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    Wildlife Vlunteer Prgrams fr Teens
    Age: 14-17
    Duratin: 2 weeks
    Wildlife Orphanage Prgram, Zimbabwe
    At ne f the mst successful wildlife care centers in Zimbabwe, vlunteers wrk with wildlife ranging frm mnkeys t lins. These animals have been abandned, injured, r rescued frm illegal wildlife traders. Tasks include preparing fd, cleaning ut yards, and cntributing enrichment ideas. Leisure time can be spent visiting Victria Falls and Hwange Natinal Park.
    Age: 13-15
    Duratin: 4 weeks
    Sea Turtle (海龟) Cnservatin Prgram, Greece
    With this prgram, teens can help the endangered sea turtle while wrking alngside experts. Vlunteers can expect lng walks alng the beach watching ver sea turtles nesting areas r building fences t prtect them frm natural enemies. Vlunteers will als have the pprtunity t explre ancient ruins and sample delicius Greek cuisine.
    Age: 17-19
    Duratin: 3 weeks
    Yucatan Peninsula Prgram, Mexic
    With this prgram, vlunteers will learn abut the issues facing the marine (海洋的) ecsystem, including pllutin, verfishing, and climate change. Teens will gain valuable skills n hw t cnduct deep sea research and identify fish species. During free time, participants can explre Mayan ruins set in trpical (热带的) jungles.
    Age: 16-18
    Duratin: 2 weeks
    Preserving Nature’s Wnders Prgram, Galapags
    Vlunteers jining this prgram help restre the natural habitat f native wildlife, which is in danger f lsing its habitat. This prgram gives teens an experience f a lifetime where they can swim with sea lins and spt rare wildlife in ne f the last untuched places n earth.
    1.Where shuld teens g if they want t lk after wunded animals?
    A. Zimbabwe.B. Greece.C. Mexic.D. Galapags.
    2.What can vlunteers in the Sea Turtle Cnservatin Prgram d during their free time?
    A. Visit a natinal park.
    B. Enjy tasty lcal fd.
    C. Set ft in an untuched place.
    D. Explre ancient ruins in trpical jungles.
    3.Which prgram is suitable fr 19-year-lds with a 4-week hliday?
    A. The Wildlife Orphanage Prgram.
    B. The Sea Turtle Cnservatin Prgram.
    C. The Yucatan Peninsula Prgram.
    D. The Preserving Nature’s Wnders Prgram.
    Remember the wman in Prt Hd, N. S. whse recipe fr meat rlls spread all ver the internet? The dg frm Quebec that attracted hundreds f thusands f fllwers fr its advice n surviving scial islatin? The pilt whse path ver Nva Sctia frmed the shape f a heart?
    All f their stries, and dzens mre, are cllected in a new bk by tw Canadian authrs. It tk Heather Dwn and Catherine Kenwell just a little mre than seven weeks t cllect the stries behind the 49 uplifting mments they recrded during the pandemic.
    The bk includes everything frm the tale f Rbbie Griffiths, the father frm Paradise, N. L. wh dressed up as Spider-Man s kids culd have smething psitive in their day, t Carter Mann, the Grade 5 student frm Sudbury, Ont, wh wrte a pem t encurage frnt-line heres including his wn father, wh is a health carer.
    “Nt Canceled: Canadian Caremngering in the Face f COVID-19” is a reminder that a lt f psitive things happened during lckdwn. The bk’s title is a nd t the Canadian attitude and reactin t the pandemic, as the wrd “caremngering” has Canadian rts. Even the number f stries is n accident: it’s a reference t the 49th parallel, alng which runs the Canada-U. S. brder between Manitba and B. C.
    One f the stries in “Nt Canceled” centers n the marriage f a cuple in B. C. They may have had t shift their celebratins t a living rm, but the ceremny was far frm lnely. Friends shwed up in their cars utside, with everyne tuned int the same radi statin, s the bride and grm culd have their first dance in the middle f the street.
    Dwn wanted t dcument hw the natin navigated such dark times with kindness. She tld CTV News that “the respnse has been amazing. I’m s pleased.”
    The stries included in the bk are just the tip f the iceberg. Dwn says that there are s many stries left ver that she and Kenwell might just have t d a secnd bk.
    4.What des the underlined wrd “uplifting” in Paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Inspiring.B. Embarrassing.C. Mysterius.D. Humrus.
    5.What is the tale f Carter Mann?
    A. He trained hard t becme a health carer.
    B. He wrte pems with the help f his father.
    C. He used wrds t cheer up essential wrkers.
    D. He dressed up as Spider-Man t please ther kids.
    6.What can be inferred abut the title f the bk?
    A. It shws Canadian attitude and respnse.
    B. It shws the ttal number f the stries.
    C. It has the new-made wrd “caremngering”.
    D. It cntains Canada’s gegraphical infrmatin.
    7.What happened during the wedding ceremny in B. C. ?
    A. It was canceled halfway.
    B. It was held cmpletely indr.
    C. It was witnessed by a grup f friends.
    D. It was bradcast live by a radi statin.
    The middle class in Uganda is n the increase. S is the cuntry’s turism industry. The grwth f restaurants and high-end htels is evidence that bth freigners and Ugandans are spending mney. But the wners f these businesses have ften had t turn t ther cuntries t find executive chefs (行政总厨) . The reasn: a lack f well-trained chefs and ther assistants at Ugandan restaurants. Slwly but surely, this is changing.
    Uganda has a prblem nt nrmally fund in a lw-incme cuntry. It has a shrtage f lcal chefs. In recent years, the number f restaurants and turism-related businesses has risen. As a result, the demand fr well-trained cks and ther assistants has grwn. But experienced chefs are difficult t find. Jean Byamugisha is in the Uganda Htel Owners Assciatin. “The biggest challenge is capacity building. Peple really need a lt f training, especially nw that we are cmpeting t reach East African level.”
    T meet the need, many restaurants have turned t neighbring cuntries fr help. Enck Alumasi is frm Kenya. He saw that Uganda had a lack f tp chefs. S he helped set up the Impact Chefs Academy in 2013. The academy is the nly schl in Uganda that ffers a full training prgram fr chefs. It ffers a number f prgram-starting with ne-week curses fr thse wh already have a career in the restaurant industry, t a year-lng training prgram.
    One recent day, several students were learning the different ways t fry an egg. This may sund like smething that cmes naturally t a chef. But sme wrkers have never cked an egg befre. Brian Kazibe has wrked as a chef. He says that sme trainees have learned abut five different areas f restaurant peratins ver three mnths. “By the time they get t the kitchen,” he says, “they nly remain fr tw r three weeks, which is nt really enugh fr them.”
    The Impact Chef’s Academy has trained mre than 3, 000 peple in the past tw years. Jean Byaugisha says that the need is still grwing. “The impact is nt yet felt. One week’s training fr a chef is t shrt. We need smebdy wh can cme fr tw mnths, six mnths, nine mnths and train the chefs and release smebdy wh can actually cme t the restaurant r a htel and prepare a meal that everybdy will fall ver themselves t pay fr.” Hwever, the academy has gtten a taste f success; it lks frward t expanding.
    8.What can be inferred frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. Uganda is a high-incme cuntry nw.
    B. Turism is Uganda’s main surce f GDP.
    C. Visitrs g t Uganda mainly fr its fds.
    D. Uganda’s ecnmy develps at a high speed.
    9.What can we learn abut the Impact Chef’s Academy?
    A. It mainly trains students t fry eggs.
    B. It prvides curses different in length.
    C. It emplys teachers frm neighbring cuntries.
    D. It was set up by Enck Alumasi in Kenya in 2013.
    10.In the past tw years, the Impact Chef’s Academy ________.
    A. has gained success t sme extent
    B. has trained enugh experienced chefs
    C. has set up a series f chain training schls
    D. has nly pened shrt-term classes fr 3 mnths
    11.What des the passage mainly talk abut?
    A. Hw t slve the difficulties in Uganda.
    B. Handling lack f excellent chefs in Uganda.
    C. The setting up f the Impact Chef’s Academy.
    D. The expanding f the middle class in Uganda.
    The hal effect is a cgnitive bias (认知偏见) that affects ur pinins f quality in prducts, brands, businesses r peple. It describes ur tendency t judge a wider cncept n ur experience f a single mment r interactin. That is, yur experience f using a prduct may clur yur impressin f an entire brand.
    This is a very surface-level, quick-fire respnse that’s deep in ur mind. If we see a gd r bad quality, we really can’t help thinking this “thing” must flw thrugh t the rest f the persn, business r brand. Marketers understand this and have been using it against yu fr years.
    Advertisers want t back winners, especially thse n big stages. The Olympics, the Wrld Cup and the Super Bwl all attract huge amunts f advertising spend. Why? Because when sprts stars win big, they create huge amunts f feel-gd factrs and a brand can use the hal effect t prject sme f thse feel-gd factrs nt themselves.
    Studies have shwn that when a prduct has a label that it is either fair trade, sustainably surced r rganic in nature, it will receive higher ratings in custmer satisfactin and peple will pay mre fr it. In a blind taste test thugh, that’s nt necessarily the case. The prduct culd be cnsidered pr in taste r quality, but the act f adding a certain label t the packaging increases peple’s liking fr it.
    The hal effect is a bias we cannt escape. It is in actin everywhere in the mdern wrld. Every high-end prduct yu experience leaves a lasting impressin and every advertisement that catches yur eye is lking t direct yur attentin twards smething yu may nt have therwise been interested in. As a cnsumer, be careful. There are businesses that will g t any extent t influence yur behaviur. Next time yu find yurself really wanting smething, stp and ask yurself why.
    12.Hw des the hal effect influence ur pinins?
    A. It helps us see things in a better way.
    B. It deepens ur understanding f things.
    C. It stps us frm jumping t cnclusins.
    D. It wrks n us thrugh frmer experience.
    13.Why d advertisers back winners f big events?
    A. T use hal effect t attract mre audience.
    B. T cntribute t the develpment f sprts.
    C. T cnnect their brands with psitive emtins.
    D. T drive sprts stars t create feel-gd factrs.
    14.What can be inferred abut the hal effect frm Paragraph 4?
    A. It leads t false advertisements.
    B. It results in incrrect judgments.
    C. It ensures the quality f prducts.
    D. It imprves envirnmental prtectin.
    15.What is the purpse f the last part f the text?
    A. T warn f unplanned buying.
    B. T summarize the hal effect.
    C. T expse the influence f advertising.
    D. T shw mdern marketing strategies.
    16.Whether it’s fr yur health, envirnment — r yur wallet — gardening has seen a bm in recent years. ①_________. Here are ur tp reasns t get gardening this year:
    Pick yur wn
    ②_________. Frm picking yur wn strawberries r unearthing the first new ptates f the year, hmegrwn veg is a jy. It simply tastes better. Whether that’s dwn t the triumph f simply grwing yur wn r eating it when it’s at its freshest, nce yu start hme grwing yu may never stp.
    Invite cmmunity cnversatins
    Over the garden fence. At the vegetable fields. While weeding yur windw bxes.
    ③_________. Simply being ut and abut in yur garden invites interactin and cnversatin with neighburs and peple in yur lcal area, which in itself has multiple scial and wellbeing benefits.
    Build strength
    Gardening is exercise because yu d small tasks like cutting grass r raking (耙地) that fall under the categry f light r mderate exercise. Hwever, yu als dig, shvel, and chp wd t get this level up t mderate exercise. ④_________. And this can help build up yur strength.
    Bst md
    Did yu knw that gardening can bst yur md while increasing yur self-respect levels? When yu make time t g ut and wrk in yur garden, yur anxiety levels can g dwn and yu culd start t feel less depressed. One study lked at this benefit f gardening. There searchers tk peple wh suffered frm depressin and had them participate in a 12-week lng gardening. ⑤_________.
    A. The mre yu garden, the strnger yu will get
    B. All f these tasks ensure yu wrk yur muscles
    C. There’s nthing like eating yur wn vegetables
    D. And nw is a great time t get yur hands dirty in sil
    E. A big benefit f gardening is frming cnnectins with new peple
    F. They fund that each participant had great imprvement in their cnditin
    G. It’s amazing t have smene t talk t when yu’re tending yur plants r vegetables
    There was an ld dg in the middle f the rad wh seemed lst. Yu culd tell he had lving wners because he lked 1 and he had n street sense. The basset hund (巴塞特) was 2 a busy street, and everyne was stpped. A man was able t lead the dg ut f the rad with a 3 he had packed fr his lunch. The dg had n cllar. I said I wuld take him t the plice statin.
    When I did, the plice tld me they did nt 4 animals. They said I wuld have t take him t the 5 20 miles away. I tld them I was wrking and 6 . I asked whether they culd 7 the dg until I gt ff wrk. If the dg wner hadn’t 8 by then, I wuld take him hme. They agreed. I gt hme at six and called the plice statin. I was 9 t learn that the wners had 10 their dg. The plice said the peple wanted my name and address t send me a thank-yu nte. I gave my 11 , but never expected t hear frm them.
    Later that day, I was making 12 and heard a knck n the dr. It was the flwer man hlding a large, beautiful arrangement. The card read, “I may be 13 , fat, and hard f hearing, but yu were a wnderful wman t save my life. My small wners are 14 that I wasn’t killed. With much lve, Barney the Basset Hund.” I gt flwers frm a dg! They were a perfect 15 fr the centre f my dinner table.
    17.A. ill-treatedB. gd-naturedC. well-fedD. mean-lking
    18.A. sweepingB. blckingC. findingD. explring
    19.A. sandwichB. dg fdC. handkerchiefD. beer
    20.A. checkB. handleC. murderD. limit
    21.A. wildlandB. hspitalC. shelterD. cach
    22.A. n the clckB. in the airC. at easeD. ut f danger
    23.A. teachB. studyC. treatD. keep
    24.A. appearedB. diedC. lstD. agreed
    25.A. annyedB. verjyedC. hnuredD. heartbrken
    26.A. cleaned upB. lked frC. picked upD. given away
    27.A. nameB. numberC. adviceD. infrmatin
    28.A. brunchB. lunchC. breakfastD. dinner
    29.A. desertedB. agedC. wiseD. energetic
    30.A. curiusB. wrriedC. gladD. cnfident
    31.A. decratinB. dishC. tyD. award
    32.When yung urban cuples get married, they usually hire a fleet f abut 10 cars t escrt them and their family t the wedding venue. But ne new cuple in Dalian, Lianing prvince, did smething a little different — they①_________ (chse) t rent a public bus instead.
    ②_________ (lk) back n their wedding day n Oct 5, the bride, Yang Le’er, said she still felt jyful abut the bus experience, ③_________added special meaning t the wedding.
    On their wedding day, ④_________red electric bus carried the bride and grm, and the guests t a htel. “We played festive music alng the way, and friends sang alng. Even thugh my parents didn’t sing, they⑤_________ (attract) by the atmsphere and didn’t shw the traditinal⑥_________ (sad) f a daughter’s marriage,” Yang recalled.
    ⑦_________a cst f 10, 000 yuan, which included the decratins, she said getting the bus was⑧_________ (relative) cheaper than hiring a fleet f cars. Besides, using a bus as their wedding car was s much cler than a luxury car. On the rad, they drew a lt f attentin. Pedestrians tk ut their phnes⑨_________ (take) pictures and waved at them. When the bridesmaids and grmsmen shuted t passersby that “we’re getting married”, they received smiles and cheers in respnse.
    Sng Jian, the head f Dalian Transprtatin Advertising C, said the cmpany will explre mre creative “theme buses” ⑩_________expand related businesses in the future.
    1. 活动的时间与地点;
    2. 活动过程;
    3. 活动反响。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    If yu are cnstantly lack f cnfidence and wrried abut what ther peple think abut yur shrtcmings, yu will never get t where yu need t g in life. This was what I learned frm my wn experience.
    My name is Peter. Befre I was brn, the dctrs examined my mm and fund there was smething wrng with my face, and actually it was wrse. With my “weird” face, I knew I was nt an rdinary ten-year-ld kid. I had never been t a real schl befre, nt because f the way I lked, but all the surgeries I had. Mm hmeschled me. I became strnger, thugh. S maybe it was time fr me t g t the real schl.
    One day, I happened t hear Mm and Dad talking abut me quietly. “We can’t keep prtecting him.” Mm whispered t Dad, “We have t help him learn t deal with it. We can’t just keep aviding situatins that… ”, but she didn’t even finish her sentence because she saw me. “G back t sleep, Peter,” Mm said sftly.
    “Everyne will stare at me at schl,” I said, suddenly crying.
    Mm came ver, putting her hand n mine. “Hney, yu knw if yu dn’t want t d this, yu dn’t have t. But we spke t the principal (校长) , Mr. Green and tld him hw funny and smart yu are. When I tld him abut all yur surgeries, and hw brave yu are, ‘Ww, I have t meet this kid.’ ” Mm smiled at me.
    “He is really a nice man. Besides, a real schl is really gd fr yu. Peter, yu will make lts f friends and learn things yu have never learned with Mm.” Dad added, raising his hand as if t swear.
    “But… I dn’t want t g. I am afraid... ” I said in a lw vice.
    “Hw abut at least meeting Mr. Green befre yu make up yur mind?” Mm asked.
    I ndded, unwilling t accept the arrangement.
    1. 续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1:
    We arrived at the schl a few weeks befre the start f the schl.
    Paragraph 2:
    After taking a tur f the schl and hearing Mr. Green’s wrds, I realized it was time t make a change.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Wildlife Orphanage Prgram, Zimbabwe部分“These animals have been abandned, injured, r rescued frm illegal wildlife traders. (这些动物被遗弃、受伤或从非法野生动物贸易商手中获救)”可知,青少年想照顾受伤的动物,他们应该去津巴布韦。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Sea Turtle (海龟) Cnservatin Prgram, Greece部分“Vlunteers will als have the pprtunity t explre ancient ruins and sample delicius Greek cuisine. (志愿者们还将有机会探索古老的废墟,品尝美味的希腊美食)”可知,志愿者们在Sea Turtle Cnservatin Prgram可以品尝到美味的希腊美食。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Yucatan Peninsula Prgram, Mexic部分“Age: 17-19 (年龄:17-19岁)”可知,Yucatan Peninsula Prgram这个项目适合有4周假期的19岁的孩子参与。故选C。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段“Remember the wman in Prt Hd, N. S. whse recipe fr meat rlls spread all ver the internet? The dg frm Quebec that attracted hundreds f thusands f fllwers fr its advice n surviving scial islatin? The pilt whse path ver Nva Sctia frmed the shape f a heart?”(还记得北达科他州胡德港的那个女人吗,她的肉卷食谱在网上疯传了?那只来自魁北克的狗吸引了成千上万的粉丝,因为它提供了如何在社会孤立中生存的建议?还有那个在新斯科舍上空划出心形航线的飞行员?)及第二段最后一句“It tk Heather Dwn and Catherine Kenwell just a little mre than seven weeks t cllect the stries behind the 49... mments they recrded during the pandemic.”(希瑟·唐恩和凯瑟琳·肯威尔只用了七个多星期的时间,就收集了他们在疫情期间记录的49个……时刻背后的故事。)可知,“the 49 uplifting mments”指的就是像第一段提到的那样的时刻,根据第一段内容可知,这些都是一些积极向上,振奋人心的故事,故推知uplifting意为“令人振奋的”。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“The bk includes everything frm the tale f Rbbie Griffiths, the father frm Paradise, N. L. wh dressed up as Spider-Man s kids culd have smething psitive in their day, t Carter Mann, the Grade 5 student frm Sudbury, Ont, wh wrte a pem t encurage frnt-line heres including his wn father, wh is a health carer.”(这本书里有罗比·格里菲斯的故事,他是新泽西州天堂镇的一位父亲,他打扮成蜘蛛侠,让孩子们在他们的日子里有一些积极的东西,来自安大略省萨德伯里的五年级学生卡特·曼,他写了一首诗来鼓励前线英雄,包括他自己的父亲,他是一名医护人员。)可知,卡特·曼写诗鼓励前线的抗疫人员,他们是疫情期间的骨干力量。故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“ The bk’s title is a nd t the Canadian attitude and reactin t the pandemic, as the wrd “caremngering” has Canadian rts.”(这本书的标题是对加拿大人对疫情的态度和反应的认可,因为“关爱”这个词起源于加拿大。)可知,这本书肯定了加拿大人在疫情期间展现出的积极向上的态度和反应。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第五段最后两句“They may have had t shift their celebratins t a living rm, but the ceremny was far frm lnely. Friends shwed up in their cars utside, with everyne tuned int the same radi statin, s the bride and grm culd have their first dance in the middle f the street.”(他们可能不得不把他们的庆祝活动转移到客厅,但仪式一点也不孤独。朋友们开着车出现在外面,每个人都调到同一个电台,这样新娘和新郎就可以在街道中央跳第一支舞了。)可知,一群朋友见证了该婚礼的举行。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“The middle class in Uganda is n the increase. S is the cuntry’s turism industry. The grwth f restaurants and high-end htels is evidence that bth freigners and Ugandans are spending mney.”(乌干达的中产阶级正在增加。该国的旅游业也是如此。餐馆和高档酒店的增长表明,外国人和乌干达人都在花钱。)及第二段“In recent years, the number f restaurants and turism-related businesses has risen.”(近年来,餐馆和旅游相关企业的数量有所增加。)可知,乌干达的中产阶级正在增加,旅游业,餐馆及高档酒店也在持续发展,说明乌干达经济在高速发展。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句“The academy is the nly schl in Uganda that ffers a full training prgram fr chefs. It ffers a number f prgram-starting with ne-week curses fr thse wh already have a career in the restaurant industry, t a year-lng training prgram.”(该学院是乌干达唯一一所为厨师提供全套培训课程的学校。它提供了许多项目,从为那些已经在餐饮业工作的人提供为期一周的课程,到为期一年的培训项目。)可知,Impact Chefs Academy提供不同时长的课程。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段前两句“The Impact Chef’s Academy has trained mre than 3, 000 peple in the past tw years. Jean Byaugisha says that the need is still grwing.”(Impact Chef’s Academy在过去两年中培训了3000多人。Jean Byaugisha表示,需求仍在增长。)及最后一句“Hwever, the academy has gtten a taste f success; it lks frward t expanding.”(然而,Impact Chef’s Academy已经尝到了成功的滋味,它期待着扩张。)可知,在过去两年,Impact Chef’s Academy培训了3000多人,需求仍在增长,说明它已经获得了一定程度的成功。故选A项。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段“But the wners f these businesses have ften had t turn t ther cuntries t find executive chefs . The reasn: a lack f well-trained chefs and ther assistants at Ugandan restaurants. Slwly but surely, this is changing.”(但这些企业的所有者往往不得不转向其他国家寻找行政厨师。原因是:乌干达餐馆缺乏训练有素的厨师和其他助手。肯定的是,这种情况正在缓慢改变。)及第三段“T meet the need, many restaurants have turned t neighbring cuntries fr help. Enck Alumasi is frm Kenya. He saw that Uganda had a lack f tp chefs. S he helped set up the Impact Chefs Academy in 2013.”(为了满足需求,许多餐馆转向邻国寻求帮助。Enck Alumasi来自肯尼亚。他发现乌干达缺乏顶级厨师。因此,他在2013年帮助建立了 Impact Chefs Academy。)并结合下文该学院在提供培训课程,培养厨师方面取得的成功可知,本文主要介绍了乌干达餐馆缺乏优秀厨师的现状及为解决该问题采取的措施方法。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句“It describes ur tendency t judge a wider cncept n ur experience f a single mment r interactin. That is, yur experience f using a prduct may clur yur impressin f an entire brand.(它描述了我们倾向于根据我们在某个时刻或互动中的经验来判断一个更广泛的概念。也就是说,你使用产品的经历可能会影响你对整个品牌的印象)”可知,光环效应是通过我们以往的经历来影响我们对事情的看法的。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“Advertisers want t back winners, especially thse n big stages. The Olympics, the Wrld Cup and the Super Bwl all attract huge amunts f advertising spend. Why? Because when sprts stars win big, they create huge amunts f feel-gd factrs and a brand can use the hal effect t prject sme f thse feel-gd factrs nt themselves.(广告商希望支持赢家,尤其是那些在大舞台上的赢家。奥运会、世界杯和超级碗都吸引了大量的广告支出。为什么?因为当体育明星大获成功时,他们创造了大量的感觉良好的因素,而一个品牌可以利用光环效应将这些感觉良好的因素投射到自己身上)”可知,广告商支持大赛事的赢家是因为当体育明星大获成功会创造积极的情绪影响,而广告商可以将他们的品牌与这种积极情绪联系起来。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段“Studies have shwn that when a prduct has a label that it is either fair trade, sustainably surced r rganic in nature, it will receive higher ratings in custmer satisfactin and peple will pay mre fr it. In a blind taste test thugh, that’s nt necessarily the case. The prduct culd be cnsidered pr in taste r quality, but the act f adding a certain label t the packaging increases peple’s liking fr it.(研究表明,当一个产品有一个标签,无论是公平贸易,可持续来源或有机的性质,它将获得更高的客户满意度评级,人们会花更多的钱。但在盲品测试中,情况并非如此。该产品可能被认为味道或质量差,但在包装上添加某种标签的行为增加了人们对它的喜爱)”可知,在商品包装上添加某种标签会增加人们对其喜爱程度,尽管该产品可能质量不好,说明光环效应会导致不正确的判断。故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“The hal effect is a bias we cannt escape. It is in actin everywhere in the mdern wrld. Every high-end prduct yu experience leaves a lasting impressin and every advertisement that catches yur eye is lking t direct yur attentin twards smething yu may nt have therwise been interested in. As a cnsumer, be careful. There are businesses that will g t any extent t influence yur behaviur. Next time yu find yurself really wanting smething, stp and ask yurself why.(光环效应是我们无法摆脱的偏见。它在现代世界中无处不在。你体验到的每一个高端产品都会给你留下持久的印象,每一个吸引你眼球的广告都在试图把你的注意力引向你可能不感兴趣的东西。作为消费者,要小心。有些企业会在任何程度上影响你的行为。下次当你发现自己真的很想要某样东西时,停下来问问自己为什么)”可知,该段主要说明作为消费者,无法摆脱光环效应的影响,所以当自己想买某样东西时,要三思而后行,故该段主要警告我们要警惕无计划的购买行为。故选A项。
    解析:①根据空前的“Whether it’s fr yur health, envirnment — r yur wallet — gardening has seen a bm in recent years.(无论是为了你的健康、环境,还是为了你的钱包,园艺近年来一直在蓬勃发展)”可知,近年来园艺一直蓬勃发展,根据空后的“Here are ur tp reasns t get gardening this year(以下是我们今年种植园艺的主要原因)”可知,下文将介绍今年种植园艺的原因。由此可知,此空处应承上启下的作用,从近年的情况过渡到今年园艺的情况,D选项“And nw is a great time t get yur hands dirty in sil(现在是让你的手沾上泥土的好时机)”中的and与空前内容衔接,且与空后的内容一致,讲述的是现在开始种植园艺的好时机,承上启下。故选D项。
    ②根据本段的小标题“Pick yur wn(采摘你自己种植的果实)”可知,本段讲述的是种植园艺可以让自己采摘自己的劳动成果,结合空后的“Frm picking yur wn strawberries r unearthing the first new ptates f the year, hmegrwn veg is a jy.(从采摘自己的草莓到挖掘今年的第一个新土豆,自制蔬菜是一种乐趣)”可知,采摘自己的成果是一种乐趣,C选项“There’s nthing like eating yur wn vegetables(没有什么比吃自己的蔬菜更好的了)”讲述的是吃自己种植的蔬菜是最好的,与本段主题一致,且与空后的内容吻合。故选C项。
    ③根据本段的小标题“Invite cmmunity cnversatins(邀请社区人员聊天)”可知,本段讲述的是通过种植园艺可以与社区人员交流,根据空后的“Simply being ut and abut in yur garden invites interactin and cnversatin with neighburs and peple in yur lcal area, which in itself has multiple scial and wellbeing benefits. (简单地在花园中散步,就可以与邻居和当地的人们进行互动和交谈,这本身就具有多种社会和健康益处)”可知,在花园散步,与邻居和当地的人们交流对社会和健康有很多好处,G选项“It’s amazing t have smene t talk t when yu’re tending yur plants r vegetables(当你在照顾你的植物或蔬菜时,有人和你说话是很神奇的)”讲述的是在照顾植物或蔬菜时与他人说话是美好的事情,与本段主题一致,且与空后讲述的内容吻合。故选G项。
    ④根据本段的小标题“Build strength(增强力量)”可知,本段讲述的是种植园艺能增加力量,结合空后的“And this can help build up yur strength.(这有助于增强你的力量)”可知,此空讲述的内容应与增加力量有关系,B选项“All f these tasks ensure yu wrk yur muscles(所有这些任务都能锻炼你的肌肉)”讲述的是园艺任务能锻炼肌肉,从而增加你的体力,与空后的内容吻合,且与本段的主题一致。故选B项。
    ⑤根据本段的小标题“Bst md(改善情绪)”可知,本段主要讲述的是园艺可以改善情绪,结合空前的“There searchers tk peple wh suffered frm depressin and had them participate in a 12-week lng gardening.(研究人员让患有抑郁症的人参加为期12周的园艺活动)”可知,此处将讲述的是园艺可以改善这些患有抑郁症的人的情绪,F选项“They fund that each participant had great imprvement in their cnditin(他们发现每个参与者的病情都有了很大的改善)”与本段的主题一致,且衔接空前的研究内容,符合语境。故选F项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你可以看出它有爱它的主人,因为它看起来吃得很好,而且它没有街头意识。 A. ill-treated受虐待的;B. gd-natured脾气好的;C. well-fed吃得好的;D. mean-lking相貌凶恶的。根据后文“I may be 13 , fat, and hard f hearing, but yu were a wnderful wman t save my life. ”可知,狗狗很胖,看起来吃得好。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:那只巴塞特猎犬挡住了一条繁忙的街道,每个人都被拦住了。A. sweeping打扫;B. blcking挡住(去路);C. finding发现;D. explring探索。根据前文“There was an ld dg in the middle f the rad”及后文“everyne was stpped”可知,狗狗在路中间,挡住了街道。故选B项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个人用他的午餐三明治把狗引到路边。A. sandwich三明治;B. dg fd狗粮;C. handkerchief手帕;D. beer啤酒。根据后文“he had packed fr his lunch”可知,一位男士用他的午餐三明治把狗引到路边。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我去的时候,警察告诉我他们不处理动物。A. check检查;B. handle处理;C. murder谋杀;D. limit限制。警察不负责处理动物。故选B项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们说我得带他去20英里外的收容所。A. wildland荒地;B. hspital医院;C. shelter收容所;D. cach教练。警察不负责处理动物,动物需要被送到收容所。故选C项。
    解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意:我告诉他们我在工作,而且是在上班时间。A. n the clck在上班;B. in the air不确定的;C. at ease放松;D. ut f danger脱离危险。根据前文“I was wrking”可知,作者在上班。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我问他们能否把狗留到我下班。A. teach教授;B. study学习;C. treat对待;D. keep保留。根据前文“ I was wrking”及“until I gt ff wrk”可知,作者询问警察能否把狗留到她下班。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果那时狗的主人还没有出现,我就把他带回家。A. appeared出现;B. died死亡;C. lst迷路;D. agreed同意。根据后文“ wuld take him hme”可知,如果下班后狗主人还没出现,作者就带狗回家。故选A项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:得知主人把他们的狗接走了,我欣喜若狂。A. annyed生气的;B. verjyed非常开心的;C. hnured荣幸的;D. heartbrken心碎的。根据后文“the wners had ___10__ their dg”可知,狗狗找到了主人,作者很开心。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:得知主人把他们的狗接走了,我欣喜若狂。A. cleaned up打扫;B. lked fr寻找;C. picked up接走;D. given away捐赠。根据后文“the peple wanted my name and address t send me a thank-yu nte”可知,狗主人想给作者寄感谢信,说明他们把狗接走了。故选C项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意: 警察说那人想要我的名字和地址给我寄一封感谢信。我告诉了他们我的信息,但从没想过会收到他们的消息。A. name名字;B. number号码;C. advice建议;D. infrmatin信息。根据前文“the peple wanted my name and address”可知,狗主人想要作者的地址和名字等个人信息。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:那天晚些时候,我正在做晚饭,听到有人敲门。A. brunch早午餐;B. lunch午餐;C. breakfast早餐;D. dinner晚餐。根据前文“I gt hme at six”及“Later that day”可知,作者在下班回家后做晚饭时听到了敲门声。故选D项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我可能又老又胖又失聪,但你救了我的命,真是个好女人。A. deserted被遗弃的;B. aged年迈的;C. wise聪明的;D. energetic精力充沛的。根据前文“There was an ld dg”可知,卡片是以狗狗的口吻写的,他是一只年迈的狗。故选B项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的小主人很高兴我没有被杀。A. curius好奇的;B. wrried担心的;C. glad高兴的;D. cnfident自信的。根据后文“I wasn’t killed”可知,狗狗没有被人猎杀,他的主人应该会很高兴。故选C项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:它们是摆在餐桌中央的完美装饰品。A. decratin装饰品;B. dish盘子;C. ty玩具;D. award奖励。根据前文“I gt flwers frm a dg”可知,作者收到的花可以装饰餐桌。故选A项。
    32.答案:①chse②Lking③which④a⑤were attracted⑥sadness⑦At⑧relatively⑨t take⑩and
    ②考查非谓语动词。句意:回首10月5日的婚礼,新娘杨乐儿说,她仍然为这次乘坐公交车结婚的经历感到高兴,这给婚礼增添了特殊的意义。分析句子结构可知,句中已有谓语动词“said”,故空处需填非谓语动词,“Yang Le’er”和“lk”之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。故填Lking。
    ③考查定语从句。句意:回首10月5日的婚礼,新娘杨乐儿说,她仍然为这次乘坐公交车结婚的经历感到高兴,这给婚礼增添了特殊的意义。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,从句缺主语,先行词是“the bus experience”,故用关系代词which引导。故填which。
    ④考查冠词。句意:在他们举行婚礼的那天,一辆红色的电动巴士载着新娘和新郎以及客人们去了一家酒店。根据“red electric bus”可知,空处需填冠词,此处泛指“一辆红色的电动巴士”,故用不定冠词,“red”以辅音音素开头,故填a。
    ⑤考查时态语态。句意:虽然我的父母没有唱歌,但他们被这种气氛所吸引,并没有表现出传统的女儿结婚的悲伤。分析句子结构可知,空处需填谓语动词,根据“didn’t shw”可知,描述过去的事情,应用一般过去时,主语“they”和“attract”之间是被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是复数,be动词使用were。故填were attracted。
    ⑥考查名词。句意:虽然我的父母没有唱歌,但他们被这种气氛所吸引,并没有表现出传统的女儿结婚的悲伤。根据“the traditinal”可知,空处需填名词,sadness作名词,表示“悲伤”,表示抽象含义,是不可数名词。故填sadness。
    ⑦考查介词。句意:花了一万元,包括装饰,她说坐公交车比租车队相对便宜很多。固定搭配at a cst f表示“以……为代价,成本为……”。故填At。
    ⑨考查非谓语动词。句意:行人拿出手机拍照,向他们挥手。分析句子结构可知,句中已有谓语动词“tk”和“waved”,故空处需填非谓语动词,结合句意可知,行人拿出手机目的是拍照,故用动词不定式作目的状语。故填t take。
    ⑩考查连词。句意:未来,公司将探索更多创意“主题巴士”,拓展相关业务。分析句子结构可知,“explre mre creative “theme buses””和“expand related businesses”是并列关系,故用并列连词and连接。故填and。
    Aiming t imprve ur ral English and sharpen ur mind, an English debate titled “Whether cmpetitin is mre imprtant than cperatin” was held in ur schl hall last Friday, which was great fun and instructive.
    Chsen frm hundreds f students, eight debaters attended the final debate. They were s well-prepared that we were lst in their fierce battle f tngue. There was n denying that debaters’ fluent English and sharp mind left a deep impressin n all f us. After vting, the best debater was selected and gt awarded fr his excellent perfrmance.
    The activity benefited us a lt. Nt nly did it aruse ur interest in learning English, but it als prvided a great chance t shw urselves
    口语:ral English→spken English
    原句:Chsen frm hundreds f students, eight debaters attended the final debate.
    拓展句:Eight debaters, wh was chsen frm hundreds f students attended the final debate.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Aiming t imprve ur ral English and sharpen ur mind, an English debate titled “Whether cmpetitin is mre imprtant than cperatin” was held in ur schl hall last Friday, which was great fun and instructive. (运用了现在分词作状语,过去分词作定语,which引导非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] Nt nly did it aruse ur interest in learning English, but it als prvided a great chance t shw urselves (运用了部分倒装)
    Paragraph 1:
    We arrived at the schl a few weeks befre the start f the schl. I admitted that I was s nervus that the butterflies in my stmach were mre like pigens flying arund my insides befre I saw Mr. Green, wh was waiting fr us at the entrance. After shaking hands with us, he prpsed that we take a tur in the schl first. Mr. Green patiently intrduced the science lab, the art rm, the mdern classrm and the lunchrm, which were really attractive. After that, we went t his ffice. Mr. Green stared int my eyes as if seeing my innerself lcked away inside. He knelt dwn in frnt f me, patted me n the shulder and said sftly, “Peter, I knw yu are a smart and brave by. Dn’t let yur inner fear defeat yu. Face it bravely! ”
    Paragraph 2:
    After taking a tur f the schl and hearing Mr. Green’s wrds, I realized it was time t make a change. I made up my mind t thrw ff my fear and shrtcmings and learn mre interesting things in the new schl. After secnds f silence, I ndded my head cnfidently, saying “Mr. Green, I want t, n, I am determined t study in this schl. I will try my best t adapt t the life here.” Lking at me with a big and bright smile n face, Mr. Green said “I d believe in yu!” Hearing what I said, my mm als culdn’t hld back her tears f jy, hugging me delightedly. It finally dawned n me that nly when I have cnfidence in myself can I cnquer the fear. Remember t hld yur head up.
    ①承认:admit/ acknwledge
    ②等待:wait fr/ await
    ③建议:prpse/ suggest
    ①担心的:nervus/ wrried
    ②恐惧:fear/ hrrr
    【点睛】【高分句型1】I admitted that I was s nervus that the butterflies in my stmach were mre like pigens flying arund my insides befre I saw Mr. Green, wh was waiting fr us at the entrance.( 运用了that引导的宾语从句、引导的结果状语从句、wh引导的限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】After shaking hands with us, he prpsed that we take a tur in the schl first. Mr. Green patiently intrduced the science lab, the art rm, the mdern classrm and the lunchrm, which were really attractive. ( 运用了动名词shaking作宾语、that引导的宾语从句、which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型3】Hearing what I said, my mm als culdn’t hld back her tears f jy, hugging me delightedly. (运用了现在分词Hearing、hugging作状语)

    辽宁省丹东市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份辽宁省丹东市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试题(Word版附答案),共13页。试卷主要包含了 15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年辽宁省丹东市高一上学期期中教学质量调研测试英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年辽宁省丹东市高一上学期期中教学质量调研测试英语试题含答案,共14页。

    辽宁省丹东市2022-2023学年高一上学期期末教学质量监测英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份辽宁省丹东市2022-2023学年高一上学期期末教学质量监测英语试卷(含答案),共26页。试卷主要包含了听力题,阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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