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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Hw des the man feel nw?
    A. Surprised. B. Cnfused. C. Disappinted.
    2. What drink des the wman want?
    A. Apple juice. B. Cffee. C. Lemnade.
    3. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. In a bank. B. In a shp. C. In a htel.
    4. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. When t start. B. What t d. C. Wh t invite.
    5. Why des the man speak t the wman?
    A. T ask fr a leave. B. T give a ntice. C. T ask abut a meeting.
    6. Where did the speakers last meet?
    A. At Sarah’s wedding.
    B. At Amy’s new huse.
    C. At Michael’s birthday party.
    7. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Frmer classmates. B. Clleagues. C. Teacher and student.
    听下面一段对话,回答第8至第 10 三个小题。
    8. What is the wman prbably ding?
    A. Intrducing a lecture.
    B. Hsting a prgram.
    C. Ding a jb interview.
    9. What can we knw abut the stne?
    A. It’s an ld cin.
    B. It was fund in a cave.
    C. It’s abut 12,000 years ld.
    10. Hw d the man’s friends feel abut lking fr ld bjects?
    A. It’s dangerus. B. It’s enjyable. C. It’s strange.
    听下面一段对话, 回答第11 至第13 三个小题。
    11. Why des the wman want t bk the hliday early this year?
    A. T save mney.
    B. T bk a gd htel.
    C. T make full use f the hliday.
    12. What d the speakers agree n?
    A. Packing as quickly as pssible.
    B. Packing clthes int the ld suitcases.
    C. Packing everything they might need.
    13. What will the man d fr the wman next?
    A. Buy her a cmputer.
    B. Shw her a list.
    C. Dwnlad files fr her.
    听下面一段对话,回答第14 至第17 四个小题。
    14. When did the wman begin writing fr the lcal newspaper?
    A. At age 8. B. At age 12. C. At age 17.
    15. What kind f peple did the wman write abut fr the lcal newspaper?
    A. Peple wh were famus.
    B. Peple wh had things t say.
    C. Peple wh did acts f kindness.
    16. Hw has the wman made The News Wrld attractive?
    A. By designing the special cver.
    B. By fcusing n serius tpics.
    C. By using great pening lines.
    17. What des the wman want t d in the future?
    A. Write fr children.
    B. Edit mre magazines.
    C. Give talks in universities.
    听下面一段独白, 回答第 18 至第20 三个小题。
    18. Which f the fllwing can describe Daniel’s childhd?
    A. Difficult. B. Bring. C. Happy.
    19. Hw did Daniel pay fr his educatin at the lcal medical schl?
    A. He gt a schlarship.
    B. He wrked at a bkstre.
    C. He brrwed mney frm thers.
    20. What des Daniel plan t d nw?
    A. Further his studies.B. Start a schl.C. Train as a teacher.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Best Family Vacatins in the Caribbean
    Chsing a Caribbean vacatin that meets the needs f yung children, preteens and adults might seem like a challenging task. The fllwing intrductin may prvide yu with sme chices.
    U. S. Virgin Islands
    With three islands t chse frm, U. S. Virgin Islands appeal t families wh like t cmbine beach time with a bit f explratin. Virgin Islands Natinal Park n St. Jhn ffers this cmbinatin — and mre — with 20-plus trails and access t ppular Trunk Bay beach. Kids will als enjy Cral Wrld Ocean Park n St. Thmas, where they can swim with dlphins and sea lins.
    Beautiful beaches, magnificent reefs and pprtunities fr hrseback riding and surfing lessns make the Bahamas a family favrite. Plus, this string f 700 islands basts plenty f budget- and family-friendly resrts. One f the mst famus resrts — Atlantis Paradise Island —even has its wn 141-acre water park and the wrld’s largest pen-air marine habitat fr the yung t enjy. At the marine habitat, travelers can enjy watching varius aquatic animals swim by.
    Cayman Islands
    Grand Cayman, the largest and mst ppular f this three-island chain, ffers families tns f ways t enjy their time tgether. Adults and kids can sunbathe, build sandcastles and flat in the Caribbean Sea at Seven Mile Beach, r swim with stingrays (刺魟) in the shallw water f Stingray City. T get up clse and persnal with mre sea life, head t the Cayman Turtle Centre t interact with turtles f all shapes and sizes.
    British Virgin Islands
    Calm waters and pllutin-free beaches attract travelers f all ages t the British Virgin Islands. While the destinatin can be pricey, families can save mney by splashing arund Smuggler’s Cve, a free beach knwn fr its sea turtles and relaxing atmsphere. Visitrs will als enjy themselves in the Baths Natinal Park.
    21. What is special abut the U. S. Virgin Islands?
    A. The beaches are free f pllutin.
    B. Water sprts curses can be taken.
    C. Explratin lvers may be interested in it.
    D. Kids can learn t cmmunicate with dlphins.
    22. Hw can families save mney n the British Virgin Islands?
    A. By ging t a free beach.
    B. By explring a natinal park tgether.
    C. By swimming nly in shallw water.
    D. By getting clse t the marine habitats.
    23. What d the recmmended vacatins have in cmmn?
    A. They all have a special park.
    B. Beautiful reefs can be appreciated.
    C. Visitrs have access t sea animals.
    D. Places fr building sandcastles are prvided.
    It was in 2019, when I first arrived at Dnghua University in Shanghai, that I discvered a lcal park filled with elderly peple dancing in the early mrning. It quickly became my favrite spt. I’d bring my cffee, and relax while watching them enjy the rhythm f the music. Occasinally, I’d als jin them. There, n ne judges yu fr a misstep r fr nt keeping up with the rhythm. Yu simply enjy the mment. It’s fascinating t see experienced dancers leading, while newcmers bserve, learn, and eventually jin in, just like me.
    Hwever, I’m nt exactly new when it cmes t dancing. My lve fr dance began at a very yung age in my hmetwn, Uzbekistan. My mther wuld fndly recall hw, as a child, I’d effrtlessly mve t the rhythm f music. At arund 3 r 4, I gave my first perfrmance just a week after being sent t learn in a dancing studi. The large stage and the vast audience made me nervus, but it was a defining mment that light my passin fr dancing. Thrughut my schl years and later in cllege, I actively participated in varius perfrmances, explring a wide range f dances, including traditinal Uzbek dances and varius ther cultural dances.
    When I first arrived in China, I had the privilege f shwing the traditinal Uzbek dance at a cultural event, intrducing my culture t thers. Later, at Dnghua University, we established a dance club where students frm arund the wrld taught varius dance styles. There I learned new dance frms and participated in university events.
    Hwever, utside f campus, I ften fund myself wandering int the park, watching peple dancing r even dancing alng n the square. The dance transcends age and backgrund, ffering an antidte t the lneliness and physical inactivity that ften accmpanies aging.
    These tw wrlds — the vibrant public dancing in China and the rich Uzbek dance traditin— have prfundly shaped my life and brught me bundless jy.
    24. Where did the authr first see the square dance in China?
    A. In Dnghua University.B. In a lcal park in Shanghai.
    C. In a dancing club.D. In a grand perfrmance.
    25. What was mentined abut the authr’s mther?
    A. She has been experienced in perfrmances.
    B. She felt uneasy when the authr gt n the stage.
    C. She always recalls the typical mves f their dance.
    D. She sent her daughter t learn dancing at a yung age.
    26. What can be learned abut the authr’s dance jurney in China?
    A. She takes every pprtunity t enjy dance.
    B. She has simply danced her traditinal dance.
    C. The dance club teaches her the square dance.
    D. The square dance enables her t regain the skills.
    27. What might be talked abut in the fllwing part?
    A. Her memry f her dancing jurney.
    B. Her determinatin t teach the Uzbek dance.
    C. The jy brught by different dancing experiences.
    D. The different styles f the traditinal Uzbek dance.
    Thusands f emperr penguin chicks acrss fur clnies in Antarctica are believed t have died because f recrd-lw sea ice levels that caused a catastrphic breeding (繁殖) failure in late 2022, accrding t new research.
    Analysis f satellite images shwed the break-up f the stable sea ice and the disappearance f the clnies at a time when chicks had nt yet grw n their waterprf feathers. Scientists have said emperr penguins face an uncertain future under glbal heating because they are s dependent n sea ice.
    The research said that the breeding failures in the Bellingshausen Sea never happened befre, as it was the first time multiple clnies acrss a large regin had all failed in a single seasn. “It’s a wrrying stry,” said Dr. Peter Fretwell, a researcher with the British Antarctic Survey and the lead authr f the research. “The sea ice lss has been far quicker than we imagined.” Many parts f the regin had near-ttal lss f sea ice. Fretwell estimated as many as 7,000 chicks may have perished. “In sme cases it’s pssible the sea brke up int smaller fles (浮冰) r under the feet f the penguins,” he said. “If immersed, the chicks will drwn. If they get back n t the ice fles, they will freeze because f lack f their waterprf feathers.”
    Dr. Barbara Wienecke, a senir research scientist at the Australian Antarctic Divisin, said“They still have their dwn y plumage (全身茸毛). If the ice breaks ut befre they can safely enter the water, the plumage becmes s wet that the chicks die f expsure. It’s extrardinarily upsetting t think f this happening.”
    Bth Wienecke and Fretwell said predictins f the future fr the penguin species may have t be revised, with the risk ptentially greater than previusly feared. Fretwell said: “It’s nly by changing ur behaviur and the amunts f fssil fuels we use will we cmpletely change the situatin fr these emperr penguins, and many ther species. Hw bad it gets is still up t us.”
    28. Which can describe the situatin f the emperr penguin chicks?
    A. Prmising. B. Alarming.C. Hpeless. D. Inspiring.
    29. What d we knw abut the chicks accrding t the passage?
    A. They are dying f fd shrtages.
    B. They are finding new habitats fr breeding.
    C. They have learned hw t swim in the ice water.
    D. They dn’t have the kind f feathers prtecting them.
    30. What des the underlined wrd “perished” mean in paragraph 3?
    A. Appeared. B. Adapted. C. Escaped. D. Died.
    31. What des Fretwell want t cnvey in the last paragraph?
    A. Fssil fuels are t blame fr the destructin.
    B. We shuld change ur behaviur t save the penguins.
    C. We shuld nt fear the ptential risk as it can be remved.
    D. Mre research shuld be dne t ensure the psitive changes.
    The Beatles will release what is said t be their last ever sng this week, pieced tgether frm recrdings spanning mre than fur decades and it wuld nt have been pssible withut AI.
    Nw and Then has been edited tgether frm a recrding f the late Jhn Lennn playing the pian and singing at his hme in New Yrk in 1979. Nw, artificial intelligence has been used t extract usable sectins frm that nisy tape. These have been cmbined with guitar tracks frm the late Gerge Harrisn, recrded in 1995 when effrts were made t finish the sng. The endeavur was called ff due t pr sund quality, which AI has nw been able t slve.
    Finally, new recrdings made earlier this year frm Paul McCartney and Ring Start were added. McCartney has teased the existence f the sng in interview s and said in a statement: “There it was, Jhn’s vice, crystal clear. It’s quite emtinal. And we all play n it, it’s a genuine Beatles recrding. In 2023 t still be wrking n Beatles music, and abut t release a new sng the public haven’t heard, I think it’s an exciting thing.”
    When creating Nw and Then, AI is used t separate the dialgue frm ther nises t help editr s create a wrkable dcumentary. Ultimately, the engineers were able t develp bespke AI pwerful enugh t remve all backgrund nise and islate nt nly speech but even the sund f each instrument played in a band.
    Jess Aslan at University f Lndn, says The Beatles’ track is an interesting experiment because it was dne transparently with the blessing f the living members f the band, but adds that AI is a duble-edged swrd that als presents risks t artists. “One significant issue is that generative AI is squeezing the already extremely narrw creative jb market,” she says. “Anther is that f wnership, as these large-scale mdels are in fact bypassing laws and using artists’ data withut permissin.”
    32. Why did Gerge Harrisn stp finishing the sng?
    A. He was unable t play the pian.
    B. The sund quality was nt satisfying.
    C. The surrundings were t nisy fr recrding.
    D. He was nt able t slve the prblem f cmbinatin.
    33. What is the feature f the new recrding?
    A. It was quite easy t cnduct.
    B. It depended n AI cmpletely.
    C. Jhn’s vice was specially decrated.
    D. Effrts frm many aspects were paid.
    34. What is Jess Aslan’s attitude t the new recrd?
    A. Objective. B. Favrable.C. Indifferent. D. Critical.
    35. What is mainly talked abut in the text?
    A. The Beatles is a lng-lasting memry.
    B. Jhn Lennn’s vice is hard t be recrded.
    C. AI cntributed t the new release f the Beatles.
    D. Varius ways are tried t finish Jhn Lennn’s wrk.
    Repeatedly hitting the alarm’s snze (小睡) buttn isn’t always the best way t start the day. Check ut these tips fr building an effective mrning rutine — ne that yu may actually stick with!
    Get a gd night’s sleep
    Hw t wake up feeling refreshed depends n yu being well rested and ready t g. Research has shwn that fr many adults, getting 7—8 hurs f sleep is ideal. Make sure yur rm is quiet and there aren’t any bright lights that culd affect yur ability t sleep. 36 . If yur rm isn’t dark enugh, yu might cnsider getting rm darkening curtains r wearing an eye mask s yur bdy can rest better.
    Many f us hit that snze buttn until the last pssible secnd and then race thrugh getting ready as fast as pssible. Hwever, waking up when the alarm ges ff the first time can actually be a great way t get yur bdy up and running. Once yu’re up, stay up! 38 .
    Hydrate (补水) when yu wake
    Yu’ve just gne apprximately eight hurs withut eating r drinking, s yur bdy culd use a pick-me-up. 39 . Many experts suggest that yu might try drinking sme water t jump start yur metablism first. Starting with water in the mrning will even help yu stay hydrated all day lng.
    Take time t meditate (冥想)
    40 . Relaxing, letting the wrries f the day g, and fcusing n the psitives in yur life can help yu feel uplifted and inspired t take n even the mst challenging day.
    A. Dn’t hit the alarm’s snze buttn
    B. Prepare fr a fresh mrning the night befre
    C. Dn’t rush fr that cup f cffee t get yu fresh quickly
    D. Figure ut what yu need t take with yu t schl r wrk
    E. Our bdies are bilgically prgrammed t sleep when it’s dark ut
    F. Yur bdy wn’t really benefit frm capturing a few mre minutes f rest
    G. Taking 10 minutes in the mrning t meditate helps start the day peacefully
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    At three years ld, I was diagnsed with neurfibrmatsis (神经纤维瘤), a cnditin that causes tumrs (肿瘤) t frm in the brain, spinal crd and nerves. Althugh I struggled t play sprt like my friends, I still had a(n) 41 childhd with my yunger siblings’ cmpany. But by age 15, I needed surgery t 42 all the tumrs in my hand that were causing 43 when I mved.
    In the years that fllwed, I had many mre 44 , thugh I gt n well with life and studied at university, 45 my mum’s ftsteps in educatin field. I lved children but I’d made a decisin f nt having children 46 , because the chances f passing n NF t them were t 47 . Instead, having cared fr 40 kids in a fster care, alng with getting a jb in childcare, gave me such 48 and I wanted t make each mment 49 .
    But in 2020, an aggressive tumr was fund in my brain and while dctrs culd remve sme f it, they culdn’t take ut the mst aggressive part. After the surgery, I had t learn t get arund with the 50 f a wheelie walker, and teach myself t d basic tasks left-handed. Wrking in childcare was n lnger 51 , but I remained determined. Even thugh my treatment fr the tumr remains nging, I als have lts t 52 . I’ve bught a huse, I d vlunteer wrk at a shp, and have 53 Lttie int my life. My plan is t train her t be my service dg in case my cnditin 54 .
    I hpe by sharing my stry, it 55 thers that yur life is there t be lived — and that’s what I plan t keep ding.
    41. A. srrwful B. great C. anxius D. average
    42. A. remve B. plant C. replace D. search
    43. A. curisity B. stress C. discmfrt D. cnvenience
    44. A. surgeries B. chances C. friends D. details
    45. A. refusing B. demanding C. changing D. fllwing
    46. A. ut f mind B. f my wn C. t my taste D. n my wn
    47. A. lw B. strng C. high D. rare
    48. A. satisfactin B. burden C. welfare D. regret
    49. A. challenging B. rewarding C. inspiring D. depressing
    50. A. develpment B. additin C. exceptin D. assistance
    51. A. tugh B. necessary C. pssible D. hpeful
    52. A. lk frward t B. jin in C. wrry abut D. apprve f
    53. A. frced B. welcmed C. frbade D. dnated
    54. A. betters B. imprves C. differs D. wrsens
    55. A. discurages B. questins C. reminds D. impresses
    Like almst all types f art n the vast land f China, the style and texture (质地) f silk are als f great 56 (vary). Hanglu satin frm Hangzhu, Zhejiang prvince, is well knwn fr its airy and sheer texture. By cmparisn, Yunjin brcade frm Nanjing, Jiangsu prvince, a luxurius fabric 57 is ften used fr ryal garments, 58 (represent) China’s silk weaving technique at its prime (鼎盛时期).
    Yunjin brcade is best made 59 hand n giant machines fr weaving, in a cmplex prcedure that includes mre than a hundred steps. Even 60 mst skilled artisans can nly weave a few centimeters a day. Time, skill 61 patience all play significant rles n its heavenly beauty, r as its name suggests, its clud-like splendr.
    In the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC—AD 24), with the rutes 62 (pen) up by Zhang Qian t the western regins, silk reached cuntries in Central Asia, later 63 (extend) its reach t ther parts f Eurasia and beynd. Fittingly, its name marked China’s majr internatinal trade rutes, the ancient Silk Rad and Maritime Silk Rad.
    In the hands f Chinese artists, the 64 (thin) threads can weave pictures f enrmus pssibilities, and the sftest material can travel thusands f years. As ne f the many marvels f ancient China, silk is nt merely a type f textile. 65 is als a cultural icn, and an embdiment f elegance and grace.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Mr. Smith,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    A big gathering f friends sat arund ur living rm making music. “Get up there, Rberty Bb!” my mum Mary encuraged me. It was 1996, and aged five, I’d recently started Irish dance lessns with my tw lder sisters. I shwed ff sme f the steps I’d learned in a shy and nervus way as the friends cheered.
    We lived n an apple rchard (苹果园) in the Hun Valley, which had been in my dad’s family fr generatins. Mum had left her wn family’s farm in Ireland after she met my father, Rbert, while he was travelling arund Eurpe. She vwed t never frget the culture f her hmeland.
    On nights like this ne, friends and family wuld gather fr a jam sessin (即兴演奏会). Many wuld bring instruments—tin whistles, Celtic drums, pian accrdins — and prduce a nisy Irish symphny (交响乐). Music was as much a part f my childhd as the cuntry air I breathed.
    When I turned 14, my parents gave me a guitar, and I began t suspect life wuld take me far beynd the bush. After schl, I gt int the Western Australian Academy f Perfrming Arts (WAAPA) which led t a career in musical theatre. I had a ball perfrming in shws acrss Australia, like Disney’s Aladdin and The Rcky Hrrr Picture Shw. During this perid, I met a beautiful actress named Chlé Zuel and in 2019 we married. After COVID, I fund it hard t get back t the frmer rutine. Then, in April this year, I was sent an auditin (试音) ntice fr a new musical abut Elvis Presley set t tur Australia. We grew up with Irish and classical music, I thught. I knew nthing abut Elvis. I figured they’d give the rle t sme Elvis fan and reslved t auditin fr smaller parts. Chlé disagreed and encuraged me t g fr it thugh she was pregnant and needed cmpany.
    Amazingly, a few weeks later I learned that ut f 700 applicants, I’d gt the lead. _________________________
    In the finally shw, Elvis sang Can’t Help Falling in Lve t his new baby, and s did I. ____________________
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    1~5 CBABA 6~10 CABCC 11~15 BCBCB 16~20 CAAAB
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
    21~25 CACBD 26~30 ACBDD 31~35 BBDAC
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    36~40 EAFCG
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    41~45 BACAD 46~50 BCABD 51~55 CABDC
    第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    56. variety 57. which/that 58. represents 59. by 60. the
    61. and 62. pened 63. extending 64. thinnest 65. It
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
    第一节 (满分 15 分)
    Dear Mr. Smith,
    I’m Li Hua, an exchange student frm China. I’m writing t apply t be a vlunteer in the Exhibitin f Chinese Culture t be held in yur city.
    Nt nly d I have a gd cmmand f English, but I’m als expert at cmmunicating with peple. Mre imprtantly, I am mre than cnfident that my cmprehensive understanding f Chinese culture is bund t leave a deep impressin n the visitrs. Additinally, my abundant experience f being a guide and a vlunteer in the museum ensures my cmpetence fr the psitin.
    I wuld appreciate it if yu culd take my applicatin int accunt.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    第二节(满分 25 分)
    Amazingly, a few weeks later I learned that ut f 700 applicants, I’d gt the lead. I had three mnths t learn hw t sing and dance like Elvis! Making my knees and hips mve like him in the 1950s was strange. I feel like a baby giraffe. Hwever, practising hard was my primary task. Many late nights were spent singing alng t his sngs, glass f whisky in hand, trying t capture Presley’s icnic tne. When the final shw was appraching, I felt eager but equally nervus.
    In the final shw, Elvis sang Can’t Help Falling in Lve t his new baby, and s did I. His actin was really impressive while I was nt sure abut mine. Mving every step as we had practised, I tried my best t devte myself t the shw. Suddenly, I caught sight f Chlé, with her hands tuching her belly. Then I culd understand Elvis’ emtin, the kind frm a new father. After the shw, I embraced my wife and my mum, the tw wmen wh encuraged me t perfrm and the tw mthers wh presented me with respnsibility.
    第二部分 阅读
    主题语境:人与社会— 度假胜地
    【语篇导读】 本文是应用文。介绍了加勒比地区的度假胜地。
    21. C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“With three islands t chse frm, the U. S. Virgin Islands appeal t families wh like t cmbine beach time with a bit f explratin. ”可知,美属维尔京群岛会吸引想把沙滩时光和探索相结合的家庭,故选 C。
    22. A 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“While the destinatin can be pricey, families can save mney by splashing arund Smuggler’s Cve, a free beach knwn fr its sea turtles and relaxing atmsphere. ”可知,在英属维尔京群岛上,去一个叫 Smuggler’s Cve的免费沙滩可以省钱,故选 A。
    23. C 推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“Kids will als enjy Cral Wrld Ocean Park n St. Thmas, where they can swim with dlphins and sea lins. ”; 第三段最后一句“One f the mst famus resrts — Atlantis Paradise Island — even has its wn 141-acre water park and the wrld’s largest pen-air marine habitat fr the yung t enjy…”; 第四段最后一句“T get up clse and persnal with mre sea life, head t the Cayman Turtle Centre t interact with turtles f all shapes and sizes. ”和最后一段第二句“While the destinatin can be pricey, families can save mney by splashing arund Smuggler’s Cve, a free beach knwn fr its sea turtles and relaxing atmsphere. ”可知,在这些推荐的度假胜地游客都有机会接触到海洋动物,故选 C。
    主题语境:人与社会— 爱跳舞的女孩
    【语篇导读】 本文是记叙文。一个乌兹别克女孩叙述了自己学舞的经历以及来到中国后生活中依然有舞蹈的参与。
    24. B 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“It was in 2019, when I first arrived at Dnghua University in Shanghai, that I discvered a lcal park filled with elderly peple dancing in the early mrning. ”可知,作者是在上海的一个公园里接触到广场舞,故选 B。
    25. D 细节理解题。根据第二段第四句“At arund 3 r 4, I gave my first perfrmance just a week after being sent t learn in a dancing studi. ”可知,作者三四岁就被妈妈送去学跳舞,故选 D。
    26. A 推理判断题。根据第三段和第四段第一句的内容可知,作者来到中国后,抓住一切机会跳舞,故选 A。
    27. C 内容预测题。文章最后第一段作者提及了跳舞带来的快乐,由此可推断出,作者将继续详述这些快乐,故选 C。
    主题语境:人与自然— 帝企鹅繁殖困难
    28. B 推理判断题。根据第一段的内容可知,海洋冰层的减少使帝企鹅的繁殖失败,而且幼企鹅生存的冰块也在消失,所以它们的现状令人担忧,故选 B。
    29. D 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Analysis f satellite images shwed the break-up f the stable sea ice and the disappearance f the clnies at a time when chicks had nt yet grwn their waterprf feathers. ”可知,幼企鹅还未长出可以保护它们的防水羽毛,故选 D。
    30. D 词义猜测题。根据第三段最后两句可知,海上的冰块会分解成小块浮冰,幼企鹅会落水溺死,哪怕爬回浮冰,浸湿的茸毛也会让它们冻死,因此 Fretwell 估计大量企鹅会死亡,故选 D。
    31. B 推理判断题。根据最后一段 Fretwell 所说的话可知,人类的行为和化石燃料的燃烧导致了帝企鹅的死亡,所以它们的未来取决于人类行为,故选 B。
    主题语境:人与社会— 科学技术
    【语篇导读】 本文是说明文。介绍了 AI 技术成就了披头士最新作品的发布。
    32. B 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“The endeavur was called ff due t pr sund quality, which AI has nw been able t slve. ”可知, Gerge Harrisn 没有完成作品是因为声音质量太差,故选 B。
    33. D 推理判断题。根据第二、三段内容可知,披头士新作品的发布是多方努力的结果,故选 D。
    34. A 观点态度题。根据最后一段内容可知, Jess Aslan 对 AI 帮助创作技术作品客观地提出了利弊,故选 A。
    35. C 主旨大意题。文章介绍了 AI 技术成就了披头士最新作品的发布,故选 C。
    主题语境:人与社会— 起床小贴士
    36. E 考查句间因果关系。前一句说到“保证房间没有亮光”,后一句也提到如果房间不够黑的措施,此处应该说明原因是“我们的身体就是在黑暗中入睡的”,故选 E。
    37. A 考查标题选择。该段内容与如何对待闹铃相关,此处标题应该提出建议“不要按掉闹铃”,故选 A。
    38. F 考查句间顺承关系。该段前面的内容都在说不要按掉闹铃,此处解释“你的身体不会因为多睡几分钟而受益”,故选 F。
    39. C 考查句间顺承关系。后一句说到起床最好是补水,此处就应该提出建议“不要一起床就直接喝咖啡”,故选 C。
    40. G 考查段落核心句。 根据该段小标题的内容, 此处应该对标题进行解释和延伸, 故选 G。
    第三部分 语言运用
    41. B 考查形容词的辨析。 srrwful“悲伤的”; great“很棒的”; anxius“焦虑的”; average“一般的”。该句要表达的意思是:尽管我会很费劲、很难像我朋友那样运动,但在我的兄弟姐妹的陪伴下我依然有一个很棒的童年,故选 B。
    42. A 考查动词的辨析。 remve“移除”; plant“种植”; replace“取代”; search“搜寻”。该句要表达的意思是:我手上的肿瘤带来了不适,因此要做手术移除肿瘤,故选 A。
    43. C 考查名词的辨析。 curisity“好奇心”; stress“压力”; discmfrt“不适”; cnvenience“便利”。该句要表达的意思见上题,故选 C。
    44. A 考查名词的辨析。 surgery“手术”; chance“机会”; friend“朋友”; detail“细节”。该句要表达的意思是:在接下来的几年,我需要接受更多的手术,故选 A。
    45. D 考查动词的辨析。 refuse“拒绝”; demand“要求”; change“改变”; fllw“跟随”。该句要表达的意思是:我跟随着妈妈在教育领域的步伐,我好好生活,还读了大学,故选 D。
    46. B 考查介词短词的辨析。 ut f mind“心不在焉”; f my wn“属于我自己的”; t my taste“适合我的”; n my wn“独自”。该句要表达的意思是:我喜欢孩子,但我却做出不要自己的孩子的决定,因为我把病遗传给他们的几率很高,故选 B。
    47. C 考查形容词的辨析。 lw“低的”; strng“强的”; high“高的”; rare“罕见的”。该句要表达的意思同上题,故选 C。
    48. A 考查名词的辨析。 satisfactin“满足感”; burden“负担”; welfare“福利”; regret“遗憾”。该句要表达的意思是:我的工作给我带来了满足感,我也想让每一刻都值得,故选 A。
    49. B 考查形容词的辨析。 challenging“困难的”; rewarding“值得的”; inspiring“鼓舞人心的”; depressing“令人抑郁的”。该句要表达的意思同上题,故选 B。
    50. D 考查名词的辨析。 develpment“发展”; additin“添加”; exceptin“例外”; assistance“帮助”。该句要表达的意思是:我需要借助轮椅行动,故选 D。
    51. C 考查形容词的辨析。 tugh“困难的”; necessary“必要的”; pssible“可能的”; hpeful“有希望的”。该句要表达的意思是:到儿童护理中心工作是不可能了,故选 C。
    52. A 考查动词短语的辨析。 lk frward t“期待”; jin in“参与”; wrry abut“担忧”;apprve f“赞成”。该句要表达的意思是:尽管肿瘤治疗仍在继续,但我还是有很多的期待,故选 A。
    53. B 考查动词的辨析。 frce“强迫”; welcme“欢迎”; frbid“禁止”; dnate“捐赠”。该句要表达的意思是:我有了一所房子,迎来了我的狗狗,故选 B。
    54. D 考查动词的辨析。 better“变好”; imprve“改善”; differ“不同”; wrsen“变糟”。该句要表达的意思是:我计划训练她,在我情况变糟的时候可以帮助我,故选 D。
    55. C 考查动词的辨析。 discurage“使灰心”; questin“询问”; remind“提醒”; impress“留下印象”。该句要表达的意思是:通过分享我的故事,我想提醒其他人,生活是用来经历的,生命要活得精彩,这也是我想继续努力去做的,故选 C。
    56. variety 考查名词的运用。“f great variety”作表语,表示多种多样的,故填 variety。
    57. which/that 考查定语从句的运用。该空前有先行词“fabric”,后面从句缺主语,此处用关系代词,故填 which 或 that。
    58. represents 考查动词时态的运用。此处陈述客观事实,用一般现在时,故填 represents。
    59. by 考查介词的运用。该空是固定搭配“by hand”,意思是“手工制的”,故填 by。
    60. the 考查冠词的运用。后面有“mst skilled”,此处用定冠词,故填 the。
    61. and 考查连词的运用。此处“time”“skill”和“patience”是并列成分,用 and 连接,故填 and。
    62. pened 考查非谓语动词中过去分词的运用。此处为 with 复合结构,“pen”和“rutes”是动宾关系,故填 pened。
    63. extending 考查非谓语动词中现在分词的运用。该句的动词是“reached”,此处作伴随状语,故填 extending。
    64. thinnest 考查形容词的运用。后半句中有“the sftest”,此处应该与之相对应,故填thinnest。
    65. It 考查代词。此处继续说丝绸的意义,重复前文的“silk”,故填 It。
    Text 1
    W: Yu lk dwn, what happened?
    M: I’ve just cme back frm the dctr’s ffice. She tld me that I’ll miss the sprts meeting because f my injury. Yu knw, I’ve been training fr it fr abut tw mnths!
    W: I’m srry t hear that.
    Text 2
    M: Can I take yur rder nw, madam?
    W: Sure. I’d like a chicken hamburger, a cup f cffee and a salad. Oh, wait, an apple pie, nt salad.
    Text 3
    M: Hell, I’d like t pen an accunt as I have sme mney t depsit. What shuld I d?
    W: First, yu shuld fill ut a frm here, and then shw me yur ID card.
    Text 4
    M: Hw abut ging t see a light shw alng the river?
    W: I think it’s a gd idea, but Dad might nt be interested in it. He is quite keen n watching the latest film.
    M: Well, that’s nt a bad idea. We can g with him.
    Text 5
    M: Hell, Mrs. Brwn. I was wndering whether it wuld be all right fr me t take Friday ff.
    W: Why? What’s it abut? We have an imprtant meeting with the freign guests n Friday mrning.
    Text 6
    W: Hey, Gerge! Fancy seeing yu here!
    M: Hi, Linda! It has been ages since we last met. Did yu g t Sarah’s wedding last September?
    W: N. I missed it as I was in New Yrk then. I think the last time we met was last March when we attended Amy’s huse-warming party.
    M: N, n…Wait a minute. I remember it was befre that, at Michael’s place fr his birthday.
    W: Exactly! Yu’re quite right!
    Text 7
    W: Welcme t The Histrical Wrld. Peple ften dream f discvering ancient bjects, but furteen-year-ld Max Simmns has actually dne it. Tell us abut yur discvery, Max.
    M: There’s a beach where I regularly g t lk fr ld things. Recently I fund a stne that lked like an arrwhead. My dad dubted it, s I tk it t a museum and they said it is an arrwhead and it’s abut twelve thusand years ld.
    W: Amazing! Gd thing yu didn’t listen t yur dad!
    M: Yeah. Smetimes yu shuld trust yur wn judgment.
    W: Were yur friends surprised?
    M: Well, they did ask me abut it but they think searching fr prehistric things is hard and strange. But I think it’s interesting.
    Text 8
    M: Marilyn, d yu think it’s time we bked a winter hliday?
    W: Abslutely! I dn’t want t bk s late that we end up in a terrible htel like last year. We’d even saved enugh mney t stay in a five-star htel but they were fully bked.
    M: Right. Let’s get started! By the way, I see we’ve gt tw new suitcases, which means the packing will be easy. We always seem t take mre than we need, but it’s better than being shrt f things.
    W: And yu never knw exactly what will happen, s yu’ve gt t be fully prepared! Have yu still gt that list yu dwnladed frm the Internet s that we dn’t frget anything?
    M: Yeah, it’s saved n my cmputer. D yu want t lk at it nw?
    W: Why nt? I lve planning everything ahead f time.
    Text 9
    M: Tina, hw did yu start yur amazing career? Yu’re nly 25 years ld.
    W: Well, eight years ag, when I was still at cllege, I was asked t write a weekly clumn abut famus peple fr a lcal newspaper. Instead f writing abut thse celebrities’ wnderful lifestyles, what I did was cncentrate n peple whm the general public didn’t knw, but wh had smething riginal t say. And that gt me t start as a jurnalist wh speaks the truth.
    M: Nw yu are editing The News Wrld and yu’ve made it the best-selling magazine ever. Hw have yu achieved that?
    W: Fr many f my cmpetitrs, the mst imprtant pint is what yu put n the cver f yur magazine. But they frget faithful readers lk beynd that. The real challenge is hw yu can hld their attentin. And nthing des that better than a lively, even shcking, pening line.
    M: And what abut the future?
    W: Up t nw, I’ve written fr numerus famus magazines, and I’ve been invited t appear in TV prgrams and give talks at universities many times, but thse are nt what I want. I’d like t write educatinal bks fr children t read. That’s my dream.
    Text 10
    Daniel is a successful dctr, but he started his path t educatin in a different way. Unlike many children, he was raised by a single mm. His father passed away because f illness, leaving him and his mther struggling in life. Daniel left schl very yung t make a living. The nly jb he culd find was a dishwasher at a pizza huse. Hwever, after nly fur days, he became unemplyed because the restaurant clsed dwn. Realizing the cruel reality, he decided t g back t schl. He started by learning high schl curses himself while helping ut at a bkstre. In 2010, he went t a lcal medical schl. At that time, he still struggled financially. But he didn’t give up. With the help f his instructr, he wn a schlarship t cntinue his studies. Later in 2019, he was admitted int the University f Chicag. He gained his dctral degree there and became a successful dctr. Daniel is fully aware f the impact educatin can have n a persn. Nw, he plans t start a nn-prfit medical schl t help mre children.

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