t ur wn as well as t thers.
    (1)What can we learn frm the passage? A
    A.Gd interactin with thers can lead t success and happiness.
    B.Having a different pint f view will end a cnversatin.
    C.Peple can change their lks as much as they want.
    D.Being hnest will make peple laugh r smile.
    (2)Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis is mentined in Paragraph 3 t shw that B .
    A.she was the mst charming wman in the wrld
    B.being a gd listener helps peple t be attractive
    C.peple shuld lk thers in the eyes while listening
    D.she was knwn fr teaching thers t have a gd persnality
    (3)The wrd " dull" in Paragraph 5 is clsest in meaning t B .
    (4)What is the passage mainly abut? D
    A.The effects f develping a certain characteristic.
    B.The cmparisn f lks and persnalities.
    C.Benefits f having a psitive attitude.
    D.Methds t shape a gd persnality.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段In fact,mst f yur success and happiness will be a result f hw well yu interact ( 互动) with thers.(事实上,你的大部分成功和幸福将是你与他人互动良好的结果。)可知与他人的良好互动可以带来成功和幸福,故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段One way is t listen t thers attentively.Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was cnsidered ne f the mst charming wmen in the wrld because she frmed the skill f being an excellent listener.(一种方法是专心倾听他人的意见。杰奎琳•肯尼迪•奥纳西斯被认为是世界上最有魅力的女性之一,因为她具备了成为一名优秀倾听者的技能。)可知是为了表明做一个好的倾听者有助于人们变得有吸引力,故选B。
    (3)词义猜测题。根据第五段When yu can add fun and lightheartedness t a dull r grey setting,thers will naturally be attracted t yu.(当你能在沉闷或灰暗的环境中增添乐趣和轻松时,其他人自然会被你吸引。)可知dull和bring同义,故选B。
    (4)主旨大意题。根据最后一段We humans have the pwer and ability t shape ur persnalities hwever we wish.When we develp urselves t be all that we can be,we bring happiness t ur wn as well as t thers.(我们人类有力量和能力随心所欲地塑造自己的个性。当我们把自己发展成我们所能成为的一切时,我们会给自己和他人带来幸福。)且通读全文可知这篇文章主要介绍了塑造良好人格的方法,故选D。
    18.(10分)Lu Yuan,a cllege student,did a quick tur arund the city f Chengdu during the weekend.
    "Chengdu is perfect fr 'special frces style turism' because there are gd places t take pictures,and the whle city is an amazing fd curt," Lu said.
    Recently,a new kind f turism called special frces style turism is becming ppular in China.This new kind f turism means visiting turist attractins in a shrt,intense perid.Lu Yuan visited three lcal attractins n the day she arrived,and spent the secnd day t see the pandas.Befre catching the train hme,she als did sme shpping and enjyed a hearty dinner at a famus lcal restaurant.
    Peple wh like taking phts and making recrdings may chse this kind f turism.With the ppularity f scial media,peple prefer presenting their phts and get "likes" frm their friends thrugh scial circles.At the same time,turist attractins prvide sme special pht slts (打卡点) t attract visitrs.Therefre,special frces style turism has becme a way fr peple t shw their lives and experiences by sharing phts and recrdings,which makes peple get a sense f satisfactin.
    Nt all Chinese peple enjy special frces style turism.Many peple prefer t take a lng vacatin t g t a place fr detailed turism and experience the lcal way f life.They tend t enjy slw﹣paced ( 慢速的) deep travel,by staying fr a lng time t gain a deeper understanding f lcal culture,custms,and experience lcal life.The slw﹣paced travel fcuses mre n feelings and experiences.
    Hwever,special frces turs d nt necessarily mean that yu have nt fully experienced the charm f turism.Peple remember the details f their travels mre deeply by taking phts and recrding them.These phts have becme an imprtant way fr them t recall their travels,s they are nt just lking at them withut feeling them.
    The value f turism lies in discvery,experience,and perceptin (感知).Therefre,whether it is special frces style turism r slw﹣paced deep travel,it is wrth respecting and understanding.We shuld all feel the scenery f the jurney with ur hearts,see with ur eyes and walk with ur feet.
    (1)What des "special frces style turism" mean?
    Special frces style turism means visiting turist attractins in a shrt,intense perid.
    (2)Wh may chse the special frces style turism accrding t the passage?
    Peple wh like taking phts and making recrdings may chse this kind f turism.
    (3)What des the value f turism lie in?
    The value f turism lies in discvery,experience,and perceptin.
    (4)Wuld yu like t chse special frces style turism r slw﹣paced deep travel?Why?(Please give tw reasns.)
    I wuld like t chse slw﹣paced deep travel.It allws fr deeper cultural immersin and a mre relaxing travel experience.And I als enable true appreciatin f destinatins.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段Recently,a new kind f turism called special frces style turism is becming ppular in China.This new kind f turism means visiting turist attractins in a shrt,intense perid.(最近,一种被称为特种部队式旅游的新型旅游正在中国流行起来。这种新型旅游是指在短时间内紧张地游览旅游景点。)可知这种新型旅游是指在短时间内紧张地游览旅游景点,故填:Special frces style turism means visiting turist attractins in a shrt,intense perid.
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段Peple wh like taking phts and making recrdings may chse this kind f turism.(喜欢拍照和录音的人可以选择这种旅游。)可知喜欢拍照和录音的人可以选择这种旅游,故填:Peple wh like taking phts and making recrdings may chse this kind f turism.
    (3)细节理解题。根据最后一段The value f turism lies in discvery,experience,and perceptin (感知).(旅游的价值在于发现、体验和感知。)可知旅游的价值在于发现、体验和感知,故填:The value f turism lies in discvery,experience,and perceptin.
    (4)观点表达题。我会选择慢节奏的深度旅行。它允许更深的文化沉浸和更轻松的旅行体验。我也能真正欣赏目的地。故填:I wuld like t chse slw﹣paced deep travel.It allws fr deeper cultural immersin and a mre relaxing travel experience.And I als enable true appreciatin f destinatins.
    19.(10分)假如你是李华,你和你的英国笔友Peter 都热心参与志愿服务,他给你发来邮件询问你参与志愿服务的情况。请你用英语回复一封邮件,介绍你所参加过的一次志愿者活动,并谈谈你的感受。
    不少于50 词。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
    提示词语:Children's Hme,tell stries,teach,tired,happy
    ● Where did yu d the vlunteer wrk?
    ● What did yu d there?
    ● Hw did yu feel?
    Dear Peter,
    I'm glad t tell yu abut the vlunteer wrk I did._______________________________________
    Li Hua
    They shwed me big smiles when they saw a bag f gifts I brught fr them.当他们看到我给他们带来的一袋礼物时,他们向我露出了灿烂的笑容。when引导的时间状语从句。
    I read stries,sang sngs,and taught them smething I was gd at.我读故事,唱歌,教他们一些我擅长的东西。and表并列。
    【解答】Dear Peter,
    I'm glad t tell yu abut the vlunteer wrk I did.Last summer,I gt an pprtunity t vlunteer at a Children's Hme in the cmmunity.My main duty was t take care f children aged five t seven years ld.They were very friendly.They shwed me big smiles when they saw a bag f gifts I brught fr them. 【高分句型一】I did lts f things with them.I tld stries,sang sngs,and taught them smething I was gd at. 【高分句型二】(我都做了哪些志愿者工作:照顾5到7岁的孩子,给他们带来的一袋礼物时,我讲故事,唱歌,教他们一些我擅长的东西)It was a wnderful day.I was happy t be able t d smething fr little kids.(我的感受)
    Li Hua
    不少于50 词。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
    提示词语:reading,keep ding,free time,imprve,knwledge
    ● What is yur gd habit?
    ● Hw d yu keep yur gd habit?
    ● What can yu get frm yur gd habit?
    Gd habits can change ur whle life.___________________________________________________
    Befre I d my hmewrk and take exams,I review my ntes carefully.在我做作业和参加考试之前,我会仔细复习笔记。
    It nt nly imprves my learning abilities,but als helps me get gd grades.它不仅提高了我的学习能力,而且还帮助我取得好成绩。
    nt als...不仅……而且……
    【解答】 Gd habits can change ur whle life.One f my gd habits is taking ntes in class. (我的好习惯是什么)I take dwn what my teachers write n the blackbard and ther imprtant pints abut my lessns.I keep my ntes well﹣rganized and tidy s that I can find infrmatin easily later.Befre I d my hmewrk and take exams,I review my ntes carefully.【高分句型一】(如何保持你的好习惯)The habit f taking ntes helps me becme a successful student.It nt nly imprves my learning abilities,but als helps me get gd grades.【高分句型二】(从好习惯中得到什么)

    I lve t read histrical bks and I want t study histrical events.

    I'm interested in acting and I like perfrming n the stage.

    I enjy ding experiments t slve real﹣life prblems and I'd like t attend science fairs.

    A.Science Club ffers yu a chance t explre the science tpics yu're interested in.Yu can d experiments,rganize prjects t deal with real﹣life prblems,and attend science fairs.
    B.Are yu interested in histry?Jin Histry Club t learn deep int histrical events and perids.Yu can visit museums,read histrical bks,and develp a creative prject.
    C.Drama Club helps yu develp acting skills.Yu will have a tn f fun playing different rles.Cme t practice putting yurself ut there and build cnfidence by perfrming n the stage.
    D.If yu want t try different art frms,cme t Art Club.Enjy and learn frm classmates with talents and creative interests.Yu can explre yur inner creativity and visit art museums.

    (1) B
    I lve t read histrical bks and I want t study histrical events.

    (2) C
    I'm interested in acting and I like perfrming n the stage.

    (3) A
    I enjy ding experiments t slve real﹣life prblems and I'd like t attend science fairs.

    A.Science Club ffers yu a chance t explre the science tpics yu're interested in.Yu can d experiments,rganize prjects t deal with real﹣life prblems,and attend science fairs.
    B.Are yu interested in histry?Jin Histry Club t learn deep int histrical events and perids.Yu can visit museums,read histrical bks,and develp a creative prject.
    C.Drama Club helps yu develp acting skills.Yu will have a tn f fun playing different rles.Cme t practice putting yurself ut there and build cnfidence by perfrming n the stage.
    D.If yu want t try different art frms,cme t Art Club.Enjy and learn frm classmates with talents and creative interests.Yu can explre yur inner creativity and visit art museums.

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