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    Rck climbing, ne f the fastest grwing sprts, nt nly builds physical strength and mental fcus, but als leads yu t sme beautiful places. Here are sme climbing spts fr climbers.
    Acadia Natinal Park, Maine
    This ppular New England park is ne f the few places where yu can climb seaside rcks. The granite(花岗岩)is gd fr climbing. In sme areas, yu need t start when the sea is at its lwest level. The area has guides, instructrs and climbing schls, making it particularly welcming fr beginners.
    Mre infrmatin : nps. gv/acad
    Red River Grge, Kentucky
    This gelgical area in Daniel Bne Natinal Frest is prized fr its climbing rutes and rck scenery. The park, lcated an hur’s drive sutheast f Lexingtn, is well knwn in the climbing wrld fr bth beginner-friendly terrain(地形)and mre challenging sectins. It’s a place where yu can find a lt f fellw climbers.
    Mre infrmatin : fs. usda. gv / recarea
    City f Rcks, Idah
    This natinal reserve near the Utah brder is wrth a trip fr the scenery alne. Named by gld miners heading t Califrnia in 1849, its granite lks like skyscrapers, twering 600 feet abve the grund. It’s a fascinating area frm a gelgic and gegraphic angle. Many visitrs cme fr August’s Idah Muntain Festival, a celebratin f climbing with tp athletes in attendance.
    Mre infrmatin : nps. gv / cir
    Earth Treks Englewd, Clrad
    While yu can find climbing gyms acrss the cuntry, this ne just suth f Denver is wrth a special trip. With 53,000 square feet, the massive facility has a special rck climbing area, a grup f guides and even extras like childcare and yga.
    Mre infrmatin : earthtreksclimbing. cm / englewd
    1.What is special abut Acadia Natinal Park?
    A. It’s lcated in a castal area.B. It’s intended fr beginners.
    C. It prvides a free guided trip.D. It has gd climbing rutes.
    2.What can yu d in City f Rcks?
    A. Meet many gld miners.B. G t a festival in August.
    C. Enjy the view frm a twer.D. Get trained in a climbing gym.
    3.Which f the fllwing favrs a parent with a child?
    A. Acadia Natinal Park.B. Red River Grge.
    C. City f Rcks.D. Earth Treks Englewd.
    When I was grwing up, I had an ld neighbr named Dctr Gibbs. He didn’t lk like any dctr I’d ever knwn. He never yelled at us fr playing in his yard, but was always very kind.
    When Dctr Gibbs wasn’t saving lives, he was planting trees. He had sme interesting theries abut planting trees. He hardly watered his new trees, which flew in the face f cnventinal wisdm.
    Once I asked why and he tld me that watering plants spiled them because it made them grw weaker. He said he had t make things tugh fr the trees s that nly the strngest culd survive. He talked abut hw watering trees made them develp shallw rts and hw, if they were nt watered, trees wuld grw deep rts in search f water.
    S, instead f watering his trees every mrning, he’d beat them with a rlled-up newspaper. I asked him why he did that, and he said it was t get the trees’ attentin.
    Dctr Gibbs died a cuple f years after I left hme. Every nw and then, I walked by his huse and lked at the trees that I’d watched him plant sme 25 years ag. They were tall and strng.
    Every night befre I g t bed, I check n my tw sns. I ften pray that their lives will be easy. But lately I’ve been thinking that it’s time t change my prayer. I knw my children are ging t encunter hardship. There’s always a cld wind blwing smewhere. What we need t d is t pray fr deep rts, s when the rains fall and the winds blw, we wn’t be trn apart.
    4.What did the authr think f Dctr Gibbs’s way f planting trees at first?
    A. Puzzling.B. Perfect.C. Amusing.D. Impractical.
    5.What did Dctr Gibbs d t the trees he planted?
    A. He let them grw quickly.
    B. He read a newspaper near them.
    C. He helped them search fr water.
    D. He beat them t get their attentin.
    6.Which f the fllwing can best describe Dctr Gibbs?
    A. Careful and ambitius.B. Calm and brave.
    C. Kind and wise.D. Strict and devted.
    7.What des the authr learn frm Dctr Gibbs?
    A. Elders are treasures.
    B. Tw heads are better than ne.
    C. Only thse wh bear the mst becme the strngest.
    D. A man withut visin must have immediate suffering.
    Did yu knw rughly ne third f fd fr human cnsumptin ges t waste? Mst f it is fresh fruit and vegetables that g bad. The prduce dries ut r ges bad, which has led scientists t develp ways f cating r sealing the fd t keep it fresher fr lnger. Nw research at Rice University reveals there might be a better way.
    Scientists discvered that dipping prduce like strawberries and bananas int an egg-based wash is remarkably gd fr preserving it. The cating is extremely thick, and made frm a mixture f pwdered egg whites and ylks (蛋黄) (70%),and sme wd-surced cellulse(纤维素)t act as a barrier preventing water lss.
    What the scientists fund was that the egg wash made a significant difference in helping prduce stay fresh ver a tw-week bservatin perid. The appearance f the cated fruits and vegetables didn’t change much, while the uncated prduce ripened and even rtted within the same time. The egg-based cating, as it turned ut, reduced each fruit’s chance t get expsed t xygen.
    The nn-pisnus cating was fund t be flexible and tests shwed that it was just as tugh as ther prducts, including synthetic films(合成膜),used in prduce packaging. Fr anyne with an egg allergy, the cating can be remved by thrugh washing in water and is tasteless.
    The scientists hpe this culd be a breakthrugh in the fight against fd waste. “Reducing fd shrtages in ways that are nt related t genetic mdificatin, uneatable catings r chemical additives is imprtant fr better sustainable living,” said materials scientist and study authr Pulickel Ajayan.
    What’s great abut this discvery is that it fights fd waste in mre than ne way: even the cating was made frm eggs that wuld therwise have been discarded because they weren’t fit fr cnsumptin. The researchers said rughly 200 millin f US prduced eggs g t waste annually. S if this were scaled up, it culd be a win-win situatin all arund.
    8.Hw des the egg-based wash help keep fd fresh?
    A. By remving its cellulse slwly.
    B. By limiting its xygen expsure.
    C. By imprving its absrbent ability.
    D. By making its cating less thick.
    9.Why is Pulickel Ajayan mentined in the text?
    A. T shw the significance f the discvery.
    B. T stress the seriusness f fd shrtages.
    C. T ffer the methd f cutting fd waste.
    D. T give a brief descriptin f the research.
    10.What des the underlined wrd “discarded” in the last paragraph prbably mean?
    A. Taken in.B. Eaten up.C. Thrwn away.D. Picked ut.
    11.What is the text mainly abut?
    A. Hw t use eggs creatively.B. Hw t recycle fd waste.
    C. A breakthrugh in technlgy.D. A new way t preserve fd.
    Walking thrugh a lcal park recently, I saw a teenage by wearing a T-shirt that read : “Effrt wins ver talent.” It reminded me f an idea I think abut ften, that if yu believe yu can learn new things and develp new skills, by wrking hard, yu are mre likely t achieve thse gals. This critical insight was brught up by Dr. Carl Dweck, a Stanfrd University psychlgist, as a “ grwth mindset”.
    Accrding t Dr. Dweck’ s research, “ Talent is nt fixed. ” Studies by Dweck and thers have shwn students wh have a fixed mindset see new learning experiences as a mment t be judged, nt an pprtunity t learn. This can make learning a painful struggle, leading many t give up. Students wh have a grwth mindset, n the ther hand, experience challenges as the way t learn and imprve. They see hard wrk as being abut learning. Overall, they learn and achieve at higher levels, even when they start ut at the same place as thse with fixed mindsets.
    While Dweck identified grwth mindsets mre than a decade ag, her insights were nt made up. They have since been backed up by brain science, made pssible by new technlgy that allws researchers t see images f the brain at wrk. Studies shw that, when a persn respnds t new and difficult material by engaging in a struggle t learn, the neurns in their brain grw.
    Believing that yu can grw yur abilities thrugh effrt—that talent is nt fixed—is crucial(重要的). As Dweck puts it in her TED talk, we need t fcus n shwing yung peple “ The Pwer f Yet ” meaning—I haven’t learned this yet, r I’m nt gd at this yet.
    A grwth mindset is an imprtant idea fr educatrs and schls, but it’s als a pwerful tl that everyne can use t help themselves t learn and achieve at high levels.
    12.What des the underlined wrd “insight” in Paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Idea.B. Research.C. Questin.D. Scenery.
    13.Hw is Paragraph 2 mainly develped?
    A. By listing examples.B. By giving explanatins.
    C. By making cmparisns.D. By describing details.
    14.Which f the fllwing statements shws a grwth mindset?
    A. “Ww, yu are really gifted in maths.”
    B. “My talents determine everything.”
    C. “Yu are a clever student.”
    D. “I just dn’t understand it yet.”
    15.What will the authr prbably discuss next?
    A. Why t develp a better mindset.
    B. Hw t apply the grwth mindset.
    C. When t btain a better mindset.
    D. Where t learn the grwth mindset.
    16.Tips n Increasing Yur Memry Pwer
    One f the mst cmmn prblems tday is frgetfulness. Many peple are searching fr the key t a better memry. ①______
    Increase yur memry pwer by using assciatins.
    The first technique t remember the things is the assciatin technique. This includes the use f mnemnics(助记符号)r things similar t a particular wrd in rder t remember what shuld be memrized. ②______ Hwever, the assciatins that a persn creates himself will help t remember things mre easily and mre quickly.
    Increase yur memry pwer by repetitin.
    ③______ Stimuli(刺激物)are things that stimulate a persn t make his brain wrk. As a persn repeatedly acquires stimuli t make his brain wrk, these stimuli are remembered by the brain. It is like learning wrds as a child. He applies all the repeated wrds he has heard during his life.
    The third technique is abut the applicatin f bdy mvements. By using simple hand gestures while saying a wrd, a persn can remember things that he has frgtten.
    There are lts f ther ways t increase memry pwer. Hwever, ne must als be aware f the things t be avided. The first thing that a persn must d is t prevent stress. ⑤______ If yu fllw these techniques n hw t increase yur memry pwer, life will be easier fr yu.
    A. In ther wrds, stress must be managed.
    B. The secnd technique is repetitin.
    C. Increase yur memry pwer by using bdy mvements.
    D. A lt f students use these techniques, especially during majr exams.
    E. Here are several techniques t increase a persn’s memry pwer.
    F. There are several mnemnics available t help a persn remember things.
    G. A persn might wnder why he culdn’t remember the details the day befre the exam.
    Selvidge hpes t attend art r film schl after graduatin. Being a writer, directr, actr and musician, Selvidge admits that his ability t adapt t his 1 envirnment is his strength. Of curse, it is the very 2 that helps him with difficulties. Hwever, he didn’t gain it withut 3 .
    At the age f 13, Selvidge 4 his hmetwn Dicksn, Tennessee in 5 f a better life. In the fllwing 4 years, he was just living with his friends and buncing arund wherever he culd. That lasted 6 bth his parents died ff. The plice were ging t 7 him ver t a lcal shelter. Hwever, at his father’s funeral, his half-brther in Arizna ffered t 8 him t start ver.
    Selvidge saw the mve as an pprtunity t start a 9 life.The first day he came t Perry High Schl, he 10 t the Theatre Club and finally gained a rle t play. That was the beginning f his 11 career. Last year he directed his wn play and 12 in a musical and tw cmedies. Seeing his wnderful stage perfrmance, debate cach Jim Funtain 13 Selvidge, believing his talents culd take him far. 14 , Selvidge did it well t. He wn the state champinship and will represent his state t 15 n the natinal stage fr debate in June.
    “He has suffered many that are 16 t kids his age,” his directr, Shelley, explains why Selvidge can 17 the audience’s eyes s well. “He has a 18 understanding f the human cnditin, which allws him t interpret emtins f varius 19 with ease. In this sense, it is 20 that shaped what he is tday.
    17.A. changeableB. ecnmicC. familiarD. scial
    18.A. patienceB. kindness C. bravery D. virtue
    19.A. interest B. sufferingC. luckD. patience
    20.A. missedB. wrked frC. leftD. returned t
    21.A. favrB. search C. memryD. celebratin
    22.A. sinceB. until C. ifD. after
    23.A. handB. rllC. carryD. drag
    24.A. defendB. supprtC.assess D. teach
    25.A. pliticalB. healthyC. newD. free
    26.A. cmplainedB. stuckC. cntributedD. applied
    27.A. cmpsingB. actingC. writingD. caching
    28.A. hstedB. debatedC. spkeD. starred
    29.A. dreamed fB. sught ut C. tld ff D. relied n
    30.A. CertainlyB. BasicallyC. Interestingly D. Strangely
    31.A. jumpB. cmpeteC. play D. graduate
    32.A. criticalB. relevantC. penD. uncmmn
    33.A. widenB. meetC. catchD. test
    34.A. shared B. deepC. nrmalD. childish
    35.A. charactersB. membersC. clleaguesD. directrs
    36.A. sacrificesB.chicesC. hardshipsD. amusements
    37.Like many ther students, yu may have varius peple, ①______(include) family members and friends, giving input n yur cllege decisin.
    While many f yur trusted relatives and peers(同龄人)may have very ②______ (value) advice that can help yu t make the decisin, finally the chice is yurs and yurs alne. Only yu can fully realize which aspects f a cllege will make yu truly happy and ③______ (satisfy), s keep that at the frnt f yur mind.
    Mrever, fully cnsider each ptin. It can be easy ④______ (let) a particular schl becme a frnt-runner early n ⑤______ yur decisin-making prcess, and it may even becme the winning chice—but be sure t carefully evaluate every schl ⑥______ has accepted yu, since yu had particular reasns fr applying t each schl.
    D keep ⑦______ pen mind. Students can change majrs, but remember that there’s n re-living a certain semester(学期),and there’s n making up fr lst time. Dn’t g t a schl ⑧______ (specific) fr a high schl relatinship ⑨______ t make smene else happy. A ⑩______ (student) cllege experience is his r her wn, and the student must put his r her educatin first.
    1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    Nwadays many yung parents are addicted in their electric devices like smart phnes r cmputers, pay less r n attentin t their kids.
    Then what des it cme abut? Admittedly, the smart phne indeed dramatic changes ur life. With it, peple can d nearly everything we want, such as surfing the Internet fr infrmatin, watching films r vide, ding sme nline shpping and playing games as well. Thus, a smart phne serves as platfrm fr them t get fun in a cmfrtable and cnvenient way. As a result, mre and mre yung parents are being attracted.
    Hwever, smething can replace face-t-face cmmunicatin between parents and kids, which requires parents t think abut the real meaning f life, spends mre time with their children and have fun tgether. Only in this way can a better parent-child relatinship will be develped.
    39.在高中三年的时光里,你一定经历了许多让你感动的人和事。请以 “My thanks t _____” 为题,为校宣传栏“英语天地”写一篇短文。内容包括:
    1. 要感谢的对象;
    2. 感谢的原因。
    1. 写作词数应为100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加情节,以使行文连贯。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章 Acadia Natinal Park, Maine 小标题下第一句 This ppular New England park is ne f the few places where yu can climb seaside rcks. 可知,这个受欢迎的阿卡迪亚国家公园是少数几个你可以攀登海边岩石的地方之一。由此可知,阿卡迪亚国家公园位于沿海地区。故正确答案为A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章City f Rcks, Idah 小标题下最后一句 Many visitrs cme fr August's Idah Muntain Festival, a celebratin f climbing with tp athletes in attendance. 可知,许多游客来参加八月的爱达荷山节,与顶级运动员参加爬山的庆祝活动。故正确答案为B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章 Earth Treks Englewd, Clrad 小标题下第二句 With 53,000 square feet, the massive facility has a special rck climbing area, a grup f guides and even extras like childcare and yga. 可知,这座占地5.3万平方英尺的大型攀岩设施有一个特殊的攀岩区、一群导游,甚至还有儿童保育和瑜伽等额外设施。由此可知,Earth Treks Englewd 适合一个大人和一个小孩。故正确答案为D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段Once I asked why and he tld me that watering plants spiled them because it made them grw weaker. 有一次我问他为什么,他告诉我给植物浇水会把它们弄坏,因为浇水会使它们变弱。可知,作者对于这位吉布斯博士的种树方法是不理解的。故选A.
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段 S, instead f watering his trees every mrning, he'd beat them with a rlled-up newspaper. I asked him why he did that, and he said it was t get the trees' attentin.所以,他不是每天早上给树浇水,而是用卷起的报纸打树。我问他为什么这么做,他说是为了引起树的注意。可知,Dctr Gibbs对待自己种植的树是经常敲打他们以获取树的注意。故选D.
    解析:观点态度题。根据原文第一段"He never yelled at us fr playing in his yard, but was always very kind.他从不因为我们在他院子里玩而对我们大喊大叫,但总是很和蔼。"可知他是善良的。根据第二段" an attitude which flew in the face f cnventinal wisdm.一种面对传统智慧的态度。"说明他是睿智的。所以最能描述吉布斯医生的是善良睿智的。故选C.
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一句What we need t d is t pray fr deep rts, s when the rains fall and the winds blw, we wn't be trn apart.我们需要做的是祈求深深的根,这样当下雨刮风的时候,我们就不会被撕裂。及全文描述我可以看出作者告诉我们只有那些经历风雨的人才能最终经得起生活的考验,故选C.
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段The egg-based cating, as it turmed ut, reduced each frit's chanme t get expsed t xygen 可知,它是通过阻止食物与氧气接触来保鲜的。所以选择B项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第五段The scientists hpe this culd be a breakthrugh in the fight against fd waste. 及Palickel Aiayan所说的内容可推断,文章提到PulickelAjayan旨在说明该发现的意义。所以选择A项。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词后because they weren’t fit fr cnsumptin. 可推断,画线词的意思与Thrwn away的意思最为接近。所以选择C项。
    解析:主旨大意题。通读全文、尤其是文章第一段Nw research at Rice University reveals there might be a better way.及第二段Scientists discvered that dipping prduce like strawberries and bananas int an egg-based wash is remarkably gd fr preserving it.可知,本文主要介绍了一种保存食物的新方法,即使用含有鸡蛋液的一种混合液体。所以选择D项。
    解析:①E.推理判断题。根据空格上一句"Many peple are searching fr the key t a better memry.许多人都在寻找提高记忆力的钥匙。"下文介绍了提高记忆的方法。可知E项Here are several techniques t increase a persn's memry pwer.(以下是几种提高记忆力的方法。)承接上下文符合语境。故选E。
    ②F.推理判断题。根据空格上一句"This includes the use f mnemnics (助记符号)r things similar t a particular wrd in rder t remember what shuld be memrized.这包括使用助记符或类似某个单词的东西,以便记住应该记住的东西。"可知F项There are several mnemnics available t help a persn remember things.(有几种助记符可以帮助一个人记住事情。)都介绍的是记忆符号的作用,承接上下文符合语境。故选F。
    ③B.段落大意题。根据空格下一句"As a persn repeatedly acquires stimuli t make his brain wrk,these stimuli are remembered by the brain.当一个人反复获得刺激使他的大脑工作时,这些刺激会被大脑记住。"可知本段主要介绍是重复记忆的作用,B项The secnd technique is repetitin.(第二种技巧是重复。)符合本段主旨。故选B。
    ④C.段落大意题。根据空格下一句" The third technique is abut the applicatin f bdy mvements.第三种技巧是身体动作的运用。"可知C项Increase yur memry pwer by using bdy mvements.(通过身体运动增强你的记忆力。)符合本段主旨。故选C。
    ⑤A.推理判断题。根据空格上一句"The first thing that a persn must d is t prevent stress.一个人必须做的第一件事就是防止压力。"可知A项In ther wrds,stress must be managed.(换句话说,压力必须得到控制。)是同义句,符合语境。故选A。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.changeable变化的,多变的;B.ecnmic经济的;C.familiar熟悉的;D.scial社会的。句意:作为一名作家、导演、演员和音乐家,塞尔维奇承认,他适应多变环境的能力是他的强项。根据上文的"Being a writer,directr,actr and musician"可知,塞尔维奇做过很多工作,由此可知他能适应多变的环境。故选A。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.interest兴趣;B.suffering苦难;C.luck运气;D.patience耐心。根据下文的"That lasted (6)bth his parents died ff.The plice were ging t (7)him ver t a lcal shelter."可知,塞尔维奇自小经历了很多的苦难。故选B。
    解析:考查动词和动词短语及语境理解。A.missed错过,想念;B.wrked fr为……工作;C.left离开,留下;D.returned t返回。根据下文的"In the fllwing 4 years,he was just living with his friends and buncing arund wherever he culd."可知,塞尔维奇和朋友们四处奔波,由此可知他离开了自己的家乡。故选C。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.favr恩惠;B.search 搜寻;C.memry回忆;D.celebratin庆祝。结合语境可知,离开家乡是为了寻找更好的生活,in search f"寻找"。故选B。
    解析:考查连词及语境理解。A.since自从,因为;B.until直到;C.if如果;D.after在……之后。根据上文的"In the fllwing 4 years,he was just living with his friends and buncing arund wherever he culd."可知,此处是指塞尔维奇和朋友们四处奔波的状态一直持续到他的父母去世才结束。故选B。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.hand递;B.rll滚动,卷;C.carry携带;D.drag拖,拽。结合塞尔维奇当时年龄还小,又父母双亡,和下文的"t a lcal shelter"可知,此处是指警方打算把他移交给当地收容所,hand ver"移交"。故选A。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.defend防御;B.supprt支持;C.assess评估;D.teach教。根据下文的"start ver"和"Selvidge saw the mve as an pprtunity"可知,他同父异母的哥哥打算支持他。故选B。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.plitical政治的;B.healthy健康的;C.new新的;D.free免费的。根据下文的"The first day he came t Perry High Schl"可知,塞尔维奇开始了新的生活。故选C。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.cmplained抱怨;B.stuck粘,卡住;C.cntributed贡献;D.applied申请,应用。根据下文的"finally gained a rle t play"可知,塞尔维奇申请了戏剧俱乐部。故选D。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.cmpsing作曲,组成;B.acting表演;C.writing写;D.caching指导。根据上文的"actr"和"gained a rle t play"可知,此处是指这个角色是他演绎生涯的开始。故选B。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.hsted举办;B.debated辩论;C.spke说;D.starred主演,担任主角。根据下文的"Seeing his wnderful stage perfrmance"可知,此处是指他主演了两部音乐剧和喜剧。故选D。
    解析:考查动词短语及语境理解。A.dreamed f梦想;B.sught ut找到,物色;C.tld ff分派,斥责;D.relied n依赖。根据上文的"Seeing his wnderful stage perfrmance"可知,此处是指由于他精彩的舞台表演,吉姆•福安特找到了他。故选B。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.critical批评的;B.relevant有关的;C.pen打开的;D.uncmmn不常见的。结合上文At the age f 13,Selvidge(4)his hmetwn Dicksn,Tennessee in(5)f a better life提到塞尔维奇年幼离开家乡漂泊,父母双亡时得到同父异母哥哥的支持重返学校,学习表演的这些事情可知,这对一般的孩子来说是不常见的。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.shared共享的;B.deep深的;C.nrmal正常的;D.childish孩子气的。结合上文He has suffered many that are(16)t kids his age提到塞尔维奇经历了很多可知,他对人生境遇有着深刻的理解。故选B。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.characters角色;B.members成员;C.clleagues同事;D.directrs导演。结合上文 his directr,和提到塞尔维奇的演员身份可知,此处是指他能轻松诠释各种角色的情感。故选A。
    37.答案:①including②valuable③satisfied④t let⑤in/during⑥that⑦an⑧specifically⑨r⑩student’s
    Nwadays many yung parents are addicted their electric devices like smart phnes r cmputers, less r n attentin t their kids.
    Then des it cme abut? Admittedly, the smart phne indeed changes ur life. With it, peple can d nearly everything want, such as surfing the Internet fr infrmatin, watching films r , ding sme nline shpping and playing games as well. Thus, a smart phne serves as platfrm fr them t get fun in a cmfrtable and cnvenient way. As a result, mre and mre yung parents are being attracted.
    Hwever, can replace face-t-face cmmunicatin between parents and kids, which requires parents t think abut the real meaning f life, mre time with their children and have fun tgether. Only in this way can a better parent-child relatinship be develped.
    解析:1. 本题主要考查固定词组。文章第一段第一句,此处为固定搭配 be addicted t/be addicted int,意为“对……上瘾”。故正确答案为将 in 替换为 t/int。
    2. 本题主要考查现在分词作伴随状语。文章第一段第一句,分析句子结构,该句谓语部分为 are addicted t/int,主语 parents 和 pay 之间是一种主动关系,故用动词现在分词作伴随状语。故正确答案为将 pay 替换为 paying。
    3. 本题主要考查特殊疑问词。文章第二段第一句,分析句子结构,此处 cme abut 意为“形成,产生”,相当于不及物动词,不能直接加宾语,本句缺少状语“如何,怎么”。故正确答案为将 what 替换为 hw。
    4. 本题主要考查副词。文章第二段第二句,此处 changes 是动词,需要用副词修饰。故正确答案为将 dramatic 替换为 dramatically。
    5. 本题主要考查人称代词。文章第二段第三句,本句主语为 peple,此处应用 they 指代 peple。故正确答案为将 we 替换为 they。
    6. 本题主要考查名词复数。文章第二段第三句,根据 films 可知,与之并列的 vide 也用名词复数形式。故正确答案为将 vide 替换为 vides。
    7. 本题主要考查不定冠词。文章第二段第四句,根据句意“智能手机为他们提供了一个舒适方便的娱乐平台”,此处泛指提供了“一个”平台,且 platfrm 为以辅音音素开头的单词,故需要不定冠词 a。故正确答案为在 platfrm 之前添加 a。
    8. 本题主要考查不定代词。文章第三段第一句,结合句意,此处指“没有什么”能替代父母和孩子之间面对面的交流,用不定代词 nthing。故正确答案为将 smething 替换为 nthing。
    9. 本题主要考查动词不定式作宾语补足语。文章第三段第一句,此处为固定搭配 require sb. t d sth. 意为“需要某人做某事”。此处是动词不定式作宾语补足语,与 t think 构成并列关系,承前省略了 t,故用动词原形。故正确答案为将 spends 替换为 spend。
    10. 本题主要考查情态动词的用法。文章第三段最后一句,此处 Only 加状语 in this way 位于句子开头句子用部分倒装,情态动词 can 已经放在主语前面,所以 will 是多余的,故去掉最后一句中的 will。故正确答案为将 will 删除。
    My Thanks t My English Teacher
    I shuld express my gratitude t my English teacher Mr. Smith in high schl, withut whm I wuld nt be able t make s much prgress.
    Mr. Smith influenced me in many ways, f which tw are the mst imprtant. What cmes first is n my health. He invited me t g running in the mrning. We kept running fr almst tw years. Nw I feel s happy that I am healthy and strng. What's mre, he helped me find my cnfidence when I was depressed because f pr perfrmance. He asked me t g climbing with him after schl. We had a lt f discussin abut life, and abut peple. Gradually I frgt abut the unhappiness. Then I succeeded in regaining my cnfidence.
    I will never frget what I gt frm Mr. Smith. I am very grateful t him and I wish him gd luck.
    解析:本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生以“My Thanks t___” 为题,为校宣传栏“英语天地”写一篇短文。
    第二步:列提纲(重点词组)express ne's gratitude t; be able t;make s much prgress;influence;invite sb.t d sth.;healthy;cnfidence;depressed;because f;perfrmance;g climbing;have a lt f discussin;frget;;succeed in;grateful
    1.I shuld express my gratitude t my English teacher Mr.Smith in high schl,withut whm I wuld nt be able t make s much prgress.
    influenced me in many ways,f which tw are the mst imprtant.
    3.What cmes first is n my health.
    4.He invited me t g running in the mrning.
    5.We kept running fr almst tw years.
    6.Nw I feel s happy that I am healthy and strng.
    7.What's mre,he helped me find my cnfidence when I was depressed because f pr perfrmance.
    8.He asked me t g climbing with him after schl.
    9.We had a lt f discussin abut life,and abut peple.
    10.Gradually I frgt abut the unhappiness.
    11.Then I succeeded in regaining my cnfidence.
    12.I will never frget what I gt frm Mr.Smith.
    13.I am very grateful t him and I wish him gd luck.
    根据提示及关键词(组) 进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。
    1.表文章结构顺序:First f all,Firstly/First,Secndly/Secnd(供参考)
    2.表并列补充关系:What is mre
    4表因果关系:Because,As,S,Thus,Therefre,As a result(供参考)连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰。

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