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    The Internatinal Vluntary Service runs a number f Yuth Exchanges thrughut the year. Yuth Exchanges give small grups f 4-5 yung peple the pprtunity t take part in vlunteering trips abrad fr an average f tw weeks. These yung peple are jined by 4-5 yung peple frm 3-4 ther natinalities and are a wnderful intercultural experience in a safe envirnment.
    Example Yuth Exchanges:
    Yuth Exchange 1
    Lcatin: Ireland
    Other natinalities: Ireland, Spain, Italy, Hungary
    Theme: Fcuses n the tpic f cmmunity recnstructin and cmmunity activities—explring hw lcal issues facing ur cmmunities are cnnected t glbal issues. The grup will als learn abut the ec-village as an example f a cmmunity and take part in team-building activities.
    Yuth Exchange 2
    Lcatin: France
    Other natinalities: Bulgaria, Italy, France
    Theme: Organic gardening & cntinual living. This prject will take place in a natural park, where the grup will take part in gardening activities and games/wrkshps abut cntinuus develpment.
    Yuth Exchange 3
    Lcatin: Macednia
    Other natinalities: Serbia, Turkey, Ireland
    Theme: Fster scial inclusin and mtivate persnal develpment f yung peple thrugh sprts and utdr activities. Prmte utdr activities as a tl t help inclusin f yung peple with fewer pprtunities.
    Yuth Exchange 4
    Lcatin: Italy
    Other natinalities: Italy, Bulgaria, Greece
    Theme: A scial-envirnmental prject that intends t prmte scial inclusin and sustainable develpment, regarded as a prcess f civil rights and active citizenship. Over 10 days, the grup will participate in activities t raise awareness abut the effect f ur behavir n the envirnment.
    1.What d yu fcus n when travelling in France?
    A. Gardening wrk.B. Civil rights.
    C. Develping scial inclusin.D. Rebuilding cmmunities.
    2.If yu are interested in prtecting the envirnment, yu can take part in ________.
    A. Yuth Exchange 1B. Yuth Exchange 2
    C. Yuth Exchange 3D. Yuth Exchange 4
    3.Which natinality are Yuth Exchanges mst ppular with?
    A. Spain.B. Italy.C. Ireland.D. France.
    I thught I was ready fr the challenges f graduate schl. Hwever, when I left Nepal t pursue my PhD in a new cuntry, I felt as if I had drpped int an enrmus cean. Instead f being the utging persn I had been, I suddenly became a shy girl. What’s wrse, my research wasn’t prgressing, leading me t put in mre fruitless hurs.
    Just then, a friend asked what I wuld d if I had an extra hur every day. Withut hesitatin, I said I wuld use it t help thers. After that cnversatin, I began t search nline fr vlunteer pprtunities. Luckily, a lcal rganizatin that drives ld peple t stres and appintments was lking fr vlunteers. I thught it might be just what I needed.
    I was a bit anxius befre my first ride because I hadn’t interacted much with peple utside schl. Hwever, my nerves quickly calmed when I picked up an ld wman n her way t the supermarket. She was bemused t see a yung freign driver and was full f questins abut my backgrund. She shared with me hw thankful she was t g shpping and get sme fresh air. Cnnectins like these and the smiles n my passenger’ faces mtivated me t cntinue driving.
    Sharing stries with my passengers was rewarding. Seeing hw eager they were t spend time ut inspired me t think abut hw t spend my time. My previusly challenging schedule began t feel manageable. As my cnfidence grew, I began telling my fellw students abut the ups and dwns in my research and I was surprised t discver that we were in the same bat. As these cnnectins grew, my persnality began t reappear.
    I’m nw clse t cmpleting my degree but still facing challenges. My adviser mved t a different university. I’m wrking t publish my research while als applying fr jbs. But these hurdles(难关) nw seem easy. I’m really prud f wh I have becme, and I cntinue t reflect n hw I’m using the mst valuable thing in life: my time.
    4.What happened t the authr at first when studying in a new cuntry?
    A. Her research was denied by her adviser.
    B. She was nce drpped int an cean.
    C. She was vercme by her shrtcmings.
    D. She failed t adapt t the new envirnment.
    5.What did the authr vlunteer t d?
    A. Drive fr the disabled.B. Fund a lcal rganizatin.
    C. Serve the ld citizens.D. G shpping with the ld.
    6.What des the underlined wrd “bemused” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Cnfused.B. Frightened.
    C. Embarrassed.D. Disappinted.
    7.What effect did vlunteering have n the authr?
    A. Her eagerness t spend time ut was arused.
    B. She regained her cnfidence and persnality.
    C. She became mre cnnected with her parents.
    D. She became interested in sharing her stries.
    China’s tea culture has undergne dramatic changes in recent years. The appearance f new-style teas can be traced back t the cheap radside milk tea stands f the 1990s. Mst f these drinks were made frm pwdered mixes and cntained neither fresh milk nr fresh tea. The base ingredients weren’t updated until the arrival f Taiwan-based brands like CC and A Little Tea in the 2000s, leading t innvatins such as “cheese tea”. These businesses started the “Milk Tea 2.0” era, transfrming the milk tea business frm a mixture f small stands int a standardized and fast-mving industry.
    But even as the Taiwan-centric “Milk Tea 2.0” revlutin was sweeping the wrld, the seeds f its next evlutin were already spruting(发芽) n the Chinese mainland. In 2012, a 21-year-ld man named Nie Yunchen pened a milk tea stre in the small suthern city f Jiangmen, where he sld milk tea. By 2020, Nie’s HeyTea had 695 stres wrldwide, was wrth an estimated 16 billin yuan, and had attracted a large number f imitatrs.
    The new brands made their mark by ffering a mre diverse range f tea bases, ften with extras like seasnal fruit, sparkling water, cream cheese r nuts.
    The viability(可行性) f this business mdel wes much t China’s widespread embrace f high-end cnsumerism. Jasn Yu, general manager f the market research firm Kantar Wrldpanel China, tld me that “mthers with refined tastes”, urban white-cllar wrkers, and thse brn after 1990 are the main drivers f China’s new-style tea market—and, mre bradly, the cnsumer market as a whle. These grups tend t be defined by busy wrk and hme lives, and they see upscale drinks like tea and cffee nt nly as a way t quench their thirst(解渴), but als as a surce f cmfrt. In this sense, new-style teas are filling a psychlgical, rather than a physical need. Many tea brands are aware f this and they have sught t assciate themselves with healthy and relaxed lifestyle thrugh their marketing campaigns.
    Anther driver f new-style tea cnsumptin, accrding t Yu, is the desire amng yung peple t cmbine cnsumptin with scial activity. “The gal f cnsumptin fr this generatin f cnsumers is scializing,” Yu said. “Yu rarely see a persn drinking Hey Tea by himself.”
    8.Hw were new-style teas influenced by Taiwan-based brands?
    A. These brands gave them a new name.
    B. These brands changed their ingredients.
    C. These brands imprved their marketing.
    D. These brands made them a healthier drink.
    9.What can We learn abut Nie’s HeyTea?
    A. It can cmpete with “Milk Tea 2.0”.
    B. It is targeted at high-incme grups.
    C. It has a gd market at hme and abrad.
    D. It gradually develps the dmestic market.
    10.Hw d many tea brands advertise their prducts?
    A. By imprving the brand image.
    B. By stressing their relaxing effect.
    C. By shwing their nutritius value.
    D. By cmparing them with ther prducts.
    11.What makes new-style teas ppular with yung peple accrding t Yu?
    A. The lw price.B. Their rich variety.
    C. The chance t scialize.D. Their desire T shw ff.
    With a relatively small ppulatin, pandas are nt ut f the wds r the bamb frest just yet. The biggest threat t the wild panda ppulatin is habitat lss. And while arund 34% f its wild habitat is prtected, these areas are still vulnerable t natural disasters, such as wildfires. T prtect panda habitat, the Digital Panda System, develped by the Sichuan Frest and Grassland Administratin and Chinese technlgy giant Huawei, was used effectively acrss frest and grasslands in Sichuan Prvince.
    The instant reprting system helps t detect wildfires in hard-t-reach areas, alerting fire departments s they can react quickly, as well as mnitring wildlife. Meanwhile, anther smart technlgy—facial recgnitin culd help identify individual pandas mre accurately. Each panda has a unique facial structure and hair pattern. T the human eye, their fur-cvered faces all lk the same, but cmputer prgrams are able t distinguish the differences.
    The system cllects data frm ver 600 cameras, drnes (无人机) and satellites, which it stres in the clud. Researchers use this data t mnitr, track and study wildlife as well as detect wildfire htspts. Because the cameras are used in remte areas where there is little r n electricity, the system is slar-pwered and uses micrwave transmissin (传送), which desn’t require cables (电缆).
    The system assists 140,000 frest rangers, grassland managers, cnservatinists and researchers in Sichuan. In its first five mnths f peratins, it detected 651 wildfire htspts, reducing frest fires by 71.6% cmpared t the same perid the previus year.
    Despite its name, the Digital Panda System ffers prtectin t mre than just pandas. The system cvers the Sichuan sectin f the newly established Giant Panda Natinal Park. The park is hme t mst f China’s 1800 wild pandas alng with a further 8,000 animal and plant species. In the future, the digital panda system culd be extended acrss the sectins f the natinal park that lie in Shanxi and Gansu prvinces, creating mre success stries fr ther endangered species.
    12.Why was the Digital Panda System built?
    A. T recrd wildlife ppulatin.
    B. T prtect wild pandas frm lsing habitat.
    C. T increase frest and grassland cverage.
    D. T prvide pandas with mre bambs as fd.
    13.What d we knw abut the system?
    A. Cmputer prgrams identify pandas by size.
    B. The data cllected is mainly stred in cameras.
    C. Smart technlgy plays an imprtant rle in its peratin.
    D. The system fails t cllect data in areas withut access t electricity.
    14.What is the purpse f listing figures in paragraph 4?
    A. T prve the effectiveness f the system.
    B. T shw the varius functins f system.
    C. T illustrate the data cllectin prcess f the prgram.
    D. T cmpare the advantages and disadvantages f the system.
    15.What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. The system aims at saving pandas nly.
    B. The system has already gne int service natinwide.
    C. The system is likely t benefit ther animals facing extinctin.
    D. The system ffers prtectin t all the species in Sichuan Prvince.
    16.Signs That Yu Are Grwing
    Grwing is a lifelng prcess. Here are the signs that shw that yu are actually grwing and nt getting stuck in the prcess.

    Often, we see hw badly peple lk when they get verly upset due t unimprtant things. S the first sign f maturity (成熟) is letting the small things g and nt getting angry ver a tiny detail that didn’t g as yu planned.
    Yu start frgiving and understanding ther peple
    When we are yung, we are ften unfrgiving. As we mature(成熟), we are better able t understand the wrld beynd black and white. ②. It enables us t lk beynd the bvius and let g f simple judgments. We begin t understand better that thers have cmplex (复杂的) lives and persnalities, and s we becme mre willing t frgive their mistakes.
    Yu always cmplete things that matter
    Immature peple dn’t knw when t cmmit (承诺) themselves and their energy r resurces are always nt well emplyed. ③. In this way, they can ften keep their prmises and hnr their cmmitments.
    Yu accept the pssibility f being wrng
    ④. They are always able t accept the pssibility that they are wrng, that they dn’t knw smething, because there is always mre t learn.
    Being mature is knwing that yu are always grwing up. Yu are never dne learning and develping. This means that yu dn’t set yurself up as the highest authrity. ⑤.
    A. Yu fllw the crwd
    B. Yu let the small things g
    C. Instead, mature peple fcus n cmpleting things that matter
    D. Immature and mature peple can bth have plans fr their lives
    E. Rather, yu pen yur mind t ther ideas and new pssibilities
    F. Becming mre understanding is a sign f strength, nt weakness
    G. Mature peple appear mre cnfident, hwever, they are nt vercnfident
    A lng walk is a gd way t wrk up an appetite(食欲), but fr Emma Reade, wh is six years ld, it’s als a way t slve hunger.
    Emma is taking part in the FareShare FtSteps Challenge, prmising t walk 100 km t 1
    mney t help feed peple in need. And her effrts are already 2 . S far she’s clcked up 19km and is n the 3 f the Little FtStep leaderbard, well n the way t meeting her fundraising 4 f $2,000.
    “Mving makes yu feel happy and 5 ther peple makes yu feel happy t,” said Emma. “Every 6 day I am walking, running r riding 1 km. Then n the weekends, I am ding a lt mre.” Grwing up in the cuntry with lts f fruit and 7 in her hme garden, Emma understands the 8 f nutritius(有营养的) fd. “It helps us grw and stay 9 . It als helps us stay alive and have lts f 10 ,” she said.
    The FtSteps Challenge is run by charity kitchen FareShare and is 11 by its chefs(厨师) wh walk abut 15 km a day as they 12 rescued and dnated fd int 50,000 free and nutritius meals fr the 13 each week. The charity rescues 14 prduce frm supermarkets. manufacturers, farmers and whlesale businesses, which wuld 15 be thrwn ut because it is surplus(过剩的) and has nt been used.
    A small team f FareShare chefs and 1,500 cmmunity vlunteers ck hme-style meals fr hundreds f charities acrss Australia, including hmeless shelters and cmmunity fd banks.
    17. A. raiseB. lseC. giveD. rise
    18. A. giving ffB. paying ffC. turning upD. hlding up
    19. A. lineB. headC. tpD. bttm
    20. A. galB. taskC. mneyD. number
    21. A. cnnectingB. helpingC. savingD. influencing
    22. A. familyB. schlC. summerD. winter
    23. A. fishB. meatC. milkD. vegetables
    24. A. difficultyB. pssibilityC. imprtanceD. insistence
    25. A. yungB. strngC. happyD. healthy
    26. A. wealthB. energyC. pwerD. pursuit
    27. A. inspiredB. financedC. demandedD. prduced
    28. A. deliverB. ckC. turnD. make
    29. A. prB. richC. adultD. wise
    30. A. cheapB. deliciusC. instantD. fresh
    31. A. ratherB. hweverC. therwiseD. therefre
    32.As ne f the three traditinal dyeing(染色) ①(technique), batik(蜡染) is a flk art②has been passed frm generatin t generatin by the ethnic grups in the suthwest f China. Tday, it is still ppular③sme ethnic grups, such as the Buyi, the Mia and the Tujia, wh④(be) fnd f using the technique fr decrating cats, dresses, skirts, quilts, blankets, sheets, handbags⑤s n.
    A batik craftsman uses a wax knife⑥(make) f cpper t apply ht liquid wax n a white piece f clth fr⑦(draw) gemetric patterns r symblic flwers, birds, fish, insects, etc. Next, the clth is saked in a vat(缸) f indig dye (blue as the majr clr). After that, the dyed clth⑧(put) int biling water t remve the wax and then it is rinsed t get the final prduct with patterns n it. Batik⑨(general) invlves tw clrs nly—blue and white. Nevertheless, it has a vivid, simple and layered lk, ⑩(display) a distinctive ethnic style.
    1. 表示欢迎;
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    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
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    One sunny Saturday mrning, I gt ready fr a hike with my classmates. I was s excited abut it since it was my first time t g hiking. I ate a light breakfast, just a few slices f bread and an egg. After that, I grabbed my backpack and hurriedly ran ut f my huse and then met my classmates at the schl gate. At that time, I didn’t think that there wuld be a terrible disaster ahead.
    The jungle that we were ging t was far frm ur area. Its name was Salymbia Jungle. The drive was three hurs lng but it wasn’t a dull ride as we were all eager fr the hike and we had each ther’s cmpany. We appinted a guide whse name was Thmas. He said that he had hiked in the Salymbia Jungle lts f times and that he was familiar with the trail. When we arrived, Thmas permitted us t begin. There were a wide variety f plants which I had never seen befre. The smell f the jungle was s earthy. All f us were amazed by the beauty f the scenery and the sund f the creatures.
    After a while, we were walking and then I lked at my wrist t check the time but then I realized that my watch fell ff. Then I walked back withut infrming anyne. 1 did nt wrry abut getting lst since there were ther persns behind and I thught I wuld have been able t catch up with a crew. I went back searching thrugh the pathway and I lst track f the time and sight f my classmates. I immediately realized that I was alne.
    After realizing that I was lst, the first thing I did was t check my phne t see hw far away I was frm my cmpanins. Hwever, I was having n such luck because there was n netwrk in my phne, which made my phne practically useless.
    The sky started t becme darker.
    As I was falling asleep, I heard a human vice.
    解析:A细节理解题。根据文中Theme:Organic gardening & cntinual livinq.可知,主要集中在园艺方面。故选A
    解析:D细节理解题。根据文中Theme:A scial-envirnmental prject that intends t prmte scial inclusin and cntinuable develpment, regarded as a prcess f civil rights and active citizenship.可知,Yuth Exercise 4是关于环保的。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的”Luckily a lcal rganizatin that drives ld peple t stres and appintments was lking fr vlunteers. I thught it might be just what I needed.”可知,作者找到的志愿者工作是开车送老人去商店和赴约,也就是为老年市民服务。故选C
    解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词后的full f questins abut my backgrund可推知,这位老妇人之所以会对作者的背景提出了各种各样的问题,是因为她看见了一个年轻的外国司机而感到
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第四句中的”As my cnfidence grew”和第五句中的“my persnality began t reappear”可知,志愿者工作让作者重获自信和个性。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据首段中的"The base ingredients weren’t updated until the arrival f Taiwan-based brands like CC and A Little Tea in the 2000s.leading t innvatins such as "cheese tea"(直到21世纪初,CC和A Little Tea等台湾品牌的到来,基础成分才得以更新,从而产生了奶酪茶等创新。)可知,台湾一些品牌的到来之前,基础的奶茶配料没有被改变,由此可知,一些台湾奶茶品牌的到来改变了之前奶茶的基本配料。故选B项
    解析:细节理解题。 根据第二段中的”By2020Nie's HeyTea had 695 stres wrldwide; was wrth an estimated16 billin yuan and had attracted a large number f imitatrs.(到2020年, 的喜茶在全球拥有695家门店; 估计价值160亿元 并吸引了大量的模仿者。)可知,到2020年,喜茶在全球有695家门店,并且吸引了大量的模仿者,由此推知,它在国内外都有很好的市场。故选C项
    解析:推理判断题。 根据倒数第二段中的Many tea brands are aware f this and they have sught t assciate themselves with healthy and relaxed lifestyle thrugh their marketing campaigns.(许多茶叶品牌都意识到了这一点, 他们试图通过营销活动将自己与健康和轻松的生活方式联系起来。)可知,很多茶饮品牌将自己与健康轻松的生活方式联系在一起,即通过强调茶饮的放松效果来做广告推广。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据尾段中的·The gal f cnsumptin fr this generatin f cnsumers is
    scializing Yu, said” Yu rarely see a persn drinking Hey Tea by himself.(这一代消费者的消费目标是社交,”Yu说,“你很少看到一个人独自喝喜茶。可知,Yu认为这一代消费者的消费目标是社交,由此可知,年轻人之所以消费这类茶饮,是为了社交。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。 根据第一段的” T prtect panda habitat the Digital Panda System c- develped by the Sichuan gvernment and Chinese technlgy giant Huawei was used effectively acrss frest and grasslands in Sichuan Prvince为了保护熊猫栖息地,四川省森林和草原管理局和中国科技巨头华为共同开发的数字熊猫系统在四川省的森林和草原上得到了有效的使用)可知,数字熊猫系统是为了保护野生大熊猫栖息地免于丧失。故选B项
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的” The instant reprting system helps t detect wildfires in hard-t-reach areas alerting fire departments S they can react quickly as well as mnitring wildlife. Meanwhile, anther smart technlgy-facial recgnitin culd help identify individual pandas mre accurately. Each panda has a unique facial structure and hair pattern. T the human eye their fur-cvered faces all lk the same, but cmputer prgrams are able t distinguish the differences.”(即时报告系统有助于在难以到达的地区发现野火,向消防部门发出警报,以便他们迅速作出反应,并监测野生动物。与此同时,另一项智能技术面部识别可以帮助更准确地识别大熊猫个体。每只熊猫都有独特的面部结构和毛发图案。在人眼看来,它们覆盖着皮毛的脸看起来都是一样的,但计算机程序能够区分这些差异。)可推断智能技术在其运行中发挥着重要作用。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。 根据第四段” The system assists 140000 frest rangers grassland managers, cnservatinists and researchers in Sichuan. In its first five mnths f peratins it detected 651 wildfire htspts reducing frest fires by 71.6% cmpared t the same perid the previus year.(该系统为四川14万名护林员、 草原管理者、自然资源保护人士和研究人员提供了帮助。在最初的五个月里 它发现了651个野火地点,与上年同期相比使森林火灾减少了71.6%)可推知, 通过这些数字可以证明这个系统是非常有效的。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段”In the future the digital panda system culd be extended acrss the sectins f the natinal park that lie in Shanxi and Gansu prvinces creating mre success stries fr ther endangered species.(未来,数字熊猫系统可能会扩展到位于山西和甘肃省的国家公园,为其他危物种创造更多成功的故事。)可知,该系统可能有利于其他临灭绝的动物。故选D项
    ①根据第二段第一句话” Often,we see hw badly peple lk when they get verly upset due t unimprtant things(通常,当人们因为不重要的事情过度沮丧时,我们看到他们看起来有多糖糕。)“可知。此处应该是说不重要的小事情就不要太生气,因此B项“你放下了那些小事符合语境。故本题答案为B。
    ②根据第三段第一句话” As we mature,we are better able t understand the wrld beynd black and white.(随着我们的成熟,我们能够更好地理解世界,而不仅仅是黑与白。)” 可知,成熟是看的更深层次的事情,因此C项“而不是表面上的人符合语境。故本题答案为C
    ③根据第四段第一句话“Immature peple dn’t knw when t cmmit (whe) themselies a their energy r resurces are always nt well mplyed.(不成熟的人不知道什么时候该奉献(投入),他们的精力或资源总是不能很好地利用。)”可知,不成熟的人不知道什么时候该奉献(投入),因此A项“你跟随了大众符合语境。故本题答案为A
    ④根据第五段第一句话 ” Yu accept the pssibility f being wrng(你接受犯错的可能性)“可知,成熟的人总是能接受错误的可能性,因此D项“成熟的人总是能接受错误的可能性“符合语境。故本题答案为D
    ⑤根据第五段最后一句话This means that yu dn’t set yurself up as the highest authrity.(这意味着你不会把自己当作最高权威。)”可知,成熟的人不会把自己当作最高权威,因此E项“相反,他们总是能接受他们是错的“符合语境 故本题答案为E。
    解析:考查动词分析。句意:Emma参加了FareShare FtSteps Challenge 承诺步行100公里来筹集资金,帮助有需要的人。 A.raise增加,筹集;B.lse失去;c.give给予;D.rise升起。 根据下文中的well n the way t meeting her fundraising可知步行100千米是为了*筹集资金帮助需要的人。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词短分析。句意:她的努力已经得到了回报。A.givingf释放;B.payingf得到回报;c.turingup出现;D.hldingup阻碍,耽。根据下文中的”S far she's clcked up 19 km and is n The 3 f the Little FtStep leaderbard可知,她已经步行19公里,在排行榜上有了排名,由此可知, 此处指的是她的努力得到回报符合语境。故选B项。
    解析:考查名词分析。句意:到目前为止她已经步行19公里,在Little FtStep排行榜上名列前茅,她正在努力实现2000美元的筹款目标。A.line线;B.head头;c.tp顶部;D.bttm底部。根据上文中的And her effrts are already可知, 她的努力已经得到回报,由此可推断,此处应是她在排行榜上名列前茅,n the tp意为名列前茅符合语境。故选C项
    解析:考查名词分析。句意:到目前为止她已经步行19公里,在Little FtStep排行榜上名列前茅,她正在努力实现2000美元的筹款目标。Agal目标;B.task任务;C.mney金钱;D.number数字。根据上文中的meeting her fundraising以及下文中的$2000可知 2000美元应该是Emma的筹款目标。故选A项
    解析:考查动词分析。句意:“移动会让你感到快乐,帮助别人也会让你感到快乐,Emma说。A.cnnecting连接;B.helping帮助;c.saving节约;D.influencing影响。根据上文中的t help feed peple in need.以及Mving makes yu feel happy可知,移动让人快乐,“帮助别人也让你感到快乐。故选B项
    解析:考查名词分析。句意:每个上学日我都步行、跑步或骑车1公里。A.family家庭;B.schl学校;C.summer夏季;D.winter冬季。根据下文中的Then n the weekends, I am ding a lt mre.可知,此处应为在*上学日,与在周末相呼应。故选B项。
    解析:考查名词分析。句意:Emma在乡下长大,家里的花园里有很多水果和蔬菜 她明白营养食物的重要性。A.fish鱼;B.meat肉;C.milk奶;D.vegetables蔬菜。根据下文中的”in her hme garden”可知, 此处指的是在家里的菜园里,应为蔬菜符合语境。故选D项
    解析:考查名词分析。句意:Emma在乡下长大,家里的花园里有很多水果和蔬菜,她明白营养食物的重要性。A.difficulty困难;B.pssibility可能性;C.imprtance重要性;D.insistence坚持。根据下文中的“It helps us grw and stay 9 It als helps us stay alive and have lts f 10 ,she said.可知,Emma讲述的是有营养的食物的作用,所以此处应指的是她很理解营养食物的重要性符合语境。故选C项。
    解析:考查形容词义析。句意:她说,帮助我们成长和保持健康。它还能帮助我们保持活力,保持充沛的精力。A.yung年轻的;B.strng强大的;C.happy快乐的;D.healthy健康的。根据常识以及上文中的”Emma understands the 8 f nutritius(有营养的)fd.可知此处指的是有营养的食物应是帮助我们成长,帮助我们保持健康。故选D项
    解析:考查名词分析。句意:她说,“它帮助我们成长和保持健康。它还能帮助我们保持活力,保持充沛的精力。A.wealth财富;B.energy精力;c.pwer权力;D.pursuit追求。 根据上文中的It als helps us stay alive and可知, 有营养的食物帮助我们保持活力,此空与上文的内容为并列关系,所以此处表示有充沛的精力符合语境。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词分析。句意:FtSteps Challenge是由慈善厨房FareShare发起的,其灵感来自该厨房的厨师,他们每天步行约15公里 每周将救援和捐赠的食物变成5万份免费营养餐,提供给穷人。A.inspired激励,启发;B.financed资助;C.demanded要求;D.prduced生产。根据上文中*The FtSteps Challenge is run by charity kitchen FareShare可知, 这项挑战赛是由慈善厨房FareShare发起 结合下文中的*whwalkabut15kmadayasthey 12 rescued and dnated fd int50.000 free and nutritius meals fr the 13 each week.可知,慈善厨房的厨师每天步行15公里把捐赠的食物变成营养餐给人由此可知 此处讲述的是此挑战赛是受到了慈善厨房厨师的启发。故选A项
    解析:考查动词分析。句意:FtSteps Challenge是由慈善厨房FareShare发起的,其灵感来自该厨房的厨师,他们每天步行约15公里,每周将救援和捐赠的食物变成5万份免费营养餐,提供给穷人。A.deliver递送;B.ck烹饪;C.trn转变;D.make制作。根据下文中的rescued and dnated fd int 50000 free and nutritius meals可知,他们把援救和捐赠的食物应该是“变成5万份免费营养餐意为把变成符合语境。故选C项。
    解析:考查形容词分析。句意:FtSteps Challenge是由慈善厨房FareShare发起的,其灵感来自该厨房的厨师,他们每天步行约15公里,每周将救援和捐赠的食物变成5万份免费营养餐,提供给穷人。A.pr穷的;B.rich富有的;C.adult成年的;D.wise明智的。根据常识和上文中的t help feed peple in need.可知,帮助养活需要的人,由此可知,将免费的营养餐应该是提供给穷人”,the pr应为*穷人符合语境。故选A项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:该慈善机构从超市、制造商、农民和批发企业那里拯救新鲜农产品, 否则这些农产品就会被扔掉,因为它们是多余的,没有被使用。A.cheap便宜的;B.delicius美味的;C.instant即食的;D.fresh新鲜的。根据下文中的be thrwn ut because itis surplus(过剩的)and has nt been used.可知, 因为是过剩,而没有被使用的应是新鲜的符合语境。故选D项
    解析:考查副词分析。句意:该慈善机构从超市、 制造商、 农民和批发企业那里拯救新鲜农产品, 否则这些农产品就会被扔掉, 因为它们是多余的, 没有被使用。 A.rather是; B.hwever然而;c.therwise否则 要不然; D.therefre因此根据上文中的”The charity rescues 14 prduce frm supermarkets manufacturers,farmers and whlesale businesses可知, 慈善厨房拯救了这些产品,结合下文中的be thrwn ut because it is surplus过剩的)and has nt been used.可知,要是慈善厨房要没有拯救这些产品,这些产品将会因为过剩没有被使用而被扔掉,所以此处应指的是不·符合语境。故选C项
    32.答案:①techniques②which/that③with/amng④are⑤and⑥made⑦drawing⑧is put⑨generally⑩displaying
    Dear friend,
    I’d like t cnvey ur heartfelt welcme t yu n behalf f all the students in ur schl. Nw, I will share with yu specific arrangements abut ur festival.
    As scheduled, the Schl Culture Festival is t be held in the schl meeting hall next Friday. At that time, a large number f wrks abut campus culture will be exhibited. What’s mre, the exhibitin f traditinal Chinese calligraphy and ink painting will certainly give yu a visual feast. Finally, there will be a display f traditinal fd making which will give yu the pprtunity t taste a variety f Chinese fd.
    Wish yu have an unfrgettable experience!
    比外:whats mre →besides
    各种各样的:a variety f→all kinds f
    原句:As scheduled. the Schl Culture Festival is t be held in the schl meeting hall next Friday. At that time a large number f wrks abut campus culture will be exhibited
    拓展句: As scheduled. the Schl Culture Festival is t be held in the schl meeting hall next Friday when a large number f wrks abut campus culture will be exhibited.
    【高分句型1】As scheduled, the Schl Culture Festival is t be held in the schl meeting hall next Friday. (运用了as引导的状语从句)
    【高分句型2】Finally there will be a display f traditinal fd making which will give yu the
    pprtunity t taste a variety f Chinese fd. (运用了which引导的定语从句)
    The sky started t becme darker. I didn’t knw what t d, s I called ut t my classmates but there was n reply. I tried t lk fr a way but nne f the scenes seemed familiar. I walked fr a few mre minutes, hping t meet ther peple behind, but nce again it didn’t wrk. I was scared, hungry and helpless. Still, I knew it’s n use being anxius. I decided t stay where I was, cnserving my energy until the rescue team arrived.
    As I was falling asleep, I heard a human vice. I dubted my ears but then I heard smene else. I screamed, “HELP!” There was a nte f excitement in my vice. They were rescuers wh had cme searching fr me because my classmates reprted my lss. They tk me back t the bus. The mment I saw my classmates, I culdn’t hld back the tears in my eyes. They kept asking me if I was hurt r what was wrng. When they learned I was safe, they were relieved. What an unfrgettable experience!

    四川省南充高级中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第二次月考英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份四川省南充高级中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第二次月考英语试卷(含答案),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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