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    这是一份2024淮北一中高一上学期第三次月考英语试题含解析(含听力),文件包含安徽省淮北市第一中学2023--2024学年高一上第3次月考英语试题含听力含解析docx、安徽省淮北市第一中学2023--2024学年高一上第3次月考英语试题含听力无答案docx、安徽省淮北市第一中学2023--2024学年高一上第3次月考英语听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    When will the schl bus arrive?
    A. 7:45.B. 7:50.C. 7:55.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where des this cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In the library.B. In a bkstre.C. In an ffice.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the by ging t d first?
    A. Review his lessn.B. Watch TV.C. Have supper.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where can Mary prbably be fund?
    A. In a different schl.
    B. In the same drm.
    C. In the same schl with the girl.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What can we knw abut the man?
    A. He has realized the imprtance f English.
    B. He used t learn English well.
    C. It is t late fr him t learn English nw.
    6. Hw lng has Jessica’s mther been dancing?
    A. Fr 20 years.B. Fr 23 years.C. Fr 43 years.
    7. Jessica’s mther is in gd cnditin, and what makes fr this mre?
    A. Having an ptimistic attitude twards life.
    B. Fruits and vegetables.
    C. Taking enugh exercise.
    8. What is the date f the man’s birthday?
    A. 25th, December.B. 24th, December.C. 27th, December.
    9. Hw will the man g t his wife’s parents’ hme?
    A. By train.B. By bus.C. By plane.
    10. Why was the by asked t g t the ffice?
    A. Because his hair was nt clean.
    B. Because he was late fr class.
    C. Because he disturbed his classmates.
    11. What was wrng with the alarm clck?
    A. The batteries ran ut.
    B. The alarm clck was brken.
    C. The alarm clck was ahead f the exact time.
    12. What can we knw abut the by?
    A. He was careless.B. He liked telling lies.C. He was lazy.
    13. What is the rent price f a rm with a city view?
    A. 120.B. 130.C. 175.
    14. What des the man think f the rent price f the htel?
    A. Ridiculus (荒唐的).B. Reasnable.C. Just s-s.
    15. What can we knw accrding t the dialgue?
    A. The wman cares abut the type f the rm.
    B. The man likes being in quiet surrundings all night.
    C. The wman wants a rm n the grund flr.
    16. What will the wman prbably d in the end?
    A. G t visit the Great Wall f China.
    B. Chse the penthuse (楼顶) rm fr 400 a night.
    C. Give up the chice f the htel rm.
    17. Why d sme American churches cancel Christmas Day services?
    A. T let peple gather with their families.
    B. T celebrate the birthday f Jesus Christ.
    C. T buy gifts and g t parties.
    18. What’s “Silent Night”?
    A. The name f an ld man.
    B. The name f traditinal music.
    C. The name f Christmas Day service.
    19. Wh prbably celebrate Christmas as a religius hliday?
    A. All Americans.B. Nn-Christians.C. Christians.
    20. When des Santa Claus leave presents under the tree?
    A. On Christmas nn.B. On Christmas Eve.C. On Christmas Day.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Just Cycle And fld away
    There’s n excuse nt t get n yur bike this spring. Get yur indr cycling fix and feel the benefits.
    Great fr general cardi (有氧的) fitness, exercise bikes can be a brilliant way f training at hme. Hwever, chsing the right bike is incredibly imprtant, which is smething that Rger Black and his team recgnized when creating the Rger Black Flding Bike.
    “Excellent value fr mney. Especially the ability t fld the exercise bike int a vertical (直立的) psitin and wheel it away fr strage. This can als prevent yu frm thrwing yur clthes n it at the end f the day! Even if we are limited n space at hme and wrk, we can cntinue physical activity with a Rger Black flding bike. This bike is helping me achieve my fitness gals fllwing a recent running injury.”
    ——Brian Smith
    “Best Present EVER are the wrds frm my 77-year-ld father wh received his Rger Black fitness bike fr his birthday. He said it is s simple and easy t use. The seat is VERY cmfrtable, s using it every day is a pleasure. It flds away nearly s it can be stred behind a dr when necessary.”
    ——Anna Farnham
    Rger Black is ffering a 10% discunt n the full range f hme fitness equipment fr all Reader’s Digest readers. Please use discunt cde DIGEST10 at checkut.
    21. What can peple d with a Rger Black Flding Bike?
    A. Cycle in the muntains.B. Wrk ut at hme.
    C. Hang their clthes.D. Get a discunt.
    22. What is the advantage f this bike that bth Brian and Anna mentin?
    A. Easy strage.B. Reasnable price.
    C. Cmfrtable seats.D. Excellent quality.
    23. Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A textbk.B. A blg pst.C. A magazine.D. An academic article.
    It was early winter several years ag. I had pulled ut my ld winter cat fr anther year’s use. It was still in pretty gd shape althugh it was lking dirty frm s many winters’ wear. I didn’t really need a new ne but I wanted ne and casually mentined it t my daughter ne day. She was such a sweet, lving girl that I shuld have guessed what wuld happen next. A few weeks later she gave me a new winter cat as a gift.
    I put the ld ne in my clset and started t wear the new cat every day. Each day, thugh, when I pened my clset, smething trubled me. It seemed a shame that my ld but still gd cat shuld just sit there keeping n ne warm during the cld winter days. After a few weeks, I tk it ut and drve t a lcal charity shp. I knew that there was smene wh culdn’t affrd a cat but culd get my ld ne.
    My new cat is my ld cat nw. It is getting a little dirty and wrn, t. It has black marks n the sleeves. It is in t bad shape t even dnate t charity. I wnder if I shuld buy a new ne sn, but I think I will wait fr a while. I dn’t really need a new ne and maybe I can find smething else t give t the charity shp instead.
    Ralph Wald Emersn nce said, “Want is a grwing giant whm the cat f Have was never large enugh t cver.” Perhaps the best way t deal with ur wants then is t give instead. Lve, after all, brings us the mst jy. And the mre f it yu give away, the mre f it yu have.
    24. Which wrd can best describe the authr’s daughter?
    A. Wealthy.B. Thughtful.C. Easy-ging.D. Humrus.
    25. Why was the authr in shame when seeing his ld cat in the clset?
    A. It cst t much.B. It was lking dirty.
    C. There was nt enugh rm fr his new cat.D. It was nt sent t smene in need.
    26. What is the authr’s decisin after his secnd cat becmes ld?
    A. Telling his daughter.B. Buying a new ne sn.
    C Dnating it t charity.D. Sending smething else t charity.
    27 What des the authr want t shw in the last paragraph?
    A. Giving fills ur wants.B. Lve is the key t jy.
    C. The mre yu give, the mre yu lse.D. A cat is large enugh t cver ur wants.
    At this very mment arund the wrld, athletes are stepping almst naked int freezing cld rms. Why n earth are they ding this? Because it’s suppsed t help them feel better.
    The treatment is called whle-bdy crytherapy (冷冻疗法). Basketball star LeBrn James, sccer great Cristian Rnald, and bxing champin Flyd Mayweather Jr. have all tried it. The therapy wrks like this. Yu take ff everything but yur underwear. Then yu put n warm scks and glves and step int a small rm that lks srt f like a shwer, except yur head sticking 16% ut the tp. Once yu’re lcked in, air cled t belw -200°F (-129°C) fills the rm. That’s way clder than Antarctica (南极洲). Yu stay in fr tw t three minutes.
    Supprters believe the extremely cld air helps muscles recver faster and reduces ther bdy pain. After his first crytherapy sessins, Phil Mackenzie, a prfessinal rugby player, felt nticeably better. He tld Scientific American, “I felt refreshed right away. My sleep was better.” Sn, he was using it fur times a week. Thse wh prmte crytherapy make all srts f wild claims abut its benefits. Suppsedly, that extremely cld air can increase fcus, imprve skin tne, make yu happier, burn calries, slw aging, and much mre.
    Is there any evidence t back up these incredible claims? Npe. Several small scientific studies have lked at whether the therapy can imprve muscle recvery after exercise, with encuraging results. But there just isn’t enugh evidence t shw that the therapy wrks. The benefits sme peple experience may just be the placeb effect. That’s when a patient’s expectatin that a treatment will wrk leads t an imprvement.
    The US Fd & Drug Administratin has actually issued a warning abut whle-bdy crytherapy. It cautins that the liquid nitrgen (氮) used t cl the rm may make it difficult t breathe. Frst bite is anther ptential risk, which is why participants wear glves and scks.
    What d yu think? Is it a chance fr a better athletic perfrmance wrth the risk?
    28. What can we learn abut the therapy accrding t the first tw paragraphs?
    A. The whle-bdy crytherapy can help athletes recver.
    B. The therapy has wn ppularity with nly great athletes.
    C. Peple need t stay in a freezing small rm with almst nthing n.
    D. Peple need t wear glves and scks after cld air fills the rm.
    29. Why des the authr mentin Phil Mackenzie in Paragraph 3?
    A. T explain a rule.B. T supprt an idea.
    C. T present a fact.D. T make a predictin.
    30. Why d peple feel better after receiving the therapy?
    A. Many great athletes have received the therapy.
    B. Extremely cld air is beneficial t peple’s health.
    C. Scientific studies have prved the effect f the therapy.
    D. The therapy may have psychlgical benefit t them.
    31. Which f the fllwing best describes the authrities’ attitude t the therapy?
    A. Careful.B. Supprtive.C. Unclear.D. Indifferent.
    The secret t eating less and being happy abut it may have been cracked years ag-by McDnald’s. Accrding t anew study frm Cmnell University’s Fd and Brand Lab, small nn-fd rewards-like the tys in McDnald’s Happy Meals-stimulate the same reward centers in the brain as fd des.
    The researchers, led by Martin Reimann, carried ut a series f experiments t see if peple wuld chse a smaller meal if it was paired with a nn-fd item.
    They fund that the majrity f bth kids and adults pted fr a half-sized prtin when cmbined with a prize. Bth ptins were priced the same.
    Even mre interesting is that the prmise f a future reward was enugh t make adults chse the smaller prtin. One f the prizes used was a lttery ticket, with a S10, $50 r $100 payut, and this was as effective as a tangible gift in persuading peple t eat less.
    “The fact that participants were willing t substitute part f a fd item fr the mere prspect f a relatively small mnetary award is interesting,” says Reimann.
    He therizes that it is the emtinal cmpnent f these intangible prizes that make them effective. In fact, vaguely-stated pssibilities f winning a prize were mre effective than ptins with hard dds included.
    “One explanatin fr this finding is that pssible awards may be mre emtinally prvking than certainty awards,” says Reimann. “The uncertainty f winning prvides added attractin and desirability thrugh emtinal ‘thrills.’ The pssibility f receiving an award als prduces a state f hpe-a state that is in itself psychlgically rewarding. “In ther wrds, there’s a reasn why peple like t gamble.
    Hw might this knwledge be used t help peple eat mre healthily?
    One pssibility is a healthy ptin that ffers the chance t win a spa weekend. Or maybe the reward f a half-sized prtin culd be a half-sized dessert t be claimed nly n a future date. That wuld get yu back in the restaurant and make yu eat a little less.
    32. What d we learn abut McDnald’s inclusin f tys in its Happy Meals?
    A. It may shed light n peple’s desire t crack a secret.
    B. It has prved t be key t McDnald’s business success.
    C. It appeals t kid’s curisity t find ut what is hidden inside.
    D. It may be a pleasant way fr kids t reduce their fd intake.
    33. What is the finding f the researchers led by Martin Reimann?
    A. Reducing fd intake is nt that difficult if peple g t McDnald’s mre.
    B. Mst kids and adult s dn’t actually feel hungry when they cat half f their meal.
    C. Eating a smaller prtin f fd des gd t the health f kids and adults alike.
    D. Mst kids and adults wuld chse a smaller meal that came with a nn-fd item.
    34. What is mst interesting in Martin Reimann’s finding?
    A Kids preferred an award in the frm f mney t ne in the frm f a ty.
    B. Adults chse the smaller prtin n the mere prmise f a future award.
    C. Bth kids and adults felt satisfied with nly half f their meal prtins.
    D. Neither children nr adults culd resist the temptatin f a free ty.
    35. What can we infer frm Martin Reimann’s finding?
    A. Peple shuld eat much less if they wish t stay healthy and happy.
    B. Mre fast fd restaurants are likely t fllw McDnald’s example.
    C. We can lead peple t eat less while helping the restaurant business.
    D. Mre studies are needed t find ut the impact f emtin n behavir.
    Many peple find it hard t say n, even when they are ver-stressed, ver-bked and just t busy t take n anything else. ____36____ . But it’s imprtant t learn hw t say n t peple and their requests. Being unable can cntribute t mre stress, which may eventually turn t resentment (怨恨).
    ____37____ . This article discusses sme strategies yu can use t set bundaries, prtect yur persnal time and say n mre ften.
    I’m srry – I can’t d this right nw
    Smetimes, it helps t wait and think abut whether yu can take n a cmmitment. It’s usually best nt t rush int things. ____38____ . Mst reasnable peple will accept this as an answer, s if smene keeps pressuring yu, they’re being rude.
    Let me think abut it
    If yu’re uncmfrtable being firm r are dealing with pushy peple, it’s OK t say, “Let me think abut it and get back t yu.” ____39____ .
    This strategy als allws yu t think abut whether yu want t say “yes” t anther cmmitment. T decide, d a cst-benefit analysis and then get back t them with a yes r n.
    If yu wuld really like t d what they’re requesting, but dn’t have the time, it’s fine t say n t all r part f the request but mentin a lesser cmmitment that yu can make. This way yu’ll still be partially invlved, but it will be n yur wn terms.
    A. I can’t d this, but I can d that
    B. If yu struggle with this, then yu’re nt alne
    C. I wish I culd, but I have a lt ging n right nw
    D. This gives yu a chance t review yur schedule and cnsider yur ptins
    E. Luckily, yu can learn hw t say n t peple withut causing hurt feelings
    F. If pressured, reply that it desn’t fit int yur schedule and change the subject
    G. Yu have every right t ensure yu have time fr the things that are imprtant t yu
    On 20 December, in Newdale, a series f huge waves caused by an undersea Earthquake raced acrss the cean near Gldshre. Wrse still, it ____41____ thusands dead. Gld shre Beach was the nly lcal beach t ____42____ the disaster withut any lss f life. A10-year-ld girl, Sabrina Andrn, helped arund100 peple escape danger with her ____43____ f tsunamis.
    The day began like any ther n Gld shre Beach. Peple were walking, running r simply sitting n the sandy beach, ____44____ the warm sea air and enjying the sft ____45____ that brushed their hair. Sabrina was ne f the happy turists until she nticed smething ____46____. “The water was like the bubbles (气泡) n the tp f a beer,” she later explained. “It wasn’t ____47____ and it wasn’t ging in and then ut. It was just cming in and in and in.” It hit her that these were the ____48____ f an upcming tsunami, which Sabrina had just learnt abut in a Gegraphy lessn.
    Sabrina was ____49____, but she sn kept her head. She warned her parents f the _____50_____ , thugh at first they just thught she was _____51_____ . Hwever, Sabrina was certain that a terrible disaster was _____52_____ and kept asking her parents t talk t a safety fficer. T her great relief, the fficer _____53_____ realized the cming danger. The beach was rapidly _____54_____ f peple, just befre the huge waves _____55_____ int the cast.
    41. A. brughtB. leftC. affectedD. led
    42. A. surviveB. recgnizeC. reviveD. quit
    43. A. impressinB. knwledgeC. wisdmD. detail
    44. A. taking inB. making upC. fcusing nD. checking ut
    45. A. sunshineB. windC. whistleD. wave
    46. A. uniqueB. pwerfulC. attractiveD. strange
    47 A. narrwB. adventurusC. calmD. distant
    48. A. damagesB. signsC. effectsD. results
    49. A. cnfusedB. embarrassedC. frightenedD. annyed
    50. A. stressB. develpmentC. creditD. danger
    51. A. cheatingB. debatingC. jkingD. helping
    52. A. under cntrlB. n handC. n scheduleD. n its way
    53. A. actuallyB. anxiuslyC. curiuslyD. immediately
    54. A. revivedB. warnedC. clearedD. reminded
    55. A. crashedB. slidC. dividedD. tapped
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Everyne wants t live their dream life, but sadly, mst peple fail ___56___ (achieve) it.
    If yu have a chice t turn back time, what wuld yu d ____57____ (different) that will make yur life better tday? Or are yu already living the ____58____ (amaze) life yu wanted?
    Mst peple take things fr granted (把一切视为理所当然). They think that they have all the time in the wrld and they neglect (忽视) ____59____ (they) dreams. They say things like “later”, r “there will always be tmrrw”. The fact is that we dn’t have all the time in the wrld. Later sn becmes never.
    The same ges fr ___60___ (live) yur ideal (理想) life. Yu have t understand that what yu want in life ____61____ (be) a chice. Yu are where yu are right nw because ____62____ the chice yu make. Yu have a chice and yu can chse. And because yu have a chice, yu get t chse hw yu want t live. Living yur dream life starts with ____63____(determine).
    And if yu want t live yur ideal life, yu must say “n” t the things ____64____ will pull yu away frm it. And ____65____ is time t make a change. Dare t be different and dare t fllw yur heart.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 单词拼写(共15小题;每题1分,共15分)
    66. It makes s____________ (有道理;讲得通) t wrk ut the prblem befre it gets ut f cntrl.(根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    67. They were s______ (冒汗) when travelling in the wild as the sun beat dwn upn them. (根据中英文提示拼写单词)
    68. An a______ (对……入迷的人) is a persn wh is very interested in smething and spends a lt f their free time n it. (根据中英文提示拼写单词)
    69 It will take a week fr an a______ (申请书) f yurs t be prcessed. (根据中英文提示拼写单词)
    70. His bvius s____________ (强项;优点) is t keep calm when facing difficulties. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    71. At the s______ (见到) f the pliceman, the thief ran away as quickly as pssible. (根据中英文提示拼写单词)
    72. “Living l____________ (传奇) f sprts” must be smene wh are masters in their sprts. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    73. I believe I will make new friends here and there is a lt t e______(探索) as senir high. (根据中英文提示填空)
    74. Ging frm junir high schl t senir high schl is a really big c____________. (挑战) (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    75. The girl ________(strike) a match and the warm light filled the rm immediately. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    76. It is nt unusual fr teenagers f yur generatin _________(attract) t cmputer games and the nline wrld. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    77. It is well knwn that marriage withut________ (register) is nt recgnized by law. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    78. The __________(slve)t the prblem was difficult t all. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    79. He made a small ______ (revise) t the reprt befre printing it ut. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    80. The freign minister will pay an ______(ffice) visit t Beijing. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    81. 第十四届中国 (合肥) 国际园林博览会正在合肥举行。组委会向你校征集志愿者接待外国友人。假设你是新华中学学生李华,想报名申请志愿者,请给组委会写一封申请信,内容包括:
    1. 写信目的;
    2. 你的优势;(合肥园博会 Garden Exp in Hefei)
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

    2024淮北一中高二上学期第三次月考英语试题含解析: 这是一份2024淮北一中高二上学期第三次月考英语试题含解析,文件包含安徽省淮北市第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第三次月考英语试题含解析docx、安徽省淮北市第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第三次月考英语试题无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024淮北一中高二上学期第三次月考英语试题含解析: 这是一份2024淮北一中高二上学期第三次月考英语试题含解析,文件包含安徽省淮北市第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第三次月考英语试题含解析docx、安徽省淮北市第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第三次月考英语试题无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

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