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    (本试卷共45道题 试卷满分90分 考试时间90分钟)
    第一部分 选择题(共50分)
    第一节 阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Lucky Schl prvides ten after-class activities fr students this term. Here are the fur mst ppular nes.
    1. If yu jin in Activity 1, yu will prbably _________.
    A. listen t Erquan Yingyue B. eat dumplings
    C. talk abut Lin Daiyu D. make a clay dll
    2. Peter ges t Classrm Six every Tuesday. Maybe he's interested in ________.
    A. music B. clay art C. Chinese fd D. Chinese bks
    3. We may learn the Mnkey King's character frm ________.
    A. Mrs. Li B. Mr. Wang C. Mr. Zha D. Mrs. Liu
    4. Frm the passage we can infer (推断) that ________.
    A. Lucky Schl will prvide mre activities next term
    B. mst students frm Lucky Schl like eating Chinese fd
    C. the students frm Lucky Schl are interested in Chinese culture
    D. Activity 4 is the mst difficult ne
    Chinese shadw puppetry (皮影戏) is a frm f traditinal Chinese flk drama(剧) which is prbably ne f the mst ancient arts using light and shadw (影子) . It is als a mix f many art frms, including painting, music, pera (歌剧) and stry-telling. Shadw puppetry was added t UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage List(世界质文化遗产)in 2011.
    It's believed that shadw puppetry appeared in the Han Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, shadw puppetry was played by many peple in many places arund the cuntry. Then in the Yuan Dynasty, it was intrduced int West Asian and Eurpean cuntries alng the Silk Rad. The art frm became the mst ppular in the Qing Dynasty. At that time, it was played in almst every prvince and in many kinds f celebratins like weddings(婚礼) and birthday dinners.
    In fact, mst puppetry artists acrss China dn't get trained and dn't play shadw puppetry as a jb. They just play it fr fun and lve. Hwever, they are still experts in this field. In recent years, puppetry artists have explred(探索) ways t make this ancient art frm as ppular as it used t be and pass it n t the yung, hping mre peple can understand its imprtance and feel its beauty. They als get supprt frm the Chinese gvernment. Thanks t their hard wrk, Chinese shadw puppetry is becming great again.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “it” in Paragraph I refer t?
    A. flk drama B. shadw puppetry C. ancient art D. art frm
    6. Paragraph 2 is mainly abut _________.
    A. the histry f shadw puppetry B. where shadw puppetry was played
    C. when shadw puppetry was intrduced t ther cuntries D. the frms f shadw puppetry
    7. When was shadw puppetry the mst ppular in China?
    A. In the Han Dynasty. B. In the Tang Dynasty.
    C. In the Qing Dynasty. D. In the Yuan Dynasty.
    8. Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t Paragraph 3?
    A. All the puppetry artists are prfessinal.
    B. There are n yung peple wh like shadw puppetry.
    C. Puppetry artists are wrking hard t make shadw puppetry great again.
    D. The Chinese gvernment desn't supprt shadw puppetry.
    Peng Jingxuan, a 28-year-ld Chinese girl, is nw studying in a music university in Paris. While learning abrad, she is als wrking at spreading traditinal Chinese culture t the wrld. She can ften be fund n French streets, wearing a silk Han Dynasty-style dress and playing the guzheng t passers-by.
    Brn in 1995, Peng began t learn the guzheng when she was seven years ld. After arriving in France in late 2017, she saw many peple d street perfrmances, but few f them knew abut Chinese music. S she decided t play the guzheng n the streets.
    Peng made her first perfrmance in frnt f a theater in Octber, 2018. Then she started t perfrm during weekends and hlidays. One year later, she psted her vides f her street perfrmances nline and they spread quickly. Her vides have gt many likes and made her a very ppular guzheng artist. She has millins f fans n the Internet nw.
    Mre and mre peple shw great interest in the guzheng after watching Peng's perfrmances. “Peple cme t me and praise me fr the beauty f the instrument and the music. Every time they ask me which cuntry the guzheng cmes frm, I am very happy t tell them it's frm China.” Peng feels she has mre respnsibility(责任) t spread traditinal culture. “What is natinal is universal(全世界的). I hpe t play a bigger rle in making Chinese music knwn by the wrld,” said Peng.
    9. Where des Peng ften make her guzheng perfrmances?
    A. In the university. B. In the theater. C. On streets. D. At parties.
    10. When did Peng becme ppular?
    A. In 1995. B. In 2017. C. In 2018. D. In 2019.
    11. What des Peng mean by saying “What is natinal is universal”?
    A. Chinese music is the best in the wrld.
    B. Chinese music shuld be knwn by the wrld.
    C. There are n differences between Chinese music and ther cuntries' music
    D. We shuld listen t nt nly Chinese music but als the music frm all ver the wrld.
    12. The passage is written t _________.
    A. intrduce a ppular guzheng artist B. teach peple hw t make a street perfrmance
    C. encurage peple t learn guzheng D. shw the beauty f Chinese music
    Chemistry is usually thught t be mre difficult than ther subjects, at least fr the beginners. There are sme reasns fr this idea. Fr ne thing, chemistry has a very specialized vcabulary (学科专用语汇). At first, studying chemistry is like learning a new language. Als, sme cncepts(概念) f chemistry are hard t understand. Hwever, with hard wrk and careful study, yu can finish this subject successfully— and even enjy it. Here are sme suggestins t help yu develp gd study habits and better understand the tpics in the bk:
    ●Firstly, attend classes n time. Listen t yur teacher and take careful ntes in class. If pssible, always review the tpics yu learn in class, and review yur ntes n the same day.
    ●Secndly, think carefully whether yu really understand the meaning f a frmula(分子式) r the use f an equatin(方程式). A gd way t test yur understanding is t explain a cncept t a classmate r smene else.
    ●Thirdly, pay attentin t things which have smething t d with chemistry in life. Watch r d experiments (实验) in class carefully.
    ●Furthly, questin ften and d nt be afraid t ask yur teacher r classmates fr help.
    Yu will find that chemistry is much mre than numbers, frmulas and equatins. It's ften used in daily life just like math and physics. Once yu fall in lve with it, yu'll get lts f fun.
    13. The writer gives _________ reasns why chemistry is thught t be mre difficult.
    A. ne B. tw C. three D. fur
    14. Yu can test whether yu understand the frmula Fe3O4 by _________.
    A. writing it in yur ntebk B. finding it in the chemistry bk
    C. reading it time and time again D. explaining it t smebdy else
    15. What suggestin is NOT mentined abut learning chemistry?
    A. Take classes seriusly. B. D experiments carefully.
    C. Ask questins ften. D. Take dwn every wrd f the teacher
    16. Hw is the text rganized?
    (①=Paragraph 1, ②=Paragraph 2, . . . )
    A. B. C. D.
    第二节 阅读短文,从方框内所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个多余的选项。
    If yu're an utdr-lving kid, yu shuld fllw sme nature manners:
    N littering(垃圾).
    Juice is nice when yu get tired n a beach. But juice bxes d nt lk nice there. They are bad fr the envirnment. Take a small bag with yu. 17
    Say n t graffiti(涂鸦).
    As art, graffiti lks nice. But graffiti is nt a gd way t have fun in nature. S d nt draw n trees r rcks. Nature is fr all f us t enjy. Dn't d anything t destry it.
    It is nice t see animal friends in nature. But nature ut there is their hme. S d nt tuch them. Stay away frm them and dn't give fd t them.
    N fire in frests.
    19 Many make a fire when they camp. If yu're in a frest, dn't make a fire. Fires can destry frests.
    Be a nice persn.
    Yu're nt the nly ne in nature. 20 If yu listen t music, use earphnes. If yur pet is als there, dn't let him truble thers.
    I asked my dad if I had ever made him 21 befre because I culdn't remember ever seeing him d it.
    “There was nce,” he said.
    He tld me that when I was ne year ld, 22 tld him an interesting Chinese ceremny(仪式) fr ne-year-ld kids called “Zhuazhu” —Parents put things arund the ne-year-ld kid and see which ne the kid will take. This ceremny is t test what the kid will 23 mst when he r she grws up. Fr example, if the kid takes the bk, it means he r she will cnsider 24 as an imprtant thing and maybe he r she will becme an intelligent persn in the future.
    My dad said he felt 25 hearing such a ceremny. S n my ne-year-ld birthday, he put away all the things arund me 26 a bk, a piece f paper mney and a ty. He's curius(好奇) abut my 27 frm the three thing. But he thught I 28 chse the ty because it was my favrite thing.
    Fr a few minutes, I just sat there and stared (盯) at the three things. My dad was a little tired, 29 he sat n the bed acrss frm me t wait fr the result. Suddenly, accrding t him, I began t mve tward him. Then I pushed everything aside, went right int his arms and gave him a 30 . Tears (眼泪) came t his eyes. He didn't realize that he was ne f the chices.
    And that was the first and nly time I made him cry.
    21. A. perfrm B. laugh C. regret D. cry
    22. A. smebdy B. anybdy C. nbdy D. everybdy
    23. A. hate B. value C. supprt D. require
    24. A. victry B. energy C. knwledge D. manner
    25. A. dwn B. painful C. mad D. interested
    26. A. amng B. except C. alng D. beside
    27. A. ability B. purpse C. safety D. Chice
    28. A. can B. need C. must D. dare
    29. A. s B. althugh C. because D. but
    30. A. bk B. ty C. hug D. praise
    第二部分 非选择题(共40分)
    It's well knwn that silk is ne f the best materials fr clthing. Hwever, few peple knw hw it 31 (discver). Here is a stry abut it.
    One day, Lei Zu, Huang Di's wife, was having a rest under a mulberry tree(桑树) after a lng walk. As she was tired and 32 (sleep), she fell asleep sn. In 33 (she)dream, she saw a gddess with sme silkwrms(蚕) in hands and the silkwrms were spinning(吐)silk. The silk lked sft 34 strng, and it turned int a beautiful dress. When Lei Zu wke up, she fund sme silkwrms in the mulberry tree. And she realized the dream was 35 useful message frm the gddess. She began t lead peple t raise silkwrms and get silk. Frm then n, peple culd wear clthes made f silk.
    Fr hundreds f years after that, silk was cnsidered t be 36 (valuable) clthing material in the wrld. It was made int many different 37 (style) f clthes but nly the richest peple culd affrd(买得起) them. In the Han Dynasty, with the develpment f the silk technlgy, mre silk was prduced. The gvernment allwed peple 38 (exchange)silk fr ther prducts. The silk trade frm China t freign cuntries 39 (take)place in the 2nd century B. C. (公元前). The trade rad was famusly knwn as the Silk Rad, which cnnected China 40 the rest f the wrld.
    As an English learner, yu must have heard f China Daily. It is nt nly an imprtant newspaper but als a great reading material fr English learners. But did yu knw wh made it ppular? It was Prfessr Chen Lin, a famus Chinese educatr (教育家) f the English language. He did a lt t help English learners in China befre he passed away at the age f 101n January 21, 2023.
    When Prfessr Chen was interviewed in 2006, he talked abut an amusing(有趣的)experience with China Daily.
    “In 1982, China Daily celebrated its first anniversary (周年纪念) . At that time, Katherine Flwer f the UK and I were helping with the British English-teaching TV prgram Fllw Me.”
    “Sn after that, the editrial bard(编辑部) suggested that Kathy and I culd help them with their publicity (宣传) prgram. S the tw f us appeared in a CCTV ad (广告) in which we sat at breakfast table reading China Daily. We raised ur heads and said t the audience (观众), ‘Let's read China Daily DAILY.’ ”
    “We thught it was very clever and enjyed it.”
    Frm then n, the number f China Daily's readers has been increasing. Mre and mre peple, bth at hme and abrad, fell in lve with it. Then at Prfessr Chen Lin's suggestin, a series(系列) f English weekly newspapers fr middle schl students, such as 21st Century Teens JR and 21st Century Teens SR, came ut after China Daily.
    41. What is Prfessr Chen Lin?
    42. When did China Daily start publicatin(创刊)?
    43. Wh is 21st Century Teens JR mainly read by?
    44. What kind f reading material d yu like? Why? Write 30 wrds r mre.
    45. 中国是礼仪之邦,我们在学校内也要讲究文明礼仪。请为学校广播站写一篇广播稿,对校内礼仪提出自己的建议。
    Dear schlmates,
    It's imprtant and necessary fr us t have gd manners at schl. But what are we suppsed t d? Here're my suggestins.
    Let's d these tgether and I believe all f us will becme students with gd manners.
    1-5 BCACB 6-10 CBACB 11-15 BACBA 16-20 CBCCA
    第一部分 选择题(共50分)
    1-4 ABDC 5-8 BACC 9-12 CDBA 13-16 BDDA 17-20 EACD
    21-25 DABCD 26-30 BDCAC
    31. was discvered 32. sleepy 33. her 34. but 35. a
    36. the mst valuable 37. styles 38. t exchange 39. tk 40. with
    第二部分 非选择题(共40分)
    41. An educatr f the English language.
    42. In 1981.
    43. Middle schl students.
    44. I like reading materials which can make me laugh. There’re many funny stries in my favrite magazine Humr. I like such reading materials because there’s much pressure in life and I want t make myself relaxed.
    One pssible versin:
    Dear schlmates,
    It’s imprtant and necessary fr us t have gd manners at schl. But what are we suppsed t d? Here’re my suggestins.
    Firstly, we’re suppsed t keep rules in class, including arriving n time, listening t teachers carefully and be active in activities. This is the basic manner fr students.
    Secndly, we shuld be plite t teachers. Whenever we meet ur teachers, we’re expected t greet them plitely. As we knw, it’s a Chinese traditinal virtue t respect teachers.
    Thirdly, we are expected t be friendly t schlmates. We shuld get alng well with everyne f them. Express thanks when they help us and give them a hand when they’re in truble.
    Let’s d these tgether and I believe all f us will becme students with gd manners.
    2、主观试题为1分时,若学生所作答案有一处错误,不得分;主观试题为2分时,若学生所作答案有一处错误,给1分,若学生所作答案有两处及以上错误,不得分。Activity 1
    Play Chinese Musical Instruments
    Yu will:
    ☆learn t play the erhu r guzheng.
    ☆enjy Chinese flk music.
    Time: Mnday & Wednesday
    3: 00 p. m. -4: 00 p. m.
    Place: Classrm Five
    Teacher: Mrs. Li & Mr. Zhang
    Activity 2
    Make Clay Art Pieces
    Yu will:
    ☆learn t make clay art pieces.
    ☆learn abut the histry f Chinese clay art.
    Time: Tuesday & Thursday
    4: 00 p. m. -5: 00 p. m.
    Place: Classrm Six
    Teacher: Mr. Wang
    Activity 3
    Ck Traditinal Chinese Fd
    Yu will:
    ☆learn t make traditinal Chinese fd such as dumplings and zngzi.
    ☆taste traditinal Chinese fd.
    Time: Friday, 3: 00 p. m. -5: 00 p. m.
    Place: Classrm Five Teacher: Mr. Zha
    Activity 4
    Read Traditinal Chinese Bks
    Yu will:
    ☆learn hw t read and understand traditinal Chinese bks such as A Dream f Red Mansins and Jurney t the West.
    ☆have discussins abut the bks.
    Time: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
    3: 00 p. m. -4: 00 p. m.
    Place: Classrm Six
    Teacher: Mrs. Liu
    A. Just lk with yur eyes.
    B. Get clse t the animals.
    C. Camping is a gd way t have fun in nature.
    D. Please be nice t ther visitrs.
    E. Put all f yur litter in the bag.

    辽宁省葫芦岛市绥中县2023-2024学年八年级上学期期末英语试题: 这是一份辽宁省葫芦岛市绥中县2023-2024学年八年级上学期期末英语试题,共10页。试卷主要包含了信息选取,短对话理解,长对话理解,短文理解,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    辽宁省葫芦岛市绥中县2022-2023学年九年级上学期第二次质量监测(期末)英语试题: 这是一份辽宁省葫芦岛市绥中县2022-2023学年九年级上学期第二次质量监测(期末)英语试题,共12页。

    辽宁省葫芦岛市绥中县2022-2023学年九年级上学期第二次质量监测(期末)英语试题: 这是一份辽宁省葫芦岛市绥中县2022-2023学年九年级上学期第二次质量监测(期末)英语试题,共12页。







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